CBS News Bay Area: Morning Edition 6am : KPIX : June 14, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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all right, well, hi there. come on in. it is friday everybody. june 14th. >> that's right. we are ready for the weekend. let's get started. >> we're shutting down and saying hey, drug trafficking in our city is no longer going to be tolerated. >> the feds cracking down on open air drug markets in san francisco. the major shift in

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strategy that is creating a change in the tenderloin. from going to a shelter to here -- just having a roof over my head. you know, the favorite part i love that you asked, that is hearing him say, get out of my room. close my door. >> a life-changing win for this oakland mother. the new housing complex providing much-needed relief for those struggling to afford the bay area. if i could act anywhere in the world, i'd live in san francisco in a heartbeat. >> a wild ride for bay area native will brill as he takes center stage with his first tony nomination. and this morning, we're cheering him on for a big win this weekend. >> all right, i'm gianna franco and yes, we are cheering on one of our own from right here in the bay area for hopefully atony. coming home with it this weekend. >> i'm shawn chitnis in for reed cowan. we've got the tony's and a local guy to be rooting for and also a fun fair in alameda county. a lot to get excited about and also want to prepare for.

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>> yes. like do need a jacket? let's take a live look outside on this friday morning. as you start thinking about getting ready for your weekend. there's also a lot of juneteenth celebrations happening this weekend. so -- plenty of things to do. and you know, so far, so good, jess. we're shaping up to be a pretty nice day at though you might want a hair tie if you have hair like us. i had mine a second ago and i don't have it now. you know, yes we have a lot of events happening for juneteenth this weekend. over in the fillmore district in san francisco, we're expecting 60s just in time for one of the really fun block parties happening actually saturday. beautiful weather throughout this weekend. but yeah, it's going to be a little bit gusty and gianna made the reference about the hair tie. definitely necessary if you ask me. now we have that marine layer kind of holding on tight to us along the coastline this morning. we are left with sunshine and gusty conditions too. a cool start this morning sitting in the 50s pretty much widespread throughout the bay area. 40s all the way up into the north bay near petaluma up into santa rosa. and some of the inland areas are warming up today into

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the 80s and heading into this afternoon which puts us a little bit above average. yesterday we were sitting below average with 70s widespread throughout the east bay. down into the santa clara valley too. but we're starting to see more normal quote unquote conditions as we head into this weekend's forecast. and early next week too. plenty of sunshine in store for us each day throughout the next seven days. we're expecting 60s today near san francisco. heading all the way up into the north bay near novato and petaluma. upper 70s in the forecast with some gusty conditions. wind speeds today along the coastline could get anywhere up to around 40 miles per hour if you live closer to bodega bay. 30-mile-per-hour winds expected in san francisco this afternoon. down into the santa clara valley, 80s in store for us today. beautiful weather right around the corner into the weekend. we'll have more on that in a bit. for now over to you, g. let's talk about the freeways right now getting ready to head out the door and a here's ha live look at the golden gate bridge. and if you are coming into san francisco this weekend mike get a little bit busier. you might see extra traffic here. of course with some of the events planned for

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some lane closures in and around folsom and if you are headed to the city via the golden gate bridge out of marin. right now 101 is looking good and bay bridge toll plaza all clear and metering lights are on but the backup is minimal and still a pretty quiet commute heading into san francisco. in fact, the only brake lights are really where the metering lights are. it is slow for folks heading in and out of the altamont pass this morning. really westbound. but heads-up, a wind advisory in effect for this area coming out of tracy right around that area near north flynn. and grant line. shawn? gianna. thank you. we want to begin this hour talking about the drug crisis in san francisco's tenderloin. the search for solutions. the dea, the fbi and the justice department just gave an update on their fight to cut off the pipeline of fentanyl flowing into the neighborhood. since last november, the feds say they've been extraditing suspected drug dealers who fled to latin america. they're also doing more to stop night markets and overnight operations have allowed them to file 20 federal criminal complaints. the neighborhood

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has a long-standing reputation of being a place that's easy to find drugs. our wilson walker hit the streets and talked to some people who say they've seen that start to change. [ sirens ] >> what i'm noticing during the day, it's difficult to find at all. >> reporter: j.j. says the trend started months ago and it has only accelerated in recent weeks. drugs like fentanyl are getting harder to find in san francisco's tenderloin. >> definitely. definitely. so -- people are definitely selling smaller amounts. and more fights are happening because of it. people are getting ripped off. >> yeah, i have a couple of friends. one wanted to move to -- philadelphia. and another to oregon. just to -- so they can get dope easier. >> reporter: brian says the diminishing supply of readily available drugs is the direct result of fewer dealers. >> of the main ones that have been selling here for years, you know, that like have established themselves,

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there's probably less than like ten like that are -- like out of jail right now. >> like you have walked these streets, right? there used to be six to ten drug dealers on every block during the day. >> reporter: special agent in charge of the san francisco field office for the dea, brian clark, says combined federal, state, and local efforts have turned a corner and drug dealers are now on the run. >> i think we've had a significant transformation during the day. right? we've been able to kind of change how the open air drug market works right now. >> yeah, it's -- it sucks and in the daytime, this was so [ bleep ] not worth it to buy it. so you have to wait until midnight to get decent stuff. >> so now they are operating at night. that felt safer at night. we've adjusted to that. >> reporter: one part of that adjustment is added staffing for an around the clock offensive. with a swarm of agencies now targeting the streets and overnight markets. >> they are working from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. they're following around the drug traffickers at night. we also have deputized sfpd narcotics officers so they can file and

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take cases that they work on and take them to the federal system and file federal cases on individuals. >> reporter: federal charges not only come with the risk of a more substantial prison sentence -- >> if you are prosecuted federally, you may be turned over and deported. based upon the felony conviction. >> reporter: clark says the agency knows the arrests are affecting the market. but he acknowledges that enforcement can only do so much. >> that's why education, treatment, and prevention is more important than ever. like -- our colleagues at public health need to get out here to provide the resources and the prevention and treatment in order to make a change in order for us to turn this around. >> i don't like to see my friends, you know, be arrested. or, you know, in withdrawal or anything like that. so it does suck, but i understand where, you know, the general public is coming from, you know. got people -- was pretty crazy out here.

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>> reporter: yes, brian himself says the pressure on dealers is making a difference. >> yeah. the city in my opinion is starting to like -- look better. you know? more vibrant and stuff. used to be just like drug addicts everywhere, you know, and now you see like tourists and stuff, you know. >> so the city relies on a team of community ambassadors to handle calls about drug users. and reach the homeless population in the tenderloin. but gianna, we know that funding for this program is in trouble. >> yeah, and shawn, it's all part of mayor london breed's plan to help close the city's $800 million deficit. but some city leaders, well, they're pushing back fighting to keep a program that they say really has become essential on these san francisco streets. community ambassadors cover more than half a dozen neighborhoods in san francisco. they help connect the homeless with resources and they speak more than eight languages to reach the diverse communities of the city. john brit is a

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former ambassador and worked in the tenderloin seeing many suffering from drug overdoses. >> we actually had to narcan her and bring her back to life. and so that really -- that really put in me that, you know, the job really is important. because people walking by her and they didn't even notice her. >> one of the last things that should be on the chopping block. so do we have to make cuts in our budget? of course. but we do not need to target program like this that is real source of pride and really so important for public safety and for positive interactions in our neighborhood. >> supervisors preston feels the city can find other ways to fix its deficit. five other supervisors are cosponsoring preston's resolution hoping to keep the ambassadors on city streets. shawn? gianna, a san leandro liquor store owner is picking up the pieces after burglars rammed a car into his business. we want to show you some surveillance video here where you will be able to see thieves smashing their way into gourmet seller on washington avenue

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early thursday morning. there it is. the suspects were unable to steal the store's atm. but the damage left behind is extensive. >> we pay heavy fees. we pay all the licenses and everything. and -- all those things we doing for the public and the government or the taxpayers. and everybody. it was -- then you got end up in this way. >> the burglars only got away with some packs of cigarettes and they grabbed on their way out. the same silver car was later found abandoned on enterprise way in oakland. it was also apparently used to ram into a business at that location as well. so far, no arrests. in san mateo, a person has been arrested following a shooting yesterday afternoon. police say they were called to the intersection of hillsdale boulevard and south norfolk street for reports of gunfire. when they arrived, they learned the shooting suspect had a escaped to a nearby apartment building and officers located that person and negotiated a

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surrender. the shooting victim was found in san carlos and taken to a nearby hospital. and the state trial of david depape, the man who attacked house speaker nancy pelosi's husband resumes today. last month he was convicted in federal court of assault and attempted kidnapping of a federal official's family member for that 2022 attack. last week, a san francisco judge dropped several of the most serious charges in the state case. jurors are expected to reconvene in that case later in the morning. gianna? 6:10 on this friday morning. and a new housing complex in oakland giving this mother of six a safe place to live. the unique partnership in the city helping build affordable housing. and let's take a live lack at the alameda county fairgrounds where we are all this morning. the fair officially starts today. and so throughout the morning we're going to be sharing some of the fun activities you can expect and as you can see, plenty to do there. we'll be showing that to you when we come back.

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6:14 am

welcome back. as we take a live look on this friday morning over at oakland. and good morning to you. if you are waking up in oakland this morning. well, the city is celebrating the official grand opening for a new apartment complex. it will offer a safe haven for families like this single mother and her six children. the project is a unique collaboration between the city, local nonprofits and acts full gospel church. thousands of people entered a lottery for just 55 apartments. it's located at the complex on

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94th and international. our kevin ko spoke with one of the residents about the importance of raising her kids in the city she grew up in. >> hey, bindi. that's bindi. she don't bite. >> reporter: lachanda greggs is a single mom, born and raised in oakland. >> this is my 11-year-old son. >> reporter: there isn't anything or anyone more important than her kids. >> yeah, i have six children. and here they go right here. i got -- each one of their high school diplomas up there. he just graduated. she's the one that's in college. >> reporter: everything lachanda loves about her home in the acts cherry hill apartments has a connection to her family. >> they probably asleep. yeah. they asleep. so this -- her room that they choose. from going to a shelter to here just having a roof over my head. you know? the favorite part i love that you asked that, is hearing him say, get out of my room. close my door. you know, hear my kids finally say, get out of my room. >> reporter: lachanda was

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chosen in the housing lottery after years of staying in hotel rooms and a shelter in hayward while also recovering from a stroke. >> i cried so hard. because what is the odds? here i am a stroke survivor, single mother, with my kids. one supposed to be going to college and now they pulled me out of 5,000 plus people on the lottery. blessing. that's a blessing. >> reporter: ernestine lives a floor below her. >> i cried. i cried. it was a blessing. a big blessing to me. because i was homeless, you know, from -- one family member to another family member. >> reporter: residents here also have access to this community health clinic operated by la clinica de la rosa. it's been functioning for some time. but city officials, including oakland major sheng thao, were part of a grand opening ceremony today. so was bishop bob jackson, the senior pastor of acts full gospel

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church which not only helped to build the cherry hill apartments, but also 59 affordable housing units across international boulevard. >> so people can see that east oakland can be as beautiful as downtown oakland. and the people in east oakland deserve to have a nice, clean, beautiful place to live. >> i come sit out here sometimes. and just watch. but i'm so thankful, you know, so i just sit here and just be like yes. i'm thankful. very thankful. >> reporter: lachanda calls it a blessing to be able to live here. not just for her, but for her daughter, who almost didn't go to college when the family was still homeless. >> she kind of like -- i'm not leaving my mom. you know? she had a stroke. she got my siblings. i'm not going to college. so -- you know, yes, you are. we're going to be okay. >> reporter: all this from her home that she thought she'd never be able to live in. as thousands of others still hold out hope. >> for those who are on listings, do not give up. do not give up. stay positive. and

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never give up. never give up. >> good advice, right there. bishop jackson says the original idea behind the project came about when housing construction had largely stalled in oakland about a decade ago. he is hoping these projects will encourage more developers to invest in east oakland. all right, we're going stay in the east bay and take a live look at the alameda county fairgrounds in pleasanton. the alameda county fair is officially back today. visitors can enjoy carnival rides, nightly concerts, there are also games there. and also of course new food and drink options and important reason to go. the fair will be open on wednesdays through sundays every week until july 7th. and now that the sun is up, we can only better appreciate all of the fun things that are going to be there. and jess, that's just one of many exciting options folks will have this weekend in the bay area. so of course if we want to know? what to plan for. >> better yet real fast i'm curious, do you have any outdoor events or any local

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community things that you guys going to this weekend? >> i'm going to go to wine country. >> you are? we didn't get an invite, jess. >> boys' trip. >> okay. >> all right. >> i see how it is. >> g? >> i honestly like trying to think and i know we have something going on but i can't -- father's day. we're doing some stuff for father's day with my husband. so -- yeah. maybe like a nice hike. >> the night markets are back in san francisco. chinatown tonight. i'm so excited for that one. it's going to be a beautiful weekend all weekend long though. just in time for father's day too. let's dive into the forecast for us and heading outside in san francisco. where that night market going to take place tonight in chinatown. beautiful, cool, cloudy and a little bit breezy for us. that's what we can see all throughout this picture actually a picture is definitely worth a thousand words in this case. later today a lot gustier and a little break with the clouds just along the bay shoreline. but along the coast, closer to half-moon bay and pacifica, it's still cloudy as can be and just take it slow out there

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with low visibility at the surface level. this afternoon it will break apart and plenty of sunshine in the afternoon and beautiful conditions but gusty for sure. what's happening right now is we're kind of sandwiched in-between low pressure and high pressure creating a strong pressure gradient that's going to mean breezier conditions for us widespread throughout the bay area and we're going to notice it i mean already this morning. about 22-mile-per-hour wind gusts near san francisco right now. 25-mile-per-hour wind gusts the more north we go closer to bodega bay. watch what happens as we advance the clock. now we're into the 1:00 hour. about -- 30-mile-per-hour winds speeds closer to san francisco at that point and closer to 40-mile-per-hour winds speeds all the way up into bodega bay. just by dinner time and that's the trend as we head into the next couple of days. we'll continue to see some gusty conditions lasting into the afternoon hours. now it is a little bit cool out there though as we wake up this morning. we're in the 50s and 40s all the way up into the north bay. but later this afternoon we warm up in the 70s all the way up in the north bay. 80s off closer to antioch and concord. and we're seeing a return of the 80s down into the santa clara valley. near san jose actually as we head

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into this afternoon, a little bit warmer than yesterday. and we're going to continue to hold on tight to the 80s lasting through the weekend for father's day. and into early next week all throughout the inland areas. with 60s and 70s kind of flirting back and forth for the friends along the bay. a little bit cooler along the bay shoreline with the marine layer holding on tight next week. moreen that in a bit. for now over to you, g. lets talk about the traffic situation because you know what? that looks good too. live look here at the golden gate bridge. not bad and in fact traffic has been pretty light throughout the morning. we're not seeing any major issues and bay bridge toll plaza metering lights they're on. but very quiet here as well. and here's the overview. you can see moving along well all that green popping up on sensors as you look at the maps. and that is good news. even at the bay bridge. slight delays coming off the skyway there heading into the city near in fremont street and it and of course there's the altamont pass something to note though. it is pretty windy as you head through 580 and if you are taking that ride out of tracy. brake lights there. but those travel times, not bad. 40

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minutes from 205 over to 680 and the dublin interchange. once you hop in the car you get the more specific travel times. but just know that most of our major freeways are moving along pretty well for the most part. a quick live look at the san mateo bridge and you love this perspective. no brake lights in sight though. so that's good news there. let's talk about a couple of places where cars are known to back up. two of the most beautiful streets in the world are right here in san francisco. that's according to a recent ranking from architectural digest. san francisco's famous lombard street known oz as the curvy void in russian hill made the list at number 21 and then also steiner street at alamo square which is of course where the painted ladies are. that came in at 33. nicely done architectural digest. >> i know. good picks right there. 6:22. a new report is highlighting the economic impact of major sporting events in the bay area. we're going to take a lo

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welcome back. now a live look at the oakland coliseum this morning. the city council unanimously approved the sale of oakland's half of the coliseum. the african american sports entertainment group says it would buy it for a minimum of $105 million. the agreement paves the way for future development city leaders say and new opportunities in east

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oakland including more green space and some much-needed affordable housing. now even if the deal goes through, it could take years before we see any new construction on the site. well, get ready oakland. the ballers are back in action tonight against the rocky mountain vibes. the game wins at 6:35 p.m. with first pitch at the park. the ballers got themselves back in the series with a win last night against the vibes and so far, the ballers are 12 wins deep. with only nine losses. so that's good. and you can catch all the ballers' friday night home games live all summer long. just check out the sister station, pix+ 44 cable 12. some of the biggest sports events in the world are heading to the bay area and communities all the way from napa to santa cruz are going to score big. economic impact report commissioned by the nonprofit bay area host committee says we could get a $1.4 billion economic boost from the nba all-star game in 2025, and super bowl lx, and the fifa world cup in 2026. the three events are expected to attract

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about 500,000 visitors and create or sustain nearly 1300 jobs and bring in 400,000bookings. not to mention all the fan and team spending. shawn? gianna, thank you. all right, time now 6:26. juneteenth celebrations all across the bay area are underway this weekend. we take a look at some of the events happening in i'm not gonna do anything flashy to announce... munchies under $4— the items you crave like tiny tacos or french toast sticks

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6:30 am

right now on cbs news bay area at 6:30, we are celebrating and honoring flag day. june 14th every year flag day here in the united states. so great to see old glory shining and moving quickly in the wind. which is something that we've been talking about as we take a wider look out there and you see the sun coming up over the city. some things to be aware of as we get ready for the weekend. >> yeah, you know what else celebrate is in celebration of today? the u.s. army's birthday is celebrated today as well and jess, you are in the army and the national guard. so hey. we celebrate the army with you. we celebrate you. >> one of the favorite things to do real fast is to go on any of the rooftops in san francisco and count how many american flags you can see. >> that's cool. >> because there's so many on so many different rooftops through the city and then it's pride month too. so -- counting all the pride flags as well. >> good mix. >> a really awesome mix and i mean we go up to the roof after

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and play the game if you want. >> i like it. i love that. >> actually no, let's not because it's windy out. >> as you have been warning us. yeah. >> i have been mentioning. a quick look outside real fast and yes, it's the army's birthday today too. anyways. let's take a quick look at one of the favorite american flags over next to the golden gate bridge. a little cloudy for us this morning. and that on shore breeze is going to get a lot gustier as we head into the afternoon. why you may ask? well, or maybe you are not asking. well, high pressure is sitting to the south and we have low pressure troughing its way in from the north and creates a strong pressure gradient for us and continue to watch the strong winds move into the shoreline lasting into the weekend. keep in mind it might be a little bit gusty for any outdoor activities for father's day but other than that, i mean, it's a really beautiful forecast throughout the next couple of days too. i mean, so many things are happening and we have juneteenth celebrations excuse me, we have father's day right around the corner. the chinatown market is happening tonight in san francisco. the only thing we have to really be concerned about of course is that coastal wind we're going to see wind gusts anywhere up to around 30 to 40 miles per

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hour up near bodega bay. heading into the evening hours tonight. this is just by 5:00 and look how strong the winds get just in some of the inland areas. so gusty, yes. mild, when it comes to everything else, also yes. creating the gray setup all throughout the bay shoreline and a lot sunnier in the east bay where daytime highs today will be sitting in the 80s and hey speaking of 80s that's the case down into the santa clara valley too. so beautiful weather the next couple of days and i'll have more on that coming up in just a bit. g? how the roads looking? lets me show you the good news first. start off with a live look at traffic here at the bay bridge toll plaza. you can see it's moving along well. no delays and metering lights are on though so that means we're going to see maybe just a couple of brake lights past this point. as you come off the span there heading into san francisco. there's a couple of brake lights there too. and reports of a minor fender-bender in and around that area. so definitely plan for that. okay. that's that area. now head over to an area where we're tracking some pretty windy conditions and that's something jessica has been talking about all morning

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long. wind advisory in effect for commuters along 580. busy westbound anyway getting into the altamont pass coming our tracy and now we have reports of a trouble spot. a vehicle fire a car caught fire westbound 37 right at that 121 and sears point exit. not too far from arnold drive there. so you have brake lights there in both directions likely causing a visual distraction on 37. near that area. so definitely plan for that. if you are headed through there, planning on getting on the roadway there, no word of lanes blocked but slower than usual. well, time now for a look at this morning's other top stories, president joe biden will meet one-on-one with pope francis in italy. the pope's visit to the g-7 is a first with plans to discuss implications of artificial intelligence. yesterday the leaders were joined by the president of ukraine as they agreed to give his country a $50 billion loan. president biden and zelenskyy also signed a new security deal committing

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u.s. military aid and training to ukraine for the next ten years. well, first lady jill biden is waking up in the bay area this morning. and she is attending a campaign fundraiser in los gatos. this is her second trip to northern california in just two months. she will be heading to reno later today for another campaign event. the supreme court on thursday rejected a lawsuit challenging the food and drug administration's approach to regulating mifepristone. the ruling allows the pill to continue to be mailed to patients without an in-person doctor's visit. justice brett kavanaugh wrote the unanimous opinion and said doctors and anti-abortion groups didn't have standing to sue. and back here at home, health care professionals protested the planned closure of the trauma services at regional medical center in san jose. they carried fake coffins and signs. the hospital says it's closing the centers due to decreased use of the facility in the last few years but it plans to increase number

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of beds in its emergency department. and beloved palo alto restaurant mike's diner bar is closing just six months after the community rallied to help it avoid eviction. the owner blames the high cost of operating a full service restaurant in the bay area as the reason. the restaurant opened back in 1995 and sunday that will be its last day. ♪ ♪ this morning, we're celebrating pride in our lgbtq+ community and in spaces. as we take a live look at the pride stairs at grace cathedral. some might say the bay area is the gay capital of the world. we shouldn't be surprised the oldest continuously operating gay bar in the country also here. the white horse inn on telegraphavenue in oakland has been a hub for nine decades pouring the first drink in 1933. since then it's

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continued to be a save haven. its new owner is now jumping at the opportunity to continue that legacy. >> this is not about making money for me. this is about creating a space for our community. >> hear more of the remarkable history of this storied bay area bar tonight at 5:00 right here on kpix. and as we have a saying here our stories define us. so to watch owl of the pride month coverage head to our website, and then be sure to watch our pride special "hope love pride." it all starts at 10:00 a.m. on sunday, june 30th. on pix+ and also stream it on the free cbs news app. well, taking a live look at san francisco city hall this morning. mayor breed will host her annual juneteenth celebration this afternoon. the event will feature music and dance and spoken word performances. and get ready to groove as juneteenth sf freedom is gearing up for a big celebration in the city's fillmore district this weekend. more than 10,000 people are expected to fill the streets. there will be eight blocks of

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fun-filled activities for families featuring three stages with musical performances by the whispers and yolanda adams and more. you have got dozens of retailers, food vendors and even a kids' zone will be on hand. the best part? it is all completely free. pia a fillmore district native and restaurant owner highlights the meaningful experience and its recognition as a national holiday. >> this is a time for us to celebrate and show we're still here celebrating after 80 years, there are tons of ceremony businesses still. and bringing the neighborhood back to the harlem of the west. at least once or twice a year. [ laughter ] >> the juneteenth sf freedom celebration goes beyond festivities it's a tribute to the resilience and triumph of black americans. it celebrating the vibrant culture and contribution to society. tomorrow the festival runs from11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. shawn? gianna thank you. now some good news this morning for a struggling mall in san francisco. the new additions

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coming to the emporium center mall in our money watch report. plus. remember being 10 years old and realizing what the bay area was and how special a place it is and sort of like -- the cosmic joy and guilt of being born into such an amazing part of the world. >> this bay area actor credits his local up bringing to hiss success. and before we go here a live look from the salesforce tower down at the bay bridge. a nice way to get

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6:40 am

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time now for the money watch report. san jose is taking a new step to boost the housing supply. the council just you a proved a plan to make it the first city in california to allow the sale of adus. san jose made backyard units a big part of the housing push over the last peck did and coming as the median home price in santa clara county has topped $2 million. we already know county has topped $2 million. we already know owning a home in california is crazy expensive and now a new study from bank

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rate puts a number on it. the average california homeowner pays nearly $29,000 every year in costs that includes property taxes and insurance and electricity bills. that number has jumped more than 30% since 2020. the exodus may be ending at emporium center small in downtown san francisco. the city announced it's signed seven new leases with the retailers and community organizations. good news after several mall shops moved out, citing a lack of foot traffic and crime. you can now renew the passports online through a new pilot program. the state department launched this on thursday. the program is accepting a small number of online applications each day for the first few months to check for potential issues before fully launching at a later date. and reminder sunday is father's day. the national retail federation survey found that this year they are expecting father's day spending to reach $22 billion. the top gifts are greeting cards,

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clothing, and special outings. gianna? well, time now for a look at what's coming up later on "cbs mornings" and here's nate burleson. >> hey gianna, good morning. good to see you. here's what's coming up on "cbs mornings." in our rebuilding america series, we'll introduce you to a former opera singer who's helping students grow their own food making their school lunches fresher and healthier. plus, anthony has highlights from last night's songwriters hall of fame induction which includes r. e. m.. more from the exclusive conversation with the group and they actually talk about the band that originally inspired them to write music. and with father's day on sunday, we have a special talk of the table. what we share some heartwarming videos celebrating dads. some will make you smile and even giggle a little bit. we'll have everything you need to know and of course more on the show. we'll see you at 7:00. >> all right. nate. sounds good. thank you so much and happy father's day to all the dads out there. all right, the biggest and brightest of broadway are stemming out on the red carpet this weekend for the tony awards. and the play stereophonic is one of this year's frontrunners. a bay

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area actor is taking center stage with his first tony nomination. crediting his success to his roots right here in the bay. >> it's really a ride. i mean, when the -- when they call places, it's like strap in. buckle up. here we go. >> it's been a wild ride for actor will brill. congratulations on being nominated for a tony. what was your reaction? >> sort of like i saw my name and i was like -- cool. i'm just going to be nervous for another two months. [ laughter ] which was sort of a relief. weird. ♪ ♪ >> he's nominated for his role in "stereophonic." he plays reg. >> i knew what a bass guitar was and that was the extent of my knowledge. >> a fictitious bass player of

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a band on the verge of hitting it big. >> there are scenes where my character is like rip roaring in another atmosphere. and playing music at the same time. and it's really crazy to have to pretend that you are so dexterous that you can jam on a thing. even while you are terribly messed up. so that is a really fun challenge in the show. >> who's very connected to his character. >> funny, when i first workshopped this play, it was such a delight. it was so fun. and i was -- you know, 29 years old. i was engaged to be married. and i was partying a lot in my life. and when the play finally came back to me, i was two years sober and divorced. and these are things -- these are things that reg goes through in the play also. >> the backdrop for the play? sausalito. will, a bay area native -- >> i remember being 10 years old and realizing what the bay area was. and how special a place it is. and sort of like the cosmic joy and guilt of being born into such an amazing part of the world.

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>> falling in love with performing arts at san jose's children's musical theater. >> you know, really credit cmt for being the reason that i'm still doing this. it's such a -- it's such a lovely environment and it's so supportive. you make so many friends. >> cmt's artistic director kevin hauge remembers working with will. >> i can remember him at a very early age playing -- was it was the wazier in "aladdin." hi diddy die. a great magician -- and his fingers were working and he was into it and it's so seldom you meet a great character actor. ♪ ♪ >> even though his latest job is in the big apple, his heart will always be right here in san francisco. >> if i could act anywhere in the world, i'd live in san francisco in a heartbeat, you know? so i miss it and i love it so much. please give it a

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lot of big kisses for me. >> we certainly will. will. and will is nominated for best featured actor in a play for "stereophonic" playing now onbroadway. catch the tony awards on sunday, right here on cbs at 5:00 p.m. and also streaming on paramount+. it is so good to see someone who had, you know, when they were just a kid 10 years of age and you know what? i think i want to do this and actually succeed. not hard. i mean it's not easy. so hard. it's like one in a million. really a struggle. >> i also love his story is a celebration of not only being here and from here but training here right? showing that we have the resources and we have the talent and a way to develop someone to be a broadway star. >> it's very, very cool. i mean, cmt children's musical theater i mean they've got -- will on broadway right now. alex brightman who's from the same generation class of students also starring on broadway i think a couple more kids one student in the notebook and another one. really a great program and it's right here in the bay.

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just, you know, setting these kids up for success. >> this show that he's in is got a really interesting concept. it's got a lot of -- tony nominations. so it will be fun to cheer him along as well as that show. >> it's the hottest ticket in town right now. or on broadway. we're cheering for you. all right, now taking another live look at the alameda county fairgrounds in pleasanton. this is fun. the alameda county fair is officially back in action today. visitors can enjoy carnival rides and loots of games and nightly concerts as well. the fair will open on wednesdays through sundays every week until july 7th. and that looks like lot of fun. is that a really big cow there in the middle? i think so. getting the thumbs up and brian kiley our photographer. >> he knows all things over there in the east bay. he loves the fair. >> jess. hopefully it's nice weather. it's not only nice weather over there but it's going to be nice for anyone planning to go to chinatown tonight for the night market happening there in san francisco too. with the exception of the winds. it's going to be a gusty weekend as we head into the next couple of days and you are definitely it more into

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the afternoon hours. but i mean even this morning, we're waking up to about the 2-mile-per-hour wind gusts near san francisco. about 30-mile-per-hour wind gusts just by the 10:00 hour in area lake bodega bay and now we're going to continue to watch the trend really light off into the inland areas heading into the evening hours tonight and wind speeds anywhere up to around 25 to 30 miles per hour are expected in areas like livermore all the way over into fairfield. but other than that, goodness gracious we just talked about the fair off in the east bay. night markets in san francisco. the juneteenth block parties happening tomorrow in the fillmore district in san francisco. we're expecting 60s all throughout the morning and afternoon hours. so beautiful weather really as we head into the next couple of days. i think it's worth noting that we're not seeing too much day-to-day changes for our daytime highs. so pretty much what we have right around me is what we're going to get heading into father's day. that's the other big one happening too. father's day weekend too. so if you have any plans outdoors 70s in redwood city and 60s closer to san francisco. 50s along the coast with 80s and 70s all in the

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inland areas. this is definitely the time of year where all the microclimates are doing their own thing. you know, we warm up a lot more into the inland areas like the santa clara valley and off in the east bay. but we still stay cool and breezy along the shoreline. with that marine layer holding on tight to us too and i'm going to show you the contrast just look at the inland areas. throughout the next seven days we're holding on tight to the 80s and yeah, cools down a little by day-to-day next week. by monday and tuesday. but watch what happens with the friends along the bay. same trend and relatively mild weather in the sense of 70s kind of flirting with series back and forth as we head into next week. but that marine layer is a lot more noticeable like you see behind me right now. actually going to drop this and just going to have the live look behind me. this is what we're expecting as we head in the next couple of days and waking up to gray skies and clears up more in the afternoon hours just like clock work. it will be beautiful next couple of days. for now over to you, g. jess thanks. taking a look at the roadways this morning and it's a friday light. that's a look at that. that's happening at the bay bridge toll plaza and what a nice commute getting up early. on a

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good note when it comes to the freeways. a little slow across the upper deck here and there. you have got pockets of slowing. but once you are after the skyway into the city, everything is moving along pretty well. and just a few brake lights westbound 80 as you head into emeryville this morning. we are tracking a slow ride into the autopsy app and windy too. so that's one of the headlines this morning. some brake lights heading out of tracy getting towards north flynn and then a little slow approaching the dublin interchange. and checking in on the trouble spot over on highway 37, westbound, we're getting reports of a vehicle that caught fire. traffic is very slow in both directions especially on that westbound side. this is right at 121 not too far from that sears point exit. so if you are commuting typically through the area. just a heads-up. it's slower than usual as you work your way westbound. so coming out of vallejo and american canyon going from 29 to 37, definitely plan for the brake lights. little slow on highway 4. 42 minute drive antioch to hercules. shawn? gianna thank you. now to

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our revive and thrivesegment. dogs could be four-legged lifesavers. new research finds service dogs are working wonders for veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder. here's natalie brand with more. >> reporter: dave crenshaw served with the army national guard in iraq. in 2016, he was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder while working undercover in law enforcement. >> one of issues when you are suffering from ptsd is having isolation. for me i felt in my safe space being at home but obviously you can't live like that. >> reporter: the 41-year-old veteran says everyone depressants helped with some then in 2019, he met doc his pointer black lab mix service dog. >> i don't have to worry about the insomnia. am i going to have a night terror and not be able to get out of it and doc knowing he was beside me gave me that opportunity of peace and ease to be able to get a good night's sleep.

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>> reporter: specially trained service dogs can help in military veterans. >> those with the service dog appear to be struggling less. to have less of that anxiety and it may help to unregulate from the stress and anxiety symptoms to function in everyday lives. >> reporter: taught to detect physical signs of distress and then interrupt with a nudge. >> one of the reasons that we wanted to conduct this study is to bring evidence behind a practice that appears to be increasingly popular yet didn't have the scientific base behind it historically. >> yes i had moments but now manageable moments. so whereas this used too bad debilitating for -- days and weeks on end,. >> reporter: ken saw he has he's no longer taking antidepressants and says having doc has given him his life back. >> i mean, just the simple thing of having a sweet dog around to kind of help you get to that point. that's pretty incredible. >> we know the impact that a dog can have on just one of us. right? just seeing one can

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absolutely make your day so imagine for the veterans who have gone through so much. it's great to see that it's having that impact. >> really is. well, you might have noticed that both gianna and i are wearing blue today. that is for the blue -- wear blue day campaign. >> yeah, it takes place on the friday before father's day every year and to live healthier lives. so always a good idea to encourage that. >> right before father's day. >> yeah. all right, so the time now is 6:53. this 85-year-old woman is not letting anyone stop her from flying into the clouds. still ahead, why she has taken to the sky hundreds of times. >> so impressive what she's doing. let's get a live look outside before we head to break. ooh, you see the american flag blowing off in the distance and you know right now at the top of mark we typically see the pride month flag but not today because today is flag day. commemorating the adoption of the flag to the u.s. on june 14th in 1777. there's a closer view. look at that. and it is a little windy out there. you can see that with the flag blowing

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in the wind. on this friday morning. we'll be right back.

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looking to be inspired on this friday morning, this is the story for you. one 85-year-old pennsylvania woman is keeping her head in the clouds to so speak with no sign of stopping. >> yeah, well over 600 jumps

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already under her belt. she's aiming for an even loftier goal. bo colt now spoke with the sky diver about her decades long career. >> reporter: free falling is a lifelong pursuit for 85-year-old kim emmons knor. >> yeah. that was wonderful. >> reporter: at the pegasus sky diving center, she landed her 671st jump. >> i was really, really fun and i just love to be in the sky. >> reporter: and floating through it. aside from surviving it. which is what makes it enjoyable parachute jump? >> i think to jump with friends. >> reporter: kim sponsored by the international sky diving museum and hall of fame. which she was inducted into in 2013. this is it. this is what you are trying -- >> when i travel around in. yeah. >> reporter: is touring the country in the rv. making jumps at places like pegasus to gain the coveted gold wings. for

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1,000 lifetime jumps. her first, january 1959 over chicago. >> the first jump i took down lot of power lines. >> reporter: you did yourself? >> no, i got over the power lines. but my chute brought the power lines down. >> reporter: she quickly found her wings. grabbing headlines and dropping to the top of her class. >> the gold medal for the world championship in 1962. >> reporter: at the same time meeting husband, a fellow jumper and yugoslavian defector during the cold war. >> such pleasure. thank you so much. >> i was here to watch you. >> reporter: becoming an inspiration along the way. especially for zion yara who just landed her first jump. >> such a motivation, this is my first time you know what. and i hope it's one of many. >> reporter: as kim climbs to her goal, she leaves us with a message that lands. >> we have a lot of responsibilities with life. and we're always looking for a release. to go have fun. >> and that is fun. jumping -- i mean you are having a lot of

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fun there. i don't know if i have that kind of courage. >> 600 times. >> wow. very cool. >> to do it once i need someone to do a story about that. >> one more than i will ever do. coming up on pix+ 44 cable 12, let the fun begin. the alameda county fair we'll talk live with an event manager at the fairgrounds about the attractions that are available and that is happening over the next four weeks. also, singers and dancers are set to take the stage for broadway bears sf. we'll talk with two people from the show that benefits organizations working to limit the effects of aids and hiv. so here's a live look as we get ready to see you on pix+ 44 cable 12. see you there. ♪ cue the trum pets as we welcome you to "cbs morn

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

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Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.