The Different Types Of Jade And What They All Look Like (2024)

Jade is a beautiful and fascinating stone that has been cherished for thousands of years. We’ll be looking into the different types of jade, highlighting their unique qualities and importance.

Each type of jade has its own special color, texture, and history. Learning about these can help us understand why jade has been so valued throughout the world.

In exploring these stones, the talk will cover the various types of jade, what they look like, and where they can typically be found. This will provide a clearer picture of the beauty and diversity of jade.

The 16 Different Types Of Jade And What They Look Like

Jade comes in a variety of forms and appearances. The two main types of jade are jadeite and nephrite, each possessing unique characteristics.

These two jade types are further classified into other kinds based on their appearance and the locations where they’re found. These classifications often use trade names, which help in identifying and differentiating them.

Understanding the variety of jade types is fascinating, as each kind offers a glimpse into the rich tapestry of colors and textures that jade can exhibit. This discussion will shed light on these various types and their distinct features.

Imperial Jade

The Different Types Of Jade And What They All Look Like (1)

Imperial jade, also known as fei cui jade, represents the very finest quality of jadeite jade. It’s known for its vivid, almost translucent emerald green color, setting it apart from other types of jade.

As a type of jadeite, imperial jade is more valuable and sought after due to its color and clarity. The rich green hue is often uniform, making it a top choice for high-quality jewelry and decorative items.

This exquisite stone not only captivates with its beauty but also with its smooth and glossy texture. Its appearance is so prized that it has become a benchmark for comparing other jadeite.

Imperial jade is the most prized variety of jade. The value of jade varies greatly, but pieces featuring the deep green and clear qualities of imperial jade are often considered the most valuable.

Where you can find imperial jade

Imperial jade, the most valued type of jadeite, is predominantly found in Myanmar, specifically in the Kachin State’s mines.

These mines have been the source of high-quality jade for centuries, producing stones with the deep, vibrant green color that defines imperial jade.

Apple Green Jade

The Different Types Of Jade And What They All Look Like (2)

Apple green jade is a type of jadeite known for its fresh, vibrant green color. This shade is reminiscent of a ripe apple, giving this stone its descriptive name.

This jade’s color is typically uniform, providing a smooth and even hue throughout the stone. Its appearance is further enhanced by a natural luster that, when polished, gives it a glossy, inviting finish.

Apple green jade’s texture is also fine and compact, contributing to its overall delicate and appealing look. It’s this combination of color and texture that makes apple green jade a popular choice for a variety of decorative purposes.

Where you can find apple green jade

Apple green jade is primarily found in Myanmar, known for having the largest and most significant deposits of high-quality jadeite. The mines in this region produce a variety of jade colors, including the vibrant apple green.

Moss-in-Snow Jade

The Different Types Of Jade And What They All Look Like (3)

Moss-in-snow jade is a distinctive type of jadeite known for its unique color pattern. It features a combination of bright green spots or streaks that resemble moss, set against a background of translucent white, much like snow.

This striking contrast in colors makes moss-in-snow jade visually appealing and distinctive among other jade types. The green “moss” portions are usually scattered in an organic, natural pattern, adding to its aesthetic charm.

The texture of moss-in-snow jade is smooth and glossy, often polished to highlight its color contrast. The translucency of the white part of the stone, coupled with the vivid green, creates a stunning visual effect that catches the eye.

Where you can find moss-in-snow jade

Moss-in-snow jade is mainly sourced from Myanmar, which is renowned for its diverse and high-quality jadeite deposits. This type of jade is also found in smaller quantities in other parts of the world, such as Guatemala.

Spinach Jade

The Different Types Of Jade And What They All Look Like (4)

Spinach jade, a type of nephrite jade, is known for its rich, deep green color that resembles the leafy vegetable spinach. This distinct shade sets it apart from other jade varieties, providing a unique example of what jade looks like.

The texture of spinach jade is typically smooth and even, with a matte finish that differs from the glossy appearance of other jade types. Its opaque quality and consistent coloring give it a robust and earthy feel.

Spinach jade is often used in carvings and decorative objects due to its workable nature and striking color. The durability and strength of this jade make it suitable for intricate designs, showcasing its natural beauty in various forms.

Where you can find spinach jade

Spinach jade is predominantly found in China, known for its rich history of jade carving and use. Other notable sources include Taiwan and Canada, where various qualities of this green-hued stone are extracted.

Siberian Jade

The Different Types Of Jade And What They All Look Like (5)

Siberian jade is a type of nephrite jade, renowned for its deep, rich green color. This shade can range from a medium to a dark green, often with a slightly translucent quality.

The texture of Siberian jade is smooth and has a waxy luster when polished. It’s typically quite dense and feels solid and heavy when held.

Unlike some other types of jade, Siberian jade tends to have fewer inclusions, giving it a more uniform appearance. Its consistent color and texture make it a popular choice for a variety of decorative uses.

Where you can find Siberian jade

Siberian jade is primarily found in eastern Russia, particularly in the areas around Lake Baikal. This region is known for its harsh climate, which contributes to the unique quality and formation of the jade found there.

Lavender Jade

The Different Types Of Jade And What They All Look Like (6)

Lavender jade is a type of jadeite known for its delicate purple color, ranging from a light, soft lavender to a deeper violet shade. This gentle hue gives it a sense of warmth and makes it highly sought after for its unique beauty.

The surface of lavender jade is often polished to a high shine, enhancing its translucent to semi-transparent quality. This polish brings out the depth and richness of the lavender color, making each piece visually striking.

Despite its name, lavender jade’s coloration can sometimes lean towards pinkish or bluish tones.

Where you can find lavender jade

Lavender jade is primarily found in western Anatolia, Turkey, specifically in Harmancık.

Mutton Fat Jade

The Different Types Of Jade And What They All Look Like (7)

Mutton fat jade is a distinctive type of nephrite jade, known for its creamy white color. This color resembles the fat of mutton, hence its unique name.

The texture of mutton fat jade is smooth and often has a greasy luster, making it stand out among other types of jade. Its appearance can range from completely opaque to slightly translucent, adding to its variety.

In terms of its structure, mutton fat jade is dense and possesses a high degree of toughness. This makes it not only visually appealing but also durable and resilient, suitable for a variety of uses.

Where you can find mutton fat jade

Mutton fat jade is primarily found in China, which has a long history of appreciating and utilizing this type of jade. Additionally, smaller deposits of mutton fat jade have been discovered in the US, New Zealand, and Canada.

For those interested in seeking out mutton fat jade or other fascinating rocks, there are many places that offer fruitful rockhounding experiences. Check out our guide to where to go rockhounding for insights and suggestions.

Icy Jade

The Different Types Of Jade And What They All Look Like (8)

Icy jade is a type of jadeite known for its exceptional transparency and clarity, similar to that of ice. This quality gives it a pure and sleek appearance, making it stand out among other jade types.

The color of icy jade typically ranges from colorless to a very light green, emphasizing its icy, clear look. The more transparent and flawless it is, the more it resembles a piece of frozen water, hence the name.

Due to its clarity, icy jade often has a glass-like texture and a bright, shiny luster when polished. This creates a stunning visual effect, as light passes through it, enhancing its icy, translucent quality.

Where you can find icy jade

Icy jade is predominantly found in Myanmar, specifically in the northern regions.


The Different Types Of Jade And What They All Look Like (9)

Pounamu, also known as New Zealand greenstone, is a variety of nephrite jade cherished for its rich cultural significance and beauty. It comes in various shades of green, from deep forest hues to lighter, almost milky tones.

The stone is typically smooth and polished, giving it a lustrous, reflective surface that enhances its natural color. Pounamu often has subtle variations in color and pattern, making each piece distinct.

In terms of texture, pounamu is dense and tough, contributing to its longstanding use in tools and ornaments. Its physical properties, combined with its visual appeal, make it a beloved material in various cultural artifacts.

Where you can find pounamu

Pounamu is a special stone that you can only find in New Zealand, making it quite rare and unique.

Olmec Blue Jade

The Different Types Of Jade And What They All Look Like (10)

Olmec blue jade is a really interesting type of stone with a deep, rich blue color. It’s so special because this kind of blue isn’t very commonly found in jade.

The blue in Olmec blue jade can vary a bit, from lighter sky blues to darker, more intense shades. Often, it’s not just a single color, but can also have interesting patterns and variations. These patterns can look like swirls or streaks.

Where you can find Olmec blue jade

Olmec blue jade is a rare mineral that’s mainly found in areas that were once part of the Olmec civilization in Mesoamerica.

These regions, primarily in what is now Mexico and Guatemala, are where this unique blue jade was originally discovered and used.

Yunan Jade

The Different Types Of Jade And What They All Look Like (11)

Yunan jade is a type of nephrite, a mineral known for its toughness and smooth texture. This jade has a rich, creamy color that often blends green and white tones, giving it a distinctive and attractive appearance.

The surface of Yunan jade is glossy, reflecting light with a soft, almost silky sheen. Under different lighting conditions, Yunan jade can show subtle variations in color.

These variations range from deep, forest greens to lighter, almost translucent whites.

Where you can find Yunan jade

Yunan jade is primarily found in the Yunan province of China, a region known for its rich mineral deposits.

Polar Jade

The Different Types Of Jade And What They All Look Like (12)

Polar jade is a special type of nephrite, which is a mineral known for its strength and smoothness. It stands out because of its bright green color, which is often compared to the green seen in northern lights.

This jade has a glossy surface that reflects light beautifully, making its colors appear even more vibrant. Its smoothness is not just visually appealing but also gives it a pleasant feel when touched.

One of the interesting aspects of polar jade is how its color can vary under different lighting conditions. From deep, rich greens in sunlight to softer, more subtle hues in shade, polar jade shows a delightful range of greens.

Where you can find polar jade

Polar jade is primarily found in the Polar regions, particularly in Canada’s jade deposits.

Hetian Jade

The Different Types Of Jade And What They All Look Like (13)

Hetian jade is a type of nephrite jade, known for its exceptional smoothness and toughness. It is usually found in shades of white, cream, and green, each giving it a distinct and appealing look.

This jade often has a creamy, translucent quality, allowing light to pass through and enhance its natural colors. The smooth, polished surface of Hetian jade reflects light, giving it a subtle, yet lustrous glow.

One of the striking features of Hetian jade is its texture, which is both dense and finely grained. This texture not only contributes to its strength but also its silky feel.

Where you can find Hetian jade

Hetian jade is predominantly found in the Hetian, or Hotan, region in Northwestern China.

Washington Jade

The Different Types Of Jade And What They All Look Like (14)

Washington jade is known for its diverse color range, primarily featuring various shades of green. The hues can vary from deep, rich greens to lighter, more subtle tones, each offering a unique visual appeal.

The texture of Washington jade is typically smooth and can have a waxy to glassy luster when polished. This gives the stone a natural shine that highlights its color and patterns.

In terms of appearance, Washington jade often has a fine to medium grain. The density and hardness of the stone make it a popular choice for a range of uses, from decorative items to jewelry.

Where you can find Washington jade

Washington Jade is mainly sourced from the western foothills of the Cascade Mountains, near the small logging community of Darrington.

If you’re interested in learning more about gem and crystal mining and discovering how to find such treasures themselves, check out our guide to finding gems near you.

Flower Jade

The Different Types Of Jade And What They All Look Like (15)

Flower jade is a distinctive type of jade known for its unique patterns that resemble flowers. These patterns are typically formed by variations in color and texture within the stone, creating a natural, floral-like appearance.

The colors of flower jade can range from deep greens to lighter hues, often mixed with whites and yellows. This combination of colors contributes to the “flower” effect, making each piece visually striking.

This jade has a smooth, glossy surface that enhances its floral patterns. The way light plays off the surface brings out the depth and richness of the colors, adding to its overall beauty.

Where you can find flower jade

Flower jade is primarily sourced from New Zealand, where its unique varieties are found.

Lantian Jade

The Different Types Of Jade And What They All Look Like (16)

Lantian jade is a type of white jade known for its unique colors, primarily in various shades of green and blue. It has a dense, fine texture that gives it a smooth, polished finish when carved.

This jade’s color can range from a pale, creamy green to a deep, rich turquoise, each shade offering a different appeal. The intensity and variation in color are often used to create stunning visual effects in carvings and sculptures.

Lantian jade typically exhibits a waxy luster, enhancing its natural beauty and making it stand out among other stones. Despite its hardness, it can be intricately worked into delicate shapes.

Where you can find Lantian jade

Lantian jade is specifically located in Lantian County of Shaanxi Province in China, an area long celebrated for its jade deposits.

The Different Types Of Jade And What They All Look Like (2024)


The Different Types Of Jade And What They All Look Like? ›

In geology, there are just two different types of what we refer to as "Jade": Jadeite jade and Nephrite jade. The two have different chemical compositions, hardness, densities, and crystal structures. Each type varies in color depending on the concentration/ratios of minerals. We'll get into the differences below.

How many different types of jade are there? ›

In geology, there are just two different types of what we refer to as "Jade": Jadeite jade and Nephrite jade. The two have different chemical compositions, hardness, densities, and crystal structures. Each type varies in color depending on the concentration/ratios of minerals. We'll get into the differences below.

How do I know what kind of jade I have? ›

Jadeite Jade Quality Factors
  1. Color. Color is jadeite's most important value factor. ...
  2. Transparency. Jadeite's transparency ranges from completely opaque to semitransparent. ...
  3. Texture. Jadeite has a smooth, even texture that makes people want to touch and hold it. ...
  4. Cut. ...
  5. Size and Weight.

What is the rarest type of jade? ›

The rarest shade of jade is known as "imperial jade" or "emerald green jade," which is a vivid green hue with a slight blue undertone. This shade of jade is highly prized in Chinese culture and is considered to be the most valuable and precious.

What is the difference between expensive jade and cheap jade? ›

The most valuable jade is completely transparent and has no flaws or blemishes. Transparency generally refers to how well light shines through the jade, giving it the 'luminous' quality it is known for. The less transparent and/or more cloudy the jade is, the less valuable it will be.

What color is the most expensive jade? ›

The Most Valuable Jade Color: Imperial Jade

The rarest and most valuable jade color is the vibrant green hue known as Imperial Jade. This exceptional shade of green is sought after for its stunning depth, richness, and even distribution.

What is the purest form of jade? ›

Jadeite, a pyroxene, also comes in three different types including type A which is pure jadeite, type B which is chemically treated, and type C which is chemically treated and dyed. Nephrite, an amphibole, is made up of either tremolite or actinolite minerals and is the oldest used form of jade.

What is the cheapest type of jade? ›

Type of Jade: There are two main types of jade - nephrite and jadeite. Jadeite is rarer and generally more valuable, while nephrite is a bit more common and affordable.

Why does jade turn green when you wear it? ›

WEARING YOUR JADE MORE WILL CHANGE ITS COLOUR – FACT OR MYTH? There are many who believe that the more you wear Jade close to the body, it will either turn a richer colour or its colour will start to fade, due to good energy or negative vibrations. However, this is truly only just a myth!

Is jade worth more than gold? ›

This astounding price tag translates to a kilogram value of $69 million per kilogram, giving items of Imperial Jade much more value than gold. One of the key factors in comparing Imperial Jade to gold is that gold is fungible and Jade is not.

How do I know if my jade is valuable? ›

The most significant factors that determine the value of Jade are size, colour and origin - and like we've mentioned before, the most sought-after Jade variety comes from Burma (now Myanmar). Historically, the Chinese considered Burmese Jadeite to be the most desirable varieties in the world.

What does low quality jade look like? ›

If the color is dull or flat, it's likely a fake stone. Jade can sometimes be totally opaque, but the opaque stones aren't very valuable. If it looks like there are air bubbles in the stone, then it's likely not real.

Is lighter or darker jade more valuable? ›

The generally accepted hierarchy of color value is green, lavender, red, yellow, white, and black. However, this is not an absolute scale, as individual preferences may vary. The ideal jade color is vibrant and strong, with lighter or darker shades considered less desirable.

What is the difference between Burmese jade and Guatemala jade? ›

Guatemalan Jade will always come in the form of dull blue to dull green and this will never appear in the form of Burmese Grade A. Colours in Burmese Grade A jade will always be bright and never comes in a dull shade. Although both forms of jade are quite hard but Burmese Grade A jade is harder than Guatemalan Jade.

What is the difference between Type A and Type B jade? ›

In a classification system that is used in China, “B” jade refers to jadeite that has been bleached with acid and then impregnated with polymer resin. “A” jade refers to jadeite that is natural or polished with wax only, and “C” jade refers to dyed material.

How many grades of jade are there? ›

Jadeite jade can be Grade A, B, or C, while this scale is typically not used for grading nephrite. Grade A means that the jade is completely natural with absolutely zero treatment. This is the highest quality jadeite there is.

What is the difference between green jade and nephrite jade? ›

Jadeite jade is a type of jade that is found in Myanmar, while nephrite jade is found across the world. Nephrite jade is tougher and more durable than jadeite, making it more suitable for carving. However, jadeite can be more highly polished and has a higher luster than nephrite.

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