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- Publication:
- The Fairbury Bladei
- Location:
- Fairbury, Illinois
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- 5
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THE AIRBUEX BLAljE OID 1 OAK LOORS for Christmas a JAMES rAAfest riday Saturday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday ROM A Prize Winning Steer 126 Locust 10c 10c 12 18 12 25 10c 45c merce there is progressing very sat isfactorily There is still time to haye them put in and we have the material Phone 421 biawMM Ki'S Nice Thick Steak or Roast Have you thought of making the family a present of oak floors? Nothing adds more to the attractive ness of your home than good floors ORMKB AIRBURY MSI DBNrIHE8ATPONTIAa MariaAntoinette vstauev formerlyof thtedty dted at the fam Proprietor Two Deliveries 9 a and 4 I Wisconsin Maid Butterine a pound 20c Sugar Cured Bacon a pound 28c Home Rendered Lard 5 pounds $100 AMBER AND IVORY TOILET ARTICLES PERUMES AND TOILET WATER HAND DECORATED KITCHEN NOVELTIES ANCY GLASSWARE TOYS ANCY TEA AND GINGteK JAKb A INE LINE CHRISTMAS CARDS SEALS ANCY CORD CHRISTMAS TREE DECORATIONS Phone 435 Bach Lumber and Building Material airbury and orrest Phone 123 East End 4 ktt VHUHvn WtMAtllA dlARlI What would 'make better Christ mas gift than a fancy plaid blanket ribbon bound $6 value $495 at the Beckley Stores loyd Heckman arrived hist riday rom San Diego Calif and will visit during the hpndays at the home of his mother Mrs Margaret Heckman Irving Watterson Was in Kankakee Tuesday visiting his father William Watterson Severn! weeks ago Mr Watterson Sr fell and broke ms hip and on account of his advanced age is a anvinno nnniVSHnit Ill CVUVWW There will be no Wednesday even ing service 1 The White Christmas program of the Sunday school Thursday evening December 24' At the morning service the sperial Christmas music wil be a solo by Mrs Heckman Song of the (Mereffith) 'and the choir will siqg Is He that (Peace) and in (Caleb Sim per) Irt the evening the special descrip tive music with the living pictures will be furnished by Mrs Heckman Mrs Kerr Mrs Stitzel Mr Travis and Mr Dawson and chorus and Miss McCormack The Store SILK HOSE HAND LOOMED WOOL SCARVES IRESIDE BASKETS SHOPPING BASKETS SMART POWDER COMPACT COMBINATIONS GLOVES QUILL PENS ELECTRIC 'LAMPS ANCY TEA AND GINGER JARS the old old Christmas story 1 V' Special notices Church board meet ing sext Mondny sjght Place and time announced In church oaSunday ti make' this last month of 1928 real churchmonth' Dn Crane Pastor arHJaw'candim 'aL aB prices at the Bon Ton 1 If you have a news item tell The Biads Our phone number ia 82 red Quautock and Eli Moser were Chicago visitors the first of the week Beautiful new' patterns in Christ mas neckties just in? 89c to 98c At Beckley I tn aiiMit nart of this fe! in Indianapolis Ind on buri tjj am Mfoa Leona were Btoomuwa yunon riday mw holiday set tie and handker mawn woe varae vnnetmaj Prtea zAt LAi a recent election of the Peoria lerauon of Musfciaas Herbert Mai was elected one of the examiners (Uir GAAffwin lefL lan Thnrfr for Nashville TeMwhere ehe snend the Christman holidays (th friends Small boys' Jong pantsuits See it we can snow you at wui i $15 At AMY Mima Yfflt WlilMOn a km AavaJ UU vv VUUwDUJT Ma UPn vajo it at the home of hen daurhter ri rank McMahon warm fleece umon suits the make Only J2at If you need a fresh millp cow come aalej Mr and Mrs YLMcDowelL Ren rs 8 Henderson and Nim Mapel in unicasro mom STiaav to sun attending the Horse Show Boy Scout all leather warm lined loves only a dollar At Mr and Mrs Hallock and inghter Lorene A Wahl and inghter Helen Mrs John Rosen xm and Mrs Buseard were Bloom gton callers Tueaday Genuine Gillette safety razors andu: afeaAr wauw vuriowuaa vsayutK fiivd aBe At Mrs 'K Wetzel and fodr chil tsnren of Buffalo Mont arrived last' 'phursday evening and will remain ter someporiness matters and visit ing old friends' i Ladies silk dresses in satin back crepe and charmeuse" black navy and 5Becuey Mr Walter TavSne'r left last Saturday for i Taveher Texas where they will spend a monthiViait ing his brother xancy rubber tea aprons Tor ladies and chudreu 35c to 75c at the Beck ley Stores f'x' I Minn who had been east on business trip stopped off here over the wbk end for a with 'his1 mother Mrs Hugh Rob inson and mother relatives Mufflers good warm woolen ones from $1 to $250 At JoeKuenzi and Aaron Steifinger of this city rsnk Merrill of orrest and Paul Steldinger of Strawn left Sunday morning by auto for a trip to lorida' They are making the trip just to yee ithe countryrbut If theylike it downtbero they socks from 25c to $125 At Beckley's JT Hopkins and daughter1 Miss Nelle left Tuesday for Glasgow Ky for a visit with Mr Hopkins daugh teriMrs ML Button and to look after some business matters They will be gone until after the holidays The celebrated Whitman's Bunte Bros and box candies at the Bon Ton Bath robes the comfortable kind all sizes up to 52 Priced from $6 to $1259 At Mr and Mrs Howard Yates of Streator were here Tuesday evening to attena tne American xegion nome i savs they are ouite comfortably ritu THE AGAIN The following telegraphic article appeared in the daily papers Monday: Quincy IM Dec The Illinois commerce commission will meet here on Tuesday to hear peti tions for permits to operate of the Quincy Northwestern railway and various bus lines The bus lines in volved are the Quincy Canton (Mo) and Keokuk (la) the Carthage Bow en and Quincy and the line to Pitts field The Quincy Northwestern line is to extend from Quinby to Mon mouth 1 It is reported that the road is be I ing promoted by the Santa rail road and that the Quincy branch is to be the St Louis extension It is understood that the Santa will be one of the big bidders on the railway when it is sold at mas sale in New York next month This would give it a line from Peoria to Keokuk At Monmouth it is thought that he Quincy Northwestern will connect with the old Rock Island Southern When it was first started and flourish ing the late Jim Hurley of the Santa I owned the controlling stock in that road At his death it was under stood his heirs sold his interests to other officials of the Santa I If the Santa gets control of the it would have a direct line from Chicago to St Louis and Peoria west We understand the will issue a new time table January 3 at 'which time the trains now going east through here at 825 in the morning and west at 7:59 will be taken off i forget the Christmas candies at store Weston PROBATE COURT PROCEEDINGS Estate John Swift deceased Codlin petitioner for the appoint ment of an administrator Cod lin appointed administrator Adjust ment day fixed for ebruary term 1926 Estate Matthew Glinnen deceased Cyril A Burns administrator Claim of Bach allowed in the sum $20450 Estate Marion Leonard minor Leonard guardian final report bn file and approved in al receipt of ward on file Guardian and his bond discharged Estate closed Estate Puffer spendthrift Herr conservator Claims allowed as follows: red Kline $187 George Salaila $1304 Estate Margaret Rumbold deceas ed William Nimmo administrator Claim of Ernest Smith allowed in the sum of $194418 Estate Edward Roeder deceased A Gray administrator Claims al lowed as follows: Brown $451 50 Nim Mapel $2715 John Mapel $109: George Leonard $7742 George Goodpasture $761 Elmer VirUer $438 51 Joe Schwarztralder $6725 Wallace A Grotevant $10445 red Schlipf $1095 Elizabeth Roeder $1000 James Galbraith $114 irst State Bank of orrest $17727 Husset $1490 Hamilton $15150 orrest Lumber company $12858 Rikus Hippen $10914 Diskin $157557 Roy Metz $1385 17 Claudon Motor Mart $3295 Church $11018 rank Aoembel Hornickle and WiL da Pauline Goeinbri minors Pauline Thomas guardian Application of Matt Kafer surety on additional 1 bond to be released as such surety Ordered that guardian file current re port as such guardian in ten days snd naw bond as guardian Market will hold a special market December 24 OPENING AT 10 A The usual Saturday market will not be held Christmas week rer the holidays visiting her parents to attend the American Legion home Er and Mrs Herman Mehrings ana talent play "Char Mr Yates ther relatives Harry Kershner of says they are quite comfortably mtu Peston a nephew of Mr and Mrs ated in Streator and that his work as Hetzel who had spent the past sev secretary of the Chamber of Com ru monuis at weir nome in mon ma returned borne with them that whet your appetite? ii We bought one of the prize winners at the Intema tiofial Live Stock Show in Chicago last week and you will have the opportunity of getting an extra fine cut of beeffor the Christmas feast Betterorder your tut reserved now 4 Marklands Market The City Meat Market fhk is making the following special prices for Saturday: services Sunday i 7:30 Wednesday 'Mid week prayer and praise service Subject World to Which Jesus Chrhtiafiw3 Xi Usual eervicee Bunday Dn Thursday evendng December 24 at 7:30 the Christian Sunday school will give pageant entitled of Baptfet Vi '1 Usual eorvicee Sunday (' Just a few more shopping days WAVE you forgotten anyone? There is always a hur 1 A ried frenzied last minute rush for Christmas gifts Go over your lists carefully and use these last few days to complete them Then you will be ready for Christmas and ybu will be surprised at how easily it has been done OUR CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES HAVE BEEN MOST POPULAR THIS YEAR The last few days have brought hundreds of people in the store looking for the unusual gifts that they cannot find elsewhere We believe you will be most satisfied with the charming gift things we have assembled for you YOU CAN SHOP IN THE CITY RIGHT HERE IN Meyer Grocery icTrade with us and bank the savings Phone 46 We deliver 'f Christmas Candy Visit our store and see our unusual display of Candy special price inducements to quantity buyers Canned Vegetables and ruits 'We have the largest stock of canned goods in the coun J' ty an purchased on the opening market which this yearL has advanced considerably We are prepared to nameprices in dozen and case lots at unusual savings Delmonte canned fruits are as good as any and much better than lots of them ancy quality ana heavy syrup i Delmonte Sliced Pineapple large can 32c Delmonte Apricots large can 32c Delmonte Royal Ann Cherries large can 42c Delmonte Yellow Cling Peaches halved or sliced large can 1 Delmonte) ruits for Salad large can Honolulu Lady Pineapple large can Solar Brand Pineapple large can Michigan Navy Beans 15 lbs or Setter Tawbuni Illinois boxez of 510 Xi Pretty lunchnad OK KA 4 ha Arm Tftfl JDfMV flt Kl Mr Nim Maeinc! son John wore Roy Steldinger left on Tueeday for Mb Maria Antoinette O'Malley MUsRuthBeBl spendtke boli School of Bleetridty Jly rwMence in JPontiac WedMedzy day vacation witk in Tuscola Dave Law Veaiding northwest of at 9:20 eloel death beinr due to and town Nahtan Leonard of Me apoplexy following ah illnemtof a Choice ofre milk' cows a' Dowell left yrterdeayby onto for a year nHfnrnta i uneral services will: be bald this Misa Nelle Carrithere wifi lea veMrs Dot Ingram spent a portion next Thursday for Toledo Ohio to "of the week here a guest of Mr' and epend holiday week with end Mr Mre Charlee itzgerald' 8hq leftor Gene Canfthenk 4 home at Columbu Or yeaterday Smith and daughter MiM 'lir and Mrs Clyde Shearer of Elizabeth departed Tuesday for their jackson will arrive here next winter etay at Laudersdafe la Wednesday or Thursday to epead the Wecarry arfull hne oi "dioa and hoMdaya Ml Mr iKeler and other relative i Mr and Jto Ora Shmto arrf Mf and Mr Howard AlexaMer matorqd £ff MeSSiarite 'cboV Ww fart irithera and the mother Mrs Mis Marguerite Wardell Jndre Cerrithers returned Mre tE5ulwt5i1Mn Wednesday and Mrs Carrither SeiTBiwZiiUm tartt VT7T Special Christmas offer McCalls JNewa was received the first of the Magazine two year subscriptions week of the deathof one of the little $150Ordero taken at the Boddey boy adopted by Dr Mrs Stored' Bell of Seattle Wash Mr BeU with i Mr' James I moved the two bOy waa at Venice Callt last week from Bloomingtonto this where she had gone forthe benefit of city They have taken apartment her health TOey were jready to for the Winter leave for their home when the child Miss Emma DuBois returned Ttfes wae taken ill and died within few day from a visit itt Chicago accom hours He was the second Wild adopt panied by Mrs A Howard who ed by the Bells will be her guest for a week 'Mrs Moses who' had spent Roy Robinson of Pittsburgh the past month here visiting at the arrived Saturday to accompany ms home of her bister Mrs Schertz mother Mrs Robineotiv to'his southeast of town left Tuesday for home 'where she will make an ex Aurora Neb for a visit before re tended visit Ki 1 turning to her home at Guernsey Mr and Mrs William Bills are Wyo Mr and Mrs Schertz have as leaving tomorrow lor wtruiip aau where they wiH visit their son George snd their son in law and daughter Mr and Mrs George Golsch over the holidays ancy fruit baskets in three sizes: $1 $125 the Beckley Store Mr and Mrs Karnes were turning to her home at Guernsey i their guest Mr and Mm A Hos tettler of Upland CaHf who will re main here until after the hoHdaye Mr Hoatettler and Mrs Schertz are brother and sister Saturday morning Dewey DeMoes was quite painfully injured when in 21 Al A lwsening a ww irvm uw bwmi uiv Bloomington Sunday where thumb of his left hand waa caught were guest of Mr and Mr Itotewt between the manger and the on Jones for the day and attended we end the cnin as the animal presentation of The Messiah rang by pulled back on the chain Dewey sue ceeaea wresnng me aanu xrom we glove leaving the nail and fleshy part of his thumb in the glove With the bare bone exposed he got out his car and drove to town for medical aid A number from this city were in Peoria test evening attending the in stallation of the newly elected officero of Peoria Chapter: No' 7 A Among the officers installed was Har ry Brandvig who heads the chapter as high priest and John Burkhart as steward both of whom are former airbunans Two Companions from a very serious conmuon Mr and Mrs William Humprey moved Jastf ing the office of grand secretary and sey to their Ney actin? as grand chap returning to airbury to make their home and have leased the Mrs John ry residence property on East Elm SALE 0 HOUSEHOLD GOODS street Mnamor in I sell at public auction at 2 Saturday afternoon at the Brownson residence corner of Oak $250 and $3 At Beckley 8 an(j Second streets a complete set of News of the death of Herbert Ryn household furniture which includes at his home in Chicago was received gome fine walnut pieces a nearly new here Saturday The young man had gtove dishes Mrs George many iNirnmo ing frequently visited here at the wiuiam morris unnic Treaty nanomaae guw me acau anyone nunung stitch Shop at bakery I the land farmed by We cany a full line of radios and will be prosecuted: radio supplies langer Motor Co I Homer ry John Sutter Chris Meiss John Noe rank outs ihorning at 9 o'clock from St Cithollc church' Pontiac with Bar 3 Cannon conducting the requiem highr mas't Burial win be ini St cemetery Marie Antoinette Conerus was born September' 19 1868 Oidenberg Germany ajdaughter 'of John and Coneru Jn 1872 when four years of age she came to this coun try with her parents who settled dn Aurora The family resided there for a period of eight years and then re moved to airbury At arbury on June 22 1892 the deceased was unit ed in marriage to WiHiam ley of this city Shortly thereafter they: removed to Pontiacwhich has since been their home 'Mro i survived by her husband and five children: Mrs Dan iel McKenzie Evanston Mi Veron ica and William Jr Evanston and Ruth and Naomi athome She is also survived by two sisters and a brother: Mrs Kurtzweil and ftra Louis ates Crystal Lake' HL and Paul Conerus of Ocean Park CaHf Her mother preeedd her in death in 1894 and her father in Two brothers William and John Con erus likewise haye precedde her ip death WITH THE CHURCHES Christian Science Usual services Sunday ree Methodist This week we will have our quar terly meeting service December 18 19 and 2O In connection with this meeting there will be our Christmas exercises on Saturday night at 7:30 ollowing the program Rev KUne the district elder will address the children with remarks Atting to the Christmas season Strawn Church What is chief end? chief end is to glorify God and to en joy him forever' Pre Christmas Sunday December 20 morning worship and Sermon at 9:30 Day in the City of Sunday school at 10:30 a Here is a chance to enter into the study of i NO HUNTING OR TRESPASSING Anyone hunting or trespassing on tne unoersignea 1 15 1 8 Christmas Bills TYTHENthe pecember bfllB almost swamp ybu what a relief la thethought that you havea nie sized savings account? thk you have accumulated by the thrift habit of saving a part' of your pay check each week and putting it in A SAVINGS ACCOUNT ''at the Cfaittton Stofe Bank We pay 4 on Savings 30c 42c 28c 25c S100 3 Matches Strike Anywhere 6 large boxes 25c Seedless Raisins Sun Maid brand 2 pkg 25c 7 Uriiia Pancake Iour per special Hominy or Pumpkin large can per can Tomatoes Peas Corn Kralit and Red Kidnpv Renna ner can Large Naval Oranges per dozen English Walnuts none better or larger 11b 35c 3 lbs $100 Mixed Nuts per lb 35c 3 lbs $100 Bulk Dates per lb 15c Bring us your eggs and receive top price TtJ I lr i Ox 11 iTIt 'JU 39 St KWWkx rA ZLRllM If III Man nv a I ITT lr K'S aw I BsKbm in eaaee eimretl tertettuznit the Bo Sa SW a I ft vi TTEraiM 4 4 I 1 TH I 2 lllH 4 x3ll i "III 381 MW Il Hl I 'I "3I I1 11 jii 1 111 'S I A 1 I I 1 BiO a ffiv.
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- Pages Available:
- 35,633
- Years Available:
- 1871-1970