The Index from Hermitage, Missouri (2024)

11 i- and Mrs. W. Owens were -i INDEX shopping in ftDrliwfield Monday, Mrs. Geonrs Corbet ef Asondale, I reser mm, m. Published Weekly, at HermitagSi CO.

BEMTLEY Hickory County, Missouri. Is hare for a visit with her family, the Clarence Wilsons. Mrav Gonbet was before her Meant marriage Miss Entered June 8, 1903, it Hermitage, Missouri, ss Second Clan Matter un Mlaoourl Hcrmltaco, (Tars, Wilson. Mr. and Mrs.

A. B. WlW'of Pros ton and the lady's sister, Mm Mollis der Aot of Congress. March 9, 1849. ADVERTISING RATES Made Known on Application, twicer, oi Aurora, who is visiting with them for a few weeks, had busi ness in town yesterday.

Mr! and Mrs. Jos Russell are THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1939 i John E. Wolf was among our out- eated at' Cemdenton for the present with Mr. Russell's sister, Mrs. Wal The Place To Buy Uccd Care! 1937 Ford Tudor vith radio 1936 Chevrolet Tudor IS3fcJ Cr 1936 Ford Tudor tiltci 1 935 Chevrolet Coupe 1935 Chevrolet Tudor 1930 Chevrolet Coach 1930 GMC Truck 1937 Ford Truck Membert American Title Association Member i Missouri Title Association i.

Over Forty years in Abstract Business, Only Abstract Office in the County. Our Book are complete and kept up-to-date and show all conveyances on every Town Lot imd tract of Land in the County Notary Public ahveys in the office. Your patronage solicited. Offices! East Rooms over Bank of Hermitage. ter Ayres and husband.

Mr. Busses tf-town riaitora Tuesday. We wei flad to have bis friendly visit. Mrs. D.

E. 0. Thomas accompanied is said to be hrmrovinr in health. Atty. Ralph B.

Nevins attended a her husband here Monday from their meeting of the 18th Judicial Diatrctt home In Stank township and spent fSmt Association held at Buffalo last the monring in town. J. Olin Taylor accompanied Mr. Friday evening. It is understood thai the next meeting of the assoct and Mrs.

Donn Daily to Springfield atton will be held here. Monday and While there purchased A. W. Miller, who resides a few -wenty head of stock calves. Beautify your home with I.

E. miles south of Weaobleau, is having Lampa. See the many beautiful mod a sale or his persona) property next week and he and Mrs. Miller will els on display. Select now during soon be leaving for California Nobis 8 o'clock.

W. V. Moors, teacher. our BIG I. E.

8. LAMP CAMPAIGN, Downs has rented the Miller farm. Ozark Utilitiea Company. Cash Paid for junk-iron, machinery wr. and Mrs.

Ralph Bigrler and Elsie Gardner and Mrs. Martha ana menus of all kind see Charley Warsaw's floxy Theater SdmIbI Shorta VXth Each Show Alexander are having some repair Benedict on highway 64. Hermitage Frank Cox, of the Jordan vicinity had business in town Monday. He was accompanied by his wife and nine months old daughter, Frankie Pearl. Junior Johnson who is in a OOC camp at Bedford, Iowa, was visiting his mother, Mrs.

James Donovan and brother, Arthur Johnson Saturday and Sunday. daughter, Joyce Darlene, and Miss Golda Bigler arrived from Southern California last week and were here Ing done on their home at present Mo, 19 ctf. LEAVING FOB CALIFORNIA Oc for a few days visit with the Elzie and a paint Job is getting under way and Dan Clark are the workmen. The residence will be painted tober 23. Boom for 4.

Share ex I. Miller family and Geo. H. Miller. Show Starts at P.

M. Sunday pense. Write Mrs, Byron Edde. Lin white. Mat.

2:30 Bigler was the former Velds Miller: coln, wo. care ox Ernest Pile. 18-19 PLEASANT SIDGE ITEMS By Mm E. Brsner Everett Brunar and Dais Moors were business visitors la Hermitage Monday. Ciaudino Low from Urbana spent Thursday afternoon with Mary Ellen Broner.

We understand Claods Eldred won several prizes on has registered Jersey at the Wheatland fair. Earl Scrivener and family viaited Sunday with bis sister Mrs. Dal Pst-terson and fanxly near Urbana. Dewey Tate went Monday to assist bis parents, Las Tats and wife, near Sentinel in preparing for a sals Claude Eldred and famihr event Charles E. Morton, a well known Merchant B.

C. Hornbeck and Miss Admission 10c and fanner from the west side of the PIE SUPPER at Pleasant Hill achoo Mrs. W. L. Dorman visiting Vivian Taylor, is employed in the Hornbeck store, were buying Wednesday night, October 25.

Mu Ml, u. WIVIMIII WW VMiWIf county, spent a few hours in the ln gpringifleld Tuesday wiflh, her ais- was Friday, Saturday, October 20-21 Double Feature county seat Monday. He was here aical program. Teacher, Mona Hof- ter, Mrs. Cora Darby.

Mrs. Darby some fall merchandise in Spring principally to pay taxes. stetter. was expecting her daughter, Mrs- field, Friday. Mrs.

Hobart Barnes Zane Grey's LEAVING FOR CALIFORNIA Paul Pickering, back from the Mayo Give your child in school eys protection with an E. S. Study Lamp. "HERMIT OF THE UKSEKT" and about November 1. Take one or two Vhnx at Rochester, Minn, this week.

accompanied them and the two ladles were also shopping downtown. Through the kindness of Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCoy the folk at the Only 50c down 50c a month during to help with driving. Reference re Mrs.

Pickering, who has been ill for Jane Withers in our BIG I. E. S. LAMP CAMPAIGN. quired.

Write A. W. Miller Humans several weeks following a major op "CHICKEN WAGON FAMILY" Select one today. Ozark Utilities ville, Mo. 19 po.

Index home enjoyed a dinner oi fried Sunday with Mrs. Eldred's brother, Alva Smith and family in Company. eration, has been to the clinic for a diagnosis of her case and treatment. We are hoping to hear that she has Sale on LEE TIRES. This is your guinea yesterday.

Now if more people would follow the example set Mrs. Vinril MoNebb spent Satur field. i October 22-23-24 Gilbert Sullivan's "MIKADO" In Technicolor opportunity to buy good tires st a savins'. We sell on the BUDGET day at Snrirorfield, visiting with rel Elbert Black and family of Star atives. Mr.

and Mrs. were PLAN. Phillips Station. Dale at the Edzar Bandel home at Wheat Scott, Wheatland, Mo. 18-20 Ridge visited awhile Sunday evening with bis sister, Mrs.

Dewey Tate and family. Frank Merchant from north land all day Sunday, visiting with Wednesday. Thursday, October 25-26 LOST the Bandels and Mr. and Mrs. Homer unproved.

Mrs. Ed Peterson attended funeral services held in Kansas City, Kansas, last week for her aunt. Miss Anna Hendrickson, 72, who passed away suddenly at her home in the city. The deceased lived with her sisters. Misses Edith and Agnes Hen drickson and a brother, William.

An The Jones Family In Lost: Female Fox Hound, darkbrown by the McCoys and our friend Mrs. Bryan, our family would be assured Of a meat course at least once a Mr. and Mrs. Noah Allen and Elsie Allen from the west side of the county and Dr. L.

A. McGool of Kaneas Oity were in Hermitage Saturday on business in connection with the sale of a forty acre tract of land. Mr. Son, who were there from Lexington brought hia grandfather John Van "IN HOLLYWOOD head, black back, between IS and 21 Buskirk Sunday for a visit with his inches Iiign, has a fine mouth when running. Reward.

Carl son, Clarence and family. Thursday visitors in fee Aunt Tad Flemington, Mo. 19-20 po other brother, Oscar, lives in Swed Anderson boms were: Homer Yeaarer en. and wife and Mrs. Dais Yeager of Flemington, and Dan and Mrs.

Low O. E. BtackweU. auctioneer and and Mrs. Allen sold the tract, which is located a few miles southeast of Weuubleau, to the doctor, who owns KLONDIKE HILL ITEMS By Mrs.

UIUs Williama. John Deere dealer of Weaubleau and and Claudius Low. his B. HORNBECK GENERAL MERCHANDISE Hermitage, Missouri Mrs. Martha EUen Cane of Green an adjoining farm.

Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Barnes made Ridge snd daughter. Mrs. Pearl ness Tuesday.

Mr. Blackwell expect, to I a trip to Peculiar, in Caws county, Saturday to take her mother, Mrs. Glose, of Ionia, left Friday after a week visit with their sister and aunt Aunt Tad Anderson. open a hardware and Implement store JL. (' Mae Williamson there to stay awhile in Weaubleau soon.

He will open; vi. in TWnw K.iiM.I omey mil ana mr. sna nrm. with Mr. and Mrs.

Abraham Jones, Ancel Pereival snd wife took the i i a L. Whited of Flemington visited Httie son, Carl, to Springfield Thurs who are in very poor health. Mrs. Jones is the paternal grandmother 15c SI.98 Part Wool Double Blanket day for treatment for soger diabetis, of which he is snfferina. Oarl waa of Mrs.

Barnes. Hotwrt ana wets Children's Hose 3-4 length pair Sunshine Crackers 4oz box Cookies returned home SundBy evening, wUl moVe oTSm 'wXvfev his stock of hadware there. rde of "orghum we have ever able to start to school Monday. Mr. and Mrs.

Lee Pitts and Mr. Isaac Clark and family had charge 15c of the cafe during their absence. Mrs. W. A.

Dollarhide returned w' vf. Timwsiv iftor. and Mrs. Virgil Plata left Monday, after a weeks visit with their father. Arris Pitts and feenily.

to return nome jnunuay wnw noon from Mrs. Lype. Mrs. Barnard weeks stay in St Louis, attending Tin -viUron Mr. rwrvl to their homes in Auburn, Calif.

VlH Ysuffer frm cld? the' Methodist conference and visit- CKmMV (Mrs, Evelyn Moore visited awhile r. Mrs. Mattie Llghtroot and daugu- Miss Effie TharD of Sprinfirfield was I, Monday with Miss Chodine Low, White 10 Crystal SOAP 3 bars for Cotton Batting com-cru fort quilt size 45 Outing Flannel nice line of light and dark jOlp colors per yard 12" Bleached Unbleached 81-inch Sheet- OQp ing per yd 35c 6G6 also a guest in the Wilson home last ptlTt jtgt week lh week wh sbtending the conference. Melvln Ughtfoot home. Mrs: Dollarhide and IMoss Tnarp tx.

wir For quick relief from cold symptoms 4ake 666 Liquid Tablet near Urbana, prior to Claudina leaving for Perry, Mo. Ckudine hopes to take nurses training in Kansas CH- soon. Salve Nose Drops Mr. snd Mrs. Ekvin Anderson of Joined a number of other women of juat apouwt the corner, so had El-their church group in a pilgrimage mer hriing hto HW tni MW over the city.

The principal I-a Ktndrick, Oklahoma, and daqghter, Mrs. Cecil Custer, of St, Louis. Ok visited were the Kingdom House, the Bin much eted over 90 lahoma, arc evista with their moth Methodist Home for Children and hunter. I LARD 8 lb. pail S.

A. Jordan, Wheatland township farmer, and hia son, Floyd, spent a few hours in Hermitage Friday. Floyd and wife, who reside in Parsons. Kansas, came recently for a the Bpworth School for Girla. They weTVt two friends to the moun enjoyed a luncheon and program at ct nninritn mA imt Afor.

the Epwonth School. I Several from this community at 15c Bleached Muslin per yard tended the sals of S. S. Fueate two weeks vacation and visit with his parent and other relatives. Floyd has lived at Parsons the past twelve 65' Classified "Ads" lEtt SVSk Sugar 10 lb.

bag years and has held the same position in a hospital there that number of Unbleached Mus- 101 er and grandmother, Mrs. E. W. Anderson, this week. CLARK ITEMS By Miss Ora Marie Felts Hobert Floyd called at his mothers Mrs.

Jim Floyd Friday. Mrs. Garrett Bartane spent Thursday night at ths Floyd Foha boms. Che. Carktrom and wife called at the Leonard FolU boms Thursday Rev.

Roy Reichert and family called at the Jim BlackweU boms Sun- Lttle Alien Bartshe, who has been suffering from two broken ribs Is POB SALE youngest daughter, Mrs. Roy Cnene- Baled Lespedeia Hay for sale. Floyd snd famdly. Pearson, Hermitage, Mo, 16-23 po priendly QRCLE CLUB MEET For Salei Wesco Sum. 6-hole.

Mrs. ivn 8c l2U lin per yard years. They expect to return nome next week, Ws were glad to have visit from the gentlemen and we 1.4 1fJ. Soups 1 lb. can A.

BHeard. Wheatrand, Mo. 1HP Friendly Circle club mrf FOR 8ALE: 12 Ewes. Vet Pearson, October 10, at the home of Mrs. ET Hermitage, Mo.

17-18 po McCoy. Twelve members attended 15c New lin. of Solid Prints per yard Pop fUU: Rti rooA 2. Wheel Trail- Mrs. Johnson was a vtsitor and tnreo Mnkj mAi ann.1 4tr Can.

I children completed the group. Sew tnl bun. Htrmitare. Me, Ing, poultry and canning report acknowledge receipt of Index sud-scrlption from both. Mrs.

Mae Wilson and daughter, Mrs. Dee Hooks, were hers Monday afternoon from the Wilson home a few miles north of Preston. Mrs. Hooks and children left their former horns in Texas three weeks ago and are staying here until Mr. Hooks, who la employed as an electric welder in the oil fields near Grayville, can find a suitable place fori 10' Buckwheat Pancake Flour i' I were riven to reeoective leaders Also telling a few Solid Print Broad- in cloths at pr yard luu MSTSS WUliamso TT FleroingtMo.

tsibles were entered in the Bell Cor or mu: usea ana reouui teat. The roll call "Sotnething du- 12' Graham Flour 5 lbs. Moves: sman uook owve. ftrot for school lunches" waa very rellned and rebulk. Charier Bene- inU-thw and hetaful.

Topic of SI.25 MENS' SWEATERS them to live. Mrs. Wilson is very haimv to have her daughter and Improving. Garrett Bartehs took Sunday (finder with home folks John Bartshe and family. Mra.

Uls Pippins and Wisher Pre pine and wife called at the Charley Bartshe home Sunday. Mrs. Floyd snd children visits! wfth her daughter, Mra. Tom Tirey from Saturday until Sunday evening. Mrs.

Sarah BhwfcweH spent the past week st the Ola FolU heme sad attended the Wheatland BapV'st meeting. Callers at the Floyd Foht home Sunder were: George Moors sad wife. Melbern Smith. Albert Moore diet, Hermitage, Mo. hinchea was led by Mrs.

Joe Timothy Seed, Cleaned and free from McCoy. After lovely refreshments fore fen seed. Will sell reasonable, ths Friendly Pal gifts were opened. grandchildren with her. She la also looking forward to a visit 'from another daughter, Mrs.

Albert Thompson and family of Redlands, Mrs. Edith Owens, Hemitscs, ho. Nut meeting is won Mrs. joe mc- do. I Coy.

Roll call something I mskt ing I oblert anak whom she expects next noma. Sub. For Bale I 4 young Mares; younglwfch Wscu doogh. Mr. and Mrs.

Victor Dougka accompanied Arnold Blackwell home Horses: Some good Jersey Ing quick breakfr-t and dishwash They're saay on the eyes E. 8. Lampa. Protect eyes during the coating whiter months. Equip year kerne during ear BIG E.

8. LAMP CAMPAIGN. Lew, easy Urate. and 1-2 miles north eX Nemo, woaai imr r- from Vetley Park where he Is teaching, the past week and. Mrs.

Doug-kts Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richards. le-w po and Roseoe Floyd. Pablie Adadaistrstsr's Notice The cottage prayer meettng was For Salei 200 Erariiah WhiOe Leghorn Notice is hereby given that Let.

Osark Utilities Cobidsjiv. Wardie McCraoken of FlemlngioA. held at ths Charley Bartshe home yearling and two-year old. cuDedta Administration opoa the es hena. Price 40c.

Also 20 4-A gradel tte of Jacob W. Crlder, cleceased, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Taylor ee and Lissle Fates waa leader. There waa a hwge crowd cornea nied by friends, Mr.

and Mrs. eockerela. John F. Breehears, Fair-1 beea granted to the andweiga- W. Q.

Dillon, state high school inspector, and Elile MUler, county superintendent, were out over the county Monday and Tuesday, visnV Ing the high schools. Mrs. Dillon Clarence Painter, of Kansas City. Those visiting at ths Leonard Kansas, were hers for as overnight Fates horns Satarday strat were. Orvsi Felts and Ws, Mra.

Fohs sad fieki, A very WToye. ed, by the Probate Court of neeaory For Salei Two Registered Hereford" Ooaaty, Miasoari. bearinc date the MaU Carres, months old. Good ones ft day of October, 1W. Afl per- TO High Grade breeding Ewes: bobs, having claims agemat said as- visit Saturday with Edward's parents, the T.

J. Taylors. The visitors spent Sunday at Wheatland with reK Ora Jerdaa and baby. 6nda-y vis aeoompaaied bar husband to the county and they stayed bars at the DIL PERMANENT $1.00 to S5.00 My New Thermostatically Cea trolled Machine Waves Oee-kalf lack Osaer te Bead. Ne Weak Carls, Every Wave Perfect.

UvXukti $2,50 to J5.C0 SUZAKKE Kennlli.8, iters there were Chester Rrfe sad Shropshire; la Rsmrjouaet mu. bms are rwjvaiau as enaon vmm atWea of dwarda wife. hotel. writs or phone, Oscar Forers, ns for nnowenee withta sU asontaa vau. lit.

ls-Jl ee I frats the date of said letters sr tby Bah B. Nevins and W. A. Dol fsimly. Mra.

Add Fielde, and two deserters, Clara and Mary, aad Oat Fohs aad fasaity. Abstracter U. BenUir accompa larhide attended circuit court at nied Mr. and Mrs. W.

H. Eaigfct and daughter, Kay, and Mr. and Mrs. 1. R.

Kaisht of Osceola, te Bamell Caindeatoa on Monday of this week as attorneys in the WlUJsjns-lnckey FORSALE A BARCAINTPracU mar be PJhrf from any benefit ll Zm MteacMied CowiraT Ms-1 ef sooh eatsU; snd if said clahns be "Si rTSTwir I not withi. one y-r fro- Daa and ether pohrta ea the Lake SPECIAL ease which was taken te that county on a change of venue. This ease Pencil Work. Guaranteed O. fc.

ZXT frar Cost fM wll sM for 12-. caah eroasAd sstste they shall be forever of the Osarks Sunday. They had dinner la the lake regie sad spent DST CLEANING was continued to ths March tern of Men's Seles thus. BenUry Title tawnpeny, ner-i the afternoon viewing the scenery, GEO. E.

WTLEON PwNle Adminiatretw. tnitare. Me, is-ii Peats ll iLs'T Tap Costs Attest; 1XBEST X- CROUCH Overreata Fee Bentt My fares I siiWe east rf (U ft.) Jadge ef the Prabate Coert. Neektiee 2 for "VRe Cloud, en the river. J.

ea Jt Rata, Classed aad Jacked Ptaia the Casndea county atreutt court. Mr. and Mrs. ESawr Byrd have purchased what is known as the Lord property from Atty. W.

A. Dollar- hide. They expect te takes ios the atst of ttve ssonth. They are serving meek to the pdtMc at their present Jocetioa sad as sooa as they are snored will open a boarding boos Mr. sad Mrs.

Errts Aadersoa of lendrick, Okie, were Tisrtiaff towa isstsidsv eAemooa. The Anderson have lived Is Okkheena for! man Kuiioi CHILLY DAYS ARE CHUMMY DAYS IN THE HOME Havo Your hom*o Comfortablo Fktrts WATCH AND CLOCK aVepalr Shop, New parssssenCT We tad st Wheat- VM, Me. O. Utsrt. JeweW.

Fell Eats Regs rxll fisTirrTERi Deely BeJ scs3 LACMSRT ti JOSEPH MM FUiiEHU HOMES i aeaee, Satsrday evening, Octoher 21.1 Thrify 1 Mis! ft, fist falsa eat ef heee 8-PIece Dining Room Suites Inneriprinf Mettreis Htatlnf Stovtt Cook Stoves $32.50 up 11.95 11.25 up $4.75 up rVirae finished jsa Wet Wash se kV, sslaaassa a avmfcer ef ream They eperete a atere at KdNck. hy esXed sa Mrs. Card Wher whSe Is toens sad Ois ldy visited weth Mrs. Mary West end Mra. E.

vHlsoa, hs Is a Al evev, par veaad Shirts rtakhed lMiaw4ll4f Jt Jl 35 eeasla of Mrs, West. rieta Carua, per pahr t-fflee er Fringed, par Wash rests ROW COM IXO The frssWe fisvilr. firs 1 irsi Feed Seeks E3eevs Whits 1 CLOCK AND WATCH REPAIRING Gears teas' Fee Oae Tear! Ws Beaalr Glasses. Ws Abe Bey ahf Ceai. J.

W. CLARK, J-' Sb. at AffHUttd With Carry 1 PHILCO, ZENITH Sk EMERSON FARM AND ELECTRIC RADIOS OOOMLfSHOHEfUillilSHIIIGSHcTiansie.Mo. TERM3-WE BUY-TRADE-DELIVER Open Until 9 o'clock Saturday Eva. run en attar.

wCl he at the Msrpky lURer mm rtsav sM tatsraav. 1 alfhta, Ortoswr H-lt Shew areas ripens, KrWs tun -satae4. OK Ftl Fn Pe-e pet4 Pwea, Peel'! Nv Wfa T'- y- iptiv at TiM e'etarh. JerrUitt County Burial AotatIen Asi1oIre 5rnce seta, tlyht wire act. trasses art, tws i eeitas ay ersert swan aera sad ether sttrsrOsaa, Adalsatea It sad II.

The Index from Hermitage, Missouri (2024)
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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.