If you are a avid Zer0 player(like m3), you most likely want to be as edgy as possible and get MLG bore kills. In this guide i will be explaining how you should play Zer0 and how Gearbox clearly intended him to played.So com3 al0ng f0r th1s magical j0urn3y int0 b3ing a MLG Zero player!
Part 1: The Sk1llz
First of all there are some essential skillz we need and every zer0 player should have:
Your action sk1ll is by far the most versat1le action skill in the game and allows you to run away Headshot for ev3n m0re damage and Stealth Shotgun.(Also with B0re you can see their crit spots so you dont have to actually find them out yourselves) It pretty much becomes a Get out of Jail card with Innervate.
Cunning Tree:
Death Blossom– Because cheap kunais that scale are MLG
Unf0rseen– Because cheap shock damage is skill
Death Mark– To make MLG bore kills easier as your kunais will mark enemies
Innervate– So you can be a ♥♥♥♥♥ and run away from situations that you got yourself into and lose nothing from being a idiot then you can run back in and do it again For surviving sticky situations and getting out alive so you can show your 1337 skills.
Sniping Tree:
Headshot– for obvious r3as0ns
One sh0t one kill– So you can reload after every sniper shot and get free damage in return
B0re– This is the most important skill for zer0 by far and allows you to be even more mlg and makes you need no knowledge of enemy crit sp0ts and get cheap Skillful kills on bosses and groups of enemies.
Kill C0nfirmed– So you can be a camper and get those very skillful headshots
At 0ne with the gun– “Stop camping you n00b”
Bloodshed Tree:
melee sucks and cant get you MLG tricksh0t5 on those n00b(spelled with two zer0s) so dont use it or your a idiot. seriously all th3 sk1llz 1n thi5 tr33 are t3rribl3 and f0r n00bs who dont know how to play zer0 and have no idea how zer0 is meant to be played as it doesnt boost headshots and tricksh0t5
*They are not in the order you will be able to get them this is just a list of essential skills, you may get them in whichever order you see fit
Part 2: The Cu5tom1sati0n
To be a good Zer0 you need to look edgy and cool while using B0re to get cheap kills.
Here are some good cosmetic sets i would recommend:
You’ll cut yourself on that Edge:
Head- L0rd of Blades(Assassin Stinging Blades DLC)
Skin- Cleansing Fire(Assassin Supremacy DLC)
Bolshevik Blaster:
Head- Punk(Reward from “In Memoriam”)
Skin- Vladof Freedom(Rank 5 “Ammo Eater” Challenge)
The Scout Main:
Head- 3ng13(Reward from “Statuesque”)
Skin- Why so Serious(Rank 3 “It’s not Easy looting green” Challenge)
Head- Infern0(Assassin Supremacy DLC)
Skin- This is HEV-y(Rare drop from King Mong)
Jack is the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ HERO!:
Head- Handsome Jack’s Mask(Drop from Handsome Jack, The Warrior or The Handsome Sorcerer)
Skin- Hyperion Heroism(Rank 3 “Lock and Load” Challenge)
Head- Crafty(Drop from Badass Creepers)
Skin- This skin is Cyan(Mission reward from “The Overlooked : Medicine Man”)
I wear this mask because it protects me from normies:
Head- Nihilism(Rank 5 “…To pay the bills” challenge)
Skin- Dark Night(Rare drop from the hyperion assassins in “Assassinate the Assassins”)
Head- Blast Shield(reward from mission “Symbiosis”)
Skin- Torgue Speed Demon(Rank 5 “Catch-a-Rocket!” challenge”)
Big Brain for a Bandit:
Head- Vault Veteran:Arachn1d(Obtained by having a save file from the original Borderlands)
Skin- Bandit War paint(Rank 3 “Marauder? I Hardly Know ‘Er” Challenge)
(credit to @Vini for the set idea)
The Biker from Hell:
Head- d00med( Bought from Torgue Vending Machine in Mr. Torgue’s Campaign of Carnage with Torgue tokens)
Skin- Maliwan Grace(Rank 5 “I Just Want to Set the World on Fire” challenge)
Crikey! Look at the Size of that Crit Spot!:
Head- D4rk Expl0rer( Mission reward from “The Fall of Nakayama” in the Sir Hammerlocks’s Big Game Hunt DLC)
Skin- Dahl Elite(Item of the day)
Cyb0rg N1nj4:
Head- N0t C4n0n(Mission reward for “A Match Made on Pandora”in the Mad Moxxi and the Wedding Day Massacre DLC)
Skin- Ninja Star(Mission Reward from “To Grandmother’s house we go”)
P1nk and Pr0ud:
Head- Ech0lation(Assassin Domination Pack DLC)
Skin- Pink Pandoracorn-(Rank 5 “Nothing Rhymes with Orange” or “JEEEEENKINSSSSSS!!!” challenge)
Note: I may add more sets in the future, suggest some good ones in the comments and i will see about adding them. No please actually suggest sets i’ve ran out of ideas and i want feedback
Part 3: The W3p0n5
Now for the most 1mportant part. The gear here listed is clearly the best gear choices for Zer0 and doing some mlg af sniping.
Primary: The Conference Call(Legendary Hyperion Shotgun)/ The Flakker(Legendary Torgue Shotgun)
Secondary: Morningstar (Rare Hyperion Sniper rifle, reward from “Hyperion Contract 873”)
Tertiary: Plasma Caster-Dahl preferably shock or slag(E-tech SMG)/Dahl SMG(shock or slag)
Quaternary: Any Torgue/Bandit(Explosive) Rocket Launcher
Now i will explain all these weapon choices
The Conference Call is excellent to spam and works well with The Bee, while The Flakker tend to do insane amounts of damag3 and works well with Deception and B0re due to their very good spread and accuracy. The Conference Call and Flakker can be obtained from The Warrior and The Handsome Sorcerer.
The Morningstar is glitched and can do insane amounts of crit damage, it is also a hyperion sniper rifle which are the best sniper rifles and you should use no other brand of snipers(It also makes you feel really edgy because someone is questioning your MLG skillz while you use it making it extra edgy as you have some inner conflict of ideals and beliefs).
The Plasma Caster as Dahl can effectively cut down a shield with burst fire or slag them quickly while scoped. You can also use it to weaken an enemy before No Scoping them. It also looks cool.
Torgue launchers do insane amounts of damage. It can be used for cheap second winds and cheese bosses with Deception.
These weapons are the best choice for playing and you should only use these weapons once you get them.(sorry about having only a level 35 Conference Call)
Part 4: 0th3r G3ar
This section will Include the necessary Class mod, grenade mods etc.
Grenade Mod: Maliwan Transfusion Grenade (Fire, Corrosive and Slag)
Transfusion grenades are arguably the best. This is because they can give you free health while killing enemies. Better yet, they require no aim whatsoever as they explode into projectiles that seek out enemies. I would recommend carrying a Fire, Corrosive and Slag one, this is so you can deal with different enemy types and be a cheap n00b.
Class Mod: Survivor( and variants)
Health Regen negates the need to waste money on Health from that Pesky Doctor Zed. It also means you can hide behind cover and regen health making camp1ng easier. The extra health gives you a permanent advantage and makes your health higher than it should be allowing you to survive against groups of enemies easier. Because nobody needs extra sniper rifle or critical damage when you can’t survive against all the enemies in existence.
Shield: Adaptive Shield(Any will do as long as its good for your level)
Adaptive shields are good because they provide extra health, and you know what that means. They also have elemental resistance which means you can survive against those pesky load3rs(for longer). Or just use the Bee and be cheap
P.S. 50rry ab0ut the lvl 31 Bee
1n C0nclus1on
If you follow everything correctly and do everything in this guide, you are now an amazing player of Bl2. Keep in mind that this is obviously how Gearbox intended Zer0 to be played and you should personally attack anyone who questions your 1337 playstyle and skills.
Thanks for reading my guide and i hope this improves your Zer0 Sk1llz and gives you MLG powers. 🙂
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