Hartford Courant from Hartford, Connecticut (2024)

Sperfi A Can 11 A Sports Forrg Cart 11 A Vacation Vthfcltt 121 Motorcycles Eleydei IS THE HARTFORD COURANT, Thursday. Novmeier It. I75f R7 HelWanted ftnt SI CLE seeks sherp gels with peed typing for meny diversified, IntwesHng typlno Hela Went ed female X3 At Fmb cmn 5 -I-drew Houie-Kousecere, eO'Cllnia bt? New Brlteht. tractive gel. Diversified duties, Trane.

rwl oeteto detail. No lea. Gills Employment, 75 PraH, rituuiKAMivigRS OR PROGRAMMER ANALYSTS, Several attractive slti. it tlons ere seeking persons' with projH Oremmlng andor enalyils experlencev putiiivna avaiiaoip in Bit tn 1 1 dystrles throughout the northeast, Washington, Atlente, oa well as great. ar Hartford.

Salaries are commersur. 1 1 ate with experience. Replies held in confidence, all fees paid, pleaso) if cell Romec Assoc. 231-4811, ji flbO'OPERATOR Increase your sala- ryi you ra experienced on NCR me. chine with 16 pocket sorter, our client I will pey you mora then -ypuVe present, i Ly- Fee iXECUTIVg SERVICES, 236-1972.

I PUBLIC RELATIONS SECRETARV par tact spot In this prestigious compeny i for the gel with excellent skills. $om public reeltlons beckground helpful but i not mandatory. Mag Card experience Cal1 PERSONNEL RECRUITERS, II Asylum, 54t PU BL'iclAXTH iSO RSirTuTlfmi; Colchester Public Heelth Nursing Agency, Old Hartford Road, Colettes- 537-3080. i REAL ESTATE commission, eest of tha river, training program. Evening and week and activ.

"Y- Co'l now. jesdor Realty, Reeltors, i 633i4ill, mC B5tAT6RTNtAL' A6tIY neeJ oo. part lime, must hevo Conn, real estete license. Write J. D.

Real Estat. Associates, Box 1(1, Manchester, Attnt 'f R. Zlmmer RECEPtlONIST requires good personal ij ty, ebillty to handle phone cells, elerU IJ 2277lV tyP'n1, Mr, RECEPTlONi'sT-FOtt BeAUTVSACBH excellent wagee and benefits. Meturlty, neetness, end tha ability to tak eherge ar essential. Call 525-2372 for Interview.

i RECEPTIONIST CLERK" TVPlIT. ExcetV lent opportunity for bright gal wltts outgoing personality to work In young) Office. Typing 45 WPM. Fee peld. Set.

PERSONNEL RECRUU TERS, 18 Asylum, 549-1221. RECORDS KEEPER-with flnence conv4 peny experience. Call AVCO Financial Services, 236-4244. 73 RH'S OR LPN'S-3-11 p.m. and" 11-7 a.m2 Mature, experienced.

Full or pert positions available. Modern pleasent, relaxed atmosphere. No rota-S tlon. Good starting salery. Excellent? benefits.

Centrelly located. Convelescent, 29 Hlghlend WestS Hartford, 236-5623. ft RfT'S, full or part time tor the 3 p.m.-ll3 p.m. shift. Excellent supported staff." -Call 529-2521 days, 447-0764 evenings.

RN or LPN "full time. 3-lTTmTAlteri-; note weekends. Avon Convalescent ,3 Home, 673-2521. RNf 3-1 1 SUPERVISOR A position for a qualified Individual Itv3 ferested nrofnotlna Mwvf uiimi In a modern end progressive faclllt" now open at The Nursing Care Center oil's Bristol. Benefits.

Cell 589-1412. --Si RN Full time, 7-2 shifty Contact Director 2 rn Wanted Fiin time. n.T feet Director of Nurses, 1-2254608. '3 pert w.Mwi mmiina, ror inter-va i95.953iei Marborough Manor, J3 RN'S WANTED ihift. Contact Administrator, 2S.3 TRIUMPH 4J0ce7T.bw m7leaa many new parts.

Best offer. Cell 749- 0079. yAMHATTWTcTTtreetlKr iiko new, 56S-07U after Oood condition, best offer. Many new parts, extras. $500.

1-167- WOTORCYCLb NSURANCB Lowe 8 rates available. Motorcycle persona! accioem insurance. Lougmia) Agency, Me-ius. Wanted Automotive 17 A BIOPRrcE.Paloranymako; tarter cnevroiet, 1229 Main street, Moncnoster 446-4444. BIG, BIG: PRICES paiiTfor clean cars.

ah mooeis. oiieil coage, kouio si, ROCKVIIIe. 446-2333. COU NTft7B0YSALCH" lelleveT" he can pay you $130 or more cash tor your pr-owned used cer. All makes, years.

Bring papers. Leave with cosh. See Top Dollar John 289-6413, Route 5, east Windsor. GET THE MOST CASH FOR YOUR CAR. will pay top prices In spot cash tor any ciaan used car, regaroiess of make or model.

Come In, or cell me, Al Bredley, Crest, Pontlac Cadillac, Route 175, Newmoton. 666-li. USED CARSWAJJTED-Top prices paH ev and newer, ceil ask tor irv spector. 1 we Will BuYToOPTcXiroTrboller pam, see Paul Apostaoin, Bill Barry Volkswagen, 470 New park Avenue, West Hertford 236-0866. 1972 or 1973 Toyota Cellce, low mileage, must be in good condition mechanical ly and body top dollar.

Call 446-5998 a p.m. to p.m; SERVICES OFFERED Services Offered 18 APPLIANCES FURNITURE- RIMO'VED Attics, basem*nts, gereges, gutters, cleaned. Trees cut and removed. Gen eral yard work. Experienced, equipped, Free estimates.

278-7231. BACKHOE AND BUCKET SPECIALISTS Garage foundations dug, grading. irencning, drainage and concrete work, 563-2219. DUMP TRUCK SERVICE 1 Scraos. mel als, construction sites cleered, anything nauiea.

Hz-wne otter 9 a.m. CARPET MECHANIC available nights ana weexenas. can 5Z2-WJ5. HAVE 19731 pick up with driver-for lease or mre. ceil 236-4869.

TREES tt SITE CLEARING Stumpr movai. KeasonaDie rates, puny in sured. Free estimates. Cell anytime, 040-2JM. WATER PROOFING.

Hatchways sealed, drain pipes, and sump pumps In stalled. The Zelek Building 1-224- B84J. RefTnishinq 18A FIREPLACE FURNISHINGS Accessories candlesticks, lamps, hardware, oblects d'art, heirlooms. Free estimates. Lap- pens, 25 Mam Hartford, 246-8851; ROUte 44, Avon, 61-0779.

Carpentry 18B CARPENTRY All phases of interior or exterior work. Call 233-4617 for free es timates. CUSTOM CARPENTRY" SERVlCg kltch- ons, ree rooms, peneiing, alterations, smau repairs done, for realistic estimate, 649-6016. Conerett Construction 18G CONCRETE WORK. Patios, sldeVelks pool decks.

Flagstone or concrete. 18 years experience. 528-6068, anytime. Movinq 'Storage 26 A MOVING VAN LEAVING for Florida Dec. i.

Barrieau Movers and Storage, Movers of fine furnitures. 249-9377. ABC MOVERS Low rates. Free estimate, Call anytime, Daggett's. 289-8110.

Painting Paperinq 27 INTERIOR "painting and odd lobs. Very reasonable. References. Special rates for people over 45. 649-3977.

OFFICES," kinds of interiors painted bv profession als. Call Columbia Painters, 525-8988, ZBy-0366. PAINTING PAPER HANGING. Free estimates. 568-8643.

PAPER HANGING Expert) Your average paper in an average room, $25. PURCHASE YOUR WALLPAPER from the comfort of your living room, dellv- ery Included. Call K'N'C Wallpaper for appoinrmenT, Z4a-i 1 14. EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted Female 32 ABDOW'S FAMILY RESTAURANT has full and part time openings for both day and evening shifts. Good money In a friendly atmosphere.

AddIv at, Ab- dt)Ws Big Boy Restaurant, ,1151 Sites H.in. A CLERICAL REGIStRYSERVTCETKeg. isier skims ano position requirements. Never a fee or obligation. KEOGH, jj4j-va4i.

ACCOUNTING CLERK To $120 to start: Terrific opportunity with conveniently nKaiea nrm tor inaiviauei witn some accounting experience. Excellent salary potential. Co. Pays Fee. Hurryl HALLMARK PERSONNEL, 100 Constitution Plaza, Suite 1540, 246-0587.

AD VEST CO. Needs a typist. This downtown stock brokerage firm has a posl- tlon for a typist In the' cashier's department. Please call Personnel, 525-1421. Do not walk In.

An equal opportunity employer. ADVEST CO. needs clerical beginners. This downtown stock brokerage firm needs individuals with figure aptitude and reasonable typing ability. Call Personnel, 525-1421.

Do not walk In. An equal opportunity employer ALL OFFICE WORKERS. Nettie your price! We're placing all qualified ap plicants immediately, work for us. We'll pay parking. TEMPORARY SEC RETARIES, 104 Asylum, 525-9364.

ATTENTION GALS. Need extra cosh earn from $6s to sioo weekly. No col lecting, no delivering. 289-2809. AUTOMOBILE OFFICE Must have full knowledge of automo bile bookkeeping to handle smell of fice.

Excellent starting salary. Blue Cross, CMS, Malar Medical. All replies In strict confidence. Write Box 530-X Courant. BABYSITTER WANTED-My home, mornings.

2 small children. Call 541- -3115, after 5 p.m. BABYSITTER, wanted, 2 children, full time, cell 247-1351. BANKING BOOKKEEPER Join this dy- namic, progressiva penk in its book, keeping and use your past exposure to Increase your Income Immediately. Fee Paid.

EXECUTIVE SERVICES, 236-1972. BARMAID nights, apply at Grand Cen- trai Restaurant asu warn 5t. Kensing- TOn. B3g-9973. BOOKKEEPER Accounts Receivable, for large automobile dealership.

Good potential. Call Mr. Russell Benson, 522-8225. Typist, 1 girl office, ell benefits, immediate employment. No agencies.

Call 242-2231. OOKKEEPER AR or AP experience desirable, payroll experience a plus and good figure aptitude necessary, Convenient for Wethersfield or South Hartford resident. Principals only. miss Gardner, 249-7731. KEEPER-GENERAL LEDGER- SI 25.

Outstanding growth opportunity tor tne gai witn a year of general bookkeeping experience. Plush, ultra modern -surroundings, superb benefits, free Salary Incentive program. This one's a gem. Gilbert Lene personnel, 750 Main, 278-7700. CAREER MINDED ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT For busy West Hartford office.

Intelli gent, outgoing, career minded women to essume responsibility ee administration a state wide msurance program for RN Full Time-Part Tlmo -3 "3 Increasing staff, excellent opportunity to 2 loin an Inter-dlsclollnerv aonraarh Wanted Female 32 FIGURE ORIENTED! with figures and have "good work came in er cell for detells an -this terrific opportunity. Excellent salary potential. TO $110 to Start. Co. IAU1IBI 1AJ.

wunaniwiien riaia, aune law, 440a9or. FUND Applicant must relete well to people end be well organized. Work September through, ui.w, swiMiTia oit, oaiary aeno resume or cell today 1 a.m.-e p.m. Bainer Agency, 40 Washington I in An lit rUtURISflCTlThe one "way fo "SS scrlbt an ultra new concept In office work. Prestige legel firm has created position for the bright, skillful typist who enoys the challenge of using the very letest of office equipment and us-Ing her brains toll Outstanding benefits, Plaza Office.

$135. Fee paid. Gilbert Lene Personnel, 750 mom, ze-77O0. GEWERAL CAFETEftU' WfiftK. Dulles Include running morning coffee cart, serving beverage at lunch time, etc.

Ideal for woman looking to supplement Income. Houre 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Paid holidays, day -week. Cell be- tween 1 andS p.m.

525-2601, ext. 223. GUARDEttE WANTED Hartford. Training and uniforms provided, Compeny benefits. Call 233-2164 to arrange for Interview.

HAIRDRESSER. Call George'sBeeuty etoaio, a jeroma gioomfield. Z4Z-3IOS, Z4241BS. HAIRDRESSERS OR MAI NEEDED, exciting new concept in beauty care, must be pleesent, have an onrociive appeerence and sales ooiiiiy. it interested call 649-7255.

HAIRDRESSER Looking for superobT ii snopr i-ast moving biicintivr ban 44a-yosx HOSTESS AT MODEL hoiriesndon- oominiums, Saturday and Sunday. For Interview report to 185 Silas Deane Highway, Wethersfield. LaCava Con struction CO. HOTEL AND RESTAURANT Posltloni eveilable. Hotel Agency, 40 Weshington euua an, narnoro, S49-Z030, HOUSEKEEPER Llve-ln.

Light house- Keeping, cere of 2 children. Needed immeaiateiy. 527-0184, HOUSEKEEPER NEEDED to cere for one cniid for working mother. General housework. Own transportation.

Slms- eury area. 458-7376. HOUSEKEEPER COOKS Domestic regis- try service tor experienced, fully qualified llve-ln applicants. References re quired, no tee to-applicants. KEOGH.

4-y34l. HOUSEKEEPING. 9 a.m.-i o.m.. i maiura. ooo worxing conditions, free meais, paid meal time.

On bus Una. off Farmlngton Ave, Hughes Convslescent, zt nigniand West Hartford, 236- 3623. INTERESTING, CHALLENGING POST- TION for femele with typing, steno, bookkeeping experience. Westlnghouse compeny, test Hartford office. Excellent salary, benefits, Call 289-0211 for appointment.

JOBS, JOBS, JOBS Need a lob? Coma in ana register with Bei-isle Employ ment, it you neve training or exprl-ence In any field, -wo can find a lob for you. Call 525-2669 for on oppolnt- menr. KEYPUNCH OPERATORS Part time avanlna hours available. Choose your hours from 9 p.m.-ll pm. monoeyrriaay.

Experienced only need apply Call 563-2858 for an appointment ar lust drop in -v A KEYPUNCH SERVICE 117 Silas Deene Hwy. Wethersfield, Conn. KEYPUNCH SUPERVISOR Needed for second- shift service bureau operation. Must be a keypunch operator with supervisory experience. Excellent start- ing wages, benefits.

Hours 4 p.m. tp New office facilities, pleas ant' surroundings, conveniently located. Cell E.C.M. Inc. Mre.

Copper, 644-2445. KEMPUNCHRlPERATORs; Experienced in elpha-numerlc work needed Immediately for first and second shift. Benefits to full end part time employees. Salary negotiable. Hours flexible.

Move with us into a spacious new facility In South Windsor. Call 444-2445, E.C.M. inc. KEYPUNCHER. 5 years or more total experience of Alpha-Numeric keypunch, Ing cen qualify vou for this axceotion- al position.

Salary to $125-1-. Full bene-flths. Free parking. Call PERSONNEL RECRUITERS, 18 Asylum, 549-1221 KEYPUNCH OPERATOR, 'Are you Infer- estea in Key tape worxr Excellent op- porruniry tor an individual witn eipne-numerlce! experience. Excellent com peny benefits including, free Indoor perking.

Apply Resolute Insurance Compeny, 163 Asylum Hertford. An EgyarOpportunlty Employer. LEGAL SECRETARY DESIRED fof2 men- law office in East Hartford. parlance desirable, shorthand optional. Must be reliable and personeble.

Free perking. paining paid, investigete tne opportun-! Hies and- potential. Requires dicta- photvenp shorthend. BAILEY, 543-9341. tEGAL SECRETARY.

needed immedletely, for office, Eest of the River. 522-3201 daily, Sunday and eves, Z3Z-SUZ7. LEGAL SbCRETARY. 20 hours per week, for 1-man Hartford law Call 5494490 or 525:7770. LPN'S WANTED Full and Dart tlma for 3-11 contact.

Administrator, 225-8608. MAiO-Lovely mature person for llve-ln position. Driving not necessary. Beeutl-ful private room with excellent, femlly. F.etKH.

Z43-V54T. MANICURIST licensedrpart" tlma; uioomrieio- area, excellent benefits. Call 243-2504. MARKER for dry eleaners'depertment, good pay, apply at Bartlston's. Fiber Cere Center, 410 Silas Deana Highway, Wethersfield, 529-4888.

MATH MINDED? Use your head I Here is a spot in a small, progressive company for the bright newcomer who onlays working with figures. Advance quickly In 0 brand new deportment. Light typing 0 plus. $105. Free perking.

'Fee paid. Gilbert Lene Personnel, IX IVtein, 271-7700. MEDICAL SECRETARY Transcrlptlontst. Hartford busy orthopedic office. Exten sive experience or training.

Alert personable. Work well under pressure. Excellent benefits. Mr. Themes, 549- 3210..

MEDICAL part Time mornings, west Hertford doctor's office. Will consider experienced rapid typist willing to leern. Call 2334051. NEW Ownership desires responsible women for both day and night shifts, weekends eveilable. Apply Lum's Res- taurent 2095 Berlin Turnpike, Newlng- ron.

NURSE'S AIDE Full time days. Alter pate weekends. Avon 1 convalescent Home. 673-2521. NURSES AIDE 7 a.m.

to 3 p.m., SatuF aay ano sunoay, small rest Dome, warenouse Point, conn. 623-4143. NURSESTTDS, Full" time arid relief shifts, must hevo experience end references. Home Care Services, 243 Farm lngton Ave. Hartford, 527-3281.

all shifts, full 'or part- time. cen between 7 ana p.m. week-, deys. 747-5579. NURSING SERVICE SUPERVISOR Im- mediete opening 3 to 11 shift.

Oppor-tunlty for. challenge In nursing service. Excellent employee benefits and a very satisfactory work environment. We are a 105 bed jcah approved com munity nospitei. Box 506-K Courant.

OFTlCE TRAINEES To $115 to Start: Many openings for the sharp gal with overage typing ability and some work experience. Soma with Public Contact. co. pays Fee. Hurry 1 HALLMARK PERSONNEL 108 Constitution Plan Suite 1540 1444587.

OFFICE CLERICAL" light typing, some Dooxxeeping xnowieoge neiptui. day week. Excellent salary, -fringe benefits. Call for interview T. Merkle et George Wolf Inc.

9 Windsor. Windsor 247-3285. Help Wanted Female 32 Too tient cere. Evening and night different? tlel. Excellent benefits.

An Equal Oppor- 3 tunlty Employer. Hebrew hom*o (15 Tower Avenuo Hertford, Conn. 242-4207 12 per" gallon, many extres, must Mil, 413-569-3195, MACK 1945 B4i Tendm Eleven. Quadrup.lea 50,000 rears. Excel lent condition, cell S43-7291.

SToOtl973, rwheerdrlve. automeflc: 7000 miles, asking $4100, Got company car. sM-eie evenings, WRKKER TNTE nNATtOTATTWTunv mlns Diesel, 750 Holmes Booms, built 1972, 872-3728, 875-0273. IRAINARD FORD" TfucR TsTeE 45 Bralnard Road Hartford J78-1I43. One of the largest volume new and used truck dealers In the stete at Connecti cut.

Otters you complete truck service oy protessiona truck oaoo a. JTCOOD PLACE to buy a fruckTiaTtar ta main mancnester 04S-4e4. CTlLON FORD. Complete selecTlon of new and used trucks. Dillon Ford.

119 mem, wencnester 443-2145. MONACO'S Your Franchise ordDealir. New Foro Trucks, good used trucks, New London Glastonbury 433- 7A PlCK-U ec nomical 4 cylinder engine. Extraa. EX' cellent condition.

$1895. 8754151. TRADESMEN'S SPECIAL. 1972, Ford-F" 250 pick-up, V-8, power steering, POW' er brakes, automatic, extras. Hop cap with sleeper unit.

Consider selling sep arata. S3Hi. t2943S2 atter 5 p.m. USED TRUCKS AND PARTS, all kinds 642-7878. WE HAVE A Pins collection of dump trucks, pickups, chesls and cabs, trac tors, van body trucks, 4 wheel drive vehicles, do not buy till you see our collection.

International Harvester 130 Bralnard Road. Hartford, 249-8535. I EVY PICK-UP. 48 ton, good con dltion. 527-7111 days.

Ask for Bob. 1967GMC 108 van, 283 V-8, flnlshedTnTih nor, clean. Asking $875. After p.m. 633j6l21.

1968. Ford. tf-T 1000 cab-overTilee per: twin screw; 318 Detroit; RT 910; 4: 11 rear, new rubber, heeds. clutch, rebuilt Inlector, much mora, 81M00. Call pjn 1972 CASE 450 anola dozer, low hours, 1969 Cese 450 crawler B.H., excellent condition, 1972 Case unlloader with pallet fork, 125 A Michigan 4wd excellent Condition.

684-4014 or 6I4-329U, Mobile Homes 12A FOR GOOD MOBILE HOMES Brewer Rt. Soutn Windsor. Open 10-5 except Sundays Tel. 289-1547, Dealer. HARTFORD AREA.

Brend new. 1974, Astro, 3 bedroom mobile home, 12x 40, appliances, furnished, cerpetlng, set-uo In nark, ready to move In. $8900. $900 down, $110 monthly. 666- 1497.

MOBILEHOMEOWNERS InsUrence. All-In-One Policy. Lowest retes available. Lougnnn Agency, 2J-i2t. UNCASVILLE.

Brand new custom built. Delte, 12 70, mobile home. 2 bed-' rooms, 2 baths, appliances, carpeting, early American decor. Must be seen. Set-up In park.

Ready to move In, -Was $12,900. Now $9900. $500 down, $120 monthly. 666-1497. NORWICH.

Brand new. 1974 Redmen mobile home. 12 60. 3 bedrooms, ap-. pliances, carpeting, furnished, set-up In perk.

Ready to move in. seruv. 4uu Down. $110 monthly. 666-1497.

SEAT HIGH HEATING COSTS. 2 bed- room, matching appliances, set-up on nice lot, ready to live-in. Just $39951 Up to 10 years to pay. Harmony Homes, 'Leisure living at Its 48 Cooke Street, Plainvllle, Conn. 747-6881.

12x60 Mobile Home, Hobe sound Florida, beautifully furnished and landscaped In retirement village. Reasonable. Essex, 1-767-8325. Vocation VtVicles 12B APACHE ELDORADO TERRY SIGHTSEER TIOGA TAURUS TRAVCO MAINE TRUCK TOPS WHEEL -TRAILERS BY ELDORADO VIN STOCK" tf BANK FINANCING UP 70 10 YRS. PRICED FROM $3895! RENT A SIGHTSEER SPECIAL WEEKEND RATES! TRAVEL HOMES OF VERNON, Inc.

166 Union Rockville 872-9117 CAMPER OR MOBILE HOME, This lightweight unif can be used for either purpose, 2Vs bedrooms, excellent condition. $2595, or best offers. 560-9192. CHATEAU, 1972" 18' Travel Trailer. Self contained, excellent condition.

Travel i Hnm. U.nnn iu I imIm. el CENTRAL SPORTS CENTER 152 South Main New Britain, 223-2719. Camp er rentals, sates and service. MOTOR HOME BUYERS you've been thinking of ownlna a 'mo tor nome, mere is no better time than now.

Four 1973 leftovers. 21) Loaded tor J7495 24' Loaded, for $8995 27' Loaded for $10,900 STEEL CONSTRUCTION Two' used In excellent condition. Bella Camperland Inc. Route 66 and 84 Milldale, Ct. 06467 628-0983 PICK UP CAMPER SALE we nave the right camper for you.

Mobile Traveler, iv, 12', starting sim. 6 used in good condition, starting at $600. Belle Camparland Inc. Route 66 and 84 Milldale, Ct. 06447 628-0983 1 ROAD CRUiTER, 1972, 11 foot, sleeps 6, used 3 weeks, $2250.

433-4716. Rudy Goudreault's Trailer Sales Route 147 Agawam, Mass. All 1973's must go. Coma In now tor the buy of a lifetime. STREAMLINE TRAVEL TRAILERS Ex- conn, et v-B Recreational Sales, Route 7.

Falls viiiam ful Northwestern Cona Also Dutcheraft i wieg-A-Long trailers. Open dally p.m. iwepnone r24-sde. OP THETNEireV CRUNCH. Any motor home on our lot for factory invoice.

Call Van's Leisure Living 441 Moln East Hartford, TR AILE RS, MOTOR HOMES Truck' caps, new, used, over 50 in stock. Roy's Auto Body Treller Seles. Route 72, Bristol Ct. 583-9273. UTOPIA SUMMER FUN HEAbQUAR.

JERS. Travel Trailers, motor homes, O001'- Rout 195 to rrs 429-4431. VOLKSWAGENnPERf968Pop35S: Top with attachable tent. $1095. 561-0329.

YELLOWSTONE967raraller, 28', with 1973 Ford ton plck-uP truck. $5100. Call 568170. AIR CONDITIONERS Furnaces, refrlger- ii, yam aT on seeson prices. Winterizing and the largest stock of RV appliance parts in New England.

Paul's Auto Glass, 109 Pitkin East Hartford, Cona, 289-1344. I Trucks CUtIUn'1V it'll. miiHT- er, lew mlleege. Economical perterm- encv. iJWtij-vji HXf eonvifflble, Ixcellenf condition, 4H, Route 44 V.W, Avon, FIAT "114 kPIOin.

TtTl. demonstretor, Nili eo mm Hh full mil warranty. Pallottl Pool. fUTIti f5ir.lndltli"miKiT WiJDtl Mil. 4IS-477I.

FlATT1t4rtSrNM studded Hros. MP0, 'rvwmUi mileage. Call 4 to p.nvflS-1423. Cwvtrllbir mm transmission, naaiais, leetner i eerlef. To and Inferior In excellent ehepe, luniwll tuIcK, Wllllmsntle, 431- 4H1 1ST 1U WAOON, Wl rod, automatic, Ir conditioning Vory economical 1 1 mwn rooie, sos-rae.

spooOl tronsmisslon. Win wheel covers. rodiM tiree. oar maroon paint with saddle leetner interior. on I (4,000 mllM.

40-70M, attar 4 em Pmtr poeioiiinrrrTii Tina) Cugm, Wort Hartford Motors 7 Raymond Road JRSOXPTXKirreoupd. ieoutlful silver flnlilv AM-PM alarao tapa, air conoinoning, i -owner, purr, Ptllottl It Pool, 244-2530. JXWAPTXR6, blue roadster with har end eoft tops, air, Abarth and raaiais, Loaaean sjyag, oroileno Imports, 1510 lorlln Turnplka, Newlngton. RarMaNN ftHIA iW, excellent condl-Ion, must Mil, moving put of Stat. Asklna 1700.

tu-nat. KNDOVfftirnaw and used. "Meny "to choose from, with or without plows. A iwi way to mexe it tnrougn ma win tor. Pallottl 1 Poole.

lii-MM. fiiERCBDES BENZ tugno, won Hertford Motors, 1 Raymond Road, in-4495. 5L Roadster, a classic, two tops, excellent condition, MERCEDES "SPECIALS ltM MERCEDES 400, I passangar salon, eompletely aqulppad. This Ish tha fore-most car of tha Mercedes una, 16 MERCEDES IN SC, tops, standard transmission, dark green with sad-dla Interior. MERCEDES M0 SE, COUPE, vary rara, alc sunroof, blua with champagne laathar Interior.

HART-TWIN VOLVO 141 Buoulde Ave. E. Htfd. J89-3441 MERCEDES BbN and foreign cer rawing. Ken -Merino Sales Service, mini Limnam, l-J4y-M i y.

MO, MIDGET, 1969, 3AW miles, tape player, new tires, best offer, cell 673- i a- monaay, Wednesday, and Frl-day. t-1 Tuesday and Thursday. Classic, $1500 best 974-0561. 633-9302'' lW1' mUrt MM19o7r25-l- MPG, new' sound, good top. $690.

I7J- radio, 4-speedTbiiie Wack Inferior, $2095. Tyler Imports, Farmlngton, 477-1395. MGB, 1972, Blaze, lowleaeTlnmii culete, Pallottl A Poole, 244-2538. MGB-GT, 1967, red, many used partsTlr-reperabla damaged ear, call 346-1058 between 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Make a deal.

Ask for MG3'9 "yollow.tgbod fiPBCr w8Wvltii; VlitceTiior Excellent condition, $1895. Routes 44V. w. Avon, 478-1594. OPEL A FOREIGN Tlno Cugno, West Hartford Motors, 7 Raymond Road.

931-4495. Porsche 1947 9ii-s, sunodfrbind rouio. cxceiienr running cond on, 423-0653. ruKstiiE TARGA, must sell. w.

044-B63Z. PORSCHE, 1972. til T. Targe, air condl-" tloned. Appearance group, alloys stereo, Recar.

seats. Tinted glass. Red-Naek. $8700. -Call S-S, 757-0719, roJKfik 194, Uw mileage.

Factory warranty, $4,495. Porsche Audi ofAvon, 244-1888. ROVER'1969, 2000T. Immaculate condl-tlon. pes mileage.

444-2181 weekand. SIMS SAAB, 1967. V-4, 2 door seden: taw PRiTE, 1961, red Bug eye roadster, redlels and luggege rack. Super 1 1 $990. Grazlano Imports, 2516 Berlin Turnpike, Newington.

467-1505. Toyota celica nn monfhToid, mnes, 25 mpg, very cleen, $1950. Call 241-0997 after S. TOYOTA, 70, Mark ll wagon, excetlenf condition, one owner. Call 244-9577.

Toyota corOLXa. 1970 ExceiienTloS dltlen and MPG, $1075. 7634123. TOYOTA CORONA 1970, automatic, alr- condltioned, low mileage, silver gray. -TOYOTA, 1972 Station Wagon.

AutomeT- Ic, good on gasl Call Middlatown Deel- er, 1-347-4628. tR 1973TAM-PM redio, $3600. 445-46t7. 1971, Moor 4-speed, $1295, l-ownar. Bill Sellg Ford, WlndsorJ 688-3651.

VW BUG "1967 28 mpg, 4 new'tlresTnew fuel pump, body end Interior excellent. Want $900, but willing to haggle. Call Dave, 549-6485. Vw BUS 1971 Excellent-condition. Radio.

Recently rebuilt, engine, $1,975. 423- am. 1 VTW. BUS, 1970. SIM miles.

Tlres'alT new. studded snows. $1650. Southington, 1-628-5042 after 1 VOLKSWAGEN 1969, Ghla, excellent me- chenlcal condition. Cleen, 65,000 miles.

25 mpg. $1250. 4584803. SupeTBeetleTReer defogger, standard, "die heater, excellent condition. $1595.

Full financing avanaoie. ten jvir. Eastwood, 52K 11 342-3700. Dealer. VOLKSWAGEN 1968 Squareback sedem excellent condition.

Cell after 582- $477. VOLKSWAGEN 1970 Convertible. Auto-, matic, radio, 30,000 miles, excellent condition. $1195. 449-0389.

Volkswagen rebuilt engines. $200 and up. Rebuilt transmissions, si a ana up. potoco. 693-4775.

VOLKSWAGEN, 1969 Bug. Automatic, 1-owner, $1291. Bill Selig -Ford. Windsor 688-3651. VOLKSWAGEN 1970, 2-dr sedan, Excel- lenr conoinon, 3 tp cnoosa from $1595, Koure 44 v.w.

ee-i4. Volkswagen bus, 1965, very good snepa an around. New tires, rebuilt engine, call after p.m. 528-3857. VOLKSWAGENS sedans Buses, many to choose from.

Route 44 Avon, 678- 1594. Volkswagen, 1973, tastback. one own- ar, low mileage. Call 444-2808 between 9 a.mi p.m. 1 VOLKSWAGEN, 1970 Bug.

4 speed. Very economical transportation I full financing arranged. Call Mr. Wohllebe, 528-8049. VOLKSWAGEN, 1971 Super Immeculete.

Pallottl 8. Poole, 146-2538. Volkswagen, 1967. Fastback. Rebuilt angina 20K miles ego.

Excellent condl-tlon. 20 mpg. $900. 742-8314. Volkswagen, 1949, automatic, convert- Ible.

37:000 miles. $1,000. 52S-0789. VOLKSWAGEN 1971 automatic, excellent condition. COIM43-0436 after p.m.

VOLKSWAGEN, 1969-4 speed, rebuilten- glne. $1350 or best offer. 477-1050. VW 1944, good running condition, asking t-ail Z2J-S4I. VW BUS 1970.

Low mileage, new tires, excellent condition. 449-3589 or 644-8345. VSTfASTBACK 1970. Seden, steel lielted radlals plus. 229-0043 atter 4.

VOLKSWAGEN 1971 Pastbackrtxcellent condition. Must sacrifice. Best offer. 344-3513. VW 104 1976.

VMO miles, radio, 4 speed, yellow, excellent condition. $1425. 528-1015. VOLKSWAGEN KHARMAN GHIA, 1970, 4 speed transmission, 4 cylinder eco nomical angina, balance 1S40. no (town Payments.

Take over weekly payments, $15.65. Flnsnc charges $41195. Included hi weekly payments. Disclosure Is $13.69. P.CT.

14 months. Call agent, 464-5560. VOLKSWAGEN 1944. Good condition. Cell 666-0272 after I p.m.

VOLKSWAGEN CdNVERTIBLE, yellow. 1968, 4-spaed, special. $695. Dealer. SS44I88A.

VOLKSWAGEN, T9697 Needs engine work. Best otter I p.m. CeH Jim, 5634632 VAM48 "Sedan, good mo- iw, auramaiie, eixing oesa, ton SOrl. mKSWKSErrTKlom'sr7rTypiX an roars, tram iyj exchange. Guaranteed I months, credit available.

Pree towing, pall Hustle Barn I-74J. 9i40. i rfoar'uii: aunnnenc run price. 4 down. sman payments.

Dealer Rom. sum ttn. Metalire bluersnow nres. radio. 14,950.

Cell 467- 2161, attar 2 a.m. v'SlvSTW mode' automaHcalr condltlonlna. lien, zn-iui VOLVO 164 iwo, 4-dwr, Alr-Cofidltloned; SJ49J. Route 44 Avon. 471-1 SM.

men, weoKaeys, 4714400. vt6Lvd7i6tri4rsrixceiuwcoiaitioTr. now snows, gas saver. Bast otter over S1400. 1-749-2404.

RREl8rCARSrRwIradT7yT cnanica. united sports cer Repair. Route 11 Tolland Turnpike, Talcottvllle, 446-440S. ffftORSTOsrW New front oraxes and stebro exhaust system. Cell 379-1848, alter 4 p.m.

Antiqu CarsTrucks 11B ngme, mecneniceiiy excellent, liooo. 1-243-4411 CfiEVftOLET7Tlc1flir'oHrTvW oie conoit on. sura. 3ii-9sn. 3i7.B7s.

"original "throughouT, mini, serious inquiries only, von uuuiv, via nr. bv-jabi. DODGE" 1927 Oood condition. win need worn if qolng to restore. $1300 or best offer.

449-0185 or 414.5791. FORD 141 2 door, ton condition: linanv nr inrii, mane oner, must IBM. 623- DNCOLN COrJTrNENrAL convertible; ivoe, excellent condition, call Dave n-4u or eves and weekends, 646- as lo. MO tP-li6d, good condition Throughout; mvaisnicany excel enr verv raawnn. ble $19S0.

Cell Tony Rho. Dealer. 219- SlGTrri951 with 'at MSB rebuilt enolni and transmission. Overdrive. Leather Lacquer wood Interior.

Excellent eon- amon. ion anar a n.m.. 33aqs. BlODEU A PORD, 1930 iorea. dost oner.

346-9379 or 347-876S. PLYMOUTH 1941 Woody Tagonrmagni: Tiwnr wood, original interior, excellent condition throughout, $2400. Plymouth vuum, iro, excenenr condition, $600. P6NTIAC7T94, SM original miles, ex- nnr conamon, SW, Plymouth, 1940, as is, sisOf must sell, I-OJ-WZI. REO, 193J, 75 restored, extra enolni ana pans, can su-an.

iyj EDSEL RANGER. 4 door, nnnri conditioa Drive It away $500. Negotiable. Cell weekdays 633-9611 1959 CHEVROLET. 4 vugmai mnsi.

v-et power steering, -uiuinanv. EKinanr original condition. 1936 FORD STATION WAGON: 103 Ford Convertible; 1941 Bulck Seden, excellent; 1940 Cadillac, for parts; sev eral Dinars. Liicnneio. write box 507-K Tor ppoinrmenT.

Trucks 12 AIRPORT TRUCK CENTER. 50 Murphy nvau. narin-o, "LOnneCtlCUt'S largest GMC Truck Dealer." Also Franchlsed Dealers for Mercedes Benz ruens ana crane carrier Co. Trucks, BRONCO, 1971, 4-wheel drive with 4-way plow. V-8, euxilary gas tank, full cab witm rear seat, miles.

289-6388. CHEVROLET 1972, C-10, step-side pickup, tyiinaer noay, stsnaaro, economical, MJ-2I. CHEVROLET, 1956 Vi ton 000-1 y. tMEVROLET, 1965, 4 cylinder, 12 ft. step 1 van, 4 speed transmission, dual wneeis.

fnone 623-5555. CHEVROLET PICK-UP TRUCK71970; ion wnn new engine. Cemper top, very flood condition. 653-6097. CHEVROLET, TRUCKS.

1969 "5000" ser- les 2 ton, 12' van rear. Inside door. speed transmission. 2 to choose from 10. GVW.

S2595. 1968 "ttOfl" ser. les 2 ton, 12' ven rear Inside door, 4 speen transmission, 19,500. GVW, $2293. complete line of all models.

Dworln Chevrolet, 480 Connecticut East Hartford, 289-3441 CHEVY FLEETSIDE, 1970 half tolTpick up, cylinder sranaara, excellent con-dltion, new tires. Call 423-0531. CHEVY PICK UP 196S 1 ton, C-307dtg six, 4 speed, $800 or best Call ey3-4368. CHEVY CARRY-ALL, 1972. Model C-10, v-8, nydramatlc, lposl traction, good conamon, can eves.

677-1807. CHEVY 1967, One- ton tf*ck." speed. oubi wneeis. snow oinw. inn ihv-xhaa CHEVY.

1969. 14 ton pick-up with plow: uan 00-2J4Z, orrer CHEVY VAN, 1966. i cylinder stendiril, raaiai nres, stereo, insulated ana can. eled, camper windows. $600.

582-9371. CHEVY 1963 Paneftruck. Excellent con dition. Brand new motor. 4 wheel drive.

$975 firm. Must be seen. Call from 6-7: jo evenings 232-7265. DODGE VAN, 1967. All windows, low mileage.

Excellent condition. 523-4689. DODGE van, 1971, air, power' steering. auiomaiic, ui" wneei base. Deluxe.

349-3538. DODGE 1974 Demonstrator Sportsman. 5 passenger, V-8, automatic Low mileage. Dodge Truck Center, 265 murpny S2-S246. DODGE, 1968 window van, standard, 6 cylinder.

Brand new engine, new point, tires, transmission. Must be seen. Best oner. 073-9798. DODGE 1966, Sportsman's windowed van, slant a auto, transmission, new paint, good tires, $695.

Willimantlc 4U-9664. DODGE, 1973, custom 100, Low mileage, $3295. Porsche Audi of Avon. 246-1888. EL CAMINO ESTATE, 1973.

10.000 mnes, power steering, power brakes. $300flrm. 379-68U. FORD BRONCO, 1968, 4 wheel drive with 4 wev snow nlow. Excellent ran.

dltion, low mileage. $1995. Cell 875-5987 atter p.m. FORD 1974 Speed, 1 ton" closed "utility; dual wheels with 10 ton wench In-front, like new. $3,000.

688-6590. FORD E-300 CARGO VAN 1972rteylln- oor, ran 10, passenger seer, 52495. BUI Selig Ford, Windsor, 468-3651. 72 FORD F-100 PICKUP EQUIPPED AS FOLLOWS: STYLE SIDE BODY 302 V8 ENGINE 3 SPEED TRANSMISSION RADIO HEAVY DUTY PACKAGE a) CAMPER SPECIAL PACKAGE WEST COAST MIRRORS STEP REAR BUMPER 15,250 MILES mis venit IS Immaculate onum tn ina sngntesi detail and must be seen ana BILL BARRY VOLKSWAGEN 470 New Park West Hartford, Conn. 236-0866 FORD TRUCKS.

New and used. Ask for Roy Griggs 236-2525. Williams Ford, 501 naymono Koaa, west Hartford. pord PICKUPS, New 1974'o at 1973 prices All models and styles available for Immediate delivery. Frontier Ford, nuuia 44, winstea.

379-3306. i-okd pickup 1972 4 wneet drlveTli ron, neevy amy pick-up with 7 plow. mulfj-engleCell 5254)452. FORD, ton Mrihdow van. riictnm IntAP- lor, 5,000 miles, will strip for commer- tiai uuyor.

429-2066 or 466-3271. GMC VAN 1973. Custom InterlorTTWusf aw seen to be appreciated. $3100 or ocst orrer. erMTC.

WINDOW 4-cyllnder, radio, passenoer et. $1295 Bill Selig Ford, Windsor. 688-3651. INTERNATIONAL venea to cemper. Good running condition.

Needs minor repair. $450 or best offer. 443-2006. INTERNATIONAL 195SfalcondlN6nr4 cyimoar automatic call 688-4072. JEEP, full steef ceb CjSTBest JEEP, 4 wheel drive vehicles.

Dodge rw.u. raps uooge. 24 Allen Street, New Britain 2254751 457-oom Jeep wagoneer, 1970 4 wheeToTivi: v-a, custom inferior rack, trailer hitch. eijw or oest otter. 1-S48-0172.

JEEPSTER 1951. Excellent condition. New Mkhelln tires. Call Merlden 237- 440. 3EEn973 CJ-S, V-0, etel, excel- nnt condition.

Under 5,000 miles. List $4200. oBst offer, 444-2931, evenings. If at MOTOR HOME. WinnebeodTw.

Low mileage, excellent condition, air-cendl-tlened, sleeps dines 4- 0500. M3-H92 or 278-4411. est ratee avalloele. Loughlln Agency, west Hertford, us-iaw. 1973.

CLEARANCE 'motor homes' end TRAVEL TRAILERS Some of the Best RV In Long Time 1970 24' Coechman. Generator, AC, ther- mo and waste. 1971 24' Winnebago. Generator, roof ic's, thermo and waste. 1971 24' Wlnnebeso Chieftain.

Generator and roof mounted ac SOME 1973 WINNEBAGOS AVAILABLE 1972 Minnie Winnie RB Winnebago, leftover horse trailers. 1973 Used a Special price. Shoo hours: a.m. to 11 mldnlohti sales hours: a.m. to 8 p.m.

Monday through rnoay, aaiurasy -tn a p.m. E. P. HAYES, INC. 667 CROMWELL AVE.

ROCKY HILL, CONN. 06067 529-7707 Falrlled County 190 Connecticut Norwelk, Conn. 06056, $53-3855. Auto Accessories 13 eOYy6TJR GENUINEChevrolet auh motive ano truck parts at Grody Chevrolet, Raymond Road, West Hartford 237-5606. COMPLETE 427 Chevy engine.

Complete- iy reouiiF siocx. Best otter, over $500, atter p.m, MG PARTS, 1968. Rebuilt engine, trans- mission, interior peris, gages, misc. Call after 5:30, 345-2658. SHIPMATE FLAT BED trallarnwsn oy 16', 1800 pounds, new $600, sell for uu or dost otter, call 693-4368.

TWO VEGA WHEELS and studdedTnow nres. i cneveile Super Sport Meg IS Snow tires on rims. Call 524- 634. '68 FORD ENGINE And transmission complete. 302 cu.

can be started. simi. 223-2502 atter 4 p.m. Airplanes 14 1955 CHEVY BODY-full Interior, buck- ets, gauges, $250. 633-7500.

after 5 p.m. PRATT t. WHITNEY let engine ports, tor I-3U, X-296, X-SOO, X-304, A-299, etc. Almost 1 complete angina. New condition.

568-9192. Snowmobiles 14A A FEW ARflC CATS in stock at rldlci lous prices. Panther 440- $1095. Panther 340 $995. Authorized service end parts.

Clothing reduced 40. Mellen Marine, Route 5, South Windsor, 289-3311. A GREAT BUY new Mercury Merk 644CC, electric start. Cover, speedometer. Was $1495 now $995.

Mellen Merino Route 5, South Windsor, 289-3311. AUCTION SALE (Sealed' Bids). Novem ber 15-30. 2 Snow Jets SSt 433. 3 Evin- rude snowmobiles, wey below dealer cost.

Submit your bid. Seve up to $450, while they last. Bids opened November 30th. Speed Merine 1914 Silas Deana Rocky Hill, 02y-l22U. 1 BASSETT SKI-DOO" Because we are New England's largest Ski-Doo dealer and because of our low overhead, we cen offer the lowest prtces end a better and bigger service depart ment, plus a huge Inventory of ports end accessories.

You're ahead when you buy from a large esteblished dealer and remember Snowblowere ar real misers on gas BASSETT BOAT INC. Rt. 91 North Exit 9W, Springfield, Mass. 413-739-4745 COFIELL'S ARCTIC CAT has a great savings up to $350 on any 73 In stock. Pumas, Cheetahs, Panthers, and 340 El Tigre.

All 1974s In stock Including LynxJ WankeLGlestonbury, 433-5622. Complete selection ofnowmTJ- BILE CLOTHING for entire family by Midwest Wear. I or 2 place suits. New colors, new fabrics, new styles. Warmth without bulk or weight.

Prices to fit any budget. You'll enjoy this rantasTic aispiay, at Menen. Marine, Rte. 3, South Open evenings, ZI9-331I. MOTO SKI SNOWMOBILES.

Save hundreds. Futures, Chlmas, Grand Sports, Cadets. Our lowest price ever, compere, shopl You'll buy here! 100 financing. Brand New 440 Zephyr 35 np. twin cyi.

you pey only $795. Capri 296, only $595. Full year guarantee. Buy now. Sno-Pony 16Vi ho.

brand new $395. The original snowmobiiing price ouster, narry sncxeis, Route 83, Ver non, open nites. 643-0784. MOTO SKI CLOSEOUT Some Sample Prices CADET, Reg. $699.

Sale $480. CAPRI 295, Reg. $750. Sale $499. 440 SEPHYR, Reg.

$1,199. Sale $804. 440-S, Red. $1,550. Sola All 1973 Moto Skis must go this week, Th ennrtinn v.ni...

di. i 15 horse pow- er, wnn ski poors ana double treller. All in excellent condition. $750. Call 342-0520.

SRTfc Cats 1973's. Save up to $350. aii cneerans ano pawners Models left. Also one 400 El Tlgre. Arctic boots sizes S-9-10, $12.

Covers 1968-72, $12. Ledles 1972 lackers, $14. Of course we aiso nave a complete line of 1974 ma- chines end clothing. Enfield Arctic cet, Enfield, Ccnn. 1-745-6988.

ffUPP 1971, 440 WT, needs 529-6561. SIDEWINDER, 1970, ATV, 30 h.p. for- wsrd and reverse, 4 wheel drive, $500. cen alter a p.m., 749-4443. YAMAHA SNOWMOBILES.

Buy where the service is excellent prices on new 1973 snowmobiles start at $595. Sports world, oaxwood Drive, Glastonbury, 433-5013. 1970 27 horsepower Snow Jet. Excellent condition, loss tnan eoo miles. $180.

633-5500. MotorcyclesBicycles 15 BICYCLE BUILT FOR TWO GreenTsSf. llcaW anna OOO QOOi wscu uiicc, jur'i BRIDGESTONE 1969 175 CC twin trail, as is, best offer. 633-9223. ShrTsTMAS SHOP for your cyclfst" Gloves, Goggles, Boots, Helmets, or even a new Yameha.

Sports World, Oakwood Orlve, Glastonbury. 633-5013. HARLEY DAVIDSON 1956, front end, raked lots of chrome. $1700 firm. Call Bill, 229-2457.

HARLEY DAVIDSON 1953, completely chopped, molded, springer, ridget fremes. Very reasonable. 224-4133. HARLEVTSAVIDSON FLATHEADS. 45" solo, needs work.

1937 74" basket engine, 1938, 74" rebuilt, engine. $450 taxes an. can v4s. HONDA 1973 XR 75, excellent, condition. 3300.

1-267-2495. HONDA, 1972, CB-750, Fairing, chain guard, rack-rest, 1300, 68(4243, 4-7 p.m. ununA!" ton. rnjen. Um( ha- Mtr crexes, eiecrric starts vaw, z3-tvbj, before 3 p.m.

weekdays, all day Satur- aay. HUSQVARNA 1972 400CR-MX model. 4 speed, excellent condition. Engine is dismentled for thorough Inspection. This machine Is extremely -competitive.

Serious Inquires only pleas. $1020 firm. 563-7105 after p.m. KAWASAKI 1972, 750 cc, low mileage. like new.

Beet, the spring price, $950. Route 44 V.W. Avon, 478-1594. KAWASAKI, 1972. 100 cc.

Excellent. 1000 miles. $425. cell 224-7934 after 5 p.m. NORTON 1970 Common do, (S) low mileeoe.

1-344-4283. NORTON 750 Commando, 0,000 miles. In excellent condition. Purchased and service in Englend. Used throughout Europe by college student.

This will help you solve the gasoline shortage. Greet mileage. Cell tha Twin Tool Company anytime. 563-2396. Firm at $1650.

SUZUKI 1971 Titan 500, good condition. S47S, caiizzs-9iui atter 3 p.m. TRIUMPH BONNEVILLE 1970, 650cc7 totally rebuilt 1,000 miles ego, cherry. Cell Dave, 541-2939. tor ent lobs.

$120. Excellent benetlte. Fee paid. Free-- forking pud on sue line. Ollbert Lene Personnel, 750 Meln, 7700.

fL'ER(rToTrNIff and answering telephone In pleasant modem office. Must hevo goood tele- pnone voice, cay, jvysj hour, week, per week to start. Apply In per-son. General Diaper Service 250 mnon wmoior.i CLERlOryPiSTwIth- flgWaWtu-doTTn: aurance benefits eamoanv oildi Ilia. hospitalization, Malor Medical and Surgical.

Family coverage available under group pian. profltaherlng and retire mem pien. proa parking lot endor di rectly on Connecticut Comoenv busline. Call 522-1104, Personnel office for ap- pointmenT. CLERK TYPIST Interesting position with varied duties.

Aptitude with figures helpful, no short hand. Metura women with experience praierreo. Local office of national firm. paid pension, full benefits. Phono Mr, Powers at: SHAW-WALKER COMPANY 638 Asylum St.

Hartford, Conn. -y 278-0260 CLERK TYPIST Interesting position in Medlcel Record Dept. of local hospital for mature person looking tor time employment, must nave above avarege typing ability. Monday- Friday, 25-30 hours per week. Apply at: Institute of Living, 400 Weshington nanioro, conn.

An Equal oppor-tunlty Employer. CLERK TYPIST Active e4ficnS6riltyTo use io Key aooing macnina and to assist In a variety of duties. Hours: 8-5, many company benefits. Cell Bill Lor- een, 243-9361, EXT. 14.

CLrK TYPIST. Must be accurate 50 wpm. Cell Ms. Weaver. 423-9042.

COMPANION HOUSEKEEPERTo livt in end help cere for seml-lnvelld. Must have driver's license. Pleesent living quarters, weekends free. Cell 242-1208 atter 6 p.m. COOK AND HOUSEKEEPER for bvelv family.

Llve-ln. Privets room. Driving auiniy prererrea. Keterences. keuoh, 24V9541.

COUPLE, 2 children desire llve-ln house- keeper. Retereces essential, write O. Box $07, Torrinoton. Conn. 06790.

CULTURED, Spanish speaking woman ame to coacn professional business gentleman needing to leern language fluently. Write Box 537-X Courant. CUSTOMER SERVlCES100rFeePeld: Beautiful new office, friendly bunch of co-workers. A gem of a lob for a pen-pie oriented someone. Call Diana.

Fan-nlnl 18 Asylum, 278-4960. DAY MAIDS AND NIGHTTnATDSTTWP toro area. 4-J hours mornings and 4-5 nours nignts. Apply: 90 Hillside -Hertford, between 3 and p.m. DENTAI RECEPTIONIST Typing and bookkeeping necessary.

Must be neat ano efficient, west Hertford. 234-2544. 5ENTAL ASSISTANTTlmmediate open" ing for experienced Individual In modern dental office in Wethersfield. Telephone 529-2595 or 529-1951. DENTAL 0 week, Eest Hartford.

Call 289-5322 between 8:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. DENTAL RECEPTIONIST, Enfield area. must be neet, personable and dependable. Will train qualified epplicant.

State qualifications. Reply Courant Box 529-X DENTAL SECRETARY-RECEPTIONIST Interesting and challenging position for experienced Individual. Simsbury area. Much personal contact, excellent compensation. Salary commensurate with ability.

Need cer. Please send resume to Hartford courant, Box 960-K: DENTAL ASSISTANT Farmlngton office has unusual opportunity for gal experienced In four hended teem work. Send resumes to Box 520-X Hartford Courant. DENTAL RECEPTiONiST for exciting ortnodontic-pedietrlc dentistry office. Must be personable and neet.

Salary based on experience and skills. Llberel vocation benefits. Send resume to Box 934-K. DENTAL HYGIENlST Part time, 2 days, a weex, east -tierrrora. cen wuzz between 0:30 a.m.

and 5:30 p.m. 6'OMESTIC LIVE-IN to do housekeeping end help with 2 children. Excellent living quarters. 236-3090. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY to the Presl- dent.

Challenging new position avail able with small progressive company. career potential unlimited. Experi enced in an office procedures an good, skills necessary. All benefits. Sal ary opene.

Never a fee. PLAZA PERSONNEL, 100 Constitution Plaza, 527-2673. EXECUTIVE, SECRETARY Association Management-Public Relations Firm A take-charge Gel Friday, career tvne. with first cless secretariel skills, soma figure aptitude, pleesent personality for contaee work with clients. Must; bo eble to essume responsibility.

Contact Mrs. Hofstetter Lee isenberg Associates 246-6566 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Fee' paid. Excellent for Farmlneton-West Hert ford resident. Legel experience helpful. Good skills.

Top benefits. $130-8140. TEMPLE EMPLOYMENT, 750 Meln, SUlie 313, SZ7-513I. Experiences cTRTHodontTc-at SiSTANT desired. Bristol ores.

SB2-62B5. EXPERIENCED SECOND and third. shift answering service operators. pieose can FEMALE For Fuel Oil Co. With knowledge of deoree davs.

Excel- lent pay and benefits. Csll between t-9 P.ITI. S23-7671 FIGURE CLERK Experience necessary. Good figure aptitude and knowledge of general office machines required. Very good opportunity, salery, fringe benefits.

Call FTLE CLERKS (2)-To $95 to startTTf you are bright and have good references, coma In or call for detells. -Co. Pays Fee. Hurryl HALLMARK PERSONNEL, 100 Constitution Plaza, Suite 1540, 246-8687. FLYING SECRETARY" ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Energetic, on the move 'company offers a tremendous opportunity -for a bright, versatile Individual; We are growing rapidly -and need someone to handle a variety of key administrative functions.

This 1 -Is 0 new position, so the poten-- tlel Is excellent for a motivated person to mold In Its meny 1 ways. Salary nelgotloMe. Must bo responsible, sble to work with minimum supervision and bo ens to get along with Excellent benefits. For An Appointment Call LINDAr AIMSWORTH 525-0815 Hartford Career Center, '915 Main St, Hartfofi Cona. ROCKY HILL NEWSMpeIT-OFFTCIJS needs 0 cheerful personality for fullS -time lob.

Typing, phones, and so Experience preferred. Call S29-7455. "S3 SALESWOMAN work full tlmo days during the X-Mas seeson. In the lewolrv -Xm dept. Apply Jewelry Dept.

32 KING'S i froipaet Wozo, West Horttorf 3S sample MAKER ExoeVT-S anced, steady full time position wlttrr" rapidly growing firm. Excellent- salary33 and conditions. 'Transportation provld Cell Janet Duley, at Prophet and "3 Court, Now Brl. 3 tein, 224-7711. -3 SECRETARIAL position requiring genenVta, xnowieoga.

Experience witty" ond bonds would be very help-S ful. Can Mr. Davis 425-4271. 3 SECRETARY PARI" TIME7-TneiTBIi'3 hours for on experienced test typist ln- a local professional c4flce. Pleese send 'SS resume to Courant Box.

No. 618-x, SECRETARIES TYPISTS "Temporerv" Cam in tnH.u 'V-vour 'ree at top ddllarl TEMPORARY SECRETARIES, INC 104 Asy. Jum, 525-9344. SECRETARY full time, law office In West Hertford. Cell 934105.

SECRETARY CONFIBenTIAL Vat) don't need lots of experience, uet a aoministraiivo assist am mis oynemic research group In a malor Hertford compeny. Good typ. lag pleese, light steno a plus. i. PW- 6Mbert Uno Personnel, 75 SECRETARY BEAT THE SHORTAGES Work In your backyard.

Wo hevo many suburban, Intown, downtown, en a bue lino -ond onound the block lobe to fit your needs. Plot) oheed ond coll GILBERT LANE Mam it. tn-ntt ZT1 "miniliAllvo. TO mm US' oaeretary to tho V.P. of-thls highly successful Menage.

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I siblllty snd Is sseklng an excellent fu- TllPa trssll DaUle, UlaakkuJ 0 ILL.1. 1 1 ewejug oJ9l IU WT I.IUU'IOJ Freedman for ronfldomtui rrtfrwtuf. HALLMARK PERSONNEL 100 ConitK "HVI I IkttVf Htlp Wanted Female 32 Si A 1 sj umicnvivre SB iivwwaiisea.w ai KB 3 fULLCaPAXTTia tbosiness firms. Must have solid experi Work from our offleo, tolkirri rho tab phono. Guaranteed mm salary.

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Sailer's Restaurant, 260 Farmlngton Hert- CAREER OPPORTUNITY To $120 to start. Relatively smell prominent firm Is willing to train a bright "Career Oriented" gal who enjoys dealing with Types as wpm ano is willing fo assume responsibility. Excellent bene fits salary 8, career potential. Co. pays fee.

Equal Opportunity Employer. Hur ry! HALLMARK PERSONNEL 100 Constitution Plaza Suite 1540, 244-8537. CTfRK TYPIST Elmwood area. Small modern office needs dependetifa girl with typing and mathematical aptitudes, diversified work. All benefits.

Coil Mr. Scibek 231-2435. mi DAY SUrcRVISOIl 7 a.m.3 p.m. 40 hour Wetk Pormanonf position for quaCfitd RN In geriatric fold. Exnl ktnt salary and fringe bdntfitt.

(CXTACT MISS UCCSm JU.74t43tS HAZARD AnlOpiwturMlTit(4ey 1 Om.

Hartford Courant from Hartford, Connecticut (2024)
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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.