Lectin Methods and Protocols - PDF Free Download (2024)

1 Light Microscopy Overview and Basic Methods Anthony

J. Leathem and Susan A. Brooks

1. Introduction 1.1. Why Use Lectins? Lectms are proteins or glycoprotems of nonimmune origin derived from plants, animals, or mlcroorgamsms that have specn7cIty for termmal or subterminal carbohydrate residues. They are sensitive, stable, and easy-to-use tools. Lectm hlstochemlstry and cytochemistry can provide an extraordmarlly sensettve detection system for changes m glycosylatlon and carbohydrate expression that may occur during embryogenesis, growth, and disease. Although carbohydrates occur in a vast range of permutations that may be present m and between cells, there 1sfrequently a dominance and conservation of structures to give specific markers of cell types or differentiation. Lectm hlstochemlstry or cytochemistry can reveal subtle alterations in glycosylatlon between otherwise mdistmgulshable cells. Lectins wtll specifically recogmze and bmd to carbohydrate structures on the surface of cells, on cytoplasmic and nuclear structures, and m extracellular matrix m cells and tissues from throughout the ammal and plant kingdoms, down to bacteria and vu-uses. 7.2. What Do Lectins Bind to? Sugar combmmg specificity of lectins is usually quoted in terms of the monosaccharide that best inhibits its binding to cells; for example, Helix pomatia lectin is said to be specific for N-acetyl-galactosamine, concanavalm From Methods m Molecular Medune, Vol 9 Lecbn Methods and Protocols Edited by J M Rhodes and J D Melton Humana Press Inc , Totowa. NJ


4 A for mannose, and so on However, thts IS a massive overstmphficatton, and the exact, complex structures recogmzed by most lectms remam unknown. Lectms bmd approx 10 times more avidly to solid-phase or tmmobthzed sugars as to the same sugars m solutton, which probably reflects the association-dtssoctatton equtlibrmm between the lectin bmdmg sites and the sugar, and the multtvalency of lectms A typical lectm binding site may consist of three monosacchartdes, and mcludes then lmkage and adjacent protein or lipid backbone. Furthermore, a lectm will bmd mcreasmgly m lo-fold steps between mono-, dt-, and trtsacchartdes. 1.3. Cell and Tissue Samples Lectm htstochemtstry to detect alterations in cellular glycosylation can be performed on hvmg cells m suspension, on cell smears, tissue tmprmts, or fresh cryostat sections. Here, sugars m the extracellular matrix, glycohptds. and glycoprotems can be detected readily If archival tissues are of interest (e.g., in which cellular glycosylatton 1s to be correlated with disease progressron or prognoses m a retrospective study), then sections from formalm-fixed, paraffin-embedded ttssues may be preferred Here, glycohpids will have been lost during tissue processing and glycans may be sequestered during fixation and processmg. For thts reason, glycans-although stall present-may be hidden and unavailable for lectin bmdmg. Such sequestration can usually be at least partially overcome by pretreatment with a dtgesttve enzyme such as trypsm, which reveals hidden structures 1.4. The Range of Lectins Available About 100 drfferent lectms are readily available commerctally, and hundreds of others have been detected and described, mostly by their agglutmatton of red cells. Many lectins have not been assessedfor then histochemtcal stammg of tissues and cells. In the United Kingdom, two suppliers with a wide range of lectms are Sigma, Poole, Dorset, UK, and EY Laboratories (UK agents are Bradsure Btologtcals, Market Harborough, Lercestershire). There undoubtedly exist hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands of lectms in nature that remam to be discovered and purtfied. It IS very simple to produce a crude lectm preparation m the laboratory that will give good results m tmmunohistochemistry Excellent sources include virtually any beans or seeds, and most green plant tissue like stems and leaves. The easiest method of detecting lectin binding with such preparations, or with unlabeled commercially purchased lectms m which no antibody 1s available, is through btotinylation of the lectm


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label (eg. FITC 01


Fig. 1.

The direct method.

1.5. Histochemical Methods 1.5.1. The Direct Method The simplest methods for lectin histochemistry are the so-called direct methods, which rely on detection of lectin binding through the presence of a label conjugated directly onto the lectin molecule. The most commonly used labels are either fluorescent labels such as fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC), which are visible when viewed under UV light, or enzyme labels like horseradish peroxidase, which yield a visible, colored reaction product (see Note 1). The principle of the direct method is illustrated in Fig. 1. The advantages of a direct method is that it is quick, easy, and cheap. The disadvantages are that it is generally less sensitive than the more complex methods (see Section 3.6.4.) and that the incorporation of a relatively large labeling molecule, like horseradish peroxidase, may interfere sterically with the combining site of the lectin and therefore slightly alter binding characteristics. 1.5.2. The Indirect Antibody Method Here, the binding of native, unconjugated lectin is revealed by a second step in which a labeled (again, fluorescent or enzyme label) antibody (usually polyclonal, raised in rabbit) is added. The principle of this technique is illustrated in Fig. 2. The addition of a second layer has the advantage of increasing sensitivity and removes the potential problem of the label molecule interfering with binding specificity. Disadvantages are that the method takes longer, it is slightly more expensive because extra reagents need to be purchased, and there is slightly more potential for nonspecific background staining. I. 5.3. Indirect Sandwich Methods Further layers can be added. For example, native, unconjugated lectin can be layered with first an unlabeled primary antibody (for example, a polyclonal

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label (eg. FKC or peroxidase)





Fig. 2. The indirect antibody method.

label (eg. FITC or peroxidase)





lectm arbohydrate

Fig. 3. An indirect sandwich method.

antibody raised in rabbit against the lectin), then a labeled second antibody (for example, a peroxidase labeled polyclonal antibody raised in swine against rabbit immunoglobulins). The principles of this method are illustrated in Fig. 3. Again, the advantage of adding extra layers is increased sensitivity. The disadvantages are, as before, that the method takes longer, is slightly more expensive, and there is slightly more potential for nonspecific background staining.

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label (eg. FITC or peroxidase)


biotin lectin carbohydrate

Fig. 4. The simple avidin-biotin


1.5.4. Simple Avidin-Biotin Method Avidin-biotin techniques rely on the great avidity with which avidin (a protein originally derived form egg white) binds to biotin (one of the B group of vitamins). Lectins can be purchased ready labeled with biotin, or can be biotinylated in the laboratory using a simple method (see Sections 2.9. and . . . . has largely replaced 3.5.). Streptavidin, derived from Stveptomyces avlduw, avidin, as it gives a cleaner staining result. The simplest avidin-biotin technique relies on detection of the biotinylated lectin by streptavidin linked to a label such as peroxidase. The principle of this technique is illustrated in Fig. 4. 1.5.5. Multis tep A vidin-Biotin Methods The avidin-biotin interactions can be exploited in more complex multistep techniques. For example, unlabeled lectin is layered with a biotinylated antibody directed against it (e.g., polyclonal antisera raised in rabbit), followed by streptavidin peroxidase. Alternatively, lectin is layered first with unlabeled primary antibody (e.g., polyclonal antisera raised in rabbit) and then a second antibody (e.g., a polyclonal antibody raised in swine to rabbit immunoglobulins) labeled with biotin. This, again, would be followed by streptavidin peroxidase. The principle of these techniques is illustrated in Fig. 5. 1.5.6. Other Methods Variations on these techniques can be developed to suit individual needs. It is probably better to start with a simple, quick, direct method before going on to more complex systems. Companies such as Dako (High Wycombe, United

Leathem and Brooks label (eg. FITC or peroxidase)

label (eg. FITC or peroxidase)

\ avidin -& wine antl-rabbit



rabbit anti-lectin antibody

Fig. 5. Examples of multistep avidin-biotin




Kingdom) supply easy-to-use kits of the main steps in some of the more complicated techniques, as well as a comprehensive range of antibodies. 1.6. A Philosophical Point Before Starting Although numerous lectins have been commercially available for years, remarkably little progress has resulted. Histologists seem reluctant to try something new and the majority of lectin publications report on the same IO or 12 lectins, frequently purchased as a lectin kit and chosen by the chemical company according to availability rather than a scientific basis. (So be daring!) We recommend that interested researchers: 1. Start by using a well-characterized lectin that is almost certain to work. 2. Progress to try lesser known lectins. 3. Choose a biological phenomenon, a diagnostic problem, or some a priori hypothesis to test. 4. Or, select one lectin and explore the staining of a range of tissues; or select one tissue and explore a selection of lectins with a theme, such as galactose-binding or fucose-binding lectins (see Note 2). 5. Look for new or little used and uncharacterized lectins.

1.7. Which Lectins to Use and Which to Avoid To get started, choose a cheap, well-documented lectin that binds to a wide variety of tissues. Concanavalin A is a splendid starter-it is cheap

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and bmds to most cells and tissues. Ulex europeus lectm UEAI is mterestmg rn that It bmds to blood vessel endothelmm. Peanut lectm is also a good starter, as it binds very specifically to a variety of cell types, givmg very beautiful stammg patterns. Some lectms are hrghly toxtc, and should be avoided whenever possible. Lectms from Ricuzus communzs,the castor oil bean (also called Ricm), Abrus precutonus, the Jaquerty bean (also called Abrm), and Vzscumalbum mistletoe, are all extremely toxic Toxtcity and hazard data are unavailable for most other lectms Generally, although dust and aerosols should obviously be avoided, no spectal precauttons are needed. 1.8. Which Tissues to Use To get started, you need a readily avatlable, reproducible source of trssue that binds a wade variety of lectms. Kidney is very good for this-even fresh pig kidney from a supermarket. Epithehal rich tissue IS generally successful Pituitary (for hormone precursors) and salivary glands and gut (different mucms) usually give mterestmg staining patterns. 1.9. The Way Forward Lectm histochemtstry 1sreally a first step. Bmdmg of lectms to tissue sections can demonstrate differences or changes m glycosylatton, but then identtfication 1s more drfftcult By competittve mhtbttion of lectm bindmg by mono- and ohgosacchartdes and by enzyme digestron of tissue sections before lectm staining, it is possible to get some idea of the structures recognized; and this may be extremely sensitive and clnucally useful But to identify the structure really needs extraction, separation, isolation of the carbohydrate, probably linked to a protein or hpid, then expensive and time-consummg procedures such as mass spectrometry, sequential enzyme digestion, and computer-assisted comparison with other known structures 1.10. Examples of the Useful Application of Lectin Histochemistry 1.10.7. Ulex europaeus Lectm UEAland Endothekd Cells UEexeuropeus (gorse) has two main lectins-UEAI, which binds to fucose; and UEAII, which bmds to N-acetyl glucosamme. UEAI 1san excellent marker of human endotheltal cells m tissue sections and m culture. It IS probably a better marker than the more commonly used Von Willebrand factor. UEAI bmding gives intense stammg, particularly on fresh tissues or after trypsm digest in paraffin sections. Not all endothebal cells stain-for example, those

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m gut may be negative-but some, like those m capillartes and muscle, do so mtensely The bmdmg IS not absolutely spectfic for endotheltal cells-for example, normal intestinal mucosal cells may sometimes stam. Some cancers, mcludmg prostate and pancreas, also stain strongly, presumably reflecting a change m fucosylatton. UEAI shows some species specifictty, and different lectms may be more suitable for ammal endothelmm. Bandwea simplzczfolza isolectm 1 (BS-I), peanut lectin, and wheat germ lectin all stain endothelmm m mouse, rat, pig, and sheep, and work well-though not as well as UEAI-m human tissues too I 10 2. Helix pomatia

Lectin (HPA) and Cancer

The lectm from Helzxpomatza (the Roman or edtble snail) recognizes terminal N-acetyl galactosamme, and to a lesser extent Wacetyl glucosamme and galactose sugars. It appears to be a very good prognosttc marker m breast and other cancers. Approximately 80% of breast cancers will stain strongly for the bmdmg of the lectm, whereas approx 20% are completely negative The positive cancers tend to be aggressive, to spread to other sites (metastasize), and have a very poor prognoses. The negative cases tend not to spread and have a much more favorable prognosis (2,2). Studies have shown that HPA bmdmg is also a marker of poor prognosis m other cancers, mcludmg colorectal (3,4), gastric (.5), esophageal (6), and prostattc cancers (7). The HPA appears to recognize complex sugar(s) that are mvolved m aggresstve biologtcal behavior and spread of cancers.

2. Materials 2.7. Lectin Buffer (see Note 3) 1. 60 57 g Tris (Sigma), 87 g NaCl, 2.03 g MgC12, 1 11 g CaCl, dissolved in 1 L distilled H20. 2 Adjust pH to 7 6 using concentrated HCl 3 Make up to a total volume of 10 L with distilled water

2.2. Preparation

of Tissue Imprints

1 Piece of fresh tissue approx 1 cm3 m size. 2 Glass microscope shdes 3. Acetone or methanol

2.3. Preparation

of Cell Smears

1 Cells m suspension (e g., in ttssue culture fluid, any suitable buffer, or in body flutds lake blood) 2 Glass microscope slides 3 Acetone or methanol


Light MIcroscopy 2.4. Preparation 1 2 3 4 5, 6


Piece of tissue approx 0 5 cm3 m stze Glass microscopeshdes OCT embeddmg medium (Trssue-Tek, supphed by Raymond A. Lamb) Isopentaneor hexane Liquid nitrogen Acetone or methanol

2.5. Preparation 1 2 3 4. 5 6 7

of Frozen (Cryostat)

of Forma/in-Fixed,



Formalm-fixed. paraffin-embedded blocks of tissue Glass microscope slides. 20% ethanol m drstrlled water. CNP30 (BDH) or xylene 99% v/v and 70% v/v ethanol m dtsttlled water Dtsttlled water. Lectm buffer

2.6. Trypsinization of Paraffin Sections Trypsm solution should be made fresh immediately before use Glassware, buffers, and so on should be prewarmed to 3792, and trypsmtzation should be carried out at 37°C either m a water bath or an incubator. Dtssolve 400 mg trypsin (crude type II from porcine pancreas, Sigma) and 400 mg CaC12m 400 mL lectm buffer warmed to 37°C. Filter. Immerse slides m the solutron at once and incubate at 37°C m an incubator or water bath (see Note 4). 2.7. Blocking Endogenous Peroxidase (see Note 5) 3% v/v solution of hydrogen peroxide m methanol. Make fresh as requtred. 2.8. Preparation

of Crude Mushroom

Lectin Extract

1, Mushrooms (the white, closed cup vartety stocked by most supermarkets work well). 2. Laboratory &sue hom*ogenizer, or domestic food processor or Juicer 3 Lectm buffer or dtsttlled water.

2.9. Labeling 1. 2 3 4

with Biotin

O.lMNaHCOs m dlsttlled water N-hydroxysuccnnmtdobtotin (NHS-biotm, Sigma) (see Note 6). Dtmethylformamtde or dlmethyl sulfoxtde Lectm buffer

2. IO. Siotinylated


Lectin Binding to Gut Sections

1 Paraffin or frozen sections of human or animal gut (materials listed m Section 2 4 or 2 5. and m 2.7 requrred)

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2 Btotmylated crude mushroom extract (matertals listed m Sections 2 8 and 2 9 required) 3 Lectm buffer 4 Streptavtdm ConJugated with horseradrsh peroxtdase (Calbiochem, La Jolla, CA) diluted l/400 m lectm buffer 5 3,3-diammobenzidme tetrahydrochlortde (DAB; Stgma). 0 5 mg/mL m lectin buffer Hydrogen peroxide added to give a concentratton of 5% v/v immediately before use (see Note 7) 6 Mayers hematoxylm solution (Sigma) 7 70% v/v, 95% v/v, and 99% v/v ethanol m distilled water 8 CNP30 (BDH) or xylene 9 Depex resinous mountmg medium (BDH)

2.11. Direct Method to Detect Peroxidase-Labeled Peanut Lectin Binding to Kidney Sections Paraffin or frozen secttons of human or animal kidney (materials listed m Section 2 4 or 2 5 required, materials listed m Sections 2 6 and 2 7 required) Peroxidase-labeled peanut lectm (PNA. Sigma) at a concentration of 10 pg/mL m lectm buffer Lectm buffer 3,3-dtammobenztdme tetrahydrochlortde (DAB; Sigma) 0 5 mg/mL m lectm buffer Hydrogen peroxide added to give a concentration of 5% v/v immediately before use (see Note 7) Mayers hematoxylm solution (Sigma). 70% v/v, 95% v/v, and 99% v/v ethanol in distilled water CNP 30 (BDH) or xylene Depex resinous mounting medium (BDH).

2.72. Direct Method to Detect FITC-Conjugafed UEAI Binding to Endothelial Cells 1 Paraffin sections, frozen sections, or tmprmts of human striated muscle, or smears of cultured human endothehal cells (materials listed m Sections 2 2.-2 4 , or 2 5. required) 2 Fluorescem lsothtocyanate (FITC)-labeled Ulex europeus tsolectm I (UEAI) (Sigma) at a concentration of 10 yg/mL m lectm buffer 3 Lectm buffer

2.13. Indirect Antibody Method to Detect UEAI Binding to Endothelial


1 Paraffin sections, frozen sections, or tmprmts of human striated muscle, or smears of cultured human endothelial cells (materials hsted m Sections 2 2 -2.4 , or 2 5 reqmred; materials listed in Sections 2 6 and 2.7 required) 2 Ulex europeus tsolectm I (UEAI; Sigma) 10 pg/mL m lectm buffer


Light Mlcroscupy

3 Lectm buffer 4 Horseradrsh peroxtdase-labeled polyclonal rabbrt ant+UEAI (Dako, Santa Barbara, CA) diluted l/200 m lectm buffer (see Section 2 1.) 5 3,3-drammobenztdme tetrahydrochlorrde (DAB; Srgma) 0 5 mg/mL m lectm buffer Hydrogen peroxide added to give a concentratron of 5% v/v Immediately before use (see Note 7) 6. Mayers hematoxylm solutron (Sigma) 7 70% v/v, 95% v/v, and 99% v/v ethanol in distilled water 8 CNP30 (BDH) or xylene 9 Depex resinous mounting medium (BDH)

2.74. Helix pomatia Lecfin Binding

to Breast Cancers

1, Paraffin secttons of breast cancers (materials hsted m Sections 2.5.-2 7 required)

2 Hehxpomatza lectm (HPA, Sigma) at a concentratron of 10 ug/mL m lectm buffer 3 Lectm buffer (see Section 3 1 ) 4. Polyclonal rabbtt antr-HPA (Serotec, Oxford, UK) drluted l/200 in lectm buffer 5 Brotinylated polyclonal swine antibody against rabbit tmmunoglobulms (Dako) drluted l/400 m lectm buffer. 6 Streptavrdm-labeled horseradish peroxrdase (Calbtochem) diluted l/400 m lectm buffer 7 3,3-drammobenzrdme tetrahydrochlorrde (DAB, Sigma) 0 5 mg/mL in lectm buffer. Hydrogen peroxide added to give a concentratron of 5% v/v tmmedtately before use (see Note 7) 8. Mayers hematoxylm solutron (Sigma) 9 70% v/v, 95% v/v, and 99% v/v ethanol m drstrlled water 10. CNP30 (BDH) or xylene 11 Depex resinous mounting medium (BDH).

3. Methods 3.1. Preparation of Samples 3.1.1. Tissue Imprmts 1 Slice through a piece of fresh tissue using a clean, sharp scalpel blade 2 Touch the cut surface briefly, gently, and cleanly onto a clean mtcroscope slide Do not allow the trssue to drag on the surface of the shde and do not press hard-a light touch is enough 3. Am-dry for 5 mm (slides may then be stored wrapped m for1 m the freezer until required) 4. FIX by dipping m acetone or methanol for 1 mm and then au-dry

3.1.2. Cell Smears 1 Smear cells onto two clean glass mrcroscope slrdes by placmg a drop of cell suspension near one end of the first slide, placing the second slide on top, and dragging one slide agamst the other m a swift, smooth movement



2 Air-dry for 5 mm (sltdes may then be stored wrapped until required) 3 Fix by dipping m acetone or methanol for 1 mm

3 1.3. Frozen


and Brooks

m foil m the freezer


1 Snap freeze a 0 5-cm3 piece of fresh tissue on an OCT-coated cryostat chuck by immersion m tsopentane or hexane, precooled m ltquid nitrogen Allow to equilibriate to the temperature of the cryostat before cutting 2 Cut 5-pm thick sections using a cryostat 3 Air-dry for 5 mm (slides may then be stored wrapped m foil m the freezer until required) 4 Fix by dipping m acetone or methanol for 1 mm





Cool tissue blocks on ice for approx 15 min Cut 5-pm thick sections by microtome Float sections on a pool of 20% ethanol m distilled water on a clean glass plate Carefully float secttons from the ethanol solution to the surface of a water bath heated to 40°C Pick the sections up on clean glass slides Allow to dram for 5-10 mm (see Note 8) Dry m an incubator at 37°C overnight, then at 60°C for 20 mm Slides may then be cooled, stacked, or boxed, and stored at room temperature until requtred When required, soak m CNP30 or xylene for 20 mm to dissolve the wax (see Note 9) Transfer through two changes of 99% ethanol, through one change of 70% ethanol and finally to dtsttlled water, agitatmg the slides for l-2 mm at each stage to equihbriate Allow to stand for 5 mm m lectm buffer

3.2. Trypsinization

of Paraffin Sections (see Note 4)

1 Place sections m a bath of trypsm solution and incubate at 37°C for 5-30 mm, depending on the tissues andlor lectms used. 2 Wash m nmnmg tap water for 5 mm 3 Allow to stand for 5 mm m lectm buffer

3.3. Blocking



(see Note 5)

1 Immerse sections m methanol/hydrogen peroxide solution for 20 mm 2 Wash m runnmg tap water for 5 mm 3 Allow to stand for 5 mm m lectm buffer 3.4.


of a Crude Mushroom

Lectin Extract (see Note 10)

1 Chop mushrooms roughly with a scalpel blade 2. hom*ogemze m a laboratory tissue hom*ogenizer or domestic food processor or Jutcmg machme A small volume of distilled water or lectm buffer may be added if the extract is too thick or viscous

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3 Falter. 4. The extract may be stored frozen unttl required 3.5. Labeling

Lectins with Biotin (see Note 6) (8-10)

or dialyze 1 Dtssolve the lectm at a concentration of I mg/mL m 0 IMNaHCO,, crude extract or lectm solutton against 0 IM NaHC03 overnight. 2. Remove NHS-biotm from the freezer and allow to thaw for approx 30 min (see Notes 6 and 11). Dtssolve NHS-btotm m dlmethylformamtde or drmethylsulfoxtde at a concentra3 tion of 1 mg/mL 4 As rapidly as possible after dissolvmg the NHS btotm, add the brotm solutron to the lectm solutton m a ratio of approx 120 yL brotm solutronVl mL lectm solunon. Mtx immediately and well. React at room temperature, preferably with constant gentle mrxmg, e g , on an end-over-end mixer, for 2 h or overmght 5 Dtalyze overnight against lectm buffer, and store at 4°C

3.6. Examples of Staining Methods (see Note 72) 3.6. I. D/rect Method to Detect Peroxidase-Labeled Peanut Lectrn B/nd/ng to Krdney Secbons 1 Paraffin sections of human or animal ktdney should be used, treated as described m Sections 3 1 4 and 3 3 , or fresh, frozen sectrons treated as described m Secttons 3 1 3. and 3 3 Paraffin sections should be trypsmtzed for 20 mtn as described m Section 3 2 2 Incubate secttons with peroxrdase-labeled PNA for 1 h 3. Wash m lectm buffer (see Note 13) 4 Incubate wtth DAB for 10 mm (see Note 7) 5 Wash in running tap water 6 Counterstain by immersing m Mayers hematoxylm for 2 mm 7 Wash in running tap water for 5-10 mm 8 Pass through 70% ethanol, 95% ethanol, and two changes of 99% ethanol Agltate the slides at each stage until equtlibrtated. 9 Agitate for l-2 mm m CNP30 or xylene. 10 Mount in a resinous mountant such as Depex.

3 6.2. 5iotinylated Mushroom Lectln Binding to Gut Sections 1. Paraffin sections of human or animal gut should be used, treated as described m Sections 3.1.4. and 3 3., or fresh, frozen sectrons treated as described m Sections 31.3 and33 2. Incubate with btotmylated mushroom lectm extract, prepared as described m Sections 3 4 and 3 5 3. Wash m lectm buffer (see Note 13). 4 Incubate wtth strepatavrdin peroxidase for 30 mm. 5 Wash in lectm buffer. 6. Treat as described m steps 4-10 m Section 3.6.1

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16 3 6.3. Dvect Method to Detect NTC-Conjugated

UEAI Bindrng to Endothelial Cells

1 Paraffin sections of human strtated muscle should be used, treated as described m Sections 3 1 4, and trypsnnzed for 10 mm as described rn Section 3 2 , or fresh, frozen sections treated as described m Sections 3 1 3 , or tmprmts treated as described m Sectton 3.1 I., or smears of cultured human endothelial cells treated as described m Section 3 1 2 2. Incubate with FITC-UEAI for I h 3 Wash m lectm buffer (see Note 13) 4 View wet under UV light using a fluorescent microscope

3.6.4 IndIrect Ant/body Method to Detect UEAI Binding to Endothellal Cells 1 Paraffin sections of human striated muscle should be used, treated as described m Sections 3 1 4 and 3 3 , and trypsnnzed for 10 min as described m Section 3 2 , or fresh, frozen sections treated as described m Sections 3 1 3 and 3 3, or smears of cultured human endothehal cells treated as described m Sections 3 1 2. and 3 3 2 Incubate with UEAI for 1 h 3 Wash m lectm buffer (see Note 13). 4 Incubate with peroxidase conlugated rabbit anti-UEAI for 1 h 5 Wash m lectm buffer 6 Treat as described m steps 4-10 m Section 3 6 1

3.6.5. Helix pomatla Lectrn B/nd/ng to Breast Cancers 1 Paraffin Sections 2 Incubate 3 Wash m 4 Incubate 5. Wash m 6 Incubate 7 Wash m 8 Incubate 9. Wash m 10 Treat as

sections of human breast cancer should be used, treated as described m 3 1 4 and 3 3 , and trypsmlzed for 20 mm as described m Section 3 2 with HPA for 1 h lectm buffer (see Note 13). with polyclonal rabbit anti-HPA for 1 h lectm buffer with biotmylated swine antirabbit for 1 h lectm buffer. with streptavidm peroxidase for 30 mm lectm buffer described m steps 4-10 m Section 3 6 1

4. Notes 1 Other enzyme labels are available-for example, alkaline phosphatase, alcohol dehydrogenase, and glucose oxidase. Other fluorescent labels are available-for example, Texas red and tetramethylrhodamme isothiocyanate (TRITC). Electrondense labels such as ferrmn and colloidal gold can also be used 2 Lectms with the same nominal sugar bmdmg specificity-for example, “fucose bmdmg lectms” or “galactose bmdmg lectms”-will actually have quite dtffer-

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ent spectficittes for complex sugar structures (as described m Sectton 1 2 ) and ~111thus give very different htstochemtcal stainmg patterns on the same tissues The bmdmg of some lectms IS dependent on the presence of calcmm and other metals Buffers contammg phosphate ions, like phosphate-buffered salme (PBS), are therefore generally unsurtable for lectm histochemistry, as the phosphate tons bmd with and sequester the metals We therefore recommend the use of a general lectm buffer for all diluttons and washes This IS basically a Tris-HCI buffer, pH 7 6, but with added calcmm chloride and magnesium chlortde Dtgestton with an enzyme such as trypsm can often be helpful m revealmg carbohydrate structures hidden or damaged durmg fixation and processmg of paraffin-embedded tissues. Different ttssues, fixed and processed m different ways, and dtfferent lectms, vary enormously m thetr requirement for trypsmtzatton We would recommend that when a new method 1sbemg tested, the effect of a range of trypsuuzatton times IS assessed (e g , no trypsln, 5 mm trypsmlzatton, 10 mm trypsmlzatton, 20 mm trypsnnzatton, and 40 mm trypsimzatton) Trypsmizatron can sometimes dramatically enhance stammg It is better to use a fairly crude preparation of trypsin-we recommend the type II crude trypsin from porcine pancreas stocked by Stgma-as somettmes the rmpmittes (hke chymotrypsm) actually enhance its effect! Trypsm solutions should be made up fresh when required, as they lose their acttvtty over time For this reason, tt is rarely worth continumg trypsm digestion for more than 30-40 mm Overtrypsmlzation will result m overdrgestton of tissue and loss of morphology Trypsmizatron should be carried out at 37”C-all glasswear, buffers, and so on should be prewarmed before use. Trypsmlzatton is only appropriate for formalmfixed, paraffin-embedded tissues, it 1snot appropriate for cell tmprmts, smears, or frozen sections If horseradtsh peroxldase IS to be used as a label, tt IS necessary to quench any endogenous peroxtdase in the tissue sections Fatlure to carry out thus step will result m high levels of background stammg It is, obvtously, not necessary to carry out this step tf a fluorescent tag, such as fluorescem tsothtocyanate, IS used, or If other enzyme labels such as alkaline phosphatase are used If other enzyme labels are used, it may be helpful to carry out a different blockmg step approprtate to that enzyme-for example, If alkalme phosphatase IS used, endogenous alkalme phosphatase can be blocked usmg levamisole We purchase NHS-btotm m 5-mg ahquots-the smallest supplied by Stgma For each brotmylatton expertment, one 5-mg ahquot IS allowed to thaw, then dissolved m 5 mL dtmethylformamlde Any unused NHS-btotm IS dtscarded at the end of the procedure We find this gives conststently successful brotmylatton, and 1sa more satisfactory approach than buying a larger quantity of NHS-btotm, and thawmg and wetghmg out for each experiment Btotmylation is a very quick, cheap, and easy way of labelmg lectms For lectins purchased m an unlabeled form m which no antibody 1s commercially available, or for homemade or obscure lectms, rt 1soften the eastest-sometimes the only-practrcal way of detecting then histochemical binding


Leathem and Brooks

7 DAB IS potentially carcmogemc and should therefore be handled wtth care Wear gloves Avotd sptllages and aerosols Work m a fume cupboard. After use, all equipment, glasswear, and so on should be soaked m dtluted bleach overnight before washmg; worktops should be swabbed down with dilute bleach and rmsed with plenty of water To limit the risks associated with weighing out, we purchase DAB m l-g batches An entire l-g batch 1s dtssolved m 200 mL dtsttlled water and I-mL ahquots transferred to IO-mL capped plastic tubes and frozen until required. When required, a tube is thawed, and 9 mL lectm buffer and the appropriate volume of hydrogen peroxide are added 8 If secttons are damaged m any way-for example, if they have tmy scores or tears-or tf a very long stammg method IS to be undertaken, tt may be a good idea to precoat the clean glass slides with an adhesive such as poly-L-lysme to help the tissue section stick firmly to the glass. A tmy drop of a 0.1% w/v aqueous solutton of poly-L-lysme (Stgma) 1s applied near one end of a clean glass mtcroscope slide A second slide IS placed against it, and one IS dragged against the other m a fast, smooth movement to leave a very thm film on both slides The sltdes should be allowed to au dry for about 5-10 mm, then secttons applied to them as usual 9 Once paraffin sections have been dewaxed, tt tt tmperattve that they not be allowed to dry out at any point, as this will result m high levels of duty, nonspecific background staining 10 An extremely crude method for extraction of lectm from mushrooms IS given In spite of tts obvious hmttattons, rt works very well and should give excellent htstochemtcal results. This type of approach 1sequally applicable to many other lectms-for example, a very adequate preparation of peanut lectm can be obtained by soaking peanuts m distilled water or lectm buffer overnight. Experiment1 11. It 1scrtttcal to exclude water from the NHS-btotm before tt mixes with the lectm solution For this reason, the vial should be thoroughly thawed before the cap IS removed m order to discourage condensatton of water vapor from the au. 12 The methods are given to act as examples The scientist IS encouraged to try other lectms, other tissues, other stammg protocols-the appltcattons are ltmttless’ 13. Thorough washing IS crtttcal for good htstochemtstry results, We recommend washing the sections m at least three changes of lectm buffer Each wash should last at least l-2 mm Agitation helps a great deal. We would recommend placmg the slides m a metal slide rack andjigglmg them up and down m the buffer quite vtgorouslyt If problems with background stammg are encountered, one of the maJor culprits 1s likely to be msufficiently vigorous washmg 14. If a htgh level of nonspecific background staining 1sobserved, and this cannot be corrected by vigorous washing (see Note 13), a blockmg solution may be required In traditional tmmunohtstochemistry, the approach would be to mcorporate l-5% normal rabbit or swme serum into antibody dtluttons and washes This 1s not appropriate for lectm htstochemrstry as many lectms bind to glycoproteins m serum We recommend mcorporatmg l-5% bovine serum albumin

Light Mrcroscopy







mto the lectm and antibody solutions. This can sometimes dramatically improve staining results The optimum temperature for lectm binding may be lower than the usual room temperature and, although this should not normally cause any problems, some experimentation is worthwhile Remarkably, some mammalian lectms appear to bmd best at 7 or 8”C, and muumally at 37°C The optrmum bmdmg of lectms may be pH dependent Again, this should not cause problems, and most lectin histochemtstry will work well at pH 7.6 If problems are encountered with unusual or little-used lectins, some expertmentatron may be helpful. Ten micrograms per milhhter seems to be a good, optimal concentration for most lectins in histochemtstry and, tf a new lectm is to be tried, tt IS a sensible concentration to start with We recommend trying a range of concentrations (e g ,2 55, 10, 20, and 40 ug/mL) to assess which gives the best results Some lectms, such as pokeweed, work best at very low concentrations (-1 ug/mL), others, such as Llmuluspolyphemus, require much higher concentrations (-100 ug/mL) Lectms are usually purchased as a dry powder They can be convemently stored as a stock solution of 1 mg/mL m lectm buffer at 4’C, and will be stable for months or years Most native lectms are also reasonably stable, stored at 4°C at their workmg dilution (e g., 10 ug/mL rn lectm buffer) However, some lectms (such as Llmulus pofyphemus) are remarkably labile Specificity of lectm bmdmg may be confirmed by competitive mhibnion usmg the approprtate monosaccharrde Lectm IS incubated on the tissue section m the presence of 0 1M monosaccharid+for example, UEAI m the presence of O.lM fucose Alternatively, bound lectm may be displaced by subsequent mcubation with the sugar solution With some lectms, competitive mhibition IS very strong, giving complete abolition of staining; with other lectms, a signrficant reduction in staming intensity, but not complete abohtion, may be expected

Suggestion for Further Reading A publication that IS out of print but still full of mteresting detail (beautiful electron mrcrographs and 50 pages of references on lectm cytochemtstry and hrstochemistry) IS: Schrevel, J., Gros, D., and Monstgny, M (1981) CytochemWry of Cell Glycocorqugates. 250 page monograph m Progress znHistochemistry and Cytochemzstry14(2), Gustav Ftscher Vet-lag, Stuttgart, New York. References 1 Brooks, S. A and Leathem, A J. C (199 1) Prediction of lymph node mvolvement m breast cancer detection of altered glycosylation m the primary turnout-. Lancet 338,7 l-74 2. Walker, R A. (1993) Hellxpomatla and breastcancer.Br. J Cancer 68,453,454 3 Ikeda, Y , Mori, M , Adachi, Y., Matsushima, T , and Sugimachr, M (1994) Prognostic value of the histochemical expression of Helix pomatia agglutimn in advanced colorectal cancer DLL Colon Rectum 37, 181-l 84



and Brooks

4 Shumacher, U , Htggs, D , Lotztdou, M , Ptckermg, R , Leathem, A , and Taylor, I (1994) Helzx pomatza lectm bmdmg as a marker of metastasis and reduced survtval m carcinoma of colon and rectum. Cancer 74, 3 104-3 107 5 KakeJi, Y., TsuJttani, S , Mart, M , Maehara, Y., and Sugtmacht, K. (1991) Helzx pomatza agglutmm binding acttvrty is a predictor of survival ttme for patients with gastric carcinoma Cancer 68,2438-2442 6 Yoshtda, Y , Okamura, T , and Shtrakusa, T (1993) An unmunohtstochemtcal study of Helzxpomatza agglutnun bmdmg on carcmomas of the oesophagus Surg Gynecol Obstet 177,299-302 7 Shnatsht, T , Atsumt, S , and Yatam, R (1992) Comparattve study of prostatic carcinoma bone metastases among Japanese in Japan and Japanese Americans and whttes m Hawaii Adv Exp Med Bzol 324, 7-16 8 Bayer, E A and Wtlchek, M (1980) The use of avtdm-btotm complex as a tool m molecular biology Meth Bzochem Anal 26, 145 9 Bayer, E A , Wilchek, M , and Skutelsky, E (1976) Affinity cytochemtstry the localtsatton of lectm and antibody receptors on erythrocytes vta the avtdm btotm complex FEBS Lett 68,240-244 10 Guesdon, J -L , Ternynck, T , and Avrameas, S (1979) The use of avtdm-btotm mteractton of nnmunoenzymattc techmques J Hzstochem Cytochem 27, 113 l-l 139

2 Lectin Histochemistry and Cytochemistry-Light A vidin-Biotin Amplification

Microscopy on Resin- Embedded Sectlons

Robert W. Stoddart and Carolyn J. P. Jones 1. Introduction Wrthm the last 25 yr, the study of glycans, then structures, and then drstributron m tissues has emerged from relative obscurity to become a major theme of molecular and cellular biology: “glycobrology” (I). Glycans are major components of cellular surfaces (2,3), extracellular matrices (4,5), and secretions (6), and play important roles m cell-cell and cell-matrix recognition and adhesion (7,8). They regulate the surface envrronment of cells by influencing the structure of water (6,9), by modulatmg drffuston, by sequestermg metabohtes such as metal ions, by presenting various growth factors to their receptors (20,11), by acting as hgands m recognition-adhesion systems (i J-13), and by making major contrrbutrons to cell surface charge (2,14). In secretions, they are varrously determinants of molecular folding (1.5), hydration, interaction, and targeting, and they serve in the mechanisms that momtor the aging of glycoconJugates m crrculation (6,9,16,Z7). They are now implicated m mechanisms of molecular targeting and segregation within the endomembrane systems of cells (18-20), m calcmm transport m mitochondrra (‘I), the handling of mRNA and its export from the nucleus, the regulation of transcription (19), and m then classical role as energy stores. In all of this, the assocratton of anatomical or ultrastructural locahzation with biologrcal function is of paramount importance. specific glycans occur in specific places (22,23) The challenge for the hrstochemist 1sto reconcile the achievement of sufficiently precise anatomical locahzatron of glycans with the maximum of chemical mformation about then- nature. The lectms have been the main means From Methods m Molecular Medune, Vol 9 Lecfm Methods and Protocols E&ted by J M Rhodes and J D Milton Humana Press Inc , Totowa, NJ



Stoddart and Jones

of accompllshmg this, since their first apphcatlon as fluorochrome-labeled probes to paraffin sections m the early 1970s (2,24). More recently, fluorescence has been largely supplanted by nonfluorescent dlsclosmg systems, such as blotln-avldm-peroxldase and, though paraffin sectlons are still wtdely used, resm-embeddmg of specimens has proved advantageous m terms of resolution and economy of material at the light mlcroscoplc level. 1.1. The General Application of Lectins in Glycobiology and Histochemistry Lectms are carbohydrate-bmdmg proteins that, by definltlon, have at least two bmding sites, are not Immunoglobulms, and do not show glycosldase activity (25). Most of those in hlstochemlcal use are obtamed from plants and the largest group derive from the Leguminosae These show conslderable sequence hom*ology, despite a remarkable dlverslty m the glycans to which they bmd In other orders of plants, related lectms seem less diverse m their hgands The majority of lectms in common use have molecular weights m the range 60-130 kDa, are themselves glycoproteins (though they do not bmd to then own glycans and seldom do so to glycans of each other), usually contam subunits, are often globular proteins, and are all freely soluble m aqueous buffers m the pH range 6-8. Most are stable to freeze drying, either before or after labeling with blotm, and many require small amounts of calcmm for bmdmg. Several also contam transition metals, which may be lost m the presence of the chelating agent EDTA. They are usually slightly smaller proteins than immunoglobulms of class G and mostly show comparable stability and ease of labelmg. Both native and labeled forms of many lectms are now commercially available, often at much lower prices than those of monoclonal antlbodles (MAbs). In general, lectms can be used m all ways analogous to antIbodIes, so that hlstochemlcal analysis can be supplemented by adsorptlon studies, the use of blottmg, rocket electrophoresls, lectin adsorptlon assays (analogous to ELISA), and slmllar techniques. Hence, though lectms and sacchande-directed MAbs are essentially complementary reagents to each other, there are occasions when a lectm may be the reagent of choice on grounds of cost alone. With a few exceptions (such as Hellxpomatza lectm), lectins have extended bmdmg sites and m many plant lectms these are cleft-like. If the cleft 1sopenended, the lectm may be able to interact with both terminal and internal saccharade sequences of glycans, but If it 1sclosed at one end, the lectin will only interact with nonreducmg terminal sequences (25). The size and shape of lectm molecules impose restrlctlons on the largest size of glycan that could be accommodated in a binding site: for a linear glycan this IS about 6-7 sugar residues. In practice, most lectms have smaller binding

L ecfin /+sfochemisfry

and Cytochemsfry


sites than this, with few interactmg with linear glycan sequencesof more than 34 monosaccharide units. MAbs show similar restrlctlons and tend to have slightly smaller bmdmg sites than lectms Most glycans are too big for their entire structure to be accommodated by a lectm or antibody and so, m general, only limited parts of their structures can be defined by the application of a smgle lectm or antibody probe However, the use of a set of probes with overlappmg bmdmg requirements, particularly m conjunction with a set of exoglycosidases, can enable the analysis of glycans larger than the sequences complementary to single binding sites This can be done by classical blochemlstry, by blotting techniques, and, 1y1sztu, by histochemlcal methods Hlstologlcally, lectms display both speclficlty and selectivity; It 1simportant to dlstmgulsh between these. Specificity defines the minimal chemical structure that can interact with the binding site of the lectm to give a binding of more than a certain, chosen affinity constant In practice, specificity IS often defined operationally in terms of inhibition of bindmg or red-cell agglutination by a range of saccharides,and the lower cutoff of affimty 1sm the range 103-1 O4 moles-‘. Occasionally there are X-ray crystallographic or NMR data available to delineate more precisely the chemistry of sugar bmdmg to lectms. Selectlvlty IS a histological term referring to the ability of a lectin to bmd to one or more structures m a section of a chosen tissue. It is not directly related to speclficlty, m that a highly specific lectm may bmd to a common sequence present either m many different glycans or on numerous hlstologlcal features and so may display poor selectlvlty. However, most highly selective lectms also show fairly high speclficlty m that they absolutely require specific chemical features m the ligand. These typically include oxygen atoms m various of the hydroxyl groups, m the pyranose rings of the sugars, or m glycosldic linkages, and nitrogen atoms in acetamldo- groups of the 2-deoxy, 2-acetamldo-sugars Hence there 1sgreat conformatlonal and configurational speclficlty. Lectms are used histologically m two general ways. Selectlvlty may be exploited by using them as markers of particular structures, such as the nuclear cap and acrosomes m developing rat spermatozoa (26). In this type of study, the emphasis 1son obtaining maximal resolution, so that the posltlon of a single type of glycan sequence can be defined as closely as possible. This places severe restrictions on section thickness, so that paraffin sections may prove inadequate, but It IS not heavily demandmg of material. Specificity is exploited in making general surveys of glycan dlstrlbutlon m tissues. A carefully selected panel of lectms of well-defined speclficltles 1s used to stain successive sections and, from their known bmding requirements, a series of inferences can be drawn as to where particular sorts of glycan occur (27-31). Such mvestlgatlons should precede the use of selected lectms of high


Stoddart and Jones

selecttvrty as markers m studres of the type mdtcated above. These general surveys of glycdn dlstrtbutlon make heavy demands on material for sectlonmg, but may not requne very high resolutron, at least m the first instance They are often made on paraffin-embedded maternal, whtch can have the advantage of a larger sample size than IS easily posstble with plastic-embedded specimens. However, problems of resolutron can occur and re-embeddmg m plasttc may be desirable (see Section 1.3 ). The extension of the use of lectm specrfictty m conlunctron with that of enzymes to the parttal sequencmg of larger glycans IS a relattvely new development (32,33), and is not yet very widely applied Like the general surveys above, rt IS very demanding of material m that rt requires relatively large numbers of sectrons, but IS often also demanding m terms of resolutron, making semlthm sections a useful option 1.2. The Advantages and Limitations of Resin Embedding In order to cut semrthm (0.5-l 0 urn) sections of good quality, rt 1snecessary to embed suitable well-fixed tissues m plastics that are more rigid and supportrve than paraffin wax This creates five sets of problems, relatmg to fixatron, the choice of embedding agent, the secttonmg of the tissue and adherence of the secttons to the shde, the achrevement of penetration by the lectm and the disclosing system, and the production of a suitable image Fixatton should be of the best possrble quality and, Ideally, of a standard that would be acceptable for electron mtcroscopy, since the optical mtcroscopy of semrthm sections should yreld a resolutton comparable with that of lowpower electron mrcroscopy No general method exists, however, because optrma1 fixation of human soft trssues, for example, requrres conditions different from those needed for the fixatron of marme mvertebrates. The general rule IS that fixatives that are satisfactory at the ultrastructural level can be used with confidence, with the provtso that metals, such as osmium, lead, or mercury should be avoided rf possible, as they may alter the appearance of the final image by generatmg arttfacts with the drsclosmg system Care should also be taken to avoid powerful oxidrzmg agents, such as chromates, whrch may degrade glycans, and strong acrds, whrch can hydrolyze stalyl glycosrdes on prolonged exposure (34). Aldehyde fixatives based on glutaraldehyde, formaldehyde, or a mixture of the two generally give the best results, but excess aldehyde must be washed away and any free aldehyde residues should be blocked (for example, with saturated glycme m 70% [v/v] alcohol) before exposure to lectm m order to mmrmrze the risk of nonspecific attachment of lectm by crosslmking There are two mam types of plastic embedding material, and each has its advantages and disadvantages for use m mrcroscopy. Epoxy resin (e.g.,

Lectin His tochemis try and Cytochemis try


Fig. 1. Semithin epoxy (Taab) resin sectionof rat kidney stained(3 7) with e-PHA (Phaseolus vulgaris, erythroagglutinin, kidney bean lectin) showing binding to the

brush border (BB), basal plasma membrane(arrows) and intracellular organelles of proximal tubules, and to componentsof glomeruli (G) (x350). Araldite, Epon, Taab embedding resin, Agar 100) has been used for many years for routine electron microscopy and gives excellent results as an embedding medium for use in lectin histochemistry at the light microscopic level (Fig. 1). This is because the resin can be easily removed by a simple etching procedure using alcoholic sodium ethoxide, which, surprisingly, does not degrade glycans nor remove O-linked residues by I&elimination (3.5), but leaves a thin layer of tissue to be stained as required with the lectins. Alternatively, acrylic resin (e.g., L.R. White, Lowicryl) can be used (Fig. 2), but this resin is not easily removed. In order to visualize the stain at the light microscopic level, when it binds only to the surface molecules of the section and is barely visible even when viewed in the light microscope, stain intensification methods utilizing silver and gold enhancement have to be used (36), some of which we have found to be rather capricious. Acrylic resin has the property, however, of being much more tolerant to water than epoxy resins: L.R. White resin can be infiltrated in a 3:l mix with 70% (v/v) alcohol, thus avoiding the use of absolute alcohol and the subsequent destruction of sensitive epitopes, which is important when using immunocytochemical techniques to demonstrate protein antigens; glycans are, however, very hardy structures and will tolerate full dehydration during the processing program. Penetration by the disclosing sys-


Stoddart and Jones

Fig. 2. Ultrathin acrylic (L.R. White) resin section of a rat kidney proximal tubule stained (37) with WGA (Triticum vulgaris, wheatgerrn) lectin showing the strong binding to intracellular granules (arrows), as well to the brush border (BB) and matrix components (M) (x5600). tern may be limited because of the size of the avidin molecule and its peroxidase conjugates: alternative disclosing systems tend to have similar problems. Acrylic resin will, however, allow even these large molecules to penetrate to a limited extent, unlike epoxy resin, and is the ideal medium for staining at the ultrastructural level. In our laboratory, we routinely embed tissue in epoxy resin (Taab embedding resin) for light microscopic staining with lectins, and in acrylic resin (L.R. White) for ultrastructural examination of the lectin binding properties of tissues. If it is essential to utilize the same block for both light and electron microscopy, the epoxy resin can be gently etched prior to staining grids bearing ultrathin sections, but it is advisable to cut the sections slightly thicker than usual. It is desirable to control section thickness and the etching conditions carefully, in order to achieve reproducible results and to facilitate comparisons between sections. Because sections may be exposed to a succession of treatments and washings, it is essential to use cleaned and coated glass slides to avoid their detachment. Because of the thinness of the sections used, the final image must be of relatively greater density than would be required for a paraffin section. Peroxidase-based disclosing systems will produce dense brown images, which can be intensified by treatment with salts of metals such as silver or cobalt (36,37).

L ectjn Histochemrs try and Cytochemlstry


Exammation or photography of the specimen through a blue or cyan filter IS also a useful way of improving contrast. Disclosing systemsbased on peroxidase yield a highly msoluble colored product that does not diffuse perceptibly at the light microscopic level, whereas those based on alkaline phosphatase are subject to some diffusion. Although this is usually acceptable on paraffin sections, it can be a limitation at the semithm level. It is important to recognize that the intensity of stam given by the disclosing system will be proportional to the amount of lectm bound, or glycan sequence present, only over a limited range. Hence, very sensitive disclosmg systems may show all of the sites at which a particular ligand occurs, but fail to reveal variations m its density that may be better shown by less sensitive systems Changes m image may occur m switching from paraffin sections to semithm sections, because of this type of effect. Titration of the staining pattern against various concentrations of lectm ~111often reveal its basis 1.3. The Adaptability and Applicability of Lectin-Stained Semithin Sections Lectin histochemistry of paraffin sections often shows features that, although interesting, cannot be resolved suffictently to show exactly where the stam IS located If all the available tissue has already been processed for paraffin sectioning, as is often the case with pathological material, a solution to the difficulty may be to dewax a portton of the paraffin block and re-embed the tissue in an epoxy resin. This can also be a useful approach in cases m which samphng of an infrequent feature 1srequired and the size of block needed for direct semtthm sectiomng would be too small to be efficient A feature found by paraffin sectioning can be excised, re-embedded, and exammed at higher resolution and at the electron microscope (EM) level if required. Very often, semithm optical sections will reveal quite sufficient detail to make electron microscopy unnecessary (38). In going from paraffin sections to successively higher levels of resolution with lectm staining, it is important to ensure, wherever possible, that only one variable IS changed at each step. In gomg to semithm sections from paraffnembedded sections, the embedding medium is altered, but the stammg and disclosmg steps can remam essentially unaltered if they are peroxidase-based, so that the images obtained remam comparable. Similarly, the step to low power EM may involve only a change in the microscope system, although sometimes it may be more convenient to use an acrylic resm embedding medium, and the stammg procedure agam remains unchanged since the peroxtdase product 1s electron-dense In our laboratory, we routmely use an avidm-biotm-peroxidase system (37,38) rather than the avidm-biotin-peroxidase complex (ABC) method of Hsu and Rame (39) because the former gives excellent results at


Stocidart and Jones

both the light and electron optical levels, whereas the large size of the peroxldase complex generated m the latter method makes It difficult to penetrate resin sections If higher resolution 1s required, the disclosing system can then be changed from a peroxldase to a gold-based one, allowing the two systems to be compared at lower power, to check their equivalence, before moving to higher magmficatlon It 1s this flexlblhty that makes lectm hlstochemlstry on semlthm sections so attractive and powerful a tool

1.4. Control Procedures As with other techniques of lectm hlstochemlstry, controls must be applied to its use on semlthm sections. These are of two kinds, namely controls on the action of the dlsclosmg systems and controls on the speclflclty of the lectms used DIsclosIng systems are normally controlled by the omlsslon of reagents at each step, which should abolish all reactions thereafter Residual stammg m the direct avldln-peroxldase system, for example, can arise from the actlon of endogenous peroxldase, nonspecific adsorptlon of avldm-peroxldase, the presence of endogenous blotm, or the nonspecific adsorption and oxldatlon of dlammobenzldme. and these can be separated by appropriate simple controls. More complex dlsclosmg systems require control at each step and are, therefore, more costly of material. Since a major advantage of semlthm sections IS their economy of valuable material, there 1s some logic m usmg the most direct dlsclosmg system possible and using a single dlsclosmg system for a panel of lectms, so that only one set of controls on disclosure IS required The control of lectm specificity creates more subtle problems. Most studies have used competltlve mhlbltlon with free sugars, glycosldes, or ohgosaccharides to show that the binding of lectm can be selectively abolished. In practice, some lectms such as erythro- and leuko-phytohemagglutmms (e-PHA and 1-PHA) have no simple sugar competitors and the ohgosaccharldes that are their hgands are not sufficiently avallable to be usable at appropriate competltlve concentrations Slmllarly, competltlon with lectms that bmd to slalyl glycans, using slallc acids or small slalyl saccharides, cannot be achieved without a concomitant variation m acidity or ionic strength, which will render the controls questionable. In both of these situations, enzymatic controls are to be preferred (see Section 3 10 and Note 5). Complete abolltlon of lectm bmdmg cannot always be achieved and, since the competltlon will approximate to pseudo-first-order kinetics, this 1s to be expected where the affimty constant of the lectm for Its target glycan 1s high relative to that for the free sugar or glycoslde. Hence, somewhat paradoxically, it 1s difficult to prove the specificity of highly speclflc bmd-

Lectin H/stochemWy

and Cytochemistry


mg. It should be noted that some lectms show slower, largely n-reversible reactions with their ligands, leading to an increase m apparent affinity constant and increasing dtfficulty m reversing their reaction: to mmimize this, the lectm and Its competitor should be premixed or placed on the specimen simultaneously. In casesm which a lectm has two or more subsiteswithm its overall bmdmg site, paradoxical patterns of competitive mhibitton may arise. For example, the lectin of Macluru pomifera has subsites for Gal13I- and GalNAca 1-, and bmds with high affmlty to GalDl,3GalNAcalHowever, this bmdmg is mhtbited by 0-anomeric glycostdes of galactose and a-anomertc glycostdes of 2-deoxy,2-acetamido galactose (40), which led, for some time, to confusion as to the real specificity of the lectm In such cases,controls need to be carefully designed. Even where clear-cut competmve mhtbttton is shown, It proves only that the lectm IS bmdmg via its bmdmg site. for example, concanavalm A binds to a-mannosyl or a-glucosyl termmi and o-methyl mannopyranoside will abolish both bmdmgs-it does not prove that termmal a-mannose IS present m the glycan For these reasons, the use of competitive mhibitton should be treated with care. It is necessary and can be helpful, but can also mislead, confuse, or cause overmterpretatton. Hence, it is often desirable to use exoglycosidases, either singly or m panels, to supplement or replace competitive inhibitton; they often provide addittonal structural informatlon as well (26,32,33). Some care must be exercised to show that the enzymes are pure glycosidases, free of proteolytic activity, and remam active durmg their usage. Also, some glycostdases (especially B-galactosidase) are very sensmve to the positions of linkages or other structural features of glycans, as well as to anomeric configuration, and may prove unexpectedly unreactive, though this also can be structurally mformattve (26). Used in panels, lectins can act as controls on each other, though this demands that then binding requirements have been well-defined by chemical methods. Discrimmatron between 0- and N-glycans 1sposstble only with the limited set of glycans that have a requirement for a-mannose m the structures to which they bind, in mammals this sugar is restricted to N-glycans and to glycosylated phosphoinosittdes (2,15,23,41). Whereas some sacchartdes tend to be more common m 0- or N-glycans, it is dangerous to use the lectms that bind to them as markers of 0- or N-linkage, unless there IS additional chemical information to validate this. If, for example, the lectm of Dolzchos bzjlorus shows staining that is prevented by pretreatment of the spectmenwith alkali (35) (&elimination; see Section 3 11 ), there are good grounds for attributmg its ligand to an 0-glycan. If staining is unaffected, an N-glycan 1ssuggested, but not proven. This requires further chemical analysts

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30 1.5. Hazardous


A small number of lectms are liable to be contammated with plant toxins or to be inherently toxic. Those of Rzcinus communis, Abrus precutonus, and Vzscumalbum are the most likely to be encountered because of thetr commercial avallablllty. If possible, then use should be avolded, but tf they are used, care should be taken to handle them according to the supplier’s recommended mstructtons and to dispose of wastes safely All lectms are potentially allergemc and their handling as dry solids should be mmlmlzed. TOXIC lecttns should never be handled m a dry form, but only In solutron. They are usually supplied tn vials with septum caps to enable them to be made up into solutton In sztu

2. Materials 2.1. Tissue Fixation 1 2 5% (v/v) glutaraldehyde m 0 1M sodmm cacodylate buffer, pH 7 2, prepared by mtxmg 1 part 25% glutaraldehyde (v/v) (E M grade, Taab Laboratones, Aldermaston, UK) with 9 parts buffer tmmedtately before use 2 4% (w/v) paraformaldehyde m 0 IM phosphate buffer, pH 7.2, or 0 lA4 sodium cacodylate buffer, pH 7 2, dtssolved by heat and cleared wtth a few drops of 1N NaOH, to which glutaraldehyde IS added to a final concentration of 1% (v/v), freshly prepared 3 Buffer wash 0 1M sodium cacodylate buffer, pH 7 2, wtth 3 mA4 CaCl,

2.2. Plastic Embedding 1 Analar ethanol, propylene oxtde, Taab embeddmg resm, or epoxy resin equtvalent (Taab Laboratories) 2 For coating shdes 3-ammopropyltnethoxysllane (APES) (Stgma, Poole, UK), 3% (v/v) in acetone 3 To remove resin’ 50% (v/v) saturated sodmm ethoxrde (excess sodmm hydroxtde pellets m absolute ethanol, left for 3 d mmtmum, then diluted with an equal volume of ethanol) 4 L R White acrylic resin (Taab or London Resin, Reading, UK)

2.3. Lectin Histochemistry 1. 2 3 4

Hydrogen peroxide, 30% or 100 vol. O.OSMTns-buffered salme (TBS) (see Note l), pH 7 6, wtth and without 1 mMCaC1, Trypsm (Stgma, type II porcine, crude) Btotmylated lectms (Sigma, and EY Laboratones, San Mateo, CA, supphed by Bradsure Btologtcals, Loughborough, UK), 10 ug/mL m 0 OSMTBS with 1 mA4 CaC& (see Note 4) 5. Avidm-peroxidase (Sigma), 5 ug/mL in 0 125M TBS containing 0.374M NaCl, pH 7 6 (made from dtlutmg 1 part 0 5M stock TBS with 3 parts dtstilled water).

Lectin Histochemrstry and Cytochemlstry


6 Dtammobenztdme tetrahydrochlortde (Aldrich, Gtllmgham, UK), 0.05% (w/v) m TBS with 0 015% (v/v) hydrogen peroxide (diluted from 30%, 100 vol) 7 Neurammidase (Type VI from Clostrzdzum perfnngens, Stgma), 0.1 UimL m 0 2M acetate buffer, pH 5 5, with 1% (w/v) CaCl, 8 Vartous glycostdases (Boehrmger-Mannhetm, UK) (see Note 5) 9 For 13-elimmatton Potassmm hydroxide, dtmethyl sulfoxtde, analyttcal grade ethanol, 10 mM hydrochloric actd 10 For the gold-sulfide-silver mtenstticatton method of semtthm acrylic sections. 0 02% (w/v) gold chloride, neutralized 0 3% (w/v) sodium sulfide, 1% (v/v) acettc actd, Gallyas’ solutton (1982) made as follows a. 5 g sodturn carbonate (anhydrous) m 100 mL dtsttlled water b 0 2 g ammonmm mtrate 0 2 g silver tutrate 1 0 g tungstosthctc acid 0 5 mL 37% (v/v) formaldehyde 100 mL dtsttlled water Add reagents m the above order Glassware must be actd cleaned For use, add equal parts of a to b, quickly Apply tmmedtately If the solutton becomes chalky, the glassware has not been adequately cleaned A famt opalescence IS normal All reagents from BDH (Merck, Poole, Dorset, UK) 11. For gold mtenstfication of peroxtdase-stamed ultrathin sections: 0 1% (w/v) gold chloride (BDH) 12. Antibtotm gold (10 nm) (Btocell Research, Cardtff, UK) dtluted 1.30 m TBS + 1% (w/v) BSA for collotdal gold stammg of ultrathin sections 13 For contrasting ultrathm sections after gold labelmg 2% (w/v) uranyl acetate, and Reynold’s lead citrate (1 33 g lead nitrate and 1 76 g trtsodtum curate m 30 mL distilled water, shaken for 1 mm then left 30 mm with intermittent shaking Add 8 mL 1NNaOH and make up to 50 mL wtth dtsttlled water) Reagents from BDH (Merck)

3. Methods 3.1. Fixation of Tissues 1. Excuse tissue, dice mto small pteces with a sharp razor blade, and fix munedtately m either 2 5% (v/v) glutaraldehyde m 0 1M sodmm cacodylate buffer, pH 7 2, or m 4% (w/v) paraformaldehyde in 0,lM sodtum cacodylate buffer or O.lM phosphate buffer, pH 7 2, wtth 1% (v/v) glutaraldehyde, at room temperature for 4 h 2. Wash m O.lM sodium cacodylate buffer, pH 7.2, with 3 n-J4 CaC&, three times over 24 h, using a large volume of liquid relative to the size of the tissue Store m buffer at 4OC unttl required for further processing

3.2. Method for Re-Embedding

Paraffin Block in Plastic

1 Locate the area of interest and carefully cut tt out of the paraffin wax block Trim away as much excess wax as possible


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Immerse m a contamer of xylene or stmilar solvent and soak at 60°C for several hours until the wax has melted Change the xylene two or three times When there are no more signs of wax around the tissue and the tissue appears translucent, soak m xylene for a further 30 mm to ensure there is no restdual wax in solution Transfer the tissue to absolute ethanol for 15-30 mm (dependmg on the size of the ttssue) Change and repeat once more Soak m propylene oxtde, two changes of 15 mm each Infiltrate in propylene oxide epoxy resin (1.1) for 1 h at room temperature Infiltrate m propylene oxideresm (1 3) at 4°C overnight. Next day, infiltrate with undiluted resin at 45°C for 1 h, and repeat twice before embedding the tissue either m capsules or planchettes/fotl molds and polymerizmg the resin as recommended by the manufacturer (24-72 h)


4 5. 6 7

3.3. 3-Aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APES) Coating of Microscope Slides This 1san excellent adhesive for both paraffin and plastic sections, and does not react with the reagents used m lectm histochemtstry 1 2 3 4. 5 6 7

Clean slides with acid alcohol or 95% (v/v) ethanol for at least 2 mm Rinse m tap water for 1 mm Rinse in 99% (v/v) ethanol Air-dry m slide racks Place m fresh 3% (v/v) 3-ammopropyltriethoxysilane m acetone for 30 s Rinse m acetone then distilled water Dry slides and protect from dust

3.4. Lectin Staining of Paraffin Wax Sections Using the A vidin-Peroxidase Method (42) 1 Cut sections 4 pm thick and mount on APES-coated slides Dry m oven at 70°C 2 Dewax m xylene and wash m absolute ethanol 3. Block endogenous peroxidase activity for 30 mm m* a 400 mL analar methanol, b 1.6 mL 1N hydrochloric acid, and c 2 0 mL 30% (v/v) hydrogen peroxide The hydrogen peroxide must be added Just before use. 4 Rinse briefly in tap water and then wash m 0 05MTBS, pH 7 6 5 Trypsunze if necessary Warm two baths containing 300 mL TBS to 37°C in a water bath To one, add 300 mg calcmm chloride Place slides m the other bath and add 300 mg trypsm (type II porcine, crude, Sigma) to the bath contammg the calcium chlortde. After 5 mm, transfer the shdes to the trypsm/CaCl, mixture and incubate for 5-30 mm (normally 15 mm). 6 Wash in runnmg cold water to stop the reaction. 7 Wash m TBS for 3 x 5 mm

Lecfin Histochemistry and Cytochemrstry


8. After wtpmg around the sectton to remove excess TBS, ptpet on the btotmylated lectin (10 ug/mL m TBS + 1 mM CaCl,) Incubate for 30 mm at room temperature m a humtdtty chamber 9 Wash off with TBS + CaCI, and give 3 x 5 mm washes m TBS + CaCl, 10 Wipe off excess buffer and incubate m avidm peroxtdase 5 pg/mL in 0 125M TBS. pH 7.6, contammg 0 374M NaCl (made by dtlutmg 1 part 0 5M stock TBS wtth 3 parts distilled water, see Note 2) for 1 h at room temperature in a humidity chamber 11 Wash off with TBS and then wash 3 x 5 mm m TBS 12 Reveal sites of lectin bmdmg m 0 05% (w/v) dtammobenztdme tetrahydrochloride (Aldrich) m TBS with 0.015% (v/v) hydrogen peroxide (diluted from 100 vol) for 5 mm at room temperature 13. Counterstam sections m hematoxylm or methyl green before washing, dehydration, and mountmg m XAM (Gurr, BDH)

3.5. Lectin Staining of Semithin, Epoxy Resin Sections (38) (Fig. 7) 1 Cut sectlons 0 75 pm thick and mount on APES-coated slides 2 Dry on a hotplate and then at 50°C for 2 d to ensure adheston. 3 Remove resin in 50% (v/v) saturated sodium ethoxtde m ethanol for IS mm at room temperature 4 Wash in absolute ethanol and gradually rehydrate to dtstilled water Wash in TBS3 x2mm 5 Treat with trypsin if necessary warm two baths contammg 300 mL TBS to 37’C m a water bath To one, add 300 mg calcmm chlortde Place slides m the other bath and add either 100 or 300 mg trypsm (type II porcine, crude, Sigma) to the bath contammg the calcium chloride After 5 mm, transfer the sltdes to the trypsm/CaCl, mixture and incubate for 4 mm at 37°C 6. Wash m running cold water to stop the reactton 7 Wash m TBS 3 x 5 mm 8 After wtpmg around the section to remove excess TBS, pipet on the biotmylated lectm (IO pg/mL m TBS + 1 nnVCaCl& Incubate for 45 mm at 37°C m a humtdity chamber. 9 Wash off with TBS + CaCl* and give 3 x 5 mm washes in TBS + CaC12 10. Wipe off excess buffer and incubate in avtdin peroxidase 5 yglmL m 0 125M TBS, pH 7.6, contammg 0.374&Y NaCl (made by dilutmg 1 part 0 5M stock TBS with 3 parts distilled water; see Note 2) for 1 hour at 37°C in a humidity chamber 11. Wash off wtth TBS and then wash 3 x 5 mm in TBS 12 Reveal sites of lectm bmding m 0.05% (w/v) dtammobenztdme tetrahydrochloride (Aldrtch) m TBS with 0.015% (v/v) hydrogen peroxtde (diluted from 100 vol) for 5 mm at room temperature; then wash m water. 13 Counterstain with hematoxylm tf required, wash, then am-dry secttons and mount m XAM (Gurr, BDH)

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3.6, Lectin Staining of Semithin, Acrylic Resin Sections (Fig. 2) The method 1s used as tn Sectton 3.5., but the DAB (step 12) IS increased to 10 mm and then an mtenstficatron sulfide-silver technique (36)


may be used, such as the gold-

1 2 3 4 5 6

After treating wtth DAB for 10 mm, wash m dtsttlled water for 6 mm Treat with 0 02% (w/v) gold chloride for 3 mm Wash m drstrlled water for 6 mm Apply neutrahzed 0 3% (w/v) sodmm sulfide for 3 mm Wash m disttlled water for 6 mm Develop m Gallyas’ srlver solution for about 4 mm or until sections appear fully stained; momtor this with a microscope. 7 FIX m 1% (v/v) acettc acid, 3 x 10 mm 8 Dehydrate, clear and mount

3.7. Lectin Staining of Ultrathin Sections, Acrylic Resin (L. R. White), Using a Peroxidase-Based Revealing System (33) Mount pale gold acrylic sections onto mckel or gold (but not copper) grids Air-dry Float sectrons face down on 10% (v/v) hydrogen peroxrde for 10 mm to etch the

sectrons and also block endogenous peroxrdase actrvrty Wash m distrlled water, then TBS Incubate m 10 pg/mL biotmylated lectm m TBS with 1 mM CaCl* for 15 mm at room temperature Jet wash m TBS + CaCl,, then place m drops of 5 pg/mL avrdm peroxrdase m 0 125M TBS contammg 0 374M NaCl for 30 mm at room temperature Jet wash m TBS followed by the DAB-H202 procedure described m Section 3 5. for 8 mm Intenstfy the reactton with 0 1% (w/v) gold chloride for 1 mm followed by thor-

ough washing (This step 1soptronal ) An-dry sections and examine without further staining Over time, the gold particles may aggregate to form a prectpttate over the secttons

3.8. Lectin Staining of Ultrathin Sections Using Colloidal Gold (43) (see Note 3) 1. After appropnate etching pretreatments, mrmerse grid m drops of TBS + 1% (w/v) BSA for 5 mm Blot edge of grid 2 TBS + 1% (w/v) gelatin for 10 mm Blot 3 TBS + 0 2% (w/v) glycme for 3 mm Blot

4 Place grids m drops of TBS + 1 mMCaClz + 0 5% Tween-20, wash m three vials of the same, and place m fresh drops again 5 Blot and transfer to drops of brotmylated lectm, 10 yglmL m TBS + 1 n&I CaCI, for 1 h at room temperature 6 Wash as m step 4 Blot

Lectin Histochemistry and Cytochemistry


7 Place grids tn antrbiotm gold (10 nm) diluted 1 30 with TBS + 1% (W/V) BSA for 1 h at room temperature 8 Rinse in drops of distilled water, wash in 5 vials of distilled water and dry 9 Contrast with 2% (w/v) uranyl acetate and Reynold’s lead citrate prior to exanunation in the electron mrcroscope

3.9. Pretreatment of Ultrathin Epoxy Resin Sections for Lectin Histochemistry 1 Cut pale gold/gold sections and mount on nickel or gold (but not copper) grids 2 Etch sections in 1% (v/v) saturated sodmm ethoxrde m ethanol for 1 mm or longer (up to 5 mm) 3 Rinse (10 dips) in absolute alcohol, 90% (v/v) alcohol, 70% (v/v) alcohol 4 Rinse in distilled water 5 Remove osmium, rf necessary, with 0 1 g/mL sodium perrodate for 40 mm on orbital shaker This may also etch the resin and may be included with nonosmicated tissue 6 Drstrll water washes 3 x 5 mm 7. Proceed with stammg protocol

3.10. Glycosidase

Treatment of Sections (42) (see Note 5)

The presence of stahc acid may be confirmed by mcubatmg sections m the enzyme neurammldase, which cleaves off termmal sialtc acid residues. Neurammldase may be derived from many different sources; the one used m our laboratory is obtained from Clostrzdzumperfizngens (Type VI, Stgma). Different neurammldases will vary in their substrate specificity, some being specific for 2-3 or 2-6 linkages. I. Remove resin, and block endogenous peroxrdase acttvtty as m Section 3 4. 2 Treat with trypsm rf necessary. Wash m TBS and then m drstrlled water 3 Apply neuramimdase solutton. 0.1 U/mL in 0 2Macetate buffer, pH 5.5, with 1% (w/v) CaC12 for 1 h at 37°C m a humidity chamber. Gently remove excess enzyme and replace with fresh solution, Leave for another hour as before As neurammrdase may be contaminated with proteases, too long of an mcubatton may result m dtgestron of the tissue by these enzymes. 4. Rinse off with distilled water, then TBS, and continue stammg with the lectms, and so on. Srahc acid may also be removed by mild hydrolyses with IN sulfurtc acid at 60-70°C for 1 h

3.17. &Elimination


Unlike their N-linked counterparts, O-linked glycans are susceptible to the action of mild alkalt, which removes them from the protein backbone (13-eltmination). This technique can be applied to tissue sections to distmguish between N- and O-linked glycan znsitu. It is not recommended for plastic sections, or for sections not fixed to the slide by means of an adhesive.

36 1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8


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Dewax, block endogenous peroxtdase, and trypsmtze if necessary Rinse m TBS 3 x 5 mm Rinse briefly m distilled water Make up the followmg mtxture and allow to warm up to 45°C a 0 954 g potassmm hydroxide, and b 40 mL dtsttlled water Allow to dissolve and add a 50 mL dtmethyl sulfoxtde, and b 10 mL Analar ethanol (Potassmm hydroxide solutton 0 17M final concentratton) Incubate sections for 4&60 mm at 45°C Carefully wash twtce m 10 n&! HCl to neutralize Sections tend to detach at this stage’ Wash m dlsttlled water followed by TBS for 3 x 5 mm Continue staining with lectms as normal

4. Notes 1 Trts-buffered saline--0 5M stock solution a Dtssolve 60 57 g of Trts (hydroxymethyl) methylamme and 81 g of sodium chloride m 800 mL of dtstrlled water b Adjust pH to 7 6 using concentrated hydrochloric acid (using correct safety precautions) c Make up to 1 L with dtstilled water (to give 0 5M stock solutton) This may be stored m a refrigerator m a stoppered bottle until required, when it should be diluted with 9 L of dtsttlled water to make the working concentration of 0 05MTBS Warning: Hydrochlortc acid 1s corrostve, very toxic, and an trrltantlt Always wear acid reststant gloves and eye protection Store m acid cupboard and measure out m fume cupboard. 2 The use of a htgh molartty buffer eliminates nonspecific bmdmg of avtdn-peroxtdase to tissue sections (44). This 1s particularly useful when stammg htghly anionic structures such as mast cells and matrix components (4,27,33) 3 There are other techniques utilizing colloidal gold the direct staining method using a lectm comugated directly to gold particles, as well as the method using biottnylated lectms followed by an avldm-gold or streptavtdingold solutton 4 The lectms chosen for any particular study will depend on the purpose of the study and the amount of informatton, tf any, already avatlable as to the glycans present m the ttssues of interest. Tables of lectm-bmdmg characteristics are given m the Appendix and m refs. 2&28,30, and 31, together with citations of studies defining then spectfictttes 5 Apart from neurammtdase, other glycostdases (e g , from Sigma) at a variety of concentrations (normally between 0.1 and 10 U/mL but always m excess) may also be used with appropriate buffers, at various temperatures depending on the source of the enzyme.

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a a-mannosldase m 0 1M citrate buffer, pH 4 5, at 26°C (32) b a-L-fucosldase m 0 1Mphosphate buffer, pH 6 5, at 26°C (32). c l3-galactosidase (Grade VIII from Escherichia colz, Sigma) m 0 1Mphosphate buffer, pH 7 3, with 1 1 x 10-6Mmagneslum chloride and a trace of mercaptoethanol at 37°C (26,32) d. D-N-acetylglucosammldase m 0 1M citrate buffer, pH 5 0, at 26°C (32) Durmg an incubation period of 1 h, four separate ahquots of enzyme are applied to the sectlons, each one for 15 mm, so that the enzyme 1s not exhausted Each allquot may subsequently be tested by incubation with the appropriate p- or o-mtrophenyl glycoslde, which turns yellow on the addition of a few drops of 10N sodmm hydroxide If the enzyme IS active Negative controls, with sections being incubated m the buffer alone, should always be carried out

References 1 Rademacher, T W , Parekh, R B , and Dwek, R A (1988) Glycoblology Ann Rev Blochem 57,785-838 2 Cook, G M W and Stoddart, R W (1973) Surface Carbohydrates of the Eukaryotlc Cell Academic, London, pp 346 3 Hughes, R C (1975) Membrane Glycoprotems A Review ofStructure and Funr&on Butterworth, London, pp 416 4. KjellCn, L and Lmdahl, U (199 1) Proteoglycans structures and mteractlons Ann Rev Blochem 60,443-475 5 Garg, H and Lyon, N (1993) Structure of collagen-fibrll associated small proteoglycans of mammalian origin Adv Carbohydr Chem Bzochem 49, 239-26 1 6 Harding, S E (1989) The macrostructure of mucus glycoprotems rn solution Adv Carbohydr Chem Blochem. 47,345-381 7. Edelman, G. M. and Crossm, K. L (1991) Cell adhesion molecules lmphcatlons for a molecular histology Ann Rev. Bzochem 60, 155-190. 8 Lasky, L A (1995) Selectm-carbohydrate mteractlons and the mltlatlon of the inflammatory response Ann. Rev Blochem 64, I 13-139 9 Jeffrey, G. A. (1992) Hydrogen bonding m carbohydrates and hydrate mclusion compounds Adv. Enzymol 65,2 17-254 10. Burgess, W H. and Macalg, T. (1989) The heparm-bmdmg (fibroblast) growth factor family of proteins Ann Rev Blochem 58,575-606. 11 Kornfeld, S (1992) Structure and function of the mannose-6-phosphate/msulmlike growth factor II receptors. Ann Rev Bzochem 61,307-330 12 Dnckamer, K and Taylor, M. E (1993) Biology of animal lectms Ann Rev Cell B~ol 9,237-264. 13 Turner, M L (1992) Cell adhesionmolecules: a unifying approachto topographic biology Blol Rev 67,359-377 14 Jeanloz, R. W and Codmgton, J F. (1976) The biological role of slahc acid at the surface of the cell, m Blologlcal Roles of Slallc Aced (Rosenberg, A and Schengrund, C L , eds.), Plenum, New York, pp. 201-238


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15 Thomas, J. (1994) Glycoprotems and glycosylatton, m The Encyclopedza ofMolecular Bzology (Kendrew, J , ed ), Blackwell Scientific, Oxford, UK, pp 439-444 16 Ashwell, G and Morell, A G (1974) The role of surface carbohydrates m the hepatic recognition and transport of circulatmg glycoprotems Adv EnzymoZ 41, 99-128 17 Rice, K G and Lee, Y C (1993) Oltgosaccharide valency and conformation m determining bmdmg to the astaloglycoprotem receptor of rat hepatocytes Adv Enzymol 66,4 1-83 18 Stoddart, R W (1979) Nuclear glycocoqugates and thetr relatton to maltgnancy Blol Rev 54, 199-235 19 Hart, G W , Halttwanger, R S , Holt, G D , and Kelly, W G (1989) Glycosylation m the nucleus and cytoplasm Ann Rev Bzochem 58, 841-874. 20 Neufeld. E F (1991) LysosomalstoragediseasesAnn Rev Bzochem 60,257-280 2 1 Sottocasa, G L , Sandra,G., Pant%, E , and De Bernard, B (197 1) Glycoprotem located m the Inter-membrane space of rat liver mttochondrta. FEBS Lett 17, IO&l05 22 Aota, S -I and Yamada, K M (1994) Extracellular matrix molecules, m The Encyclopedia of Molecular Biology (Kendrew, J , ed.), Blackwell Sctence, Oxford, UK, pp 365-369 23 Stoddart, R W (1994) Glycans, m The Encyclopedza of A4olecular Bzology (Kendrew, J , ed ). Blackwell Sctence, Oxford, UK, pp 429436 24 Stoddart, R W and Kiernan, J A (1973) Histochemtcal detection of the a-Darabmopyranoside conftguratton using fluorescent-labelled Concanavalin A Hutochemle 33,87-94 25 Northcote, D H (1994) Lectms, m The Encyclopedza of Molecular Bzology (Kendrew, J., ed.), Blackwell Science, Oxford, UK , pp 578-580 26 Jones, C J. P , Morrison, C A M , and Stoddart, R W (1992) Htstochemtcal analysts of rat testicular glycocomugates II. b-galactosyl residues m 0- and N-linked glycans m semmiferoustubules Hzstochem J 24, 327-336. 27 Roberts, I S D , Jones,C J. P , and Stoddart, R W (1990) Lectm htstochemistry of the mast cell* heterogenetty of rodent and human mast cell populations Hlstochem J 22,73-80 28 Btshop, P. N., Boulton, M , McLeod, D., and Stoddart, R W (1993) Glycan localization withm the human interphotoreceptor matrix and photoreceptor inner and outer segments.Glycobzology 3,4034 12 29 Jones, C J. P , Koob, B , Stoddart, R W , Hoffman, B , and Lesser, R (1994) Lectm histochemical analystsof glycans m ovme and bovine near term bmucleate cells Cell Tus Res 278, 60 16 10 30 McMahon, R F T , Panesar,M J R , and Stoddart, R W (1994) Glycocoqugates of the normal human colorectum. a lectm htstochemtcal study. Hzstochem J 26, 504-518 3 1 Chapman, S A, Bonshek, R E., Stoddart, R W , Jones,C J P , Mackenzie, K R , O’Donoghue, E , and McLeod, D (1995) GlycoconJugatesof the human trabecular meshwork a lectm histochemtcal study. Hzstochem J 27, 869-88 1

Lectin Hr3tochemistry and Cytochemstry


32 Robb, J L and Stoddart, R W (1988) Partial analysts of the UEA-1 bmdmg ohgosacchartde of human endothehal cells, m The Lectzns (Bog-Hansen, T. and Freed, D L J , eds ), Sigma, St. Louts, MO, 63 1633 33 Jones, C J P , Kirkpatrick, C J , and Stoddart, R. W (1988) An ultrastructural study of the morphology and lectm-bmdmg properties of human mast cell granules Hlstochem J 20,433-442 Their Chemistry, Bzosyntheszs and 34. Sharon, N (1975) Complex Carbohydrates Functions Addrson-Wesley, Reading, MA 35 Downs, F., Herp, A , Moscher. J , and Ptgman, W (1973) l3-eltmmatton and reduction reacttons and some applications of dtmethylsulphoxtde on submaxtllary glycoprotems. Bzochlm Bzophys Acta 328, 182-192 36 Newman, G R , Jasam, B , and Williams, E D (1983) The vtsualisatton of trace amounts of dtammobenztdme (DAB) polymer by a novel gold-sulphtde-silver method J Mzcrosc 132, RPI-RP2 37 Jones, C J P and Stoddart, R W (1986) A post-embeddmg avldm-btotm peroxtdase system to demonstrate the hght and electron mtcroscoptc localtzatton of lectm bmdmg sues m rat ktdney tubules Hzstochem J 18, 371-379 38 Jones, C J P , Dantzer, V , and Stoddart, R. W (1995) Changes m glycan dlstrrbutton wtthm the porcme rnterhaemal barrier durmg gestation C&I Tzsyue Res 279,55 l-564 39 Hsu, S -M and Rame, L (1982) Versatility of blotm-labeled lectms and avtdmbtotm-peroxtdase complex for locahzatton of carbohydrate m tissue sections J Hzstochem Cytochem 30, 157-l 6 1 40 Sarkar, M., Wu, A M., and Kabat, E. A (1981) Immunochemtcal studtes on the carbohydrate specificity of Maclura pomlfera lectm Arch Blochem Bzophys 209, 204-2 18 41 Englund, P T. (1993) The structure and syntheses of glycosyl phosphattdyhnosnol protein anchors Ann Rev Biochem 62, 121-138 42 Jones, C J P , Aplm, J D , Mulholland, J , and Glasser, S R (1993) Patterns of sialylatron m differentrating rat dectdual cells as revealed by lectin histochemtstry J Reprod Fert 99,635-645 43. Chapman, S A., Bonshek, R. E., Stoddart, R W., Mackenzie, K , and McLeod, D. (1994) Localisatton of a(2,3) and a(2,6) linked termmal stahc acid groups m human trabecular meshwork Br .I. Ophthalmol 78,632-637 44. Jones, C. J. P , Mosley, S. M , Jeffrey, I J M , and Stoddart, R. W (1986) Elrmrnation of the non-specific bmdmg of avtdm to tissue sections. Hutochem J 19, 264-268

3 Lectin-Gold Histochemistry on Paraffin and Lowicryl K4M Sections Using Biotin and Digoxigenin-Conjugated Lectins Jiirgen

Roth, Christian

Zuber, Tetsutaro

Sata, and Wei-Ping Li

1. Introduction A variety of staining reacttons for the vlsuahzatron of cellular and extracellular glycoconJugates at the light mtcroscoptc level are available that are based on the detection of carboxyl and sulfate groups or perrodrc acid reactrve configurations (1,2). Starting m the late 1960s lectms have replaced many of these chemical stammg reacttons because of then high spectfictty for defined monoand oligosaccharidrc sequences m both IV- and O-glycostdtc-linked ohgosaccharade side-chains of glycoproteins and glycohptds. In order to be useful as histochemtcal reagents, lectms must be tagged with approprrate markers and those employed m rmmunocytochemtstry have been used successfully (3-9) Hortsberger and coworkers were the first to prepare lectms labeled with particles of colloidal gold and used them m scanning electron mrcroscopy (ZO) Subsequently, gold-labeled lectins were applied m transmission electron mrcroscopy to study varrous aspectsof cell surface expression and mternalizatron of lectm-bindmg sates(5,8, II, 12), as well as m postembedding labeling of Lowrcryl K4M thm sections (23). Later, it was shown that gold-labeled lectins can be used to stain sections of paraffin-embedded tissues (Z&-26), as well as semithm sections of Epon (I 7) and Lowicryl K4M-embedded tissues (I 8,19), However, in order to achieve a visible pmk staining, which 1sthe natural color of particles of colloidal gold m transmitted visible hght (20), htghiy concentrated lectin-gold complexes had to be used, thereby allowing the posstbthty of nonspecific stammg. A major improvement resulted through the apphcatron of a photochemrcal silver reactton for srgnal amphfication (2Z-24), whrch perFrom Methods m Molecular Medfone, Vol 9 Lectm Methods and Protocols Edlted by J M Rhodes and J D Mllton Humana Press Inc , Totowa, NJ



Roth et al.

muted the use of lectms for light mtcroscopy m concentrattons as applied for electron mtcroscopy (25.26). A variety of direct and mdtrect lectm labeling techniques have been worked out during the last two decades (19,27) In this chapter, the use of btotm and dtgoxigemn-conlugated lectms m conlunctton wtth colloidal gold detection systems and silver mtenstfication for hght microscopy will be detailed 1.1. Fixation, Embedding, and Tissue Section Preparation Ttssues, cells grown m suspension or m monolayer culture, and isolated cells can be fixed by buffered aldehydes. In contrast to tmmunohtstochemtstry, which often requires specific fixation protocols depending on a particular protem antigen to be detected, aldehyde-fixation-induced alteration of carbohydrate structures recognized by the various lectms 1sneghgtble. Formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde either alone or m combmatton are very suitable fixatives In our experience, ttssues fixed m 10% buffered formalm, embedded m paraffin for diagnosttc purposes, and stored for several years are very suitable for retrospective lectin htstochemical studies. If at all posstble, organs such as liver, kidney, lung, and brain should be fixed by vascular perfusion, whereas others such as stomach, intestine, and bladder can be conveniently fixed by tmmerston, parttcularly for studies on the mucosa. Aldehyde fixation should be terminated m a controlled manner by tmmerston of the cells and tissues m a buffer contammg molecules with free ammo groups to amtdmate reactive aldehyde groups. This 1sfollowed by paraffin embedding according to a standard protocol or low temperature dehydration m graded ethanol followed by low temperature Lowicryl K4M embeddmg as described (I 9) (see also mstructtons for use provided by the manufacturer [28,29]). Paraffin or Lowtcryl K4M sections mounted on glass slides can be stored at ambient temperature for prolonged periods of time. 1.2. Lectin Histochemistry 1 2 1. Hlstochemlcal Stainmg wdh Lectln-Digoxlgenln Conlugates The steroid hapten dtgoxtgenm (DIG) has been mtroduced as a hapten marker for lectins. Dtgoxtgenm provides a major advantage over btotm since tt occurs naturally only m plants of the digitalis family and no crossreactmg material has been reported to exist m mammalian tissues (3032) This IS m contrast to the natural occurrence of biotm m various tissues and cells, often necessttatmg section pretreatment to block the endogenous btotm (33). The lectin-DIG conlugate bound to tissue sections can be visualized usmg a single anti-DIG antibody gold complex, which 1sfollowed by silver mtenstfi-


















Fig. 1. Schematic presentation of lectm-biotm techmques mvolvmg the sequential use of streptavidin-HRP and anti-HRP antibody-gold complex (A) or of the preformed complex of streptavldln-HRP and anti-HRP antlbody-gold (B)

cation of the gold particles (see Section 1.2.3.) As compared to the use of alkalme phosphatase- or horseradish peroxidase-labeled anti-DIG antibodies, the silver-Intensified gold labeling provides improved resolution and higher contrast in paraffin sections (32). Furthermore, the enzyme-labeled anti-DIG anttbodies cannot be used on Lowicryl K4M sections since the enzyme reaction product does not stick to the sections (32). 7.2.2. Histochemical Staining with Lectin-Biotin


The indirect labeling technique using biotin-conjugated lectins described in this chapter is a modification of the well-known (strept)avidin-biotm prmctple and schematically shown m Fig. 1. The sections are first incubated with a lectm-biotm conjugate followed by incubation with streptavidm-peroxidase conjugate. Then, the histochemtcal visualization of catalytic activity of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) by the diammo benzidme reaction was replaced by the immunological detection of HRP with a gold-labeled anti-HRP antibody. Consequently, blocking of endogenous peroxtdase activity was no longer required. Furthermore, the gold-labeled anti-HRP antibody shows no crossreactivity with peroxidase molecules present m mammalian tissues. As mentioned in Section l-2.2., the silver-intensified gold labeling provides better resolution and higher contrast m paraffin sections as compared to the DAB reaction product. Furthermore, the DAB reaction product does not stick to Lowtcryl K4M sections (32).


Roth et al.

1.2.3. Silver lntensiflcatlon of Lectin-Gold Labeling Trace amounts of parttcles of collotdal gold (and of any other metalhc colloid) forming an mvisible, latent labeling can be rendered vtstble for light mtcroscopy by signal amphfication using silver mtenstficatton The general process consists of the reduction of tome silver on particles of collotdal gold, whtch act as catalysts, m the presence of hydroqumone as reducmg agent under acidic conditions This creates a growing shell of metallic silver around the gold partrcles and, smce metallic silver also catalyzes thts reduction, the reaction becomes autocatalytic. Various silver compounds have been used as source for silver ions. The use of the light-senstttve silver nitrate and silver lactate proved not to be very practical the entire procedure had to be performed m the dark A breakthrough was achieved through the use of silver acetate (34), which permitted the entire silver amphficatton to be performed under daylight (32,35-39). Followmg the silver mtensification, the lectm labeling is indicated by the presence of a black stammg, which IS easily dtstmgutshable from anthracottc and other pigments The silver-amplified gold particle labeling results m a nondiffusible, permanent stammg. Sections can be counterstained with nuclear fast red, with hematoxylm alone, or in combination wtth eosm and then dehydrated and mounted m xylene-based mountants 1 2 4 Controls of Speclfrcity The classical protocol followed to establish the specificity of lectm stammg consists m the incubation of the lectm-DIG conmgate with its appropriate bmdmg substrate prior to its use for stammg Most often mono- and ohgosaccharides are used for this purpose, although they may not be identical to the lectm-binding sites of cellular glycoconlugates The closer the inhibttory substrate 1sto the natural structure recognized by the lectin, the lower the required concentrations are for complete inhibition of lectm bmdmg to tissue sections. Thus, concentrattons of 0.1-l 0 mMcan be sufficient m mhibttton studies when the respective lectms are used m the range of l-20 pg/mL As also mentioned m the chapter by Zuber et al., thts type of control also excludes any posstble nonsugar-related lectm-protein mteractions that somettmes occur. However, abolition of lectm bmdmg by removal of the carbohydrate structure usmg the appropriate exo- and endoglycosrdase provides direct evidence for the spectficity of lectin labeling. Such experiments demonstrate not only spectficity of lectm-carbohydrate mteraction but, at the same time, provide structural mformation. Furthermore, lectm bmdmg to N-glycostdtcally-linked ohgosaccharides or to O-glycosidrcally-linked ohgosacchartdes can be differentiated by the use of the endoglycostdase PNGase F (endo-F) and the B-elimination reac-



tton, respectively n-r the mcubatron


Replacement of the lectm-conjugates wtth the dtlutmg sequences serves as a further control.

2. Materials 2.7. Fixation, Embedding, of Tissue Sections


and Preparation

I Paraformaldehyde (see Note 1) 2 Glutaraldehyde, 25% aqueous, vacuum drstilled, stored under protecttve gas atmosphere HBSS. Hanks balanced salt solutton, pH 7 4 PBS: 10 mMsodmm-phosphate buffer, 150 mMNaC1, pH 7 4 PVP polyvinyl pyrrolidone, 30,000 mol wt. Sodium mtrrte, NaN02 Fixative for tissue: 3% paraformaldehyde-O.1% glutaraldehyde m HBSS or PBS contammg 4% PVP and 70 n-J4 NaNO, (see Note 2) Use freshly prepared fixattve or store frozen at -2OT Alternatively, 10% formaldehyde m 100 mA4 sodmm-phosphate buffer (pH 7 4) may be used Check pH of the fixatIveI 8 Fixative for cells* 2% paraformaldehyde-0 1% glutaraldehyde m HBSS or PBS (see Note 1) Use freshly prepared fixative or store frozen at -20°C Check pH of the fixatrve’ 9 Quenching solutton 50 mA4 NH&l m PBS Store at ambtent temperature and prepare freshly every 4 wk 10. Reagents and equipment for standard paraffin embedding. 11. Lowlcryl K4M kit Lowtcryl K4M monomers may cause severe allergic reactions and are toxic Durmg embedding, tt is strongly recommended that Lowmryl K4M-resistant gloves be used and that mhalatron of the resm vapor be avotded by performing all steps m a well-ventilated fume hood 12. Equipment for low temperature dehydration, resin infiltratton, and polymertzation from Balzers or equivalent. 13. Paraffin mtcrotome and auxthary equipment for preparation of paraffin secttons 14. Ultramicrotome and auxiliary equipment for preparation of Lowtcryl K4M sections (0. l-l pm). 15 Protein-coated glass slides for mounting of paraffin sections 16. Poly-L-lysine, 300,000-500,000 mol wt 17 Poly-L-lysine-activated glass slides for Lowtcryl K4M sections Clean glass slides are marked on one side with a diamond; this regton on the other side 1s covered with aqueous poly-L-lysme solution (1 mg/mL) for 5 min at ambient temperature After a quack rinse wrth dtsttlled water, glass slides are an-dried and stored at ambient temperature until use 18 Mounting of Lowtcryl K4M sections* Place sections with a wne loop onto a water drop m the marked region of poly+lysine-activated shdes and allow to dry overnight at 40°C. Sections can be stored in an ordinary shde box at ambrent temperature for prolonged periods of times.

Roth et a/.

46 2.2. Lectin Histochemistry

1 TBPBS. PBS contammg 1% bovme serum albumm (BSA) and 0 05% Tween-20 plus 0 02% NaN, 2 TTBPBS* PBS contammg 1% BSA, 0 05% Tween-20, and 0 01% Trtton X-100 plus 0 02% NaN,

2.2.1. Lectin-D/gox/genm


1 The vartous lectm-DIG conjugates were obtamed from Boehrmger Mannheim (Mannhelm, Germany) Workmg dilutions of lectins were made up with TBPBS According to the manufacturer’s mstructtons, stock soluttons are stored at 4”C, and workmg dtluttons are always freshly prepared before use Smce most lectms are mttogemc and some are quote toxic, due care should be exercised 2 Anti-DIG antibody-gold complex prepared with 8-nm gold particles (32) or purchased from Boehrmger Mannhetm Workmg dilutions were prepared with TTBPBS and stored at 4°C

2.2.2. Lectin-Biotin


1 The vartous lectm-biotm comugates were purchased from different commercial sources (Sigma, St Louis, MO, Boehrmger Mannhelm; Vector Laboratories, Burlmgame, CA) Working dilutions of lectins were made up with TBPBS According to the manufacturer’s mstructions, stock soluttons are stored at 4”C, and workmg dilutions are always freshly prepared before use 2. Streptavtdm-HRP conjugate was obtamed from Jackson ImmunoResearch Laboratories (West Chester, PA) and working dtlutions were prepared with TBPBS 3 Affinity-purified goat anti-HRP antibody-gold complex (4-nm gold parttcles) was obtained from Jackson ImmunoResearch Laboratories 4 Streptavidin-HRP/antt-HRP antibody-gold complex Mtx equal volumes of streptavtdm-HRP conJugate (1 25 pg/mL) and anti-HRP anttbody gold (A5*s n,,,= 0 1) 3&60 mm prior to use Complexes can be stored for up to 2 wk at 4°C


Silver lntensifica tion Solution A: 0.2% w/v silver acetate (from Fluka, Buchs, Switzerland) m doubledisttlled water (e g., 100 mg of silver acetate dissolved m 50 mL double-distilled water). Dissolve wtth a magnetic stirrer m an Erlenmeyer covered with a sheet of aluminum or somcate for 5 s m a water bath Stlver acetate dtssolves slowly; prepare at least 30 min m advance (see Note 3) Solutton B: 0.5% w/v hydroqumone m citrate buffer (0 05M, pH 3.8) (e.g , 250 mg hydroqumone m 50 mL citrate buffer) Generally make twice as much solution B as solution A Photographic tixattve (i.e., Superfix from Agfa). 1% glutaraldehyde m PBS Commerctally available sliver mtensification kits




2.2.4. Specificity Controls 1, Various mono- and ohgosacchandes, neoglycoprotems, and purified glycoprotems can be obtamed from different commercial sources (Sigma; Glycosystems; Chemblomed, Alberta, Canada). 2 Various exo- and endoglycosldases can be obtamed from different commercial sources (Sigma; Boehringer Mannhelm; Calblochem, La Jolla, CA) For preparation of workmg solutions and conditions of use and storage, consult product mformatlon sheets of the respective supphers. 3 D-ellmmation solution 0 INNaOH 4 Solution for acidic methanolysls: 0 IN HCl m methanol

3. Methods 3.1. Fixation, Embedding,

and Tissue Sections

1 Deparaffimze and rehydrate paraffin sections according to standard protocol 2 Rehydrate Lowlcryl K4M sections by covermg them with PBS Resm removal 1s not required (nor possible owmg to the nature of the chemical bonds) for subsequent lectm labeling (or lmmunostammg)

3.2. Lecfin Histochemistry 3 2 1. Lectin-Digoxigenin Technique 1 Condlbon sectfons with TBPBS or TTBPBS for 5 mm at ambrent temperature (see Note 4). 2 Dram condltlonmg solution Avoid drymg of sectlons 3 Incubate with diluted lectm-DIG conJugate (see Table 1) for 45 mm at amblent temperature m a moist chamber. 4 Wash sections m PBS (2 x 5 mm) 5 Incubate wtth 8 nm gold-labeled anti-DIG antibody diluted m TTBPBS (A,,, nm = 0.05) for 1 h at ambient temperature m a moist chamber 6 Wash sections m PBS (2 x 5 mm). 7. Immerse slides with sectlons m 1% glutaraldehyde in PBS for 20 mm (see Note 5) 8. Rinse sectrons quickly with PBS and thoroughly with double-distIlled water followed by air drymg. The air-dried sectlons can be stored up to several months or can be immediately processed by silver amplification (see Sectlon 3 2.3 )

3.2.2. Lectin-Biotin


1. Condition sections with TBPBS or TTBPBS for 5 mm at amblent temperature (see Note 4) 2 Drain conditioning solution Avold drying of sectlons 3. Incubate with diluted lectm-blotm conJugate for 45 mm at amblent temperature m a moist chamber 4 Rinse sections with PBS or TBS (2 x 5 mm) 5 Incubate with streptavldm-HRP conjugate. Workmg dllutlon (1 25 pg/mL) was prepared with TTBPBS 6 Rinse sections with PBS (2 x 5 mm)

Table 1 A List of Selected Lectm source






Arachls hypogaea Canavalla enslformls Datura stramomum


Glycme max Helucpomatra LimaxJlavus Maacba amurensls


Phaseolusvulgarls Sambucusmgra Anguzlla angullla Dollchos blflorus Erythnna crlstagalll Galanthusnwahs Lens culrnarls


Lotus tetragonolobus




Trrtlcum vulgare Ulex europaeus




of Their

Specificity Gal p1,3 GalNAc, NeuSAc a2,3 Gal p1,3 GalNAc” Gal PI,3 Gal NAc Branched hexoses GlcNAc (Gal) p l-4 GlcNAc and ohgomers GalNAc al ,3 Gal GalNAc Slahc acid@ NeuSAc a2,3 Gal p 1,4 GlcNAc GlcNAc p 1,6 Man a 1 NeuSAc a2,6 Gal (GalNAc) aFuc GalNAc a 1,3 GalNAc Gal PI,4 GlcNAc Man al,3 Man Branched mannoses with a fucose Fuc al,3 Gal p1,4 [Fuc al-31 GlcNAc Gal /31,4 GlcNAc j31,2 Man a 1,6-+ (GlcNAc j3 l-4 GlcNAc), Fuc al ,2 Gal p 1,4 GlcNAc

Use LectlsDIG concentrations


InhIbitor concentrations

25 pg/mL

Synthetic T antigen T antigen neoglycoprotem

1onLV lOmII4

25 PgimL 5 pg/mL IO pg/mL

25 pg/mL 1 pg/mL 0 5 pg/mL 25 pg/mL

D-Gal Methyl-a-mannopyranoslde Lactosamm Aslalofetum Aslaloovomucold N-N-chltoblose GalNAc GalNAc NeuSAc a2,3 slalyllactose

lOOmA 5mM 200 mA4 2 pg/mL 500 pg/mL 500 pg/mL lOmA a2,6 > a2,3 > a2,3 >

a2,6 a2,3 a2,8 a2,8, not a2,6

> a2,8 > a2,8 = a2,6


7 Incubate with gold-labeled anti-HRP antibody (dduted with TTBPBS to A525“,,, = 0 05) for I h at ambient temperature m a motst chamber 8 Rinse secttons wtth PBS (2 x 5 mm) 9 Immerse slides with secttons m I % glutaraldehyde in PBS for 20 mm (see Note 5) 10. Rinse sections qutckly wtth PBS and thoroughly wtth double-distilled water followed by arr drymg The au-dried secttons can be stored up to several months or can be rmmedtately processed by silver amplification In this protocol, steps 6-8 can be replaced by a smgle mcubatton step with streptavidm-HIV/anti-HRP antibody gold complex (see ttem 4 m Sectron 2 2.2.).

3.2.3 Silver Intensification 1 Silver intensification* Place slides with the secttons m solution B to whtch an equal volume of dtsttlled water has been added for 2-5 mm at ambient temperature. Transfer the slides in the developer consistmg of equal volumes of solutton A and B and incubate for 18-25 mm at 20-22°C (see Note 6) 2. Rinse briefly with double-dtstilled water 3. Place sltdes with the sections in photographtc tixattve for 2-3 min 4. Rinse thoroughly with tap water 5. Counterstain as required, and mount.

3.2.4. Specificity Controls 1. Incubate lectm solutton wtth the inhibitory and nonmhtbttory mono- and ohgosaccharides, neoglycoprotems, or purified glycoprotems for 30 mm at ambtent temperature and use in parallel with standard lectm solutton m step 3 of the protocols listed under Sections 3 2 1 and 3 2 2. Correct pH when acidic reagents (stahc acids) are used. See Table 1 for working concentrattons of mhtbttory substances. 2 Replace the lectm-DIG or lectm-btotm conJugate wtth the drlutmg buffer 3. Incubate ttssue sections after condtttomng with the required exo- and endoglycosidase (see Table 2) Incubatton condmons according to suppliers’ instructtons Run control with enzyme-free buffer under tdenttcal condtttons 4 13-ehmmation reactton Float Lowicryl sections on large droplets of 0 1-O 2N NaOH for 12-36 h at 37°C m a moist chamber Afterward, rinse four trmes, 5 mm each with double-distilled water, mount sections on poly-L-lysme-activated shdes, an-dry at 40°C overnight, and proceed wtth lectm labehng

Roth et al.

50 4. Notes

Formaldehyde is freshly prepared from paraformaldehyde by heatmg to 70°C Solutton IS cooled to room temperature, filtered wtth filter paper, and pH is adjusted to 7 O-7 4 if only formaldehyde is used for fixation The fixative IS usually prepared usmg Hanks balanced salt solution or PBS, and used either freshly prepared or stored frozen at -20°C We perform lixanon either at 35-37°C (tissues and cell cultures) or at ambient temperature The PVP 1s added to prevent osmotically induced changes of the extracellular spaces and NaN02 to paralyze blood vessel’s musculature Due care should be exercised to use quartz-distilled water or equivalent to prepare the solutions required for signal amphfication. Furthermore, the glassware used for the silver reaction needs to be scrupulously cleaned and rinsed with double-distilled water It is generally recommended that freshly prepared solutions A and B be used However, we noticed that silver acetate and hydroqumone solution stored m a refrtgerator for up to 4 wk produced the same stammg results as freshly prepared ones In this case, due care is needed to be taken to warm the solutions to room temperature before use smce the photochemtcal process is temperature dependent This step is performed prior to the lectm mcubation to prevent or minimize nonspecific mteractions between the lectm and constituents contained m the paraffin sections. The blocking step may not be required if sections of Lowicryl K4Membedded tissues are used Fixation is required to prevent low pH-induced loss of labeling during silver mtensificatton Alternatively, secttons may be quickly rinsed in water to remove salts and air-dried before silver mtenstfication. Mix solution A and B a few seconds before use Place sections vertically to prevent fallout of autocatalytically formed silver precipitates Such precipitated silver cannot be removed by rmsmg We found it useful to sihcomze the glassware and mandatory to avoid metal slide holders and metal forceps The silver mtenstficatton is performed under daylight and can be monitored microscopically, the slides being observed upside down In our hands, a developing time of 18 mm between 20 and 22’C results m optimal signal amplificatton. The deposition of silver proceeds exponenttally and reaches optimal levels during the last 3-4 mm of the developing time Toward the end of the developing time, the developer starts to turn dark

References 1 Spacer, S. S., Baron, D S , Sato, A., and Schulte, B. A. (198 1) Variabthty of cell surface glycoconlugates. Relation to differences m cell function. J Hzstochem

Cytochem 29,994 2 Reid, P E and Park, C M. (1990) Carbohydrate Histochemutry of Eplthelzal Glycoproteuzs Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, pp l-l 70. 3. Nicolson, G. (1974) The mteractton of lectms with animal surfaces Znt Rev Cytol 39,89-190




4. Roth, J (1978) The lectms Molecular probes m cell biology and membrane research Exp Path Suppl 3, 1-186 5 Roth, J. and Binder, M (1978) Colloidal gold, ferrttm and peroxtdase as markers for electron mtcroscoptc double labeling lectm techniques J Hlstochem Cytochem 26, 163-l 69 6 Roth, J and Thoss, K (1974) Light and electron microscopic demonstration of D-mannose and D-glucose like sites at the cell surface by means of the lectm from the Lens culmarts Experzentza 3,414 7 Roth, J and Thoss, K (1975) The use of fluorescem tsothiocyanate labeled lectms for immunohistochemtcal demonstration of saccharides I Methodical mvestrgations with Concanavalm A, Lens culmarts lectm and Ricmus cornmums lectm Exp Path lo,258267 8 Roth, J and Wagner, M. (1977) Peroxtdase and gold complexes of lectms for double labeling of cell surface bmdmg sites by electron microscopy J Hutochem Cytochem 25, 118 1-I 184 9 Roth, J , Binder, M , and Gerhard, J (1978) ConJugatron of lectins with fluorochromes. an approach to histochemrcal double labebng of carbohydrate components. Histochemzstry 56,265-273 10 Horrsberger, M , Rosset, J , and Bauer, H. (1975) Colloidal gold granules as markers for cell surface receptors m the scanning electron microscope. Expenentla 31,1147 11 Hortsberger, M. and Rosset, J (1977) Colloidal gold, a useful marker for transmrsston and scannmg electron microscopy. J Hlstochem Cytochem 25,295-305 12 Wagner, M , Roth, J , and Wagner, B (1976) Gold-labeled protectm from Helix pomatta for the localtzatton of blood group A antigen from human erythrocytes by rmmuno freeze etching Exp Path 12,277-281 13 Roth, J (1983) Application of lectm-gold complexes for electron mtcroscoptc localtzatton of glycocornugates on thm sections J Hlstochem Cytochem 31, 987-999 14 Roth, J (1983) Application of tmmunocollotds n-r light mtcroscopy. II Demonstration of lectm-gold complexes or glycoprotem-gold complexes J Hwtochem Cytochem 31,547-552 15 Roth, J. (1983) m Technzques zn Immunocytochemlstry (Bullock, G and Petrusz, P , eds ), Academic, London, pp. 2 17-284 16 Lucocq, J and Roth, J (1985) m Technzques zn Zmmunocytochemzstry (Bullock, G and Petrusz, P , eds ), Academic, London, pp. 203-236 17 Lucocq, J and Roth, J (1984) Applications of tmmunocollotds m light microscopy. III. Demonstratton of anttgemc and lectm-bmdmg sites m semithm resin sections J Hzstochem Cytochem 32, 1075-1083 18. Roth, J., Brown, D , and Orct, L. (1983) Regional distrtbutton of N-acetyl-Dgalactosamme residues in the glycocalyx of glomerular podocytes J Cell Brol 96, 1189-1196 19. Roth, J (1989) in Vesxular transport Methods tn Cell Bzology (Tartakoff, A , ed.), Academic, San Diego, pp 5 13-55 1


Roth et al.

20 Faraday, M (1857) Experimental relations of gold (and other metals) to light Phil Trans R Sot 147, 145-181 21 Danscher, G (1981) Locahsatton of gold m btologtcal tissue. A photochemtcal method for hght and electron microscopy Hzstochemzstry 71,81-88 22 Danscher, G and Rytter Norgaard, J 0 ( 1983) Ltght mtcroscoptc vtsuahzatton of collotdal gold on resin-embedded tissue J Hzstochem Cytochem 31, 1394-I 398 23 Holgate, C S , Jackson, P , Cowen, P N , and Bird, C C (1983) Immunogoldstlver stammg new method of tmmunostammg with enhanced senstttvtty .I Hutochem Cytochem 3 1,93 8-944 24 Sprmgall, D R , Hacker, G W , Grtmelms, L , and Polak, J M (1984) The potential of the tmmunogoldstlver stammg method for paraffin sections Hutochemutry 81, 603-608 25 TaatJes, D J , Schaub, U , and Roth, J (1987) Light mtcroscoptcal detection of anttgens and lectm bmdmg sites wtth gold labeled reagents on semtthm Lowtcryl K4M sections usefulness of the photochemtcal silver reaction for signal amphficanon Hlstochem J 19,235-245 26. TaatJes, D J , Roth, J , Peumans, W , and Goldstein, I J (1988) Elderberry bark lectm-gold techniques for the detection of NeuSAc(a2,6)GallGalNAc sequences apphcattons and llmttattons Hzstochem J 20,478490 27 TaatJes, D and Roth, J (1991) Glycosylatlon m intestinal eptthelmm Znt Rev Cytol 126, 135-193 28 Carlemalm, E., Garavlto, R M , and Vtlhger, W (1982) Resin development for electron microscopy and an analysts of embedding at low temperature J Mzcrosc (Oxford) 126, 123-J 43 29 Roth, J , Bendayan, E., Carlemalm, E , Vtlhger, W , and Garavtto, M (198 1) The enhancement of structural preservation and lmmunocytochemtcal stammg m low temperature embedded pancreatic tissue J Hzstochem Cytochem 29,663-67 1 30 Haselbeck, A., Schtckaneder, E , and Hosel, W (1990) Structural charactertzatton of glycoprotem carbohydrate chants by using dtgoxtgenm-labelled lectms on blots Anal Btochem 191,25-30 31 Haselbeck, A., Schtkander, E., Schmidt, A., v d Eltz, H , and Hosel, W (1989) New Technzques for the ldentzficatzon and charactertzatzon of glycoproteuzs on gels and blots, Proc 19th FEBS meeting, Rome 13 Sata, T., Zuber, C , and Roth, J (1990) Lectm dtgoxtgenm conJugates. a new >&. hapten system for glycoconJugate cytochemlstry Hzstochemzstry 94, l-l 1 33 Wood, G and Warnke, R (1981) Suppression of endogenous avtdm-bmdmg acttvtty rn tissues and its relevance to blotin-avtdm detection systems J Hlstochem Cytochem 29, 11961204 34 Skutelsky, E , Goyal, V , and Alroy, J (1987) The use of avtdn-gold complex for light mtcroscoptc locahzatton of lectm receptors Hzstochemutry 86,291 35. Hacker, G W , Grimelms, L , Danscher, G , Bernatzky, G , Muss, W , Adam, H , and Thurner, J (1988) Silver acetate autometallography. an alternative enhancement technique for tmmunogold-sliver staining (IGSS) and silver amplification of gold, silver, mercury and zmc m tissues J Hzstotechnol 11,2 13-22 1




36 Sata, T , Lackle, P , TaatJes, D , Peumans, W , and Roth, J (1989) Detectron of the NeuAc (a2,3) Gal (01,4) GlcNAc sequence wtth the leukoagglutmm from Maackta amurensis light and electron mlcroscoptc demonstratton of dtfferenttal ttssue expression of terminal siahc actd m a2,3 and a2,6-linkage J Hzstochem Cytochem

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37 Sata, T , Zuber, C , Rinderle, S J , Goldstem, I J and Roth, J (1990) Expression patterns of the T anttgen and the cryptic T anttgen in rat fetuses detectton with the lectm Amaranthm J Hutochem Cytochem 38, 763-774 38. Sata, T , Roth, R , Zuber, C., Stamm, B , and He&z, P ( 199 1) Expression of a2,6hnked srahc actd resrdues rn neoplastrc but not m normal colomc mucosa Am J Pazhol 139, 1435-1448

39 TaatJes, D and Roth, J (1990) Selecttve loss of slahc acid ftom rat small lntestlnal epttheltal cells durmg postnatal development demonstratton with lectm-gold techmques Eur J Cell Blol 53,255-266 40 Schulte, B A and Spacer, S S (1983) Ltght mtcroscoplc htstochemlcal detection of termmal galactose and N-acetylgalactosamme residues m rodent complex carbohydrates using a galactose oxtdase-Schtff sequence and the peanut lectm-horseradish peroxidase comugate J Hutochem Cytochem 31, 19-24 41 Ravmdranath, M. H., Htga, H. H , Cooper, E L , and Paulson, J C. (1985) Purrfication and charactertzatton of an 0-acetylstahc actd-specttic from a marme crab Cancer


J Blol Chem 260.8850-8856

Use of Fluorochrome-Labeled in Light Microscopy Udo Schumacher


and Barry S. Mitchell

1. Introduction The use of lectms with different carbohydrate specrficttres has demonstrated that there is a great dlverstty of carbohydrate restdues, partrcularly m glycoconJugates of the cell membranes, but also m (sub)termmal carbohydrate resrdues of mucms and then precursors stored m the mucin granules of goblet and other mucm-producing cells (1,2). The methods for the detectton of these carbohydrate resrdues usmg fluorescence microscopy have mamly been carrred out on cryostat or paraffin wax sections, although the use of fluorescentlabeled lectms on semrthm sections IS m principle possible, but not advisable owmg to the lack of amplificatton signal. The particular advantages of using fluorochrome-labeled lectms are* first, the methodology 1squick and easy to perform; second, quantrficatron of the lectin binding mtenstty IS possrble by using fluorescence-activated cell sorters (FACS) or analyzers and digital imaging processing Standard schedules for tissue processmg may be used, since sugars to which lectms bmd are usually fixed by most fixatives and not rendered too labile by standard processmg (aside from glycohptds, which are soluble m the organic solvents used to process tissues to paraffin wax). In these cases,fresh or fixed cryostat sections may be the method of chotce. Optimal lectm binding has been reported after use of ethanol or Bouin’s or Carnoy’s fixattves (3). After formalm fixation, however, proteolytic enzymes will often be required to improve lectm bmdmg (4), though use of the latter must be optrmrzed as m rmmunohlstochemistry (5). The precrse locahzatron of lectin-binding satesdepends, therefore, to some extent on the fixation and tissue-processing regimen utilized (6) In a study of lectin bmdmg m human breast cancer cell lines, considerable From Methods in Molecular Medune, Vol 9 Lect/n Edited by J M Rhodes and J D Mllton Humana


Methods Press

and frofoco*k Inc , Totowa, NJ


Schumacher and Mtchell

variattons m the bmdmg of Helzx pomatla agglutmm (HPA) were observed dependmg on whether livmg cells, fixed cells, or fixed and paraffin wax embedded cells were used In addition, the results were mfluenced by the technique used (direct with fluorescem isothtocyanate [FITC] versus peroxidase antiperoxidase technique) It was observed that the mfluence of fixation and processing on lectm bmdmg is complex (6). Although it was generally the case m this latter study that fixation and embeddmg reduced the amount of lectm bmdmg, there was an Increase m lectm bmdmg with some lectms, probably owmg to exposure of intracellular lectm-bmdmg sites after sectionmg. These results serve to emphasize the need to assesseach lectm on an mdividual basts m order to obtain comparable data The methods avatlable for demonstratton of lectm-bmdmg sites at hght level are mostly similar to those used m immunohistochemistry Those utthzmg FITC, either directly or mdtrectly, are impermanent. The advantages of using FITC, however, are that it IS a small molecule and it is less likely to influence the carbohydrate bmdmg site of a lectm as could larger marker molecules lake horseradish peroxidase The FITC-labeled lectms may also be used m conJunction with the light mtcroscope to mvestigate receptor-mediated endocytosts mechanisms (7) Studtes m which smgle cells may be distmgmshed m flow cytometry are another way m which FITC-labeled lectms can be used to sort cells mto those that express certain sugar groups and those that do not. Such methods can be of considerable use m quantitative population studies and cell function assays (6,8). Fluorochrome lectms may also be used m double labeling (e.g., FITC and TRITC, rhodamme), and/or with anttbodies m studies that facihtate cell populatton identification. The methods described m this paper give short accounts of FITC-lectm labeling m paraffin wax sections, use of such lectms m cytophotometric analyses to quantify lectm uptake, and use of lectms m FACS analysis that enables studies of carbohydrate composition of glycocomugates m studymg cell populations. 2. Materials 1 RPMI- 1640 tissue culture medmm

2. Fetal calf serum 3 Pemclllm (5000 LJlmL) and streptomycm (5000 pg/mL) 4 FITC or otherwise (TRITC, rhodamme)-labeled lectms (see Appendix), obtamed from Sigma (Poole, Dorset, UK) 5 0 IA4 phosphate-buffered salme, pH 7 4

6. 4% neutral-buffered formahn. 7 Heat-mactlvated

8 Glutamine

fetal calf serum




Fig. 1. A paraffin wax section of duodenum, showing Brunner’s WGA lectin.

glands reacted for

9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

16 umol/mL Sodium bicarbonate. HEPES buffer. 50 UimL penicillin and streptomycin. 10% IL-2-containing tissue culture medium supernatant. Shandon Sequenza immunostaining center, Life Sciences International (Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK). 14. Clicks tissue culture medium (Altick, Hudson, WI). 15. Citifluor (University of Kent at Canterbury, UK).

3. Methods 3.1. Method 1: Use of FITC-Labeled on Sectioned Material


1. Bring paraffin wax sections of duodenum containing Brunner’s glands to O.lM Tris-buffered saline (TBS), pH 7.4, containing 2% CaCl, and incubated for 30 min in a Shandon Sequenza immunostaining center with 100 uL of FITClabeled lectin (100 ug/mL lectin; see Appendix) at room temperature (see Note 1). 2. Wash sections several times in TBS and mount in Citifluor. 3. Examine the sections on a fluorescence microscope, using exciter and barrier filters appropriate for FITC. 4. Check the specificity of each reaction by using a negative control in which the lectin is incubated with its appropriate binding sugar (see Appendix). 5. Examine and photograph sections (see Note 2 and Fig. 1) on a fluorescence microscope fitted with filters appropriate for FITC. Light microscopic localization of FITC-lectin binding sites is sufficient to visualize labeled membranes as well as intracellular organelles such as the Golgi apparatus (see Note 3).

Schumacher and Mitchell


Fig. 2. Cells of the myelomonocytic cell line U937 after incubation with RCA-I lectin. Reactivity can be seen associated with the cell membrane and intracellular granules.

3.2. Method 2: Use of FITC-Labeled in Cytophotometric Analyses


FITC-lectins have been used in studies of uptake mechanisms in cells. Internalization occurs by endocytosis via both clatharin- and nonclatharin-mediated mechanisms. 1. Culture myelomonocytic cell lines (U 937 obtained from Sundstriim [9], and HL 60 obtained from the Department of Experimental Haematology, University of Munich) in a tissue culture incubator with 5% carbon dioxide and 95% humidified air maintained at 37”C, using RPMI-1640 medium, supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum and 1% penicillin:streptomycin. 2. Incubate the cell lines (50 uL of 1 x lo6 cells) for up to 24 h with a panel of FITC-labeled lectins (50 pg lectin/mL dissolved in 0.15M phosphate-buffered saline, pH 7.4). 3. Wash the cells twice after incubation with the lectins in PBS and then fix in 4% neutral-buffered formalin and photograph (see Note 7 and Fig. 2).

3.3. Method 3: Use of FITC-Labeled Lectins in Quantita five Internalization Studies A modification to the methodology described in Section 3.2. is the quantitation of internalization using cytophotometric analysis. A cytophotometric method was used to measure wheatgerm agglutinin (WGA) uptake in activated lymphocytes. 1. Maintain lymphocytes (I O,I1]) in Clicks/RPMI-

from the cell line CTLL-I (cytotoxic lymphocytes 1640 (50/50) tissue culture medium supplemented with




50 3 40 c F 2 30 8 2 20 5: 2 2



Experiment 2 OExperiment


Experiment 4 Experiment 5

10 0





Incubation Time (hours) Fig. 3. A graphical representation of the results of an incubation experiment with WGA lectin. The graphs show the effect of extending incubation time on intensity of fluorescence. Experiments 1-5 are replicates.

2. 3.

4. 5. 6. 7.

2% heat inactivated fetal calf serum, 300 yglmL glutamine, 16 pmol/mL sodium bicarbonate, 25 pmol/mL HEPES buffer, 50 U/mL penicillin and streptomycin, and 10% IL-2 containing supernatant (see Note 4). Incubate stimulated cells (500,00O/mL) with 4 pg/mL WGA. Place the cells in suspension onto a glass microscope and measure the intensity of fluorescence with a microphotometer (MPV compact, Leitz, Wetzlar, Germany). Examine cells with a x70 oil immersion lens using a BG 12 excitation filter, and a green analysis filter (5 15-530 nm) and a 100-W mercury vapor lamp. Measure the background fluorescence in areas free of labeled cells and subtract from the cell-associated fluorescence. Examine lo&120 cells for each experiment to give measures of fluorescence intensity in arbitrary units, which allows a comparison between samples. The results show an increase in WGA uptake, which varied with the length of incubation (see Notes 5 and 6, and Fig. 3).

3.4. Method 4: Use of NTC-Labeled

Lectins in FACS Analysis

1. Incubate U937 (a myelomonocytic cell line) tumor cells at 4°C for 1 h with one of four lectins (25 pL/lO’): Con-A, UEA-I, PHA-L, and WGA all labeled with FITC. 2. Wash the cells twice with PBS. 3. Pass the cell suspensions (in PBS) through an EPICS(R) Coulter FACS analysis machine.

Schumacher and Mitchell


. . .... . m m_ _

u937 contr CON+ UEA-1 PHA-L



. . . . . . .._




Fig. 4. An overlay of fluorescence intensity measured on a FACS machine for U937 cells incubated with Con A, UEA- 1, PHA-L, or WGA lectins. Arbitrary units of relative cell numbers are shown on the y-axis, and of relative fluorescence intensity on the x-axis. 4. The cells pass through the sample nozzle (which has to be 5&100 pm in diameter depending on the diameter of the cells to be analyzed) in the FACS machine to produce a stream of single cells whose size/fluorescence intensity may be measured. 5. Determine the level of autofluorescence by passage of unlabeled cells through the FACS machine prior to labeled cells. For FITC, a 525-nm exciter filter is used. 6. Pass the cells that have been reacted with the lectin-FITC are then passed through the machine at a rate of 5000 cells/min. 7. Results are represented by Figs. 4-9. In Fig. 4, an overlay of the results is shown. It can be seen that the labeling of this particular population of cells varied accordFig. 5. (oppositepage; top) The FACS analysis of PHA-L-labeled U937 cells. The black line encircling the scatter distribution in (A) represents the cell population that was assessed. On the y-axis is FS (forward scatter), which corresponds to cell granularity, and on the x-axis is SS (side scatter), which gives a relative measure of cell number. In (B) the relative intensity of fluorescence (log scale on the x-axis) has been plotted against relative cell number on the y-axis. Fig. 6. (opposite page; middle) The FACS analysis of WGA-labeled U937 cells. See Fig. 5 for details of axes. Fig. 7. (opposite page; bottom) The FACS analysis of Con A-labeled U937 cells. See Fig. 5 for details of axes.


_:_,;; .-:_ _. :. y.’ .: ‘.____: : c.’‘,: ,.,.

m- : m,0




30 ss




I 1







I , , ,(,11,,

m 0



30 ss





, , ,1,,1,1 1


( , ,,I(

4, ,.:, 100


’ “““l’ 100

’ ’ “‘lm 1000

, ,. %-

: ‘B


8 %

2 b).. - : .‘.

.* _,,.:,...:; ‘. ._,‘..;. .’ ::_.,,. *2...::.









I CD, .l ’

Figs. 5-7.

I “L”“’


’ ““‘il’



Schumacher and Mitchell

Fig. 8. The FACS analysis of UEA-l-labeled

,.:.,’ :: .’ :...::, ,,:: : “B .,.‘.: ._I.. :,. ,. : .‘.: I.‘.

2- A


U937 cells. See Fig. 5 for details of axes.



30 SS





Fig. 9. The FACS analysis of U937 cells without lectin incubation. See Fig. 5 for details of axes.

ing to the lectin used; therefore, there is a possibility of sorting the cells into different lectin-positive and lectin-negative populations. Individual representations of FACS analyses for each of the lectins are shown in Figs. 5-9. In Fig. 5A, the field selected for measurement, set arbitrarily, is shown. Figure 5B indicates the fluorescence of cells labeled with WGA. This is the most intensive lectin labeling for U937 cells. In comparison, Fig. 6 shows the results for Con-A, Fig. 7 for PHA-L, and Fig. 8 for UEA- 1 of successively decreasing lectin reactivity. The results of the negative control can be seen in Fig. 9, wherein relatively very low levels of fluorescence were detected (see also Notes 7-9).




4. Notes 1 Using the Shandon Sequenza immunostammg center, tt IS posstble to ensure that a umform amount of lectm IS delivered to the sectton ma known volume that IS equally applied to all sections Washing of sections IS far more efficient than wtth manual methods It IS possible to incubate secttons wtth lectms wtthout thts apparatus, but Its use does give consistent, “clean” results, which are superior to sections incubated on a stammg rack. The use of 100 ug lectm/mL 1s rather high, but it ensures that a reaction takes place If carbohydrate residues specific for that lectm are present. It is recommended that dtluttons 50,25, and 12.5 pg/mL be used to assessbackground to target ratios. Use of appropriate dtluttons will result m considerable savmgs 2. In paraffin wax secttons, the Intensity of fluorescence may be graded semtquantttattvely if requued It is also possible to undertake double labelmg experiments wherein two or more dtfferent lectm-bmdmg sites are identified using lectins with dtfferent markers attached, e g , FITC and TRITC (rhodamme) In double-labeling studies, tt is imperative to ensure that no lectn-lectm mteracttons occur smce this would result m a false posmve reactton 3 Whereas the abthty of secttons of different tissues vartes with respect to then abilities to bind labeled lectms, the latter may be detected m varymg mtensittes Generally, fluorescence can be detected that 1s membrane-associated, and also that 1s located m mtracellular organelles, often m endocytotic vestcles, which generally fuse with lysosomes 4. IL-2-contammg supematant as used m the cytophotometnc studies to measure WGA uptake was prepared using 24-h culture medium (RPMI- 1640/10% fetal calf serum) from cultures of Con A 2 5 ug/mL stimulated normal DBA/2 mouse spleen cells 5. The uptake of labeled lectms demonstrates that carbohydrate-contammg bmdmg sites are present, and that there are mechanisms to Internalize the bound lectm glycoconJugate complexes Dtfferently labeled lectms could be used to examme couptake and cornternahzation The precise methodology used can result in differences m uptake and binding, particularly m mtenstty of fluorescence 6. The estimates resulting from cytophotometrtc studies allow a quantttattve measure to be obtamed that may be used in comparative studtes. It also allows the momtormg of changes m lectm bmdmg over a period of time, which indicates the changes m expresston of cell surface receptors, as m Fig 3 7. The cytophotometric approach for quantitative studies of lectm uptake has the advantage over FACS analyses m that m the latter, large cells, including epitheha1 and tumor cells, sometimes stick to the tubing m the machme and block the flow If cells are grown on cover slips, no enzymatic pretreatment (trypsmlzanon) for loosenmg of the cells has to be used. Smce enzyme pretreatment can digest away lectm-binding sites under these condtttons, tt is not recommended (in contrast to fixed maternal) 8. Adherent cells grown on cover slips can be assessed by both the cytophotometrtc and FACS methods. 9 Large cell aggregates can be removed by passing the cells through a double layer of lens tissue or forcmg the cells through a 25-gage syrmge needle.


Schumacher and Mitchell

References 1 Sharon, N and LIS, H (1972) Lectms. cell agglutinating and sugar specific molecules Science 177, 949-955 2 LIS. H and Sharon, N (1986) Lectms as molecules and tools. Ann Rev Bzochem 55,35-67 3 Rlttman, B R and MacKenzie, I C ( 1983) Effects of hIstologIca processmg on lectm bmdmg patterns m oral mucosa and skm Hzstochem J 15, 467-474 4 Walker, R A (1984) The bmdmg of peroxldase-labelled lectms to human breast eplthehum I-normal, hyperplastlc and lactating breast J Puthol 144,279-291 5 Mepham, B L , Frater, W , and Mitchell, B S (1979) The use of proteolytlc enzymes to Improve lmmunoglobulm stammg by the PAP techmque. Hzstochem J 11,345-357 6 Schumacher, U , Adam, E , Brooks, S A , and Leathem, A J (1995) Lectm-bmdmg properties of human breast cancer cell lines and human milk with particular reference to Helix pomatla agglutmm J Hzstochem Cytochem 43,275-28 1 7 Horst, H -A., Schumacher, U , Horny, H -P , and Lennert, K (1992) Lectm-bmdmg profile of plasmacytold monocytes Hum Path01 23, 1178-I 181 8 Schumacher, U , Wledmann, B , and Stemmann, G G (1989) Wheat germ agglutmm uptake by cytotoxlc lymphocytes, a quantltatlve model of receptor-mediated endocytosls Protoplasma 151, 124-127 9 Sundstrom, C and NIlsson, K (1976) Estabhshment and characterlsatlon of a human hlstlocytlc lymphoma cell lme (U937) Int. J Cancer 17, 565-577 10 G~lhs, S and Smith, K A (1977) Long term culture of tumour-specific cytotoxlc T cells Nature 268, 154-l 56 Il. G~llls, S., Ferm, M M., Ou, W , and Smith, K A (1979) T cell growth factor parameters of productlon and a quantltatlve mlcroassay for actlvlty J Immunol 120,2027-2032

5 The Use of Lectins in Combination with Enzymatic Digestion for the Study of Glycoconjugates in Cartilage Sibylle Hoe&-Schmidt 1. Introduction Cartilage is a highly speciahzed connective tissue that consists of cells embedded within an abundant extracellular matrtx. The extracellular matrtx of articular cartilage is composed of several types of collagens, proteoglycans, glycoprotems, noncollagenous protems, polysacchartdes, and water (for review, see refs. 1 and 2). Besides type II collagen as a major constituent, the predominant proteoglycan of cartilage tissue is the large aggregating proteoglycan (aggrecan) consistmg of a core protein to which glycosammoglycans and N- as well as O-lmked ohgosaccharides are attached. This proteoglycan is able to form specific aggregates with hyaluromc acid and lmk protein The integrity of cartilage matrix depends on the equilibrium between anabolic synthetic and catabolic degradattve processes. Any perturbatton of etther the rate of synthesis or rate of catabolism must lead to pathologtcal changes m the structural and functional consmutton of the cartilage ttssue. Using lectmbmdmg techniques, alterations in the composition of matrix components (e.g., proteoglycans) m osteoarthrittc cartilage can be visualized (3,4). The target structures of lectm-binding patterns in articular cartilage tissue have been evaluated using monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against a variety of epttopes on proteoglycan molecules (2). Interactions between carbohydrates and lectins have also been studied for the tdenttflcatron of subcellular compartments contammg oligosaccharide moieties (5-7). Furthermore, carbohydrates as components of glycoproteins or glycolipids are important cell-surface molecules involved in cell recognition and growth (8). From Methods /n Molecular Medmne, Vol 9 Lectrn Methods and Protocols Edlted by J M Rhodes and J D Mllton Humana Press Inc , Totowa, NJ




7.7. Lectin Histochemistry The apphcatlon of lectms for the detection of carbohydrate structures m normal, healthy cartilage tissue results m negative stammg patterns for Ulex europaeus agglutmm I (UEA I), soybean agglutmm (SBA), and peanut agglutmm (PNA), whereas wheatgenn agglutmm (WGA) and Concanavalm A (Con A) show a distinct posmve stammg reactron (3). Some lectms detect mternal sugar moieties of oligosaccharides or glycosammoglycans; others bmd only to termmal sugar residues It IS thus likely that glycosammoglycan chain breakdown as a result of osteoarthrmc degradation may expose those sugar residues to lectm bmdmg that are not accessible to the lectm m normal healthy tissue. Therefore, positive labeling of tissue with UEA I m osteoarthrrtic cartilage indicates matrix proteoglycan degradation. It has been shown that UEA I has a high affimty to extracellular matrix m fibrillated human patellar cartilage (9). In normal healthy cartilage, bmdmg sites for a variety of lectms are masked by steric hindrance, owing to the densely packed proteoglycan aggregates m the matrix. Loss of proteoglycans and bondage breakdown, as can be seen m osteoarthritic cartilage, facthtates the binding of these lectms to specrfic carbohydrate structures resulting m dlstmct and defined binding patterns (3). Thus, negative stammg m lectm-bmdmg hlstochemistry does not necessarily imply the absence of lectm-bmdmg sites The results of lectm-bmdmg experiments have to be considered with care (2,6) Lectm affinities as established by m vitro analysis may not be consistent with lectm bmdmg znsztu,m which bmdmg may be affected by charge density, hydrophobic Interactions, and accessrbility of the potential lectm-bmdmg site (10). 1.2. Use of Fluorescein-Labeled Lectins in Combination with Enzymatic Digestion To visualize lectm-bmdmg sites m tissue sections, lectins may be coqugated with various labelmg substances The most widely used label is fluorescem isothiocyanate (FITC), a fluorochrome that can be covalently bound to proteins. Other labels that have been applied with lectms include various fluorochromes, ferritin, and horseradish peroxidase. Lectins may also be labeled with 3H-acetyl groups for subsequent detection by autoradiography. Simultaneous double labeling of sugar moieties can be achieved using two lectms with different bmdmg specificity and different labels (I I). Glycosaminoglycan degrading enzymes such as chondroitm ABC lyase (chondroitmase ABC) and endo-j3-u-galactosidase (keratanase) can effectively be used to induce a standardized matrix degradation mcreasmg the accessibility of sugar moleties for lectin bmdmg as well as epitopes recognized by MAbs Chondroitmase ABC removes chondroitm sulfate disaccharides from the proteoglycan monomer, whereas keratanase specifically degrades keratan sul-

Lectin Study of Glycoconjugates


Fig. 1. Lectin-binding histochemistry with FITC-labeled wheatgerm agglutinin (WGA). Reprinted with permission from ref. 2. (A) Normal bovine articular cartilage (control). (B) Cartilage degradation with chondroitinase ABC prior to fixation. (C) Digestion of cartilage tissue with chondroitinase ABC and keratanase.

Fig. 2. Lectin-binding histochemistry with FITC-labeled peanut agglutinin (PNA). Reprinted with permission from ref. 2. (A) Normal bovine articular cartilage (control). (B) Cartilage degradation with chondroitinase ABC prior to fixation. (C) Digestion of cartilage tissue with chondroitinase ABC and keratanase.

fate (12). The use of these enzymes results in a defined degradation of cartilage matrix components (see Figs. 1 and 2). The changes obtained resemble, at least in part, the alterations in glycosaminoglycan content observed in osteoarthritic


68 Table 1 Properties of Various Lectins Corresponding Carbohydrate

Peanut agglutmm W-4)


Carbohydrate specificity

Lectm Wheatgerm agglutmm (WGA)

Useful in Cartilage Specificity


P-D-G~cNAc-( 1-4)~P-D-GlcNAc( 1-4)-P-D-GlcNAc > P-D-GIcNAc > NeuSAc P-o-Gal( 1-3)+GalNAc > o-GalNH* = a-D-Gal

Soybean agglutmin W-4)



Ulex europaeus


agglutmm I (UEA 1) Concanavalm A (ConA)

a-D-Man > a-D-GIc > a-D-GlcNAc

and Their

Not required

Neurammtdase, chondromnase ABC, keratanase Chondrottmase ABC, keratanase Chondromnase ABC, keratanase Not required

cartilage (2). It may serve as a reproducible protocol to unmask lectin-binding sites in glycosammoglycan-containmg


Table 1 demonstrates the properties of various lectms useful m cartilage research, their different sugar-binding ment for the detection of lectm-binding

specifictttes, sites

and the required pretreat-

2. Materials 2.1. Lectin Histochemisfry 1 O.OlMPhosphate-buffered saline (PBS), pH 7.4. 2. Fluorescem isothiocyanate-labeled lectms (various commercial suppliers) are dissolved in PBS buffer at pH 7.4 (see Note 1). The bmdmg acttvmes of some lectms (e.g., concanavalm A) depend on cations (13) The PBS buffer can be supplemented with 1 mA4 CaCl,, 1 mM MgCl*, and 0 1 mM MnC12 (14) Some of the lectms possess mitogemc properties and others are associated wtth potent toxins, so they should be handled with care

2.2. Use of Fluorescein-Labeled Lectins in Combination with Enzymatic Digestion 1 2. 3. 4 5.

Hanks balanced salt solution contammg glucose Protease-free chondrottmase ABC (Boehringer Mannhelm, Mannhelm, Germany) Keratanase (Sigma, St LOUIS, MO) Neurammidase (Sigma) 100 mM Tris-acetate buffer, pH 7 6

Lectin Study of Glycoconpgates


6 Protemase mhrbttors Ethylenediamme tetraacettc acid (EDTA), N-ethylmalelmlde, phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride (PMSF), pepstatm 7 Incubation buffer for dlgestton with chondrottmase ABC 40 mM Tns-HCl, 40 mA4 sodmm acetate, bovme serum albumm (BSA) 0 0 1% (w/v), pH 7 3 8 Incubation buffer for digestton with keratanase, 100 mM Trts-HCI, 30 n&! sodium acetate, BSA 0 01% (w/v), pH 8 0, mcludmg a mrxture of protemase mhibnors conststmg of 10 mM EDTA, 10 miM N-ethylmaletmtde, 5 mA4 PMSF, 0 36 mM pepstatm 9 Incubation buffer for digestion with neurammldase 100 mM acetate buffer, 40 mMCaCl,, pH 5 5

3. Methods 3.1. Lectin Histochemistry of Formaldehyde-Fixed Tissue (see Note 2) The lectm-bmdmg studies can be performed on 5-8-pm deparaffinated ttssue secttons. In order to determine the affinity of lectins for tissue components, fluorescem lsothtocyanate (FITC)-labeled lectms are reacted with secttons at various concentrattons The lecttn conjugates should be drluted tn O.OlM PBS (pH 7.4) and should be used in concentrations ranging from 3 to 100 pg/mL The sections are incubated in a 50-PL drop of lectm solution (concentratton tn stock solutton is 1 mg/mL) tn a moist chamber at room temperature 1. Mount 5-g-urn tissue secttons on cleaned glass slides 2. Deparaffinate the sections in xylene and pass them through a decreasmg alcohol series mto PBS 3. Incubate with FITC-labeled lectm conjugate for 30-60 mm at room temperature m concentrations rangmg from 0.003 to 0 1 mg/mL (see Note 3) 4. Test the specificrty of the obtained staming reaction by premcubatmg the lectm conmgates in a solution of the approprtate inhtbttory sugar (see Note 4) 5 Wash off unbound lectm conJugate by 3 x S-min washes m PBS 6. Estimate the autofluorescence of the ttssue by Incubations with PBS buffer alone. 7. Mount the sections using Mowiol (15) at pH 8 5 8 Examme sections using a microscope equipped for eptfluorescence wtth a 450-490-nm excltatlon filter and a 52&560-nm barrter filter

3.2. Lectin Histochemistry After Pretreatment with Degrading


1 Equiltbrate the ttssue slices m Hanks balanced salt solutton contaming glucose for 30-60 mm (see Note 5). 2 Incubate with protease-free chondrottinase ABC, 0.2 U/mL at pH 7 3 and 37°C for 90 min (see Notes 6 and 7) 3 Incubate with keratanase, 0 2 UimL at pH 8.0 for 90 min at 37°C wtth protemase mhibttors (see Note 7)



4 FIX the tissue slices in buffered formaldehyde solution (see Note 8) 5 See preceding protocol for lectin binding hlstochemlstry

3.3. Treatment

of Tissue Sections with Chondroitinase


1 Treat tissue sections for 90 mm at 37°C with chondroltmase ABC at 0 0125 U/50 pL. per section m Tns-acetate buffer, pH 7 6, according to Hascall and Hemegird, Poole et al , and Hoedt-Schmidt (2, IcXZ7) 2 Perform lectm-bmdmg hlstochemlstry (see Section 3 1 )

3.4. Treatment

of Tissue Sections with Neuraminidase

1 Incubate tissue sections for 60 mm at room temperature with neurammldase at 1.25 U/mL m acetate buffer, pH 5 5, to expose any slahc acid-covered binding sites (see Note 7) 2 See Sectlon 3 1 for lectin-bmdmg hlstochemlstry

4. Notes Fluorochromes other than fluorescem lsothlocyanate are also available and can be used m lectm hlstochemlstry Many lectms (e.g , wheatgerm agglutinm) bmd similarly to formaldehydefixed and frozen tissue, but there are some exceptlons, particularly m terms of sensitivity (18) Therefore, it 1s advisable to perform lectln-bmdmg experiments on frozen and formaldehyde-fixed tissue to compare the staining charactenstlcs The mcubatlon time may vary between different lectms and should be tested Some lectms are easier to inhibit than others (18) The concentration of inhlbltory sugar 1s usually m the range of 0 2-2M The equlllbratlon time should be chosen depending on the thickness of the tissue A mixture of protemase mhlbltors may be included, e g., ethylenedlamme tetra-acetic acid (EDTA), N-ethylmalelmlde, phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride, pepstatm The duration of the enzymatic digestlon and the concentration of the enzyme applied has to be tested and IS depending on the tissue of Interest. The time of fixation should be tested. Overfixation may influence the detection of lectm-bmdmg sites

References 1 Hemeglird, D and Oldberg, A (1989) Structure and biology of cartilage and bone matrix noncollagenous macromolecules FASEB J 3,2042-205 1. 2. Hoedt-Schmidt, S , McClure, J , Jasam, M K , and Kalbhen, D A (1993) Immunohistochemlcal locahzatlon of artlcular cartilage proteoglycans and lmk protein m situ using monoclonal antlbodtes and lectm-bmdmg methods Hzstochemzstry 99,39 1403 3 Hoedt-Schmidt, S (1989) Lectm-binding hlstochemlstry of normal and osteoarthrltlc cartilage tissue Cln Exp Rheumatol 7, 257-264.

Lectin Study of Glycoconpgates 4

5 6 7



Hoedt-Schmidt, S , Scheid, A , and Kalbhen, D A (1989) Htstomorphologrcal and lectm-histochemical confirmatton of the anttdegenerative effect of dtclofenac m experimental osteoarthrosts Drug Res 39, 1212-l 2 19 Roth, J (1978) The Lectms Molecular Probes zn Cell Biology and Membrane Research Gustav Fischer Verl , Jena Farnum, C E. (1985) Binding of lectm-fluorescem coqugates to intracellular compartments of growth-plate chondrocytes m situ Am J Anat 174,419435 DamJanov, I (1987) Biology of disease lectin cytochemistry and histochemistry. Lab Invest 57, 5-20 Sharon, N and Lts, H (1989) Lectms ascell recognmon molecules Science 246,

227-246 9 Schunke, M., Schumacher,U , and Tillmann, B (1985) Lectm-bmdmg m normal

and fibrillated arttcular cartilage of human patellae VzrchowsArch Pathol Anat 407,221-23 1 10. Ochoa, J. H (198 1) Consideration of the nature of the lectm-carbohydrate interaction J Chromatogr 215,35 l-360. 11 Roth, J , Binder, M , and Gerhard, U J (1978) Coqugation of lectms with fluorochromes an approach to htstochemical double labeling of carbohydrate components Hzstochemtstry 56,265-273 12 Otke, Y , Ktmata, K , Shmamura,T , and Suzuki, S (1980) Protemaseacttvity m chondroitm lyase (chondrottmase) and endo-b-b-galactosidase (keratanase) preparations and a method to abolish their proteolyttc effect on proteoglycan Blochem J 191,203-207 13 Lonnerdal, B., Borrebaeck, C A K , Etzler, M E., and Ersson, B (1983) Dependence on cations for the bmdmg acttvity of lectms as determined by affinity electrophorests Biochem Biophys Res Commun 115, 1069-1974 14. Farnum, C. E and Wilsman, N J (1984) Lectm-binding htstochemistry of non-decalcified growth plate cartilage. a postembedment method for light microscopy of Epon-embeddedtissue J Hlstochem Cytochem 32,593-607 15. Osborn, M. and Weber, K (1982) Immunofluorescence and immunocytochemtcal procedures with affinity purified antibodies. tubulm-containing structures, m Methods zn Cell Brology (Wilson, L., ed.), Academic, New York, pp. 97-132 16 Hascall, V C. and Hemegard, D (1974) Aggregatron of cartilage proteoglycans I The role of hyaluronic acid J Bzol Chem 249,4232-4241 17 Poole, A R , Pidoux, I, Reiner, A., Tang, L -H , Chow,H , and Rosenberg, L (1980) Localization of proteoglycan monomer and lmk protem m the matrix of bovine articular cartilage. an immunohtstochemical study J Histochem Cytothem 28,621-635 18. Rhodes, J M and Chmg, C K (1993) The application of lectins to the study of mucosal glycoprotems, m Methods In Molecular Biology, vol 14 Glycoprotezn Analysis znBzomedzczne (Hounsell,E F , ed ), Humana,Totowa, NJ, pp 247-262.

6 Applications of Lectin Histochemistry and Cytochemistry in Diagnosis and Prognosis Timothy

Richard Helliwell

1. Introduction The purpose of dtagnosttc histopathology and cytology IS to categortze a disease process and predict how that diseasewill affect the patient. Pathologtsts are now combming careful morphologtcal evaluation of the structure of the cell nucleus and cytoplasm wrth rmmunohrstochemrcal and lectm hrstochemrcal studies to explore the molecular pathophystology of diseased tissues and provide addmonal information to determme treatment and prognosis Many of the antibodies used m diagnostic tumor pathology recognize epttopes that include carbohydrate sequences, e.g., a-fetoprotem, carcmoembryonic antlgen, CA 125, whtch may also be identified by lectins Cancer-associated ohgosaccharides are often oncodevelopmental m nature and reflect changes seen during normal development (2,2). Whereas tmmunohtstochemtcal studies often provide diagnostic mformatron, previous reviews suggest that lectm htstochemical data are rarely pathognomonic (.?,4). This chapter will summarize more recent data, provtdmg references to recent papers or revtew articles as an entry to the extensive literature. The lectms quoted, their abbreviations, and nominal specrficrtres are shown m Table 1. Membrane glycoconmgates are important mediators of growth stimuli, cell-cell recognition, and cell adhesion and cell maturation, disruption of which may become apparent as alterations m response to growth factors or rmpatred adhesion to substrates.Momtoring of carbohydrate epitopes and their endogenous receptors may detect changes m cellular transformation, btologtcal behavior and prognosis (Z,2). Physiologtcally, changes m cellular carbohydrates will only be relevant rf specttic endogenous receptors such as lectins From Methods IR Molecular Medmne, Vol 9 Lecbn Methods and Protocols Edlted by J M Rhodes and J D Milton Humana Press Inc , Totowa, NJ




Table 1 Source of Lectins,


Lectm origin

and Abbreviations




Blood group specificity

Glucose/Mannose Con-A LCA PSA

a-D-Glc, a-D-Glc,


a-L-fucose a-L-fucose


a( 1-4)~D-GlcNAc GlcNAc GlcNAc

Arachls hypogaea Dolwhos bljlorus Banderewea simplicifolia-1


Gal-a-( I-3)-GalNAc a-o-GalNAc a-D-Gal

Glycme max


a-o-GalNAc, o-GalNAc


P-D-Gal a-o-GalNAc, a-D-Gal GalNAc GalNAc Gal a l-3 GalNAc poly-Nacetyllactosamme

Concanavalia ensiformls Lens culmarls Plsum sativum

a-D-Man a-D-Man a-o-mannose

Fucose Ulex europaeus-I Tetragonolobus purpurea

H antigen H antigen

N-Acetyl Glucosamme Trztzcum vulgarls

Succmyl-WGA Banderewea simpliclfolia-2

N-Acetyl Galactosamme/ Galactose



Al B


(Jack fruit) Rlcmus cornmums 1 Sophorajaponica Hellxpomatla Vicia villosa Maclura pomifera

Pokeweed mltogen

A,B A Al, Tn

recognize the carbohydrate structures, establishmg a modulatory sequence based on specific protem-carbohydrate mteractlons. The apphcatlon of labeled, carrier-bound



or natural carbohydrates

to tls-

sues, can identify these endogenous lectms, provldmg a valuable adjunct to more conventional

lectm bmdmg

studies (5).

1.1. Problems of Methodology The evaluation of published studies IS complicated ization of methods, with potential

sources of varlatlon

by the lack of standardmcludmg tissue fixation

Lectms In Dlagnosls and Prognosis


and processing, lectm concentrations, the methods used to visuahze lectm binding, the evaluation of the cellular distribution of lectin binding, and the definitton of positive binding Lectm bmding IS best studied using unfixed, frozen sections of tissues, although this is similar to binding by acetone or picric acid-fixed tissues Formalm fixation generally reduces lectm binding since carbohydrate groups are not protected from either extraction or masking during paraffin embedding. Lipid extraction by chloroform, alcohol, or xylene during processmg ellminates Iectm bmdmg to glycohptds (4,6), although lipid extraction may reveal lectin-binding sites masked by lipids in frozen sections (7). High lectm concentrations detect both high and low affinity receptors, whereas low concentrations (~20 pg/mL) detect only high affmty receptors and are more specific (8). It is therefore essential that dilutional studies are performed during the initial evaluation of a method. Visualization methods using lectms directly conjugated to fluorescem or peroxidase are less sensitive than those usmg multistage amphfication procedures, e g., lectm-antilectin antibody methods and biotmylated lectin-ABC-peroxidase methods, and so may result m different assessmentsof the value of lectin bmding (4,8,9). For a method to be of use m diagnostic laboratories, it needs to work on formalin-fixed, paraffin wax-embedded tissues (routme processing). Retrospective studies on routmely processed tissues need to be interpreted with caution due to variations m tissue fixation and processing that may occur over a period of time. In research work, the methods of tissue handling are carefully selected, and tt is important that these are validated before using data m diagnostic work Diagnostic laboratories are increasingly receiving biopsy tissues in an unfixed state so that a range of molecular studies can be performed, including lectm histochemistry on frozen tissues. 1.2, The Interpretation of Changes in Lectin Binding to Tissues Lectms are highly specific for the nature and three-dimensional configuration of the carbohydrate group to which they bind. However, these ohgosaccharides may be common to several glycoproteins and/or glycohpids, so that the precise nature of the glycoconjugate 1s not known. It is useful to select lectms with shght differences m affinity for the same sugar (10) and to use lectins as a panel of reagents to identify cell types or functional differences between cells. It is also important to define the normal pattern of endothehal bindmg of a tissue, because there may be regional variations m glycoconjugate expression, e.g., stomach, colon.



Several lectms have affmty for blood group substances(see Table l), which can be tdentrfied by monoclonal antibodres. Whereas the antibodtes are more spectfic than lectms, lectms also identify epttopes on other glycocoqugates (21). New carbohydrate structures on the surface of cancer cells may represent the accumulatron of precursor chains because of decreased acttvtty of synthesizmg enzymes, the production of new oligosaccharides because of increased or aberrant glycosylation, a change m density of cell surface carbohydrates, or exposure (unmasking) of chains usually covered by other structures (I). It IS important to recogmze that changes m lectm bmdmg may reflect increased cell turnover and relative immaturrty of the cells rather than changes associated with neoplasia (see Section 5.5.2.). Lectm histochemistry has been most useful for the identification of abnormal storage products m cells and of endothelial cells Less well-defined uses mclude the study of cellular changes m mflammatory diseases and neoplasia 2. Storage Disorders Lectm htstochemistry 1s a valuable tool for the identification of specific enzyme deficiencies that result m the storage of abnormal glycoliptds and glycoprotems (7) Glycoprotem storage disorders, e.g , a-mannostdosts and fucosidosis, can be recognized in routinely-processed trssues, but the rdentification of storage products m glycohpid storage disorders IS limited by lipid extraction m processed tissues. In frozen sections, RCA1 can be used to demonstrate GM1 gangliosidosis (lysosomal P-galactosidase deficiency), and m Fabry’s disease, the stored glycolipids show strong bmdmg by BS 1 and PNA. In Gaucher’s disease (lysosomal glucocerebrosidase deficiency) the lectm bmdmg pattern indicates a wider range of storage products than would be predicted from the enzyme deficiency. 3. Endothelial Cells 3.1. Normal Vessels The pattern of lectm binding to normal endothelmm is influenced by the species of animal and blood group. RCA1 and WGA bmd to endothehal cells of all species, UEAl only binds to human endothelmm, and BSl bmds to blood group B human endothelium and is the lectm of choice to identify rodent endothelmm (12,13). UEAl identifies terminal fucose residues of the blood group H antigen and reliably identifies human endothehal cells of lymphatic and blood vessels. For routmely processed ttssues, pretreatment of sections with trypsm is essential for optimal lectm bmdmg (14) UEAl labeling of normal endothelium 1sused to identify endothelral damage, e.g., m dermatomyosins (1.5), and to facilitate the tdenttfication of vascular invasion by neoplasms

Lectins rn Dlagnosls and Prognosis


(14,16). As with all labeling techniques, UEAl bmdmg needs to be combmed with careful morphological evaluation, as UEAI also bmds to pancreatic aclnar cells and to the epidermis and eplthehum of skm appendages 3.2. Neoplas tic Vessels The binding of UEAl to endothelial cells is used m the diagnosis of vascular neoplasms. UEAl bmds consistently to the endothehal cells m benign vascular neoplasms and hamartomas, and binds to most mahgnant vascular neoplasms (angiosarcomas and hemangloendothehomas) mcludmg rare variants such as granular cell angiosarcoma (2 7). When compared with other vascular endotheha1 markers, UEAI is less specific than von Willebrand factor (vWF), but UEAl IS more sensitive and recognizes a higher proportion of malignant vascular tumors (I 6,18,19). Because of the variation m antigen expression m normal endothelium and in malignant endothelial neoplasms, a panel of markers is used diagnostically, including UEAl, vWF, and CD3 1 or CD34. At least two markers should be posltlve before accepting the vascular nature of a tumor, as all markers can crossreact with other tissues (20), and UEA-1 bmdmg IS also seen m several carcmomas and m some nonvascular sarcomas (I&19), A panel of reagents IS of particular value m the ldentlficatlon of vascular neoplasms m which the endothellal cells assume an eplthellold morphology and can coexpress cytokeratms as well as endothehal markers (19,21,22). In benign lymphangloendothelioma, the cells lining vascular channels are CD34-pos1tlve, and less umformly with UEAl and vWF (23). 4. Skin The pattern of lectm binding to routinely processed sections of normal skm is related to cellular maturation (24). All adult epidermal cells bmd several lectins, but selective bmdmg occurs with UEAI (to the upper layers), DBA (to basal cells), and SBA and HPA (to the spmous and granular cell layers) In psoriasis, m which there IS increase epldermal prohferatlon, DBA shows the normal pattern of binding to a smgle basal layer of cells, whereas both leslonal and nonlesional skm show UEAl binding to all layers of epldermls, lmplymg a general disturbance of epldermal maturation (25). In skin tumors, ConA bmdmg is absent m benign tumors but present at the cell membranes in all malignant tumors; solar keratoses show increasing bmdmg as dysplasia increases (26). Neoplasms arising from skm appendages show similar Iectin bmding patterns to normal appendage epithelium (27). PNA bmdmg 1s seen in normal eplthehum and m keratoacanthomas; this may help to dlstmguish these benign neoplasms from squamous carcmomas (28) Lectm bindmg may also help m the difficult differential dlagnosls between a Spitz nevus and malignant melanoma (29)


Hell/ well

5. Alimentary System 5.1. Mouth The squamous epithelmm of the oral mucosa shows regional variations m lectm bmdmg that reflect the degree of keratmlzatron. Normal, nonkeratmtzmg mucosa shows UEA 1 binding to the prickle cells, BS 1 to the surface layers, and PNA to the basal layers, with RCA1 receptors in basal and spinous layers (30). BS 1 bmdmg is more intense m hyperplasia and mild dysplasia, but bmdmg is lost m severe dysplasia and carcmoma. As dysplasia mcreases m severity, UEAl and PNA bmdmg occurs m all layers; whereas PNA and UEA bmdmg is positive in well-differentiated, mvasive squamous carcmomas but is lost m poorly differentiated carcinomas. In the mflammatory disease, lichen planus, UEAl and PNA are positive m all layers (11) Regenerating epithelmm and the advancing edge of invasive carcinomas shows less RCA 1 bmdmg than normal epithelium (30). 5.2. Salivary Glands In sections of routmely processed normal salivary glands, serous acmar cells show preferential bmdmg to ConA, whereas mucous cells show more Intense binding to WGA and LTA (32) In salivary neoplasms, ConA bmds to cells of myoepithehal type m benign and malignant neoplasms,whereas WGA and LTA bmd to ductal cells m adenoid cystic carcmomas and to mucous cells of mucoepidermoid carcmomasand cyst lining cells in acmic cell carcinomas (32). 5.3. Stomach Lectm bmdmg to most cells in the normal gastric mucosa is blood groupindependent, however, the expression of carbohydrates m the surface mucous cells is partly dependent on blood group and secretor status (33,34). A comprehensive study of routinely processed gastric neoplasms (35) showed that adenomas and intestinal pattern carcmomas have increased cytoplasmic ConA binding and decreased binding by WGA, PNA, and UEAl; these changes are similar to those seen m (premahgnant) mtestmal metaplasta but differ from those of diffuse-pattern carcmomas and may be owing to increased ohgosaccharide sialylation or to loss of glycosyl transferases m the neoplastic cells (33,35). The expression of HPA bmdmg sites by 59% of gastric carcmomas is not related to tumor differentiation, but is related to clmically aggressive behavior and shorter survival (36). The expression of an endogenous lactose bmdmg lectin (L-3 1) is greater in carcinoma than in adjacent normal tissue in 50% of cases, and there is higher expression m liver and nodal metastasesthan m the primary carcmoma m 35% cases.The presence of L-31 is associatedwith the metastatic phenotype but this associatronis not sufficrently robust to be used predictively (37).

Lectins m Diagnosis and Prognosis


5.4. Small lntesthe In the small intestine, glycosylation status and lectin binding change according to the site of the cell in the crypt or vlllus (38) In cystic fibrosis, there is persistent and intense LTA binding indicating abnormal (fetal pattern) fucosylation of mucus (39) Changes in maturation seen m celiac disease are reflected by loss of DBA binding to goblet cells and increased bmdmg by RCA1 and UEA 1 (38) 5.5. Large Intestine 5.5.1. Normal A recent study has highlighted many of the methodological problems of lectm histochemistry (8) and demonstrated regional variation m high affinity lectm receptors between the proximal and distal colon, with more diverse glycan structures and greater slalyl content m the distal colon This may relate to the differing embryological origin and/or activity of the bowel segments Ohgosaccharide chams are modified as the cells move from the base to the surface of the intestinal crypts, probably related to the maturation of glycosyl transferases and the mcorporatlon of mannose residues of N-linked ohgosaccharides, and of GalNAc and GlcNAc. Other mvestlgators, usmg fluoresceinlabeled lectins at relatively high concentrations describe a proximal to distal decrease m UEAl bmdmg to goblet mucm (40) 55.2. Inflammatory Bowel Disease In ulcerative colitis, the more rapid cell turnover and migration accompanying the inflammatory process is reflected by mcomplete glycoprotem synthesis and increased PNA bmdmg to enterocytes (41). Compton has reviewed the changes m lectm binding observed in chronic ulcerative colitis and their ability to predict premalignancy. Some areas of dysplastic mucosa show increased PNA binding and reduced DBA binding, but similar changes are also seen m severely inflamed mucosa, and in inactive mucosa without dysplasia (42). The high false positive and false negative rates indicate that lectm hlstochemlstry does not facilitate the diagnosis of premalignancy. 5.5.3. Neoplasia In colorectal carcinoma, the carbohydrate content of mucm IS reduced, owing to fewer oligosaccharlde side chains and decreased ohgosaccharrde chain length. Neutral mucms increase and there 1s decreased O-acetylated mucin. The normal regional variation of mucms and the constltutlonal heterogeneity of mucin expression m normal populattons make it difficult to define an at-risk phenotype (43,44). Changes m lectm bmdmg are reflected by changes



m the expresston of blood group anttgens, wtth mcreased binding of VVA (Tn anttgen) accompanied by increased PNA bmdmg (T anttgen) and of stalosyl-Tn (45). The HPA bmdmg to the cell surface and cytoplasm IS an mdependent predictor of survtval (46) In patients with the familial adenomatous polyposts syndrome, there appears to be a field change m the mtestmal mucosa, which predtsposes to the development of neoplasta This IS reflected by abnormal lectm binding to the morphologtcally normal mucosa wtth less WGA and more UEAl and succmyl-WGA binding compared with controls, suggestmg that glycoconJugate modlticattons are early events m the evolutton of the neoplasttc phenotype (47). The endogenous lactose-bmdmg lectm, L3 1, IS found m the cytoplasm of normal cells and carcinoma but not m adenomas, wtth htgher levels m more advanced carcmomas (48). 5.6. Pancreas In routmely processed tissues, human pancreatic acmar cells are umformly postttve for WGA and SBA (Islets are negative), UEAl bmds to acmar and ductal tissue and BS2 IS spectfic for ductal epithelmm. No consistent, qualttattve dtfferences m lectm bmdmg to carcmomas are observed, but PNA and BPA show increased bmdmg to secreted mucms (49) 5.7. Liver The specialized endothehal cells lmmg the liver smusotds undergo transformation to a captllary phenotype m chronic hepatttts and curhosts, as well as m hepatocellular carcmomas. This can be demonstrated by a marked increase m UEAl binding which help the mterpretatton of small btopsy spectmens (50) 6. Upper and Lower Respiratory Tract There have been few studtes of the upper respnatory tract. In the nasopharyngeal eptthelmm, the basal cells are UEAl- and DBA-positive, whereas all layers of cells bmd ConA and WGA (52) Squamous metaplasta leads to the new expression of LTA binding sites and the loss of UEA 1 binding (52) PNA binding IS reported to be absent m normal laryngeal squamous eptthelmm but present at the cell membranes m 2 l/30 squamous carcmomas (52). The lectin histochemtstry of normal and neoplasttc pulmonary tissues has been reviewed (53). Type 1pneumocytes bmd to PNA, and type 2 pneumocytes bmd to ConA. Bronchial carcmomas show great heterogeneity of labeling both wtthm and between tumors, and there 1sno cell type-specific labeling, although labeling IS generally more intense m adenocarcmomas than m other cell types, and labeling tends to be stronger and more widespread m well-dlfferenttated tumors. The bmdmg of RCA1 and Succ-WGA to most adenocarcmomas may

Lectms in Oiagnosls and Prognosis


be helpful in distinguishing them from pleural mesothehomas, which show little binding for these lectins (54). In cytological preparations of cell blocks from serous effuslons, UEAl and SBA bound to 65% of adenocarcmomas and not to reactive mesothehum nor mesotheliomas, suggesting that lectms may be a dlagnostlcally useful adJunctto nnmunohistochemlcal markers, e.g., CEA (55) Blood group A expression on nonsmall cell carcinoma of lung is a favorable prognostic factor related to slower progression and longer survival (.56), whereas the observation of a relatively good prognosis for DBA positive, LeX negative carcinomas 1s difficult to interpret as multivarlate analysis was not performed, and different hlstologlcal types of carcinoma were combined m the assessment(57). The binding of neoglycocoqugates to endogenous lectms shows a slmllar sensitivity and specificity to lmmunohistochemlcal methods m the therapeutltally important distinctions between small-cell and nonsmall-cell carcmomas (the latter showmg greater bmdmg by maltose, fucose, and mannose), and between mesothelloma and metastattc adenocarcmoma (the latter showing binding by GlcNAc) (59). Expression of endogenous receptors for fucose IS related to tumor size (5) Fluorescein-labeling lectm binding has been combined with flow cytometry to study the phenotyplc variation of alveolar macrophages obtained by bronchoalveolar lavage. In interstitial lung disease, the increased bmdmg by PNA, UEAI, SJA, and BS 1 may reflect the influx of immature blood monocytes or activation of pulmonary macrophages (58). 7. Urinary Tract 7.1. Kidney 7.1.1. Tubules The application of lectm hlstochemistry to renal tubular pathology has been reviewed (60). The different segments of the normal nephron show specific lectin binding patterns: LTA and PHA bind to proximal tubules; PNA, DBA, and HPA (with low-mol-wt cytokeratms and eplthehal membrane antigen) bmd to the distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct; whereas antibodies to Tamm-Horsfall protein label the thick, ascending limb of Henle. These segment-specific glycoprotems are retained m pathological conditions including severe tubular atrophy and acute tubular necrosis, and may be used to define the site of damage. Acute cellular rejection of renal transplants and chronic interstitial nephritis tend mainly to affect the distal nephron and collectmg duct (61). The segmental-specificity of lectins may also define the origins of renal cysts and neoplasms. In autosomal recessive (infantile) polycystlc disease, the cysts primarily arise from collectmg ducts, whereas in autosomal dominant (adult)



polycysttc disease, there 1smore vartation, with some cysts showing the phenotype of proximal tubules, some a distal tubular phenotype, and some with no lectm bmdmg (60). In acquired renal cystic disease (dtalysts kidney) the cysts orrgmate from both proximal and distal tubules (62). Low-grade renal cell carcinomas are mainly ofproxtmal tubular origin, but htgh-grade carcmomas show prominent mtratumor and mtertumor heterogenetty, mdicatmg proximal and distal tubular differentiation Collectmg duct carcmomas bmd DBA and SBA, whereas oncocytomas show either a distal or a proximal phenotype (60). Lectm bmdmg changes durmg the development of renal tubules, with DBA only bmdmg to 30% of the cells m fetal collectmg ducts and RCA bmdmg restricted to the proximal tubules of fetal kidneys (63) This is reflected by the lectin bmdmg pattern in nephroblastoma (Wilms tumor), m which dysplasttc tubules show a mainly distal and collectmg duct phenotype. Normal fetal blastema and the blastema in Wilms tumors show similar lectm bmdmg profiles and, m particular, the blastema is UEAl -negative. This may help to distmguish nephroblastoma from other small-cell tumors, e g , neuroblastomas, whtch are UEA 1-posmve, and from other chtldhood renal tumors (60,63,64) 7.12. Glomerulr The glomerular basem*nt membrane 1s highly sialylated, masking PNA receptors m all components of the glomeruh, whereas SBA and UEA 1 bmd to glomerular capillary walls (65) Loss of UEAl bmdmg occurs in areas of glomerulosclerosts m both chrome pyelonephritis and m diffuse proltferattve glomerulonephritis (66). Intramembranous electron-dense deposits m type 2 membrane-proliferative glomerulonephrms are uniquely rich m GlcNAc, and show strong binding to succ-WGA (67). 7.2. Bladder In normal urothelium, cytoplasmtc and membranous bmdmg by WGA, GSA, and UEAl predominate m the lummal cell layers, PNA without neuramuudase pretreatment (PNA-N) is negative, whereas neuramimdases reveal PNA bmdmg sites m the lummal cell layers. In carcinoma znsztu, there is decreased WGA bmdmg (68,69). In mvasive transitional cell carcmomas there is decreased bmdmg by WGA, BS 1, and UEAl , and increased PNA-N bmdmg may correlate with mvasion and a higher risk of metastasis (68,70). Cytoplasmtc bmdmg by neoglycoprotems 1s greater m the lummal cells than m basal cells of normal urothehum. Nuclear binding by galactose-specific glycoconlugates is characteristic of transitional carcinoma (and corresponds to the increased PNA binding), whereas there IS mtratumor and grade-dependent variation m the cytoplasmtc binding of glycoconlugates, with increased bmdmg to well-differentiated transitional carcmomas, and loss of bmdmg as atypra becomes more severe (72)

Lectins M-IDlagnosls and Prognosis


7.3. Prostate and Seminal Vesicle Normal prostattc tissue shows cytoplasmtc bmdmg by many lectms, although there is selective bmdmg of Succ-WGA, PNA, and UEAl to the central zone of glands (72). Seminal vesicles show a similar lectm binding pattern to the central prostatrc glands, but uniquely bmd BS 1. In humans, the number of prostatrc cells expressing type 1 ohgosaccharides (PNA-bmdmg) decreases with age, and type 1 expression may reflect androgemc drive (73). In prostatic mtraepithelial neoplasia, the dysplastic glands show a generahzed defect m glycosylatron with greatly reduced binding and lummal rather than cytoplasmic positrvity (72). Lectm-binding studies of adenocarcmomas give vartable and contradictory results with httle difference in lectm bmding between carcrnomas and normal or hyperplasttc prostate (74) In metastatic prostattc carcinoma, there is downregulation of type 1 ohgosaccharides and maskmg of type 2 ohgosaccharides by sialic acid, and experimental data suggest that the expression of complex branched oligosaccharldes IS related to tumor mvastveness and metastasis (73) 8. Male and Female Genital Tract and Breast 8.1. Platen ta Placental cells bmd many lectins, but some show selective lectm bmdmg of potential diagnostic use. LCA and PSA bmd to the trophoblast of first-term but not of third-term placenta. ConA binds preferentially to syncytiotrophoblast (7.5,). 8.2. Uterine Cervix During the development of cervical intraeptthelial neoplasta, the normal ectocervtcal epithehal binding of ConA and RCA1 becomes more intense as dysplastic changes become more severe, and there is new expression of UEA 1 binding sites. Invasive squamous carcmomas show great heterogeneity of lectin binding (76). Incomplete glycoprotein synthesis m squamous carcmomas, reflected by the binding of VVA rather than PNA, correlates with lymphatic permeatron, metastasis,and a low 5-yr survival, VVA bmdmg 1snot a sensitive prognostic marker but it may be useful in conjunction with other markers (77). In cytological smears, normal ectocervtcal cells show weak bmdmg by JFL, whereas the intensity of bmdmg and the proportion of posttive cells increase as the severity of dysplasra increases (78). Thus may help dtagnosttc evaluation, but has not been thoroughly evaluated. Normal endocervtcal glands show cytoplasmic binding by WGA, PNA, and UEAI , In mtraglandular and invasive neoplasra linear, luminal expresston of these lectms is found, together with weaker and more diffuse cytoplasmic labeling (79).

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8.3. Uterine Endometrlum Normal endometrial glands show lummal bmdmg by WGA and ConA, with increased sialylation of terminal galactose groups m the late secretory phase (80) DBA binding only occurs m secretory glands and UEAI bmdmg is generally absent (81). In endometrial adenocarcmomas, lectm bmdmg is very variable, but WGA and ConA bmdmg occurs around the whole of the cell periphery, this loss of polarity may be helpful m the diagnosis of small ttssue fragments (80,81) 8.4. Ovaries PNA binds to the lummal membrane of cells m benign and maltgnant serous neoplasms, and reacts with the cytoplasm of borderline and malignant mucmous tumors. A combmation of PNA bmdmg and immunohistochemical labeling for epithelral membrane antigen may be useful in differential diagnosis (82) 8.5. Breast Extensive study of carcmomas of the breast has revealed great heterogeneity of lectm bmdmg between dtfferent cells m the same tumor and between tumors (4, IO). There is some correlation between lectm bmdmg and neoplastic behavior, with increased bmdmg by UEAl associated with earlier local recurrence and shorter survival (83), and bmding by HPA associated with locally aggressive disease, an increased prevalence of nodal metastasis and shorter survival. HPA IS not an independent predictor due to its strong association with nodal status (9). Both benign and malignant breast tissue shows increased mannose bmdmg to endogenous lectins m the nucleus and cytoplasm compared with normal tissue. Lactose and GlcNAc receptors are more prevalent m lobular, papillary, or mutinous carcmomas, but there is marked heterogeneity of tumor cells within and between tumors (84) 8.6. Testis Lectm histochemrstry may facilitate the classification of testicular tumors, as seminomas show bmdmg by WGA but not by PNA and UEAI , which tend to bind to embryonal carcinomas and yolk sac tumors (85). 9. Endocrine 9.1. Adrenal


In routmely processed tissues, PNA binds to adrenal medulla and to pheochromocytomas (86), whereas WGA and ConA bmd to most cells in the normal cortex, and with increased intensity m hyperplasia. In adenomas and

Lecfins U-IDiagnosis and Prognoses


carcmomas, there is more intense granular and reticular bmdmg of WGA and ConA, but lectm bmdmg 1snot of use m the diagnosis of malignancy (87). 9.2. Thyroid In normal thyroid, UEA 1 positivity discrrmmates parafolhcular from folhcular cells. In hyperplastic thyroid follicles, adenomas, and carcinomas there is variable, focal, and inconsistent posittvity for PNA and UEAl of no diagnostic value (88). In medullary carcinoma, lectin bmdmg is not diagnostrc, although most cells m most cases show binding for UEAl, ConA, RCA], Succ-WGA, and SBA; amyloid m the stroma shows weak bmdmg by RCA1 and ConA. Calcitonm (a precursor of which has affimty for ConA) and carcinoembryonic antigen in the neoplastic cells may be important contrrbutors to lectm affintty (89). 10. Musculoskeletal


10.1. Fibrous Tissue Many lectms show strong binding to glucose and galactose resrdues linked to hydroxyproline in collagen, and this may be used to demonstrate tissue architecture and changes m collagen (90). In a small study of mahgnant fibrous histrocytoma, RCA1 bound both tibroblasttc and histiocytic cells, whereas few cells in fibrosarcomas labeled, and cases of malignant fibrous hrstrocytoma with foci of benign-appearmg hrstiocytes tended to have a poor prognosis (91). 10.2. Skeletal Muscle Lectm histochemistry has been studied in muscular dystrophies, and increased binding of many lectms demonstrated in necrotic and regeneratmg muscle fibers (92) Loss of binding by RCA-I to the muscle fiber surface m duch*enne muscular dystrophy (93) 1sprobably related to the loss of integral membrane glycoprotems accompanymg the defects of dystrophm (94). The loss of UEAl binding to captllartes, m addition to the deposition of complement, can be used to make a diagnosis of dermatomyositis in the absence of degenerative changes m the muscle fibers (15). 10.3. Bone Little 1sknown about lectin bmdmg to bone and its neoplasms. In nonneoplastic odontogemc cysts of the jaws, most epithehal layers are posittve for UEAl and BSl; a feature that may help to distingutsh them from ameloblastoma m small biopsies m which charactertsttc morphological features may be absent (95). Lectm bmdmg has been studied in chordomas, uncommon neoplasms of the spme that arise from notochordal remnants, but there 1s no relationship between glycosylation and clmical course (96).


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10.4. Joint Pathology Lectm hrstochemtstry may reveal changes in the function of chondrocytes m normal and degenerating cartilage, wrth the breakdown of bonds m fibrtllated cartilage makmg sugars accessible, partrcularly to SBA and PNA. 11. Hemopoietic and Lymphoid Cells 11.1. Bone Marrow Several lectms bmd to normal and neoplasttc myelord cells m routmely processed marrow btopsles, but there IS no dlscrrmmatron between benign and malignant cells (97) 77.2. Macrophages and Histiocytes PNA binds strongly to the cytoplasm of tissue macrophages and hrstrocytes (98). The phenotyptc vartatron of macrophages m disease states makes PNA bmdmg a useful adjunct to lmmunohlstochemlstry for their ldentrficatlon (99). Interdrgr tatmg reticulum cells, and Langerhans cells m histlocytosls-X show strong paranuclear and surface membrane bmdmg with weak cytoplasmtc PNA bmdmg (ZOO).Careful morphologtcal mterpretatron ISreqmred since PNA also bmds to the Golgr region of plasma cells, and shows membrane bmdmg to neoplastic follicle center cells (IO]). 77.3. Reed-Sternberg Cells Reed-Sternberg cells m Hodgkin’s lymphoma show a paranuclear dot, with light cytoplasmlc stammg and strong surface bmdmg by PNA and BPA. Lectm bmdmg rdentrfies Reed-Sternberg cells m more cases and IS less affected by formalm frxatron than tmmunohrstochemtcal labelmg using Leu-M 1 and Ber-HZ (IOI,102). 11.4. Mast Cells Human mast cells contain abundant N-linked sequences wtth few or no O-lurked residues (103). The preferential binding of DBA to mast cells has been used to identify these cells m skeletal muscle diseases (104). 12. Central Nervous System Lectms may be used to Identify different types of cell m the central nervous system, and RCA1 has been used to identify mtcroglia, since other glia and neurons are negative (205,106). Lectms may be useful as differentiation markers m ghomas, since well-differentiated astrocytomas and olrgodendroghomas show more intense bmdmg by ConA, RCA, and PNA than more poorly drfferentrated neoplasms (106) Lectms can be used to identify different cell popula-

Lectins in Diagnosis and Prognosis


ttons m menmgiomas, and PNA binding may represent a differentiatton marker, with more Intense binding seen m anaplastic and papillary memngiomas (I 07). Lectm hrstochemtstry of routmely processed nerves shows that HPA and MPA bmd selectively to pathologically altered nerves but are not specific for any type of inJury (208). 13. Microbiology Most fungi will bmd to lectms m routinely processed tissues, and PWM and Succ-ConA may be the most useful lectms as they show little bmdmg to normal tissues (109,110). It has been suggested that species-specific lectm bmdmg may occur (Ill), but this has not been confirmed Lectin histochemistry is unlikely to supercede established tinctorial methods to detect fungi but may provide biochemical data on changes m the fungal surface m disease. 14. Summary The widespread diagnostic use of lectm histochemtstry is still restricted to the identification of abnormal storage products m cells, of normal and neoplastic endothehal cells, and of fungi. There is increasing evidence that lectms may provide diagnostic mformation m cytological preparations of effusions, and that more prognostic mformation can be obtained on the behavior of a wide range of neoplasms. It is difficult to determine the chmcal sigmficance of changes m lectm binding owing to the heterogeneity of bmdmg within a group of tumors, between groups of tumors and between laboratories. Most studies have been small and require validation using standardized methodology and multivariate analysis to test whether lecttn-binding patterns are independent

prognostic variables. Therapeutic decisions for mdividual patients require a high degree of certainty that the use or withholding of treatment is appropriate, and this is rarely available from lectin histochemical data. In research, lectms are invaluable for the study of cell-surface interactions and may provide a more reproducible method for the grading of malignancy for many tumors than simple morphological exammation. Nevertheless, it is essential that lectin-binding patterns are correlated with careful morphological evaluation of the cells to ensure that, for example, neoplastic rather than reactive cells are being studied

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Lectins in Diagnosis andPrognosrs


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Electron Microscopy Use of Lectin-Peroxidase

Prior to Embedding

Adi Ellinger 1. Introduction Pre-embedding lectm cytochemistry IS one m a range of approaches used for analyzing the subcellular localization of glycoconjugate-classes, and thus enables the determination of the carbohydrate composition of cellular compartments. At the cell’s surface, the carbohydrate composition is important in defining cell types; changes m these components are associated with cellular differentiation, maturation, and neoplastic transformation (Z-4) Here lectms provide well-defined reagents for the identification of cell types and for the study of these dynamic processes (5-7). Intracellularly, lectms have been used m multiple studies for the analysis of the biosynthetic and endocytic pathway Such lectin cytochemistry has helped to unravel single steps of the glycosylation process and to elucidate topographical aspectsof glycosylation (S-16) Interpreting the lectm bmdmg patterns, it has to be borne in mind that the determinants recognized by a lectin may be common to several different glycoprotems and glycoliplds. 7.7. Lecfin-Peroxidase


Since lectms themselves are devoid of enzyme activity and further are not electron-dense, they must be conjugated to marker molecules for visualization of the binding reaction. Besides the use of particulate markers (colloidal gold, ferritin), covalent binding to peroxrdase (horseradish peroxldase, HRP) has the most general application. Indirect labeling techniques, which add one or more incubation and wash steps, include the use of biotin- or digoxigenm-labeled (Boehringer Mannhelm, Mannheim, Germany) lectms or of antilectm antibodies. From Methods III Molecular Medme, Vol 9 Lectrn Methods and Protocols Edlteci by J M Rhodes and J D Milton Humana Press Inc , Totowa, NJ




The multtple step techniques are dertved from tmmunocytochemtcal protocols, m which labeling of primary antibodies has several disadvantages Labeled secondary reagents furthermore are readily available, relatively mexpensive, and usually amplify the primary signal. The pre-embedding labeling procedure used in the author’s laboratory 1s a modtficatton of a technique ortgmally descrtbed by Bernhard and Avrameas (I 7) Variations of thts technique have been widely applied for the demonstration of lectm-sugar mteracttons. In brief, fixed cells or tissue slices are incubated m the lectm-HRP conJugates, the enzyme activity being visuahzed by means of 3,3’-dtammobenzidme tetrahydrochlortde (DAB) conversion 1.2. Choice of Fixative In affinity cytochemical procedures, proper tixatton 1s an important aspect for obtaining successful results Fixatton mostly will be a compromise between well-preserved ultrastructure and retention of anttgemctty (28-20). Unfortunately, fixatives that best preserve morphology are the most dtsrupttve to anttgenre sites. In contrast to the highly fixatton-dependent conformattonal changes m the protein structure, which might result in reductton or even loss of anttgemctty, carbohydrate residues have been found to be much less affected. Choice of tixattve m lectm-cytochemtstry should prtmartly fulfill requirements of fine structural preservatton, prevention of mtgration, or loss of sugar residues, and should further enable sufficient penetrability of the samples. Fixatives and penetratton enhancement procedures applicable in affimty cytochemtstry, mcluding the periodate-lysm-paraformaldehyde (FA; 24, the glutaraldehyde (GA) -borohydrtde-saponin (22) protocol as well as the use of mixtures of the aldehydes-FA/GA have been summartzed recently (23,24). Aldehyde mixtures, which are used in our procedure, are based on the idea that the rapidly penetrating monoaldehyde-FA temporarily fixes the specimen until the slower penetrating dtaldehyd&A crosslmks the proteins irreversibly (19), samples fixed m such a way are more easily permeable than as after fixation with GA alone. Large amounts of sugars, like those stored m secretory granules of mucous producing cells, are not always suffctently stabthzed after aldehyde treatment. Extractton m the course of the further processing might result m an artificial loss and false negative results, this loss 1sless at low temperatures. Lectms, bound m the pre-embedding stage might also exercise a protective role. To increase ultrastructural preservatton, samples might be further incubated only after mild fixation and be refixed with higher aldehyde concentrations m a second step after the lectm incubation. Finally, it 1sdtfticult to assess the degree of mteractton of Os04 with carbohydrates, postfixation with 0~0, 1sabsolutely essential for the formatton of electron-dense osmmm black precipitates with oxrdtzed DAB.

Electron Microscopy


FA 1sprepared from paraformaldehyde, a polymertzed form that easily dissolves at 60-70°C in the alkalme forms of disodium phosphate or sodium cacodylate buffers (see Note 1). Solutions should be prepared immediately before use. FA binds to various groups of proteins, such as amino and amido groups, and may form crossbridges; it is also slightly effective in fixing mucoprotems (20). GA acts by crosslinkmg protems and, to a minor degree, also carbohydrates with its two aldehyde groups; the most reactive sites are the s-amino groups of lysme and polyhydroxyl compounds m carbohydrates. Since impurities may mterfere wtth tissue molecules, dilutions are freshly prepared from purified stock solutions which are packaged under inert gas (see Note 2) Free aldehyde groups have to be avoided, since they might cause artifacts, by blocking or by reduction (see Note 3). 7.3. Enzyme and Chromogen Direct labeling with peroxtdase is based on the work of Nakane and Kawaoi, who introduced a peroxidase-labeled rmmunoglobulm for antigen localization (25). The peroxidase enzyme most often used is that found m the horseradish plant, as It is easily obtained. HRP (40-kDa) has an oxidative potency when m conjunction with a source of oxygen; electrons are transferred to an acceptor molecule. From the numerous oxidizable molecules that precipitate as a permanent pigment, the most wrdely used 1s 3,3’-diammobenzidme tetrahydrochloride (DAB; see Note 4). DAB precipitates to a brown color when m solution with HRP and H202, which is further transferred mto a fine granular electron-dense precipitate after osmmm treatment (osmium black; see Note 10). The precipitate is insoluble in alcohol, and therefore, the samples might be dehydrated and embedded by routme electron microscope protocols. The amount of generated precipitate might be controlled at the lectm mcubatron (up to 4-8 h) and the DAB (up to a30 mm) conversion step. Incubation times and concentrations of the reagents are restricted by the generation of diffusion artifacts and background staining. The precipitate formed in the preembedding technique 1stime-dependent, m contrast to the one-to-one binding in the case of particulate markers. Reaction products are formed withm the sections or cells, eventually filling membranous compartments or forming smears at the cell’s surfaces. The lateral resolution is limited by diffusion of oxidized DAB (26-28). In extracellular spaces,diffusion distances of the reaction product have been estimated to be 2100 nm and readsorptlon onto negatively charged cell surfaces has been demonstrated. By reducmg the amount of generated DAB, diffusion artifacts are minimized and a resolution of ~60 nm IS achieved; cytomembranes may form a partial diffusion barrier. However, on plasma membranes a lateral spread of up to 80 nm has been observed and diffusion distances of approx 100 nm or even more have to be expected.



2. Materials 1 Gloves, gowns, and masks 2 Mtscellaneous glass and plastic ware, such as centrtfuge tubes, glass cover shps (12 mm 4, vartous standard glass veals (for mcubatton of secttons), Erlenmayer flasks, 35-mm plastic culture dishes-nonstertle for mcubattons and absorbent paper towels AdJustable pipets with tips Glass filtration devtce, filter papers (Whatman grade 1, prefolded Whatman grade 2) pH test strips Forceps Humid chamber for mcubattons (Petrt dish wtth wet filter paper; see Note 5) Beem capsules (polyethylene moulds, Beem O&l mm square tip; local electron microscopy suppher) 9 Dlsttlled water 10 Potassium ferrocyamde (K,Fe”[CN],, Merck, Darmstadt, Germany, see Note 6) 11 Competmve carbohydrates (vartous commercial supphers Bto Curb, Lund, Sweden. Sigma, St Louts, MO, Setkagaku, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan, EY Laboratortes, San Mateo, CA, Medac, Hamburg, Germany, see Note 15) 12 Peroxldase-tagged lectms (various commercial supphers Stgma, St Louts, MO, EY Laboratones, San Mateo, CA, Medac. Hamburg, Germany, Setkagaku Corp , Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan; Vector Laboratones, Burlmgame, CA, Calbtochem, San Diego, CA, Boehrmger Mannhelm, Btotrend, Koln, Germany, see Note 14) 13 Horseradish peroxtdase (grade VI, Stgma). 14 Phosphate-buffered salme (PBS, Sigma) 15 Isopentane (Fluka Chemte AG, Buchs, Switzerland) 16 Bovine serum albumin (BSA, Behrmg, Marburg, Germany) 17 Saponm (Sigma) 18 Dtmethyl sulfoxtde (DMSO, Merck, see Note 7) 19 Chromogen solutton 3,3’-dtammebenztdme tetrahydrochlortde (DAB, Serva, Heidelberg, Germany, see Note 4) 20 Hydrogen peroxtde 30% (H,O,; Merck, see Note 4, item d) 21. Trts-HCI buffer (see Note 8). 22 Cacodylate buffer (see Note 9) 23 Glutaraldehyde (electron mtcroscopy grade, see ref. 32; Serva; see Note 2) All fixatives are toxic. They must always he handled in a fume hood. 24 Paraformaldehyde (extra pure; Merck; see Note 1) 25 Ammomum chloride (Sigma, see Note 3) 26 Osmium tetroxtde (Os04, Merck; local supplier for electron mrcroscopy, see Note 10) 27 Ethanol 50, 70, 80, 95, 100% 28 Propylene oxide (Merck; propylene oxide is a highly flammable material; flash point (038°C) 29 Epon 8 12 62 mL Epon 812 substttute and 100 mL dodecenyl succmtc actd anhydride (DDSA); Epon B* 100 mL EPON 8 12 substitute and 89 mL nadtc methyl anhydrtde (NMA); mtx together 10 mL Epon A and 15 mL Epon B, add

Electron Microscopy Cells attached to covershps, to culture dishes, cell pellets or compact tissue 11 Wash away culture medmm with PBS II FIX m 4% FA + 0 5% GA m PBS u Wash m PBS II Compact tissue prepare sectloy 10 pm-20 pm Permeabke u Incubate m lectm-HRP solutions II Wash m PBS

U Transfer to Tns buffer

U Pre-Incubate

m DAB-Tns


U Incubate m DAB + H?OT-Tns buffer u Wash m destdled water

U Postfix in 0~04

U Dehydrate

m graded ethanol series

U Embed m EPON

Fig. 1. The sequence of the steps has to be kept, smgle steps, however, may have to be adopted to the own system (I e , fixatives or buffers might be changed) Calculate from at least 2 d up to 1 wk for the whole procedure Whenever possrble, use fresh solutrons; all toxic reagents should be handled with care (see Sections 2 4 )

0.5 mL 2,4,6-trr(dimethylaminomethyl)phenol see Note 11)

(DMP-30)~ust prior to use (Serva;

3. Methods The sequence of steps m the case of HRP-labeled lectms IS summarized m Fig. 1. Abbreviations as m the text. 3.1. Fixation 1 Rinse the samples (cultured cells, see Note 12; small tissue blocks) twice m buffer (PBS or 0. 1Msodmm cacodylate, pH 7 2), and fix for 30 mm to 1 h at 4°C m 4% FA + 0.5% GA in the respective buffers (see Note 1) 2 Followmg tixatton, rinse the samples 3-5 times m buffer over a perrod of 30 mm. 3 Quench free aldehyde groups by rinsing the samples m 0 05M ammonmm chloride for 2 h at room temperature (see Note 3)



4 Rmse for 2-3 d m buffer contammg 10% DMSO (see Note 7) 5 Tissue blocks Freeze to -30°C m the presence of rsopentane and prepare 1O-20 urn cryosections, thawed m PBS (see Note 13)

3.2. Lectin Incubations 1. Prepare mcubatton media, contammg the lectm coqugates at a concentratton of 30-150 ug/mL m PBS, add 0 1 mg/mL sapomn and 1 mg/mL of BSA (see Note 14) 2 Incubate the samples for 68 h at room temperature Cells attached to cover shps are placed m a humid chamber (see Note 5), cryosectrons are incubated m Eppendorf tubes and contmuously agttated 3 Rinse three times m PBS over a pertod of 30 mm

3.3. Control Incubations The followmg types of control mcubattons might be performed Incubate the samples in pure HRP solution, omitting the lectm-incubation step; perform DAB reaction without lectin-mcubatton step, add compettttve and noncompettttve sugars to the mcubatton media. 1 Prepare mcubatton medta, containing HRP (grade VI, Sigma) at a concentration of 0.2 mg/mL m PBS, add 0 1 mg/mL saponm and 1 mg/mL BSA 2 Prepare full mcubatton media (contammg the lectm coqugates at a concentratton of 30-150 ug/mL, 0 1 mg/mL saponm, and 1 mg/mL BSA m PBS) and add 0 154 6M of the respective sugars (see Note 15)

3.4. DAB-Reaction 1 Transfer to 0 05M Tris-HCl buffer, pH 7 6, for 1O-30 mm 2. Premcubate m 0 5 mg/mL DAB m 0 05M Tris-HCl buffer, pH 7 6, at room temperature for 10 mm (m the dark) 3 Incubate in 0 5 mg/mL DAB and 20 pL/mL 1% H20, m 0 05M Trts-HCl buffer, pH 7.6, at room temperature for 30 mm (m the dark, see Note 4) 4 Rinse three times m distilled water over a period of 10 mm 5 Post-fix m 1% osmium ferrocyamde for 30 mm (see Note 6) 6 Post-fix m 1% veronal-acetate-buffered 0~0, for 8 h (overnight) at 4°C (see Note 10)

3.5. Embedding 1 Dehydrate and infiltrate the samples accordmg to the followmg schedule a 50% Ethanol, 15 mm b 70% Ethanol, 15 mm. c 80% Ethanol, 15 mm d 95% Ethanol, 15 mm. e 100% Ethanol, 15 mm f. 100% Ethanol, 15 mm; cultured cells on cover slips are directly transferred to the resin (see Note 12)

Electron Microscopy

103 Difhdon


20 Mm Cryosection Diffusion zone Fig. 2. The margins of cryosections often are marked by diffusion of DAB-reaction product and thus cannot be used for evaluation purposes; also, mechanical damage might affect structural details.

g. 100% Propylene oxide, 15 min. h. 100% Propylene oxide, 15 min. i. 1: 1 Complete resin:propylene oxide, l-2 h. 2. Transfer to polyethylene or gelatine-embedding capsulescontaining the complete resin. Polymerize overnight at 45°C and for 24 h at 60°C (18.19).

3.6. Evaluation of the Sections The results of the lectin-cytochemical staining are assessedelectron microscopically. Crucial questions center on the specificity of the staining and the nature of the sugars or sugar sequences.Different lectins vary considerably in their degree of specificity (29). Use of lectins of overlapping specificity (anomeric specificity; interaction with terminal or internal sugar residues; sequence specificity; high and low affinity binding sites; 29) or of the sugar competition protocol (see Note 15) helps further analysis. Problems of the preembedding staining procedure include the diffusion and relocation of detectable molecules and of oxidized DAB. Nonspecific binding of the lectins or DAB might result in false positivity; insufficient penetrability of the samples might result in false negative results. The penetrability of the samples, besides pre- and postfixation treatments also depends on the kind of tissue itself. Soft tissues,like embryonic tissue,are more permeable than compact ones (80-90% of the IO-pm-thick cryosections through rat small intestine show hom*ogeneous precipitate throughout the entire thickness of the sections, almost 100% from embryonic pancreatic tissue, and only 3040% of sections from the liver [I 0121). Strong fixation (e.g., 2% GA 60 min) almost completely hinders penetration of lectins and precipitation within the sections. On the other hand, the surfaces of cryosections are often not sufficiently stabilized and poor structural preservation as well as nonspecific adsorption or diffusion of DAB out of reactive compartments might occur (Fig. 2). The degree of permeability of sections of the sample tissue should be tested by cutting ultrathin cross-sections of the cryosections. Only cryosections that show the reaction product hom*ogeneously distributed through the entire thickness of the sections, and from these only central portions, should be used for evaluation purposes (Figs. 3 and 4). In these regions, ultrastructural preservation is of the quality necessaryfor precise attri-



Figs. 3-5.

bution of the reaction products. There are almost no penetration problems in the case of monolayers of cultivated cells, since their thickness, only some few microns, is easily penetrated (Fig. 5).

Electron Microscopy


4. Notes 1. Formaldehyde (FA) IS freshly prepared from paraformaldehyde m a fume hood* Add 4 g of paraformaldehyde to 100 mL of sodium cacodylate buffer in a 250-mL flask and heat under constant stlrrmg to 60-70°C The white powder will dissolve after reaching this temperature, continue with stirring until the milky solution clears Allow to cool and filter through Whatman No 1 filter paper MIX with an equivalent amount of 25% GA (electron microscopy grade) to a final concentration of 4% FA and 0.5% GA (25 mL 4% FA + 0 5 mL 25% GA) 2. Glutaraldehyde tends to polymerize rapldly at pH > 7.5 Polymers together with impurities (cyanide, arsenic) might introduce artifacts Therefore, fresh dilutions of purified GA stock solutions (25% or above) are to be used Purified GA remains relatively stable If stored at 4°C or below, at low pH (05 0) under oxygen-free condltlons (inert gas). Diluted, alkaline solutions should be discarded after a few hours at room temperature They might be stored m the refrigerator for up to a week, but probably indefinitely m a freezer To avoid undue detenoration of the GA, fixation should take place below 10°C (32). 3 Followmg aldehyde fixation, the samples generally should be quenched, since incomplete fixation owrng to unreacted aldehyde groups should be avoided This is especially critical after GA fixation, where one free aldehyde group might react with the lectins and nonspeclfically bind them Commonly used quenching agents are ammonium chloride, glycme, or sodium borohydrlde Rinse the samples m 0 05M ammonium chloride for 2 h (add 27 mg ammomum chloride to 10 mL sodmm cacodylate buffer) 4 The chromogen DAB is a suspected carcinogen and should be handled with care a. DAB is purchased in l-g bottles (Aldrich, Stemhelm, Germany, Serva, Heldelberg, Germany, Janssen Chlmlca, Belgium, Sigma) and stored in the dark b Work m a fume hood wearmg the appropriate gloves, gown, and mask, use a bench coat. c Prepare the workmg solution directly before use by adding 10 mg DAB to 20 mL 0 05M Tns-HCl buffer (or multiple amounts), pH 7 6, and mix gently until dissolved. Filter through two layers of prefolded filter paper and keep covered in the dark. Use one part for premcubatlon of the probes. Add 200 pL Fig. 3. (prevzous page) Low-power electron micrograph of a flat section through the center of a cryosectlon from the small intestinal vlllus eplthehum Ricznus communis I @Gal >Gala>>GalNAc) lectin binding sites mark the brush border, goblet cell mucm granules (*), Golgl stacks (G), and vesicles in enterocytes. Bar = 2 pm. Fig. 4. (previouspage) Low-power electron mlcrograph showmg a cross-sectloned cryosectlon of the villus eplthelmm from the small mtestme Lens culznarzs lectm (cLMan>aGlc >GlcNAc) bmdmg sites are located throughout the entu-e thickness of the cryosection Bar = 2 pm Fig. 5. (prewous page) Locahzatlon of Pisum satrvum lectm (aMan>aGlc= GlcNAc) binding sites in a cultured fibroblast Reactions mark the extended Golgl apparatus (G), various vesicles, and lysosomes Bar = 2 pm



Fig. 6. Cover slips are placed mto a wet chamber and Incubated wtth the lectmconJugates Place the drops gently onto the surface Do not touch the margins; the solutes will spread out At the end of the mcubatron, withdraw soluttons by short suction with filter paper (adsorbed solutes can easily be deposited) and rinse thoroughly Small volume multtwell plates (96 wells/plate) also proved useful, less than 50 pL of the solutrons are sufficient and multtple incubatrons may be done m parallel Dehydrate up to 100% ethanol and skip the propylenoxrde since rt might drssolve the plastic Finally, the molds are tilled wrth Epon and polymerrzed

of 1% H202 to the second part (10 mL DAB/Trrs-HCl solutton) for the mcubatton step Since oxtdatron of DAB starts with the addrtton of H,O, and contmues when exposed to the an, rt should be prepared directly before use and kept covered d 1% H,02 IS diluted from a 30% H,O, stock solutron (add 100 FL stock solution to 3 mL dtstrlled water), the stock solutron 1sextremely caustic and should be handled with caution e Contaminated glassware and ~~111sshould be thoroughly cleaned up Wastes from the DAB solution as well as contaminated materials should be collected and disposed as hazardous waste Prewetghed DAB tablets (packages with 50 or 100 U [lo mgitablet]) as well as 100 mg packages sealed m a lOO-mL serum bottles are also commerctally available (Sigma) Put two layers of filter paper m a Petri dish and wet them Put strips of parafilm on the filter paper and place cover slips with the cells upstde and incubate with 1.50-200 pL of the respective solutton (see Fig. 6) To increase membrane contrast, postfix the samples first for 30 mm m 1% osmmm ferrocyamde. Prepare a 1.1 mixture of 2% aqueous OsOQ and 3% aqueous K4Fen[CN],; the yellow color of the clear solutron of K4Fe1’[CN]6 changes to brown after mixing with 0~0, owing to the reduction of osmium For mild permeabthzatton, add 10 mL DMSO to 90 mL cacodylate buffer and rinse the samples overnight for up to 2-3 d at 4°C 0.05M Trrs-HCl buffer, pH 7 6 (100 mL): Add 25 mL of 0 2M Trts (hydroxymethyl) ammomethane (2.42 g/l00 mL dtsttlled water), 38 mL 0 1N HCl and 37 mL dtsttlled water

Electron Microscopy


Cell layer

Fig. 7. Take the cover slips, discard the ethanol, and place them on top of resinfilled beem capsules. Slightly overfill the capsules and ensure that the cover slips are completely touched by the resin.

9. 0.05M Cacodylate buffer, pH 7.2: 100 mL 0. 1M sodium cacodylate (2 1.4 g/L Na (CH3)2.As02~3H20) + 8.3 mL O.lN HCl + 91.7 mL distilled water. 10. Osmium tetroxide ([OsO,]; Merck, Darmstadt, Germany; local supplier for electron microscopy; glass ampule containing 0~0~ crystals): Prepare a 2% stock by adding 1 g 0~0~ to 50 mL distilled water. 0~0, is toxic because of its high vapor pressure, therefore it should be stored separately and must be handled in a fume hood. Particular care must be taken to avoid breathing the vapor, which is injurious to nose, eyes, and throat. 0~0~ is also supplied as an aqueous solution. 1 1. Epoxy resins are liquids with irritant, harmful vapors that may cause skin irritation and dermatitis; avoid contact with the skin and use the resin in a fume hood. After curing, polymerized resin blocks are harmless and inert. If cured blocks are sawn, make sure that dust is not inhaled (18-20). 12. Cells grown on cover slips are preferred as they are easily handled in further incubation steps and minimum volumes of media (approx 150 pL/ 12 mm I$cover slip) are sufficient (Fig. 6). Take care that the cells never dry up! At the end of incubation and embedding, the cover slips are placed upside (attached cells) down on resin-filled beem capsules (Fig. 7). The thin cell layer is easily penetrated by the resin; after polymerization of the resin, the cover slips are cut off (mechanically [stick cover slip onto a solid glass plate; Fig. 81 or by repeated warming and cooling [place on top of a heater and on ice or even touch the surface of liquid nitrogen-take care]) and the cells remain top-layer embedded in the resin. Skillful technicians can easily prepare flat sections of the cells; for cutting cross-sections, after removal of the cover slips, the probes should be re-embedded in the resin. 13. The limited penetration of the reagents means that sections should be cut from compact tissue. Tissue chopper, vibratome, or cryocut sections may be used. In our procedure, sections were prepared with a cryomicrotome at -30°C. Freezing and thawing of the samples in this procedure might further enhance their penetrability. The specimens are protected against ice crystal damage by use of DMSO (rinse in buffer/DMSO for l-3 d) and freezing in isopentane.




Glass plate


Fig. 8. The fixed beem capsule IS removed so that the cover shp remams on the support Thus, the embedded cells become accesstble as outermost layer wtthm the resm Ensure that no glass splinters remain attached (control under the mrcroscope)

14 To avotd nonspectfic bmdmg, the lowest possible concentratton of the lectins should be used (=30-I 50 ug/mL) Hugh number of sugar resrdues m the samples mtght enable further reduction m the lectm concentration Most lectms can be dtssolved m PBS (see data sheets from the supphers), their bmdmg actrvrty often depends on cattons, which have to be added to the buffer (30). The spectfictty and bmdmg charactertsttcs of the various lectms are excellently revtewed by Goldstein and Poretz (29) Some lectms are highly toxic (e g , Rwnus cornmums I) others are mttogemc (e.g , Concanavalin A), and so should be used with care. 15. The specificity of the bmdmg reaction may be tested wtth the aid of competrtive and noncompetmve sugars It has to be constdered that the bmdmg affimty of the lectms to certam sugar sequences mostly IS much higher than to sample monosaccharides, used in mhibttion protocols (29) The sugars are added at concentratrons of 0.15-0.6M to lectin media and allowed to bmd wrth the lectm for 30 mm before mcubatton of the samples By means of graded series of competmve sugars (0.001-O 6M) added to the lectm medta, dtfferenttal labeling 1s achieved for glycoconmgates that coexist m the tissues and interact wtth the same lectm, thus hrgh and low affimty binding glycoconJugates can be dtfferenttated m subcellular compartments (1 I, I2,31)

References 1 Edelman, G M. (1976) Surface modulatton m cell recognition and cell growth Sczence 192,2 18-226

2 Sahk, S E. and Cook, G. M W. (1976) Compartson of early embryonic and drfferenttatmg cell surfaces Bzochzm Blophys Acta 419, 119-136 3 Burrtdge, K (1976) Changes m cellular glycoprotems after transformatton. tdentification of specrtic glycoprotems and antrgens m sodmm dodecylsulphate gels Proc Natl Acad SCI USA 73,4457-4461,

Electron Mkroscopy


4 Rapm, A M C and Burger, M M (1974) Tumor cell surfaces general alteratlons detected by agglutmms Adv. Cancer Res 20, l-94 5. Slmlonescu, M., Slmlonescu, N., and Palade, G E , (1982) Dlfferentlated microdomams on the lummal surface of capillary endothelmm dlstrlbutlon of lectin receptors J Cell Blol 94,40&413 6 Gonatas, N K. and Avrameas, S (1973) DetectIon of plasma membrane carbohydrates with lectm peroxldase conJugates J Cell Blol 59,43&443 7 Nlcolson, G L (1974) The interaction of lectms with animal cell surfaces Int Rev Cytol 39,99-190 8. Hedman, K , Pastan, I., and Wlllmgham, M C (1986) The organelles of the trans domain of the cell Ultrastructural localization of slaloglycoconJugates using Lzmax jlavus agglutmm J Hzstochem Cytochem 34, 1069-I 077 9. Pavelka, M and Ellmger, A. (1985) Locahzatlon of bmdmg sites for Concanavalm A, Rzcuzus cornmums I and Hellxpomatla lectm m the Golgl apparatus of rat small mtestmal absorptive cells J Hzstochem Cytochem 33, 905-9 14 10. Pavelka, M. and Ellmger, A (1987) The Golgl apparatus m the developmg embryonic pancreas’ II localization of lectm bmdmg sites Am J Anat 178,224-230 1I Pavelka, M and Ellmger, A (1989) Affinity cytochemlcal dlfferentlatlon of glycoconJugates of small intestinal absorptive cells using Pi&urn satlvum and Lens culwzarzs lectms J Hzstochem Cytochem 37, 877-884 12 Pavelka, M and Ellmger, A (1989) Pre-embedding labeling techniques applicable to intracellular bmdmg sites, m Electron Mzcroscopy of Subcellular Dynamzcs (Plattner, H , ed.), CRC, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 199-2 18 13 Sato, A and Spacer, S S (1982) Ultrastructural vlsuahzatlon of galactosyl lesldues m various alimentary eplthelral cells with the peanut lectm-horseradish peroxldase procedure Hzstochemzstry 73, 607-624. 14 Tartakoff, A. M. and Vassalh, P (1983) Lectm-bmdmg sites as markers of Golgl subcompartments proximal-to-distal maturation of ohgosaccharldes J Cell Blol 97,1243-l 248 15 Yokoyama, M , Nlshlyama, F , Kawal, N , and Hirano, H (1980) The stammg of Golgl membranes with Rzcwzuscommunes agglutinm-horseradish peroxldase conJugate m mice tissue cells Exp Cell Res 125,47-53 16. Bretton, R and Bariety, J (1976) A comparative ultrastructural locallzatlon of Concanavalin A, wheat germ and Rzcrnus communzs on glomerull of normal rat kidney J Hlstochem Cytochem 24, 1093-I 100 17 Bernhard, W and Avrameas, S. (1971) Ultrastructural vlsuallzatlon of cellular carbohydrate components by means of concanavalm A. Exp Cell Res 64,232-236 18. Glauert, A. M (1974) Fixation, dehydration and embeddmg of bIologIca specsmens, m Practical Methods wzElectron Microscopy, vol 3, Glavert, A M , ed , North Holland Publishing, Amsterdam, pp l-207 19 Hayat, M A (1989) Prrnclples and Technzques ofElectron Mzcroscopy Blologzcal Applzcatzons 3rd Ed., CRC, Boca Raton, FL 20. Melan, M. A. (1994) Overview of cell fixation and permeablllzatlon, m Methods zn Molecular Biology, Immunocytochemzcal Methods and Protocols (Javols, L C , ed ), Humana, Totowa, NJ, pp. 55-66



2 1 McLean, I. W and Nakane, P. K (1974) Periodate-lysm-paraformaldehyde tixative. A new fixative for immunoelectron microscopy. J Hzstochem Cytochem 22,1077-1083 22

Willmgham, M C. (1983) An altemattve fixation-processing method for pre-embeddmg ultrastructural rmmunocytochemistry of cytoplasmic antigens. the GBS (glutaraldehyde-borohydride-saponm) procedure J Hlstochem Cytochem 31,


Polak, J. M. and Vamdell, I M (1984) Immunolabellngfor Electron Mcroscopy, Elsevier, Amsterdam Childs, G V (1986) Immunocytochemical technology Am J Anat 175, 127-134 Nakane. P. and Kawaoi, A (1974) Peroxidase labeled antibody a new method of conJugation J Hlstochem Cytochem 22, 1084-1091 Courtoy, P J , Picton, D H., and Farquhar, M. G (1983) Resolution and limitations of the immunoperoxidase procedure m the localtzation of extracellular matrix antigens J Hlstochem Cytochem 31, 945-95 1 Messing, A , Stieber, A , and Gonatas, N K (1985) Resolution of diammobenzidine for the detection of horseradish peroxidase on surfaces of cultured cells J Hlstochem Cytochem 33,837-839 Novikoff, A. B (1980) DAB cytochemistry artifact problems m its current uses J Hlstochem Cytochem 28, 1036-1038 Goldstein, I. J and Pore@ R D (1986) Isolation, physicochemical characterization, and carbohydrate-binding specificity of lectms, m The Lectms P ropertzes, Functzons, and Applzcatlons zn Bzology and Medzcme (Ltener, I E., Sharon, N , and Goldstem, I J , eds ), Academic, London, pp 33-247 Lonnerdal, B., Borrebaeck, C A , Etzler, M E , and Erssoon, B (1983) Dependence on cations for the bmdmg affinity of lectms as determined by affimty electrophoresis Blochem Bzophys Res Comm 115, 1069-1074 Ellmger, A and Pavelka, M (1992) Subdomams of the rough endoplasmic reticulum m colon goblet cells of the rat lectm-cytochemical charactertzation J Hlstochem Cytochem 40,919-930 Prento, P. (1995) Glutaraldehyde for electron microscopy. a practical investigation of commercial glutaraldehydes and glutaraldehyde-storage conditions Hzstochem J 27, 9069 13.


24 25



28 29


31 32

Electron Microscopy Use of Lectin-Gold

After Embedding

Rainer Herken and Berti Manshausen 1. Introduction 1.1. Fixation of the Tissue Ftxatton of ttssuesfor postembedding gold-lectm hlstochemistry calls for a fixative that preserves the ultrastructure of the ttssue, has no inhtbttmg effect on lectm bmdmg sites, and binds the glycoconJugates, whrch carry these lectm binding sites withm the tissue so strongly that they cannot be washed out durmg the dehydration and ensuing embedding steps.There is no “one and only” fixative that has all these properties, and every fixattve used for postembedding gold-lectin hrstochemtstry must be viewed, at best, as a compromrse. One common fixative, more or less exhtbttmg the properties required, IS a mixture of 4% formaldehyde and 0.5% glutaraldehyde m phosphate buffer at pH 7 35. The use of osmium tetroxrde as a fixattve must, m general, be avoided for postembeddmg lectm histochemistry since tt disturbs the reactivity of lectm binding sites. 1.2. Embedding of the Tissue Generally for postembedding lectm histochemistry, hydrophilic resins should be used. Embedding in hydrophobic resins such as Epon 1spossible, but can hardly be recommended. Postembeddmg lectin htstochemistry on tissue embedded tn hydrophobic resins IS much more compltcated than on tissues embedded m hydrophilic resins because the resin must be removed from the tissue or the surface of the section etched with chemrcals. These procedures increase the danger of errors due to nonspecific binding of Iectms as well as disturbances of lectin-binding sites. From Methods m Molecular Medrcme, Vat 9 Lectrn Methods and Protocols EdIted by J M Rhodes and J D Mllton Humana Press Inc , Totowa, NJ 111

Herken and Manshausen

Fig. 1. Cryotome

equipped with capsule holder for hardening LR-Gold at -20°C.

For postembedding gold-lectin histochemistry, we prefer embedding in the hydrophilic resin LR-Gold, which can be hardened at -25°C with the help of a halogen lamp (1). Another hydrophilic resin widely used for lectin histochemistry is Lowicryl K4M (2). A clear advantage of the use of LR-Gold is the fact that tissue embedded in this resin not only allows localization of numerous lectin binding sites but also postembedding immunohistochemistry for a greater number of antigens than does Lowicryl. One disadvantage of LR-Gold compared with Lowicryl K4M is the fact that the hardening of this resin is less reliable than the hardening of Lowicryl, probably owing to variations in the chemical composition of the resin. Moreover, the cutting of tissue embedded in LR-Gold requires a great deal of patience. 1.3. Hardening of the Resin For hardening of the resin in the capsules, some form of closed cooling equipment that has a temperature of -25 to -30°C and that also allows the hardening of the LR-Gold with the light of a halogen lamp with maximal brightness is necessary. Such a piece of equipment can be built, for example, from an old cryotome (Fig. 1). For this purpose, the microtome of the cryotome is replaced by a capsule holder, which contains the capsules with the LR-Gold solution to be hardened. The low temperature of approx -25°C is not important for the hardening of the resin, but rather for the preservation of the lectin binding sites. The most important factor for a sufficient hardening of the resin is the amount of light


After EmbeddIng


that reaches the LR-Gold solution, We are faced with the problem that a 20-W halogen lamp (which can be placed mstde the cryotome without affectmg the temperature) does not give enough ltght for a sufficient hardening of the resin On the other hand, brighter lamps produce so much heat that the temperature Inside the cryotome housmg becomes too high. Therefore, the light to harden the resin should come from a source placed outside the cryotome shmmg through the glass screen of the cryotome housmg. A 500-W halogen lamp mounted on a stand, a model now available m any garden or hobby center IS suitable as a light source. 1.4. Preparation of Sections General prmctples of cuttmg sections for electron microscopy are described in any textbook dealing with methods of electron microscopy (3). In this chapter, we will only deal with the details of cutting of tissue embedded m LR-Gold, which are different from those of cuttmg, for example, Epon-embedded tissue. Generally speaking, it 1s possible to cut ultrathin sections of LR-Goldembedded tissue with glass knives. However, it must be remembered that most investigators m the field use Lowicryl K4M rather than LR-Gold Just to avoid the difficulties mvolved m cutting LR-Gold. The use of diamond knives makes the work with LR-Gold much easier. Another problem m cuttmg LR-Gold for electron microscopy is the fact that the determination of the thickness of the sections on the basis of their mterference color is, to say the least, difficult. The fact that not small crumbs, but rather a total section can be cut from the resin block is the marker for the right thickness of the section. These sections, which are suitable for postembeddmg lectm histochemistry, have a yellowish color and a thickness of approx 60 nm 1.5. Lectins Numerous lectins coupled to colloidal gold particles of different sizes are available The gold particles should not be too small. Colloidal gold with a dtameter of 200 kDa, 120% methanol, ~200 kDa, 220% methanol 4 In our experience, the addition of trace amounts of particular cations such as Mn2+, Co2+, Mg2+ to the dtlutton buffer is not required 5 Cell cultures* Harvest cells and keep on tee during the entire hom*ogenization procedure. Centrifuge at lOOg, wash the pelleted cells with PBS, centrifuge again, dtssolve the resultmg cell pellet m hom*ogenization buffer (4 vol buffer/l vol of cell pellet) for 30 mm, remove nuclei, and cell debris by centnmgatton at 100-4OOg for 10 mm and use for SDS-PAGE Tissues. Use freshly obtamed samples or samples which were shock-frozen m hqutd nitrogen and stored at -70°C All steps are performed on ice Soft tissues (for example normal liver, kidney, brain, and so on) are directly hom*ogenized m hom*ogenization buffer (5-10 mL/g tissue) using a Dounce hom*ogenizer Other ttssues such as skeletal muscle, cartilage, or pathologtcal matertals rich m con-

Zuber, Li, and Roth

6 7





necttve tissue are hom*ogemzed wtth an appropriate mixer m hom*ogemzatton buffer not contammg detergent Afterwards detergent 1s added to the hom*ogenate. hom*ogenates of the dtfferent ttssues m detergent-contammg buffer are now kept for 30 mm on Ice Remove nuclet and ttssue debrts by centrrfugatron at 1OO+OOg for 10 mm and use for SDS-PAGE Shock freeze hom*ogenate supernatant m hqutd nitrogen and store at -70°C Transfer time depends on the nature of the glycoprotems under study and the type of gel used Gradtent gels provtde the advantage that high molecular mass glycoprotems present m the low percentage region of the gels are eluted equally efficiently as the low-mol-wt glycoprotems m the higher percentage regtons of the gels In hom*ogenous gels, elutton efficiency for high and low molecular mass glycoprotems will differ stgmficantly In addition to commerctally available blockmg solutton, others such as MTPBS, TPBS, or TPBS contammg up to 10% bovme serum albumm can be used Exclude reacttvity of the lectm with blocking compounds At this point, tt should be mentioned that dependmg on the lectm applied, the nature and composttton of the dtlutmg buffer may be of importance with regard to background Thus, for each lectm, the use of etther phosphate or Trts buffer, tts appropriate pH value (usually pH 7 4) and the specific addmves such as Tween-20 alone or m combmatron with Trtton X-100, defatted milk, and bovine serum albumin has to be determined emptrlcally Enzyme digestton prior to SDS-PAGE may give doubtful results owing to proteolyttc degradation, which may occur during the mcubatton even m the presence of protease mhtbttors, and owing to the presence of endogenous glycosrdases Further, some endoglycostdases such as PNGase F require denatured substrates for full deglycosylatton to occur Although acetate buffer IS usually recommended for work with stalidases, this ~111 result m partial protein prectpttatton when the enzyme treatment IS performed m solution This can be overcome by the use of citrate buffer of the same molartty and pH Longer mcubatton times are not suitable smce protein loss from membrane may occur under alkaline condmons To momtor the protein amount which remains immobiltzed m the membrane, an nnmunoblot with antibody directed against the protein backbone 1s recommended Followmg alkalme hydrolysis at temperatures higher than 37*C, more stringent blockmg condtttons (higher concentrattons of blockmg compounds, longer blockmg time) may be required to prevent nonspecific protein-protein mteracttons Note, concentrated NaOH (>lN) soluttons should not be stored m glass bottles Denaturatton and preclpttatton of proteins and detergent may occur at alkalme pH applied for the l3-ehmmatton reactton. However, If D-elrmmatton needs to be performed prior to SDS-PAGE, the pH in the reaction mixture must be neutralized afterwards since the SDS of the sample buffer will precipitate at alkahne pH Methanol has a botlmg pomt at 65°C. To prevent evaporation and incidents, the mcubatlon has to be performed m sealed plastic bags As a control experiment, membranes should be incubated under the same condttrons m methanol only

Blot Analysis wfh Lectms


References I Goldstem, I and Poretz, R (1986) Isolatton, phystcochemtcal charactenzatton, and carbohydrate-bmdmg spectfictty of lectms, in The Lectlns Propertzes, Functlons and Appllcatlons zn Biology and Medlcme, vol 35 (Liener, I , Sharon, N , and Goldstein, I , eds ), Academic, Orlando, FL 2 Ammashaun, T and Hughes, R (1989) Bowrzngza mzlhraedlz agglutmm Spectficny of bmdmg to early processmgmtermedtatesof asparagme-linkedohgosaccharide and use as a marker of endoplasmic reticulum glycoprotems J Blol Chem 264,46574663 3 Schulte, B. A and Spacer,S S (1983) Light microscopic htstochemtcal detection of terminal galactose and N-acetylgalactosamme residues m rodent complex carbohydrates using a galactose oxidase-Schtff sequenceand the peanut lectmhorseradishperoxtdase conJugate J Hlstochem Cytochem 31, 19-24 4 Shtbuya, N , Goldstein, I , E J M , v Damme, and Peumans,W (1988) Bmdmg properties of a mannose-specificlectm from snowdrop (Galanthus nzvalls) bulb J Blol Chem 263, 728-734 5 Shibuya, N., Goldstem, I , Broekaert, W , Nstmba-Lubakt, M , Peeters, B , and Peumans,W (1987) The elderberry (Sambucusnzgra L ) bark lectm recogmzes the NeuSAc(a2,6)Gal/GalNAc sequence.J Bzol Chem 262, 1596160 1 6 Wang, W and Cummmgs,R (1988) The tmmobihzed leukoagglutmm from the seedsof Maackza amurenszsbinds with high affinity to complex-type asn-linked ohgosacchartdescontaining terminal stalic acid a2,3 to penulttmate galactoserestdues J Blol Chem 263,4576-4585 7 Kmbbs, R N , Goldstem, I J , Ratchffe, R M , and Shibuya, N (1991) Characterization of the carbohydrate bmdmg spectfictty of the leukoagglutmatmg lectm from Maackta amurensts: compartson with other stahc acid-specific lectms J Bzol Chem 266,83-88 8 Rinderle, S , Goldstem, I., and Remsken, E. (1990) Physicochemical properties of amaranthm, the lectm from Amaranthus caudatus seeds Bzochemzstrv 29, 10,555-10,561. 9 Rmderle, S , Goldstein, I , Matta. K , and Ratchffe, R (1989) Isolation and characterization of amaranthm, a lectm present m the seedsof Amaranthus caudulus, which recognizes the T-(or cryptic T) antigen J Bzol Chem 264, 16,123-l 6,13 1 10 Sata, T , Zuber, C , Rmderle, S J , Goldstein, I J , and Roth, J (1990) Expression patterns of the T antigen and the cryptic T antigen m rat fetuses.detection with the lectm Amaranthm J Hzstochem Cytochem 38, 763-774 11 Marchaloms, J and Edelman, G (1968) Isolatton and charactertzatton of a hemagglutmm from Ltmulus polyphemus J Mel Bzol 32,453%465 12 Miller, R., Collawan, J , and Fish, W (1982) Purtficatton and molecular properties of a siahc acid-specitic lectin from the slug Llmaxflavus J B1o1 Chem 257, 7574-7580

13 Ravindranath, M H , Htga, H. H , Cooper, E L , and Paulson,J C. (1985) Purification and characterization of an 0-acetylsialtc acid-spectfic from a marme crab Cancer antennarms J B~ol Chem 260,8850-8856



Li, and Roth

14 Haselbeck, A , Schtckaneder, E , and Hosel, W (1990) Structural charactertzation of glycoprotem carbohydrate chains by usmg drgoxtgenm-labelled lectms on blots Anal Blochem 191,25-30 15 Haselbeck, A., Schtkander, E., Schmtdt, A , v d Eltz, H , and Hosel, W. (1989) New Techniques for the Identlfkatlon and Characterlzatlon of Glvcoprotelns on Gels and Blots Proc. 19th FEBS meeting, Rome. 16 Sata, T , Zuber, C , and Roth, J (1990) Lectm drgoxtgenm conmgates a new hapten system for glycoconJugate cytochemtstry Hzstochemutry 94, 1-l 1, 17 Lt, W , Zuber, C , and Roth, J (1993) Use of Phayeolus vulgarls leukoagglutmatmg lectm m hrstochemtcal and blottmg techniques a comparrson of dtgoxtgenm- and btotm-labeled lectms Hzstochemzstry100, 347-356

13 Characterization of HIV gpl20 Envelope Glycoprotein by Lectin Analysis Gregers J. Gram and John-Erik

Stig Hansen

1. Introduction The envelope glycoprotem gpl20 of the human rmmunodeficrency vnus (HIV), the causative agent of AIDS, contams approx 24 potenttal sites for N-glycosylatton (Asn-X-Ser/Thr, X+Pro) (I), all of which are utthzed and constttute about 50% of the molecular mass (2). Bmdmg of gp 120 to the CD4 molecule IS an mmal step m viral mfectton of cells bearmg the CD4 molecule on the surface, and fusion of HIV-infected cells wrth unmfected CD4posittve cells (3). Using recombinant gp120 produced m H9 cells or Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO), 29 different N-glycosylated glycans of all three main types, high mannose, hybrtd, and complex, have been found (d-61, and a number of studies have Indicated that the glycans of gp 120 play a role in gp120/CD4 binding. Thus, gp120 deglycosylated by chemical methods, has a much reduced (7) or slightly reduced (8) affinity for the CD4 receptor, and inhibition of Golgimedrated glycosylation m Infected cells destroys their ability to form multinucleated cells (syncytta) and reduces the infectrvlty of the viral particles produced (9). Furthermore, the lectms concanavalin A (ConA) and Lens culinarzs agglutmin (LCA), which both bind N-glycosylated btantennary ohgosaccharides, block syncytium formation when added to infected cells before coculture with uninfected, CD4 bearing cells (20). To evaluate the stgmficance of glycans in creating vaccmes against HIV or other blocking agents of CD4-gp 120 binding, tt IS important to Identify accessible glycan structures of gp120 and then influence on CD4 binding. To this end, we have examined whether lectins with different glycan spectftcrttes From Methods m Molecular Me&me, Vol 9 Lectrn Methods and Protocols E&ted by J M Rhodes and J D Mllton Humana Press Inc , Totowa, NJ


Gram and Hansen


bound gp120 from different HIV isolates usmg zn sztu stammg on electrophorettcally separated and electroblotted HIV antigens. 1.1. HIV Glycoprotein Preparation The HIV-l envelope glycoprotem gp120 1sproduced m various amounts m different cells. As retrovtruses can change cell-specific glycosylation patterns, tt 1s important that preparations of gp120 used to identify ohgosaccharide structures are produced m nonvtrally transformed cell Imes. A problem wtth this is the small or moderate amount of gp120 production m these cell lines (e.g., H9, CEM, or 6D5), which necessitates concentration of gp 120 contaming culture supernatants. Cell-free supernatants from the CD4-postttve cell lme 6D4, which was chromcally mfected with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) HIV-l isolate 45 1, was used as a source of gpl20 HIV vuions m supernatant from infected cells were collected by ultracentrtfugation, and the pelleted material was macttvated by mcubatton with Trtton X-100 before use 1.2. Electrophoretic Polyacrylamide Gel Separation and Electroblotting Electrophorettc separation of proteins according to molecular mass by polyacrylamtde gel electrophorests (PAGE) and subsequent electroblottmg 1s widely used for tdenttticatton and charactertzation of vartous proteins. The method is easy to perform and tt 1ssuitable for simple and rapid tdentrficatton purposes We performed the separations m 10% hom*ogeneous polyacrylamtde gels and subsequently the separated protems were transferred by semidry electroblottmg onto 0.45pm mtrocellulose membranes. 7.3. Lectin and Antibody


Lectms are carbohydrate bmdmg proteins, and when mteractmg with glycoproteins, the lectins bmd to oltgosacchartdes and glycans linked to the pepttde backbone vta asparagme (N-linked) or vta serme/threonme (0-linked, mucm type), with assoctation constants m the order of 1O”A4 (ZZ) Binding of lectms to immobtltzed, electroblotted glycoprotems 1sfairly sensitive but only semtquantttattve at best Stall, tt 1svery easily done and suitable for simple and rapid identiticatton of oltgosacchartde structures present on glycoprotems, particularly as tt allows ohgosaccharrde identtficatton without prior separation and purtticatton from the protem backbone. We performed in sztu stammg of gp120 with horseradish peroxidase-conJugated lectms, anttbodtes, and pooled patient serum on commercially avatlable electroblotted nitrocellulose strips from Du Pont containing HTLV-IIIB

Lectm Analysis of HIV gp 120


antigens and electroblotted strips contaming purified HIV anttgens from the

HIV- 1 Isolate CDC 45 1. Antibody stammg was mcluded for identification purposes. Bmdmg condttions for antibodies or lectms to electroblotted glycoprotems are not identical, glycoprotems bind antibodies better at low-salt/high-pH and lectms better at high-salt/neutral pH. 1.4. Glycosidase Degradation of Oligosaccharide Structures Glycosidases are molecules that cleave ohgosacchartde structures and enzymes with various spectftcttles and are now commerctally available. Because glycoprotems

usually carry several dtfferent oltgosacchartde


tures, glycosidases can be very useful m characterizing multtspecific lectm binding patterns. We concentrated our attention on neurammtdase, which IS known to cleave stahc acids on N- and O-linked glycans. Glycosidase treatment of glycoprotems can be performed both on nnrnobtllzed electroblotted material or glycoprotems in solution. Glycostdase treatment on tmmobthzed glycoproteins is performed on the blotted strtp just before bmdmg of lectms, whereas glycosrdase treatment in solutton can be performed at any step before

SDS-PAGE separation of the sample. The latter treatment may mfluence the mob&y of the glycoprotem m SDS-PAGE 2. Materials 2.1. HIV Glycopro teins Preparation 1 6D5 cells are cultured at 37”C, 5% CO,, usmg RPMI-1640 (Glbco-BRL, Gatthersburg, MD) supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum, 100 IU/mL pemctllm, 20 pg/mL Gentamicm, 100 IU/mL streptomycin, and 2.3 ug/mL amphoterrtin B. Cells are mamtamed at a concentration of 2-8 x lO’/mL, and medium IS changed twice weekly. 2 Phosphate-buffered salme (PBS), pH 7.4, containing 1% Triton X-100 (TX- 100)

2.2. Electrophoretic and Electroblotting


Gel Separation

1 Prepare a 16 x 11 cm, 1-mm-thrck 10% hom*ogeneous polyacrylamlde separation gel (T = lo%, C = 2%) with a 4% stacking gel (T = 4%, C = 2%) on top 2. Sample buffer: 2% w/v SDS, 0.05 g dithiotrettol, 0.2% w/v tetramethylenedtamine, 0 01% w/v pyronm Y and 10% v/v glycerol m a 0 4M Trts/H2S0, buffer, pH 7.2. 3. Trrs/Taurme electrophorests buffer. 70 mMTaurme, 70 mMTrrs, 0 1% w/v SDS (sample buffer as blot marker) 4 0 45-pm nitrocellulose filters. 5. Falter paper. 6. Transfer buffer 48 mA4 glycine, 32 mA4Trrs, 1 3 mM SDS, and 20% v/v ethanol

Gram and Hansen

170 2.3. In Situ Lecfin and Antibody


Anttbody (Ab)-mcubatton buffer 50 mM Trts-HCl, pH 10 2, 150 mM NaCl, 0 05% v/v Tween-20, and 5 mM NaN3. Lectm (Let)-mcubatton buffer 10 mA4 Trts-HCI, pH 7 2, lMNaC1, 0 05% v/v Tween-20, and 5 tiNaN Ab-blockmg buffer 2% v/v Tween-20 m Ab-mcubatton buffer. Lee-blockmg buffer 2% v/v Tween-20 m Let-mcubatton buffer 30 pL/mL pooled HIV posmve serumor 6 pg/mL anti-gp120antibody (Sheep-anti gp120, Biochrome KG, Berlin, Germany). Use peroxidase-conlugated lectms at a subunit concentratton of 10p6A4(l-20 ug/mL) (Sigma, St Louts, MO; Kern-En-Tee, Copenhagen,Denmark) 3 pg/mL peroxtdase-conlugated rabbtt antibody against sheep IgG (DAKO, Copenhagen,Denmark) 0 05Msodmm acetatecontammg 4% v/v 0 1% 3-ammo, 9-ethyl carbozole m acetone and 0 1 % v/v 30% hydrogen peroxide adjusted pH to 5.5 with acetic actd Preparelust before use (seeNote 1) 50 mM sodium dlsulfite (Na,S,O,)

2.4. Glycosidase


of Oligosaccharide


1 0 5 U Neuramimdase from Cfostrzdlum perfizngens (Boehrmger Mannhelm, Mannhelm, Germany) m 200 uL 50 mM sodmm-acetatebuffer, pH 5 5

3. Method 3.7. HIV Glycopro teins Preparation 1 2 3 4.

Harvest culture supernatantsfrom 6D5 cells chromcally infected with CDC-45 1 Clear supernatantsby centrtfugation for 15 mm at 4°C 18,OOOg Pellet virus parttcles by centrifugation for 2 5 h at 4°C 150,OOOg. Resuspend pellet m 3 6 mL PBS, pH 7.4, containing 1% v/v TX-100 (see Note 2) 5 Incubate for 1 h at 4°C and store at -80°C until analysis 6 As a negative control, repeatstepsl-5 with an uninfected 6D5 culture supernatant

3.2. Electrophorefic and Electroblotting


Gel Separation

1 Prepare the SDS-PAGE gel with several small lanes 2 Dilute samples 1 1 m 50 pL sample buffer and boll for 3 min (see Note 3) Load the HIV antigen samplesmto lanes with molecular protein marker m the outer lanes 3 Perform electrophoresisuntil the electrophoresismarker, pyronin Y, hasmigrated 11 cm orlust above the saltbridge (seeNote 4). Before stoppmgthe electrophoreSISrun, add samplebuffer to each lane and electrophorese until the pyronme Y marker has migrated into the resolvmg gel (seeNote 5) 4 Put the resolving gel on a 0 45-urn mtrocellulose paper and place between several pieces of filter paper presoakedm transfer buffer (seeNote 6)


Lectin Analysis of HIV gp 120

5 Place m blottmg apparatus m the following order cathode/ftlters/separatton gel/mtrocellulose paper/filters/anode. Transfer for 1 h at 0 8 mA/cm* gel 6 Cut the mtrocellulose paper m strips according to the pyronm Y marker and number each

3.3. In Situ Lectin and Antibody


1 Wash stnps once for 10 mm m antibody- or lectin-mcubation buffer (Ab/Lecmcubatton buffer) 2. Block for 2 mm in antibody- or lectm-blocking buffer (Ab/Lec-blocking buffer) 3 Wash strtps for 10 mm in Ab/Lec-incubation buffer 4 Incubate strips overnight on a rocking table in 2 mL Ab/Lec-mcubation buffer with an appropriate concentration of antibody (6 ug/mL) or peroxidase-conjugated lectm (l-20 ug/mL) 5. Wash strtps 3 x 10 min m Ab/Lec-mcubation buffer. For bmdmg of secondary peroxidase-conjugated antibody, incubate strips with 3 pg/mL peroxidase-conjugated antibody for 1 h on a rocking table and repeat the washing step 6 Stain the strips in 3-ammo,9-ethyl carbozole and hydrogen peroxide for 2-10 mm (see Note 7)

7 Wash strips in distilled water 8 Fix the strips m sodium disulfite and photograph (see Figs 1 and 2)

3.4. Glycosidase


of Oligosaccharide


1 Before separation on SDS-PAGE gel, 100 pL of the semipurified material is incubated with 0 5 U Neurammidase m 200 uL 50 mA4 sodium acetate-buffer, pH 5 5, for 3 h at room temperature 2 Proceed with electrophorests, but Include an antibody detection on a replica strip as described for antibody stammg.

4. Notes 1 Immediately before use, prepare a mixture of the followmg three stock solutions* 2 5 mL (1% 3-amino,9-ethyl carbozole m acetone), 40 mL (sodium acetate buffer, pH 5 0), and 30 uL (30% hydrogen peroxtde) 2. Incubation for 1 h m 1% TX-100 at temperatures above 3°C macttvates HIV. Ahquots can be stored at -80°C until analysts 3 Use Eppendorf tubes and make a hole m the Itd before botlmg to avoid tube-pops and evaporation of the sample. 4 Electrophorests can be performed at 5 or 30 mA for a duration of approx 24 or 3 h, respectively 5 The pyronm Y blot marker buffer should not contain sugar for lectm blots 6. It 1svery tmportant to avoid any an bubbles between separation gel and mtrocellulose paper 7. Be aware that stammg will not stop immedtately after soaking m water. Soak m water Just before perfect staining appears




Fig. 1. Electroblotted

strips from Du Pont containing HTLV-IIIB

antigens incu-

bated with: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

30 ug/mL pooled HIV positive serum. 5 pg/mL Sheep anti-gp120. 2 pg/mL concannavalin A (Con A). 8 pg/mL Lens culinaris agglutinin (LCA). 6 pg/mL Vicia faba agglutinin (VFA). 15 yg/mL Pisum sativum agglutinin (PSA). 15 yg/mL phytohaem (erythro) agglutinin (PHA-E). 4 pg/mL Tricium vulgaris (wheat-germ) agglutinin (WGA). 15 pg/mL soybean agglutinin. 15 ug/mL peanut agglutinin. 15 ug/mL ulex europaeus I agglutinin (UEA- 1). 15 yg/mL Grffonia simplicfolia 2 agglutinin (GSA-2). 15 pg/mL phytohaem (leuko) agglutinin (PHA-L). 15 pg/mL Dolichos biflorus agglutinin. 15 yg/mL Vicia villosa agglutinin.

All lectins were conjugated to horseradish peroxidase and incubations were performed in 2 mL incubation buffer. Indicated is the envelope glycoproteins of HIV: gp120 and gp41. gp120 was stained with the following lectins: Con A (3), LCA (4), VFA (5), PSA (6), PHA-E (7).


Lectin Analysis of HIV gp120


120 100

Fig. 2. Neuraminidase treatment of a gp 120 preparation (CDC isolate 45 1) resulted in a shift from approx 120,000 to 100,000 M,. in staining with sheep anti-gp 120 and Con A. Lanes 1 and 3: 100 pL purified HIV-l supernatant incubated with 0.5 U neuraminidase from Clostridiumperfringens (Boehringer Mannheim) in 200 pL 50 mM sodium acetate-buffer, pH 5.5, for 3 h at room temperature. Lanes 2 and 4: Mock treated supernatant. Lanes 1 and 2 were incubated with 6 pg/mL sheep anti-gp120. Lanes 3 and 4 were incubated with 2 yg/mL Con A. Note that the faint band at 100,000 in lane 2 is relatively stronger in lane 4. All four lanes are nitrocellulose strips blotted from the same polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE).

Acknowledgment The HIV isolate, CDC isolate 45 1, was obtained from Paul Feorino, Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA.

References 1, Kornfeld, charides. 2. Leonard, Gregory,

R. and Komfeld, S. (1985) Assembly of asparagine-linked oligosacAnn. Rev. Biochem. 54,63 l-664. C. K., Spellman, M. W., Riddle, L., Harris, R. J., Thomas, J. N., and T. J. (1990) Assignment of intrachain disultide bonds and characteriza-





6 7





Gram and Hansen

tlon of potential glycosylatlon sites of the type 1 recombinant human lmmunodeficiency virus envelope glycoprotem (gpl20) expressed m Chinese hamster ovary cells J Btol Chem 265, 10,373-10,382 Dalglelsh, A. G , Beverley, P C L , Clapham, P R , Crawford, D H , Greaves, M F , and Weiss, R A (1984) The CD4 (T4) antigen 1san essential component of the receptor for the AIDS retrovu-us Nature 312,763-767 Mlzuochi, T , Spellmann, M V , Larkin, M., Soloman, J , Basa, L J , and Felzl, T. (1988) Carbohydrate structures of the human-lmmunodeficlency-vu-us (HIV) recombinant envelope glycoprotem gp 120 produced m Chinese hamster ovary cells Blochem J 263,59%603. Mizuochl, T , Matthews, T J , Kato, M , Hamako, J , Tltam, K , Solomon, J , and Felzl, T (1990) Diversity of ollgosaccharlde structures on the envelope glycoprotem gp 120 of human immunodeficlency virus 1 from the lymphoblastold cell lme H9 Presence of complex-type ollgosaccharldes with bisecting N-acetylglucosamine residues. J B~ol Chem 265, 85 19-8524 Geyer, H , Holsbach. C , Hunsmann, G., and Schelder, J. (1988) Carbohydrate of human lmmunodeficlency vu-us J Bzol. Chem 263, 11,76&l 1,767 Mathews, T J , Wemhold, K J , Lyerly, H K , Langlois, A J , Wlgzell, H , and Bolognesl, D P (1987) Interactlon between the human T-cell lymphotroplc vnus type IIIB envelope glycoprotem gp 120 and the surface antigen CD4 Role of carbohydrate m bmdmg and cell fusion Proc Nat1 Acad Scl USA 84, 5424-5428 Fenouillet, E , Clerget-Raslain, B., Gluckmann, J C , Guetard, D., Montagmer, L , and Bahraoul, E (1989) Role of N-linked glycans m the interaction between the envelope glycoprotem of human m-ununodeficlency virus and its CD4 cellular receptor J Exp bled 169,807-822 Gruters, R A , Neefjes, J J , Tersmette, M , de Goede, R E Y., Tulp, A , Hulsmann, H G , Mledema, F , and Ploegh, H L. (1987) Interference with HIV-induced syncytmm formation and viral mfectlvlty by mhlbltors of trimming glycosldases. Nature 330, 74-77. Lifson, J., Coutre, S , Huang, E , and Englemann, E (1986) Role of envelope glycoprotein carbohydrate m human lmmunodeficlency virus (HIV) mfectlvlty and vu-us-induced cell fusion J Exp Med 164,2 101-2 106 Osawa, T. and TSUJI,T (1987) Fractionation and structural assessment of o11gosaccharides and glycopeptldes by use of tmmoblllzed lectms Ann Rev Blochem 56,2 l-42

14 Use of Lectins for Characterization of O-Linked Glycans of Herpes Simplex Virus Glycoproteins Sigvard


and Anders Bolmstedt

1. Introduction The existence of O-linked glycans m vrral glycoproteins was described m the early 1980s for enveloped viruses such as herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-I), vaccmra vrrus, and mouse hepatitis virus (l-4). Glycoprotem C of HSV-1 (designated gC-I) was demonstrated to contain domains, in which numerous O-linked glycans were concentrated to pronase-resistant clusters (.5-7), thereby resemblmg the orgamzatron of mucms (8). Thus glycoprotem, contammg nme sites for N-linked glycosylatron m addmon to the O-linked glycans, is responsible for several important biologrcal activities, mcludmg vnus receptor binding (9) and binding of factor C3b of the complement system (IO). The function of the O-linked glycans m these actrvitres remams unclear, but rt IS conceivable that their clustered appearance may cause gC-1 to adopt an extended fibrous conformation (II), as originally demonstrated for the O-linked glycans of mucins (8). Use of lectins facilitates a structural analysis of clustered O-linked glycans of gC-1 and rt is possible that the methodology presented here may be of more general use, as similar arrangements of clustered O-linked glycans are present in an increasing number known glycoprotems of other enveloped vu-uses including herpes simplex virus type 2 (12,13), Epstein-Barr virus (14), and respiratory syncytral virus (15). 1.1. US V Glycoproteins HSV-1 is a large, enveloped DNA vu-us with a double-stranded genome of more than lo6 bp, encoding more than 75 proteins. Several open readmg frames with features characterrstrc of membrane-associated glycoprotems have been Identified and today, nine major glycoprotem species, designated from gB- 1 to From Methods UI Molecular Medune, Vol 9 Lectln A4ethods and Protocols Edlted by J M Rhodes and J D Milton Humana Press Inc , Totowa, NJ


Olofsson and Bolmstedt















aa number

Viral envelope

N-linked glycan 0-glycan



Fig. 1. Molecular organization of gC- 1, specified by HSV- 1. Sequence data taken from ref. 28. The position of the clustered O-linked glycan units (29) is marked in gray. These stretches are pronase-resistant and constitute the glycopeptides isolated and analyzed after Step C (Fig. 3). The receptor-binding region (B) of gC- 1 as identified by Trybala and coworkers (30) is indicated.

gL-1 (with gA-1 and gF-1 excluded because of initial ambiguity as to their identity) have been classified. The glycobiology of these glycoproteins was recently reviewed (II). Although other HSV glycoproteins, such as gD-1 may contain O-linked oligosaccharides (16), only gC-1 is discussed further in the present chapter. The molecular organization of gC- 1, which is a membrane-associated glycoprotein with a short cytoplasmic tail, is presented in Fig. 1. All O-linked glycans and most N-linked glycans are situated in the N-terminal part of gC- 1. The receptor binding domain of gC- 1, binding to cell-associated heparan sulfate, is also located in this region. O-linked glycosylation of the mucin-type employs serine and threonine residues as acceptors for addition of an initial N-acetylgalactosamine residue (GalNAc) but the signal requirements of acquisition of O-linked glycans are not as well understood as for addition of N-linked glycans. One explanation for this is probably that the GalNac-transferase, carrying out the first step in O-linked glycosylation, operates in the Golgi region when the glycoprotein substrate has adopted its final three-dimensional conformation. It is, therefore, possible only to score a probability of a given serine or threonine residue to function as an acceptor for 0-glycosylation (I 7). A preliminary analysis, using the Elhammer algorithm for prediction of 0-glycosylation sites (I 7), indicated about 20 serine or threonine residues within the shaded area of gC-1 (Fig. 1) to be highly probable targets for 0-glycosylation.

Lectin Characterization

of HSV Glycoproteins


Owing to the high number of clustered O-linked glycans m the N-terminal portion, gC-I may be purified by subjecting extracts from HSV- 1-Infected cells to lectin aftirnty chromatography, resultmg in separation from not only the other HSV glycoprotems, but also most of the contammatmg proteins, expressed by the host cell (1). The efficacy of this method is illustrated by the fact that one single lectm chromatography step is sufficient to produce an excellent antigen for use in serological diagnosis of HSV mfection (18) Host cell-specific protem synthesis is very efficiently shut down by HSV- 1 tnfection and it is therefore possible to use radiolabeled carbohydrate metabolites for selective labelmg of HSV-glycoproteins (2). This ensures that lectin-based analysis of HSV- 1glycoprotems is not obscured by presenceof host-cell derived glycoproteins 1.2. Lectin-Aided Analysis of gC-1 Owing to its high content of O-linked and N-linked glycans, gC- 1 is characterized by a high degree of heterogeneity (Fig. 2) Precursor gC is an mtracellular intermediate with unprocessed N-linked glycans and a set of identical high mannose oligosaccharides. As soon as this precursor has entered the Golgi region, processmg of N-linked glycans and addition of O-lurked glycans take place. There are differences in lectin bmdmg properties between the 130- and the I15-kDa part of the broad gC-band, reflecting differences mamly m O-linked glycosylation between the extreme parts of the band. For details of variations m 0-glycosylation of viral glycoprotems, the reader IS referred to refs. I1 and 19 Thus, the gC-1 molecules of the 115-kDa part of the band contain mainly short 0-glycans, in which most of these units m fact constitute single N-acetylo-galactosamme (GalNAc) units attached to the polypeptide backbone. This population of gC-1 molecules will bind mainly to Vicza villosa isolectm B4 (VVA B4) or Helix pomatza lectm (HPA), with affimty for clustered GalNAc umts of a polypeptide The major O-linked glycan of the middle region is the disaccharide GalP(l-3)GalNAc, and this part of the glycoprotem band will only bind to Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) lectm (PNA). Lastly, the 130-kDa part of gC contains a high proportion sialylated O-linked glycans, and these gC-1 molecules therefore bind to sialic acid-binding lectins such as wheat-germ (Triticum vulgans) lectm (WGA). It IS important to note that whereas WGA and many other lectins bmd to a wide variety of viral and host cell species, it is easy to adjust the experimental conditions for HPA and PNA to achieve a pronounced selectivity for the clustered O-linked glycans of gC- 1 (19). HPA and PNA chromatography therefore constitute powerful chromatographic tools not only for isolation of O-linked glycans, but also for purification of gC-1 from other HSV and cellular glyco-


Olofsson and Bolmstedt


Q 0



Siahc acid

[71 Galactose Fig. 2. Schematic representation showing the electrophoretic complexity of gC- 1, which appears as one broad band ranging in apparent molecular weight from about 115-l 30 kDa, and one precursor band with an apparent molecular weight of 100 kDa. The broad band, referred to as go, contains O-linked glycans and complete N-linked glycans, whereas the narrow band is referred to as precursor-gC (pgC), containing no O-linked glycans and only high mannose N-linked glycans. The three sub-bands binding with preference for WGA, PNA, and HPA, respectively are indicated. At the bottom of the figure are given structures of representative O-linked glycans with affinity for each lectin. Note that boundaries of the different lectin-binding areas are diffuse with partial overlapping specificities.

proteins. The procedures for use of lectins as tools for isolation and characterization of O-linked glycans of gC- 1 are outlined in Fig. 3. It is possible to use either lectin (HPA or PNA) affinity chromatography or

gC-specific immunosorbent to obtain sufficiently pure [3H]-GlcNAc-labeled gC-1 (Step A in Fig. 3) (1,20,21). However, the gC populations isolated may vary in their properties, dependent on the choice of purification procedure. Thus, HPA chromatography will select for gC-1 variants with an apparent

Lectin Charactenzatlon

of HSV Glycoproterns


A Purified



9-l B

Pronase-reslstant arrays of clustered 0-glycans

Different classes peptide-assoaated




of each

Fig. 3. Outline of the experlmental procedures of the present protocol. For details, see Sectlon 1.2.

molecular weight of 115 kDa enriched m O-glycostdic GalNAc units (Ftg. 2) (22), whereas PNA chromatography will select for larger gC-1 molecules, dependent on their content of larger O-linked glycans. Both these preparations are devotd of most contaminatmg HSV non-gC-1 glycoprotems. On the other hand, If a representative prcture of all glycoforms of gC- 1 is preferred, mununosorbent purtfication IS the method of chotce. Pronase treatment (Step B) will digest most of gC-1 with exception for the peptide stretches containing clustered O-linked glycans (20,23) These pronase-resistant glycopepttdes will be of different sizes dependent on the length


Olofsson and Bolmstedt

of the pronase-resistant pepttde chain and the complexity of the 0-glycans associated with the glycopeptrde. The size drstributron of the 0-glycan glycopeptrdes may be determined by gel filtration, using Sephadex G.50 or corresponding resins from other manufacturers Usually, the pronase digest IS too heterogeneous to permit a more detailed analysts The structural charactertzatton of the O-linked glycans 1salso factlltated by separation of the glycopeptrdes according to their lectm affimtres (Step C) The different classes of pronsse-resistant glycopeptrdes may be separated dependent on 0-glycan composttlon by lectm chromatography, usmg HPA, VVA B,, or PNA HPA-chromatography will enrich glycopeptrdes preferentrally contammg 0-linked GalNAc residues and, m addition, a few larger O-lurked glycans. Gel-bound PNA will retam glycopepttdes with a high content of Gal p( I-3)-GalNAc, and WGA is useful for glycopeptldes of the 130K region, contammg mature gC- 1with a large proportion of stalylated 0-glycans Gel filtration on Sephadex G50 will give important mformatlon as to the size of the different classes of pepttdes wrth 0-linked glycans Identically srzed HPA-bmdmg glycopeptrdes are obtained from gC- 1, isolated from tumcamycm-treated, HSV-infected cells, mdrcatmg that there are no N-linked glycans m those particular glycopeptrdes (23). The separated glycopepttdes are useful starting material for release of mdtvrdual 0-glycans (Step D). For a long time, the only reliable method for release of O-linked glycans was to use treatment with weak alkali in the presence of a molar concentration of NaBH, This causes a p-ehmmatron of the 0-linked glycan, m which the mnermost GalNAc IS converted to a N-acetylgalactosammol, which is easy to detect as a chemical proof for a successful p-elrmmatton This treatment 1srelatively simple to perform The borohydrtde does not take any active part m the p-ehmmatton; its function 1smerely to stop “peeling” of the ohgosacchartde, i.e., strtppmg off monosaccharrdes one by one from the reducing end. In our hands, the methods of Carlson (24) and Spiro (25) work well After the reaction, tt is essential to eliminate the high concentration of NaBH4, which may be converted to volatile methylboronates by several cycles of addition of methanol and subsequent evaporation It is also possible to release 0-lmked glycans with the specrfic endo-glycosldase 0-glycanase However, this enzyme has a very narrow spectfictty for only certain 0-glycans (26) Hydrazmolysts has been described as a reproducible method for quantttatrve release of 0-glycans (26,27). However, owing to the extreme health hazards associated with hydrazme, this technique 1snot easily available in most laboratories for cell biology work. Recently, a commercral kit for hydrazmolysts of 0-linked glycans has become available

Lectin Characteazation


of HSV Glycoproteins I









I 110


Fig. 4. Typical Bra-Gel P2 gel filtration of O-linked glycans released by alkaline borohydrrde treatment of HPA-bmdmg or PNA-binding pronase-resistant glycopeptrdes of gC-I The posmons of the vord volume (v), a trtsaccharrde (t), a disaccharide (d), and a monosacchartde (m) are indicated

The released O-glycans are relatively easily separated by gel filtratton on Bio-Gel P2, where up to octasacchartdesare readily separated as dtstmct peaks, and each glycan may be structurally determined (Step E). A typical chromatogram is shown m Fig 4. The fractions representmg each peak are pooled and may be used for further structural determination

by thin layer chromatography

(TLC) after acid hydrolyses. This latter treatment, carried out at 100°C m 3M HCl cleaves the glycosldtc bonds between the mdtvtdual monosaccharrdes. Two side reactions should be considered: 1 The acetamrde sugars GalNAc and GlcNAc are converted to correspondmg hexosammes. 2. Siahc acids are destroyed, leaving radiolabeled breakdown products, which are detectable m TLC We previously used a system based on plates coated with cellulose (2), but later we found a system based on sthca-coated plates described by Dall’Oho et al (7) more convenient This system IS described m detarl m Section 3 7 , step 7. A typical TLC chromatogram and its mterpretatron n-r structural terms IS given m Fig 5


Olofsson and Bolmstedt

Fig. 5. Thm layer chromatography on silica of the drsacchartde and trrsacchartde peaks of Fig 4. The positrons of ortgm (arrow), GalNAc-ol (A), GalNAc (B), and GlcNAc (C) (as detectron of markers after rnnhydrrn stammg) are given. The drsaccharade contams essentrally one radrolabeled monosaccharrde, because galactose does not carry any label durmg the present condtttons The trtsacchartde contatns both GalNAc and GlcNAc label m addition to the GalNAc-ol label Smce essentrally no GalNAc or GlcNAc label IS present m the dtsaccharide profile of Fig. 4, it is reasonable that the trrsacchartdes are GlcNAc-Gal-GalNAc-Ser/Thr and GalNAc-GalGalNAc-Ser/Thr The relatrve amounts of GalNAc and GlcNAc suggest that the latter 0-linked glycan IS the far most abundant one.

In concluston, gC-1 constitutes a heterogeneous glycoprotem with respect to its content of O-lurked glycans, m which different populattons of gC-I contams drfferent sets of U-lmked glycans. However, use of lectms for two purposes, i.e., for selectton of differently O-glycosylated gC- 1 populattons, and, after pronase digestion, for selectton of different O-glycancontainmg pepttdes from a given gC-1 populatton, makes tt possible to achieve surprtsmgly exact structural and distrrbuttonal analysts of the 0-glycans of gC-1 by applying relatively simple btochemical and chromatographic techniques.

Lectm Charactenzatlon


of HSV Glycoproteins

Table 1 Eluting Conditions for Some Lectins the Present Chapter Lectm

Elutmg sugar



GalNAc GalNAc GalN GlcNAc Lactose GalNAc GalNAc GalNAc GlcNAc

01 10 10 1.0 1.0 0.1 01 0.1 1.0

in the Procedures


Comments Bmd and wash at 4°C Bmd and wash at 4’C Bmd and wash at 4°C

SBA, Soybean (Glyane max) lecttn, RCA, RWIUS cornmums lectm, SJA, Sophora Japonlca lectm, DBA, Dolzchos hljlorus lectm; BSA, Bandelraea szmpkrfika lectm, GalN, Galactosamme, GlcNAc, N-acetyl-o-glucosamme

2. Materials 2.1. Infection

and Radiolabeling

of HSV-Infected


Varrous Green monkey kidney cell lmes are suscepttble to herpes simplex vu-us and they produce relative large amounts of vnus-spectfied giycoprotems Vero cells can be obtained from American Type Culture Collection (ATCC; Rockvtlle, MD) (see Note 1) Plasttc culture utensils 75-cm* flasks for propagation of cells, 50-mm Petrt dashes for virus infection of Vero cells Radiochemicals: [3H]-N-acetylglucosamme ([3H]-GlcN) and [3H]-galactose ([3H]-Gal) Eagle’s MEM (COz/bicarbonate buffer system), containing 10% fetal calf serum for propagation of cells; without serum durmg vnus infection and radtolabelmg (see Note 2). Established laboratory HSV-1 strains (F, KOS [Consult ATCC catalog]) or plaque-purified field isolates may be used Standard rubber poltceman for cell culture harvest

2.2. Purification 1. 2 3 4

of US V- 1 gC- 1

Agarose- or sepharose-bound HPA or PNA (varrous commerctal suppliers) Protein G-Sepharose or Protein A-Sepharose (Pharmacta, Uppsala, Sweden). Polyclonal or monoclonal antlbodtes to gC- 1 (see Note 3). Disposable columns for small-scale lectin chromatography (e g , Bto-Rad, Hercules, CA) (see Note 4) 5 Tris-buffered saline (TBS), 1 e., O.l5MNaCl,O 02M Trts-HCl, pH 7 4 6 Eluting sugars for lectm chromatography (see Table 1)

Olofsson and Bolmstedt

184 7 Elutmg buffer for rmmunosorbent 8 Neutralizing buffer 1M Trts base

0 1M Glycme-HCl,

pH 2 5-3 0

2.3. Pronase Digestion Pronase from Streptomyces

2.4. Lectin Affinity

grzseus (various commercial



of Pronase Digests

1 Agarose- or sepharose-bound lectms (vartous commerctal supplters), mcludmg VVA Bq, HPA, PNA, and WGA 2 Elutmg sugars mcludmg GalNAc (WA B4 and HPA), GalN (PNA), and GlcNAc (WGA) More mformatton IS gtven m Table 1 3 Disposable columns for small-scale lectm chromatography (e g , Bio-Rad)

2.5. Chemical Release of O-Linked


1 Standard hydrolyses glass (Pyrex or srmrlar) tubes with Teflon-coated screw caps (varrous suppliers) 2 NaBH4 (The p a quality from Fluka, Buchs, Swrtzerland, proved to be sufficrent m our laboratory) 3 Methanol. p a 4 Acetrc actd, p a 5 0-glycan Recovery Kit, based on hydrazmolysrs (Oxford Glycosystems, Oxford, UK)

2.6. Gel Filtration 1 2 3 4

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

and O-Linked


Chromatography columns (120 cm, $ = 0 8 cm, e g , Bto-Rad econo columns) Pyrrdme-acetate buffer (0 lA4, pH 7 8) Bra-Gel P2, 200-400 mesh (Bto-Rad) Sephadex G-50, Superfine (Pharmacta-LKB, Stockholm, Sweden)

2.7. Determination 1 2

of Pronase-Resistant

of Monosaccharide


3M Hydrochlortc acid. Standard hydrolysis glass (Pyrex or similar) tubes wtth teflon-coated screw caps (various supphers) Thin layer chromatography (TLC) tank of glass, suttable for 20 x 20 cm plates Hamtlton syringe, 1O&200 yL Dtsposable srlrca gel TLC plates (DC Alufohen, Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) Glucosamme and galactosamme soluttons in water (5 mg/mL). Ethanol/pyrrdme/l-butanol/acetrc acid/water (100 10 10.3 30), freshly prepared Standard liquid scmttllatton co*cktall, compatible with water (vartous supphers) Ready-to-use Nmhydrm spray (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany)

3. Methods 3.1. Infection

and Radiolabeling

of HSV-Infected


1 Remove medium from Petri dish cultures of Vero cells and wash the cells once with 1 mL Eagle’s MEM wrthout serum

Lectin Characterization

of HSV Glycoproteins


2 Inoculate the cells by adding 0 5 mL HSV-1 suspension (10-100 PFU/cell) The plate should be agitated gently to spread the suspension over the entire surface Incubate at 37°C (CO,-incubator under standard conditions) for 30 mm to ensure attachment of virus 3 Aspirate vuus suspension from Petri dish and add 2 mL Eagle’s MEM Incubate at 37°C (CO*-incubator under standard conditions) for 3 5 h 4 At 4 h postinfection (p 1 ), remove medium, and add 1 5 mL Eagle’s MEM, contammg 50 uCi/mL of [3H]-GlcN or [3H]-Gal (see Note 5) Incubate at 37°C (COz-Incubator under standard conditions) until harvest 5 Harvest cells at 18 h p i by scraping with a standard rubber pohceman, transfer the cell suspension to a centrifuge tube, and spin down the cells by slow speed centrifugation 6. Discard radtolabeled medium (see Note 6) and resuspend the cells m 1 mL of TBS, containing 1% Triton X-100 Sonicate m an me-cold water bath for 3 x 2 mm Keep the samples m the cold at least 1 mm between the somcation periods 7. Centrifuge at 100,OOOg for 1 h. Collect the supernatant, which defines a “soluble protein fraction” (see Note 7) This material can be kept frozen at -70°C prior to further expertmentatton

3.2. Purification of HSV-1 gC-7 3 2 1 Lectin Affinity Chromatography 1. Prepare a lectin bed, consisting of approx 500 uL (hydrated volume) HPASepharose or PNA-Sepharose, in a disposable plastic chromatography column (see Note 8) 2. Wash the column with at least live gel volumes of TBS, containing 1% Trtton X- 100. 3 Apply the 200 uL of the soluble fraction to the column (see Note 9) 4. Allow to adsorb for 10 mm at room temperature and apply another 200 uL of the soluble fraction, if necessary These steps may be repeated several times 5 Wash by adding 10 vol each of 500 uL TBS, containing 1% Triton X- 100 Collect the pass-through fractions and count 10 yL of each m a p-counter to ensure that the last wash fractions has reached a background level. 6. Elute with 5 vol(500 uL) of 10 mMGalNAc (HPA-Sepharose) or 100 mMgalactosamine (PNA-Sepharose) Identify the peak fractions after counting of 10 uL each of the eluted fractions. These fracttons are pooled and stored frozen (-2O’C would be sufficient) prior to further experimentation

3.2.2. lmmunosorbent


1 Prepare an tmmunosorbent usrng either mouse monoclonal antibodies (MAb) or rabbit hypernnmune serum to gC- 1 (see Note 10). 2 Apply the 200 pL of the soluble fraction to a disposable plastic chromatography column, contammg approx 500 pL immunosorbent 3 Allow to adsorb for 10 mm at room temperature and apply another 200 pL of the soluble fraction. These steps may be repeated several times.


Olofsson and Bolmstedt

4 Wash by adding 10 vol each of 500 uL TBS, containmg 1% Trtton X-100 Collect the pass-through fractions and count 10 pL of each m a p-counter to ensure that the last wash fractions has reached a background level. 5 Elute bound glycoprotem with 5 vol(500 pL) 0 1 mMglycme-HCl, pH 2 5-3 0, and neutralize as quickly as possible with 1M Tris base (see Note 11). 6 Identify the peak fractions after countmg of 10 uL each of the eluted fractions These fracttons are pooled and stored frozen prior to further experimentation

3.3. Pronase Digestion 1 Predigest Pronase (10 mg/mL m TBS) by incubation for 2 h at 37’C 2 Remove eluents (Formate or GalNAc) from the purtfied gC-1 fraction using a short, prefabricated Sephadex G25 column (Pharmacta PDlO or its eqmvalent) It 1s recommended not to apply more than 2.0 mL purtfied protein solutton to PD 10 (see Note 12) Wash by adding 0 5 mL vol of TBS and collect 20 fractions Determine the posttion of the radtolabeled glycoprotein by countmg 10 pL of each fraction m a p-counter (see Note 13) Mtx 0 5 mL of the pooled glycoprotem fraction with 5 uL 0 15M CaCl, and 10 uL of the predigested pronase solution m a Teflon-capped glass tube Add one drop of toluene to prevent mtcrobtal growth and incubate at 37°C for 6 d Replace autodtgested pronase by addition of another 10 yL of the predtgested pronase solutton after 3 d 7. The reaction IS terminated by boilmg for 3 mm and the resultmg suspensron is clarified by low speed centrtfugatton (see Note 14) 8 The resultmg pronasate may be stored mdefimtely at -70°C

3.4. Lectin Affinity


of Pronase Digests

1. Lectm chromatography of pronase digests for tsolatton of pronase-reststant peptides with clustered N-linked glycans IS performed essentially as descrtbed above m Section 3.2.1 , for lectin affimty chromatography of detergent-solubthzed gC-1. One important exception IS that detergent should be omitted from all solutions used m expertmentatton. 2 Wash the column with at least 5 gel vol of TBS, wrthout Trtton X-100. 3 Apply the 200 uL of the pronase dtgest to a dtsposable plastic chromatography column, containing approx 500 pL gel-bound lectm Consult Table 1 for chotce of suitable lectms and elutmg conditions 4 Allow to adsorb for 10 mm at room temperature and apply another 200 uL of the soluble fraction These steps may be repeated several times 5. Wash by adding 10 vol each of 500 pL TBS without detergent. 6. Collect the pass-through fracttons and count 10 uL of each m a p-counter to ensure that the last wash fractions have reached a background level 7 Elute with 5 vol(500 uL) of sugar solutton recommended m Table 1, Identify the peak fractions after counting of 10 uL each of the eluted fracttons These fractions are pooled and stored frozen prior to further experimentation.

Lectin Characterization

of HSV Glycoproteins


3.5. Release of O-Linked Glycans 3.5.1, Alkaline Borohydride Treatment (p- Eiimina tion) 1 Prepare a fresh stock solutton, consistmg of 2MNaBH4 m O.lMNaOH. 2 Desalt Pronase-resistant glycopeptides (obtamed as described in Section 3.4 , step 7) by gel filtration in a Pharmacia PD-10 G25 column (see Note 15). Elute stepwtse by addmg 500 pL vol of water. Identify the peak fractions after counting of 10 yL each of the eluted fractions. The glycopepttdes should elute with the vord vol of approx 2 2-4.5 mL 3. Add freshly prepared 2MNaBH., m O.lMNaOH to the desalted glycopeptrdes m a 8-10 mL hydrolysis tube (Teflon cap) Avoid larger volumes than 2 mL 4 Deaerate by streaming nitrogen through the solutton and cap the tube cautiously to avoid oxygen contammatton 5 Incubate at 48°C for 16 h. 6. Add a drop of 0 01% phenol red solutton and neutralize by adding 1Macetic actd dropwtse (see Note 16) The solutton IS considered neutral when a light red to orange color IS achieved 7 Evaporate to dryness under a stream of nitrogen 8. Add 5 mL methanol and a drop of acetic acid and evaporate to dryness under a stream of mtrogen. Repeat this step at least 10 times to remove excess borate

3.5.2. 0-Glycanase

and N-Acetylgalactosaminidase


1 This approach 1s not suttable for quantitative recovery of all possible 0-glycan structures and has been used only occastonally in the author’s laboratory. For a recent laboratory manual, the reader is referred to ref 26

3.5.3. Hydrazinolysis Kit for Release of O-Linked Glycans 1 A commercial kit for release of O-lurked glycans, based on hydrazmolysis, 1s available from Oxford Glycosystems. Hydrazinolysts gives reproducible, almost quantitative, yields of O-linked glycans, independent of their structure, and the product 1s claimed to be relatively easy to handle. The product has not yet been evaluated in the authors’ laboratory. Procedures for hydrazmolyisis of 0-lmked glycans were recently given m a laboratory manual (27)

3.6. Gel Filtration

of O-Linked


1. Swell Bio-Gel P2 (200-400 mesh) in O.lMpyridinelacetate, pH 7.8 Consult the manufacturer’s instructtons for details regarding swelling and degassmg of the slurry. Equilibrate the slurry at 4°C (see Note 17). 2. Pack the gel in a long chromatography column (Q,= 0.9 cm) at 4°C (see Note 18). The height of the gel should be 120 cm or more Use a plastic funnel with wide outlet, fixed to the top of the column as shown m Ftg. 6 as a packing aid, pour the slurry gently into the funnel, avoiding generation of au bubbles, and allow the beads to pack, using hydrostatic pressure of l-l 5 m (see Fig. 6).

Olofsson and Bolmstedt


Hydrostatic pressure

Fig. 6. Funnel arrangement for easy packing of long columns. A funnel is connected with the top of the column via a few centimetersof silicone tubing. Be surethat the connection is leakproof. Add l-2 cm of water at the bottom of the column by using a syringe, attached to outlet tubing. Thereafter, the slurry, diluted to approx 1.5 times the volume of the swollen gel in pyridine acetate buffer, is carefully poured into the funnel. The distance between the buffer surface and the tubing outlet is adjusted to give an appropriate hydrostatic pressureand flow rate as indicated in the text.

3. After packing, attach a peristaltic pump and start washing the column. Consult the manufacturer’s instructions for details as to the flow rate (seeNote 19). 4. Dissolve the released O-linked glycans in 0.M pyridineiacetate, pH 7.8, and apply to the column in a vol not exceeding 1mL. Use the sameeluting conditions as for washing of the column as described above. Collect 0.5 mL fractions and count about 10% of each in a liquid scintillation counter. 5. Determine the positions of each peak and pool appropriate fractions. For further analysis, seeNote 20.

3.7. Determination

of Monosaccharide


1. Dry the pooled peaks of separatedO-linked glycans under a stream of nitrogen. 2. Dissolve the material in 3M HCl, using a streamof nitrogen to remove oxygen. 3. Incubate at 100°C for 3 h and dry under a streamof nitrogen. Use Teflon-capped hydrolysis tubes.

Lectm Characterization

of HSV Glycoprotems


4 Dissolve the samples m the smallest possible volume of water for further analySIS on thin layer chromatography. 5 Draw a light pencil line on the white side of a precoated stlica plate (Merck, Alufohen), defining the position for the samples to be applted This lme should be situated at approx 1 cm from the edge of the plate 6 Aspirate 50-100 pL of the samples, using a Hamilton syrmge, and apply small vol along the pencil lme, formmg a 0 5-l 0 cm broad and 2-3 cm long spot Use an electric hair dryer if necessary to restrtct the width of the spot Each sample spot should be separated by at least 0.5 cm 7 Pour the developing solution (ethanolipyridmell-butanol/acetic acid/water [ 100: 10 10 3:30]) mto a standard chromatography tank The level of developer should be lower than the distance between the edge of the plate and the penctl line, serving as a chromatography origin Put the ltd on top of the tank and allow the developer to equilibrate with the gas phase for a few mmutes 8 Carefully place the plate m the tank and develop unttl the solvent front has moved to about 1 cm from the opposite edge 9 Dry the plate and Identify the posmon ofammosugar markers after stammg wtth a nmhydrm spray 10 Divide (penctl) each lane mto 5-mm strips by using a pair of scissors. Define the positions of the separated monosaccharrdes by liquid scmtrllation countmg (see Note 21) and determine the amount of radioactivity assoctated with the stamed monosaccharide markers.

4. Notes 1 The ATCC catalog IS eastly accessed via Internet (World Wide Web gopher if culture.atcc org:70/1) 2. It IS advisable to add antibiotics such as penictllm (10 000 IU/mL) and streptomycin ( 100 pg/mL) 3 Small quanttttes of mouse monoclonal antibodies to gC- 1 may be available from the authors’ laboratory Please mquire for further details 4. Such columns can be reused repeatedly after careful washmg. 5, The efficiency of labeling is proportional to the specific radioactrvity (uCi/mL) of the medium. It is economical with respect to radioacttvity costs to use a small volume of medium for mcubation, but it is essential not to let the cells dry out during the overnight mcubatlon In our hands, 1 5 mL is the smallest practical volume 6. Up to 100 uCi may be discarded directly m the waste m most countries Consult your local authormes 7. For screening of different variants of gC- 1, tt could be more convement to centrifuge for 10 mm at 1l,OOOg m an Eppendorf centrifuge. This will m most cases result m elimination of the majority of the particulate maternal 8. The PNA column should be kept at 4°C during bmdmg and washmg to achieve optimal bindmg affinity 9 Be careful not to contammate the inner wall of the chromatography column with radiolabeled sample This may cause unnecessary tatlmg.


Olofsson and Bolmstedt

10 The quanttttes of MAbs to gC-1 available from established laboratortes are restricted and not sufficient for extensive experimentatton. If rmmunosorbent-purified gC- 1 is available, a polyclonal gC- 1 rabbit serum should be prepared by immumzmg rabbits with either lectm-purified or monoclonal-purified gC- 1 11 Calculate the amount of 1M Trts base needed to neutralize the volume of an eluted fraction and add to each fraction tube prtor to elusion. 12. Equilibrate the PD- 10 column with 3 bed vol of TBS prror to addmon of the sample 13 If the sample volume IS 2 mL the glycoprotein is elated with the void volume (approx fraction 5-9) and the low molecular weight contaminants elute at fraction 13-20. 14. Three minutes of boilmg is sufficient for destroying most of the pronase acttvny. However, if subsequent experimentation includes long mcubatrons with sensttive proteins (1 e , lectms) at room temperatures or higher, longer treatment at 100°C is recommended It should be noted, however, that both sialic acid and fucose could be destroyed by prolonged harsh conditions. 15 Most glycopeptides will elute with the void volume, but smaller units may be partly included 16 The color may shift from red to yellow after addition of one single drop If no addmonal drop was added after shift to yellow, there is no need for increasing the pH Note that it may be necessary to add more phenol red to replace mdtcator being destroyed by alkaline BH, 17 Warm slurry to 50-6O”C and deaerate by applying tap vacuum for 10 mm 18. Higher temperatures such as 55-6O’C will give higher resolution, but keeping the column in a refrigerated room is probably the most easy way to store the column at a constant temperature The conditions described give satisfactory resolution of N-lmked glycans at least up to nonasaccharide 19 Usually it is advantageous not to apply the highest flow rate possible but to adjust the rate so one gel filtration is completed conveniently overnight (16 h) If signs of gel compression are noted, it is advisable to reverse the flow and apply the sample to the bottom of the column 20. It is important not to lower concentration of pyridme-acetate m the elutmg buffer smce this may cause unwanted retention of the glycans on the polyacrylamide matrix of Bio-Gel P2 21 Care should be taken to protect the operator from breathing the trttmm-contammg dust when fractionating the TLC strips. Whereas tritmm-labeled metabolnes m solution are more or less harmless, the risks associated with internal radiation of Inhaled tritmm should not be neglected The use of a fume hood is strongly recommended

Acknowledgments This work was supported by grants from The Swedish Medical Research Council (Grants 9083), The Nattonal Swedish Board for Technical Development (Project 87 0256P), The MedIcal Faculty, Umverslty of Goteborg.

Lectin Characterizabon

of HSV Glycoprotems


References 1. Olofsson, S , Jeansson, S , and Lycke, E. (198 1) Unusual lectm-bmding properties of a herpes simplex vnus type 1-specific glycoprotem. J Vwol 38,564-570. 2 Olofsson, S., Blomberg, J. and Lycke, E (198 1) 0-glycostdtc carbohydrate-peptrde hnkages of herpes stmplex vu-us glycoprotems. Arch Vzrol 70,321-329. 3 Shida, M and Dales, S (1981) Biogenesis of vaccuna virus carbohydrate of the hemagglutinm molecule Vzrology 111,56-72. 4 Ntemann, H and Klenk, H. D (198 1) Coronavtrus glycoprotem El, a new type of viral glycoprotem J MoI Bzol 153,993-1010 5 Olofsson, S., SJoblom, I , Lundstrdm, M , Jeansson, S., and Lycke, E (1983) Glycoprotem C of herpes simplex vnus type 1 characterization of O-lurked ohgosaccharides. J Gen Viral 64,2735-2747 6 Lundstrom, M , Olofsson, S., Jeansson, S , Lycke, E , Datema, R , and Mansson, J E (1987) Host cell-Induced dtfferences m 0-glycosylation of herpes simplex vnus gC- 1.1. Structures of nonsialylated HPA- and PNA-bmdmg carbohydrates Virology 161, 385-394

7. Dall’Oho, F., Malagolini, N , Spezrali, V , Campadelh-Flume, G., and Serafim-Cessr, F. (1985) Stalylated ohgosaccharrdes 0-glycosrdically lmked to glycoprotem C from herpes simplex vnus type 1 J Vzrol 56, 127-134 8 Gottschalk, A. (1960) Correlation between composmon, structure, shape and funcbon of a salivary mucoprotem Nature 186, 949-95 1 9 WuDunn, D and Spear, P G (1989) Imtial mteractton of herpes simplex virus with cells IS bmdmg to heparan sulfate. J Vu-01 63, 52-58 10. Cines, D. B., Lyss, A P , Bma, M., Corkey, R , Kefahdes, N A , and Friedman, H. M. (1982) Fc and C3b receptors Induced by herpes stmplex vn-us on cultured endothehal cells. J Clin Invest 69, 123-128. 11 Olofsson, S. (1992) Carbohydrates m herpesvnus infections APMZS lOO(supp1. 27), 84-95 12. Serafim-Cesst, F., Malagolim, N., Dall’Olio, F , Perena, L , and CampadelhFiume, G. (1985) Ohgosaccharrde chains of herpes simplex virus type 2 glycoprotein G 2 Arch Biochem Bzophys. 24,866-876 13 Olofsson, S., Lundstrom, M , Marsden, H , Jeansson, S , and Vahlne, A. (1986) Characterrzatton of a herpes srmplex virus type 2-specified glycoprotem with affinity for N-acetylgalactosamine-specific lectins and Its identification as g92K or gG. J Gen Vvol 67,737-744. 14. Thorley-Lawson, D. A and Poodry, C A (1982) Identrficatron and isolatron of the main component (gp350-gp220) of Epstem-Barr vuus responsible for generating neutralizing antibodies in VIVO. J. Vu-01 43, 730-736 15. Wertz, G. W., Collins, P. L , Huang, Y , Gruber, C , Levine, S., and Ball, L. A (1985) Nucleotide sequence of the G protein gene of human resptratory syncytral vu-us reveals an unusual type of viral membrane protein Proc Natl. Acad SCI USA 82,4075--4079

16 Serafim-Cessi, F , Dall’Olto, F., Malagohm, N., Pererra, L., and Campadelli-Fiume, G. (1988) Comparattve study on 0-lmked oltgosaccharides of glycoprotein D of herpes srmplex vuus types 1 and 2 J Gen Vwol 69,869-877


Olofsson and Bolmstedt

17 Elhammer, A P , Poorman, R A , Brown, E , Magglora, L. L , Hoogerhelde, J G , and Kezdy, F J (1993) The speclficrty of UDP-GalNAc polypeptlde Nacetylgalactosammyltransferase as Inferred from a database of m vlvo substrates and from the m vitro glycosylatlon of protems and pepttdes J Blol Chem 268, 10,029-l 0,038 18 Svennerholm, B , Olofsson, S , Jeansson, S , and Vahlne, A (1984) Herpes snnplex VIIUS type-selective enzyme-lmked lmmunosorbent assay with Helupomatza lectm-purified antigens J Clan Mcroblol 19, 235-239 19 Olofsson, S , Jeansson, S , and Hansen, J.-E S (1994) Use of lectms m general and dlagnostlc virology, m Lectzn-Mzcrorganzsm interactzons (Doyle, R .I and Shfkm, M , eds ), Marcel Dekker, New York, pp 67-l 09 20 Lundstrom, M , Olofsson, S , Jeansson, S , Lycke. E., Datema, R , and Mansson, J -E. (1987) Host cell induced differences m 0-glycosylatlon of the herpes slmplex virus gC- 1 1 Structures of non-sialylated HPA- and PNA-bmdmg carbohydrates Virology 161, 385-394 21 Olofsson, S , Lundstrom, M , Jeansson, S , and Lycke, E (1985) Different populations of herpes simplex virus glycoprotem C discriminated by the carbohydrate-binding characterlstlcs of N-acetylgalactosamme specific lectms (soybean and Helix pomatla) Arch Vwol 86, 12 1-128 22 Olofsson, S , Nornld, B , Andersen, A , Perelra, L , Jeansson, S , and Lycke, E (1983) Populations of herpes simplex virus glycoprotem with and without affinity for the N-acetylgalactose-specific lectm of Helzxpomatza. Arch Vzrol 76,25-38 23 Olofsson, S , SJoblom, I , Lundstrom, M , Jeansson, S , and Lycke, E (1983) Glycoprotem C of herpes simplex vnus characterlzatlon of O-linked ohgosaccharldes J Gen Vwol 64,2735-2747 24 Carlson, D M (1968) Structure and lmmunochemlcal propertles of ohgosaccharides Isolated from pig submaxillary mucms J Bzol Chem 243,616-626 25 Spiro, R G (1966) Characterlzatlon of carbohydrate units of glycoprotems A4eth Enzymol 8,26-52

26 Plller, F and Plller, V (1993) Structural characterrzatlon of mucm-type O-linked ollgosacchandes, in Glycobzologv A Practical Approach (f*ckuda, M and Kobata, A , eds ), IRL Press at Oxford Umverslty Press, Oxford, UK, pp. 29 l-328 27 Patel, T P and Parekh, R B. (1994) Release of oligosaccharldes from glycoprotems by hydrazmolysls, m Methods zn Enzymology Guzde to Techniques zn Glycoblology Lennarz, W J and Hart, G W , eds ), Academic, New York, pp. 57-66 28 Frmk, R J , Elsenberg, R , Cohen, G , and Wagner, E K (1983) Detalled analysis of the portlon of herpes simplex vnus genome encodmg glycoprotem C J Vvol 45,634-647

29 SJoblom, I , SJogren-Jansson, E , Glonoso, J C , and Olofsson, S (1992) AntIgenie structure of the herpes simplex virus type 1 glycoprotem C: demonstration of a lmear epltope, situated m an environment of highly conformation-dependent epltopes APMIS 100,229-236 30. Trybala, E , Bergstrom, T., Svennerholm, B., Jeansson, S , Glonoso, J C , and Olofsson, S (1994) Locahzatlon of a functional site of HSV- 1 gC- 1 involved m bmdmg to cell surface heparan sulfate. J Gen Vwol 75, 743-752.

15 Use of Lectin for Detection of Agalactosyl


Naoyuki Tsuchiya, Tamao Endo, Naohisa Kochibe, Koji Ito, and Akira Kobata Introduction 1.1. Agalactosyl IgG The immunoglobulm G (IgG) molecule contams two biantennary complextype ohgosaccharide chains, each linked to the heavy chain at asparagme 297 withm the CH2 domam (1) (see Note 1). X-ray crystallographic analysis suggested that the sugar chains of IgG play a role m mamtammg the 3D structure of tts Fc portion by bridgmg the two CH2 domains (2-4). Although these sugar chains can possessthe complete structure shown m Ftg. 1, normally only 25% of the sugar chains are sialylated, which is unusual because the sugar chains of other serum glycoproteins are highly stalylated Also characteristic is the extremely high microheterogeneity resulting from the presence or absence of the two galactose (Gal), the btsectmg N-acetylglucosamme (GlcNAc), and the fucose (Fuc) residues (I). It was originally reported by Mullinax that the galactose content of IgG is significantly decreased in the patients wtth rheumatoid arthritis (RA) (5). Much interest has been focused on the IgG, whrch contains two oltgosaccharade chains Iackmg galactose and terminates m N-acetylglucosammevarious names were grven to this molecule. agalactosyl IgG, agalacto IgG, Gal (0), and G(O)-since quantrtattve structural analysis using hydrazmolysts clearly demonstrated that such IgG is markedly increased m the patients with RA (4). Subsequent studies using lectm bmdmg assaysdemonstrated that the level of agalactosyl IgG correlated with the diseaseactivtty of RA (68). Age-related increase m agalactosyl IgG 1snoted m healthy mdivrduals (9). Patients with 1.

From Methods m Molecular Medmne, Vo/ 9 Lectm Methods and Protocols E&ted by J M Rhodes and J D MIlton Humana Press Inc , Totowa, NJ



Tsuchtya et al.

Fuccxl NeuSAcc~2~6Galpl~4GlcNAc$1+2Manc~l 4 6 GlcNAcgl-$ NeuSActr2+6Galfi




Fig. 1. Structure of asparagme-hnked sugar cham of human IgG

tuberculosis, Juvemle rheumatoid arthritis, or Crohn’s disease are also shown to have Increased circulating agalactosyl IgG (6,8,10,11) Increased agalactosyl IgG has also been reported m rodent models of arthrltls (12-14) The decrease of galactose seemsto be caused by msufficlent galactosylatlon durmg the biosynthesis of the sugar moletIes, rather than by postsecretory modification (25,16). Significant reduction of IgG-specific galactosyltransferase (GalTase) IS reported m B lymphocytes from patients with RA. Kinetic studies demonstrated that the reduction 1s caused by the decreased affinity of GalTase for UDP-galactose, the donor of galactose residues (17). Another lme of evidence suggeststhe role of interleukm-6 for the increase of agalactosyl IgG (14,18-20). Clear explanation has not been given of how the cytokme overproductlon 1sassociated with the alteration of the enzyme kmetES. Another report suggested the role of serum antibodies to GalTase (21). The slgmficance of this observation remains unclear The blologlcal functions of IgG such as complement activation and bindmg to Fey receptors are dependent on the Fc portion of IgG. In addition, the epltope for rheumatoid factors, autoantibodles to IgG predominantly found m patients with RA, IS located within the Fc portlon. It had previously been shown that total removal of sugar chains from IgG resulted m the decrease of Its affinity

for Clq or Fey receptors




sylated IgG also showed reduced affmlty for C 1q or human Fey receptor type I (24). However, bmdmg to IgM-rheumatoid factor or protein A, which are dependent on the CH2-CH3 interface region of IgG, remamed intact (10,24,25). These results seem to Indicate that the removal of galactose has a significant effect on the structure of CH2 domam, but not on that of CH2-

Lectin Detect/on of Agalactosyl IgG


CH3 interface region. Another report suggested that the absence of galactose may result m only slight reduction m the affinity of IgG4 myeloma protem for Fey receptor type I (26). Because IgG4 represents a small fraction of total serum IgG, further studies using other IgG subclasses are anticipated. In summary, serum agalactosyl IgG is Increased in the serum from patients with some of the chronic mflammatory diseases, most prommently m RA The production of agalactosyl IgG is assoctated with a change m the activity of GalTase. Thus far, evidence suggesting that agalactosyl IgG is the autoantigen for the rheumatoid factor has not been reported, although there may be a defect m the clearance of immune complexes formed by agalactosyl IgG 1.2. Detection of Serum Agalactosyl


Attempts have been made to utthze the measurement of agalactosyl IgG for the diagnosis or clmical momtormg of RA (6-8,27) Although structural analysis affords the most precise determination of the galactose content (4,281, tt IS vtrtually tmposstble for average clnncal laboratories to use it for the purpose of screening a large number of samples. For this reason, mvestigators made an effort to establtsh a simple method to estimate the relative level of agalactosyl IgG. Sumar et al. used a dot-blot assay of purified IgG, which was subsequently heat-denatured to expose the sugar moiety. Then the blot was probed with either Griffonia slmplnjblla (Bandewaea simpkijblta) II (BS-II) or a monoclonal antibody against N-acetylglucosamme (29) Parkkmen used an ELISA-based assay, m which the microtiter plates coated with BS-II were incubated with the serum and bound IgG was detected by antibody to human IgG-Fc (30). It has been recently reported that Psathyrella velutuza lectm (PVL) (31) reacts specifically with N-acetylglucosamine. Whereas other GlcNAc-specific lectins from higher plants preferentially interact wtth the GlcNAcP l-+4 residues, PVL reacts preferentially with GlcNAcP1+2 residues (32), exposed at the termiru of agalactosyl IgG. We therefore took advantage of this and used PVL for the detection of agalactosyl IgG m serum and synovial fluid. Agalactosyl IgG could eastly be detected by lectin blotting of purified IgG (Fig. 2). Moreover, relative estimation was possible by ELISA-based immunoassay, without heat-denaturation of IgG (Fig. 3B) (see Note 2). Usmg this system, we were able to confirm that agalactosyl IgG was markedly increased in patients with RA (Ftg. 4) (8). In the following sections, we describe the procedures for the detection of agalactosyl IgG using PVL.

Fig. 2.


B r-0.397




= E 3

. l



l .


2 /J

fh 10

a .


= z 11-


I 20

I 30


, 40


. l .* . 20




Fig. 3.


40 %



Lectin Detection of Agalactosyl IgG

:0 .. bbbb .:... .:g... b.b:.:-.b l ..:-.. 1



l b,b

:::i:.,. 1.0 0.0: f. . :

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Normal control



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Fig. 4.

Fig. 2. (previous page) Lectin-blotting of purified serum IgG. Protein G-purified serum IgG was separated by SDS-PAGE (12.5%) and was transferred to PVDF membrane. The blot was probed with biotinylated PVL, and was visualized by avidinbiotin-peroxidase complex. Lanes 1 and 2, patients with RA; lanes 3 and 4, normal controls. 31K, 66K, 97K: molecular weight markers. Gal (O)O/, determined from the structural analysis is shown under each lane. Reprinted with permission from ref. 8. Copyright 1993, Journal of Immunology. Fig. 3. (previous page) Correlation of PVL binding assay and chemically-determined Gal (O)%. Gal (0)% obtained from the structural analysis of serum IgG purified from 14 patients with RA and 6 normal controls are compared with the PVL binding assays. (A) The serum was reduced and alkylated, and assayed for the reactivity with PVL at the final concentration of 1: 10,000. (B) The serum was assayed without reduction at the final concentration of 1:200. PVL binding is shown by the actual absorbance. Reprinted with permission from ref. 8. Copyright 1993, Journal of Immunology. Fig. 4. (this page) PVL binding of inflammatory diseases and normal controls. In order to standardize interassay variability, incremental concentration of a reference serum was included in each assay. All sample sera were assayed at 1:200 dilution. The bars indicate mean ) SD values. SLE: systemic lupus erythematosus, Tbc: tuberculosis, HP: hypersensitivity pneumonitis, AS: ankylosing spondylitis, SSc: systemic sclerosis. Reprinted with permission from ref. 8. Copyright 1993, Journal

qf Immunology.


Tsuchlya et al.

2. Materials 2.7. Biotinylation

of PVL

1 PVL 1spurified from fruitmg bodres of P velutzna as described in ref 31 It IS now commercrally available through Wako Chemtcals (Osaka, Japan) 2 Immunopure NHS-LC biotmylatton kit (Pierce, Rockford, IL) 3 5 mM Phosphate buffer, 150 m/i4 NaCl, 10% glycerol, pH 7 2 4 N-acetylglucosamme

2.2. Purification 1 2 3 4 5

of Serum IgG

Protein G-coupled agarose (see Note 3) PBS* 15 mM phosphate buffer, 1.50 mM NaC1, pH 7.4 0 lMGlycme-HCI, pH 2 5 lMTrrs-HCl, pH 8 0 Centriprep-30 (Amtcon, Beverly, MA)

2.3. Lectin-Blotting

of Purified


1 Polyacrylamide gels (12 5%) (acrylamide his = 37 5 1) 2 Laemmli sample buffer (2% SDS, 10% glycerol, 5% 2-mercaptoethanol, 0 06M Trts, 0 025% bromphenol blue) 3 PVDF membrane (Immobilon P, Millipore, Marlborough, MA) 4. PBS (pH 7 4) containing 1% nonfat dry milk (see Note 4) 5 PBS contammg 1% nonfat dry milk and 0 05% Tween-20 6 Avidm-biotm-peroxidase complex (Vectastam ABC Elite kit; Vector, Burlmgame, CA) 7. Substrate solution. PBS contaming 0 4 mg/mL of diammobenzldme and 0 001% hydrogen peroxide (freshly prepared)

2.4. Enzyme-Linked

Lectin Binding Assay

1 ELISA plates (e g , Immulon 4, Dynatech, Chanttlly, VA) 2 Recombmant protein G (see Note 5) 3 PBS 4 PBS contammg 0.05% Tween-20 (PBS-Tween) 5 PBS containing 0 05% Tween-20 and 1% bovine serum albumin (BSA, RIA grade such as Sigma A7030; see Note 6, PBS-BSA-Tween) 6 Biotmylated PVL 7 Avidin-blotm-peroxidase complex (Vectastam ABC Elite krt, Vector) 8 Substrate solution o-phenylenediamme (0 4 mg/mL) m phosphate-citrate buffer, pH 5 0, contammg 0.001% hydrogen peroxide (freshly prepared). 9 2 5NH,SO,

3. Methods 3. I. Biotinylation

of PVL

1 Prepare 1 mL of PBS contalmng 2 5 mg PVL, 10 mA4N-acetylglucosamme 10% glycerol (see Note 7).


1ecbn Detection of Agalactosyl IgG


2 Add 2 mg of NHS-LC blotm to 100 pL of distilled water Add 35 pL of blotm solution to the PVL solution 3 Incubate at room temperature for 3 h 4 Dialyze the biotmylated PVL solution extensively agamst PBS containmg 10% glycerol at 4°C 5 Purify the blotmylated PVL by passmg through a 10 mL desalting column equllibrated with PBS- 10% glycerol 6. Store frozen m PBS containmg 10% glycerol and 0 1% sodium azlde

3.2. Lectin Hatting 1 2 3. 4. 5 6. 7 8 9 10 11 12. 13.

14 15 16 17 18 19. 20 2 1.

of Purified IgG

Dilute serum (0 5-l 0 mL) with an equal volume of PBS. Pass through a column contammg protein G-coupled Sepharose Wash the column with at least 10 vol of PBS Elute IgG with O.lM glycine-HCI (pH 2.5). Immediately neutralize the eluate with l/10 vol of IMTns-HCl buffer, pH 8 0 Concentrate the eluate by Centnprep-30. Exchange the buffer by the repetmve addition of PBS and centrlfugation Determine the concentration of IgG by measurmg the absorbance at 280 nm Mix PBS solution containing 15 pg of IgG with an equal volume of Laemmh sample buffer Heat at 60°C for 30 mm Centrifuge at 10,OOOgfor 1 mm Run the supernatant on a SDS-PAGE gel (12 5%) Soak PVDF membrane m methanol for 20 s, and then in deionized water for 5 mm with shaking Electroblot at 100 mA for 1 5 h usmg a semidry blotter. Carefully separate the membrane from the gel and soak m the blocking solution (PBS contammg 1% nonfat dry milk) at least for 1 h If the membrane is blocked for more than overmght, addltlon of 0 02% sodmm azlde to the blocking solution IS recommended to mhlblt bacterial growth Wash the membrane with PBS containing 1% nonfat dry milk and 0 05% Tween-20 for 5 mm Incubate the membrane with blotmylated PVL (3 pg/mL of the same buffer) for 1.5 h. Prepare the avldm-biotm-peroxldase solution (Vectastam ABC Elite kit, Vector) accordmg to the supplier’s mstructlon Wash the membrane three times with the same buffer. Put the membrane in avldm-blotin-peroxldase solution and incubate for 20 min. Wash the membrane four times with the same buffer Add PBS containing 0 4 mg/mL of dlammobenzldme and 0 001% hydrogen peroxide After the bound lectm IS vlsuallzed, stop the reaction by washmg the membrane with distllled water.

Tsuchlya et al.

202 3.3. Enzyme-Linked

PVL Binding Assay (see Note 8)

1 Coat ELISA plates wtth 75 pL/well of recombmant protem G solutton (5 pg/mL of PBS) 2 Incubate overnight at 4°C 3 Wash plates three ttmes wtth PBS-O 05% Tween-20 4 Block nonspectiic protem bmdmg sites with 300 pL/well of PBS-BSA-Tween-20 for 1 h at room temperature 5 Wash plates wtth PBSTween 6 Dilute serum 1 200 wtth PBS-BSA-Tween Add 75 pL/well of diluted serum to the dupltcate wells Incubate for 1 h at room temperature 7 Wash the plates four times wtth PBS-Tween 8 Add 75 pL/well of blotmylated PVL (5 pg/mL of PBS-BSA-Tween) Incubate for 1 h at room temperature 9. Prepare the avtdm-btotm-peroxidase solution (Vectastam ABC Elite ktt, Vector) according to the supplrer’s mstructton 10 Wash the plates wtth PBS-Tween four ttmes 11 Add 75 uL/well of avtdm-brotm-peroxtdase solutton and Incubate for 20 mm 12 Wash the plates wtth PBS-Tween four times 13 Add 75 pL/well of substrate buffer and incubate for 20 mm 14 Stop the reactron by addttton of 50 pL/well of 2 5N H$O, 15 Read the absorbance at 490 nm by using an ELISA reader

4. Notes 1 It should be noted that the sugar chams linked to asparagme 297 do not account for all of the ohgosaccharlde chants of IgG IgGs from human sera contam 2 8 mol of sugar chains on the average, among whtch 2 0 mol are located at Asn 297 and the remainder are linked at the vartable region (1) The procedures descrtbed m thts chapter detect not only Asn 297~hnked sugar chains. but also those m the variable regions 2 Under normal condtttons, IgG oligosacchartde chains are directed mstde the Fc portton and not exposed Some procedures such as reduction and alkylation or heat aggregatton have been shown substantially to mcrease the sensrttvrty of the detectton of agalactosyl IgG by lectins, perhaps by exposmg the sugar chams The protocol for reduction and alkylation IS descrtbed below a Dilute serum 1’ 100 tn 0 1M Trts-HCl buffer, pH 8 0, contatntng 0 12M 2 -mercaptoethanol b Incubate at 3 7°C for 1 h and on ice for 15 mm, c Dilute the reactton mtxture with 100 vol of PBS contammg 1% BSA and 0 05% Tween-20 d. Add 75 pL/well of the reaction mtxture to the ELISA plates coated wtth protern G and quenched with BSA, Incubate for 1 h and follow the protocol for PVL binding assay from step 7 of Section 3 3. Figure 3A shows the correlatton between ELISA absorbance obtamed by this protocol and the percentage of agalactosyl IgG determined by the structural analysts

Lectm Detection of Agalactosyl IgG


3 FPLC-compattble prepacked columns such as HiTrap protem G (Pharmacla, Uppsala, Sweden) can also be used 4 The use of nonfat dry mtlk in the buffer may substanttally dtmmlsh the reaction of the lectms such as RCA, and possibly PVL as well In such a case, the use of bovine serum albumm IS recommended. 5. Protem A is also compattble with the system. However, recombmant protem G is preferred because protem A does not react with human IgG3 and reacts with a part of other Ig isotypes (33,34) 6 It is essenttal to use BSA with the least contammation of bovme IgG, because bovine IgG binds to protein G and may inhibit the reaction between human IgG and protein G 7. PVL tends to aggregate in a buffered saline, which is prevented by addmg 10% (v/v) glycerol to the solutton N-acetylglucosamme was added during biotinylatton to prevent the loss of reactivity by the biotmylatton of N-acetylglucosamme bindmg site on PVL N-acetylglucosamme can be removed from the bmdmg sue by dtalysrs 8. It is essential to include reference sera m each ELISA plates for mterassay standardization. The ideal references should be IgG samples with known percentage of agalactosyl IgG, determmed by the structural analysts Alternattves Include myeloma IgGs lackmg galactose, or polyclonal IgG from which galactose resldues were artificially removed. For the relative comparison between different ELISA plates, simply placing 3-5 reference sera with vartable reactivity with PVL or incremental concentration of a single reference serum may be acceptable

References 1 Kobata, A (1990) Function and pathology of the sugar chams of human immunoglobulm G Glycobzology 1,5-8 2 Deisenhofer, J. (1981) Crystallographtc refinement and atomic models of a human Fc fragment and its complex with fragment B of protein A from Stuphylococcus aureus at 2 9- and 2.8-A resolution. Bzochemzstry 20,2361-2370 3. Sutton, B J and Phtlhps, D. C (1983) The three-dimenstonal structure of the carbohydrate wtthin the Fc fragment of immunoglobulm G Bcochem Sot Trans 11,13&132

4. Parekh, R. B , Dwek, R A, Sutton, B J , Fernandes, D J , Leung, A, Stanworth, D., Rademacher, T. W , Mtzuochi, T , Tanigucht, T., Matsuta, K , Takeuchi, F , Nagano, Y , Miyamoto, T , and Kobata, A (1985) Assoclatton of rheumatoid arthrms and prtmary osteoarthritis with changes in the glycosylatton pattern of total serum IgG Nature 316,452-457. 5. Mullinax, F. (1975) Abnormality of IgG structure in rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus. Arthrztzs Rheum. 18,4 17 6 Parekh, R B., Roitt, I M , Isenberg, D A., Dwek, R. A., Anzell, B. M., and Rademacher, T W (1988) Galactosylation of IgG associated olrgosaccharides reduction m pattents with adult and juvenile onset rheumatoid arthrms and relation to disease activity Lancet ii, 964-969


Tsuchiya et al.

7 Rook, G A. W , Steele, J., Brealey, R., Whyte, A , Isenberg, D., Sumar, N ,








15 16.




Nelson, J. L , Bodman, K B , Young, A , Roitt, I. M , Wtlbams, P , Scragg, I , Edge, C J , Arkwrtght, P D , Ashford, D., Wormald, M , Rudd, P , Redman, C W. G., Dwek, R A , and Rademacher, T W (1991) Changes m IgG glycoform levels are assoctated wtth remtsston of arthritis durmg pregnancy J Autolmmunzty 4,779-794. Tsuchlya, N., Endo, T , Matsuta, K , Yoshmoya, S , Takeucht, F , Nagano, Y , Shtota, M , Furukawa, K , Kochibe, N , Ito, K , and Kobata, A (1993) Detection of glycosylation abnormabty m rheumatoid IgG usmg N-acetylglucosamme-spec~fic Psathyrella velutzna lectm J Zmmunol. 151, 1137-l 146 Parekh, R , Rottt, I , Isenberg, D , Dwek, R., and Rademacher, T (1988) Agerelated galactosylation of the N-lmked oligosacchartdes of human serum IgG J Exp A4ed 167,173 1-1736 Tomana, M , Schrohenloher, R E , Koopman, W J , Alarcon, G S , and Paul, W A (1988) Abnormal glycosylation of serum IgG from patients wtth chronic inflammatory diseases Arthrztls Rheum 31, 333-338 Dube, R , Rook, G A W., Steele, J , Brealey, R , Dwek, R , Rademacher, T , and Lennard-Jones, J (1990) Agalactosyl IgG m mflammatory bowel disease correlation wtth C-reacttve protem Gut 31,43 l-434 Bond, A , Cooke, A , and Hay, F C (1990) Glycosylatton of IgG, Immune complexes and IgG subclasses in the MRL-lprflpr mouse model of rheumatoid arthrrtis. Eur J Immunol 20,2229-2233 Mlzuochi, T , Hamako, J , Nose, M , and Titam, K (I 990) Structural changes in the oltgosacchartde chams of IgG in autoimmune MRL/Mp-lpr/lpr mice. J Immunol. 145, 1794-l 798 Thompson, S. J , Httsumoto, Y , Zhang, Y W , Rook, G A W , and Elson, C J (1992) Agalactosyl IgG m prtstane-Induced arthritis. Pregnancy affects the mcidence and severity of arthritts and the glycosylatton status of IgG Clm Exp Immunol. 89,434-438. Furukawa, K. and Kobata, A. (1991) IgG galactosylation-its biologtcal stgmficance and pathology Mel Immunol 28, 1333-1340. Bodman, K. B , Sumar,N., MacKenzie, L E , Isenberg, D A , Hay, F C , Rant, 1 M , and Lydyard, P. M (1992) Lymphocytes from patients wtth rheumatoid arthritis produce agalactosylated IgG m vztro. Clan Exp. Immunol 88,42&423. Furukawa, K , Matsuta, K , Takeuchi, F , Kosuge, E , Miyamoto, T., and Kobata, A (1990) Kinetic study of a galactosyltransferase m the B cells of patients with rheumatoid arthrttrs Znt. Zmmunol 2, 105-l 12 Hirano, T , Matsueda, T , Turner, M , Mlyasaka, N , Buchan, G , Tang, B , Sato, K , Shimizu, M., Manu, R., Feldmann, M , and Kishimoto, T. (1988) Excessive production of mterleukm 6/B cell stimulatory factor-2 in rheumatoid arthrttts. Eur J Immunol. 18, 1797-1801 Nakao, H , Nishikawa, A., Nishmra, T , Kanayama, Y., Tarui, S., and Tamgucht, N. (199 1) Hypogalactosylatton of tmmunoglobulm G sugar chains and elevated serum mterleukm 6 m Castleman’s disease. Clm Chum Acta 197,22 l-228

Lectin Detection of Agalactosyl IgG


20 Hitsumoto, Y , Thompson, S J., Zhang, Y W., Rook, G A W , and Elson, C J (1992) Relationship between mterleukm 6, agalactosyl IgG and pnstane-induced arthrltls Autolmmumty 11,247-254 21 Axford, J. S , Sumar, N , Alavi, A , Isenberg, D A., Young, A , Bodman, K B , and Roltt, I M (1992) Changes m normal glycosylation mechamsms m autolmmune rheumatic disease J Clrn Invest. 89, 102 l-l 03 1 22 Nose, M and Wlgzell, H. (1983) Blologlcal slgmficance of carbohydrate chams on monoclonal antlbodles Proc Nat1 Acad SCL USA 80,6632-6636 23. Leatherbarrow, R J , Rademacher, T W , Dwek, R A, Woof, J M , Clark, A, and Burton, D. (1985) Effecter functions of a monoclonal aglycosylated mouse IgG2a. bmdmg and actlvatlon of complement component Cl and mteractlon with human monocyte Fc receptor. Mol Immunol 22,407-4 15 24 Tsuchlya, N , Endo, T , Matsuta, K , Yoshmoya, S , Alkawa, T , Kosuge, E , Takeuchl, F., Mlyamoto, T., and Kobata, A. (1989) Effects of galactose depletion from ohgosacchande chams on immunological activltles of human IgG J Rheumatol 16,285-290 25 Newklrk, M M , Lemmo, A , and Rauch, J. (1990) Importance of the IgG lsotype, not the state of glycosylatlon, m determmmg human rheumatoid factor bmdmg Arthrztzs Rheum 33, 800-809 26 Lund, J., Takahashl, N , Pound, J D , Goodall, M , Nakagawa, H , and Jeffens, R ( 1995) Ohgosacchande-protein mteractlon m IgG can modulate recognition by Fey receptors FASEB J 9, 115-l 19 27 Young, A, Sumar, N., Bodman, K , Goyal, S , Sinclair, H Roltt, I , and Isenberg, D (1991) Agalactosyl IgG an atd to dlfferentlal dlagnosls In early synovltls Arthrltls Rheum 34, 1425-1429 28. Mlzuochl, T , Tamguchl, T , Shlmlzu, A , and Kobata, A (1982) Structural and numerical varlatlons of the carbohydrate moiety of Immunoglobulm G J Immunol 129,2016-2019 29 Sumar, N., Bodman, K B., Rademacher, T. W , Dwek, R. A., Wtlliams, P , Parekh, R. B., Edge, J., Rook, G A W , Isenberg, D. A., Hay, F C , and Ro~tt, I M (1990) Analysls of glycosylatlon changes m IgG using lectms. J Immunol Methods 131,127-136 30 Parkkinen, J. (1989) Aberrant lectm-bmdmg actlvlty of ~mmunoglobulrn G m serum from rheumatotd arthritis patients. CEzn Chem 35, 1638-l 643 3 1. Kochlbe, N. and Matta, K L (1989) Purification and propertles of an N-acetylglucosamme-specific lectm from Psathyrella velutma mushroom J Bzol Chem 264, 173-l 77 32 Endo, T , Ohbayashl, H , Kanazawa, K , Kochlbe, N , and Kobata, A (1992) Carbohydrate bmdmg speclticlty of lmmoblhzed Psathyrella velutma lectm J Blol Chem 267,707-7 13 33. Sasso, E. H., SIlverman, G J., and Manmk, M. (1989) Human IgM molecules that bind staphylococcal protem A contam V&I H chains J Immunol 142,2778-2783 34 Sasso, E. H , Sdverman, G J , and Manmk, M (199 1) Human IgA and IgG F(ab’), that bind to staphylococcal protem A belong to the VHIII subgroup. J Immunol 147, 1877-l 883

16 Lectins for Detection of Altered Glycosylation of Circulating Glycoproteins a- 1-Antitrypsin Yutaka Aoyagi and Hitoshi Asakura 1. introduction Human a-l -antitrypsm (a-l -anti-T), one of the most important serum protease mhibitors, is a glycoprotem of mol wt 5 1,000 (Z-3). c1-1-anti-T neutrahzes the activity of enzymessuch as elastase,trypsin, and chymotrypsm The molecule consists of a single polypepide cham of 394 ammo acids, with three sugar chams that are N-linked to asparagme residue at positions 46, 83, and 247 (2-4). The major chemical structures of the sugar chains have been reported to be biantennary and trtantennary ohgosacchartdes (4,5) Genettc polymorphism of a- 1-anti-T has been elucidated by many mvestigators About 40 genetic variants have been recognized, implymg considerable heterogeneity and polymorphism. These complexities include variations m the degree of sialylation on the sugar chains and complex formation with low molecular weight thiols by drsultide bridges of the reactive single cysteme (6) Hereditary deficiency of a- 1-anti-T predisposes to degenerattve lung disease and ltver disease (7,8). Nucleotrde sequence studres of a- 1-anti-T have shown single or two-base substitution or dmucleotide deletion with subsequentsingle ammo acid substitutions or deletions In the common S and 2 variants, A to T (264 Glu to Val) and G to A (342 Glu to Lys) mutations were identified (9), Our prevrous work has revealed the presence of two species of a- 1-anti-T: the Lens culznarzs agglutmm (LCA)-reactive and LCA-nonreactive species determmed by crossed immunoaffinoelectrophorests (CIAE) with an Increase in the percentage of LCA-reactive species m hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) compared to nonneoplastic hver diseasesand normal controls (ZO). From Methods fn Molecular Medune, Vol 9 Lecbn Methods and Protocols Edited by J M Rhodes and J D Mllton Humana Press Inc , Totowa, NJ



Aoyagi and Asakura

Cathode Fig. 1. Crossed immunoaffinoelectrophoretic patient with hepatocellular carcinoma.

Anode (CIAE) pattern of a- 1-anti-T from a

1.1. Outline of Procedure The presence of altered glycosylation of a- 1-anti-T was determined by CIAE in the presence of LCA essentially according to the procedure by Bog-Hansen (II). CIAE was carried out in 1% agarose in 0.02M barbital buffer, pH 8.6, containing 0.5 mg/mL of soluble LCA. Serial dilution of the serum samples was subjected to CIAE with 10 mM phosphate buffer containing 0.15M NaCl from 1 part in 16 to 1 in 64 depending on the serum concentrations of a- 1-anti-T. In the first dimension, 10 pL of a diluted serum samplewas run at 10V/cm for 3 h. Then, electrophoresis in the second dimension was performed at 2 V/cm for 20 h in an antibody containing gel. Two speciesof a- 1-anti-T were detected on CIAE (Fig. 1). Migration of one of the two a-l-anti-T species was retarded (LCA-reactive species) and that of the other remained unchanged (LCAnonreactive species). The area under the peak of immunoprecipitation after the second dimension run was measured. When CIAE was performed in gels containing 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, or 1.0 mg/mL of soluble LCA, the best resolution was obtained in the gel containing 0.5 mg/mL of soluble LCA (ZO). 1.2. Increase in LCA-Reactive Species of a-l-Anti-T in HCC An increase in LCA-reactive species of a- 1-anti-T in HCC was observed as compared with that in liver cirrhosis. As shown in Fig. 2, the percentages of

CI-I -Antitrypsin Altered Glycosylation 60











Fig. 2. The percentage of LCA-reactive species of a- 1-anti-T in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), liver cirrhosis (LC), chronic hepatitis (CH), and normal control (NOR). The percentages of LCA-reactive species in HCC (19 rt 9%, mean I& standard deviation) were significantly higher than those in liver cirrhosis (13 + 5%), in acute hepatitis (15 + 5) chronic hepatitis (10 k S), and normal control (8 f 4). Vertical lines in each column indicate mean + standard.

LCA-reactive species in HCC (19 f 9%, mean f standard deviation) were significantly higher than those in liver cirrhosis (13 k 5%), acute viral hepatitis (I 5 + 5), chronic hepatitis (10 rt 5) and normal control (8 zt4). There was no correlation between the percentage of LCA-reactive species of a- 1-anti-T and serum a- 1-anti-T concentration in any group (I 01. When we compared LCA-reactive species of a- 1-anti-T in the acute stage of acute viral hepatitis with that in the convalescent stage, there was no significant difference. However, serum a-l-anti-T concentration in the acute stage was significantly higher than that in convalescence (IO). Next, we compared LCA-reactive species of a- 1-anti-T in 15 pairs of serum samples from patients with a long history of chronic liver diseases before and after the subsequent development of HCC. The percentage of LCA-reactive species of a-l-anti-T after HCC development (2 1 + 9%) was significantly higher than before (11 f 5%), although there was no significant difference in serum concentrations of a-l-anti-T before and afterwards (10).


Aoyagi and Asakura

1.3. Carbohydrate Structure of a-l-Anti-T Assessed by Lectin Reactivity Chemical structures of the sugar chains of human a- 1-anti-T have been proposed by Hodges et al. (‘5) and Mega et al. (4). These authors have shown that human serum a-l-anti-T from normal mdivldual contains two types of sugar chams, biantennary sugar chain, GalP 1-4GlcNAcj3 l -2Mana 1-6(GalP I4GlcNAcP l -2Mana l -3)Man/3 l -4GlcNAcj3 1-4GlcNAc, and trtantennary sugar chain, Gal~1-4GlcNAc~1-4(Gal~1-4GlcNAc~1-2)Mana1-3(Gal~14GlcNAcP 1-2Mana I -6)Manpl-4GlcNAcj31-4GlcNAc. They reported that the ratto of the btantennary sugar chain to the trrantennary sugar chain was about 2. I or 3.1. Bayard et al (22) have shown the presence of another type of sugar chain, a btantennary sugar cham wrth a bisectmg N-acetylglucosamme restdue, and that the percentages of brantennary, brantennary wrth a bisectmg N-acetylglucosamme restdue, and trtantennary sugar chams were 80, 14, and 6%, respecttvely. Kornfeld et al. Indicated that LCA bmds btantennary sugar chams wrth a fucose residue at the innermost N-acetylglucosamine at the trrmannosyl core (fucosylated btantennary sugar chain), and with both a fucose and a btsectmg N-acetylglucosamme residue (fucosylated and N-acetylglucosammylated biantennary sugar chain) (13). On the other hand, Con A which bmds the btantennary and the fucosylated brantennary sugar chains, will not bind if the brantennary sugar chain structure has undergone btsectmg-glucosammylatron and/or further branching leading to the formatton of trtantennary and tetraantennary structures (24), Recently, a very sensitive and convenient method has been developed to study the tine detail of carbohydrate structures by a combmation of derivattzanon mto fluorescent oltgosaccharrdes and separation by HPLC (15-l 7). Since a number of PA-oligosacchartdes, the structures of which have been established by ‘H-nuclear magnetic resonance, have become commercrally avarlable, we applied this method m combmation wtth exoglycosrdase drgestron to study the fine structures of various a- 1-anti-T specres (28). Eleven a- 1-anti-T specimens were prepared from serum samples of SIX patients wrth HCC and five healthy controls by tmmunoaffinity chromatography. Subsequent affinity chromatography was performed with LCA-Sepharose to prepare the LCAreactive and LCA-nonreactive species of a-l-anti-T. The LCA-reactive species of a- 1-anti-T from patients with HCC carried both the btantennary sugar cham with a fucose residue at innermost N-acetylglucosamme residue, Gal0 I4GlcNAcj3 l -2Manal-6(Galj3 1-4GlcNAcPl-2Manal-3)Manp 1-4GlcNAcP l4(Fucal-6)GlcNAc and the brantennary one without a fucose restdue, Gal~1-4GlcNAc~1-2Mana1-6(Gal~l-4GlcNAc~1-2Manal-3)Man~14GlcNAcP I-4GlcNAc at a ratio about 1:0.6. The LCA-nonreactive species of

a- I-Antrtrypsin Altered Glycosylation


a- 1-anti-T contained the blantennary sugar chain, Gal0 1-4GlcNAcP l -2Mana lG(GalPl-4GlcNAcP 1-2Mana 1-3)Manp l -4GlcNAcP I-4GlcNAc, as a major component. These results Indicate that a characteristicfeature of the carbohydrate chains of a- 1-anti-T from patients with HCC 1san increment in core fixosylation. 2. Materials 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1% Agarose (type with low gelling temperature) m 0 02M barbital buffer, pH 8.6. 2% Agarose m 0 02M barbrtal buffer, pH 8 6 Salt-free lyophthzed LCA (L-5880 from Stgma, St Louts, MO) Monospectfic goat antrhuman a- 1-antt-T sernm Stammg solutton. 5 g Coomasste brilliant blue, 100 mL acetic acid, 450 mL ethanol, and 450 mL dtsttlled water. Destaining solutton* Same as staining solutton without Coomassre brtlbant blue Phosphate-buffered salme* 10 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7 0,O 15M NaCl Glassplates 26~85cmand85xtOcm. Gel puncher Immunovtewer, an apparatus by whtch tmmunoprectpttatron lines can be vtsualtzed directly before stammg

3. Methods

3. I. First Dimension of Crossed Immunoaffinoelectrophoresis 1 Prepare 2% agarose m barbital buffer m a bothng water bath and then allow to cool to 56°C 2 Dtssolve 1 5 mg LCA m 1.S mL 0 02M barbital buffer, pH 8 6, at room temperature and then warm to 56°C (see Note 3) 3 MIX 1.S mL 2% agarose (step 1) and 1 5 mL LCA solution (step 2) at 56”C, and layer onto the 2.6 x 8.5 cm glass plate on the levelling table (see Note 2) 4 Punch two 2-mm wells at cathodal end of the plate with gel puncher (commercially available), and then suck out agar plugs with a Pasteur ptpet connected to a water vacuum pump 5 Dilute serum samples with PBS from 1 part m 16 to I m 64 depending on the serum concentrations of a- 1-anti-T. Two samples, 10 pL of each, can be loaded on one 2 6 x 8 5 cm glass plate. 6 Electrophorese at 10 V/cm for 3 h (see Note 1) 7 Separate the first dtmenston gel mto two pieces of gel strrp by cuttmg the center of the gel along the major axts of the glass plate

3.2. Second Dimension of Crossed lmmunoaffinoelectrophoresis 1. Melt the 1% agarose in 0 02M barbital buffer, pH 8 6, m a botlmg water bath and transfer to 56’C. 2 Add an appropriate amount of anti-a- 1-antt-T antibody to 12 mL of agar at 56°C and mtx well, and layer onto the 10 x 8 5 cm glass plate on the levellmg table (see Note 4)


Aoyagi and Asakura

3 Cut and remove a 1 3 x 8 5 cm longitudmal strip, the same size as a half of the first dimenston gel, from one end of the gel, and replace wtth the longitudmal strip of the first dimension gel (see Note 5) 4 Place the plate m the electrophoresis apparatus The cathode must be at the end of the plate where the longitudmal strip of the first dtmenston gel was placed 5 Electrophorese at 2 V/cm overmght

3.3. Staining 1 Wash the glass plate m several changes of PBS to remove free protein from second dtmenston gel for 12-24 h Next, wash the plate m disttlled water to remove salt from the gel (see Note 7) 2 Dry overnight 3 Stam the precipttation lme with Coomassie brilliant blue solution for l-2 mm (see Note S), and then destain (see Notes 9-11) 4. Notes 1 An albumin and bromophenol blue complex can be used as a marker m the first dtmension electrophoresis smce this will migrate very raptdly However, if excess dye has been added, a band of free dye will run m front of the albumm towards the anode The prepared gels should stored at 4°C m a humid chamber for 30 mm before use This procedure hardens the gel, and makes it easier to punch wells It is not always easy to dtssolve LCA powder directly m 1% agarose Mixing equal volumes of 2% agarose and LCA solutton prevents foaming of the gel Antrbody concentrations m the second dimension gel. a a- 1-anti-T concentratton m drluted sample sera 1O-20 mg/dL b IgG concentration 0 5-l mg/mL c Anti-o-l-an&T antibody/l2 mL gel* 2@-40 pL 5 When the longitudmal strip of the first dimension gel IS placed on the second dimension plate, avoid bubbles between the first and second dtmenston gels as this will disturb the formation of precipitation lines 6 Precoatmg with 0 5% agar solution (0 5 g of agar m 100 mL of distilled water) holds the second dimension gel m place durmg the washing procedure (IS). 7 The presence of an tmmunoprecipttatton lme can be assessed by holding the gel over a black background and tllummatmg It from the side There IS a commerctally avatlable apparatus called an “Immunovtewer” (Jookoo, Tokyo, Japan) 8 It is enough for a few minutes to stain a second dtmension gel 9 The area under the peak of tmmunoprectpttatton after the second dtmension run can be easily quantitated by cuttmg out the peak from photocopy and weighing the paper, or by image scanner. 10 The stammg and destammg solution can be stored for several months m a stoppered bottle at room temperature 11 The used destainmg solutton can be regenerated by passmg through powdered charcoal

a- 1-AnMrypsm




References 1 Chan, S. K , Luby, J , and Wu, Y C (1973) Purlficatlon and chemical composltlons of human a- 1-antmypsm of the MM type FEBS Lett 35,79-8 1 2 Carrell, R W , Jeppsson, J O., Vaughan, L , Brennan, S 0 , Owen, M C , and Boswell, D R (198 1) Human a-I-antltrypsm carbohydrate attachment and sequence hom*ology FEBS Lett 135,301-303 3 Carrell, R W , Jeppsson, J 0 , Laurell, C B., Brennan, S 0 , Owen, M C , Vaughan, L , and Boswell, D R. (1982) Structure and variation of human a-lantltrypsm Nature 298,329-334 Mega, T , LuJuan, E , and Yoshida. A. (1980) Studies on the ohgosaccharlde chains of human a- 1-protease mhlbltor J Blol Chem 255,4053-406 1 Hodges, L C , Lame, R , and Chan, S K (1979) Structure of the ohgosacchallde chams m human a-1-protease mhlbltor J Bzol Chem 254,8208-8212 Putnam, F W (1984) Alpha, beta, gamma, omega The structure of the plasma proteins, VI a-glycoprotems, C protease mhlbrtors m The Plasma Proteww vol IV (Putnam, F W , ed ), Academic, Orlando, FL, pp 7686. Enksson, S (1964) Pulmonary emphysema and a-I-antltrypsm deficiency Acta h4ed Stand 175, 197-205 Sharp, H. L , Bridges, R A Krivlt, W , and Freler, E F. (1969) Clrrhosls assoclated with a-I-antitrypsm deficiency. J Lab Clan A4ed 73, 934-939 Carrell, R W., Jeppsson J -0, Laurel1 C -B , Brennan, S 0, Owen, M C , Vaughan, L , and Boswell, R (1982) Structure and variation of human a- l-antltrypsm Nature 298, 329-334 10 Sekme, C , Aoyagi, Y , Suzuki, Y , and Ichlda, F (1987) The reactivity of a-lantitrypsm with Lens culznarzs agglutmm and Its usefulness m the diagnosis of neoplastlc diseases of the hver Br J Cancer 56,37 l-375 11 Brig-Hansen, T. C. (1973) Crossed lmmuno-affinoelectrophoresls an analytical methods to predict the result of affinity chromatography Anal Bzochem 56, 480-488 12 Bayard, B , Kerckaert, J P , Lame, A , and Hayem, A (1982) Umformlty of glycans within molecular variants of alpha-protease inhibitor with distinct affinity for concanavalm A Eur J Bzochem 124,37 l-376. 13 Kornfeld, K , Reitman, M L , and Kornfeld, R (198 1) The carbohydrate-bmdmg speclficlty of pea and lentil lectms. J Blol Chem 256,6633-6640 14 Baenziger, J U and Flete, D (1979) Structural determmations of concanavalm A specificity for ohgosaccharides J Bzol Chem 254,240&2407 15. Hase, S , Ibukl, T., and Ikenaka, T. (1984) Reexammatlon of the pyrldylammatlon used for fluorescence labeling of ohgosaccharldes and its appllcatlon to glycoprotems J Blochem 95, 197-203 16 Yamamoto, S., Hase, S., f*ckuda, S , Sano, O., and Ikenaka, T (1989) Structures of the sugar chain of interferon-y produced by human myelomonocyte cell line HBL-38 J Bzochem 105,547-555


Aoyagl and Asakura

17 Tomlya. N , Awaya, J , Kurono, M , Endo, S , Arata, T , and Takahashl, N (1988) Analysis of N-lmked ollgosaccharldes usmg a two dlmenslonal mappmg technique Anal Blochem 171,73-90 18 Saltoh, A., Aoyagl, Y , and Asakura, H (1993) Structural analysis on the sugar chams of human c1-1-antltrypsm presence of fucosylated blantennary glycan m hepatocellular carcmoma. Arch Blochem Bzophvs 303,281-287 19. Hudson, L and Hay, F. R (1976) Antibody interaction with antigen m Practzcal Immunology Blackwell, Oxford. UK, pp 88-133

17 Detection of Altered Glycosylation of a-Fetoprotein Using Lectin-Aff inity Electrophoresis Kazuhisa Taketa, Miao Liu, and Hiroko Taga 1. Introduction a-Fetoprotem (AFP) is an oncofetal glycoprotein with a molecular mass of 70,000 Dalton and a carbohydrate content of approx 4%, I.e., one carbohydrate chain per molecule. High concentratrons of AFP are found m the fetal serum as well as in amniotic fluid. Serum concentratron of AFP m cord blood at birth range from 1O,OOO-100,000ng/mL, and rt becomes suppressed to levels below 10 ng/mL by 300 d after birth (2) AFP is re-expressed frequently in hepatocellular carcmomas and yolk sac tumors, and much less frequently m gastromtestinal carcinomas. Carbohydrate structures of AFP purified from cord serum at birth (2), from ascrtesof a patrent with hepatocellular carcmoma (3). and from serum of mice transplanted with a human yolk sac tumor (4) are prmclpally blantennary complex-type ollgosaccharldes lurked to asparagme. AFP sugar chains of hepatocellular carcinomas and yolk sac tumors resemble those of fetal livers (2) and ammotrc fluids, respectively, m early gestation stages (5,6). Sugar chain heterogeneity of AFP was first demonstrated by Smith and Kelleher (7) by means of affinity chromatography with concanavalin A (Con A) bound to agarose gel. 1.1. Lectin-Affinity Hectrophoresis Lectin-affinity electrophoresrs was introduced by Bog-Hansen et al. (8) in 1975 and applied to separation of AFP variants. Breborwrcz et al. (5) and Miyazaki et al. (9) separated AFP variants of pattents wrth hepatocellular carcinomas by crossed-immunoaffinoelectrophoresls and demonstrated a potential diagnostic use. The sensitivity of this method for detection of separated AFPs was low, even if immunoenzymatic amplificatron was employed (IO). Taketa et al. (11) circumvented this difficulty by introducing antibody-affimty From Methods m Molecular Me&me, Vol 9 Lectm Methods and Protocols EdIted by J M Rhodes and J D Milton Humana Press Inc , Totowa, NJ



Taketa, LIU, and Taga

blotting followed by rmmunoenzymattc amplification. Our new technique allowed us not only to Increase the sensrttvrty m detectmg separated AFP bands, but also to make a direct comparrson of band mobtlmes by parallel running of samples. It also made tt possible to run two-dtmensronal (2D) lectm-affimty electrophorests (12) This method can detect a 20 pg AFP band with a coefficient of variation :,;:,

_, \





Al Als-


A3, P5-AC

t t P5P4




tt tt P3 P2 P3f Pl


Fig. 2. Correspondence of 1D lectin-affinity electrophoretic AFP bands to 2D lectin-affinity electrophoretic AFP spots and their nomenclature for an unusual case (TY) of hepatocellular carcinoma with a yolk sac tumor-type sugar chin structure of AFP.

Taketa, Liu, and Taga


migrating faster m the first dlmenslon lectm gel migrate mto the second lectm gel a little faster, resulting m a slightly slanted front line with lesser migration distances toward the orlgm of the first dlmenslon electrophoresls (12)

7.2. Antibody-Affinity


Because of the presence of an excessively high concentration of lectin protein m the gel as compared with the applied amount of AFP, the lectm blocks the nitrocellulose (NC) membrane during conventional blotting, preventing the bmdmg of AFP to the membrane Therefore, we precoat NC membranes with horse (or goat) antihuman AFP antibodies (see Note 1) as a capture antibody m order to specifically transfer AFP to NC membrane (II)

1.3. lmmunoenzymatic


and Visualization

The AFP specifically transferred to NC membrane can then be treated with rabbit (or mouse) antihuman AFP antibodies (see Note 2), followed by horseradish peroxidase-labeled goat antlbodles against rabbit (or mouse) IgG. Horseradish peroxidase reaction can then be visualized by the tetrazolium method of Taketa et al. (26) employmg phenol, Nltro Blue tetrazolmm (NBT), NADH, and H202. Intensities of the resulting formazan bands can be quantified by densltometrlc scanning after m-nnersmg the developed and dried NC membranes in decalm.

2. Materials 2.1. Lecfin-Affinity


1 Dissolve lectms at twice the concentrations indicated below in the electrode buffer, barbltal/barbltal-Na buffer, pH 8.6, ionic strength (I) = 0 05 (see Note 3) The optimum concentrations of lectms in agarose gels are as follows* Con A, 1 0 mg/mL; LCA-A or LCA (see Note 4), 0 2 mg/mL, E-PHA (see Note 5), 0 3-0.5 mg/mL (see Note 6), allo A, 0 3 mg/mL; DSA, 0 4 mg/mL, and AAL, 0.2 mg/mL (Con A from Pharmacla, Uppsala, Sweden; allo A from Cosmo Bio Co., Tokyo, Japan; LCA, E,-PHA, DSA, and AAL from Selkagaku, Tokyo, Japan) 2 Aqueous solution of agarose 2% agarose with an electroendosmosls (-M,) of 0 13 and a gellmg temperature of 36 or 42°C. 3, Molds for preparation of agarose gels for 1D affinity electrophoresls, made of acryl resin board, having a gel-space srze of 80 x 75 x 1 0 mm with 7 combs, 0 8 x 5 0 mm, projecting 1 0 mm into the gel space and 4 mm distances between the adjacent projections, as illustrated m Fig 3, and a mold for preparation of an agarose gel for 2D affinity electrophoresls, made of acryl resin board, having a gel-space size of 90 x 90 x 1 0 mm with blank space-forming arms as illustrated m Fig 4. In 2D affinity electrophoresis, the lectm gels used for the first-dimension electrophoresls are the same as for 1D affinity electrophoresls except that wells of 1 6 mm diameter are punched out in place of the troughs for sample application.

Detection of a-Fetoprotein


Fig. 3. An illustrated design of mold for 1D lectin-affinity electrophoresis before assembling. (A) Covering plate, (B) GelBond film, and (C) Gel former.

4. Five milligrams/milliliterbromophenol 5. Frozen body fluids or purified AFP phosphate-buffered saline (O.OlM, full-term delivery has uniform and used and may serve as a reference.

2.2. Antibody-Affinity

blue (BPB) in the electrode buffer (seeNote 7). dissolved in 0.3% bovine serum albumin in pH 7.2). Frozen cord serum obtained at stable patterns of AFP bands for the lectins


1. NC membrane (50 x 92 mm or any desired size of this surface area. Schleicher and Schuell, Dassel, Germany). 2. Tris-buffered saline (TBS): 20 mMTris-HCl, 500 mMNaC1, pH 7.5. 3. Affinity-purified polyclonal horse (or goat) antibodies to human AFP: 100 pg/mL TBS (see Note 8). 4. Glutaraldehyde (25%). 5. NaBH4: 0.2 mg/mL TBS. 6. Tween-20: 0.5% in TBS. 7. Thick filter paper pads. 8. A weight of approx 500 g and a glass plate of approx 150 x 150 x 3 mm. 9. Washing buffer: 0.05% Tween-20 in TBS (T-TBS).

Taketa, Liu, and Taga

Fig. 4. An illustrated design of mold for 2D lectin-affinity electrophoresis before assembling. (A) Covering plate, (B) Blocking piece, (C) Blank-space former, (D) GelBond film, and (E) Supporting plate.

10. cx-Methyl-o-mannoside: 0.2M in T-TBS. 11. a-Lactose: 0.2M in T-TBS.

2.3. Enzyme lmmunodetection 1. Gelatin: 1.O% in TBS (G-TBS) (Bio-Rad Laboratories, CA). 2. IgG fraction of polyclonal rabbit or mouse antibodies to human AFP, diluted lOOO-fold in G-TBS depending on the titer of the antibody preparation commercially available (see Note 9).

Detection of a-Fetoprotein


3. Affinity-purified goat antirabblt (or mouse) IgG (H+L)-horseradish peroxidase conjugate (Dako A/S, Denmark), diluted lOOO-fold in G-TBS. 4 Staining solution consisting of 0.3 mg/mL NBT, 2 0 mg/mL NADH, 0 4 mg/mL phenol, and 0 02% H,O, in 50 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7 0 (see Note 10) 5. Decalm

3. Methods

3.1. Preparation of NC Membranes Precoated with An ti=AFP Antibodies 1 Immerse NC membranes into 10 mL of 100 vg/mL horse (or goat) antlhuman AFP antlbodles for 30 mm at 25°C 2 Take out, blot, and hang the membranes m a closed chamber of approx 200 x 200 x 200 mm, containing approx 1 mL of glutaraldehyde solution sprinkled onto filter paper pads placed inside. 3. Take out the membrane after 30 min and reduce the unreacted glutaraldehyde with 0.02% NaBH4 m TBS for 2 mm. 4 Wash the membranes with TBS and block them with 0.5% Tween-20 in TBS for 30 mm. 5 Wash the blocked membranes with TBS, dry, and store at 4°C m a deslccatol under a reduced pressure

3.2, Lectin-Affinity


One- and two-dimenslonal lectin-affinity electrophoreses share comm materials and methods. Accordingly, full methods are described for 1 lectin-affinity electrophoresis and then- modifications for 2D lectm-affimt electrophoresis.

3.2.1. 1D Lectin Affinity Electrophoresis 1. Take 4 mL of molten 2% agarose solution at 60°C 2. Take 4 mL of a twice-concentrated lectm solution in the electrode buffel a room temperature 3. Assemble the mold by placrng a GelBond film between the gel former and covering plate, with the hydrophobic side facing the covermg plate and the hydrophlhc side toward the space for agarose gel (see Note 11). 4. Quickly mix the molten agarose and the lectm solution and cast the lectin containmg agarose mto the mold (see Note 12). Stand the gel-contammg mold uprlght until the gel becomes solidified (10 mm at room temperature and then cool for 10 min at 4OC) 5 Prepare AFP solutions by diluting sera with barbital/barbital-Na buffer (I = 0.025), pH 8 6 (made by two-fold dllutlon of electrode buffer as in Section 2 1. 1,), to give an AFP concentration of 100 ng/mL and a BPB concentration of 0.5 mg/mL 6. Disassemble the mold and take out the solldlfied agarose gel with GelBond Set the gel plate on a cooled ceramic plate (1O“C) of an electrophoretlc chamber

Taketa, Liu, and Taga



8. 9.


(Denshi-Reikyaku-Eidoso, Model TC-3; Kayagaki-Irika-Kogyo, Tokyo, Japan). Place the sample trough-side of the gel to the cathodic side. Apply 4-pL samples (see Note 13) to troughs in the gel and connect the gel and the electrode buffer with wicks moistened with the electrode buffer (see Note 14). The width of the wick is identical with that of the gel. Adjust the overlapping edges of gel and wicks to 5 mm in both side of the gel. Run electrophoresis at 10°C using a constant voltage of 1 5 V/cm until unbound BPB has migrated 55 mm from the origin. Take out the gel plates from the electrophoretic chamber and overlay the gels with antibody-precoated NC membranes (see Note 15), followed by thick filter paper pads, a glass plate, and a weight. After 20 min at 25°C remove the filter paper pads and wash the NC membranes with 20 mL of 0.05% T-TBS containing 0.2Ma-methyl-o-mannoside for Con A and LCA, or 0.2M o-lactose for allo A, followed by a similar washing with T-TBS alone.

3.2.2. 20 Lectin-Affinity Electrophoresis 1, Apply 2 pL of AFP preparations (200-400 ng/mL AFP) to wells of the 1D lectinaffinity electrophoresis. 2. Run electrophoresis as for the 1D affinity electrophoresis. 3. Assemble the molds for 2D affinity electrophoresis in Fig. 4 by making an inverted T-shape space. Cast 2.1 mL of molten 1% plain agarose in barbital/ barbital-Na buffer (1 = 0.025, pH 8.6) (dilute 2% agarose with an equal volume of the electrode buffer) to till up the inverted T-shape space. After gels are formed, remove two pieces of plate (Fig. 4B), making two separate spaces. 4. Prepare lectin-containing agarose for the 2D affinity electrophoresis, and cast it into the two separate spaces where two plates (Fig. 4B) were present. The same lectin gel (6 mL) or two different lectin gels (each 3 mL) can be made for one mold. 5. When unbound BPB has migrated 55 mm from the origin in the first dimension electrophoresis, take out the gel and cut out 8 x 40 mm gel strip together with GelBond and migrated AFP spots. Make two of them either from the same lectin gel or from different ones. 6. Remove frame C in Fig. 4 by disassembling the mold. Place the cut out 8 x 40 mm gel strips gel side (not GelBond side) down to the 10 x 40 mm blank spaces. Seal the junctional gaps with the molten 1% plain agarose solution to connect the first dimension gels to the second dimension gels. 7. A small drop of BPB solution can be placed on the gel along the starting line (a line connecting the two sample wells). 8. Run the 2D affinity electrophoresis similarly until unbound BPB migrates 55 mm from the connected lectin-containing gel border.

3.3. Enzyme lmmunodetection 1. Place the washed AFP transfers in 10 mL of diluted rabbit (or mouse) antihuman AFP antibodies in G-TBS for 60 min at 25°C.

Detection of a-Fetoprotein


2. Wash the membranes twice each for 10 min with T-TBS. Transfer the membranes to 10 mL of affimty-purified goat antlrabblt (or mouse) IgG (H+L)-horseradish peroxldase conjugate diluted IOOO-fold with G-TBS for 60 mm at 2YC 3 Wash the membranes twice with T-TBS for 10 mm

3.4. Peroxidase Staining 1. Transfer the antibody-treated membranes rnto 10 mL of freshly prepared stammg solution and allow to react for 30 mm at 25°C. 2 Wash the stamed membranes with water and dry 3. Treat the dried membranes with decalin for densltometrlc scannmg 4 Photographs of the stamed and dried membranes can be taken with monochrome films usmg a yellow filter with a cutoff level of 480 nm. 5 The stained AFP bands can be ldentlfied using our system of nomenclature In the light of standard patterns of AFP bands for each lectin used (Fig 1) Reference values of AFP band mtensmes are avallable elsewhere (14) 6 Correspondence between the major AFP isoforms and the sugar chain structures is shown m Fig. 5 This IS based on the results obtamed by comparison of paired 2D affinity electrophoreses, each havmg one sharmg lectm

4. Notes When polyclonal horse (or goat) antibodies are used, the antibodies should be affimty purified Mouse MAb can be used after lsolatlon of the IgG fraction Mouse MAb can be used when the capture antIbodIes are horse (or goat) antIbodIes Although some of the lectms used require dlvalent cations for efficient bmdmg of sugars, no cations were added to the dlssolvmg buffer m order to avold unduly high electric current through the lectm-containmg agarose gels When dissolved E-PHA (5 mg/mL) IS to be kept longer than one month, It should be dissolved m 5 mMTns-HCl, pH 7 5, contammg 0.1 mM M&l,, 0 1 mM MnC12 and 0.1 mM CaC&, and further diluted with the electrode buffer lmmedlately before use. Other lectm solutions can be kept at 4°C for a couple of months wlthout deterioration LCA consists of two isolectms, LCA-A and LCA-B. Originally LCA-A was used Some preparations of LCA can be used if they contam LCA-A alone and have higher affimtles than purified LCA-A for AFP sugar chain The tetramer of E-PHA, E,-PHA, wlthout contammation of leukoagglutmatmg PHA (L-PHA) should be used Some preparations of E,-PHA have lower or higher affinities for AFP lsoforms Accordingly, a sultable concentration should be chosen for each preparation of Ed-PHA to give an (AFP-P4-PS)/(AFP-P2-P5) ratio of approx 0.2 for AFP of cord serum at full term. A new batch of other lectms may be checked slmllarly for their affimtles by comparing with known lsoforms as references (Fig 1) BPB was not added for DSA affinity electrophoresls, because It interfered with the DSA-AFP interactlon The polyclonal antlbodtes can be replaced by a mouse MAb to human AFP.




AFP-CZ-Ll-PZ-A3-RI Neu5Aca2-6GaIB1-44C1eNAc~I-ZEMana1 '6 3



ATP-CZ-L3-PZ-A3-Rl Fucrrl Neu5Aca2-6Gal~1-4ClcNAc~I-ZMana1


'6 3





+Fucal GalPI-4ClcNAcBl-2Mancrl








-truca ClcNAcB






1 t 6


IFucal Cal,!?



I 6 ManBl-4GlcNAcB1-4Ci~NAclAsn




1 /3

ArP-CZ-P5-A3-Rl +Fucal Neu5Aca2-3CalB1-4GlcNAc,9l-ZMann1


‘6 ManBl-4ClcNhcB








GlcNAc,91 Cal~l-4ClcNAc~1-ZMana1 ‘6

+Fucal 1 4 ManBl-4GlcNAc,8

t l-4ClkNAc-hsn

Fig. 5. Isoforms of human serum AFP and their corresponding sugar cham structures.


Detection of a-Fetoprotern


9. If nonspecttic bands appear, the use of F(ab’), fragment (12 pg/mL) is recommended m place of IgG fraction 10. A 10 mL stammg solution was made by dtssolvmg 20 mg of NADH m 5 mL of 0 1Mphosphate buffer, pH 7 0, and adding to tt 4 mL of 1 0 mg/mL phenol, 1 mL of 3 0 mg/mL NBT, and finally 20 pL of 10% H,O, immediately before starting the reaction 11 Chp the gel former and the covering plate with GelBond securely to prevent leakage of molten agarose 12. Pour the lectm-agarose mixture against the GelBond film stickmg out slightly from the edge of gel former This allows quick pourmg of molten agarose wtthout soltdtfication or trappmg an bubbles m the gel 13 Apply seven samples for one gel plate. Two gel plates (14 samples) can be run simultaneously 14 Use urethan foam sponge or 3-5 layers of thick filter paper 15 Moisten anti-AFP antibody-precoated NC membranes with TBS and remove extra buffer by gently pressing with filter paper When overlaymg the membrane on the gel surface, caution should be taken to avoid trapping an bubbles

References 1 Tsuchida, Y , Endo, Y , Satto, S , Kaneko, M , Shnakt, K., and Ohmi, K (1978) Evaluation of alpha-fetoprotem m early infancy J Pedzatr Surg 13, 155,156 2 Yamash*ta, K , Taketa, K , Nisht, S., f*ckushtma, K., and Ohkura, T (1993) Sugar chants of human cord serum a-fetoprotem charactertstics of N-lmked sugar chains of glycoprotems produced in human liver and hepatocellular carcmomas Cancer Res 53,2970-2975

3 Yoshtma, H , Mtzuochi, T , Ishu, M , and Kobata, A (1980) Structure of the asparagme-linked sugar chams of a-fetoprotem purified from human ascltes flutd Cancer Res 40,4276-428 1 4 Yamashtta, K., Hnoi, A , Tsuchtda, Y , Nishi, S , and Kobata, A (1983) Sugar chain of a-fetoprotem produced m human yolk sac tumor Cancer Res 43, 469 l-4695 5 Breborowtcz, J , Macktewtcz, A., and Br$borowtcz, D. (198 1) Mtcroheterogeneity of a-fetoprotem m patient serum as demonstrated by lectm aftino-electrophorests &and

J Immunol. 14, 15-20

6 Kerckaert, J P , Bayard, B , and Btserte, G (1979) Mtcroheterogenetty of rat, mouse and human al -fetoprotem as revealed by polyacrylamtde gel electrophoreSISand by crossed immune-affino-electrophoresls with different lectms Bzochzm Bzophys Acta 576,99-108.

7 Smith, C. J and Kelleher, P. C (1973) at -Fetoprotem separation of two molecular vartants by affinity chromatography with concanavalm A-agarose Blochzm Blophys Acta 317,231-235

8 Bog-Hansen, T C , BJerrum, 0 J , and Ramlau, J (1975) Detection of blospecilic mteractton durmg the first dimension electrophoresls m crossed immunoelectrophoresis &and J Zmmunol 4(Suppl.), 141-147

Taketa, Liu, and Taga


9. Mryazakr, J., Endo, Y , and Oda, T. (1981) Lectm affintttes of alpha-fetoprotem m lrver cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma and metastatic hver tumor Acta Hepatol Jpn 22, 1559-1568 10 Taketa, K. (1983) Enzymatic amphficatron of electrotmmunoprectprtates m agarose gels with horseradish peroxtdase-labeled protein A. Electrophoreszs 4,371-373 11 Taketa, K , Ichrkawa, E , Taga, H , and Htrat, H (1985) Anttbody-affinity blotting, a sensmve techmque for the detection of a-fetoprotem separated by lectm affinity electrophorests in agarose gels Electrophoresls 6,492-497 12 Taketa, K , Ichrkawa, E , Sato, J., Taga, H., and Htrat, H (1989) Two-drmensional lectm affinity electrophoresrs of a-fetoprotem charactertzatron of erythroagglutmatmg phytohemagglutmm-dependent mrcroheterogenerty forms Electrophoreszs


13. Schranz, D., Morkowskt, S , Karamova, E R , and Abelev, G I (1991) Counterflow affinity tsotachophoresis on cellulose acetate membranes Electrophoreszs 12,414-419

14. Taketa, K , Sekrya, C , Namtkr, M , Akamatsu, K., Ohta, Y , Endo, Y., and Kosaka, K (1990) Lectm-reacttve profiles of cr.-fetoprotem characterrzmg hepatocellular carcmoma and related condrtrons Gastroenterology 99, 508-5 18 15. Taketa, K (1995) Structures of a-fetoprotem sugar cham. J Med Technol 39, 66-70 (Japanese) 16. Taketa, K (1987) A tetrazohum method for peroxrdase stammg: apphcatron to the antrbody-affimty blottmg of a-fetoprotem separated by lectm affimty electrophoresrs Electrophorem 8,409-414

18 Use of Lectin-Affinity Electrophoresis for Quantification and Characterization of Glycoforms of a-1 Acid Glycoprotein Thorkild

C. Bag-Hansen

1. Introduction Quantification and characterization of glycoproteins may be achieved by lectm-affinity electrophoresis. Here we show the identification and quantification of three naturally occurrmg glycoforms of human serum a- 1 acid glycoprotein (AGP) or orosomucoid. The method described here is two-dimensional (2D); a combination of lectm-affinity electrophoresis m the first dimension, and quantitative tmmunoelectrophoresis with specific anttbodtes against the glycoprotem in the second dimension. This type of affinity electrophoresis IS carried out m agarose gels and was first termed crossed immunoaffmoelectrophorests because it is a variant of quantitative crossed tmmunoelectrophoresis (11. For general descriptions, applications, and techniques of crossed immunoelectrophoresis the reader is referred to other manuals (2,3). With this method it may be possible to obtain the followmg kmds of mformation about a glycoprotein: 1 Identification of a protein as a glycoprotem. 2 Carbohydrate structure 3 Number of glycosylation sites. 4. Number of glycoforms (degreeof microheterogeneity) 5 Dissociation constantfor binding to lectm 6. Quantification of each individual glycoform 7 Prediction of the result of a preparative separationon rmmobllized lectin Free lectm 1s mcorporated mto the first dimension (1D) gel at a uniform concentration. A typical experiment would use 25 mg Con A in 18 mL agarose From Methods m Molecular Me&me, Vol 9 Lectm Methods and Protocols Edited by J M Rhodes and J D Mllton Humana Press Inc , Totowa, NJ




gel, giving a lectm concentratron of approx 10w5M. During the ID electrophoreSIS, the glycoprotem(s) m the sample ~111 Interact with the lectin under equihbrmm condmons. The reversrble mteractlon between a glycoprotem and the lectm will result in a change of the net mob&y of the glycoprotem dependent on the strength of the mteractton The large pores of the 1% agarose gel allow free movement of lectm glycoprotem complexes However, glycoprotems with two or more bmdmg sues may form a preciprtate. Thus the first drmensron net mobrhty of each glycoform IS dependent prrmarily on the affimty between the glycoform and the lectm Other factors determining the 1D net mob&y are the concentration and electrophoretrc mobthty of the lectm and the electrophoretlc mobrhty of the glycoform Polyclonal antrbodtes agamst the glycoprotein(s) m question are mcorporated mto the 2D gel, as m crossed tmmunoelectrophoresls An mhrbltor of the lectm glycoprotem complex may be included m thus gel, resultmg m hberatron of glycoforms bound m a prectpttate m the 1D gel The 2D electrophoresls IS performed perpendrcularly to the 1D electrophorests and the separated glycoproteins (and other proteins) are carried mto the antibody containing gel, being preclpttated wtth then specrtic antibodies giving rise to rocket-shaped or arch-shaped precipitates The stze of the area covered by a prectprtate IS a quantrtatrve measure of the amount of a protem, m our case of a glycoform The method has been used to study the varratron of glycoforms m health, during diseases and during pregnancy The followmg reviews contam references to a-fetoprotem, a- 1 acid glycoprotem (orosomucord), a- 1 antitrypsm, a- 1 antrchymotrypsm, ceruloplasmm, transferrm, haptoglobm, serum ferrrtm, blood clotting factors, glycophorin, thyroglobulin, mucms, alkaline phosphatase, acid phosphorylase, and other glycoprotems (4-9),

2. Materials 1 Electrophoresls apparatus wtth a coohng surface as the ortgmal Holm-Ntelsen apparatus supplied by Bte and Berntsen, Copenhagen, Denmark, or as the Multiphor from Pharmacra, Uppsala, Sweden The cooling surface may be thermostatted at around 18°C 2 Power pack capable of delrvermg 300-500 V DC at 200 mAmp and voltmeter 3. Water bath at 55°C for keeping the agarose melted 4 Level table for workmg with the agarose gels 5 Various utensils for working with the agarose gels scalpel, well cutter, cuttmg blades, and plate holder Glass plates or GelBond film (FMC) for agarose support Filter paper No 1 from Whatman as wicks for connectton Test tubes, plpets, and parafilm 6 Buffer for electrode vessels and gels Make 5 L Tns/Veronal stock solutton, pH 8 6, lomc strength 0 1 wrth 221 5 g Trrs (Sigma, St Louts, MO) and 112 g 5,5-drethylbarbtturrc acid (Verona1 or barbrtal) m drstilled water to 5000 mL

a- 1 Acid Glycoprotein Glycoforms




10 11 12 13


Ddute 1 + 4 before use to obtain an ronlc strength of 0 02M The diluted buffer can be used three times for electrophorests before it is renewed. Agarose gel, 1% w/v agarose Agarose (HSA, Latex) 1 g m 100 mL Trts/barbttal buffer, tonic strength 0 02, pH 8 6 The gel is boiled for 5 mm and can be kept m solutton m a water bath at 55°C The gel can be stored at 4°C and IS then ready for use again after a short botlmg An agarose wtth an electroendosmosts (EEO) around -0.13 1s suttable for thts type of experiments, as for Instance the Latex agarose HSA 1000 protein grade (FMC, Vallensbaek Strand, Denmark) or agarose type I, IA or VIA (Stgma) Electrophorests marker, serum mixed with bromophenol blue Albumin ~111react with the dye and will appear strongly stained m the gel Free bromophenol blue ~111 mtgrate anodtcally to albumin at the descrtbed condtttons Note that wtth nomomc detergents the free bromophenol blue ~111migrate slower than albumm because It 1s taken up into mtcelles Stammg solutton Dtssolve 5 g Coomasste brtlhant blue R 250 m 450 mL 96% ethanol, 100 mL glactal acetic actd, and 450 mL water After mixing the mgredients, the solutton is left overnight with gentle mtxmg. The followmg day the solutton 1s filtered. Destammg solution* 450 mL 96% ethanol, 100 mL glacial acetic acid, and 450 mL water Serum samples may be stored under normal condtttons and diluted approprtately with water Antibodies are available from DAK0 Immunoglobu1ms (EJby, Denmark) as rabbit antibodies against orosomucotd, tmmunoglobuhn fraction, cat no A00 11 Concanavahn A (Con A) 1savatlable from Kern-En-Tee (Copenhagen, Denmark) as a freeze-drred powder

3. Methods 1. Label and rmse a 10 x IO-cm glass plate, the first dimension plate Boil the agarose solutton and equthbrate m the water bath at 55°C 2 Weigh 25 mg Con A into a test tube and dissolve in two drops of buffer and equtltbrate for half a minute in the water bath at 55”C, then pour 18 mL agarose solution (see Sectton 2 , item 7) into the test tube and mix, then pour onto the glass plate 3 Punch wells according to plan (Fig. l), and apply the serum samples (see Note 1,2 pL human serum as for mstance 10 pL diluted serum) and the electrophoresis marker. 4 Place the plate on the electrophorests tank Connect the gel to the buffer reservotrs with eight layers of filter paper Perform electrophorests at 10 V/cm until the marker has migrated 6 cm (see Notes 2-5) 5 Prepare five 10 x 7-cm glass plates, the 2D plates* The plates may be marked with a diamond or a glass drdl, then wash with detergent and rmse m alcohol 6. Remove the first dtmenston plate from the electrophoresis tank and cut the agarose gel according to Frg. 1, then transfer the gel strtps to the 10 x 7-cm glass plates, as m Fig 2 with a long razorblade (cutting blades)





Fig. 1. Plan of the 1D agarose gel with Con A The agarose gel IS cast on a 10 x 1O-cm glass plate Samples to be applied m lanes l-4 and marker (bromophenol bluestamed albumm) to be applied m lane M After the ID electrophoresls (anode right), each lane ~111 be cut along the guidelines and transferred to the 2D glass plate (see Fig 2)




Fig. 2. Plan of the 2D agarose gels on a 7 x 1O-cm glass plate One lane from the 1D gel (1) IS transferred to the 2D glass plate Then the 2D gel (ab) with inhibitor (a-methylo-glucopyranoslde) IS mlxed with the antlbody and cast on the upper part of the plate (anode at the top)

a- 1 Acid Glycoprotein Glycoforms


Fig. 3. Crossed immunoelectrophoresis of orosomucoid (AGP, a-1 acid glycoprotein) with Con A in the 1D gel. Three glycoforms can be identified and quantified; from right to left: glycoform 1 (48%), glycoform 2 (43%), glycoform 3 (9%). Glycoform 1 represents the position of orosomucoid without Con A in the 1D gel. Two microliter normal human serum was applied at the origin. The 1D agarose gel contained 2.3 mg Con A (Kern-En-Tee, Copenhagen; freeze-dried concanavalin A, lot 20 626). The 1D electrophoresis was run for 1.5 h at 10 V/cm, giving bromophenol blue-stained albumin a migration of 6.0 cm (anode right). The 2D gel contained specific antibodies against orosomucoid (DAK0 Immunoglobulins, Eiby, Denmark; catalog number A001 1, 0.58 pL/cm2). The 2D electrophoresis was run overnight at 2 V/cm (anode at the top). Stained for protein with Coomassie. Bar = 1 cm. 7. Prepare five test tubes in the water bath each with 10 mL agarose with 3% inhibitor (a-methyl glucopyranoside). Pipet antibody (50 uL anti-AGP) into the agarose gel and mix carefully. Without delay, the mixture is poured onto the free upper part of the glass plate. 8. The 2D electrophoresis is performed at l-2 V/cm overnight. Use five layers of filter paper wicks (see Note 6). 9. Remove the plates from the electrophoresis tank and inspect the plates (see Note 7). 10. Press the plates under absorbent paper until flat, wash in water for 10 min, and press again under absorbent paper until flat. 11. Dry the plates in a stream of (hot) air until clear as glass. 12. Stain for 10 min, destain for 2 mitt, and dry. Inspect the plates or photograph (Fig. 3; see Notes 8-10).

4. Notes 1. A control experiment is always performed without Con A. Identification of a protein as a glycoprotein is based on a shift of the net mobility in the first dimension electrophoresis indicating binding to Con A.



2 A mtcroheterogenous

glycoprotem may appear as an tmmunoprectpttate with multrple peaks, with each peak representing one glycoform 3 The dtssoctatron constant, Kd, may be calculated from a set of several expenments with a different concentration of Con A in the first dtmenslon gel A concentratton interval from 0 1 x 1Od5to 2 x 1O-‘M Con A may be chosen for this set of experiments. The data may be plotted as (R,, - Rm-’



6 7





(R,,,, - R,J-

c-’ + km

- h,A-

where I$ IS the dtssoctatton constant of the Con A-glycoprotern complex; c IS the concentratton of Con A expressed m moles of bmdmg sues per L, R,, IS the mobtltty of the glycoprotem without Con A, R,, IS the mobiltty of the glycoprotem wtth Con A, and R,,, IS the mob&y of the Con A-glycoprotem complex (10) A glycoprotem with several glycosylatton sues may form a precipitate m the 1D gel This precipitate may be dissolved by mclusron of an mhtbttor m the 2D gel, here for Instance 1% a-methyl-u-mannopyranosrde or 3% a-methyl-Dglucopyranostde Con A IS known to bmd to the mannose core of btantennary carbohydrates Other lectins wtll react wtth other carbohydrate structures, thus tdentlfymg other elements of the carbohydrate of a glycoprotem Affinity lmmunoelectrophoresis may be performed m presence of nomomc detergents Therefore membrane glycoprotems may be analyzed and characterlzed by thus method The area enclosed by an tmmunoprectprtate IS proportronal to the amount of antigen Therefore the method allows a quantttatron of the relative amount of the glycoforms From a normal donor, serum orosomucord IS often found to have the followmg dtstrtbutton 45% of glycoform 1, 45% of glycoform 2, and 10% of glycoform 3 (Ftg 3) The resolvmg power of thts analysis 1s high, makmg it posstble to quantify a large number of protems with a multrspecrfic antibody preparation m one set of expertments The prectsron IS 2-l 8% depending on the antigen-anttbody system, and the techmque IS very versatrle and numerous modificattons exists (2) The method may be generally useful for bromolecular charactertzatton of antigens wtthout havmg them in a pure state (I). A prerequisite for thus type of electrophorests 1s the avallabthty of polyclonal antibodies spectfic for the glycoprotem under study Other types of affinity electrophorests have been descrrbed with or without the need for specific anttbodles (see Chapters 16 and 17) Con A and other lectms may be suppbed as freeze-dried powder or as a solutton with or wtthout salts For electrophorests purposes, tt IS highly recommended to avotd salts However, If a salt IS present, the proper control would consist of an experrment wtth the same concentratron of salt When working with freeze dried lectm, care should be taken to choose a preparatton that IS fully soluble Other lectms may be used srmilarly (11)

a- 1 Acid Glycoproteln Glycoforms


References 1 Bog-Hansen, T. C (1973) Crossed tmmuno-affmoelectrophoresis An analyttcal method to predict the result of aftimty chromatography Anal Bzochem 56,480-488 Techniques 2. Axelsen, N H. (ed ) (1983) Handbook oflmmunopreclpltatlon-m-Gel Blackwell, Oxford, UK ahas Stand J lmmunol 17(Suppl. lo), I-1 69 3 Bog-Hansen, T C (1990) Immunoelectrophoresis. m Gel Electrophoresls A Practzcal Approach, 2nd ed , (Hames, B D and Rickwood, D , eds ), IRL, Oxford, pp 273-300 4 Takeo, K (1987) Affinity electrophoresis, m Advances in Electrophoresls, vol 1 (Chrambach, A , Dunn, M J , and Radola, B J , eds ), VCH, Wemhenn, Germany, pp 229-279 5. Bag-Hansen, T. C. (1983) Affimty electrophoresis of glycoprotems, in Solid Phase Biochemistry Analytical and Synthetzc Aspects (Scouten, W H , ed.), Wtley, New York, pp. 223-25 l 6 Bog-Hansen, T C (1983) Affinity electrophoresis with lectms for study of glycoprotems, m Handbookoflmmunopreclpltatlon-m-Gel Techniques (Axelsen, N H., ed.), Stand J immunol 17(Suppl. lo), 243-253 7 Bog-Hansen, T C (1983) Affinity electrophoresis of glycoproteins, in Soled Phase Biochemistry* Analytical and Synthetzc Aspects (Scouten, W H , ed ), Wiley, New York, pp 223-25 1 8 Heegaard, N H H and Bog-Hansen, T C (1990) Affinity electrophorests m agarose gels. Theory and some appltcattons Appl Theor Electrophoresis 1, 249-259 9 Heegaard, P M H , Heegaard, N. H H., and Bog-Hansen, T C (1992) Affimty electrophorests 1s for the characterization of glycoprotems The use of lectms m combmatton with mununoelectrophoresis. m Afjnzty Electrophoresls (Mackiewicz, A and Breborowicz, J , eds ), CRC, Boca Raton, FL, pp 3-2 1 10 Bog-Hansen, T C and Takeo, K (1980) Determmation of dtssoctation constants by affinity electrophoresis. complexes between human serum proteins and concanavalm A Electrophoresls 1,67-7 1 11. Bog-Hansen, T. C (1996) Lectm links mternet page http*//plab.ku.dk/tcbh/lectmlmkshtm.

19 ABO(H) Blood Group Expression on Circulating Glycoproteins Taei Matsui and Koiti Titani 1. Introduction ABO(H) blood group antigens are typical carbohydrate antigens widely expressed on erythrocytes, digestive tissue, respiratory tissue, and m secreted body fluids such as milk, urme, and saliva. These antigens are mostly dtstrtbuted as glycolipids or glycoprotems (1,2) Recently, human plasma von Willebrand factor (vWF) (3,4), coagulation factor VIII (FVIII) (5), and a portion of az-macroglobulm (cx*M) (6) have been found to possess covalently associated ABO(H) blood group antigens. There 1sno mformation about the physiologtcal significance of the blood group antigens on these plasma glycoproteins, but some interesting relationship between concentration of vWF and blood groups has been reported (7,8). Moreover, a number of blood grouprelated antigens have been found as clmical markers for carcmogenesis (9). 1.1. Blood Group-Specific Lectins Since Phaseolus Eunatuslectin (LBA) has been found selectively to aggluttnate blood group A erythrocytes, a variety of lectms have been used to study ABO(H) blood group specifictties by hemagglutination assay (20). Lectins from Dolichos bzjZorus(DBA), Helzxpomatia (HPA) (II), Glycznemax (SBA), and Griffonza szmpliczfolzalectm-I (GS-I [B4]) agglutinate blood group A and B erythrocytes, respectively (10) Lectms from Ulex europaeus (UEA-I) (12) and Lotus tetragonolobus (LTA) recognize blood group O(H) substance on erythrocytes DBA and UEA-I have been used clmically for the determmation of blood subgroup A1 and secretor status, respectively. These lectms have been used for the detection of blood group substances on glycoprotems and glycoliptds as well as on erythrocytes and tissues (23,14). From Methods m Molecular Medmne, Vol 9 Lecbn Edited by J M Rhodes and J D Mllton Humana





Press Inc , Totowa,


236 Table 1 Reactivity

Matsu and T/tam of ABO(H)

Blood Group Specific



Bmdmg to vWF and a2M Lectms

Blood group specificity (hemagglutmatlon)


Al A A A B, A B, 0 B 0 0

Blotting” No bmdmg Bound to A and AB No bmdmg No bmdmg No bmdmg No bmdmg No bmdmg No bmdmg Bound better to 0

ELISAb Weakly bound to A Bound to A and ABC Weakly bound to A NDd No bmdmg ND No bmdmg ND Bound better to 0”

aSeeSection 3 3 hSeeSectlon 3 4 ‘Very weak reactlvlty to qM (seeNote 16) dNot determined

1.2. Application of Lectins to Proteins Immobilized on Membranes or in ELISA Systems Highly purified lectins conjugated with enzymes,blotm, gold particles, fluorescem, or gel matrix are commercially available and these labeled lectms are helpful for the detection or the separation of ohgosaccharldes and glycoconjugates (1.5,16). Lectm bmdmg analysis of proteins adsorbed to membranes (3,17-19) or m ELBA systems (6,19,20) 1salso simple and highly sensitive for the survey of carbohydrate species on the glycoproteins. However, the interaction of a lectm with sugar chains seems to vary according to the state of the sugar chains at the molecular or cellular level. It 1simportant to note that the affinity of lectins to sugar chains 1s affected by temperature, density of sugar chains, lomc requirements, steric hindrance of protein (accesslblllty), and the structure of internal sugar moiety m addition to nonreducmg terminal sugars recognized (4,15,16,21) We have found that not all the blood groupspecific lectms bmd to blood group substances on glycoprotems lmmoblllzed on membranes or plates (see Table 1 and Note 1l), and that the recogmtlon by the blood group-speck lectms shows reduced speclficlty and sensitivity compared with the group-specific

antibodies (see Note 16). In this chapter, we

describe methods for the detection of blood group substances (A and H) on plasma glycoprotems by lectm blotting and the use of lectms m ELBA systems in comparison with group-specific antibodies.

ABO(H) Blood Group Express/on


2. Materials 2.1. Buffers 1 Tris-buffered salme (TBS) 150 mM NaCI, 10 mM Trts-HCI, pH 7 5 2 TBS contammg Tween-20 (Tw/TBS). 150 mM NaCl, 10 mM Tns-HCI, pH 7 5, 0 05% Tween-20 3 Blocking buffer TBS contammg 1% BSA (see Note 1) 4 Phosphate-buffered salme (PBS). 150 mM NaCI, 10 mM sodium phosphate, pH 7 2 5 Coatmg buffer 100 mMNa&Os, 100 mA4NaHC01, pH 9 5 6 SDS-buffer. 2% SDS, 5% 2-mercaptoethanol (2-ME), 10% glycerol, 62 5 mA4 Tris-HCI, pH 6 8 (see Note 2) 7 Transfer buffers 10 mM CAPS-NaOH buffer, pH 11 0, contammg 10% methanol for polyvmyhdene difluoride (PVDF) membrane (see Note 3) 8 3,3-Dtammobenzldme-HCI (DAB) solution 0 2 mg/mL of DAB m 50 mA4 TrisHCl buffer, pH 7 5, containing 100 mM NaCl and 0 006% H,02 (see Note 4) 9 o-phenylenediamme-HCI (OPD) solution. 0 5 mg/mL of OPD m 50 mA4 TrtsHCl buffer, pH 7 5, containing 200 mMNaC1 and 0 03% H202 10 Protein stain for PVDF membrane 0 1% Fast green dissolved m 50% methanol and 10% acetic acid. The solution can be repeatedly used 11. Protease mhibttor co*cktail* 200 mMEDTA, 200 mMN-ethylmalennide and 5000 kallikrem mhtbttor UimL of aprotmm

2.2. Biotin-Conjugated


1 Blotmylated derivatives of HPA and UEA-I are available from nies such as EY Laboratories (San Mateo, CA), Setkagaku Kogyo Vector (Burlmgame, CA), and Sigma (St. LOUIS, MO) 2 Dissolve each lyophihzed lectm at a concentration of 1 mg/mL containing 0 05% sodium azide and store at --80°C m ahquots repeated freezing and thawing)

several compa(Tokyo, Japan), m PBS or TBS until use (avoid

2.3. Antibodies 1 Anti-blood group A and B monoclonal anttbodtes (MAbs) are available from clinical reagent companies such as Ortho Diagnostic Systems (Raritan, NJ) (see Note 5). Polyclonal goat anttbodtes against human vWF and azM are avarlable from several companies such as Medtcal and Biologtcal Laboratories (MBL; Nagoya, Japan) 2 Horseradish peroxtdase (HRP)-comugated streptavidm, anti-mouse IgM, and anti-goat IgG are available from Vector, Zymed (San Francisco, CA) and MBL, respectively.

3. Methods 3.1. Preparation

of Plasma

1. Centrifuge (lOOOg, 20 mm at 25°C) the cttrated whole blood from a healthy donor with known blood group to remove cells and mtx the supernatant with l/50 vol of protease mhibttor co*cktail

Matsui and Titan/


2 Dtvtde tt mto several Eppendorf tubes and centrifuge again (13,OOOg, 15 mm at 25’C) to remove remaining platelets Store the plasma at -80°C unttl use

3.2. lmmunoprecipitation

of vWF and QM (see Note 6)

1 Mix each plasma (1 mL) with 100 ltL of anti-vWF or antt-a2M antibody m an Eppendorf tube and Incubate for 24 h at 4°C 2 Collect the immunoprecipttate by centrtfugatron (13,OOOg, at 4°C for 30 mm) and carefully wash the precipitate with TBS by gentle pipetmg Repeat centrtfugation and washing two more ttmes 3 Dissolve the washed precipitate m 100 uL of SDS-buffer contammg 0 8Murea at 95°C for 5 mm

3.3. Lectin-Blotting


1 Dilute glycoprotem, immunoprecipitate, or plasma appropriately with SDS-buffer and Incubate at 95°C for 5 mm (see Note 7) 2 Apply altquots of a sample (l-5 uL/lane containing l-5 pg of glycoprotem, l/40- l/300 vol of tmmunoprectpttate or 0 2&O 4 uL of plasma) and perform SDSPAGE (see Note 8) as described by Laemmlt (22) 3 Soak a PVDF membrane (8.5 x 10 cm) and Whatman No 3 filter papers (10 x 10 cm, 2 ptecesimembrane) in 50% methanol for more than 1 mm followed by CAPS buffer before SDS-PAGE (step 2) IS finished (see Note 9) 4 After SDS-PAGE. soak the gel m the blotting buffer for 5 mm, and put the gel and the PVDF membrane between two pieces of filter paper soaked wtth CAPS buffer (step 3), taking care not to form bubbles Perform electrotransfer at 4°C for 3 h under constant voltage of 4 4 V/cm 5 Mark lane numbers on the membrane with a ball-point pen after removmg the gel carefully and soak the membrane at 4°C for 18 h m Tw/TBS (see Note 10) 6. Cut the membrane mto appropriate pieces If necessary and incubate them separately with etther biotinylated HPA, UEA-I (2 pg/mL m Tw/TBS) or any antibody (diluted with Tw/TBS) at 25°C for 1 5 h with gentle agitation (see Note 11) 7 Wash the membrane with Tw/TBS for 5 mm, 5 times 8 Incubate the membrane at 25’C for 1 h with HRP-conlugated avidm or the second anttbody diluted to 1 1000 9. Wash the membrane with Tw/TBS as above and incubate at 25°C for l-5 mm with DAB solutton for HRP-reaction (see Note 12) 10. Wash the membrane with dlsttlled water several times and photograph with Instant camera immedrately after dried (see Note 13) 11. Proteins on the membrane can be stained with Fast green solutton for 5 mm followed by several washings with destaining solutton (50% methanol, 10% acetic acid). Figures l-4 indicate the reactivity of HPA and UEA-I to vWF, azM and the whole plasma proteins separated by SDS-PAGE and transferred to a PVDF membrane



ta VW= kDa 200 -

11797 66 -

Fig. 1. Reactivity of HPA and anti-A antibody to human vWF blotted on PVDF membrane. Purified human vWF (0.05-l 0 ug) was applied to SDS-PAGE followed by electrotransfer to a PVDF membrane. The membrane was treated with anti-A MAb or HPA-biotin followed by the detection with HRP-conjugated anti-mouse IgM and streptavidin, respectively. vWF shows a major 270-kDa subunit band with some minor subbands. HPA detects A-substance even on as low as 0.05 pg of vWF.

Blood Group






kDa 200 -

1,1797 66 -

Fig. 2. Reactivity of HPA and UEA-I to vWF prepared from each blood group plasma. 2% of the immunoprecipitate obtained with anti-vWF antibody from 1 mL of each blood group plasma was blotted to a PVDF membrane after SDS-PAGE and treated with antiA MAb, HPA-biotin, UEA-I-biotin, and HPA-biotin in the presence of 50 mM GalNAc, respectively, or protein-stained by Fast green. vWF from blood group A and AB reacted with HPA. vWF from group O-reacted better to UEA-I. Several minor bands (fibrinogen) weakly reacted with HPA and UEA-I in a manner independent on the blood group.

Matsui and Titani

240 anti-A BIOO~ Group

t-7-n ABO


anti-&M ABO

kDa 200 -

11797 -

66 -

Fig. 3. Reactivity of HPA to a,M prepared from each blood group plasma. 0.4% of a,M immunoprecipitated with anti-azM antibody from 1 mL of each blood group plasma was treated with HPA-biotin, anti-A, and anti-azM antibodies, respectively. a,M (180-kDa band) from blood group A plasma reacted with HPA as well as anti-A.

Blood Group kDa 270, 200"

Fast Green 0


anti-A G&AC ABO’ABO’


60 -

Fig. 4. Reactivity of HPA to plasma glycoproteins. The whole plasma (equivalent to 0.2 pL) from each blood group was treated with HPA-biotin, anti-A antibody and HPA in the presence of 50 mM GalNAc, respectively. HPA reacted to 270~kDa (vWF), 200~kDa (unknown), and 1SO&Da (azM) components in group A plasma being consistent with the results by anti-A antibody. HPA also reacted with a 60-kDa component in all blood group plasma. The reaction disappeared in the presence of GalNAc at incubation with lectins.

A BO(H) Blood Group Expression


Fig. 5. Reactivity of blood group-specific lectins to plasma vWF immobilized on ELISA plates. vWFs in blood group A, B, and 0 plasma (l/10 diluted) were immobilized on the plate coated with anti-vWF IgG. A- and H-substances on vWF were detected by HPA and UEA-I, respectively. DBA and LBA reacted weakly with vWF derived from A plasma.

3.4. ELISA 1. Coat an ELISA plate (Maxisorp, Nunc InterMed, Denmark) with 50 pL of anti-vWF or anti-a,M antibody dissolved at 20 pg/mL in coating buffer at 4°C for 24 h. 2. Wash the plate with 200 pL of TBS twice and incubate at 4°C for 24 h with 200 pL of blocking buffer. 3. Wash the plate with 200 pL of TBS twice (see Note 14). 4. Prepare serially diluted plasma (l/10 to l/500) with Tw/TBS and incubate the plate with 50 pL of each diluted plasma at 25°C for 1 h. 5. Wash the plate four times with 200 pL of Tw/TBS and incubate at 25°C for 1 h with 50 uL of Tw/TBS containing a biotinylated lectin (2-5 ug/mL) or an antibody. 6. Wash the plate with Tw/TBS as above and incubate at 25°C for 1 h with 50 yL of HRP-conjugated streptavidin or the second antibody (diluted to 1: 1000 with Tw/TBS). 7. After washing with 200 uL of Tw/TBS for 4 times, incubate the plate with 100 yL of OPD solution for 10-30 min in the dark. 8. Add 100 pL of 9N sulfuric acid to stop HRP-reaction and put in the dark for 10 more min (see Note 15). 9. Measure the absorbance of the reaction products at 490 nm (or 492 nm) with a microplate reader using the buffer solution as a blank (see Note 16). Figures 5 and 6 shows the detection of A and H substances on vWF immobilized on ELISA plate by HPA and UEA-I.

Matsui and T/tam




Blood group A Blood group B




Fig. 6. Reactrvtty of HPA-brotm wrth plasma vWF on ELISA plate HPA specrfitally detected A-substance on plasma vWF from blood group A rmmobrllzed on the plate wrth anti-vWF IgG The bmdmg was mhrblted m the presence of 50 mA4GalNAc (not shown)

4. Notes 1 After drssolvmg BSA m TBS. filter the solutron with a dtsposable cartrrdge filter (0 2- or 0 45pm pore-srze) and store at -20°C after drvrdmg mto several tubes Avord usmg the solutron kept more than 1 wk at 4°C 2. It IS recommended to prepare two-fold concentrated SDS-buffer without 2-ME and store at below -20°C This buffer 1s mixed with equal volume of a sample solutron (or drstrlled water) followed by addrtron of 2-ME before use 3. It IS recommended to prepare five-fold concentrated stock buffer of 50 mM CAPS containing 50% methanol (pH 1sadjusted to 11 0 wrth IONNaOH before addrtron of methanol) and freshly dilute it with chilled water before use Alternatrvely, use 25 mM Trrs containing 192 mM glycme for mtrocellulose (NC) membrane 4. DAB is carcmogemc, and should be handled with care DAB and OPD solutrons should be prepared Just before use 5 These antrblood group MAbs for diagnostics are usually a mrxture of two to three clones of mouse IgM (rarely IgG) Because these are predrluted antrbodres (approx 1-3 ug IgM/mL), use them m drlutron at 1 5 or 1’ 10 Other MAbs from a single clone are also available from Dakopatts (Glostrup, Denmark) and Serkagaku Kogyo, and others. 6 Synthetic neoglycoprotems such as BSA or HSA wtth covalently lurked blood group sugar chains are useful as standard marker protems They are very expensive, but rt 1s fairly drfficult to synthesrze them vWF and a,M are excellent marker proteins for studying blood group antigens on plasma glycoprotems They can be prepared from the whole blood easier than FVIII

ABO(H) Blood Group Expression 7. We prepare five-fold diluted plasma with dtstilled water and mix with equal volume of two-fold concentrated SDS-buffer. Undtluted plasma often results m bad resolution by mini-slab SDS-PAGE for its high concentration of protems 8 It is recommended that mm+slab gels (7 5 x 8 5 cm, l-mm thick) of 7 5 and 5% acrylamide should be used for separating and stacking gel, respectively 9 Use disposable gloves or forceps for handling blottmg membranes because fingerprmts sometimes cause contammation of blood group anttgens In the case of NC membrane, soak tt with Trts/Glycine buffer without methanol treatment 10. Keep wet and avoid drying the membrane during marking Stammg wtth 0.2% Ponceau red followed by washing with distilled water makes trace identification easier. Repeated washing with Tw/TBS destains the membrane. 11. We have also examined the reactivities of vWF and a2M with other blood groupspecific lectms such as DBA, LBA, SBA, Sophora luponzca (SJA), Euonymus europaeus (EEA), GS-I (B4) and LTA, but no other lectm than HPA and UEA-I spectfically detected A, B, and H substances on these glycoprotems (Table 1) No suitable lectm has yet been found for detecting B-substance on these glycoproteins It is important to examme the nonspectfic bmdmg of lectms We usually incubate the blotted membrane and/or the plasma-incubated plate wtth lectms in the presence of specific sugars (50 mM GalNAc for HPA and 100 mM L-FUC for UEA-I) to see the nonspecific bmdmg. It is also necessary to check the specificity of a lectm to a sample mdtvtdually prepared from each blood group donor by anti-A or anti-B antibody HPA reacted with a 60-kDa protem m plasma irrelevant to blood groups (Fig 4) In the case of UEA-I, it binds to several glycoproteins in plasma suggestmg that UEA-I also reacts with a-fucosyl groups other than type 2 H-structure if they exist abundantly on a protein despite the weaker affinity 12. Gently agitate the solution for reducing the nonspecific deposition of HRP products. Among many HRP-reaction reagents commercially available, 4-chloro-lnaphthol is less sensitive and shows low contrast and rapid decolorizatton of the product Care should be taken to reduce nonspecific binding when usmg a highly sensitive reagent for HRP reaction. 13 The membrane negatively-reacted to a lectm can be used for another lectm (or anttbody) experiment even after drying, tf it IS immersed m the Tw/TBS again. 14, Wash the plate with TBS containing 0 05% sodium azide and store at 4°C after wrapping m a plastic sheet to avoid drymg The plates thus stored should be used withm 2 mo 15. Avoid forming microbubbles m the well when 9N sulfuric acid is added, It is recommended to use a dispenser pipet for Immediate mixing 16. When a,M is immobiltzed on the plate coated wtth antt-a,M IgG by mcubatmg with plasma, the bmdmg of HPA and UEA-I to the plate is very low probably because the amount of azM containing blood group antigens in plasma IS comparattvely low (6) However, anti-A and anti-B anttbodtes clearly bmd to azM immobilized on the plate, mdicatmg a higher sensitivity of the antibodies compare to the lectms


Matsui and Titani

References 1 Kabat, E A (1982) Philrp Levine award lecture Contrtbutton of quantttative nnmunochemtstry to knowledge of blood group A, B, H, Le, I and 1antigens Am J Clm Path01 78,281-292 2 Clausen, H and Hakomori,





S (1989) ABH and related histo-blood group antrgens, mnnunochemical differences m carrier rsotypes and their distribution VOX Sang 56, l-20 Matsut, T , Klhara, C , FuJlmura, Y . Mrzuochi, T , and Koiti, T (1991) Carbohydrate analysis of human von Willebrand factor with horseradish peroxtdase-conJugated lectms Blochem Bzophys Res Commun 178, 1253-1259 Matsm, T , Titam, K , and Mtzuocht, T (1992) Structures ofthe asparagme-linked ohgosaccharide chains of human von Willebrand factor, occurrence of blood group A, B, and H(0) structures J Bzol Chem 267, 8723-873 1 Hlronaka, T , Furukawa, K , Esmon, P. C., Fournel, M A , Sawada, S , Kate, M , Mmaga, T., and Kobata, A (1992) Comparative study of the sugar chams of factor VIII purified from human plasma and from the culture media of recombinant baby hamster kidney cells J Bzol Chem 267,8012-8020 Matsm, T., FuJimura, Y , Nishida, S , and Trtam, K (1993) Human plasma 02macroglobulm and von Wtllebrand factor possess covalently lmked ABO(H) blood group antigens m SubJects with correspondmg ABO phenotype Blood 82,

663-668 7 Gill, J C , Endres-Brooks, J , Batter, P J , Marks, W J , and Mongomery,

R R (1987) The effect of ABO group on the diagnosis of von Wtllebrand disease Blood 69, 1691-1695 8 Shima, M , FuJlmura, Y , Nishiyama, T., TsuJiuchi, T , Narita, N., Matsm, T , Tttam, K , Katayama, M , Yamamoto, F., and Yoshioka, A (1995) ABO blood group genotype and plasma von Wtllebrand factor m normal mdivrduals VOX Sang 68,236-240 9 Hakomort, S. (1989) Aberrant glycosylatton in tumors and tumor-associated carbohydrate antigens Adv Cancer Res 52,257-33 1,

10. Goldstein, I. J and Poretz, R. D (1986) Isolation, physicochemtcal characterization, and carbohydrate-bmdmg specificity of lectms, m The Lectms, Properties, Functzons, and Appllcatlons cn Bio2og-y and Medrclne (Liener, I E., Sharon, N , and Goldstein, I J , eds ), Academic, London, pp. 35-247 11 Hammarstrom, S and Kabat, E A (1969) Purification and charactertzatron of a blood-group A reactive hemagglutmin from the snail Helix pomatta and a study of its combmmg site Biochemistry 8,2696-2705 12 Peren-a, M E A , Kisatlus, E C , Gruezo, F , and Kabat, E A. (1978) Immunochemical studies on the combimng site of the blood group H-specific lectm 1 from Ulex europeus seeds Arch Blochem Btophys 185, 108-l 15 13. Smith, D F. and Torres, B V (1989) Lectin affinity chromatography of glycoltpids and glycoltprd-derived oligosaccharrdes. Methods Enzymol 179, 3W5 14 Baker, D. A, Sugri, S , Kabat, E A , Ratcltffe, R M , Hermentm, P , and Lemieux, R U (1983) Immunochemical studies on the combmmg sites of forssman hapten

ABO(H) Blood Group Expressron





19 20




reactive hemagglutmins from Dollchos b&Torus, Helix pomatza, and Wzstarra florlbunda Bzochemzstry 22,2741-2750 Cummmgs, R D and Kornfeld, S (1982) Fracttonatton of asparagme-linked oltgosaccharldes by serial lectm-agarose affinity chromatography, a rapid, senstttve, and specific techmque J Bzol Chem 257, 11,235-l 1,240 Osawa, T and Tsujt, T (1987) Fractionation and structural assessment of o11gosaccharides and glycopepttdes by use of tmmoblltzed lectms Ann Rev Bzochem 56,2 142 Ktjimoto-Ochtat, S , Katagtrt, Y U., and Ochrat, H (1985) Analysts of N-hnked ohgosacchartde chams of glycoprotems on mtrocellulose sheets using lectm-peroxrdase reagents Anal Bzochem 147, 222-229 KlJtmoto-Ochtat, S , Katagnt, Y U , Hatae, T , and Okuyama, H (1989) Type analysts of the oligosacchartde chains on mtcroheterogenous components of bovme pancreattc DNAase by the lectm-mtrocellulose sheet method Bzochem J 257,43-49 Rhodes, J M and Chmg, C K (1993) The appltcatlon of lectms to the study of mucosal glycoprotems Methods Mel Blol 14, 247-262 McCoy, J. P , Varam, J , and Goldstem, I J (1983) Enzyme-lmked lectm assay (ELLA) use of alkaline phosphatase-comugated Grzffonuz slmpizczfolza B4 tsolectm for the detection of a-u-galactopyranosyl end groups. Anal Blochem 130,437444 Yamashlta, K., Totam, K., Ohkura, T., Takaskt, S , Goldstem, I J , and Kobata, A. (1987) Carbohydrate bmding properttes of complex-type ohgosaccharldes on tmmobtllzed Datura stramontum lectm. J Bwl Chem 262, 1602-l 607 Laemmh, U K. (1970) Cleavage of structural proteins durmg the assembly of the head of bacteriophage T4 Nature 227,68&685

20 Lectin/Antibody “Sandwich” ELISA for Quantification of Circulating Mucin as a Diagnostic Test for Pancreatic Cancer Neil Parker 1. Introduction 1.1. Use of Lecfin Capture ELISA System for Serological Diagnosis of Pancreatic Cancer (LectiMAntibody ELISA) Pancreatic cancer in the nonjaundtced patient can be difficult to dtagnose, even with the aid of modern scanning techniques. Studies have shown that mucus glycoproteins (mucms) are frequently detectable m the serum of pattents with pancreatic cancer (2,2), and these mucms may express a wide range of different carbohydrate structures The detection and quanttfication of mucin can be used m serological diagnosis of the disease. A novel monoclonal antibody (MAb) called CAM 17 1, which has been used m the detection of purified mucm (3) and has been shown to detect mucm m the serum of patients with pancreatic cancer (4) should prove useful as an atd to the diagnosis of the disease. CAM 17.1 is an immunoglobulin M antibody which probably binds the sialylated blood group I antigen (4), and has been shown nnmunohistochemically to be highly specific for intestinal mucus, particularly m the colon, small intestine, btltary tract, and pancreas (5). The assay employed for detection of glycoprotem uses a lectm capture system, m which wheatgerm agglutmm (WGA) which binds N-acetylglucosamme and sialic acid (N-acetylneurammic acid) is bound to an ELISA plate. The WGA will bind to any mucm present m the serum in addition to other sialylated glycoprotems. The mucm is then detected by enzyme labeled CAM 17.1, A retrospective study usmg this WGA/CAM 17.1 assay (4) showed a senstttvity of 78% for pancreatic cancer with a specificity of 76% The assay has smce been commerctaltzed with similar results obtained for retrospective From Methods tn Molecular Medmne, Vol 9 Lectm Methods and Protocols Edlted by J M Rhodes and J D Milton Humana Press Inc , Totowa, NJ




studies, e.g., sensmvtty of 82% and a spectfictty of 83% (6), however, m a prospective study, even better sensittvtty and spectfictties have been obtamed (84 and 92% respectively), Indicating that the assay probably performs better on fresh samples (7) 1.2. Whea tgerm Agglutinin as a Nonspecific Mucin Capture System Inmally, the CAM 17.1 assay was Intended to be developed as a conventional sandwich assay with CAM 17.1 bound to the plate, followed by sample mcubatton, then detection by conjugated CAM 17.1 However, attempts to use btotmylated CAM 17.1 resulted in loss of antibody bmdmg activity and, so, Interest then turned to the use of a lectm as the mttral capture system. If this were successful tt would then enable an enzyme-labeled anti-IgM to be used as the final detectton system for bound CAM 17 1. Gastrointestinal mucins contam up to 85% carbohydrate, consistmg mainly of O-linked oligosaccharlde sldechams linked to the protein backbone (8). The carbohydrate part of these chains consists of fucose, galactose, N-acetyl-galactosamme, N-acetyl-glucosamme and stahc acid (9) The specttic carbohydrate binding capabtlittes of several lectms were constdered. It IS known that the lectm wheatgerm agglutmm binds to N-acetyl-glucosamine, and staltc actd, which two carbohydrates make up approx 33% of the total carbohydrate of pure mucm (91. WGA might therefore bmd all mucosal glycoprotems For this reason, thuslectm was tested as a replacement for CAM 17.1 as the initial mucm capture agent. Inmal tttermg experiments were set up for the WGA coating, using dtluents that had been shown to work in enzyme-linked lectm bmdmg assays(ELLA) (10) Serum from known pancreatic cancer patients and normals were run m the assay followed by hmited CAM 17.1 and peroxldase-labeled anti-IgM checkerboard tttermg. Once a working assaywas established, i.e., the sera from pancreatic cancer pattents produced substantially more color response than the normal sera, further WGA, CAM 17.1, and antt-IgM tnermg was carried out to optimtze the assay. This lectm capture technique IS likely to work well wtth other antibodies and may save the mconvemences of conjugatton, repurtficatton, and repeat testing of antibodtes

2. Materials 1. Cobalt-irradiated ELISA plates (e.g., M 124B Dynatech,Chantilly, VA). 2 Lectm WGA (Sigma, St LOUIS, MO) dissolved m carbonate coating buffer contaming 50 rnk4 Na,C03, 50 rnkI NaHC03, pH 9.6 3. Tween-20 (Sigma) (0.1%) m 0 OlM phosphate-buffered salme (PBS) pH 7 2 (PBS/Tween).

4. CAM 17.1 culture supernatant (Euro DPC, Llanbens, UK). 5 Peroxldase-conJugated rabbit antimouse unmunoglobulm (Sigma) 6 Freshly made up ortho phenylenediamme (Sigma) 5 mg m 12.5 mL 0 2M phosphate/O 1M citrate buffer, pH 5 0, with 12 5 pL 30% hydrogen peroxlde (OPD substrate) (see Note 1). 7 Sulfuric acid (4A4)

3. Methods 1 Add 100 pL of WGA (2 5 mg/mL) diluted l/600 m carbonate coating buffer to each well of an ELISA plate and incubated for 16 h at 4°C (see Note 2) 2. Remove unbound WGA by washmg three times with PBS/Tween 3 Block by incubation m PBYTween for 1 h at room temperature to lower nonspecIfic binding (see Note 3) 4 Incubate 100 pL of predduted serum (l/20 m PBS/Tween; see Note 4) m duphcate for 2 h at 37°C (see Notes 3 and 5) Several wells on each plate should be incubated with buffer alone as blanks. 5. Tap out wells, and wash three times with PBS/Tween to remove unbound serum. 6 Add 100 PL of CAM 17 1 supernatant diluted l/l 0 m PBS/Tween to the plate and incubate at 37°C for 2 h (see Note 6). 7 Tap out wells, and wash three times with PBS/Tween to remove unbound CAM 17 1 8 Add 100 pL of peroxidase-conjugated rabbit antimouse nnmunoglobulm diluted l/600 in PBS/Tween to each well and incubate for 2 h at 37°C (see Note 6) 9 Tap out wells, and wash three times with PBS/Tween to remove unbound rabbit unmunoglobulins 10 Add 100 pL OPD substrate to each well and incubate for 10 mm. 11 Stop the reaction by addltlon of 100 pL of 4MH,SO, (see Note 7) 12 Read the plate at 492 nm m a suitable ELISA plate reader (see Note 8) 13 Results can be expressed m arbitrary U/mL, with one unit bemg equivalent to the optical density of a constant posltlve control sample that was run m duplicate on each ELISA plate

4. Notes 1. Ortho phenylenedlamine IS carcinogenic and very unstable, especially m light and should be used within 15 min of making it up. Owing to this light sensltlvlty, the OPD solution should be made up in a dark container or one wrapped m silver foil. 2 It IS best to prepare as many plates as possible at one time with the WGA coating to eliminate any coating to coating variation Prepared plates can then be stored at 4’C m individual resealable laminated foil bags with desiccant Addmg antibacterlal agents to the coating buffer should reduce the risk of bacterial contamination. Bags should be labeled with a specific lot number, e.g., date of manufacture and initial The plates should remam stable for several months if treated m this manner 3 Shaking a plate on a plate shaker will shorten mcubatlon times if required



4 In Section 3 , step 4, it states that the serum should be diluted l/20 m PBS/Tween Thts 1s because when the assay was developed, sample conservation was a high prtortty Wtth a relattvely large sample of 100 pL bemg used, tt was decided to preddute the sample The step of predilutton is unnecessary unless tt is required to protect the sample stocks, 100 pL of neat sample being used instead If neat sample is used, further tttermg may have to be carried out to lower the color produced m the assay 5 If shaking IS combined with a controlled temperature environment, it should greatly reduce assay-to-assay variation of color development. This happens because enzyme conlugates are extremely temperature dependent 6 The CAM 17 1 can be combmed with the peroxldase conlugated rabbit antimouse tmmunoglobulm to form one solution. This would shorten the assay by one incubation, the mcubation ttme would be as normal, 1 e (2 h at 37°C The CAM 17 1 and the peroxidase-conjugated rabbit antimouse immunoglobulms would however have to be titered first to obtain optimal NSB, maximum bmdmg (highest color Intensity), and good method comparison with patients with known CAM 17 1 values, It is best to leave the different titers of CAM 17 l/anti-IgM overmght to equilibrate before testing 7 An alternative to end-point reading is kinetic analysis, m which the rate of change of the development of color is measured This techmque integrates a series of readmgs obtained over several mmutes of enzyme/substrate mteractton The rate of mcrease m optical density can be measured precisely even m wells which obtain a final color of 3 0 or 4 0 OD U, this gives a broader active range and much better discrimmation with improved signal at the low end of the assay In this case more color productton IS requtred than for an end point assay so the system would require retitermg, probably at the CAM 17 1 and/or peroxidaseconlugated rabbit antimouse unmunoglobulm stages 8 The assay can be better calibrated by the use of a pattent sample that gives a very high concentration of CAM 17 1 activity and of which there is a large sample pool available The sample can then be diluted serially m a range between the NSB of the assay and the maximum bmdmg (1 e , highest color) to form a cahbratton curve. A suitable dtluent would have to be tested to give lmear dtlutabihty, e g , pooled normal human serum that has been shown to be negative for CAM 17.1 or bovme cadet serum or fetal calf serum could be tested, neat diluent should be used as the “zero,” nonspecific background (NSB) cahbrator Providmg there is enough of each “calibrator” made, then the calibrators can be ahquoted and frozen after asstgnmg them a CAM 17 1 value. If calibrators are produced as described and run m the assay, it is advised to produce a log-log graph for the “percent-bound” values of the nonzero cahbrators This is carried out by firstly correctmg the assay response (OD) for each nonzero calibrator by subtracting the average OD of the NSB wells (zero calibrator) The percent bound is then calculated for each well as a percent of the maximum bmdmg, with the average NSB-corrected response of the calibrator with the highest CAM 17 1 value taken as 100% A plot of percent bound vs

Circulating Mucin Quantification


concentration for each of the nonzero calibrators is made, with a curve being drawn through the path of the points. CAM 17.1. values for unknowns are then determined from the curve by reading off the concentration from the relevant percent bound. Controls could be made by taking other patient samples with CAM 17.1 results which fall in the calibration curve and have large enough sample pools. These should then be aliquoted and frozen; after several assays have been performed they can be assigned control ranges of k2SD of the mean. Samples which give OD readings greater than the maximum detectable can be diluted into the measurable range.

References 1. Herlyn, M., Sears, H. F., Steplewski, Z., and Koprowski, H. (1982) Monoclonal antibody detection of a circulating tumor-associated antigen: 1. Presence of antigen in the sera of patients with colorectal, gasric and pancreatic carcinoma. J. Clin. Immunol. 2, 135-140. 2. Magnani, J. L, Steplewski, Z., Koprowski, H., and Ginsberg, V. (1983) Identitication of the gastrointestinal and pancreatic cancer-associated antigen detected by monoclonal antibody 19-9 in the sera of patients as a mucin. Cancer Res. 43, 5489-5492. 3. Parker, N., Finnie, I. A., Raouf, A. H., Ryder, S. D., Campbell, B. J., Tsai, H. H., Iddon, D., Milton, J. D.. and Rhodes, J. M. (1993) High performance gel filtration using monodisperse highly cross-linked agarose as a one-step system for mucin purification. Biomed. Chromatogr. 7, 68-74. 4. Parker, N., Makin, C. A., Ching, C.-K., Eccleston, D., Taylor, 0. M., Milton, J. D., and Rhodes, J. M. (I 992) A new enzyme-linked lectin/mucin antibody sandwich assay (CAM 17. IIWGA) assessed in combination with CAl9-9 and peanut lectin binding assay for the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. Cancer 70, 1062-1068. 5. Makin, C. A. (1985) Monoclonal antibodies for the study of colorectal and other carcinomas (PhD thesis). Faculty of Medicine, University of London, pp. 67-70. 6. Ching, C.-K., Parker, N., Hand, C., Charney, R., and Long, R. G. (1993) CAM 17.l/WGA assay for exocrine pancreatic cancer. Gut 34, S28 (abstract). 7. Yiannakou, J. Y., Calder, F., Newland, P., Kingsnorth, A. N. and Rhodes, J. M. (1995) Prospective clinical appraisal of CAM 17.1: an effective serological pancreatic tumour marker. Gastroenterology 108, A556 (abstract). 8. Laboisse, C. L. (1986) Structure of gastrointestinal mucins: searching for the Rosetta stone. Biochemie 68, 611-617. 9. Podolsky, D. K. and Isselbacher, K. J. (1983) Composition of human colonic mucin. Selective alteration in inflammatory bowel disease. J Clin. Invest. 72, 142-1.53. 10. Rhodes, J. M. and Ching, C. K. (1993) The application of lectins to the study of mucosal glycoproteins, in Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 14. Glycoprotein Analysis in Biomedicine (Hounsell, E. F., ed.), Humana, Totowa, NJ, pp. 247-262.

21 Quantification of Intestinal Mucins Jeremy 0. Milton and Jonathan

M. Rhodes

1. Introduction 1.1. Nature of Intestinal Mucins Intestinal mucins are glycoproteins containing a very high proportion of carbohydrate, up to 90%, and they can occur either in a membrane-bound or a soluble form (I). The general structure of these molecules includes discrete C-terminal and N-terminal regions, which are relatively poorly glycosylated, at either end of a long repeating structure, up to 50 repeats, which 1sheavily O-glycosylated on serine and threonine residues the first sugar m each oligosaccharlde always being N-acetyl-galactosamine (2). These oligosaccharlde chains can vary between 1 and about 15 saccharides. The C- and N-terminal regions are likely to be of importance m determinmg the membranous or secreted nature of the molecule (2). 1.2. Lectins vs Antibodies for Mucin Qusntitetion Both lectins and antibodies can be used to characterize and quantify soluble glycoproteins, but lectins are particularly appropriate for analysis of heavily glycosylated substancessuch as mucins. Lectins generally have rather broader specificity than antibodies, and of course only react with carbohydrate groups. Most, but by no means all, antibodies raised against mucins tend to be against the carbohydrate components (3,4), though antibodies against the protem components have been produced and are of great value in identifying the core protein structures of deglycosylated mucin (5). Lectins of different carbohydrate specificity can be used not only for quantification but also to obtam information about the nature of mucin glycosylatlon. Enzyme-linked lectin binding assays are highly sensitive and can be extremely useful for quantification of mucins after column fractionation when concentrations are often beyond the limits of sensitivity of conventional protem or carbohydrate assays. From Methods m Molecular Medrcme, Vol 9 Lectm Methods and Protocols E&ted by J M Rhodes and J D Mlton Humana Press Inc , Totowa, NJ



Milton and Rhodes

1.3. ELISA vs Slot Blot Two commonly used techniques for measurmg mdlvldual proteins, whtch

requrre unmobihzatton of the protem, are the ELISA method using polystyrene plates and dot/slot blots, which use mtrocellulose. Though the ELISA technique IS much more sensmve and can be more accurately quantttated than slot blots, the latter are reasonably quantttatlve and have the constderable advantage that bound protem or glycoprotem material can be treated with chemicals and enzymes when lmmobtlized on nitrocellulose, thereafter changes in Its antrbody (6) or lectm reacttvtty can be measured We wtll describe both procedures. 1.4. Quantification of Purified Glycoprotein by Estimation of Wheatgerm Agglutinin Binding When a purified glycoprotem is known to contam stahc acrd or N-acetylglucosamme, wheatgerm agglutimn 1sa very useful hgand. Provided the glycoprotem IS known to be pure, a standard curve can be establtshed m comparison wrth protem or carbohydrate assay and a bmdmg assaywith conmgated wheatgerm agglutinm will then prove a very sensmve and robust system for quantrficatton We have used this m particular for analysis of mucms after separatron by column chromatography (7) Other lectms can readrly be used to determine mdrvidual sugar availability of drfferent mucm preparattons, such as srabc acid using limax lectin or Gal-GalNAc determinants using mushroom lectm or peanut agglutmm (8). 2. Materials 1. ELISA plates* Immulon 4 flat-bottomed, 96-well ELISA plates (Dynatech, Brllmgshurst, UK) 2 Carbonate coatmg buffer pH 9.5 2 92 g NaHC03, 1.6 g Na,CO, made up to 1 L in distilled water 3 Peroxidase-labeled lectms: These can be obtained from Sigma or Vector or can be prepared by the two-stage glutaraldehyde conJugation procedure (8), using unlabeled lectm, from Sigma or Vector and peroxtdase from Sigma When usmg this method, we have not found it necessary to purify the conjugate from unbound peroxidase, though thrs can be achieved simply using a Biogei P 100 column 4. Phosphate-buffered salme (PBS). Dulbecco A (Oxotd, Basmgstoke, UK) or made up as follows 8 g NaC1,O 2 g KCl, I. 15 g Na2HP04, 0.2 g KH2P04 made up to 1 L in distilled water 5 PBS/Tween. 0 1% Tween-20 (Sigma) in PBS (1 mL/L). 6 OPD substrate. Orthophenylenediamme (OPD) (Stgma), IO-mg tablet dissolved m 25 mL phosphate citrate buffer, pH 5.0, to which is added 10 ltL 30% H,O,



of Intestinal Mucins

Con A binding LFA binding WGA binding

0.5 1.5 1.0 0.5

CAM 17.1 1.5 1.0 binding 0.5 UMM 17 1.5 1.0 binding 0.5 O.D. at 280 nm



Fig. 1. Example of Con A, Limaxflavus agglutinin (LFA). and wheatgerm agglutinin (WGA) used in ELLA to quantify Superose gel filtration fractions of human colonic mucin. CAM 17.1 and MMM 17 are antimucin MAbs (Reproduced with permission from ref. 7).

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Phosphate citrate buffer is prepared by dissolving 9.15 g Na,HP0,.2H,O and 5.11 g citric acid monohydrate in 500 mL and is diluted 1: 1 for use. ELISA plate reader: Any microplate reader is satisfactory; we use a CLS 962 microplate reader (Cambridge Life Sciences, Cambridge, UK). Nitrocellulose membrane: Cellulose nitrate 0.45~pm pore size, (Schleicher & Schuell Dassel, Germany; Sigma). Chloronaphthol substrate: 20 mL PBS, 5 mL chloronaphthol solution (3 mg/mL in methanol), 25 pL 30% hydrogen peroxide. Mixing machine: A machine that both rocks and rolls samples such as the Multimix Major (Luckham, Burgess Hill, UK). Slot blot apparatus (Hoeffer Scientific Instruments, San Francisco, CA). Vacuum pump: Any reasonably powerful pump.

3. Methods 3.1. ELISA

A simple single layer ELISA in which the mucin containing material is attached directly to the solid phase and detected directly by labeled lectin is very effective with partially purified mucin (Fig. 1; see Note 1).

Milton and Rhodes


h doubling


of mucin

Fig. 2. An ELLA curve of OD 492 against mucm concentration mucm and wheatgerm agglutmln

1 2 3 4 5 6 7. 8 9 10 11 12. 13

Human colomc

Coat ELISA plate wells with 100 pL sample m coatmg buffer (see Note 2) Incubate at 4°C for 16 h. Wash twice with PBS Add 120 PL blockmg buffer, PBS/Tween (see Note 3) Incubate at 37°C for 2 h Wash three times with PBS Add 100 pL peroxtdase-lectm coqugate in PBS/Tween (see Note 4) Incubate at 37°C for 4 h (see Note 5) Wash five times with PBS/Tween Add 100 pL OPD substrate. Incubate at 20°C for 6 mm (see Note 6) Add 100 yL 4M sulfuric acid Read absorbance at 492 nm (Fig. 2, see Note 7).

3.2. Slot Blots 1 Put PBS-soaked, nitrocellulose in Hoeffer slot blot apparatus 2 Connect vacuum lme to apparatus and apply vacuum for a few mmutes, then clamp lme wtth vacuum held 3 Add 100 pL sample and allow to run through (see Note 8) 4. Add 400 pL PBS and allow to run through. 5. Reconnect vacuum, dissemble apparatus, and remove mtrocellulose membrane (see Note 9). 6. Place strips m plastic, 30-mL universal containers


Quantification of In tes t/n al Mucrns 45 40

0 0







of mucin

Fig. 3. A slot blot assay of peak height of absorptton against mucm concentratton Bovme submaxillary mucm and wheatgerm agglutmm

7. Block with 2 mL 0 5% BSA/PBS or 0.5% TweenlO 5% BSAIPBS for 1-2 h on a rocking and rollmg machme (Multtmtx MaJor, Luckham, UK) at room temperature All mcubattons and washes were done on the Multtmtx (see Note 10) 8. Wash 3 x 3 mm wrth 5 mL PBS 9. Add lectm m BSA/PBS or Tween/BSA/PBS and incubate for 2-4 h at room temperature (see Note 11) 10. Wash 3 x 3 mm wtth 5 mL PBS 11. Transfer strip to a Petrt dish and incubate m chloronaphthol solutron until color develops (see Note 12). 12. Rinse thoroughly in several rinses of PBS (30 s, then 3 x 5 mm) Blots may be left m PBS in the cold and the dark for several days before measurmg color intensity 13 Dry blots between filter papers and read on a densrtometer (Hoeffer or Shtmadzu, Kyoto, Japan) measurmg the peak heights These have been shown to give a good measure of mucm added (Ftg 3).

4. Notes 1. We have frequently used thts assay system for quantttatton of mucin eluted from high performance gel filtration columns or from Ion exchange columns If mucus glycoprotem 1sto be quantified without prior purtficatron then an antibody-lectm sandwich technique mtght be more appropriate (see Chapter XX) 2. Whereas an alkalme coatmg buffer IS generally used for ELISAs, the nature of the coatmg buffer IS not crtttcal and we have found that mucm column eluate fracttons that are m Trts-HCI, pH 8 0, diluted wrth erther the same Trts-HCl or with PBS produce the same reaction as dtlutmg with carbonate coating buffer.

Milton and Rhodes


3 A common blockmg buffer for ELISAs 1s BSAlTweenlPBS, but we have found that the presence of BSA reduces the sensitivity considerably, with no reduction m background 4 A lectm concentration of approx 2 pg/mL was usually satisfactory, but obviously this needs to be determined for any mdlvldual lectm preparation, with a balance between speed of reaction and background 5 Incubation for 24 h at 37°C or 16 h at 4°C 1s equally acceptablethe longer period gives higher readings, but a somewhat higher background makes It no more sensltlve (IO) 6 Of course this IS an arbitrary time and 10 mm would be equally acceptable, If no color appears within this time leaving it longer 1s unlikely to be much use 7 Plates can be left for 30 mm or so at room temperature or overnight at 4°C before reading 8 100 pL 1s a convenient size of sample, but not critical, similarly the 400 pL washmg volume 1s convenient and effective 9 Deviations from the manufacturers mstructlons are permlsslble depending on the avadablhty of vacuum pumps and pressure gages 10. Blocking with Tween as well as BSA seems to be essential to keep the background to acceptable levels, though this does vary a little from lectm to lectm 11 However, we have also found that If Tween IS present in the lectm mcubatlon, one can do without it m the blocking buffer We have found no disadvantage m having Tween present at both stages 12 Color usually starts to develop wlthm 1 mm and by 5 mm IS likely to be optimal as the background will usually start to creep up after such a time

References Rose, M C (1992) Mucms structure, function, and role m pulmonary diseases Am J Physzol 263, L4 13-429 Gum, J R , Hicks, J W , Tonbara, N W , Slddlkl, B , and Kim, Y S (1994) Molecular cloning of human intestinal mucm (MUC2) cDNA Identification of the ammo termmus and overall sequence slmllarlty to prepro-von Wlllebrand factor. J Blol Chem 269,244&2446 Magnam, J L , Steplewskl, Z , Koprowskl, H , and Ginsburg V (1982) Identlfication of the gastrointestinal and pancreatic cancer-associated antigen detected by the monoclonal antibody 19-9 m the sera of patients as a mucm J Blol Chem 257, 14,365-14,369 Lan, M. X., Khorraml, A , Kaufman, B., and Metzgar, R S (1987) Molecular characterlsatlon of a mucm-hke antigen associated with human pancreatic cancer The DU-PAN-2 antigen. J Bzol Chem 262, 12,863-12,870 Siddiqul, J., Abe, M., Hayes, D., Shani, E., Yums, E., and Kufe, D (1988) Isolation and sequencing of a cDNA coding for the human DF3 breast carcmoma-associated antigen Proc Nat1 Acad Scz 85,232&2323 Milton, J D , Eccleston, D , Parker, N , Raouf, A., Cubbm, C., Hoffman, J , Hart, C A , and Rhodes, J M (1993) Distribution of 0-acetylated slalomucm m the

Quantification of In tes tmal Mmns



9 10


normal and diseased gastromtestmal tract shown by a new monoclonal antibody J Clm Path01 46,323-329. Raouf, A., Parker, N , Iddon, D., Ryder, S , Langdon-Brown, B , Milton, J D , Walker, R., and Rhodes, J. M (1991) Ion-exchange chromatography of purified colomc mucus glycoprotems m mflammatory bowel disease absence of a selective subclass defect Gut 32, 1139-l 146. Yu, L., Fermg, D G., Smith, J. A , Milton, J D , and Rhodes, J M (1993) Reversible mhibition of proliferation of epithehal cell lines by Agarzcus hzsporus (edible mushroom) lectm Cancer Res 53,4627-4632 O’Sullivan, M J and Marks, V (198 1) Methods for the preparation of enzymeantibody comugates for use m enzyme immunoassay Meth Enzymol 73, 147-166 Rhodes, J M , Milton, J D , Parker, N , and Mullen, P J (1993) Use of lectms m quantitation and characterization of soluble glycoproteins tn Lectzns and Glycoblology (Gabius, H -J and Gabius, S , eds ), Springer-Verlag, Berlm, pp 150-157

22 Purification and Characterization of Human Serum and Secretory IgAl and lgA2 Using Jacalin Michael A. Kerr, Lesley M. Loomes, Brian C. Bonner, Amy B. Hutchings, and Bernard W. Senior 1. Introduction Human immunoglobulin A (IgA) is found m serum and secretions m several different forms (I), Serum IgA IS produced by the bone marrow and 1s predominately monomeric 04,. = 160 kDa). Most of the IgA m secretions (sIgA) 1s polymeric, predominantly dlmeric, comprlsmg two monomer subunits linked together by mtersubumt dlsulfide bonds and a cysteme-rich polypeptlde termed J-chain (M, = 16 kDa). Polymeric IgA m secretions, but not m serum, contams an addItiona heavily glycosylated protein called secretory component (SC) (M, = 70 kDa). Serum or secretory IgA exists as two lsotyplc forms, IgAl and IgA2, dlstmgulshed by antlgemc, blochemlcal, and blologlcal properties. The two lsotypes have characteristic distributions m both serum and secretions; 89% of serum IgA is IgAl, whereas up to 65% of the IgA in external secretions 1sIgA2. The maJor structural difference between the two isotypes lies m the ammo acid sequence of the hinge region of their heavy chains. The 13 ammo acid hinge region of the al-chain is composed of an unusual repeating sequence rich in proline, serme, and threomne, the serines carrying O-linked ohgosaccharides. The a*-chain lacks this hinge region segment and hence the O-linked sugars, which has important blologlcal consequences for bmdmg to some IgA receptors (2) and m rendering it resistant to cleavage by protemases produced by several pathogemc bacteria (3). The purification of IgA was revolutionized by the discovery that Jacalm, a lectin isolated from the jackfruit, selectively binds IgAI (4,5) The lectm has From Methods tn Molecular Medicine, Vol 9 Lectm Methods and Protocols Edited by J M Rhodes and J D Mllton Humana Press Inc , Totowa, NJ



Kerr et al.

since been used m both small and large scale purification of IgAl from human serum and secretions and for the separation of IgAl from IgA2 in more complicated procedures. 7.1. History of the Use of Jacalin in the Purification of /gA Followmg the mmal demonstration of the bmdmg of IgA by Jacalm, Gregory and coworkers (6) showed that jacalm binds specifically to terminal Gall3 1-3GalNAc moieties of U-lmked ohgosaccharides m the hinge region of IgA 1. Thus affinity chromatography using Jacalin appeared to provide a simple procedure, not only for the isolatton of IgA m high yields but also for the resolution of the two IgA isotypes. However, a subsequent report (7) contradicted these findings suggestmg thatJacalin also bound IgA2, albeit with lower affinity than for IgAl Other observations suggested considerable heterogeneity m Jacalm preparations from different sources, which might explam this discrepancy (8,9). A large number of subsequent publications (10, ZZ) showed the marked specrficrty of jacalm for IgAl and its usefulness m purifymg the nnmunoglobulm. Commercial preparations ofJacalm now available have high specificity for IgAl compared with IgA2. It should, however, be stressed that Jacalm is not specific for IgAl m serum and has been shown m a number of studies to have strong affinity for IgD, C 1-mhibitor, and at least five other serum protems (possibly mcludmg albumin), which would therefore be present as contaminants (12-15) The methods described were developed from those of Loomes et al. (16) who showed that milligram quantities of IgAl and IgA2 could be purified from serum m concentrations which reflect their relative proportions usmg Jacalmagarose to resolve the isotypes. The same condmons could be used to separate IgAl and IgA2 from colostrum and from other secretions (unpublished results) These methods have been used extensively in our laboratory over many years to produce IgA for studies on FcaR bmdmg and IgA protemase studies (Z 7-23) 1.2. Properties

of Jacalin

Jacalin is a tetrameric lectm purified from jackfruit seeds.It has an apparent Mr of 40,000-50,000 and IS comprised of two distinct types of polypeptlde cham (20,24). The lectin has specificrty for galactose residues such as those on the hmge region of IgA 1 (9). Jacalin does not bmd to IgA from mouse, rat, pig, goat, horse, cow, or dog IgA indlcatmg then structural srmilarity to the human IgA2 isotype (25). Jacalm does bmd to human secretory IgAl (but not sIgA2) showing that binding is not inhibited by secretory component. The mteraction with IgA is unaffected by brvalent metal ions or by many detergents, although it is inhibited by denaturing agents (9).


Punf/cation of IgA 1.3. Binding of Jacalin to IgAl

IgA contains 2-5 N-lmked glycosylation sites dependmg on the isotype. The N-glycosylation sites on serum IgAl have been defined in detail (26). The O-linked sugars found on the five serine residues of the hinge of serum IgAl were ortgmally reported to comprise one site having only N-acetyl galactosamme and four others having galactosyl p l-3 iV-acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc) residues (27). The O-linked sugars of serum IgAl have recently been defined in more detail The results suggest a high degree of stalylation of the O-linked chains (26) The O-linked sugars isolated from milk sIgA have been suggested to be even more complex and heterogeneous contammg sialic acid, fucose, and N-acetylglucosamme (28,29) O-linked Galpl-3GalNAc and sialylated derivatives are the preferred ligands for Jacalm (9). The number of bmdmg sates on IgAl for Jacalm has not been accurately determined, but it must be greater than 1 since the lectin is a potent precipttator of monomeric IgAl The number of IgAl binding sites on the lectm is believed to be 3 or 4 (10). Jacalm precipttates IgAl and the fragments F(abc)2, F(ab’),, and Fc m agar gel and m solutron. It does not precipitate F(ab) to any significance, only binding to GalNac linked to Ser 224 (30). The fragments F(ab&, lacking CH3; (Fab’)*, lacking CH2 and CH3; and Fc appear to have a higher jacalin-binding capacity than the intact IgAl molecule, suggesting that some of the binding sites are maccessible in the whole molecule (30). Differences m the Jacalm binding to IgAl from patients with IgA nephropathy have been reported in a number of publications (32,32).

2. Materials 2.1. Preparation

of a Crude Globulin

Fraction of Serum

1 Glass wool (Fisher, Loughborough, UK) in the neck of a glass filter funnel 2 Ammonium sulfate. Low in heavy metals (Fisher).

2.2. Partial Purification of IgA by Anion Exchange Chromatography 1. Chromatography column. 100 x 5 cm (e g , Pharmacia, Uppsala, Sweden, XK 50/100). 2 Sepharose 6B (Pharmacia) 3 50 mMTris-HCl, pH 8 0. 4 Plates for radial immunodiffusion made using affinity-purified anti-IgA (a-chain specific) antibody (Sigma, St. Louis, MO). 100 pL of antibody are added to 10 mL, 1% (w/v) agarose (Sigma A4679) dissolved in PBS, pH 7.4, at .56”C, and then the plates are allowed to cool. For assays, 5-uL samples are added to wells cut in the agarose.


Kerr et al.

5 Chromatography column. 40 x 2 6 cm (e g , Pharmacta XK 26140) 6 Q-sepharose FF (Pharmacia) 7 Reagents for SDS-PAGE carried out as descrtbed by Laemmlt (34) Gels should be 5-l 5% acrylamide gradient gels Standard slab gels (1 5 mm thick) are run at 60 mA for approx 5 h

2.3. Purification of IgA I by Jacalin-Agarose Affinity 1 2 3 4


Chromatography column 40 x 2 6 cm (e g , Pharmacia XK 26/40) Jacalm-agarose Approx 170 mL (4 mg lectm/mL agarose, Vector, Burlmgame, CA) 50 mM Trts-HCl, pH 8 0,O 15M NaCl 50 mMTris-HCl, pH 8 0,O 15MNaCl containing 0 8MD-galactose or 0 lMmelibtose (Sigma)

2.4. Purification of lgA2 by Sepharose Fas tflo w S Cation Exchange Chromatography 1 2 3 4

Column of protein G sepharose (15 x 1 6 cm m Pharmacia XKl6/20) 50 mA4 Sodium acetate, pH 4 5 Chromatography column, 40 x 2.6 cm (e.g , Pharmacta XK26/40) SP-sepharose FF (Pharmacia)

2.5. Characterization

of Serum /gA 1 and lgA2 lsotypes

1 Reagents for dot blotting or Western blottmg; Use mtrocellulose 0 22-pm pore size After dtrect apphcatton of sample (dot blotting) or Western blotting, using transfer buffer comprising 25 mM Tris, 192 mA4 glycme, 20% methanol, 0 1% SDS, pH 8 3, the mtrocellulose 1s blocked with 5% milk powder (Marvel) m PBS for 1 h before addition of anti-IgA antibody 2 Human isotype-specific mouse monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) 2D7 (anti-Al and -A2), NIF2 (anti-Al), and 2E2 (anti-A2) are used to detect the IgA of the two subclasses. These antibodies are widely available from commercial sources (e g , Bmdmg Site, Birmingham UK) The antibodies are diluted m 5% milk powder (Marvel) in PBS and are incubated with blocked mtrocellulose membranes for 1 h at room temperature After washing the membranes m PBS, the bound antibodies are detected using goat anti-mouse IgG-alkaline phosphatase conJugate (Sigma) diluted m milk powder/PBS. The washed membranes are developed usmg NBT/BCIP solutton made up from 200 uL mtroblue tetrazolmm salt solutton (50 mg/mL), 100 uL 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-mdolyl phosphate (50 mg/mL) m 30 mL Tris buffer, pH 9 5 (12 12 g Tris, 5 84 g NaCl, 1 02 g MgCl, 6H,O)

2.6. Preparation

of a Crude Protein Extract from Colostrum

1 4NHCl 2 2MTrts 3 0 22-pm Filters (Milhpore,

Bedford, MA).


Purifrcatron of 1gA 2.7. Purification of s/gA from the Crude Coiostrum Protein Extract Using Gei Filtration and Ion-Exchange Chromatography 1 Matertals for gel filtratton and ion exchange chromatography IgA are as m Section 2.2

2.8. Fractionation

and for analysis of

of the slgA 1 and slgA2 lsotypes

1 Materials for lectin affimty Sections 2 3 and 2 5


and for analysis of IgA are as In

3. Methods 3.1. Purification and Separation of Human Serum IgA 1 and lgA2 (16) 3 1 I Preparation of a Crude Globulrn Fraction of Serum 1 Clarify 100 mL of fresh, pooled human serum by filtration through glass wool followed by centrtfugatton at 2500g for 1 h at 4°C 2 Remove the supernatant and add 29.1 g ammomum sulfate to give 50% saturation and stn for 1 h at 4°C before centrifugatron at 23,000g for 1 h After centrtfugatton, carefully remove the supernatant (see Note 1) and redtssolve the pellet m 50 mL dtsttlled water

3.1.2. Partial Purification of IgA by Anron Exchange Chromatography 1 Apply the redissolved ammonium sulfate pellet to a column, 90 x 5 cm, of Sepharose 6B equilibrated m 20 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8 0. Wash the column with the same buffer until all protems have been eluted Identtfy those fractions contaming IgA by radtal tmmunodtffuston (33) using a good quality affimty-purtfied anti-IgA (a-cham specific) antibody Pool the mam IgA containing fractions 2 Apply the pool to a column (40 x 2.6 cm) of Q-sepharose anion exchange column equtltbrated m 20 mM Trts-HCl, pH 8.0. If required, collect the column runthrough, which contains highly purified IgG Wash the column with 200 mL 20 mMTris-HCl, pH 8 0, then elute the bound protems with a linear salt gradient of O-O 5M NaCl(500 mL of each) m 20 mA4 Trts-HCl, pH 8.0 3 Identify the fractions contammg IgA by radial immunodiffuston and/or by SDS-PAGE (34) The IgA should elute m the 0 1-O 2M region of the salt gradlent Pool the main IgA containing fractions

3.1.3. Purification of igA 7 by Jacalin-Agarose Affinity Chromatography

(see Note 2)

1 Apply this pool to a column (32 x 2.6 cm, 170 mL) of Jacalm-agarose(4 mg lectm/mL agarose,Vector) equilibrated m 20 mMTrts-HCl, pH 8 0,O 15MNaCl After loading, wash the column with the same buffer until the OD2s0of the effluent falls to zero Elute the bound IgA 1 with the samebuffer contammg 0 8M n-galactose (Fig. 1). Confirm the purity of the IgA 1 by SDS-PAGE (seeNote 3)

Kerr et al.



1 .,.

. .

I .


. .

. :I.

0 Fraction

5 10 Number



Fig. 1. Chromatography of the IgA pool from the Q-sepharose column on a jacalinagarose. Fraction volume collected was 7.5 mL. Protein elution profile (-) and IgAl concentration, mg/mL (--), are shown. The disparity between the A28o and IgAl protein elution profiles arises from the o-galactose in the elution buffer which gives an elevated A**O reading. The photograph shows Coomassie-blue stained SDS-PAGE gels of the column effluent and eluate. Fractions collected for the eluate are numbered across the bottom of the gel. (Reproduced with permission from ref. 16.)

3.1.4. Purification of lgA2 by Sepharose Fastflow S Cation Exchange Chromatography 1, The run-through from the jacalin-agarose column contains IgA2 and a number of contaminants including some IgG. The IgG is removed by passage of the pool through a column of protein G sepharose (15 x 1.6 cm). To purify the IgA2, dialyze the pooled effluent from the protein G column against 50 mM sodium acetate, pH 4.5., then apply to a column (40 x 2.6 cm) of SP-sepharose FF (Pharmacia) equilibrated in the same buffer. Wash with one column vol of the same buffer and elute the bound proteins with a linear gradient of O-O.5MNaCl in the same buffer. The IgA2 is the first protein eluted (Fig. 2). Detect the IgA2 by radial immunodiffusion or by SDS-PAGE (see Note 4).


Purification of IgA

kDa 66--45-

O5 -0.4

s -'






100 Fraction

0.0 150 Number



Fig. 2. Typical profile of cation exchange chromatography of the IgG depleted pooled effluents from the jacalin-agarose column on a sepharose Fastflow S equilibrated in 50 mM sodium acetate (pH 4.5). The fraction volume collected was 7 mL. The protein elution profile (-), IgA concentration (--), and NaCl concentration (.....) are shown. The photograph shows a Coomassie blue-stained reduced SDS-PAGE gel of six pools made across the IgA2 elution profile: lane 1, Pool 1 unbound material; lanes 2-6, Pools 2-6 as indicated; lanes 7 and 8 show reference preparations of IgAl and IgG standards, respectively. (Reproduced with permission from ref. 16.)

3.1.5. Characterization

of Serum IgA 1 and lgA2 lsotypes

1. The purity of serum IgA 1 and IgA2 preparations can be confirmed by immunodot blotting or Western blotting (unreduced) with human isotype-specific mouse MAbs 2D7 (anti-Al and-A2), NIF2 (anti-Al), and 2E2 (anti-A2). These antibodies are widely available from commercial sources (e.g., Binding Site, Birmingham, UK).

3.2. Purification and Separation of Secretory IgA 1 and lgA2 from Colostrum IgA is the predominant immunoglobulin in almost all secretions. In humans, colostrum and early milk are the body fluids richest in secretory IgA. The values for colostral IgA reported in the literature range from 1.6 to 85.9 mg/mL, with an average of (11.4 + 5.5 mg/mL) in pooled samples of colostrum (35).


Kerr et al

The concentration of sIgA falls rapidly from the very high concentrations found m days 1-3, IgG levels increase durmg this time (36) In colostrum collected between 1 and 3 d, the ratio for IgAl lgA2 1s around 53 47

3.2.1. Preparatron of a Crude Protem Extract from Colostrum 1 MIX 50 mL colostrum or early mtlk wtth 25 mL of tsotomc salme Centrifuge at 100,OOOg for 1 h at 4°C and then remove the clartfied colostrum from between the surface layer of fat and the pellet of cell debris 2 Lower the pH of the colostrum to 4 0 with HCl to prectpltate casem and after centnfugation at 30,OOOgfor 30 mm at 4’C, remove the supernatant and neutrahze to pH 7 0 wtth 2MTrts Recentrtfuge and then pass through a 0 22-pm filter (Mllltpore, Watford, UK)

3.2 2 Punficahon of s/gA from the Crude Colostrum Protern Extract Usmg Gel FlItratIon and Ion-Exchange Chromatography 1 Load the defatted and decasemated colostrum onto a column (90 x 5 cm) of sepharose 6B equthbrated m 50 mA4 Trts-HCI, pH 8 0 Wash wtth 2 column vol and analyze fracttons by radtal tmmunodtffuston and SDS-PAGE (Fig 3, see Note 5) 2 Pool the sIgA-contatmng fractrons and load onto a column 40 x 2 6 cm ) of Q-sepharose eqmhbrated m 50 rmI4 Trts-HCI, pH 8 0 Wash with a column volume of the same buffer and then elute wtth a linear gradient of O-O 5M NaCl m the same buffer (500 mL of each) Pool the IgA containing fracttons (Fig 4, see Note 6)

3.2.3. Fractlonatlon the slgA 1 and slgA2 lsotypes 1 Load the pool onto a column (32 x 2 6 cm) ofjacalin-agarose (Vector) equthbrated m 50 mMTrts-HCl, 0 lSMNaC1, pH 8 0 After loading, wash the column with the same buffer until the OD 280of the effluent falls to zero The run-through contains sIgA2 Elute the bound sIgA1 wtth three column volumes of 50 mlM Trts-HCl, 0 15M NaCI, pH 8 0, contammg 0 8M p-galactose (Ftg. 5) 2 Confirm the purtty of the IgA1 and IgA2 by SDS-PAGE and by dot blotting usmg spectfic MAbs (see Note 7)

4. Notes 1 Care should be taken to remove all of the supernatant which contains most of the albumin, whrch, rf retained, hmtts the capacity of subsequent ton exchange columns 2 The capacity of the commerctal Jacalm-agarose column (4 mg lectm/mL agarose) 1s around 4 mg IgAimL agarose We have used columns of Jacalm-agarose repeatedly for many preparattons over a number of years wtthout apprectable loss of capacity Monomerrc serum IgAl elutes from Jacalm-sepharose as a relatively sharp peak The trarlmg edge of the peak tends to be enrtched for dtmertc IgA. In contrast to tts serum counterpart, the s&A 1 from colostrum elutes as a broad peak of relatively low protem concentratron (0.1-O 2 mg/mL)


Purification of IgA

Fraction number Fig. 3. Gel filtration of a decaseinated crude protein extract from colostrum on a sepharose 6B column equilibrated in 50 mM Tris-HCl. Fraction volume was 10 mL. Protein elution profile A28o (-); the photograph shows a Coomassie blue-stained SDS-PAGE gel. Lane 1, mol-wt markers (97.4,66.2,42.7,37.0,21.5,14.4 kDa). Lanes 2-28, every third column fraction from 44 to 134.

3. The yield of pure IgAl should be around 90% of that in the original serum. The pure IgAl can be dialyzed to remove the galactose and concentrated by ultrafiltration to give a maximum concentration of 5 mg/mL. The major contaminant is likely to be Cl-inhibitor (M,. = 100 kDa), which stains poorly on SDS-PAGE. This can be removed by gel filtration of the pool on appropriate resin, e.g., Sephacryl S300. 4. This scheme will yield some fractions containing only IgA2. Together these fractions constitute 1O-20% of the original serum content of IgA2. For higher yield, the IgA2 containing fractions can be pooled, concentrated by ultrafiltration then gel filtered on a column of Sephadex G200 or equivalent resin. The first protein peak eluting from these columns is apparently pure IgA2. The yield of serum IgA2 from a typical preparation is around 50%. On SDS-PAGE run under nonreduced conditions, the IgA2 runs as bands of apparent M,. = 200 kDa corre-


Kerr et al.

.' 4'




if a w 2 s! g i : :





Fraction number Fig. 4. Anion exchange chromatography of IgA containing fractions from the Sepharose 6B column on a Q-Sepharose column equilibrated in 50 miV Tris-hydrochloride (pH 8.0). Fraction volume collected was 5.0 mL. Protein elution profile, A2*0 (-); linear gradient (--) of 0-0.5MNaCl. The photograph shows a Coomassie bluestained SDS-PAGE gel; Lane 1, molecular weight markers (97.4, 66.2, 42.7, 37.0, 21.5, 14.4 kDa). Lanes 2-20, column fractions 10,20,30 then every third fraction to 78. ~1, IgA heavy chain; L, light chain; SC, secretory component.

sponding to intact IgA, 140 kDa corresponding to H-chain dimer and 50 kDa, light-chain dimer (Fig. 6). 5. SDS-PAGE of fractions across the gel filtration column show that sIgA (M,. = 385 kDa) is eluted mainly in the second minor broad peak in the protein elution profile. The first peak contains IgM (A4,.= 97 1 kDa). The sIgA peak corresponds mainly to dimer. Higher molecular weight forms of sIgA elute earlier A small amount of IgG (A4,.= 150 kDa) and free secretory component (SC) (M, = 80-90 kDa) are eluted together in the third peak of the profile. The fourth and major peak of the protein profile contain predominantly lactoferrin (M, = 90 kDa) and a-lactalbumin (M, = 12.5 kDa), respectively.


Purification of IgA










Fraction number Fig. 5. Affinity chromatography of the sIgA pool from the Q-sepharose column on a jacalin-agarose column. The fraction volume was 2 mL. The jacalin column effluent contained functionally pure sIgA2. sIgA1 bound to the column was eluted with buffer containing 0.8M n-galactose. Protein elution profile, A**’ (-); the photograph shows a Coomassie blue-stained gel; lane 1, mol-wt markers (97.4, 66.2, 42.7, 37.0, 21.5, 14.4 kDa); lanes 2-20, every fifth column fraction from 25-110; a, IgA heavy chain; L, light chain; SC, secretory component.

6. The major contaminant at this stage, lactoferrin, is eluted from the column ahead of sIgA in the 0.05-O. 1M region of a linear gradient of &0.5M NaCl; sIgA is eluted in the 0.125-0.375M region of the salt gradient. The yield of pure sIgA is around 50% of the original sIgA content of colostrum. 7. The final yield of sIgA after resolution of its isotypes on the jacalin-agarose is approx 30%; 33% of the sIgA1 and around 24% of sIgA2. A protein characterized by its broad band on SDS-PAGE can contaminate the sIgA2. In some preparations, lactoferrin, which often forms complexes with polymeric IgA, can be a contaminant. Lactoferrin can be removed by a heparin affinity column (38).


Kerr et al.

8 The elutlon of IgA fromJacalm can also be effected using 0 IMmehblose Meliblase (galactosyl-a-o glucose) has around seven-fold higher affinity for Jacalm than galactose It has been reported to be more effective for elutmg bound proteins fromJacalm Used at 0 lM, it 1s no more expensive than galactose

Acknowledgments This work

was supported

by research

grants from the Arthritis

and Rheuma-

tism Council and Medlcal Research Council. We are grateful to Helen Cowper and Stewart MacPherson for assistance in preparation of the manuscript References 1 Kerr, M A (1990) The structure and function of human IgA Bzochem J 271, 285-296 2. Rudd, P. M , Fortune, F , Patel, T , Parekh, R. B , Dwek, R A, and Lehner, T. (1994) A human T-cell receptor recogmses O-linked sugars from the hinge region of human IgA 1 and IgD Immllnology 83,99-106 3 Senior, B W , Loomes, L M., and Kerr, M. A (1991) Microbial IgA proteases and vn-ulence Revs Med Mwroblol 2,20&207 4 Roque-Barrelra, M C and Campos-Neto, A (1985) Jacalm an IgA- bmdmg lectm J Immunol 134, 1740-1743 5 Kondoh, H , Kobayashl, K , Haglwara, K . and KaJn, T. (1986) Jacalm, aJackfruit lectm, precipitates IgAl but not IgA2 subclass on gel diffusion reactlon J Immunol 88, 171-I 73 6 Gregory, R L., Rundegren, J , and Arnold, R R (1987) Separation of human IgA 1 and IgA2 usingJacalm-agarosechromatography.f. Immunol. Methods 99, 10 I-106. 7 Aucouturier, P , Duarte, F , Mlhaesco, E , Pmeau, N , and Preud’homme, J -L (1988) Jacalm, the human IgAl and IgD preclpltatmg lectm, also binds IgA2 of both allotypes. J. Immunol Meth 113, 185-191 8. Kondoh, H , Kobayashl, K , and Haglwara, K (1987) A simple procedure for the isolation of human secretory IgA of IgA 1 and IgA2 subclassby a Jackfruit lectm, Jacalm, affinity chromatography A401 Immunol 24, 1219-1222 9 Hashim, 0 H , Ng, C. L , Gendeh, S., and Jaafar, M I N (1991) IgA bmdmg lectms Isolated from distinct Artocarpus speciesdemonstrate differential specsficlty Mel Immunol 28,393-398. 10 Haglwara, K., Collet-Cassart, D , Kobayashl, K , and Vaeman, J (1988) Jacalm. isolation, characterization and influence of various factors on its interaction with human IgAl as assessedby preclpitatlon and latex agglutination. Mel Zmmunol 25,69-83 11 Skea, D. L , Christopoulous, P , Plaut, A G., and Underdown, B. J (1988) Studles on the specificity of the IgA-bmdmg lectm, Jacalm A401Immunol 25, l-6 12 Aucoutuner, P , Mihaesco, E , Mlhaesco, C , and Preud’homme, J -L (1987) Characterlsatlon of Jacalm, the humanIgA and IgD bmdmg lectm fromJackfrult A401 Immunol 24,503-5 11

Purification of IgA


13. Zehr, B. D and Lttwm, S. D (1987) Human IgD and IgA1 compete for o-galactose-related bmdmg sites on the IectlnJacalm. Stand J Immunol 26,229-236 14 Hiemstra, P S., Gorter, A., Stuurman, M E , Van Es, L A., and Daha, M R (1987) The &A-binding lectin Jacalm induces complement activation by mhibinon of Cl -1nactivator function Stand J Immunol 26, 11 l-l 17 15 Biewenga, J , Steneker, I., and Hameleers, D M H (1988) Effect of serum albumm on the recovery of human IgAl from immobilizedJacalm J Immunol Methods 115, 199-207 16 Loomes, L M , Stewart, W W , Mazengera, R L., Setuor, B W , and Kerr, M A. (1991) Purification and characterisation of human immunoglobulm IgA 1 and IgA2 isotypes from serum J Zmmunol Methods 141,209-2 18 17 Kerr, M A , Stewart, W W., Bonnet-, B C , Greer, M R , MacKenzie, S J., and Steele, M G (1994) The diversity of leucocyte IgA receptors. Contrzb Nephrol 111,60-65

18. Mazengera, R. L and Kerr, M. A (1990) The specificity of the 1gA receptor purified from human neutrophils Bzochem J 272, 159-l 65 19 Stewart, W W and Kerr, M A (1990) The specificity of the human 1gA receptor (FcaR) determined by measurement of chemilummescence mduced by serum or secretory IgA I or IgA2 Immunology 71(3), 328-334 20. Stewart, W W. and Kerr, M A (1991) The measurement of respiratory burst Induced in polymorphonuclear neutrophils by 1gA and IgG anti-ghadm antibodies isolated from coehac serum Zmmunology 73,491-497 2 1 Stewart, W W and Kerr, M A. (1994) Unaggregated serum IgA bmds to neutrophi1 FcaR at physiological concentrations and IS endocytosed but crosslmkmg is necessary to elicit a respiratory burst J Leuk Blol 56,48 l-487 22. Senior, B W., Loomes, L M , and Kerr, M. A (1991) Microbial IgA proteases and virulence. Revs Med Mcroblol 2,200-207 23. Loomes, L. M , Semor, B W., and Kerr, M A (1992) Protemases of Proteus spp , purification, properties and detection m urine of infected patients. Infect Immun 60,2267-2273 24. Mahanta, S K , Sastry, M V K., and Suroha, A (1990) Topography

of the combming region of a Thomsen-Friedenrich-antigen-specific lectm Jacalin (Artocarpus zntegrlfolla agglutuun) Blochem J 265,83 I-840 25 Wilkmson, R and Neville, S (1988) Jacalin, its binding reactivity with immunoglobulin A from various mammalian species Yet Immunol Immunopathol 18, 195-198 26. Field, M C , Amatayakul-Chantler, S., Rademacher, T W , Rudd, P M , and Dwek, R A (1994) Structural analysis of the N-glycans from human immunoglobuhn Al* comparison of normal human serum immunoglobulm Al with that isolated from patients with rheumatoid arthritis Bzochem J 299,261-275 27. Pierce-Cretel, A , Debray, H , Montreuil, J , Spik, G , Van Halbeek, H , Mutsaers, J H G. M , and Vhegenthart, J. F. G (1984) Primary structure of N-glycosidxally linked asialoglycans of secretory immunoglobulms A from human milk Eur J Blochem 139,337-349


Kerr et al.

28 Pierce-Cretel, A , Plamblanco, M , Strecker, G , Montreuil, J , and Sptk, G. (198 1) Heterogeneity of the glycans O-glycostdtcally lmked to the hinge region of secretory immunoglobulm A from human milk Eur J Bzochem 114, 169-178 29. Pierce-Cretel, A , Plamblanco, M , Strecker, G , Montreull, J , Spik, G , van Halbreek H., and Vhegenthart, J. F G (1982) Primary structure of N-glycosidically lmked asialoglycans of secretory immunoglobulms A from human milk Eur J Blochem 125,383-388 30 Biewenga, J., Hiemstra, P S , Stenkler, I , and Daha, M R (1989) Bmdmg of human IgAl and IgAl fragments to Jacalm Mol Immunol 26,275-28 1 31 Andre, P M , Le Pogamp, P , and Chevet, D (1990) Impairment ofJacalin bmdmg to serum IgA m IgA nephropathy J Clm Lab Anal 4, 11.5-l 19 of N- and 32 Allen, A C , Harper, S J , and Feehally, J (1995) Galactosylation 0-lmked carbohydrate moieties of IgA 1 and IgG m IgA nephropathy C’lzn Exp Immunol 100,470-474 33 Mancml, G , Vaerman, J P , Carbonara, A. 0 , and Heremans, J F (1965) Immunochemical quantitatlon of antigens by single radial lmmunodiffusion Immunochem 2,235-243 34 Laemmli, U K (1970) Cleavage of structural protems during the assembly of the head of bacteriophage T4 Nature 227,680-685 35 Delacrotx, D L , Dive, C , Rambaud, J C , and Vaerman, J P. (1982) IgA subclasses m various secretions and m serum Immunology 47,383-385 36 Goldblum R M. and Goldman, A S (1994) Immunologic components of Milk. formation and functton, in Handbook of Mucosal Immunology (Ogra, P L et al , eds ), Academic, San Diego, CA, pp 643-652 37 Ladjeva, I., Peterman, J. H , and Mestecky, J. (1989) IgA subclasses of human colostral antibodies specific for microbial and food antigens Clm Exp Immunol 78,85-89

23 Use of Lectins in Affinity Purification of HIV and SW Envelope Glycoproteins Gustav Gilljam 1. Introduction The human mrmunodeliclency viruses (HIV- 1 and HIV-2) are the ettologic agents of the acquired immunodefictency syndrome (AIDS) and related dtsorders (l-3) Simian immunodefictency vnus @IV) is the correspondmg virus for nonhuman primates. SIVmac has been isolated from rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) with nnmunosuppression and malignant lymphomas (4) These are retrovn-uses with a surface that IS charactertsttcally made up of knobs (HIV-l has 72 knobs) contammg trimers or tetramers of the major envelope glycoprotems (5-8) Glycoprotem gp 160 1sa precursor protem produced m HIV- and SIV-infected cells This protein ISfurther cleaved by cellular enzymes mto two glycoprotems: an external surface envelope glycoprotem (gp120) and a transmembrane protem (gp41) (9). Glycoprotein 120 contams the bmdmg site for the cellular receptor, the CD4 molecule (10--13), and also the major neutrahzmg domains (14-I 7) This makes gp 120 and gpl60 potenttal vaccine candidates. The primary sequence of gp120 has 24 potential N-linked glycosylatton sites (18) The carbohydrate portion of the gp120 molecule has been calculated to be about the same molecular weight as the pepttde backbone, which was estimated to be about 60 kDa after deglycosylation using endoglycostdase-F (I 9-21). This carbohydrate portion has been reported to be important for the gpl2O-CD4 interaction (20-22) I. 1. Purification of Outer Envelope Glycopro teins Using Galanthus Nivalis Agghtinin Several lectins have been shown to bmd to gp120 (23,24), and tt has been shown that the a-(1-3)- and a-( 1-6)-D-mannose-specific plant lectms can mhibtt the vtrus from binding to and Infecting CD4 positive T-cells (25) Lectins From Methods m Molecular Medwte, Vol 9 Lectm Methods and Protocols Edlted by J M Rhodes and J D Mllton Humana Press Inc , Totowa, NJ




Fig. 1. GNA-purified envelope glycoproteins separated on an 8-25% SDS-polyacrylamide gel and silver stained. Lane I, high-mol-wt marker; lane 2, gp120 from HIV-l(IIIB) (20 pg/mL); lane 3, gp125 from HIV-2(SBL6669) (40 pg/mL); lane 4, gp 148 from SIV,,,,,,( 18 pg/mL); lane 5, low-mol-wt marker. Reprinted from ref. 27 with permission.

have also been used in purification schemes for the gp 120 molecule and especially for recombinant gp160 for use in vaccine trials. The lectin used for this purpose is Lentil lectin (LCA), which has a specificity for mannose and glucose. This lectin also binds to several other glycoproteins in the viral suspension, which makes it necessary to include other purification steps.Other lectins have been used in combinations to purify the outer envelope glycoprotein of SIV (26). The lectin from Galanthus nivalis (snow drop) bulbs (GNA), shows an inhibitory effect on syncytium formation in HIV-l infected cells (251, and it binds to the outer envelope glycoprotein from HIV- 1, HIV-2, and SIV (27). GNA has a specificity for terminal high mannose residues especially those possessingMan(al-3)Man. Internal mannosyl residues, Dglucose and N-acetylu-glucosamine do not bind to GNA (28,29). Glycoprotein 120 from HIV-l possesses7-9 of these mannose residues (18) and they are conserved between different isolates (30,31). This type of carbohydrate residue is rarely found in mammalian glycoproteins and only a few glycoproteins that possesssuch mannose groups have so far been recognized). Using GNA coupled to a matrix it has been possible to purify the outer major glycoprotein from HIV- 1, HIV-2, and SIV to a high purity (26,27) (Figs. l-3). We have been able to purify gp120

HIV and SW Envelope Glycoproteins A 1



B 3




C 1




Fig. 2. The GNA-purified envelope glycoproteins were separated on an SDSpolyacrylamine gel and transferred to a nitrocellulose filter. The strips were analyzed with polyclonal sera and monoclonal antibodies. (A) gp120 HIV-l(IIIB): (1) polyclonal human anti-HIV1 serum; (2) mouse monoclonal, T9 anti-gp 120; (3) human monoclonal2F5 anti-gp4 1. (B) gp 120 HIV- 1(SF2): (1) polyclonal antiHIV-l serum; (2) mouse monoclonal, T9 anti-gp120; (3) human monoclonal 2F5 anti-gp41. (C) gp125 HIV-2(SBL6669): (1) human polyclonal anti-HIV-2 serum; (2) mouse monoclonal, KK12 antigp125; (3) mouse monoclonal, KK41 anti-gp36. macaque polyclonal anti-SIV serum; (2) mouse monoPI ml48 SIVmav251(1) clonal KK8 anti-gp148; (3) mouse monoclonal KK20 anti-gp32. Reprinted from ref. 27 with permission.

from all HIV- 1, SIV, and HIV-2 strains that we have tried and the choice of cell line (H9, C8 166, U937-2, or Jurkat tat) for virus production does not appear to be of consequence. This is because the glycosylation that leads to high terminal mannose groups is very conserved (30,31). The outer envelope glycoprotein from different HIV-l isolates grown in PBMC also binds strongly to GNA. 1.2. Detection and Quantification of the Outer Envelope Glycoprotein

Using GNA in an ELISA

The GNA molecule can also be used in an ELISA, to detect and quantify the amount of envelope glycoprotein from HIV- 1, HIV-2, and SIV, present in the viral suspension or in the purified products (Fig. 4). The advantage of using

PBS 1002%







PnSlO 65M





PRY I M NaCl Change




Elute the column wtl PBSllM Methyl-a-D Mannopyranowde Flow rate 30 cmlhou ELUAIE Wwh the colwt~n 0 IM GlycwHCI pH 2 8


Slcwngc hurler PBS/O 02% NaN, Slorc

3 nl

rig/ml Figs. 3-4.

al t4”C


flltral~on I Dlnlyws agm FI PBS 1 Alrquot

0 22pm

HIV and SW Envelope Glycoproteins


GNA ISthat it does not bind any glycoprotems from the fetal calf serum present m the culture medium, which could block the gp120 binding and give lower sensitivity. The standard used in the GNA ELISA should be detected equally well as the purified gp 120 by the detecting antibody so the amount of gpl20 m the purified product can be properly quantified. This method IS suitable for calculatmg the recovery of the product.

2. Materials 2.1. Coupling

GNA to CNBr-Activated


4 Fast Flow

1 CNBr activated Sepharose Fast Flow (Pharmacia, Uppsala, Sweden, see Note 1) 2 Galanthus nivalzs agglutinin (GNA) is bought as a powder (Boehringer, Mannhelm, Germany) and can be dissolved m PBS. m which It forms a tetramer This lectin is not dependent on cations for its bindmg capacity, has a pH range of 2-12 (stable at pH 6.0-12), and can also wlthstand heatmg at 70°C for 10 mm, but sodium chloride concentrations above 2M lead to irreversible mactlvation. 3 1 mA4 HCl (should be used cold, 4°C) 4 Coupling buffer 0 25M NaHC03/0 2M methyl-a-o-mannopyranoslde, pH 8.3 (see Note 2). IA4 ethanolamine, pH 8 0 (use cone HCl to adJust the pH) Buffer I 50 mM Tns-HCl, lMNaC1, pH 8 0 Buffer II 50 mM glycme, lMNaC1, pH 3 5 0 OlM Phosphate-buffered salme without Ca2+ or Mg*+, pH 7 3 PBS (this type of PBS IS used m all assays). 9. PBS with 0.01% merthlolate

2.2. Sample Preparation 1 Benzonase, which possesses a DNase and RNase actlvlty m the presence of the zwltterlon detergent (Emplgen BB, Calblochem, LaJolla, CA) This enzyme has optimum activity between, pH 8 O-9.2 and in the presence of l-2 mM Mg2+, It is active against all DNA and RNA 2 A zwitterion detergent Emplgen BB (stock solution 1s 30%, see Note 3) 3 Sodium chloride* solid and pro analysis quality.

2.3. GNA Chromatography 1 GNA coupled to Sepharose 4 Fast Flow. 2. Phosphate-buffer saline PBS (see Note 4) 3. PBS, 0.25% Emplgen BB, 0.65MNaC1, pH 7 3

Fig. 3. (previous page, top) A descrlptlon of the purification process Fig. 4. (prewouspage, bottom) Sensitivity analysis of purified envelope glycopro-

teins on a GNA ELISA. gp 120 HIV- 1(IIIB); gp 125 HIV-2(SBL6669); Reprinted from ref. 27 with permission.

gp 148 SIV,,,,,




4 PBS, lMNaC1, pH 7 3 5 1M Methyl-a-n-mannopyranoside 6 0 IM Glycme-HCl, pH 2 8

m PBS, pH 7 3

2.4. GNA ELISA 1 96-Well microplates (e g , polystyrene, Nunc Immunoplate MaxtSorp, Nunc, Aahus, Denmark) 2 Coatmg buffer PBS, pH 7 3 with 0 02% NaN, (see Note 5) 3 Washing buffer 0 9% NaCl, 0 05% Tween-20 4 Dilution buffer A PBS, pH 7 3, 0 25% Emplgen BB, 0 5% bovme serum albumm (BSA) Dilution buffer B PBS, pH 7 3,0 5% BSA, 0 05% Tween-20 Blocking buffer PBS, pH 7 3, 15% fetal calf serum (FCS) Polyclonal sera or MAb directed to the gpl20 that will be assayed (see Note 6) Antibodies conlugated wtth peroxtdase, and directed to the species of the detectmg antibody used (e g , goat anttmouse IgG-HRP-labeled conlugate) 9 Substrate Orthophenyl dlamme (OPD) 10 mg dissolved m 10 mL substrate buffer (0 0667M sodium phosphate/O 0347M citric acid and pH adjusted to 5 5 usmg NaOH) activated by 3-4 pL H,O, (35%) (see Note 7) 10 2 5M Sulfuric acid

3. Methods 3.1. Coupling




4 Fast Flow

1 Suspend the CNBr-acttvated gel m 1 mM HCl for 30 mm to allow the gel to swell 2 Wash the gel with 15 gel volumes of cold 1 mM HCl m a smterred glass funnel 3 Wash the gel m couplmg buffer Check that the pH of the flow through IS 8 3 (see Note 8) 4. Dissolve the GNA m the couplmg buffer to a concentration of around 1 5 mg/mL, adjust the pH to 8 3 Use glass bottles or glass beakers 5. Add the washed gel to the hgand solutton. The ratio between hqutd and gel should be around 1 Incubate the solution at 4°C with gentle rockmg overnight (see Note 9) 6. Wash the gel m 1M ethanolamme, pH 8 0 m a smterred glass funnel. Resuspend the gel m a large volume (3 times the gel volume) of IMethanolamme pH 8 0 for 2-4 h at room temperature to block the unused activated sites on the gel 7 Wash the gel eight times with 4 gel volumes each time, shlftmg 4 times between buffers I and II 8 Wash the gel with 10 gel volumes of PBS 9 Store the coupled gel m PBS with 0 01% Merthiolate at 4°C

3.2. Sample


Sample preparation prior to purlficatlon of the gp120 on the lectm column will be presented as two alternatives depending on the sample volume.

HIV and SW Envelope Glycoprotems


If the sample volume 1ssuch that cells can be removed by centrifugatron or sedimentation, then the procedure is as follows. I Remove the cells 2 Add Benzonase to the supernatant, 2500 U/L, adjust the pH to 8 0 (usmg 1M NaOH), and add Mg” to a final concentratron of 2 mM (see Note 10) 3 Add the zwttterton detergent (Emprgen BB) to a final concentration of 0 25%, and Incubate the solutton for 2 h at room temperature 4 Add NaCl to a final concentratton of 0 65M (the medium itself contams O.l5M, see Note 11) 5 Filter the solutron through a 0 2 or 0 45-pm filter (see Note 12)

For larger volumes of tissue culture supernatant, the followmg procedure IS used Ultrafiltration units are used both to remove the cells and to concentrate the viral particles. Follow the guidelmes m the manual when using the ultrafiltration equipment. 1 Allow the suspensron to pass through a filter unit with a pore size of 1 2 pm, which removes the cells 2 The material that passed through the filter umt contains the viral partrcles and 1s concentrated using a filter unit with a 300-kDa cutoff The volume 1s concentrated to approx 2 L 3 Clarify the sample by centrrfugatron at 7000g for 30 mm at 4°C

The method above IS then followed from step 2 m Section 3.2.1. (adding the Benzonase, and so forth). 3.3. GNA Chromatography 1. Equilibrate the GNA-Sepharose 4 Fast Flow with PBS contammg 0 25% Emptgen BB and 0 65M NaCl (see Note 13) 2 Apply the sample to the column with a flow rate of 6&150 cm/h (this IS equal to 2-5 mL/mm using a column wrth a diameter of 1 6 cm, see Note 14) 3. Wash the gel with PBS/O 25% Emprgen BB/O 65MNaCYpH 7 3 until the absorbance at 280 nm reaches the background 4 Wash the gel with PBS to remove the detergent 5. Wash the gel with PBS contammg 1M NaCl to remove material bound nonspecrfically 6. Wash the gel with PBS to remove the salt which can be measured using a conductivity meter.

7 Elute the gp120 from the GNA column using lMmethyl-a-o-mannopyranoside at a flow rate of 30 cm/h (1 mL/min using a column with a diameter of 1.6 cm, see Note 15). 8. The eluted material 1s sterile-filtered through a hydrophrlrc durapore (PVDF) 0.22~ym filter (e.g., a Mrllex GV filter, Mrllrpore, Bedford, MA)



9 After the sterile filtratron, the sugar m the sample 1s removed by dialysis agamst PBS for at least 20 h, using dialysis tubes (regenerated cellulose, cutoff 1214,000) washed m distilled water followed by boihng m drstrlled water for 30 mm The PBS has to be exchanged 34 times (see Note 16) 10 Ahquot the products m suitable volumes and freeze at -7O’C (see Note 17) 11 Clean the column using glycme-HCl 12 Neutralize the gel immediately thereafter with PBS

3.4. GNA ELlSA 1 Dissolve the GNA m PBS wrth 0 02% NaN, to a concentration of 10 ug/mL. 2 Add 100 yL to each well and incubate the plate overnight at room temperature and at least 1 d at 4°C 3 Wash the plate three trmes 4 Add the blocking solution and incubate the plate for 30 mm at 37°C 5 Wash the plate 1 time 6. Add the sample diluted m buffer A to the well and incubate overnight at +4”C 7 Wash the plate three times 8 Add a MAb or polyclonal antibody directed to the gpl20 diluted m buffer B and incubate the plate for 90 mm at 37’C 9 Wash the plate three times. 10 Add the conjugate, diluted m buffer B, and Incubate the plate for 90 mm at 37°C 11 Wash the plate three times 12. Add the substrate, 100 uL/well and incubate at room temperature for 30 mm 13 Stop the reaction by adding 100 uL of 2 5M H,SO, 14 The absorbance is then read at 490 nm

4. Notes GNA can be coupled to other matrices, e g , pore glass, which is preformed by Blo Processing, Durham, UK These matrices have been chosen by us, to make it possible to use higher flow rates without reaching high backpressure Use sterile filtered solutions and check that the sugar lot used does not give a high absorbance at 280 nm. A,,, = 0 06 is normal for 1M methyl-a-o-mannopyranoside This is also important when the sugar is used for elutmg the material Make this buffer prror to use. Empigen BB has been shown to be very effective m solubihzmg the gpl20 from the vuus particle and m retammg the brologrcal actrvny of the protein (27). Another advantage m using Emplgen BB is that it is easy to remove Use sterile or sterile-filtered buffers through the whole chromatographic procedure The 0 02% NaN, is used to prevent microbial growth, which can lead to degradation of the GNA molecule. Mouse IgM 1snot recomended, because it binds to the GNA We have also had some problems using rabbit sera This will also be important for the conjugate used. This solution should be freshly made and the activation by H,O, should be done just prior to use The, pH adjustment to 5 5 IS done to prevent a color change of

HIV and SW Envelope Glycoproteins

8 9 10





15 16 17

the substrate buffer over time. This substrate buffer can be stored for several months at 4°C The sugar is included m the couplmg buffer in order to protect the binding sites on GNA, during the couplmg. This couplmg can also be performed at room temperature, and the coupling time is then 3-4 h. It is important that the Benzonase is added before the detergent and that it 1s evenly dtspersed in the solution. Otherwise the DNA/RNA can aggregate and the enzyme can have dtfficulties in fully degrading it The NaCl is added to the sample in order to prevent ionic bmdmg to the GNA coupled gel, during the chromatographic step, which can lead to loss of material A more specific binding to the GNA molecule may also result. The outer envelope glycoprotems of HIV-I, HIV-2, and SIV bind very well to GNA in this salt concentration, The sterile filtration and the Benzonase treatment of the solution is important for the life of the column, and also for the recovery of the glycoprotems. These impurities can stick to the matrix, which can result m trapping the bound glycoproteins The binding of the outer envelope glycoprotems to the GNA molecule can be performed both at room temperature and at 4°C The method described here can be used in both cases All soluttons used should have the same temperature as the gel, to avoid an bubbles We have seen that a flow rate of 300 cm/h is also possible during this affimty step But this can depend on how high the GNA concentration is per mL matrix (we have used 0.5-l 5 mg GNA/mL matrix), and the glycoprotem concentration m the media Before the material IS eluted, change the flow direction This can increase the concentration of the eluted material The dialysis of the eluted products gives rise to at least a doublmg of the volume This must be taken acount of when preparing the dialysis tubes If the purified glycoproteins are to be used in a few days, keep them sterile at 4’C. It is important not to freeze and thaw the glycoprotems several times, as this gives a much lower recognition by monoclonal antibodies

References 1 Barre-Sinoussi, F., Chermann, J.-C., Rey, F , Nugeyre, M. T., Chamaret, S., Gruest, J., Dauguet, C., Axler-Blm, C , Vezmet-Brun, F , Rouzioux, C , Rozenbaum, W., and Montagnier, L. (1983) Isolation of a T-lymphotropic retrovnus from a patient at risk for acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). Sczence220,868-87 1 2. Gallo, R C., Salahuddin, S. Z. , Popovic, M , Shearer, G M., Kaplan, M , Haynes, B F , Palker, T J., Redfield, R., Oleske, J , and Safai, B (1984) Frequent detection and isolation of cytopathic retroviruses (HTLV-III) from pattent with AIDS andatriskfor AIDS Sczence224,50&503.



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HIV and SW Envelope Glycoprotems


17 Brohden, P -A , von Gegerfellt, A , Clapham, P., Rosen, J., Fenyo, E -M., Wharen, B., and Brohden, K. (1992) Identification of human neutrahzatton-inducing regions of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 envelope glycoprotems Proc Natl Acad Scl USA 89,461465. 18 Leonard, C K , Spellman, M W , Riddle, L , Harris, R J , Thomas, J Gland Gregory, T J (1990) Assignment of mtrachain disulflde bonds and characterization of potential glycosylation sites of the type 1 recombinant human tmmunodeliciency virus envelope glycoprotem (gpl20) expressed m Chinese hamster ovary cells J Bzol Chem 260, 10,373-10,382 19 Allan, J S , Cohgan, J E, Barin, F, McLane, M. F , Sodrowslu, J G , Rosen, C A, Haseltme, W A , Lee, T. H , and Essex, M (1985) MaJOr glycoprotem antigensthat induce antibodiesin AIDS patientsare encodedby HTLV-III Sczence228, 109l-l 094 20 Putney, S D , Matthews, T J , Robey, W G , Lynn, D L , Robert-Guroff, M , Mueller, W T , Langlois, A J , Ghrayeb, J , Petteway, S R , Wemhold, K J., Fischmger, P J , Wong-Staal, F., Gallo, R C , and Bolognest, D P (1986) HTLVIII/LAV-neutrahzmg antibodies to an E colz-produced fragment of the virus envelope Sczence234, 1392-l 395 21 Matthews, T J , Weinhold, K J., Lyerly, H. K , Langlois, A J , Wigzell, H , and Bolognesi, D. P (1987) Interaction between the humanT-cell lymphotropic virus type BIB envelope glycoprotem gpl20 and the surface antigen CD4 role of carbohydrate m bmdmg and cell fusion Proc Nat1 Acad Scz USA 84, 5424-5428 22 Steimer, K S , Klasse, P J , and McKeatmg, J A (1991) HIV- 1 neutralization directed to epnopesother than linear V3 determinants AIDS 5, S135-S 143 23 Eriksson, S., Bhikhabhai, R , and Hammar, L Analysis of glycoprotem Lectm bmdmg of HIV glycoprotems PhastSystemTM,Application file No 301, Pharmacls LKB Biotechnology, Uppsala, Sweden 24 Hammar, L , Eriksson, S , and Morem, B (1989) Human immunodeficiency virus glycoprotems* lectm bmdmg properties AIDS Res 5,495-506 25 Balzarmi, J , Schols, D , Neyts, J , Van Damme, E , Peumans,W , and De Clercq, E. (1991) a-( l-3) and a-( 1-6)-D mannose specific plant lectms are markedly mhibttory to human immunodeficiency vu-us and cytomegalovnus mfection m vitro Antlmlcrob Agents Chemotherapy 35,41&416. 26. GillJam, G , Stridewa, K., and Hammar, L (1994) Purification of simian nnmunodeficiency vnus, SIVmac25 1, and of its external envelope glycoprotem, gp 148 J Chromatogr A 675,89-100. 27 Gilljam,G (1993) Envelope glycoprotems of HIV-l, HIV-2, and SIV purified with Galanthus nzvalzs agglutmm mduce strong Immune responses AIDS Res Human Retrovw 9,43 l-438 28. Van Damme, E. J. M , Allen, A K , and Peumans, W J (1987) Isolation and characterization of a lectm with exclusive specificity towards mannosefrom snowdrop (Galanthus walls) bulb. FEBS Lett. 215, 14&144 29. Shibuya, N , Goldstem, I. J , Van Damme, E. J. M , and Peumans,W J (1988) Binding properties of a mannose-specific lectm from the snowdrop (Galanthus nwaks) bulb J Blol Chem 263, 728-734



30 Wtlley, R L., Rutledge, R A., Dias, S , Folks, T , Theodore, T., Buckler, C E , and Martin, M A (1986) Identtficatton of conserved and divergent domains wtthm the envelope gene of the acquired tmmunodefictency syndrome retrovtrus Proc Natl Acad Scl USA 83,5038-5042 31 Modrow, S , Hahn, B H , Shaw, G M , Gallo, R C , Wong-Staal, F., and Wolf, H (1987) Computer-assisted analysts of envelope protein sequence of seven human tmmunodefictency vuus isolates. predtctton of anttgemc epttopes m conserved and variable regions J Vzrof 61,.570-578

T-Cell Receptor Purification Kelly P. Kearse 1. Introduction The antigen receptor expressed on most T-lymphocytes (T-cell antigen receptor [TCR]) is a multisubumt complex conststmg of at least SIX dtfferent polypeptrdes (a, j3,y, 6, a, and 0, several of which are modified by addition of N-linked oligosaccharlde chains Ollgosacchartde side chains on TCR glycoproteins undergo well-characterized processing events wtthm the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and Golgl systems,including removal of mannose residues and subsequent addition of galactose and siahc acid ohgosaccharrdes. In the current chapter, a method is described for the tsolatton of immature and mature TCR complexes from murme T-lymphocytes using lectm affinity chromatography This techmque IS rapid, sensitive, and does not disrupt the integrity of assembled TCR complexes. 1.1. Assembly, Intracellular Transport, and Posttranslational Modification of Murine T-Cell Receptor Proteins The TCR complex is composed of three different famtltes of proteins: clonotyptc ap polypeptides, invariant CD3-y,S,s subunits, and invariant < chains (I). Assembly of the multtsubumt TCR complex takes place wrthm the ER and is initiated by formation of noncovalently associated pans of CD36a and CD3ya proteins (2-5). Nondisulfide-linked a and p polypeptides then assemble with CD3 chains to form intermediate TCR complexes consisting of a& and Pys subunits, which, in turn, assemble to form incomplete c@&ye TCR complexes (6,7), clonotypic @3proteins are subsequently disulfide-linked to each other, and & proteins are added to yield complete c@sys&~ TCR complexes (6,7). The intracellular transport of TCR proteins IS directly related to then assembly status. Unassembled individual TCR proteins and partial complexes of CD3 components are retained within the ER and, depending on the From Methods in Molecular Me&me Vol 9 Lectm Methods and Protocols Edlted by J M Rhodes and J D Mllton Humana Press Inc , Totowa, NJ




Table 1 Glycosylation

of Murine

T-Cell Receptor


Ohgosacchande TCR protems

High mannose-type”

side chains



354 34 31 0 0

a P



34 2-3 1

0 0

0 0


Wumber of N-linked ohgosaccharlde side chains on mature protein susceptible to digestion with Endoglycosldase H “Number ofN-linked ollgosaccharlde side chains on mature protein resistant to digestion with Endoglycosldase H, containing complex-type sugars particular protein, degraded (8.9) Incomplete a@&ya TCR complexes and complete a@~ye0.5 x 109/L at d 1O-23 (mean, 15), and platelets >20 x 109/L at d 16-42 (mean, 19). Three years posttransplant, one of the patients developed carcinoma of the thyroid and 1 yr after that, papilloma was detected on the vocal cords. Two years later, he developed highgrade lymphoma and died Two additional patients relapsed 8 and 11 mo post-BMT, respectively. The remammg patients are alive with no evidence of disease 38 mo to 9 yr (median, 2 yr) posttransplant (25) These encouraging results with a relatively low rate of relapse suggests that purging of NB cells with SBA is feasible and safe. However, larger numbers of patients and longer follow-up periods are needed to assessthe role of purging NB cells in improving disease-free survival. It seems unlikely that any obvious benefits will be demonstrable, unless better tumor eradication can be accomplished prior to ABMT/ASCT. 7.1.2. SEA Purging for Breast Cancer ASCT followmg high dose chemotherapy has gained an mcreasing role m the treatment of high-risk breast cancer patients. A recent randomized study reported a survival advantage to those treated m this approach (26). A retrospective long-term follow-up study in early stage breast cancer patients has shown a higher response rate and a better survival rate for those patients treated with high-dose chemotherapy (HDC) and ASCT compared to those treated with conventional dosesof chemotherapy (27). Although the results are encouraging, relapse rate is still worrisome in HDC+ASCT-treated patients (26-28) The contribution of mahgnant breast cancer cells infused with the hematopoietrc blood cells to the relapse rate is still unknown and will be difficult, if at all possible to assess.Several studies reported detection of tumor cells in otherwise normal BM (29,30) or peripheral blood (PB) collection (32-33) that ranged from 46-70% and 19-85%, respectively. The clmical importance of this marrow and peripheral blood tumor cells contammation IS still questionable Landys et al. (34) reported that the median overall survival was sign& cantly shorter m tumor cell-positive patients bemg 1.9 yr compared to 11 7 yr m patients with no BM mvolvement. Mansi et al. (3.5) followed 82 women with localized disease by repeated BM aspirates and concluded that mtcrometastasesm the bone marrow have questionable clmical importance. Sharp et al. (36) claimed that breast cancer patients undergomg peripheral blood stem cell transplantatton m which the graft was free of tumor would have a better prognosis than those without tumor purging. In contrast, Ybanez et al (37) found no difference m disease-free survival m 41 metastatic breast cancer patients undergoing HDC+ASCT m which residual tumor cells were detected m the BM or PB.


Nag/et-, Morecki, and Slavin

Several approaches for breast cancer purging have been reported, mcludmg pharmacological methods by using various chemotherapeuttc agents, unmunological methods (MAb), and physical methods, such as counterflow elutriatton (H-45). We have studied in an experimental model the abihty of SBA to remove breast cancer cells from normal bone marrow cells. For thuspurpose 40 x 10” normal marrow cells were mixed with breast cancer tumor cells lme (T-47D) (5, 10, and 20%) in order to mtmic bone marrow aspirates of metastatic breast cancer patients (46) We were able to show that T-47D tumor cells bound to SBA m a specific fashion that could be blocked by D-galactose (the specific bmdmg was reduced from 92 to 5% m the presence of 0 9M o-galactose [determmed by FACS analysis]). Tumor cells were effectively purged (2 orders of magnitude) by both SBA agglutination and depletion of cells bound to magnetic beads linked to SBA. A depletion of 3-4 orders of magnitude of tumor cells was consistently accomplished by combmmg one step of agglutmation followed by one cycle of SBA-magnetic beads depletion, as 99.5% of the radioactive tumor-labeled cells were depleted by agglutinating SBA-positive cells (46) There were no marked differences in degree of tumor cell depletion whether soluble SBA agglutmation or SBA-bound to magnetic beads were used for purging. Neither procedure affects stem cell recovery assessedby CFUGM colony growth which was evaluated before and after purging In order to evaluate the effect of our purging techniques on residual SBAnegative clonogemc tumor cells, we established the condmons for a tumor colony growth assay m agar (47) Clonogemc efficiency was mostly above 65%. Contamination as low as 0.005% of tumor cells seeded m 2 x IO5 BM cells could be detected by our clonogemc assay This provided us wrth a more precise, biologrcally meanmgful evaluatron of residual tumor cells than could be obtained from the radtolabeling assay. The degree of tumor cell depletion after two cycles of SBA agglutmation was 3.5 logs, as determined by immedtate radiolabeling, whereas the clonogemc assay indicated a depletion of 4 3 logs. The clonogemc assay is of practical relevance, since it can provide mdtcation of the growth potential of residual tumor cells following marrow purging in clinical autologous transplantation The use of SBA-magnetic beads has several advantages over direct agglutination by soluble SBA: Separation of the SBA-negative fraction is technically simple and faster. This aspect 1sof particular importance when large volumes are involved, as is the case m clmtcal situations m preparation for autologous BMT. Also, the yield of total nucleated cells is better than with soluble SBA As with the case with direct agglutination by soluble SBA, two cycles of mteraction with SBA-magnetic beads improved eltmmatton oftumor cells (>4 logs) when compared with one cycle of separation (2-3.5 logs) and spared the GM-CFU hematopotetic cells (47)

SBA in BM Transplantation


We have also tried to improve our breast cancer purging efficiency by using SBA m conJunctlon with chemocytotoxlc agents like VP- 16 and 4HC and MC540 (a dye that mediates photosensltlzatlon) (48). Treatment with high concentration of etoposlde (VP- 16) (1O-80 pg/mL) resulted m a maximal depletion of 1.5 log of T-47D breast cancer tumor cells, whereas more efficient tumor cell eradication (2.5 log) was achieved by 30 mm mcubatlon with 100 pg/mL 4HC at 37OC.Photosensltlzatlon by exposure for 90 mm to daylight m the presence of MC-540 could remove only 1 log of T-47D cells. Artificial mixtures containmg 1O-l 4% T-47D cells in fresh normal BM cells were subjected to SBA magnetic beads, and the SBA-negative fraction was further treated with 4HC. The combmatlon of SBA and 4HC resulted m a consistent tumor cell depletion of >4.4 logs (48) Based on our extensive m vitro studies, we can conclude that SBA can serve as a useful and relatively mexpenslve tool for selective depletion of breast cancer cells without compromlsmg hematopoeltlc reconstltutlon followmg ABMT We subsequently used the SBA purging techmque to treat the BM graft of 13 consecutive breast cancer patients (adjuvant stage II-III jz = 8; metastatlc y1= 5) who underwent HD chemotherapy followmg by ABMT The mean interval from diagnosis to ABMT was 7 8 + 2.4 mo m patients with stage II-III and 38.1 f 26.3 mo m patients who had metastatlc disease Mean age at transplant was 40 6 + 1.3 and 32 0 + 2.7 yr for adjuvant and metastatic patients, respectively. For the adjuvant patients status at diagnosis was (Tl-1, T2-4, T3-2, and TX-~) with 13 4 + 2.8 positive lymph nodes. They received five courses of CAF (cyclophosphamlde, adrlamycm and 5-fluoro-uracll) at diagnosis. Out of the five metastatlc breast cancer patients, two were m complete remlsslon at time of transplant, whereas three achieved only partial response The pretransplant condlttoning regimen consisted of etoposlde 200 mg/m* as 2 h mfuslon (on d-7. -5, and -3), thlotepa 10 mg/m* as 30 mm mfuslon (d-7, -5, and -3), carboplatm 500 mg/m* as a 2 h mfuslon (d-6, -4, and -2), carmustme 300 mg/m* as 30 min infusion (d-4), and melphalan 60 mg/m* as 30 mm mfusion (d-4, -3) (BCTEM protocol) The patients were transplanted with 0 7 + 0.4 x 1O* SBA purged bone marrow cells/kg. Granulocyte-macrophage-colony stlmulatmg factor (GM-CSF) (5 pg/kg) was administered to all patients as a single dally SC inJection from d 1 until neutrophil count exceeded 0.5 x 1O”/L for three consecutive days. Engraftment was normal with WBC > 1 x 109/L on d 9.3 _+1.O, ANC 0.5 x 109/L on d 10 4 _+1.5, and platelets >25 x 1Og/L on d 22.3 + 10 posttransplant. No tumor recurrence was observed m the eight patients that underwent ABMT with SBA-purged marrow m the adjuvant setting, during a median follow-up period of 30 mo. Kaplan Meler survival and disease-free survival were 73% at 30 mo (Figs. 1 and 2). Out of the patients with metastatlc disease, one died due to transplant-related toxicity and four

Nagler, Morecki, and Slam







4030 20 10 04

1 0










Fig. 1. Kaplan Meler survival of adjuvant cancer patients transplanted with SBA purged autologous BM

60 \ 70 -

20 s

60 50 4030 20 10 0 , 0

1 6









Fig. 2. Kaplan Meler disease-free survival (DFS) of adjuvant breast cancer patients transplanted with SBA purged autologous BM

developed progressive disease and subsequently died with a median followup of 23 mo. We conclude that breast cancer tumor cell purging by SBA IS feasible without major side-effects, however, its effect on relapse and overall survival 1s going to be difficult If at all possible to document.

S5A in BM Transplantation


1 1.3. SBA Purging for Burkitt’s Lymphoma (BL) High-dose cytotoxic regimens followed by autologous stem cell transplantation have been successfully used to induce long-term remission m patients wtth advanced or relapsed Burkttt’s lymphoma, resrstant to conventronal doses of chemotherapy (49). Cryopreserved autologous BM cells may contam undetectable clonogemc tumor cells that might cause treatment failure due to relapse after ABMT. Ideally, BM should be harvested m complete remission and then purging may not be required. In reality, contammation of Burkitt’s lymphoma (BL) m a remission marrow (defined by cytology) was found m 40% of the patients (50) when tumor cells were detected by a hquid-culture system (49) Because BM may be harvested during partial remission or relapse, m patients with or without prior BM mvolvement, marrow purging may offer a reduced chance of remfusion of BL cells followmg successful eradication of clonogenic cells by high-dose chemoradrotherapy given m the course of ABMT. Recently Gribben et al. (2 7) purged the bone marrow (by a co*cktail of anti-B cell MAb) of 114 patients with B-cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma m which bcl-2 translocations were detectable by PCR A strong association between the ability to purge the bone marrow of residual lymphoma cells and disease-free survival after ABMT was observed. Out of the 114 patients, no lymphoma cells could be detected m the marrow of 57 pattents after purgmg. Disease-free survival was increased m these 57 patients as compared with those whose marrow contained detectable residual lymphoma @ < 0 00001) The ability to purge residual lymphoma cells was not associated with the degree of BM involvement (p = 0.45) or the previous response to therapy @ = 0 12) (I 7) We have tested the potential use of SBA to purge BL cells from human bone marrow aspirate (51). Four BL tumor cell tines (RaJi, Daudi, BL69, and BL 103) were mixed with normal human BM (10%) prior to addition of SBA for agglutmatton. The efficiency of BL tumor cell elimmation was assessedby flow cytofluorometry and radioactive labeling. We achieved a 2-log depletion of BL tumor cells by a two-step purging procedure with SBA agglutmation. Using SBA-coated magnetic beads, a 4 logs depletion was observed and the number of residual BL was below four cells in lo5 BM cells, concomitantly with enrichment in the hematopoiettc progenitor cell compartment (51) This purgmg procedure for BL cells is yet to be examined m the clmtc. 1.2. The Use of SBA for T-Cell Depletion in Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplantation 1.2.1. Sibling Transplants The prevention of GVHD is a major goal m allogeneic BMT (14,52) The high incidence of GVHD m allogeneic BMT is a sigmficant cause of morbidity


Nagler, Morecki, and Slavin

and mortality, despite pharmacological prophylactic regimens T-cell depletion 1sthe only way for complete prevention of GVHD (14,.52). SBA has been previously demonstrated to effectively bind to helper T-cells and to deplete bone marrow allografts of T-cells (53-56). Effective depletion of T-cells was achieved by combmmg the SBA agglutmatlon with neurammldase-treated sheep erythrocyte (SRBC) rosettmg (E-rosette), ehmmatmg 99% of the T-cells (.57,58) Using this technique, only < 10% of the patients developed usually very mild (grade I-II) acute GVHD (57) The NK and lymphokme-activated killer cell activity was found to be normal as early as 3 wk followmg SBA/ SRBC T-cell depletion of allogenelc BMT (59,60). However, the lmmunologic recovery of prollferatlve responses to IL-2 and the appearance of cells regulating m vlvo activation of T-cells, appeared to be more delayed m patients receiving SBA/SRBC T-cell depleted BMT (61) 7.2.2. Haploidentlcal Transplant The appllcatlon of allogenelc bone marrow transplantation (BMT) for the treatment of patients with hematological malignancies and other diseases 1s hampered by the lack of avallablhty of suitable major hlstocompatlblllty complex MHC matched donors In contrast, nearly all patients have an HLA-haploidentical relative (parent, child, slblmg) who could serve as a donor A successful T-cell depletion by SBA and SRBC enables transplantation of haplotypes mismatched marrow cells mto patients with severe combined mm-mnodeficiency (SCID) without apparent GVHD within the major llmltatlon of mismatched BMT (62-65) Cowan et al. reported on such patients (65). Seven of the nme patients (78%) had documented T-lymphocyte engraftment based on HLA typing and/or chromosomal analysis. Six patients showed evidence of B-cell immunity on the basis of increased lmmunoglobulm levels, and/or HLADR typing of non-T-cells. Neutrophll engraftment occurred between 9 and 17 d posttransplantation, erythrocytes engrafted within 3-4 wk of transplantation, and platelet recovery was seen between d 17 and 49 followmg the transplants. Three patients had no GVHD, two had transient rash and/or fever, and two developed mild focal (stage 1) chronic cutaneous GVHD However, the use of T-cell-depleted haploldentlcal grafts m leukemia patients had poor success.Recently Aversa et al. have reported the successful engraftment of T-cell depleted haploldentlcal “three-loci mcompatlble” transplants m leukemia patients by addition of recombinant human granulocyte colony stlmulatmg factor-moblhzed peripheral blood progenitor cells to bone marrow moculum (66) The sole graft-vs-host disease (GVHD) prophylaxis consisted or T-cell depletion or the graft by the soybean agglutmatlon and E-rosettmg technique. Out of 17 patients (mean age, 23 2 yr; range 6-51 yr) with endstage chemoreslstant leukemia, only one patient, who received a much greater


SBA rn BM Transplantatron

quantity of lymphocytes than any other patient, died from grade IV acute GVHD There were no other cases of GVHD 2 grade II. One patient rejected the graft and the other 16 had early and sustained full donor type engraftment However, only six pattents were alive and event free at a median follow-up of 230 d. The authors conclude that a highly immunosuppressive and myeloablattve conditiomng followed by transplantation of stem cells depleted of T-lymphocytes by soybean agglutination and E-rosettmg technique, has made transplantation of three-HLA-antigen disparate grafts posstble, with only rare casesof GVHD. 1.3. The Use of SBA for CD34+ Hematopoietic 1 3.1. Bone Marrow


Cell Enrichment

CD34+ hematopoiettc progenitor cells (HPC) have been prevtously demonstrated to produce colony-forming units m vitro, which allow estabhshment of long-term bone marrow cultures, and more importantly restore hematopoiettc function followmg myeloablattve therapy (67) These cells are therefore very attractive candidates for both transplantatton and gene therapy. Various attempts have been made over the years to isolate the human CD34+ HPC It was previously shown by Reisner et al. and others both m the murine and human systems that SBA can be used for enrichment of hematopoietic progenitor cells (68,69) Recently SBA was covalently attached to derivattzed polystyrene tissue culture devices m order to achieve rapid, large-scale BM processing (41) In preclmtcal expertments, 2-l 0 x lo9 mononuclear bone marrow cells (BMMC) were loaded into the sterilized flasks and were allowed to settle onto the SBA-coated surface durmg a l-h room temperature mcubanon. After mcubation, the nonadherent (SBA-) fraction was removed and analyzed by FACS. An average of 26.2% of the BMMC were recovered m the nonbound SBA fraction (42). Following SBA treatment a 2.3-5 8-fold enrichment was observed m CD 16+natural killer (NK) cells, and 1.9-3.3-fold enrichment in the HLA-DR+ cells in the nonbound SBA cell fractton, which suggest progenitor cell enrichment. Most importantly, CD34+ were enriched by 2.5fold m the SBA(-) cell fraction, and the mean CD34+ cell recovery was 65.8% (SD 47 7) (41). The SBA separation resulted in 5.0-fold enrichment m BFU-E (erythroid) colony growth and 4.9-fold enrichment m CFU-GEMM (multipotenttal) colony growth. The SBA-negative BM fraction was further used for purtficatton of the CD34+ HPC usmg polystyrene devices that were covalently immobilized with anti-CD34+ MAb. Following this final enrichment step it was demonstrated that 1.2-4.2% of the SBA(-) cells were CD34+ HPC (70-90% purity) (42).


Nagler, Morecki, and Slavin

The potential utility of SBA m the selection of human stem cells is suggested by the fact that SBA-negative fraction is enriched m CD34+ cells Because CD34+ cells only comprise 0.5-3% of BMMC (7&72), the pre-enrichment of these cells using SBA can greatly facilitate the isolation and collection of a pure CD34’ cell populatton 1.3.2. Human Umbhcal Cord Blood (HUCB) Human umbilical cord blood represents a unique source of HPC, which is an attractive candidate for both transplantation and gene therapy (73) Because of the relatively small number of nucleated cells and the fact that several reports (74,75) suggest that manipulation of cord blood samples resulted m a substantial loss of HPC, unseparated cord blood has been used for most of the reported human umbilical cord blood transplants. Development of efficient cell processing methods for processing HUCB IS perhaps the most critical issue m determining the ultimate utility of HUCB for transplantation. Volume reduction of the cord blood for the purpose of cell banking IS one of a number of benefits to be derived from HUCB mampulation (76) Also, it would be desnable to remove the possibihty of blood type (ABO) mcompatibihty reactions m the recipient of an ABO mismatched HUCB by adding a process for red blood cell (RBC) depletion, assuming the method ~111not result m unacceptably high loss of progenitor cells. Additionally, a process for partial T-cell depletion might be beneficial in some HUCB transplant settings where GVHD is a concern. Based on the satisfactory enrichment of CD34+ HPC from BM using SBA, we evaluated the use of SBA to maximtze removal of RBC, achievmg a partial T-cell depletion m an attempt to enrich CD34+ HPC from HUCB (77) As a first stage, lectm binding to cord blood RBC was assessedusing six different lectins that cover a broad spectrum of different monosaccharide and ohgosaccharade structures: elderberry bark lectm, jacalm, peanut agglutmin, Maackza amurenszs I, Maackza amurenszs II, and SBA, which recognize specific carbohydrate moieties (Table 1). It was found that SBA had the highest affinity for binding cord blood RBC, followed by Maackza amurenszs II and Maackia amurensis I, whereas jacalm and elderberry bark lectm had very low affinity for bmdmg cord blood RBC. Peanut agglutmm did not bind cord blood RBC at all (Table 1). Cord blood was sequentially processed by 3% gelatm followed by SBA covalently attached to polystyrene tissue culture flasks and evaluated for cell yield, vtabdity, and phenotypic profile. The cell recovery (mean + SEM) for the SBA depletion step was 48.4 f 7.4%. Combined with the 72.4 + 7 3% recovery of nucleated cells following 3% gelatin, the total precept recovery of nucleated cells after sequential treatment with 3% gelatin followed by SBA was 35.1%. The viability of the cells following sequential processing was (mean + SEM) 93.0 + 4.2%. FACS analysis showed a trend of increasing

SBA in BM Transplantation


Table 1 Lectin Affinities for Red Blood Cells (RBC) Present in Human Umbilical Cord Blood Lectin Elderberry bark lectm Jacalm Peanut agglutmm Maackza amurenszs I Maackza amurenszs II

Soybean agglutmm

Carbohydrate recogmzed

RBC affinity

Slahc acid lmked to termmal galactose Galactosyl (1,3) N-acetylgalactosamme Galactosyl (1,3) N-acetylgalactosamme Galactosyl ( 1,3) N-acetylglucosamme Slahc acid m alpha 2,3 lmkage N-acetylgalactosamme and galactose

+ + 0 ++ ++/++ ++


22 51 I




Fluorescence Fig. 3. FACS analysis of CD34” HPC separated from human umblhcal cord blood

percentages of CD38 and CD45-posttrve cells. There was no apparent loss of CD34+ cells by the combined 3% gelatin and SBA cell processmg steps The 35% nucleated cell recovery after the two process steps resulted m a threefold enrichment of the percentage of CD34+ cells m the SBA-negative fractton* 3.4 + 1.3% post-SBA compared to 1.1 f 0.2% m the unseparated cord blood. We next tried to purify the CD34+ HPC from the SBA(-) fraction using the same technique that we described above. Using CD34’ MAb covalently attached to polystyrene tissue culture flasks, we were able to purify the HUCB CD34+ HPC (Fig. 3) However, a wide range of purity was observed wtth dtfferent cord blood samples, ranging from IO-92% with a median of 19 8% m the final CD34+ adherent fraction. The recovered CD34+ cell fraction represented 0.92 + 0.28% of the cord blood mononuclear cells and had a vtabthty of

342 Table 2 Progenitor Enrichment

Nagler, Morecki, and Slavin Assay@for Procedure,

Human Umbilical Cord Blood During CD34’ Reported as Colonies per lo5 Cells Seeded



Post ficoll

257 f 110 557 f 135 3710 z!I 430

Post SBA CD34+



81 +29 178 + 5 740 k 60


79 lk 40 272 + 115 390 iz 210

“14-d methylcellulose cultures m the presence of IL-3, GM-CSF. and SCF Data are given as mean + SEM

84 f 5% (77) Plating these cells n-rclonogentc assays yielded 740 f 60,37 10 + 430, and 390 + 2 10 CFU-GM, BFU-E, and CFU-GEMM/105 CD34+ cells, respecttvely (Table 2). Thts represented a 9-, 14-, and 5-fold enrtchment for CFU-GM, BFU-E, and CFU-GEMM, respectrvely, tn the CD34+ fractton relative to the cord blood mononuclear cell fraction We conclude that SBA can be combined as an ex vtvo processing technique to reduce the volume of the HUCB product by depleting RBC and T-cells while still maintaming a high recovery of HPC, whtch may enhance the utility of HUCB for storage and transplantation. Moreover, separation of highly enriched CD34+ cells from HUCB is achievable and opens up the possibthty of ustng CD34+ cells from HUCB for ex vivo progenitor cell expansion for transplantation, transfusion, and gene therapy.

2. Materials 1 Phosphate-buffered salme (PBS) contammg Ca2’, Mg2+ (cPBS), pH 7 2 (see Note 1) 2 Soybean agglutmm (SBA) kmdly supplted by Y Retsner, Department of Btophysics, Wetzmann Instttute and Bto Yeda, Rehovot, Israel Prepare altquots of 2 mg/mL Keep suspensions m -70°C (see Note 2) 3 0 2M n-galactose serum 4 Bovine serum albumin (BSA) (fraction V, Sigma, St Louis, MO) 5% m cPBS 5 Polystyrene magnetic beads (Dynabeads M-450, Dynal, Norway) 6 4-Hydroperoxycylclophosphamtde (4HC) 1sdissolved m PBS mrmedtately before use All solutions are stertltzed by 0 2-pm disposable tissue culture filters (Nalgene, Nalge, Rochester, New York)

3. Methods 3.1. SBA Agglutination for Tumor Cell Depletion in Autologous BMT or for T-Cell Depletion in Allogeneic BMT (Originally established and described by Y. Reisner [23]) 1 MIX heparmized BM cells with Hetastarch (Hespan) at a final concentration of 0 66% Allow to settle until the erythrocytes have sedtmented to half volume.

SBA In BM Transplantation


2 Collect the leukocyte-rrch fractton, wash with PBS by centrtfugatton for 10 mm at 300g 3. Resuspend m cPBS containing 1% BSA at a cell concentration of 400 x 106/mL 4 Mix 1 mL SBA (9 mg/mL) with 1 mL of cell suspenston m 5-mL test tubes (see Note 3) Leave for 3 mm for agglutmatron Then, collect every three test tubes and load contents on top of 30 mL of 5% BSA solutron in 50-mL test tubes (Gremer Labortechmk, Germany) Agglutinated cells sediment to the bottom wtthm 5-10 mm. while nonagglutmated cells remained at the top 5. After sedtmentatton of agglutinated cells, remove the top fraction carefully with Pasteur ptpets, and wash with 0 2M o-galactose (top fraction consists of hematopotetrc cells, whereas bottom fraction includes mature human T-cells, or if present, tumor cells like neuroblastoma or breast cancer cells) Wash twice with PBS and than resuspend cells m salme solution for infusion

3.2. Experimental Models 3.2.1. Binding of SBA to Magnetic Beads 1 Mix 105 mg polystyrene (PS) magnetic beads with 5 mg of SBA m a total volume of 6.6 mL of PBS for 16 h at 4°C by end-over-end rotatron. 2 Collect Dynabeads by placing the suspension m a cobalt samarmm magnetic particle concentrator (MPC, Dynal) and wash twice immediately with PBS and then twice, 2 h each, by end-over-end rotation at 4°C Fifth wash 1s overnight m PBS containing 0 1% BSA 3 Resuspend the SBA-PS-magnetic beads to a concentratton of 30 mg/mL with 0 1% BSA/PBS and keep untrl use The SBA-PS beads are stable at 4°C for at least 2 mo

3.2.2. Depletion of Tumor Cells by SBA-Magnetic Beads 1. Mtx 12.3 mg of SBA-PS wtth 20 x lo6 BM cells containing 10% tumor cells m a total volume of 0.8 mL 0 1% BSA/PBS for 15 min at room temperature 2 Remove magnetic beads by MPC, collect unbound cells, and wash once wrth 0 1% BSA/PBS. 3. For a second cycle of separation. Mix 0 9 mg of SBA-PS beads with 2 x lo6 cells for 15 mm at room temperature Collect the unbound cells and wash twice with 0 1% BSA/PBS.

4. Notes 1 PBS solution. Ca*+ and Mg*’ are added to a final concentratton of 0 19 pg/mL and 0.1 mg/mL, respectively 2 Preparation of SBA stock solution should be adjusted to a final concentration of 2 mg/ mL according to optical density (OD) reading at 280 nm (1 mg/mL SBA = 1 3 OD) 3 Try first in a small scale agglutination with your SBA stock solution (2 mg/mL) and the cell suspension (400 x 106/mL)* take 50 pL of SBA stock solution and 50 pL of cell suspension. If agglutmatton is too fast (quicker than 2 mm) and all

Nagler, Moreckl, and Slavin


the cells are agglutmated tmmedtately, you should decrease your SBA concentratton If however, there IS a weak agglutmatton wtthm 3 mm, you should mcrease SBA concentration Define optimal condtttons of agglutmatton m small scale, before apphcation to large volumes

5. Summary In this chapter. we described the possible uses of SBA for fracttonatton of a vartety of cell types m the field of BMT Then studies are based on extensive preclmical research SBA IS a molecule that has multiple possible applicattons for both allogenetc and autologous stem cell transplantation SBA binds very effectively to most of the accessory cells m the BM without binding the human stem cells, and therefore it 1sa simple and elegant way to enrich for the CD34+ hematopotetrc progemtor cells.

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SBA in BM Transplantation


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29 Combined LectinlMonoclonal Antibody Purging of Bone Marrow for Use in Conjunction with Autologous Bone Marrow Transplantation in the Treatment of Multiple Myeloma Elizabeth G. H. Rhodes 1. Introduction 1.1. Myeloma: The Reasons for Using Bone-Marrow Purging What was thought at the time to be a real breakthrough m myeloma therapy came m 1983 when McElwam reported that complete remission could be gamed by means of a smgle, very high, dose of melphalan (HDM). Between 20 and 30% of patients attain complete remission with HDM (I). These observations led directly to exploration of the role of autologous bone marrow rescue followmg high-dose therapy, smce the morbidity and mortality associated with prolonged bone marrow aplasia caused by these doses are unacceptably htgh (2) Most patients with myeloma are relatively old for allogeneic bone marrow transplantation, since graft-vs-host reactions tend to be poorly tolerated in people over 40. Autologous transplantation, however, carries the obvious disadvantage of potential reinfusion of malignant cells. Efforts have therefore been made to develop systems for m vitro purging to remove potentially mahgnant cells prior to remfusion of the marrow (3,#). Although the nature of the Initial malignant cell in myeloma is unknown, it is assumed that purging should entail at least the removal of plasma cells and B-lymphocytes In unpurged autologous bone marrow transplant (ABMT) only the Royal Marsden group reported complete remission rates as high as 50%; other investigators found that 2@--30% achieved complete remission. In all serves the relapse-free survival did not exceed 18-24 mo, but overall survival at best was 80% at 4 yr, which represents a modest improvement over chemotherapy alone From Methods IR Molecular Medme Vol 9 Lectm Methods and Protocols E&ted by J M Rhodes and J D Mllton Humana Press Inc , Totowa, NJ




1.2. The Reasons for Using Lectins as Purging Agents In the search for a surface reactmg agent for the selective removal of plasma cells, tt was soon clear that there are few monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) that bmd all plasma cells with suffictently htgh affimty, owmg to the relattve paucity of cell surface antigens on these cells. Most of the surface antigens that distmguish hemopotetic cell types from each other are predominantly carbohydrate, and for thts reason it was thought worthwhile examining lectms, which have specificity for carbohydrates, for their selective reactivity with plasma cells. After initial lectin cytochemical studies showmg good selectivity of peanut lectm for plasma cells (5,6), pilot experrments to use peanut aggluntimn (PNA) to remove plasma cells selectively from myeloma bone marrow explored: simple agglutinatton as m the soybean aggluttnm techmques described by Reisner et al (7,8) to remove T-lymphocytes from allogeneic bone marrow donor cells, erythrocyte rosettmg techmques usmg either PNA-agglutinable rabbit erythrocytes or autologous desialylated erythrocytes, which are also PNA-agglutmable; and bone marrow cells premcubated with PNA were run down a column of sepharose ConJugated with anti-PNA antibody and eluted cells were assessedfor depletion of target cells. The method utihzmg destalylated autologous erythrocytes proved to be a highly effective means of separating PNA-posmve cells from other bone marrow cells and some prehmmary purging experiments were performed on a larger scale using peripheral blood buffy coat cells mixed with a PNA-positive tumor cell lme However, that method entails prior mcubation of bone marrow cells with relatively high concentrattons of lectm, and although no toxicrty of PNA for hemopoiettc colony assays could be demonstrated, it was deemed desirable to look for alternative techniques for purging, which had been proven to be safe for clmical use, hence the series of experiments using PNA linked to magnetized microspheres In addition to removing plasma cells from myeloma bone marrow by means of PNA-coated magnetic beads, evidence imphcating earlier cells m B-cell development as being part of the myeloma clone, mcludmg our own myeloma colony work, suggested that effective purgmg of myelomatous marrow should include anti-B-cell elements as well The CD19 antigen IS expressed on Blymphocytes from the early pre-B stage right up to, but not mcludmg, plasma cells; the IgM anti-CD19 MAb has been chemically bound to Dynabeads (Dynal, UK) and successfully used m several purging systems, such as lymphoma and acute lymphoblastic leukemia. This preparation was chosen to combme with PNA-coated magnetic beads in an attempt to remove all plasma cells and CD 19” B-lymphocytes from myeloma bone marrow Model systemsdesigned to ascertain optimal magnetic bead:target cell ratios were comprised of normal


Lectiw’MAb Purging of l3M

peripheral blood or normal bone marrow mononuclear cells (MNC) mixed with a small proportion of tumor cell lines known to express receptors in high number for CD 19 or PNA. Toxicity experiments were performed on normal or myeloma bone marrow MNC by mcubatmg them with increasing concentrations of PNA and assessmg their ability to generate normal hemopoietic colonies of various lmeages Finally, the effect on normal hemopoietic precursors of purgmg normal and myeloma bone marrow with PNA and anti-CD 19 (each one separately then m combmation) was assessed by cell numbers, phenotypic profile. and normal hemopoiettc colony numbers at various stages of purging (9, IO) Note: Clearly it is most important that similar studies are repeated by any group wishing to use such purging techniques m treatment of pattents.

1.3. Development

of Large-Scale

Lectin Purging


In order to adapt small-scale m vitro manipulation of bone marrow to the large volumes and cell numbers required for clmical application in autologous bone marrow transplantation (ABMT) certain criteria had to be met 1. An adequate supply of normal hemopoietic stem cells 1snecessary to ensure predictable bone marrow reconstrtutlon following marrow ablative therapy We had already shown that PNA does not bind to CD34+ putative progenitors, that the lectm was not directly toxrc to committed hemopoletrc progemtors, and that removal of all detectable PNA+ cells from small samples of bone marrow dtd not specifically remove cells capable of generating m vitro colonies It was now necessary to repeat these experrments on a large scale. Although there IS by now a sufficiently large body of experience in ABMT for guidelines to be published concerning the minimum number of nucleated bone marrow cells requned for rehable reconstitutton (1 l), the data for munmum CFU-GM numbers necessary IS not so clear-cut (1 I, 12), and some authortttes consider them to be a poor gutde to predicting hemopolesls followmg ABMT (13) However, when dealing with purged marrow, the final nucleated cell count IS mevttably going to be far below the usual marrow preparation used for ABMT For this reason, m vttro colony formation had to be the major crtterton by which to assess the vtabllny of the processed marrow, together with close inspectton of both the morphology and colony-forming characteristics of the cells removed from the marrow 2 A surtable preparation for effictent purgmg IS one depleted as far as posstble of mature cells, such as erythrocytes and granulocytes that might interfere mechamtally wtth opttmal target cell/magnettc bead mteractton This entailed a great deal of preparative bench work to find cell separation procedures that would achteve a balance between desired depletion of unwanted cells and mnnmum nonspecific loss of stem cells, at the same time as mamtammg a strictly stertle preparatron. The use of automated cell separators instead of sample centrtfugation allows for preferential concentratton of progemtor cells with increased ehmt-



natron of other hemic cells Either intermrttent-flow or contmwous-flow cell separators have been described, wtth ehmmation of granulocytes and erythrocytes by the addttron of density separatton media, such as Frcoll-Hypaque or sedrmentmg agents, such as hydroxyethyl starch (14) 3. The enttre bone marrow processmg time must be kept to a minimum, both to preserve cell vtabtltty and to reduce the rusk of bactertal contammatton 4 The final method chosen to process and purge myeloma marrow that attempted to meet the above crrterta was that described by Baker et al (1.5) lnmal concentration of mononuclear cells was achreved wrth the lymphocyte collectton program on a Hemonettcs V50 cell separator (Hemonetlcs. Bramtree, Essex, UK) Further depletion of erythrocytes and granulocytes was effected by a density gradient centrrfugatron step using the F~coll program of the Hemonettcs V50 The processed marrow was then transferred m a standard sterrle blood pack to a Class 1 sterile work statton for magnetrc bead separation

descrrbed here has been successfully applied to a considerable number of bone marrow samples m vitro, only two patients wtth myeloma have so far undergone autologous bone marrow transplantation, so thts approach must be considered as htghly experimental. Both pattents, however, remamed well and m climcal remtssion 6 yr after then course of radtochemotherapy and purged bone marrow transplantation (16) Although

the technique

2. Materials 2.1. Bone Marrow Harvest 1, 2000-mL blood collectton bag contaming 150 mL actd/cttrate/dextrose (Formula A) (ACD-A) for bone marrow harvest. 2. Hemonettcs (Leeds, UK) V50 cell separator for preparatron of a leukocyteenriched preparatton. 3 Lymphoprep ( 150 mL) (Pharma, Oslo, Norway) for densrty gradient centrtfuganon to concentrate mononuclear cells 4 Wash solutrons 500 mL sterile physrologrcal salme, 500 mL 4 5% human albumm solutron (BPL, Elstree, UK), and 500 mL IMDM (Iscove’s Modrfred Dulbecco’s Medium) contammg 15% (v/v) ACD-A and 20% (v/v) 4 5% human albumm solutron

2.2. Preparation I

of Magnetic Beads

Dynabeads (M-450 uncoated beads and antt-CD1 g-coated rmmunomagnetrc beads) from Dynal, Wnral, UK 2. 20 mg Peanut lectm agglutmm (PNA) (Serotec, UK) 3 Phosphate-buffered salute: pH 7.0 for washing beads, contammg 0.1% human albumin (BPL) for the final wash. 4. Ltmulus test (Marme Btologtcals, NJ, via Lysate and Radio Pharmaceutical Consultancy, Bradford upon Avon, UK) for exclusron of endotoxm m bead supernatant


LectWMAb Purging of BM 2.3. Purging

with PNA- and CDIS-Coated



1 IMDM 100 mL for suspension of bead/bone marrow preparation 2 Dynal magnetic separation unit, separated from the magnet by a removable non plate, for separation of cell/magnetic bead complexes 3 Peristaltic pump (Ismatec SA, Zurich, Germany) for retrieval of free cells 4 Small magnettc trap (Dynal) to catch residual bead/cell complexes 5 Transfer pack (Fenwal, 400 mL) (Baxter, Newbury, Berks, UK) for purged tnarrow collection

2.4. Cryopreserva


1 20% (v/v) Dtmethyl sulfoxide (DMSO, Sigma, Poole, Dorset, UK) 2 Two Gambro hemofreeze bags (Gambro Dialysatoren, Hechingen, Germany) 3 Planar Kryo 10 controlled rate freezer (Planar, Sunbury, UK).

2.5. Normal Progenitor

Cell Assay

1. IMDM contammg 0 3% (w/v) agar, 20% fetal calf serum and 10% medmm conditioned by C 5637 bladder carcinoma cell hne, as source of GCSF (SloanKettering Institute, New York) for CFU-GM assay 2 0 8% (w/v) Methylcellulose m IMDM supplemented with 30% FCS, 10% C 5637 CM, 2 5 p/mL erythroporetm for CFU-GEMM assay

3. Methods 3.1, Bone Marrow Harvest 1 Aspirate bone marrow in multiple 3-5 mL vol (to a maximum of 1 L) from the posterior iliac crests and transfer to a 2000-mL blood collection bag contannng 150 mL acid/citrate/dextrose (Formula A) (ACD-A) (see Note 1) 2 Prepare a leukocyte-enriched product using a Hemonetics V50 cell separator, collectmg 40 mL buffy coat at each pass using the lymphocytapheresis two-arm procedure program Collect 240 mL total in SIX passes (see Note 2) 3 Further concentrate bone marrow mononuclear cells (MNC) by a density centrtfugatton step usmg Lymphoprep (Pharma) (see Note 3) Bone marrow buffy coat cells are pumped mto the centrtfuge bowl and, after addition of 50 mL Lymphoprep, increase the centrifuge speed from 40@-6OOg m 50g Increments with at least 15 s m between. Restart the pump to add the remammg 100 mL of Lymphoprep and commence product collection. 4. Wash the MNC on the Hemonetics V50 employing the washing protocol as follows Transfer the cells rnto the centrifuge bowl spmnmg at 4000 rpm and wash to remove the Lymphoprep, firstly by the addition of stertle physiological saline, then by 500 mL of 4.5% human albumm solution (BPL, Elstree, UK) and finally in 500 mL IMDM contammg 15% (v/v) ACD-A and 20% (v/v) 4.5% human albumin solution. The final volume of washed MNC should be 200 mL.



Fig. 1. The setup used for large-scale purging showing the magnet supported on a rocking deck with a peristaltic pump for removal of nonadherent cells.

3.2. PNA Coating of Magnetic Beads 1. Wash 90 mg uncoated Dynabeads twice in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) and resuspend in 6.6 mL PBS containing 5 mg PNA for 16 h at 4°C with end-overend rotation. 2. Wash again in PBS. and incubate again for 16 h at 4°C in PBS containing 0.1% human albumin. 3. Resuspend the beads at 28.5 mg/mL in PBS/O.l% albumin (see Note 4). 4. Assess lectin coating efficiency by adding 10 uL of washed PNA-coated beads to 40 pL of a 2% suspension of neuraminidase-treated red cells. Incubate the mixture for 30 min at 22°C with gentle agitation, and then observe under a microscope to ensure that all the PNA-coated beads bind treated red cells. 5. Test supernatant from the lectin-coated magnetic beads for the presence of endotoxin by means of the Limulus test (Marine Biologicals).

3.3. Purging

with PNA- and CDlS-Coated

Magnetic Beads

1. Wash the coated magnetic beads three times in sterile saline and suspend in 100 mL IMDM. 2. Add PNA- and CD 19-coated beads to the bone marrow MNC in the blood collection bag at a bead to target cell ratio of 40: 1 for each bead type and incubate the mixture at 22°C for 1 h with constant gentle agitation (see Note 5). 3. Load the bag containing bone marrow cells and magnetic beads onto the Dynal magnetic separation unit, with the bag separated from the magnet by a removable iron plate (Fig. 1).


Purging of BM


4 After removmg the plate, lower the platform m 4 stages, 5 mm for stages 1 and 2, 3 mm each for stages 3 and 4 5 As soon as the bag has reached the lowest stage, pump the free cells out of the bag using the penstaltlc pump (Ismatec) at 10 mL/mm 6 Pass through the small magnetic trap (Dynal) and collect the unbound cells mto a 400-mL Fenwal transfer pack 7 Take samples of purged bone marrow for cytochemlcal analysis, bone marrow culture, and mlcroblological culture 8 Centrifuge the remammg bone marrow sample at 400g for 5 mm at 4°C Discard the supernatant and add 100 mL autologous plasma to the bone marrow cells (see Notes SIX and seven for efficiency and yield of purgmg).

3.4. Cryopreserva


1 Operatmg m a Class 1 sterile work station, support the bone marrow/plasma mixture on ice, and gradually add 100 mL plasma contammg 20% (v/v) dlmethyl sulfoxlde (DMSO) at 10 mL/mm with thorough mlxmg 2 Transfer the final purged bone marrow/plasma/DMSO mixture into two Gambro hemofreeze bags (Gambro) and seal the entry ports. 3 Freeze the bags using the Planar Kryo 10 controlled rate freezer, and then transfer to hqmd nitrogen (I 7)

3.5. Normal Progenitor Assays 3.5.1. Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony Forming Units (CFU-GM) Assay CFU-GM In IMDM contammg 0.3% (w/v) agar, 20% FCS, and 10% medium condltloned by C 5637 bladder carcinoma cell lme 3.5.2. Granulocyte-Erythrocyte-Macrophage-Megakaryocyte Colony Forming Units (CFU-GEMM) Suspend 1 x 1O5cells m 0.8% (w/v) methylcellulose m IMDM and supplement with 30% FCS, 10% C 5637 CM, 2.5 p/mL erythropoletm. The full method is described m ref. 18. To obtam the data provided m Note 8, 10% bovine serum albumin (previously batch tested) was substituted for the serum of a patient with severe aplastic anaemia, and PHA-LCM omitted. 4. Notes 1. Wrltten Informed consent is given by each patient to undergo bone marrow harvest under general anaesthetlc 2 Plasma, 180 mL, IS collected at tins stage for addltlon to the cells prior to cryopreservation 3. The density gradlent stage 1s desirable first because the efficiency of purgmg 1s reduced in the presenceof large numbers of erythrocytes and second PNA 1s known to bmd some granulocytes. After density gradlent separation, fewer PNA-


358 Table 1 Characteristics Volume harvested (I) 1.47+031

of Bone Marrow Harvest WBC? m harvested BM 12.35+476

WBC m coned BM

WBC postficoll

9 09 + 3 63

3 18&Y 103

WBC postpurge 1 78 + 0 69

“Absolute white blood cell count (x109/L), as measured on a Coulter StkS automated machine Results shown ale mean _+ standard deviation





coated magnetic beads are requn-ed, thus reducing the cost and also lmprovmg efficiency Plasma 1somltted since previous studies had shown that its mcluslon at this stage greatly reduced purgmg efficiency, presumably because of the presence of PNA bmdmg glycoprotems m normal plasma (18). Imtlal work involving small-scale experiments on normal peripheral blood and bone marrow spiked with tumor cell lines, and on myeloma marrow, had shown that efficient removal of plasma cells and CD1 9+ lymphocytes could be achieved at a magnetic bead:target cell ratlo of 40 1 wlthout serious loss of hemopoletic progemtors In the present technique for purgmg large volumes of bone marrow, the numbers of magnetic beads required to achieve a 40.1 ratlo are calculated on bone marrow asplrates taken from the patients Just prior to the main purged bone marrow harvest No detectable PNA+ or CD 19+ cells were found m the final product m the first four cases On this basis, the magnetic bead target cell ratlo of 40 1 as well as the mcubatlon times and temperature have not been altered m subsequent procedures Cell recoveries during processing and purgmg The mean volume of bone marrow asplrated m the first four patients studied was 1 47 + 0 3 1 L (SD) (see Table 1) with a mean absolute white blood cell count (WBC) of 12.35 + 4.76 x 109/L After the initial leukocyte concentration stage usmg the Hemonetlcs V50 there remained 9 09 (mean) + 3 63 x 109/L WBC, and after further processmg with Lymphoprep the final absolute WBC prior to purgmg was 3.18 _+1 03 x 10. After incubation with combmed PNA- and CD 19-coated magnetic beads and separation on a magnet, the mean absolute WBC was 1 78 + 0.69 x lo9 Percentage recovery of bone marrow nucleated cells at each stage of the processing IS shown m Table 2 The final purged product yielded 14.4% of the onglnal nucleated cell preparation There was a 26.7% cell loss during the initial leukocyte concentration stage and a 64.9% cell loss of the leukocyte concentrate after the Lymphoprep processmg Exammatlon of cytocentrlfuge preparations (Romanowski stain) showed mainly mononuclear cells with very few granulocytes. The purgmg procedure itself resulted m a 44% cell loss Efficiency of removal of target cells from bone marrow harvests In the four patients whose data are shown here, cytocentrrfuge preparations were made of the bone marrow at each stage and stamed for cells reactive with PNA, CD19

LectWMAb Purging of BM Table 2 Numbers


of Cells Recovered

at Each Stage of Processing

After concentration Nucleated cell recovery, mean + SD% Range

After ficoll separation

72 k 9.1






Table 3 Efficiency of Removal of Target Cells from Bone Marrow Harvests, Phenotyping

of Normal


PNA’. mean + SD%

CD 19’. mean +_SD%

8 7+ 10.0 None detected

52+30 None detected

Before purgmg After purgmg

Table 4 Recovery A

After purgmg



After Purging

per 2 x lo5 CFU-GEMM per IO5 cells plated cells plated Total nucleated cells (mean + SD) (mean + SD) (x 109/L ) (mean + SD)


Before purging After purging

42 5 f 20.3 87.5 iz 56 4

110&49 155f60

3351 I 2 0 310.6


Nucleated cells

B CFU-GM Percent recovery



61 0

MAb, and cytoplasmic kappa and lambda. The proportion of cells reactmg with PNA prior to processmg the bone marrow was 18.4% + 9 5 (mean f SD, range 12-35%) After processmg and purging the bone marrows, PNA+ cells were not detected by tmmunoalkalme phosphatase (see Table 3). Also, cytoplasmic nnmunoglobulm was absent m the bone marrow samples after purgmg. CD 19+ cells were 5 0% f 3 0 (mean + SD; range 2-l 0%) m samples prior to processmg, but were undetectable m the final product after purgmg (see Table 3). 8. Recovery of normal hemopoietic progenitors after purging the bone marrow harvests m six patients IS shown m Table 4. In each case, numbers of CFU-GM and


Rhodes CFU-GEMM were estimated from alrquots of bone marrow withdrawn after the density gradient separatron stage (prepurge) and after the purgmg procedure (postpurge) A mean of 42 5 f 20.3 CFU-GM per 2 x lo5 cells plated was obtained before purging, and 87.5 !I 56 4 per 2 x IO5 after purgmg When adJusted for cell loss there was (78 2%) recovery of CFU-GM followmg purgmg A mean of 11 0 f 4.9 (+ 1SD) CFU-GEMM per 1 x 1O5plated cells was obtamed before purging, and 15 5 + 6 0 per 1 x 1O5cells plated after purging When adJusted for nucleated cell loss there was a 79% CFU-GEMM recovery followmg purgmg. Calculattons based on patient’s body weight predicted a mean CFU-GM dose of 0 86 + 0 32 x 104/kg rectptent (range 0 5-l 3 x 104/kg)

Hemopoietrc progemtor cells (as assessed by CFU-GM and CFU-GEMM) were concentrated In the final MNC product, whereas colony assays of cells bound to magnetic beads ytelded less than 3% of total CFU-GM (data not shown). The hemopoletm potential of the final product calculated as CFU-GM dose per krlogram body werght was greater than 0 75 x 104/kg in four out of the SIX cases. The one patient who was harvested twtce yrelded 0.5 x 104/kg CFUGM on both occasions

Acknowledgments Thus work was supported by a grant from the Leukemia Research Fund and was carried out In the Unlverslty Department of Haematology, Ltverpool, UK

References Gore, M E , Selby, P J , Vmer, C , Clark, P I , Meldrum, M , Mrllar, B , Bell, J , Martland, J A , and Mtlan, S., et al (1989) Intensive treatment of multtple myeloma and criteria for complete remtssron Lancet 2, 879-882 Barlogie, B and Gahrton, G (1991) Bone marrow transplantatton m multtple myeloma Bone Marrow Transplant 7,71-79 Anderson, K C , Barut, B A , Rttz, J., Freedman, A. S , Takvorran, T , Rabinowe, S N , Sotffer, R , Heflm, L , Coral, F , Dear, K , Mauch, P , and Nadler, L M (199 1) Monocional antrbody-purged autologous bone marrow transplantation therapy for multiple myeloma Blood 77, 7 12-720 Gobbr, M , Cavo, M , Tazzart, P L., et al (1989) Autologous bone marrow transplantatron with lmmunotoxin purged marrow for advanced multtple myeloma Eur J Huematol



Rhodes, E G H and Flynn, M. P (1989) PNA shows specrficrty for bone marrow plasmacells Br J Haematol 71, 183-187 Slupsky, J. R , Duggan-Keen, M., Booth, L. A, Karpas, A , Rhodes, E G H , Cawley, J. C., and Zuzel, M (1993) The peanut-agglutmm (PNA)-bmdmg surface components of mahgnant plasma cells. Br J Haematol 83, 567-573 Relsner, Y., Itztcovrtch, L , Meshorer, A , and Sharon, N. (1978) Hemopotettc stem cell transplantatton usmg mouse bone marrow and spleen cells fractronated by lectms Proc Nat1 Acad Scz USA 75,2933-2936



of BM


8. Retsner, Y , Kapoor, N , Hodes, M. Z., O’Retlly,

R J , Good, R A (1982) Enrichment for CFU-C from murme and human bone marrow usmg soybean agglutmm Blood 59, 360-363 9 Rhodes, E G. H., Baker, P. K., Rhodes, J. M , Davtes, J M., and Cawley, J. C (I 99 1) Peanut agglutinm m combinatron wtth CD 19 MAb has potenttal as a purgmg agent m myeloma Exp Hematol 19,833-837 10 Rhodes, E G H , Baker, P K , Dugurd, J K M., Davies, J M., and Cawley, J C (1992) A method for clmrcal purgmg of myeloma bone marrow usmg peanut agglutmm as an anti-plasma cell agent, m combmatton wtth CD19 MAb Bone Marrow




Gorm, N C , David, R , Stachowick, J , et al (1981) High-dose chemotherapy and autologous bone marrow transplantation m adult leukemras, malignant lymphomas and soltd tumors A study of 23 patrents. Eur J. Cancer 17,557-568 12 To, L B , Haylock, D N , Krmber, R J , and Juttner, C A (1984) High levels of ctrculatmg hemopotetic stem cells in very early remlssron from acute non-lymphoblasttc leukemia and then collectron and cryopreservatton Br .J Haematol 5f4399-410

13 Kaiser, H , Stuart, R K , Brookmeyer, R., Beschorner, W E , Brame, H G , et al (1985) Autologows bone marrow transplantatton m acute leukemta* a phase I study of m vitro treatment of marrow with 4-hydroperoxycyclophosphamtde to purge tumor cells Blood 65, 1504-15 10 14 Baker, P. K., Rhodes, E G H , and Duguid, J K M (1991) Contmuous flow cell separator use for bone marrow processmg Transfus Scz 12, 183-l 87 15 Baker, P K , Rhodes, E G H , and Dugurd, J. K M (I 99 1) Effective concentration of bone marrow mononuclear cells usmg densrty gradient ‘separation wrthm an automated cell separator. Transfis Scz 12, 353-356 16 Rhodes, E. G H , Baker, P. K., Rhodes, J M , Davies, J M , and Dugurd, J. K M (1994) Long-term follow up m patrents with myeloma treated wtth PNA lectm/ CD19 MAb purged autograft. Bone Marrow Transplantatzon 13,795-799 17 Hagenbeek, A. and Martens, A C. (1989) Cryopreservatton of autologous marrow grafts m acute leukemia* survival of in VIVO clonogemc leukemrc cells and normal hemoporetic stem cells Leukemia 3, 535-537 18 Fauser, A. A and Messner, H. A. (1978) Granuloerythroporettc colonies m human bone marrow, peripheral blood and cord blood Blood 52, 1243-l 248 19 Chmg, C K. and Rhodes, J M (1988) Identrficatron and partial charactertzatron of a new pancreatic cancer related glycoprotem by SDS-PAGE and lectm blotting. Gastroenterology 95, 137-142

30 Mechanisms

and Assessment

of Mitogenesis

An Overview David C. Kilpatrick 1. Historical Introduction When Nowell (1) used a preparation of phytohemagglutimn (PHA) to separate red and white blood cells (a procedure descrtbed a decade earlier [2/J, the consequences were far-reaching for studies of both lectins and lymphocytes The key observation was that, in addition to the expected agglutmatton of erythrocytes, lymphocytes were induced to grow and drvtde. Younger readers may need help m appreciating the state of immunologtcal knowledge at that time Lymphocytes were thought of as fully differentiated cells, the functton of which was uncertain. T- and B-cells, lymphokmes and Tcell receptors had still to be discovered. The role and stgm’iicance of the maJor htstocompattbtltty complex was obscure. “The exact functtons of lymphocytes are not clearly understood. Some mvestigators believe that they are responsible for the formation of antibodies . They appear to have a protective function but the mechanism has yet to be determmed” (3). Nowell’s discovery soon led to the dtscovertes of several other mrtogemc lectms, most notably concanavalm A, for the latter was the first mttogen to be specifically and reversibly inhibited by simple sugars. This indicated, of course, that both hemagglutmating and mrtogenic activttres of plant lectms were consequences of their carbohydrate bmdmg ability and, mcrdentally, the first evidence that cell surface glycoconjugates were mvolved m the mitogemc process. Unlike typical antigens, whtch perhaps stimulate 0 Ol-O.l% of the lymphocyte population, mitogenic lectms can stimulate 20% or more. Consequently, such lectms were invaluable as tools to study the biochemical changes associated with lymphocyte actrvation and proliferation. Immunologtcal knowledge From Methods m Molecular Me&me Vol 9 Lectm Methods and Protocols Edited by J M Rhodes and J D Mllton Humana Press Inc , Totowa, NJ



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from these m vttro studies expanded enormously, and mterest m lectms, too, further exctted by the drfferentral reactivity of wheatgerm agglutmm toward normal and tumor cells (4,s). Increased m tandem Shortly after the dtscovery of the mttogemc acttvtty of PHA, another fortuitous observation led to some highly significant mvesttgatrons m this field. A little girl died after eatmg pokeberrtes, the fruit of the American pokeweed, Phytolacca amerzcana Postmortem exammatton revealed lymphoblasts stmllar m appearance to those observed after culture with PHA. This led to the discovery of pokeweed mttogen, shown to be mrtogemc both m vitro and in vrvo (6). These were the first mdtcations that mttogemc lectms could be acttve both wtthin the gut and also systemically after entry by either alimentary or parenteral routes It 1snow clear that one of the many remarkable properties of lectms IS then resistance to degradation wtthm the alimentary canal, there IS clear evidence for thts m humans (7-g), as well as m rodents. In rats, vartous dietary lectins act as powerful growth sttmulators for the small mtestme, and after absorption can even affect remote organs like the pancreas (f 0). The early work on lectms as mrtogens has been summartzed m reviews by Lis and Sharon (I I, 12) More recent work has been mcluded m brref (13) and comprehenstve (14) reviews of human lymphocyte mteracttons with lectms by the present author What follows 1s an overview of the cellular and molecular mteracttons occurrmg during lectm-Induced mttogenesrs and a brief discusston of the measurements that may be used to quanttfy a mttogenit response. 2. Mitogenic and Antimitogenic Lectins At present, an appreciable number of purified lectms have been found to have mttogemc actrvrty that can be Inhibited by low concentratrons of sugars with a specificity tdenttcal to that exhibited by then hemagglutmatrng acttvtty Nevertheless, most purtfied or crude lectm preparations tested are found not to be mttogemc Twenty years after Nowell’s ortgmal discovery, several lectms were surprtsmgly found to be anttmttogemc; that IS to say, they act to antagonize the sttmulattve activity of mitogens wtth which they are cocultured The first examples of this were wheatgerm agglutmm (1.5) and the tomato lectm, which inhibited chicken, but not mouse, lymphocytes (16). Before long, the lectm from the mushroom Agarzcus bzsporuswas reported as antrmitogemc for human lymphocytes (17), and later the tomato lectm was shown to have the same property toward human cells (18) There was some evtdence that wheatgerm agglutmm, A buporus lectm and tomato lectm all bound to the same receptor on the T-cell surface (18,19) Mitogemc lectms have little m common regarding sacchartde spectfictty, but that would not exclude the possrbrhty that different mttogemc lectms could


of Mitogenesis


bmd to different saccharide structures on the same glycoprotein. Unfortunately, most lectms can bind to several different surface glycoproteins, so tt is not obvious which mteraction is functtonally important. Wheatgerm agglutinin binds to many receptors, but tomato lectm binds prmcipally to only three (181, and the Helixpomatza lectm to only one (20). It is hkely that the last two lectms bmd to the leukocyte common antigen, CD45. If so, the nonmitogenic nature of those lectms could be explained by their blocking the natural function of CD45, a tyrosine phosphatase with an essential role m T-cell acttvation (21). One of the other glycopeptides that the tomato lectm binds is the major T-lymphocyte sialoglycoprotein, CD43, another molecule implicated in T-cell activatton (22). It IS entirely plausible therefore that nonmitogemc lectms are not lectins that simply do not bind to the mitogen receptor(s), but rather may act positively by binding to one or more subsidiary molecules that regulate activation signals. It seems likely that the “mitogen receptor” is the T-cell receptor and associated molecules (hereafter referred to as the T-cell receptor complex), and that lectin activation is similar to antigen-induced activation (23). The major difference is that, whereas antigens stimulate a few clones of lymphocytes corresponding to the precise recogmtion of the epitopes on the antigen molecule, lectms bring about a polyclonal activation via common saccharide structures. It would not be necessary for the lectm to bind the T-cell receptor directly, for the latter is associated on the lymphocyte surface with other glycosylated molecules (especially CD3, but also to some extent with CD2, CD4, CDS, and CD8 [2#-26-j). The simplest model arising from these considerations is that mitogemc lectms/anttgens bmd to the T-cell receptor complex, whereas nontnttogemc lectms etther do not bmd to the complex or bmd to other, accessory, molecules essenttal to the transmission of activation signals. Those bmdmg to accessory molecules might be expected to demonstrate antimitogemc activity. Mitogemc lectms cause signals leading to the synthesis of interleukm-2 (IL-2) and mterleukm 2 receptors (IL-2R); non (anti)-mitogemc lectms do not Lectms bmdmg to both T-cell receptor complex and accessory molecules would be less predictable. They mtght enhance or mhibrt the mitogemc process and might be particularly susceptible to additional influences. Perhaps that is why wheatgerm agglutmm (27) and Datura Iectin (28) may be mitogenit or anttmitogemc, depending on the lectm concentratton used and other experimental conditions. A key step appears to be the activation of protein kinase C, an event induced phystologically by the hydrolysis of membrane phospholipid to yield diacylglycerol (29), and experimentally by the use of phorbol esters lrke the tumor promoter, TPA (12~tetradecanoyl-phorbol13acetate). TPA usually enhances lectm-mediated lymphocyte activation and,


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with wheatgerm agglutmm and Datura lectin, a very significant synergistic response ts evident (30). Membrane phosphohpid hydrolysis induced by mitogemc lectm receptor occupancy concomitantly leads to mositol triphosphate production, which induces an Increase in intracellular calcium concentration This mediates several cellular events and also helps strmulate protein kmase C. The latter catalyzes a series of phosphorylation reactions, which stimulate metabolism and mitotic activity. The mitogemc process is mediated m part by the synthesis and action of cytokmes. It is now accepted that both human and rodent helper T-cells can be divided mto two major subsetsbased on their pattern of lymphokme secretion. One subset (Th-1) secretes IL-2, Interferon-y and tumor necrosis factor, whereas the other (Th-2) secretes mterleukms 4, 5, 6, and 10 (31). As a crude simplificatron, the former might be thought of as helper cells for T-lymphocytes and the latter as B-cell helpers. In reality, both T- and B-lymphocytes (and other cells) respond to subtle changes m complex mixtures of cytokmes. Nevertheless, it remains a helpful simplification that the growth and cell division of T-cell lymphocytes depends prmcipally on the synthesis of IL-2 and IL-2R Mitogemc lectms promote IL-2/IL-2R synthesis, nonmitogemc lectms do not The pivotal events m the mrtogemc process discussed so far are illustrated m Fig 1, 3. Accessory Ceils and Molecules The model outlmed m Fig. 1 does not specify the accessory molecules mvolved and is concerned only with the responding lymphocytes. In fact, as first shown convmcmgly by Habu and Raff (32), lectin-induced mitogenesis has a clear requirement for accessorycells, I e., cells other than T-lymphocytes This is analogous to antigen-induced mitogenesis, m which presentation of an antigen on macrophages (and/or B-cells, dendrmc cells, and so on), m association with MHC class-2 molecules IS required. The accessory cell dependency of mitogemc lectms is very variable, ranging from the great sensitivity of wheatgerm agglutmin to the mmlmal requirement of PHA (33). To some extent, accessory cells provide a purely physical advantage, presumably by increasing the effective local concentration of the lectm and facihtatmg effective crosslmkmg of surface receptors (34). To some extent also, monokmes mcludmg mterleukm- 1 enhance the mitogemc process The strong accessory cell dependence of WGA, for example, depends entirely on soluble factors which can be recovered from the conditioned medium (33). IL-l does not substitutefor conditioned medium m this system.Purified T-cells did respond, however, to wheatgerm agglutinm m the presence of IL-2 (which, of course, is not produced by monocytes or other non-T-cells). Therefore, it would seem that the bmdmg of WGA to the lymphocyte surface may be enough to induce



of Mitogenesls




Fig. 1. Interactions of mltogemc and nonmitogemc lectms with the lymphocyte surface Mltogemc (ML) and nonmltogemc (NL) lectms differ m their ablhty to bmd to one or more molecules of the T-cell receptor complex (TCRcp) and relevant accessory molecules (AM)

the synthesis of IL-2R, but the synthesis rf IL-2 itself requires soluble medrators provided by monocytew Soluble suppressor factors are undoubtedly sometrmes produced m strmulated mononuclear cell cultures (19,35) and contribute to antrmitogemc actrvity. However, the study of the regulation of Datura lectm-mediated mitogenesrs (mrtogemc when few monocytes are present, but readily inhibited by more monocytes) clearly indicated that a cell-mediated mechanism could inhibit mitogenesrs (33). Direct accessory cell-lymphocyte mteractrons as well as soluble mediators therefore control the mttogemc response. Indeed, accessory molecules on the cell surface appear to be the key players m the regulation of lymphocyte acttvatron. Investigatrons with MAbs of precise spectficrty have identified many cell surface glycoprotems and implicated a surprisingly large


Kilpa trick

number of them in mitogenesis, many of which are thought of as adhesion molecules (I 3). T-cell triggering via the sheep red blood cell receptor (E-R or CD2) was first described as an “alternative pathway” by analogy with complement activation (36). In addition, a second separate pathway of T-cell activation has been proposed by Yachie and coworkers (37) to account for their results with wheatgerm agglutinin. The sheep red blood cell receptor may be regarded as an adhesion molecule or an endogenous lectin (38). Engagement of its ligands, CD58 (39), CD59 (40), and CD48 (41) enhancescell adhesion.Random cell adhesion between lymphocytes and antigen presenting cells (APC) is probably a necessary first step in the induction of the immune response, but is a transient event unless recognition occurs (through the T-cell receptor) when adhesion is further enhanced. CD2 engagement, with its ligands, differs from the effects of other accessory molecules in vitro in being equivalent to stimulation by stimultaneous TCR crosslinking to CD4 or CD8 on antigen presenting cells (42). The in vivo significance of this phenomenon is unclear, particularly given the wide distribution of CD58 (LFA-3), and the partial membrane association of CD2 with the T-cell receptor complex (24), but a regulatory role seems plausible. The relevance of CD2 in vivo is indicated by a single case report of immunodeficiency associated with absence of CD2 expression on T-cells (43). Various pieces of evidence support in outline a two-signal model of immune induction. The first signal consists of a specific recognition of antigen/MHC by the T-cell receptor. This leads to the synthesis of IL-2R, but not IL-2, and if nothing more happens, a state of anergy (tolerance) results. However, a second signal may be produced via accessorymolecules, leading to cytokine secretion and ultimately cell proliferation and development of effector function. These costimulatory molecules (which do not initiate, but rather amplify T-cell responses), are therefore critical in determining the outcome of immune cellular interaction. Guinan and coworkers (44) have argued that the involvement of CD28 is especially important. If adhesion or specific recognition events are blocked, a reversible suppression of the immune response occurs; if the CD28/B7 signal is blocked, an irreversible long-term state of unresponsiveness (anergy, tolerance) results (43). In fact, CD28 reacts with at least two ligands, CD80 (B7.1) and CD86 (B7.2), both of which are found on activated B-cells and monocytes, although the latter appears first on the cell surface after activation. Both B7 molecules can also bind CTLA-4, a hom*ologous molecule to CD28 that might have arisen via gene duplication. CTLA-4 is not able to substitute for CD28 and may function to enhance the signal delivered via CD28. The function of CD28 and its ligands may be pivotal, but numerous other surface molecules have been implicated in mitogenesis. These include CD26 (45), CD27 (46), CD44 (47), and CD49/29 (48) aswell as those previously men-

Overview of Mitogenesis


Fig. 2. Postrecogmtion events followmg lectm mteractlon with human T-lymphocytes The listed structures on T-cells or accessory cells have all been imphcated as accessory molecules m the regulation of human T-lymphocyte mltogenesls

ttoned This apparent complexity implies that control of lymphocyte acttvation and prohferation may be exerted at different pomts and that a varymg spectrum of outcomes may be posstble when T-cells and accessory cells interact. The mechanisms by which lectins activate lymphocytes have not been fully elucidated, but much can be understood within the general framework of thts two-signal model (Fig. 2). Potentially mitogemc lectms are those which can bmd to the T-cell receptor complex, and might be parttcularly effective if they can also bind MHC molecules on accessory cells smce mttogemcity correlates well with MHC binding ability (49) This would be enough to activate the Tcells and induce the synthesis of IL-2R. What happens next depends on the interactions of accessory molecules wtth each other and with the lectm. Lectm binding to CD2 might enhance the recognition response and, m some cn-c*mstances,obviate the need for the T-cell receptor altogether. Overall, one set of mteractions leads to a posmve response and the production of IL-2 A simple fatlure of the accessorymolecules to function in this way results m no response, but that can be overcome by exogenous application of IL-2. An example might be provided by wheatgerm agglutmin: An absence of monocytes deprives the T-cells of complementary accessory molecules, but monocytes can be replaced by conditioned medium, TPA, or exogenous IL-2 (27,33). A separate negative

Kilpa trick


signal may result from the posmve inhibrtory action of complementary accessory molecules perhaps via lectm bridging. Thrs kmd of mteractron 1srequired to explam the strong mhtbitory effect of monocytes when Datura lectrn IS used (33); this effect can nonetheless be readily reversed by the addrtion of submttogenic amounts of TPA, mdicatmg that a signal preceding the activatron of protem kmase C 1sblocked by Datura lectm-influenced monocytes Tomato and potato lectms are not comttogenic with TPA and then antimttogemc acttvtty cannot be overcome with exogenous IL-2. The Datura lectm may differ from the tomato lectm m the recognmon step, if the former can bmd to the Tcell receptor complex. The tomato lectin IS not simply nonmttogemc, but has an antimitogemc property, which could be related to Its ability to bmd CD43 and/or CD45. 4. In Vivo Relevance

of Mitogenic


Mitogemc lectms are useful as reagents, and the study of then mteracttons with mononuclear cells m vrtro has been mvaluable m understandmg lymphocyte activation and its control. Lectms are undoubtedly active toward lymphocytes m vtvo also, as was first suggested by the cases of pokeweed poisonmg mentioned earlier, and convmcmgly demonstrated by the mduction of transplantation tolerance by iv inJectton of purrfied lectms (50). Yet these effects are surely accrdental. It is difficult to understand any advantage to a plant to have a protein that can strmulate the lymphocytes, or agglutmate the erythrocytes, of higher animals. The same may not be true of bacterial or viral lectms. Bacterra and vrruses colomze animals and have much to gam by doing so. The surface lectms on some micro-organisms, which can bind to animal membrane receptors and thereby medtate mfection, have an obvious role Bacteria and viruses also have tmmunostimulatory molecules that act as polyclonal activators for animal lymphocytes, some of which have been imphcated m several human dtseases (52) These “superantigens” may stimulate 5-30% of the T-cell populatton and do so by bmdmg simultaneously to part of the varrable region of the T-cell receptor P-chain (or y-chain) and MHC class2 molecules on accessory cells The specificity 1snot for the antigen combmrng site, but for the product of a particular VP gene family. Like lectms, superantigens do not require processmg and are not MHC-restricted; despite the MHC-class-2 dependence, superantigens do not he withm peptide bmdmg grooves. Lrcastro et al. (52) comparing lectrns and superantigens conclude that, despite then srmilaritres, the two belong to separate families of molecules with tmportant differences between them. Yet these crucral differences are becoming blurred. The mitogenic lectin from the nettle (Urtzca dlozca) satrsfies the crite-


of Mitogenesis


rta for both lectms and superantigens (53) Wheatgerm agglutmm has an hom*ologous prtmary structure and a simtlar carbohydrate bmdmg spectfictty, so might be stmtlar. Vartous observations are inconsistent with the accepted model of superanttgemc mechanism of action, leading Woodland and Blackman (54) to propose that there is direct contact between the T-cell receptor and MHC on accessory cells during superantigen engagement Although superantigens may normally uttlize the CD28 pathway (55), superanttgen responses are not necessarily dependent on B7 costlmulatron (56), a cnc*mstance more lectm-hke than anttgen-like So, too, 1sthe fact that superantigens can stimulate the small subset of T-cells that are CD4 and CD8 negattve (57) Staphylococcal enterototoxms can even stimulate T-cells m MHC class-2 negatrve mace (58) Finally, superantigens may differ from true anttgens m the mechanism through which T-cell deletion takes place (59). I suggest the only fundamental difference 1sthat lectms bmd to the saccharide motettes of glycoprotems, whereas superantlgens bmd to pepttde structures. Superantigens, which may well function to help then sources overcome host defense mechamsms, may be the natural factors that plant lectms madvertently mimic when used in the unnatural settling of m vttro culture 5. Assessment of Mitogenesis The orlgmal and most direct means of establishing whether lymphocytes have been sttmulated 1s by mlcroscoplc exammatron. Resting lymphocytes (which are small and round wtth a very thin rtm of cytoplasm) enlarge, become more oval-shaped, and acquire an Increased area of cytoplasm on mttogemc sttmulatton. Simple exammatton of cells, after harvestmg with a cytospm centrifuge and stammg, 1sprobably the best way to estimate the number (prop*rnon) of cells that have been stimulated. However, tt IS only semtquantttattve and, above all, is a labortous means of assessmgmttogemc activity. Other methods of assessment give an average measure for the whole cell preparation. To achieve thts, vartous steps m the acttvatton process can be exploited. Table 1 outlmes the sequence of major events followmg the mteraction of a mttogen with lymphocytes; a simtlar pattern occurs with other cell types Various stages m the sequence can be targeted to measure sttmulatton Examples Include changes 1x-ramino acid transport (601, and the productton of y-interferon (61) Sometimes such methods can be particularly helpful m dlscrtmmatmg between activatton and prohferatton. Commonly measured correlates of cellular proliferatton are increases m DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis. Assaying simple increases m total DNA, RNA, or protein IS a satisfactory means of quantlfymg growth of whole organs in VIVO,e.g., for estrmatmg the growth factor actrvtty of dtetary lectms on the small Intestine (IO). Usually, more sensitive techniques are required for cell


Kilpa trick Table 1 Major Events During



of Lymphocytes

1 Binding of mitogen to lymphocyte cell surface 2 Altered cell permeability and transport systems 3 Protem phosphorylatton 4. Synthesis of IL-2 receptors

5 Synthesisof lymphokmes 6 DNA syntheses 7 Mttosis

culture mvolvmg the use of radtolabelled precursors VIZ. “C-leucme mcorporation mto protein, 3H-uridme mto RNA or 3H-thymtdine mto DNA. In practice, the rate of change of DNA synthesis, which correlates well with the number of cells sttmulated, is the most commonly used measure of lymphocyte acttvation and prohferatton. Measurement of 3H-thymidme mcorporatton mto DNA is a highly sensitive method, and has become the standard technique. The major disadvantage IS the necessity to adhere to the regulations and safety procedures required of radtotsotope usage. To provide a nonradtoacttve substitute, 5-bromo-2’-deoxyuridme (BrdU) has been used m conjunction with immunoassay (62,63) A commerctal kit is now available based on an enzyme-linked tmmunosorbant assayin which BrdU-incorporated DNA forms the solid phase and the key reagent IS a monoclonal antt-BrdU antibody. An alternattve nonradtoactive method explotts the color change u-t a tetrazohum salt (MTT) when enzymattcally reduced by metabohcally active cells (64) This colorimetrtc assay measures the number and metabolic activity of viable cells m the culture and is suitable for processing large numbers of samples. Vartous Improvements to the origmal procedure have since been published (6.5-67) It seems likely that one or more of the nonradtoactive methods wtll ulttmately replace the standard 3H-thymidme mcorporatton assay descrtbed m Chapter 32 References 1 Nowell, P. (1960) Phytohemagglutmm an mitrator of mitosis m cultures of normal human leucocytes Cancer Res 20,462-464 2. Li, J. G and Osgood, E E (1949) A method for the rapid separatron of leukocytes and nucleated erythrocytes from blood or marrow with a phytohemagglutmm from red beans(Phaseolus vulgam) Blood 4,670-675 3 Leeson, C R and Leeson, T S (1966) Htstology, Saunders, Phtladelphia, PA 4 Aub, J C , Tieslau, C., and Lankester, A. (1963) Reaction of normal and tumor cell surfaces to enzymes I Wheatgerm lipase and associated mucopolysaccharides Proc Nat1 Acad Scz USA 50, 613-619

Overview of Mtogenesw


5 Burger, M M. and Goldberg, A R. (1967) Identification of a tumor-specific determmant on neoplasttc cell surfaces, Proc Nat1 Acad Scl USA 57,359-366 6 Barker, B. E (1969) Phytomitogens and lymphocyte blastogenesis /rz Vztro 4, 6679 7 Kilpatrick, D C , Pusztar, A , Grant, G , Graham, C., and Ewen, S W B (1985) Tomato lectm resists digestion m the mammalian ahmentary canal and binds to intestinal vi111without deleterious effects. FEBS Lett 185,29%305 8 Brady, P G., Vanmer, A M , and Banwell, J G. (1978) Identification of the dietary lectm, wheatgerm agglutmin, m human mtestmal contents Gastroenterology 75,23&239 9 Freed, D L J and Buckley, C H (1978) Mucotractive effect of lectm Lancet 1, 585,586 10 Pusztai, A. (1991) Plant Lectzns, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. 11 Lis, H and Sharon, N (1977) Lectms their chemistry and apphcation to lmmunology, m The Antzgens, vol 4 (Sela, M., ed ), Academic, New York, pp 429-529 12 Lis, H and Sharon, N (1986) Biological properties of lectms, m The Lectrns Properties, Functions. and Applications In Bzology and Medlclne (Liener, I E , Sharon, N , and Goldstein, I J., eds.), Academrc, London, pp 265-291. 13 Ktlpatrick, D C (1991) Lectm mteracttons with human leukocytes. mitogemcity, cell separatton, chmcal apphcattons, in Lectm Reviews, vol 1 (Kilpatrick, D C , Van Driessche, E , and Bog-Hansen, T.-C , eds.), Sigma, St Louis, MO, pp 69-80 14 Kilpatrick, D C (1995) Lectms m immunology, in Lectzns-Bzomedrcal Perspectzves (Pusztai, A. and Bardocz, S eds ), Taylor and Francis, Bazmgstoke, pp 155-182 15 Greene, W C and Waldmann, T A (1980) Inhlbmon of human lymphocyte proliferation by the nonmitogemc lectm wheatgerm agglutinm J Immunol 124, 2979-2987 16 Nachbar, M. S , Oppenheim, J D , and Thomas, J 0 (1980) Lectms m the US diet Isolation and characterization of a lectm from the tomato (Lycopersicon escalentum) J Blol Chem 255,2056-2063 17. Greene, W. C., Fletsher, T A., and Waldmann, T A (1981) Suppresston of human T- and B-lymphocyte activation by Agarzcus brsporus lectm J Immunol 126,58@-586

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Overview of Mitogenesls


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31 Mitogenic Effects of Lectins on Epithelial Cells Lu-Gang Yu and Jonathan

M. Rhodes

Introduction The specific bmdmg of lectms to the carbohydrate moieties of glycoprotems and glycohpids on the cell surface has been shown to result in a variety of signal transduction processes (1.2). One of the most dramatic effects of the interaction of lectms with cells is mttogemc stimulation, e.g., the trtggermg of nondividing lymphocytes mto a state of growth and proliferation (3) which has led to the extenstve and successful use of lectms m the analysis of events occurring during lymphocyte activation and prohferation (4,5). Eptthehal cells are amongst the principal cell types m whtch cancers commonly arose (6). Changes m surface carbohydrate expression are common m epithehal neoplasia and often represent neoexpressions of oncofetal antigens (7) There IS increasmg evidence that such changes m carbohydrate expression may play a key role m determmmg the metastatic behavior of tumors (8,9) Among the most commonly demonstrated abnormalmes m malignant and hyperplastic epithelia is the increased expression of the TF-antigen (Thomsen Friedenreich antigen), which has the structure galactosyll3 l-3 NAcetyl-galactosamme. This structure, which is the type I core structure m O-linked ohgosaccharides, 1s recognized by several lectms including the peanut and mushroom lectins. Recently tt has been shown that peanut lectm (which does not bmd stalyl-TF) stimulates the proliferation of both colon cancer cell lme HT29 (10) and normal human colomc explants (II), whereas mushroom lectm (which binds both the sialylated and unstalylated TF antigen) markedly inhibits the prohferatton of a range of epithehal cells without cytotoxcity (22). The interaction of lectms with eptthehal cells could therefore offer a very useful tool in the analysts of events occurrmg during tumor cell prohferatton 1.

From Methods m Molecular Medune Vol 9 Lecbn Methods and Protocols Edlted by J M Rhodes and J D Mllton Humana Press Inc , Totowa, NJ




Cell proliferation IS generally studied by measurmg the rate of DNA synthesis. Measurement of [3H]thymldme tncorporatton mto DNA synthesis still remains the most popular method because of the rapidity and conventence of the procedure, but care should be taken when interpreting the results There are a number of potential artifacts tn correlatmg thymtdme uptake to DNA synthesis, tn particular the competttton between the labeled thymtdme taken up by the salvage pathway from the medium and the endogenous thymtdme synthestzed by the normal cellular pathway (13).

2. Materials 1 Sterile, 24-multtwell ttssue culture plates, 9-cm tissue culture dishes (Nunc, Kamstrup, Denmark), 10-mL plastrc prpets, Pasteur glass ptpets, and 30-mL plastic umversals 2 Eppendorf 4780 multtplpeter and 12 5-mL combmps 3 Hemocytometer or Coulter counter 4 Sterile IO mA4 phosphate-buffered salme (PBS) pH 7 2 (Grbco-BRL Life Technologies, Paisley, UK) 5 Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medmm (DMEM), heat-macttvated fetal calf serum (FCS), L-glutamme, pemcrllm, streptomycm, 1 5000 Versene, and 2 5% trypsm solution (Gtbco-BRL) 6 Standard culture medmm DMEM supplemented with 5% FCS (v/v), 100 U/mL pemclllm, 100 pg/mL streptomycm, 4 tiglutamme and 0 375% sodium btcarbonate (Grbco-BRL) Store at 4°C 7 Trypsm solutron for cell release 0 5 mL of 2 5% trypsm solution m 25 mL of 1 5000 Versene Store at 4°C 8 Bovme serum albumm (BSA) solutton for cell culture (10 mg/mL) dtssolve 200 mg BSA (Stgma, Poole, UK) m 20 mL dtstllled water and sterrltze by passmg through a 0 2-pm filter The solutron can be stored at 4°C for up to 2 mo 9 Serum-free medmm. DMEM supplemented wtth 100 U/mL pemctlhn, 100 pg/mL streptomycm, 4 mA4 glutamme, 0 375% sodmm bicarbonate, and 0 25 mg/mL BSA. To make 100 mL serum-free medtum, add 2 5 mL of 10 mg/mL BSA solution to 100 mL standard culture medmm without the presence of fetal calf serum Store at 4°C 10 40 pCl/mL [methyl-3H]thymtdme m 0 8 pA4 thymrdme (Amersham, Little Chalfont, UK) (see Note 1) 11 95% Ethanol (v/v) 12 5% Trrchloroacetrc actd (TCA) (w/v) 13 0 2M NaOH 14 Scmtrllatron co*cktall, measuring tubes, and Packard sclntrllatron counter (Packard, Pangbourne, UK). 15 HT29 colon cancer cells (European Cell Culture Collectron at the Publrc Health Laboratory Servtce, Porton Down, UK) 16 Mushroom lectm (ABL) from common edible mushroom Agarzcus bzsporus and peanut lectm (PNA) from Arachls hypogaea (Stgma)

MGogenlc Effects of Lectins on Epithelial Cells


3. Methods 1. Culture HT29 cells m 9-cm tissue culture dashes m a 5% CO,/95% an incubator at 37°C (see Note 2) 2 When the cells become 7680% confluent, wash twtce with 8 mL PBS (see Note 3) 3. Add 1 mL trypsm solutron to the dish, swirl over the surface of the cells, and leave the dish at 37°C for 2-5 mm to release the cells Check under the mrcroscope after 2 mm (see Note 4) 4 When the cells are detached, add 6 mL standard culture medium to the dish and aspirate up and down gently using a narrow-aperture prpet to dtspetse the cells (see Note 5) 5 Take 0 5 mL of the cell suspension mto 10 mL PBS and measure the cell number by Coulter counter (see Note 6) 6 Make a 2-5 x lo4 cells/mL suspension by ddutron of the trypsm-released cell suspension with standard culture medmm Seed 0 5 mL/well mto 24-multrwell plates with a multtprpeter, and Incubate the plates at 37°C 7 After 2 d culture when the cells have reached the log phase growth (see Note 7), wash twice with 0 5 mL/well PBS (see Note 8), add 0 5 mL serum-free medrum to each well, and culture the cells for a further 24 h m this medmm at 37°C (see Note 9) 8 Add the lectm under test to the relevant wells, and culture for a further 24 h at 37’C (see Note 10) 9 Add 20 uL of 40 yCr/mL [methyl-3H]thymrdme to each well, and Incubate for 1 h at 37°C (see Note 11) 10. Wash the cells twice with PBS, precipitate the proteins and DNA wrth 5% rcecold TCA, and leave the plate at 4°C for at least 30 mm 11 Wash once with 5% ice-cold TCA to remove the attached and umncorporated [3H]thymrdme and twice with me-cold 95% ethanol to remove the remammg TCA 12 Dry at room temperature for 2 h. 13 Solubtlize the precipitate with 0.5 mL/well 0.2M NaOH, and leave the plate at room temperature for at least 2 h (see Note 12) 14. Transfer the dissolved prectpttate to scintillatton vials, add 1 mL Optima Gold MV scintrllatton co*cktail, and count in a Packard scmtrllatron counter (see Fig 1)

4. Notes 1 A mrxture of a small quantrty (40 pCi/mL) of [3H]thymidine m a larger amount (0 8 @I) of cold thymrdme 1s used to label the cells. This has proved to be an effectrve way of regulatmg thymrdme cellular pool size and so allowmg rehable measurement of DNA synthers (14) 2. All cells are cultured m a 5% CO,/95% air humrdrfied mcubator at 37’C to avord rapid medium loss. Cells are routinely passaged when they become 80-90% confluent at a 1.6-1:8 subculture ratto and narrow passage cells are used for all studies. All cell culture medium and solutions are warmed to 37°C before use to avoid shock to the cells

Yu and Rhodes

382 6000 6 ‘G 2 ii:= 0 .e

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o E .c 0. -cl= .-E ,” 2 p1,

3000 2000 1000 0

Fig. 1. Stimulation of proliferation of HT29 cells by peanut lectin (PNA) and epidermal growth factor (EGF) with inhibition by mushroom lectin (ABL). 100 pg/mL EGF, 25 pg/mL PNA, and 10 ug/mL ABL. Reprinted with the permission from ref. 12.

3. 7&80% Confluent cells are used for all the studies. More confluent cells produce less reproducible results. 4. Gently shaking the plates after trypsin treatment helps to release the cells from the plates. 5. FCS is included in the medium to inhibit further activity of trypsin. 6. Cell number is measured either with a Coulter counter or a hemocytometer. If a Coulter counter is employed, it is essential that there is a single cell suspension. Poorly separated cells will result in a lower count and may block the aperture. If the cell number needs to be measured after interaction with lectins, the resulting agglutination means that it is usually necessary to add some hapten sugars into the medium to help to separate the cells. If the hapten addition is not successful at separating the cells, then using a hemocytometer instead of a Coulter counter to measure the cell number is suggested. 7. Cells are grown to log-phase prior to synchronization in serum free medium as in this stage cell growth is at its maximum. The time of log-phase growth varies between cell lines; for the HT29 cells this is between d 2 and 5 after plating. 8. Special attention needs to be paid to avoid washing the cells off the plate during the washing procedures, especially when using poorly adherent cell lines. Large aperture plastic pipets are used in all washing procedures. After each wash, check the plates under the microscope to make sure that the cells have not been washed off. Low radioactive counts at the end of experiments are most likely to be caused by loss of cells during washing.


Effects of Lectins on Eplthellal Cells


9 The mam advantage of using serum-free medium IS that the system IS simple and “clean” wlthout the potential Interference of the components of fetal calf serum (e g., fetum m fetal calf serum IS a strong mhlbitor of mushroom lectm) 10 To avold dllutional effects, different doses of the lectms should preferably be added in the same volume, but usually the effect of tmy volume differences can be neglected if the volume of lectin solution added to the culture IS

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