Casper Star-Tribune from Casper, Wyoming (2024)

4 Casper Tribune-Herald Star Sunday, May 30, 1954 ACC Student About 800 People Attend Dance Given By Wyoming Geological Association Auxiliary's Benefit Party Successful Mrs. Eari Bemls, president of the ladies auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars of Powder River Post reports the benefit party held Wednesday night' was well attended. Proceeds will be turned The annual spring dance for Wyoming Geological Association members and guests was attended by approximately 800 people Thursday evening at the. Industrial Building. A.

W. Vitt, president of the Association, was assisted by a committee of members to complete. the -entertainment for the evening. Many co*cktail parties were given by the geologists for their guests before the dance which started at 9 o'clock and lasted until 1 ajn. The semi-formal affair was a colorful affair under the direction of the co-chairmen of the dance, W.

E. West Jr. and E. C. Mees.

over to the American Korean Foundation. Every one attending had the privilege of signing the scrolls. The amount netted from the party was $89.50. Individual donations and signees other than the party were $9. VFW Past President donation was $2.50.

This will amke a total of $100.50 that will be sent in by VFW Auxiliary to this cause. This American-Korean Foundation was founded by our servicemen in Korea. This foundation is endorsed by President Eisenhower. Local merchants donated awards for this event. McKelvey Is Entertained With Party Mr.

and Mrs. Macy McKelvey entertained at a surprise birthday dinner-party for their son, Macy, Thursday evening. Guests for the event included Berry and Jerry Crater, Bob While, Jerry Cronan, Ronney Lockwood, Frank Nichols, John Kidneigh. Bud" Herzeelle, Jim Hicks, Mike Tipton, Billy Keefe, Clarence Morley and Mrs. Frank Nichols.

The the celebration of Macy's 16th birthday anniversary were spring cut flowers. The guests watched television following- the dinner. ENGAGEMENT TOLD: Mr. and -Mrs. Philip J.

Clark announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Phyllis Ann, to Harold R. Esau, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Charles Esau of Douglas. Miss Clark is a graduate of Natrona County High school and attended the University of Illinois and was pledged to Alph Xi Delta sorority.

She is presently employed by Shell Oil Co. The prospective bride-groom is a graduate of Douglas High school and served with the United States Marines in Korea. He is now associated with the Texas Company. The wedding is set for St. Mark's Episcopal Church for June 19.

WYOMING GEOLOGISTS ASSOCIATION entertained with a dance at the Industrial Building Thursday evening. Charlie Barnet and his orchestra provided music for the event. Shown here left to right are Mr. and Mrs. Pete Adams, Officer Merton Pittman, and Mr.

and Mrs. Cliff Langly. (Tribune-Star photo) Jgycee Jinx Plan Uniform For National Convention Jaycee Jinx members met in the home of Mrs. Bill Burks, 1626 South Jefferson, recently to play a uniform for the national convention scheduled for Colorado Springs. Mrs.

Bill Bond and Mrs. C. Rosenback were co-hostesses for the meeting. Mrs. Leo Carlton, gave a report on the state From Casper Gets Degree ABILENE, Ter.

Mrs. Doris Bene Stewart Kinney of Casper will be among the 150 Abilene Christian College seniors who will receive degrees at commencement exercises May 31. Htne is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.

T. Stewart of Casper, and Is i 1950 graduate of Natrona County High School. She is a primary education major with an Eng. lish minor and will receive a B.S. She was a member of the Club, women's honor organization; Alpha Chi, honorary scholarship organization; Future Teacher of America, and the Golden West Club.

Jack Pope, associate Justice of the 4th Court of Civil Appeals, San Antonio, will deliver the commence ment address at 8 p.m. Monday, May 31, in Morris Stadium, east of the ACC campus. Dr. George S. Benson, president of Harding College, Search, will preach the baccalaureate sermon at 7 p.m.

Sunday, May 30, in ti College Church of Christ. The Stars Say By ESTRELLITA On this day. the lunar vibration augur well for travel, Indulgence in hobbies and sDorts. social di versions generally. A word of cau tion, nowever: Do not let blunders or carelessness spoil what could otherwise be a most pleasant day.

If planning to travel or entertain, check budget carefully first. The costs may be larger than you anticipate. For those eneaeed in creative work or any occupation requiring this Is an excellent period for considering new ideas and methods. Inspiration and intuition are under excellent stim uli, and originality should produce excellent results. For the Birthday If tomorrow Is your birthday, your Imagination, foresight and ability should enable you to mold conditions to suit yourself during the balance of this year.

The sidereal Influences could not be better and. as a true native of Gemini, adaptable and versatile, you should be able not only to recognize the opportunities at hand now, but to profit by them in your own inimitable way. Those engaged in the professions, in the creative arts or any field which requires imagination and a certain amount of daring are especially favored, but everyone born under your sign should be optimistic now. Business, financial, social romantic and domestic relationships are all under good aspect, so the going should be comparatively easy in 1954. But you'll have to work hard, of course.

Success will not be handed to you on a silver platter. A child born on this day will be imaginative and talented, but inclined toward extreme sensitiveness at times. Baker to Get Degree From Texas COLLEGE STATION, Texas The following student from Casper, Wyoming received his degree at the May 21 graduation, at Texas A. and M. College: School of Arts and.

Sciences-Bachelor of Science: Biology, William Henry Baker. 253 S. Center Dial 3-S 7 ENGAGED: The engagement of Charlotte Merlene Pray and William E. Landry, son of Mr. and Mrs.

A. D. Landry of New Orleans, is being announced by the bride- elect's mother. Miss Pray is the daughter of Mrs. Harry Pray and the fate Mr.

Pray of Tulsa, Okla. The wedding will be an event of June 12 at St. Anthony's Church. John E.Young Gets Debate Certificate PASADENA John E. Young of Casper, a student at the California Institute of Technology here, receives a debate certificate at the annual awards assembly Thursday, May 27.

The awards are given to students who have represented Caltech in intercollegiate debate competition or in. oratorical or extempore speaking contests. They are made on the recommendation of Professor Lester L. McCrery, debate coach, and with the approval of the student body board of directors. Son of Mr.

and Mrs. H. A. Willis. 1007 South Wolcott, he is a sophom*ore majoring in applied chemistry at Caltech and a graduate of Natrona County High School.

WORTH THINKING Even the highest-priced suit looks only as good as Its last cleaning and pressing job. Be care ef the finest service- BY JUST DIALING 141 North Jackson Fh. 3-5609 lie f-i -iC. 'i i i Personals Mrs. W.

J. Krauter of Denver, Mrs. A. H. Binder of Burlington, Mrs.

Glenn Winship of Casper, all system officers of the Burlington Lines Veterans Ladies Auxiliary and Charles A. F. Abel, system secretary-treasurer of the Burlington Veterans of Aurora, were guests of the local officers of the two organizations at luncheon Thursday in the Peaco*ck Room of the Gladstone Hotel. Others present were Mrs. Ruth Colvin, Mrs.

P. P. Thomas, Mrs. L. C.

Merwin and O. C. Wallace of Casper. Flan a vacation at the Triangle Ranch, Dubois," Wyoming. Special program In June for children; fishing and pack trips during July; big game hunting September and October.

Adv Harold Manorgan has just returned from a week's trip to Denver. After visiting with her sister, Earl Harper in Rawlins, Mrs. Manorgan accompanied her to Denver where they visited with friends. Pert and perky summer squaw dresses, $8.98 to $39.95 on our mezzanine Kassis Adv. i Mr.

and Mrs. Earl E. Hanway! returned to Berkeley, on Thursday after completing a 'round the world trade mission. After visiting in Berkeley about 10 days they will come to Casper. Their trade ivission, which included a committee of businessmen from all parts of the United States, was interested in points in Pakistan and India.

Mom-r-Call Evelyn Haeker, 2-0884 for those dependable sitters from Original Baby Sitters Service. Adv. Mr. and Theodore Cook are the parents of a boy born Thursday in Natrona County Memorial Hospital. Rosalind Fredm announces Interesting piano studies for young children.

Ph. 3-5844 Adv. Miss Joaann Chesbro and Miss Marjorie Morgansen of Billings, are visitors here this weekend. Miss Chesbro is visiting with her parents, Mr. and- Mrs.

Wallace Chesbro and Miss Morgansen is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Morres Morgansen. They're unique attractive and add a spark to your home. Planters from Westridge Florist.

Adv. Mrs. Gene.McGinty of Billings, is visiting he. parents, Mr. and Mrs.

E. F. Seabeck, 725 East Second. She will remain in Casper several days. Personalized stationery the perfect graduation gift from Tal- bert's, 124 North Wolcott.

Adv. Mrs. Viola Chinges, 138 West 10th, left Thursday for Logan, Utah, where she will attend the graduation of her son, George L. Chingas from Utah State Agricultural College. Accompanying Mrs.

Chingas were Mrs. George Angelas, Doyle Cazier and Mr! and Mrs. James Bodenhamer and their daughter, Cathy. For a Treat Old Fashioned hard crust French bread Westridge Bakery. Open Sunday 9 a.

m. to 8 p. m. Adv. Mr.

and Mrs. Clyde Mauk of St. Louis, arrived here Saturday to spend the summer at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Undersheriff and Mrs. Ed O'Meara. i i ft il Past Matrons Meet InSpeas Home Here The Past Matrons Club, Order of the Eastern Star, met recently at the home of Mrs.

James Speas for a business meeting presided over by Mrs. Edwin R. Snow. Mrs. Snow was assisted by Mrs.

Howard Leik. Refreshments were served by Mrs. J. M. Lowndes, Mrs.

J. C. Zohnoskl and Mrs. J. S.

Mercer. Members and guests present were Mmes. L. D. Branson, H.

K. Burdick, C. R. Berry, Ray J. Cook, F.

J. Eckerson, C. A. Goodnight, Ambrose Hemingway, J. E.

Hurley, J. R. Luxon, Howard Leik, J. M. Lowndes, Fremont Michie.

Verne Mokler, C. M. Morris, B. H. McCarthy, J.

S. Mercer, W. C. Miller, Hugh Patton, David Patterson, James Speas, Edwin Snow, Herman Talpers, E. Trask, Forrest Wheeler, H.

F. Werten-berger, J. C. Zolnoski, M. Wright and R.

W. Harris. The next meeting' of the. club will be at the home of Mrs. J.

E. Hurley. 1612 South Spruce on June 30th at 2 o'clock. MODERN ETIQUETTE By ROBERTA LEE Q. Is it proper for a hostess to wear a hat at her own luncheon or tea table? A.

While a hostess usually does not wear a hat in her own home, still if the dress she is wearing looks especially pretty with a hat that goes with it, it is quite all right for her to wear it. Q. Is it all right for a divorced woman, who has remarried, to attend the funeral of her first mother-in-law with her second husband? A. This would be in very bad taste. If she wishes to attend the funeral, she should do so alone.

Q. When a toast is proposed to a person, should this person drink from his glass, too? A. No; he does not rise from his chair, nor does he drink the toast. Effli 11 MR. AND MRS.

STANLEY CADWELL and Mr. xind Mrs. George Shearer were among the guests who attended the Geologists annual dance at the Industrial Building Thursday evening. About 400 couples attended the event. (Tribune-Star Photo) r.

Twins Will Be Christened at Church Today Dixie Ann and Dennis Allen Jones, the twin daughter and son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Jones, 626 East 13th, will be today at the Grace English Church, with the Rev. Theodore F.

Moehring officiating. Sponsors for the twins will be their great-aunt, Mrs. A. W. Foltz, acting as godmother, and Mr.

and Mr. G. C. Simpson, long-time friend of the family, as godfather. NOTHINS TO I imrmnnnr a 0 Mte Eagles and Auxiliary Hold Joint Installation convention held in Thermopolis ear ly this month.

The group decided on yellow jind navy squaw dresses for the national convention. They also made plans to hold a picnic for the delegates Jrom Montana when they arrive in Casper enroute to Colorado Springs. Committee for this social event are Mrs. Chris Matzen and Mrs. Hugh Bryan Jr.

Mrs. Joe Young, chairman, gave a report on the profits from the recent Teen-age Roadeo concession. The proceeds from this will go to a Torthy civic cause. Election of officers was held following the business meeting, with Mrs. Bob Murphy heading the group for the coming club year.

Other officers are Mrs. Joe Young, vice-president; Mrs.3ob Johnson, secretary; and Mrs. Leo treas- 'Silver Chalicefs Reviewed JrV Home By.Mrs. Rosa Noble Mrs. Rosa Noble reviewed the book "The Silver Chalice" at the honjie of Mrs.

Ralph Hallock Wednesday afternoon. Following the program punch and cookies were served and a social hour was held. This was one- of a series of monthly reports planned by the study committee of the Christian Women's Fellowship of the First Christian Church. It was suggested that the reports for the summer months be in the form of morning coffees. Members and their guests who attended were Mmes.

Durward Allen; Dale Ouimette, Donald Rose, Charles Gates, D. E. Bland, Art Burrell, Charles Young, Elmer Johnston, John Mclntyre, Roy Mc-Neely, Art Dowler, Cur-rence, Cantril Jack, John Francis, Russell Corbin, George Johnson, Curt Sample, Fir yd Mayfield, Jack Hall, Mintie Wheatley, Mabel Smith, Ed Noble, Minnie Ross. Howard Mayfield, Martin Eggert and the hostess. 1 Good Neighbor Club Meets In School The Good Neighbor Club of Powder River met recently at the school house for a potluck meal.

The meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. William Osgood. Mrs. Frank Kauff, legislative committee chairman, gave a report on Wyoming highway appropriation. A reading on common sense with children was read by Mrs.

Ralph Crows. Mrs. William Osgood showed a picture of summer hats trimmed with painted peanuts and costume Jewelry. Mrs. Robert Sager, library chairman, reported on several books.

Achievement -day was discussed and the group decided on the theme "What'The Tourist Will See in Won-derful Wyoming." Members present Mmes. Charles Weckworth, Edna Eccles, Robert Sager, Jonce Eccles, William Osgood, Frank Kauff, Robert Kauff, Ralph Crowe and children. Randy Kauff, Jonce Eccles and Billy Sager. a STUDIO "Photosraphy at It Best" 2 Is on Associate Studio for I AUNT MARY BIRTHDAY CLUB A' six-year photographic record of 2 your Baby. A total of six 8x10 2 portraits for only $4.94.

For Further Information and Appointment. DIAL 2-2881 ficer for the women. Mr. Pilant was installing conductor for the men, and May Bramsctter was installing conductress for the auxiliaries. Mr.

Pilant is state conductor for the order. The aeries installed were from Cody, Powell, Basin, Worland, Thermopolis and Riverton. Approxmate-ly 130 officers were installed at the ceremony. of a large class of candidates into the Worland aerie was held in the afternoon. A banquet followed, with the installation of officers being held after the banquet.

Country Club Luncheon Is Scheduled An odd earring will be worn by members and guests who plan to attend the. Casper Country Club bridge luncheon scheduled for Thursday. Hostesses for the event will be Mrs. Otis Walker and Mrs. Charles Wadell who hope that the odd earring will find its mate.

Reservations for the luncheon are to be made with the country club. NUTRILITE A distinguished product among dietary food supplements. Facts available Dial 2-2158 LANE SITTON The Casper Aerie No. 306, Fraternal Order of Eagles, and the Ladies Auxiliary held a joint installation of officers at a banquet and dance at the lodge hall here Saturday, May 22. Allen D.

Cheesbrough was installed as incoming president of the aerie. Danny Weber was outgoing president. Morgan was installed vice president; Bruce Smith, chaplain: Roy Lacey, secretary; Fred Lewis, treasurer; Ike Kuck, conductor; John Freeman, inside guard; Joe Jensen, outside guard; Clyde Magor. trustee for two year term, and Douglas Seymour, trustee for three-year term. George Pilant was installing president and Francis Ad-kisson, installing conductor.

Ellen. Lacey was installed as incoming president of the auxiliary. Outgoing president was Dolores Atack. Mary FJlen Reese was installed as vice president: Betty Zube as chaplain; Christine Burtch, secretary; Mary Bailey, treasurer; Fern Dodds, conductress; Eunice Ritchie, inside guard; Violet Weber, outside guard; Iowa Sixberry and Wyoma McCash, trustees. Maxine Weber was installing president and.

Elsie installing conductress. Mr. and Mrs. W. F.

OToole of Cheyenne were guests at the installation ceremony. Mr. OToole is a state trustee and secretary of the Cheyenne aerie. Mrs. OToole is incoming president of the auxiliary at Cheyenne.

Following the ceremony here, the OTooles and Mr. Pilant went to Worland last Sunday for installation of officers for six aeries. Glenn Hill was' installing officer for the men and Frances Johnson installing of Tussy Fragrance Sets! Scent-matched COLOGNE AND DUSTING POWDEEl in you? old SCREEN, STORM OR COMBINATION DOOR ON A rfl regular! '2 each NOW ONLY EACH U) I i If i i If I mi mm mm ''m CHANCI NOTHING TO STOKI WINDOW COMPANY refreshing summer fragrances: in cologne, and a dusting powder to in gay pastel polka, dot pttkages. And the powder contains a deodorant, too! PLEASE MOTE IN ORDER TO GIVE OUR CLERKS MORE FREE TIME WE WILL BE OPEN FROM 9 A.M. 5( P.M.


Casper Star-Tribune from Casper, Wyoming (2024)
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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.