RCKakashi14's GT7 Fanfiction: Stars & Stripes Act 9 - Power Play (2024)

Page 11 - Spring

Location: A prison in California
Time: 4 pm, the next day

Somewhere far away from the glitz and glamour of Los Angeles....

...in a bland, perhaps even a desolate location. A prison cell, to be exact. Dave, in his orange prison jump suit is doing his routine chores, sweeping the corridor.

He is used to this kind of labor; after all it was normal for him to be covered in grease as a free man, being a mechanic and race car driver.

As he is about to dip the mop into the water, a PA system rings.

"Attention, David Lempel. Please proceed to the security reception immediately. Once again, Dave Lempel, please proceed to the security reception immediately. Your attorney wishes to see you."

Dave wipes his sweat and leaves the cleaning supplies. He proceeds to the designated area as instructed. Once he got there, the guards escort him to the visiting area, and there awaits Mr. Hans Dawson, his attorney. The attorney then places his briefcase on the cold table, opening it and taking out some papers.


sits across his attorney.

"Oh, I thought I wouldn't be able to make it to the visiting hours. Well, I won't be here for long, anyway. I'll keep this meeting short." Hans said.

"What do we have here, attorney?" Dave asked.

"Congratulations! You are a free man." Hans said.

Dave's eyes widened. That is a news he wouldn't expect considering the gravity of his actions.

"I'm sorry, what?" Dave asked.

"You. Are. Free. Simple as that. But of course there are some caveats for your release." Hans said.

"The conditions for your release are as follows. Number one: You are not allowed to make any form of contact to Ms. Czarina Marsh. Number two: You are permanently banned in racing at ANY circuit in the United States of America. Wow, that's sad. Number three: The money you stole will go back to their origins, but she did leave you at least ten percent for you to "start over". But... there is one interesting clause." Hans said as he reads the contents.

Dave nods, but what is that specific clause?

"Conditions one and two will be null and void IF you beat her in a race." Hans said with a smirk.

"Huh? But how? You said I can't even contact her in any way." Dave inquired.

"Oh, that will be possible. This wouldn't be written if it wasn't for a certain someone." Hans replied.

"Who?" Dave asked.

The answer makes itself known in front of them. It was none other than Gerhard Kern.

"Oh, right on cue. Don't you like it? She dropped the charges because of me. We made those certain arrangements." Gerhard said.

"Wait, does she know that you're...?" Dave asked.

"I still have to keep up appearances, young man. Better start calling me Mr. Gottlieb while you are under my wing. Understand?" Gerhard answered.

"Well, that's settled, then. Just let us arrange your release while you get yourself dressed." Hans said.

"Better hurry, I have an upcoming press conference in the FIA." Gerhard said.


Location: Circuit St. Croix, France
Time: 11 am, two days later

The sun shines brightly in the green fields of eastern France, nearby the German border.

One car, however, breaks the serenity.

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A heavily modified Bugatti Veyron runs solely in the new circuit. It belongs to none other than the Blue Streak racing team now managed by Louis Montagny.

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But who is piloting this hypercar?

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The Veyron shows its agility through the first hairpin, something not expected given how it was made.

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Louis, in the pit garage, carefully looks at the telemetry provided by the car. He intends to participate in the next set of touring car races.

But in a Veyron? Wouldn't that be unfair for the competition?

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As it turns out, it is the sole 2013 specification Bugatti Veyron meant to be sold to a customer who suddenly passed on before the car got delivered. Rather than collecting dust, Bugatti modified the entire car for competition purposes. To be able to run fairly against the competition, the car's horsepower was dropped to 600, but the weight has shaved down completely, weighing as much as a typical saloon or hatchback. Majority of the engine and chassis components were replaced by more durable ones, and then tested vigorously by Louis himself.

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Louis then communicates to the driver.

"Please enter the pit lane immediately, lunch is ready." Louis commanded.

"Copy." the driver responded.

The driver heeds to the instruction. Upon exiting the car, he takes off his helmet, revealing a youthful face with a brown mullet haircut. His name is Alphonse Blanchard, also a two-time world karting champion. He is only eighteen years old.

He wipes off his sweat and grabs a bottle of cold water to hydrate himself.

"How's the car?" Louis asked.

"Impressive, sir. Moves like a total rocket." Alphonse replied.

"Glad you like it. You will be running that for the entire championship. That will be your opportunity to shine after moving up from the karts." Louis said.

Alphonse shows a grin on his face.

"I won't stop... until I beat...

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"Hmm?" Louis asked as he heard that mumble.

"Oh, nothing. Let's eat. I am starting to get hungry." Alphonse said with a smile.


Location: Red Bull Headquarters, Salzburg, Austria
Time: 6 pm

"A dinner at Ikarus, huh?" Yuki said as he strolls along the Red Bull headquarters in Austria.

He passes by employees who are in a rush to get home, since the sun is calling it the end of the day.

Yuki Kanonji has renounced his Japanese citizenship after leaving Dream Alliance Japan due to a bitter parting of ways with his mentor, Nobuhiko Hiramoto; and the fact that he officially holds German citizenship as he gets more freelance racing work with various racing teams in Europe.

Which ultimately led him in the Red Bull Hangar. His recent exploits raised the eyebrows of one of the most prolific sports brands in the world, and in motorsport as well.

As he waits in the reception area filled with various sports memorabilia, a secretary approaches him.

"Mr. Kanonji, correct?" she said.

"Yes." Yuki replied.

"Mr. Bayer is now ready to see you. Please follow me."

Yuki looks around during their brief walk, and then finally, they enter the rather chilly office of Peter Bayer, the CEO of the Red Bull Visa Cash App. The secretary leaves them, and then the two men exchange pleasantries.

"Ah, it's a pleasure to have finally met you, Mr. Yuki Kanonji." Bayer said.

"Likewise." Yuki says with a bow.

"Pardon us for repeatedly contacting you regarding our offer." Peter said.

"Oh, I don't mind at all." Yuki said.

"Now, let's get down to business. You see, we need to expand, despite the rather negative reception we got lately. We need new talents in other categories of motorsport. To tell you the truth, what we are doing is a gamble. We are making an attempt to make our presence known in touring car racing, specifically in Europe and in Japan's Super Taikyuu and Super Formula series." Bayer explained.

Upon hearing his birthplace, Yuki's right eyebrow raises, but then he shows a grin to relieve tension.

"Are you uncomfortable racing in Japan, Yuki-san?" Bayer asked.

"No. Not really. It just hits different that I basically left my home then revisiting it." Yuki replied.

"Actually, that is kind of the attitude we are looking for. We also dug deep, and we found out your rather reckless activities in street racing in Japan. To be honest...

...we found the perfect candidate." Bayer said with an impish grin.

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"We need a TRUE menace in the track. Not some smiling honey badger being a walking meme, as the youth calls it. Are you up to the challenge?"
Bayer asked.

Yuki smiles, then said smile turns into a menacing, sinister smirk.

"I'm all up for it. I'm ready to sign." Yuki said.

"Now, shall we discuss further details?" Bayer asked, with a delightful smile.

"Let us proceed." Yuki said.

"May I add that you are also to scout for potential candidates. That means, you have to observe everyone during a race. A win isn't necessary, but a podium or a top 10 finish is a minimum." Bayer said.

"Sounds interesting. Okay, I'll sign." Yuki said.

The two men then proceed to shake hands after Yuki signs the contract. He is now officially part of the Red Bull family.

"Oh, mind if I take the car out for a spin?" Yuki asked.

"Not at all. We can practice until the evening." Bayer replied.

Yuki puts on a loaned racing suit provided by Red Bull. He then gets in the modified NSX and tears up the Red Bull Ring under the cover of darkness.

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Yuki intentionally applies the throttle early in the corner to induce oversteer, a staple in testing the car's limits.

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"The car has the ideal balance of under and over steer. They knew the NSX's flaws very well and addressed them thoroughly." Yuki deduced as he gets the initial feel of the car's dynamics.

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Thinking about the recent events, Yuki firms his grip on the steering wheel.

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"The twins have gotten soft lately. Not that I have ill will towards them, but I am disappointed to say the least." Yuki thought.

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"I will be the one rising to the top. I no longer want to sit on the sidelines and be under the shadow of you both. And Nobu-senpai...."

Yuki's right foot presses down further on the accelerator.

"....just you wait. I will be the one crushing you in Super Taikyu."


Location: Neo Headquarters, Nurburg, Germany
Time: 3 pm, the next day

It's a busy afternoon in the newly refurbished Neo Headquarters in Nurburg. The main color scheme of the facilities is bright green, signifying spring and rebirth, according to Kevin.

Takanori and Takuma oversee the daily operations, and then they enter in the meeting room for a brief respite.

"Okay, still have to sort out the logistics. But the rest are okay!" Takanori said.

"Mr. Gottlieb said we are to wait for someone. And I thought Germans are known to be punctual." Takuma said.

Suddenly, an intercom rings on the table. Takanori picks it up.

"Mr. Kanonji, your guest has arrived. Please meet him in the reception hall."

"Right on cue." Takanori said.

The twins then head down to the reception area. As it turns out, it was Dave Lempel after all.

"Wow, quite a nice HQ you have. I dreamed of this back then." Dave commented.

"Aren't you... Dave Lempel?" Takuma asked.

"That is right. Nice to having finally met you both." Dave said, as he shakes hands with the twins.

"So... Mr. Gottlieb sent you, we presume?" Takanori asked.

"Yes. Second chance." Dave replied.

Getting down to business, the twins tour Dave in the headquarters. The American racer can only be awed at the state-of-the-art facilities and the myriad of employees doing their tasks.

Then finally, Dave is presented with their weapon for the next touring car championship - the AMG GT R. The upgrade was suggested by Takuma, seeing that the GT S wasn't able to live up to their expectations.

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"This will be our new steed. And also, as much as possible, you are going to drive in place of Kevin. You know..." Takuma said.

"Yes, I am aware. But is he doing well?" Dave asked.

"Right now, he is in the hospital for the routine check up. He shall be back in an hour or so." Takanori replied.

"But he is still stubborn as a rock. He really wanted to race as much as his strength dictates." Takuma added.

Then a secretary approaches them.

"Gentlemen, the live conference from the FIA shall start. Let us proceed to the board room." the secretary said.

The trio then head to the conference room and turn on to the sports channel. They see a multitude of microphones in the screen. With nothing much to wait, the session begins with Gerhard Kern taking the stand, still masquerading as Uwe Gottlieb.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for coming over on such short notice. You may have been wondering about the whereabouts of Maximilian Marsh, and I can definitely say this without any lying...

...I do not know where he is. You may see us both together in events, but even he has his secrets. We only talk about professional matters, nothing else. I have gotten wind that his daughter was able to reach him but wasn't able to convince him to turn in.

But rest assured, we are coordinating with the authorities, especially with the Interpol, in our ceaseless search. We believe that the truth shall one day prevail, and we will give Mr. Marsh the avenue to let his voice heard.

For the meantime, I shall introduce to you our newly elected FIA president, Mr. Noel Chevalier."

The audience clap their hands, as Noel takes on the stage and Gerhard sitting with the other executives. Noel's age is relatively youthful at 45, but he has numerous racing victories under his belt. Noel has been part of the FIA for over a decade now, and was responsible for creating a multitude of changes in motorsport despite strong opposition from the senior members.

"Thank you. Thank you very much for entrusting me the leadership of the FIA. I shall not waver in my tenure, and will continue to uphold the ideals of this prestigious organization. As we all know, this organization has been stained with numerous scandals involving the previous president. I will assure to our viewers, and to the racing world, that I shall clean this organization from the ground up. The FIA has undergone various challenges, and it has always been victorious, and this time it won't be different.

The new era begins." Noel said.

Everyone in the FIA conference room clap their hands. Gerhard is seen smiling, and Noel shakes hands with him and then to other members of the board.


RCKakashi14's GT7 Fanfiction: Stars & Stripes Act 9 - Power Play (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.