Vol. 45 Issue 6 - [PDF Document] (2024)

Vol. 45 Issue 6 - [PDF Document] (1)

utLook STUDENT PRESSO Vol. 45 Issue 6 November 19, 2012 Outlookpress.org

On November 6, 2012, Barack Obama was reelected President of the United States of America by a wide margin in both the popular vote and in the Electoral College.

Obama went well over the 270 required Electoral College votes, receiving 332 against Mitt

Romney’s 206. In the popular vote, President

Obama won more than 50 percent of the vote, only the second Democratic president since Franklin Roosevelt to be elected to two terms with more than 50 percent of the vote.

The president had little time to enjoy his hard-won victory, however, as pressing domestic and international events quickly returned his attention to matters

of state.The Hurricane Sandy

recovery continued well into the week after the election, with the president visiting hard-hit areas of New York just late last week.

And the debate over the continuing FBI investigation into former CIA Director General David Petraeus intensified late last week as well, with new revelations about the general and his relationship with his

biographer.But on November 6, it was

Obama’s night.President Obama gave his

victory speech after 1 a.m. on election night, after a hard-fought victory in many states.

Obama managed to grab eight of the nine battleground states, including Florida andOhio, two key states in almost


History, Again

The women’s basketball team beat Westchester in

a hard-fought game.

“The expectations for the wom-en’s basketball team are very

high this season, especially after finishing as the runner up

in the Mid Hudson Conference last season. ”

Devon Keane, Student

SportS 23

After winning reelection, President Obama tweeted this photo, which quickly became the single most retweeted photo ever.





for P



“One of the most appealing aspects of the Tutoring Center,

is the friendliness of staff members. Everyone has an interest in learning, and in

helping others learn.”

Gennifer Rollins, Student

FeatureS 5

Some of the best things in life are free, and so is the RCC Tutoring


“We are not super human and often have trouble managing it all. This is why we call upon a higher power to help us get through our

days: caffeine. ”

Gabriela Gonzalez, Student

opinionS 10

I can imagine a world without coffee, but it would be slower, sleepier and much

more irritating.

Craig PolinerContributing Writer

President Obama Wins Second Term with Record Numbers;Hurricane Sandy Cleanup, FBI Investigation Leave Little Time to Celebrate

Two Weeks Later, Still Recovering from Hurricane Sandy

More than two weeks after Hurricane Sandy slammed the East Coast, leaving over $50 billion in damage and more than 121 people dead, Rockland County and surrounding areas are still recovering from the massive storm.

Sandy hit 24 states, leaving thousands without homes, and millions without electricity. The Red Cross has been quick in its response to the hurricane, receiving donations from millions across the country and sending the money out to help people rebuild their houses and

to feed and shelter those who might not have their home back

anytime soon. In Rockland County, two

out of three Clarkstown O&R customers lost power during the storm, according to Clarkstown Town Supervisor Alex Gromack. This is about 22,000 homes.

“I lost power for a week but I went to my grandparents’ house for a week to take showers,” said student Kayla Tinony. “We played cards and Monopoly to pass the time. Sandy also affected my Biomedical Ethics online class because I had a midterm due that week.”

“I lost power for four days but had a generator and I hooked up to my furnace for hot water and my refrigerator to keep my food fresh,” said student Will


Eugene LevitNews Editor

A home in New City narrowly escaped damage when this tree collapsed.



lins /







Vol. 45 Issue 6 - [PDF Document] (2)

News2 November 19, 2012


every election. In both states, Obama grabbed 50 percent of the vote, while Romney grabbed 49 percent. Mitt Romney was able to snag North Carolina’s 15 electoral votes, with a 51 to 48 percent lead in the state.

“This election was my first time voting,” said student Ebony Jones. “It was on my birthday. I voted for Obama, and all Democrat. I wish they gave us more information about the local candidates so we could know what was going on locally.”

“I’m pretty pissed off about how Obama won,” said anther student, Paulie Golltierri.

Shortly after news channels announced that he had received the 270 required votes, Obama delivered his acceptance speech in the city of Chicago. Obama thanked everyone for their support, thanked his wife and children for standing by his side through the election, and mentioned his plans to speak with Governor Romney to determine if the two could work together in the future to help move the country forward.

According to one of Mitt Romney’s advisers, Romney was shell-shocked by his loss in the election.

Before the election, the Romney campaign was banking that Obama would

not get the same kind of turnout he did in 2008. Romney also said he had plans on avoiding the public eye for some time and that he wanted to “reflect and spend time with his family”.

Romney told reporters, aboard his plane returning to Boston, that he “[doesn’t] look at post election to be a time of regrouping. Instead it’s a time for us to look forward. I have, of course, a family and life important to me, win or lose.”

Looking back at the election, Romney blames his loss on the election to Obama giving “gifts” to voters. Romney said, “The President’s campaign focused on giving targeted groups a big gift — so he made a big effort on small things.” Romney’s “gift” comment has sparked much controversy, especially among young voters, Latinos and African Americans, who Romney claims are the majority of the gift receivers.

Rumors of Vice President Joe Biden running for president have been circulating since before the election ended, even since before President Obama’s first term ended.

When reporters inquired about these rumors, asking him “is this going to be the last time you vote for yourself in an election?” Biden answered with a sly grin, “No, I don’t think so.”

Despite coming up short in his vice presidential bid, Congressman Paul Ryan was reelected to his House seat in

Wisconsin. He was reelected with the lowest margin of his career, winning with only 55 percent of the vote.

Already having three terms as the chairman of the Budget Committee, Ryan will need a waiver from John Boehner, the House Speaker. Most Republicans theorize he will be given the waiver.

The election may just have ended, but things are already heating up for the following election. Still, America has another four years with Barack Obama.

Soon, Democrats have to find a way to compromise with Republicans about the fiscal cliff. If the issue isn’t resolved, America could slide into another recession as the Bush era tax cuts expire and people are forced to pay higher taxes in order to lower the national debt.

If Barack Obama can’t figure out a way for the two parties to come together and make important decisions on fiscal policies, many who voted for Obama might say that they elected the wrong president.

President Obama Wins Second Term


Wright. “I suggest everyone get a generator because a storm like this will most likely happen again next year.”

In the rest of Rockland County, 75,000 out of 120,000 customers went without electricity. O&R initially promised a 7-10 day wait time, and while the majority of customers have gotten power back, there are still customers in areas such as Stony Point and Haverstraw who have not gotten their power restored.

According to the O&R website, “O&R mobilized its workforce of more than 1,000 employees and hired over 2,500 utility contractors to field the largest emergency response workforce O&R has ever assembled.”

Rockland residents also dealt with a gas shortage. Those in search of gas had to drive around the county searching for open gas stations, and then were forced to wait in line for hours at a time. Rockland County Executive C. Scott Vanderhoef limited the amount of gasoline allowed per customer to 10 gallons per vehicle per day. Most gas stations exceeded the limits, regardless of the rules imposed. On November 14, Vanderhoef announced the end of the restrictions.

The Rockland Community College Field House served as an emergency shelter for 78 residents who were in need, with the Red Cross providing beds and food. The Field House remained as a shelter up until November 8, when the County then helped residents find alternative housing.

On November 10, FEMA opened a Disaster Recovery Center at the Provident Bank Park in the second floor Community Room, at 1 Provident Bank Park Drive in Pomona. The center is open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., seven days a week, until further notice.

According to the rocklandgov.com website, “Residents can file for disaster assistance, get help filing insurance claims, check the status of registration or find out about low-interest loans for homeowners, renters and businesses from the Small Business Association.”

Even though RCC served as a shelter for people who needed one, the College itself lost power, and sustained damage. Doug Schmidt

from Plant Facilities estimates the damage done to RCC to be upwards of $50,000.

He notes that a big bulk of the damage was hidden in the computer control systems, estimating that the damage done in electronics could be around $30,000. Even more physical damage was done to trees that have fallen around the campus, including a tree that has fallen over the center field fence in the sports field.

The damage done explains why school was cancelled for the four days following the storm. As of now, the semester is not expected to be extended in order to make up for lost time. Schmidt says that “We’re still recovering and won’t be restored until the spring.”

New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania were hit worst of all, with over four million people losing power just between these states. Winds in New Jersey reached a record high 90 mph for the state. These strong winds were the main cause of the power outages, which totaled 2.4 million just there.

The famed Jersey Shore suffered the worst damage from the storm. Parts of the Atlantic City boardwalk were washed away into the beach. The Casino Pier in Seaside Heights collapsed into the ocean when the waves hit. The damage done to this part of the state destroyed many homes and small businesses, and could damage Jersey’s $35.5 billion tourism industry. The storm left $30 billion in damages across the state.

Immense damage was also done in New York City and its surrounding areas. The total estimated damage to New York City is $32 billion. According to The New York Post, 43 people lost their lives in New York; 23 in Staten Island, 11 in Queens, seven in Brooklyn, and two in Manhattan. On November 2, the government of New York decided to put together a $100 million fund to help those hit hardest. People have been offering help to those in need all around New York.

Many runners from the New York City Marathon, which was cancelled on November 2, spent the day doing relief work in Staten Island, a part of the City hit hard by the storm. Late last week, President Obama was in Staten Island to view the damage and speak to residents.

Hurricane Sandy Recovery Continues

Downed lines in New City.

Vol. 45 Issue 6 - [PDF Document] (3)

News 3November 19, 2012

In 1999, the first National Novel Writing Month, also known as NaNoWriMo, was held with 21 participants. In 2011, over 250 thousand people participated in the event. The challenge is to write 50,000 words starting at 12:00 am on November 1st and ending on 11:59:59pm on November 30th. NaNoWriMo is a time for anyone who feels that they have the creativity to write a novel to do so.

The project was started by a freelance writer named Chris Baty in July of 1999. The following year, NaNoWriMo was moved to November “to more fully take advantage of the miserable weather,” as Baty put it. That year, the amount of participants increased from 21 to 140, and 29 of those that took part in the challenge managed to complete it correctly. The popularity of the event quickly began to surge as the event was spread by bloggers and news organizations alike. In 2001, the event had over 5,000 participants, a number Baty was certainly not expecting.

The rules for the event are simple. In the given time-frame, the writer can put in 50,000 words in any genre of fiction, in any given language. The novel can be planned beforehand, but noT written

material can be written. Also, the novel cannot be co-authored. To win, participants must write an average of 1,667 words per day. According to the NaNoWriMo official website, the goal

is to write a novel. According to the NaNoWriMo website, “We define a novel as a lengthy work of fiction. If you consider the book you’re writing to be a novel, we consider it a novel too.”

The website itself contains forums where people can go to for advice and criticism, so that writers can go for help when they need a story to move forward, or they can be told that they

have a horrible, horrible idea. Along with forums, most communities have Municipal Liaisons who organize local events. Typically, events include a kickoff party the weekend before

November 1st, and a “Thank God It’s Over Party” when the month is over. In some regions, the liaisons also hold events during the month. These events are typically write-ins, where a group of people typically sit and write together, possibly give advice to other writers, or challenge other writers to create so many words in a given time frame.

In 2006, NaNoWriMo became an official non-profit organization called “The Office of Letters and Light,” making all contributions to the website tax-deductible under U.S. law. In 2008, a self-publishing company called CreateSpace began offering winners of NaNoWriMo a single free, paperback proof copy of their manuscript. In 2011, it offered five free copies to winners.

One of the many winners in 2006 was Sara Gruen, who wrote a historical novel called Water for Elephants. The book was published by Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, and in 2011, Water for Elephants became a major motion picture under the same name. The film starred Robert Pattinson, Reese Witherspoon, and Christopher Waltz.

For those looking to participate next year, planning for the novel can begin now, as extensive notes are certainly allowed. Writers can check out the forums on the website if in need of some inspiration. The event ends on November 30th, and perhaps we will see the next great American Novel appear from this

Eugene LevitNews Editor

National Novel Writing Month

On October 14, 2012, both the sound barrier and the world record for the highest altitude jump were broken by Felix Baumgartner, a 43 year-old Austrian daredevil. Sponsored by Red Bull, Baumgartner had been working with a team of scientists for almost three years to attempt the highest sky-dive on record. His goal was to jump from the edge of space, and become the f irst man alive to break the sound barrier without the assistance of an aircraft.

Felix Baumgartner has been setting records long before the Red Bull Stratos jump. In 1999, Baumgartner jumped from the Petronas Towers in Malaysia, setting the record for the highest parachute jump from a building. That same year, he also set the world record for the lowest BASE jump by jumping off the Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In 2003, Baumgartner skydived across the English Channel using a specially made carbon fiber wing. In 2006, he skydived onto the Turning torso building in Sweden, and then BASE jumped off of it right after. In 2007, he jumped off the tallest building in the world at the time, the Taipei 101 in Taiwan.

While Baumgartner is no beginner to dangerous jumps, the Stratos jump was one unlike any other.

Baumgartner took two test jumps to get ready for the event. The f irst took place in March 2012, and was from 13.5 miles in the air. Baumgartner was in free fall for 3 minutes and 43 seconds. The second test jump took place in July 2012 from 18.3 miles in the air, where he fell for 3 minutes and 48 seconds. Along with the two test jumps, Baumgartner had to also practice being comfortable in his suit. At f irst, the specially pressurized suit caused claustrophobia. Fortunately, he was able to overcome this fear with the help of different specialists.

After successfully completing the two test jumps and getting comfortable in his suit, Baumgartner was ready to dive. The original jump was scheduled for October 9th, but was cancelled due to strong winds. On October 14th, Baumgartner f inally made Project

Stratos happen. He was lifted in a capsule suspended from a helium balloon 24 miles in the air. During the ascent, Baumgartner noted that his visor heater was malfunctioning. Shortly after, he announced that he would jump regardless of the problem.

As he turned on his cameras and stepped onto the capsule, Baumgartner said to the world as 8 million viewers watched live via YouTube, “I know the whole world is watching now. I wish you could see what I can see. Sometimes you have to be up really high to understand how small you are. I’m coming home now.”

At 2:08pm EST, Felix Baumgartner leaped off the capsule. He reached his maximum velocity of 834mph after 42 seconds. Shortly after, he began spinning uncontrollably, but regained control after 20 seconds. After 4 minutes and 16 seconds, he released his parachute. This was 17 seconds short of the longest timed

free fall set by his mentor Joseph Kittinger. Still, Felix broke Eugene Andreyev’s free fall distance record set 50 years earlier. Seven minutes after releasing his parachute, Felix Baumgartner landed safely in New Mexico.

Eugene LevitNews Editor

One Giant Leap for Felix Baumgartner

Vol. 45 Issue 6 - [PDF Document] (4)

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S T. T H O M A S A Q U I N A S C O L L E G E

Vol. 45 Issue 6 - [PDF Document] (5)

Rockland County is a very helpful place to those with dietary restrictions and personal eating habits. New City, Spring Valley, and Nyack are all host to a wonderful selection of vegetarian restaurants. Some even cater to those with lactose intolerance, and gluten allergies.

Relatively new to the town of New City, is the aptly named Veggie Heaven. They specialize in Chinese cuisine, but serve as an alternative to the greasy, overly fried restaurants populating the area. Veggie Heaven offers a unique menu, featuring items low in sodium and MSG, while lacking nothing in terms of taste. In addition to being vegetarian, Veggie Heaven is also vegan, and kosher. Their dishes have an amazing likeness to meat and fish courses, yet they include absolutely no meat. Veggie Heaven is located conveniently on South Main Street, across the way from the Clarkstown

Plaza. Their prices are moderate, but if you have a keen eye for a good deal, an appetizer, meal, and dessert can all be attained for under $20. Aside from the fantastic meals that can be purchased here, Veggie Heaven sells whole vegan cakes. They come in coconut, green tea, and for special occasions, carrot. The meals are always complimented with a (free) gentle tea, and a fresh plate of orange slices at the end. It is a Cloud-Nine experience for any vegetarian/vegan/kosher-keeping individual who is tired of asking what’s in their food.

For vegetarian and vegan consumers, looking for variation in their diets, Caribreeze in Spring Valley is a fine choice. Their menu changes daily, priding itself in health and well-being for all customers. The staff is kind and friendly, making the atmosphere an even nicer

place. Their meals are perfect for any time of day, ranging from eggless pancakes to veggie chicken, steak, and fish. Unlike Veggie Heaven, which is cooked in the format of Chinese cuisine, Caribreeze relies on Jamaican culture for their taste. Located on Main Street in Spring Valley, Caribreeze is a pearl in a sea of local stores. They have a very low price range, with entrees available for less than $10. Every day, but Sunday, serves as a chance to refresh your pallet at Caribreeze.

If there is one thing Nyack is

famous for, it would be its ability to cater to alternative lifestyles. One of the more well-known eating establishments in Nyack, does just that. Art Cafe, located on South Broadway, combines beauty with flavor. The building is a very serene establishment, right next to a stained-glass church, which belts non-sequitur hymns through its walls. Inside the Art Cafe there are displays of romantic photographs, and homey clay décor. Their food takes hints from Eastern European and Israeli customs, often favoring pastries and simple soups. It is not a vegan restaurant, being that most of their foods contain cheese, milk, or eggs, but it is most certainly delicious. The menu items are a bit more pricey than Veggie Heaven and Caribreeze, but the atmosphere pays for itself. Sometimes Art Cafe will host musicians in their outdoor seating area, and the staff members always wear genuine smiles. Art Cafe is a perfect place for Sunday brunch, or when you just need a good vegetarian nosh.


Best Vegetarian Restaurants in Rockland

RCC is a surprisingly accommodating place for a community college. One of the many student services provided, comes in the form of free peer and professor tutoring. Located on the third floor of the Technology Building, the Reading and Writing Center exists to help students advance in their academic careers. Booking an appointment is just one click away, available through the drop-down menu of RCC’s main website (www.sunyrockland.edu). The system, TutorTrac, allows students to book appointments all week long, for FREE tutoring.

One of the most appealing aspects of the Tutoring Center, is the friendliness of its staff members. Everyone working there is there because they have an interest in learning, and in helping others learn. The team is devoted to helping students

and peers gain the confidence they need in their academic endeavors. Struggles are bound to arise in college. It is a time where rigorous academics are met with outside jobs and extracurricular activities. However, no RCC student is required to swim the collegiate waters without the Tutoring Center life-preserver.

As a sub-unit of the Tutoring Center, the Reading and Writing Center offers a variety of aids for struggling, or simply unsure, students. Sometimes a student will come in with questions about an assignment’s requirements. Other times, it will be a simple question of grammar and formatting in an essay. Either way, the tutoring staff is well-equipped to handle any problem. The Reading and Writing Center is host to several learning modules, and can offer aid in a wide range of topics. Appointments can be booked anywhere from 30 minutes to one hour per week. It may seem brief, but this provides ample time for discussion and

review of a student’s struggles. Quick questions and drop-ins are welcome too! The Reading and Writing Center always has coffee available, and often has treats for hard workers. It is run by the capable and well-read English professor, Stephen Burke, in Room 8349 on the third floor of the Technology Building.

For those who are questioning their reading or writing abilities as they head into the rest of their college career, the Reading and Writing Center is always available. Specific questions are welcomed, but not required. A student can come in (it is best to have an appointment beforehand) and let the answers unravel through conversation with a peer or professor tutor. It is a very efficient and helpful service provided by the RCC campus, that comes at no extra charge to the students. As the semester comes to a closing, research papers and hefty assignments will be issued. There is no need to panic, though. The Reading and Writing Center is aware of academic going-ons, seeing that many of the tutors are in fact students. Every peer tutor is in

the M/TS Honors Program, so they really do understand the pressures of academics. As second-year students, they all have learned from their freshmen experiences. Not only is the Center full of capable and competent individuals. It also has people who really get the struggles of being at RCC. Before letting the burden of college life get to you, book an appointment on TutorTrac. After all, the best things in life are free!

Gen RollinsPhoto Editor

November 19, 2012 5

Free Tutoring at RCC

Gen RollinsPhoto Editor

Vol. 45 Issue 6 - [PDF Document] (6)


Attending a community college, especially our local one, isn’t usually the talk of the day. While most of our friends during the last weeks of August packed up all of their belongings and departed to their dream schools, we twiddled our thumbs. The conversations our friends frequently had before their departure to college exemplified their excitement in their future party endeavors, access to a new environment and people, and living on their own. All we could do was smile, smile in envy because we decided to stay local and attend a community college… right? Wrong.

Attending a community college, especially RCC, is one of the best academic, social and financial choices one could make. One of the most significant benefits of attending a community college for your first two years and then transferring to obtain your bachelors is the amount of money that is being saved. According to Bridget Kulla, college cost expert, “Attending a community college before completing your bachelor’s degree at a four-year institution can save you a sizable chunk of change. Tuition and fees at public community colleges average less than half of those at public four-year colleges and about one-tenth of those at private four-year colleges, according to the American Association of Community Colleges.”

In addition to saving money based on tuition, you can also make money by being able to work. Most people who live on campus at colleges away don’t have time or transportation to jobs unless the jobs are offered on campus. Commuting to a local college allows you to save money in tuition and allows you to work more at a part time job. The majority of students that attend RCC go to school full time and have a part time job. When going to a community college you have the capability of staying home and working while going to college. When going away to school many students leave there jobs and only work during the summers. In addition to saving money on tuition and being able to work, community colleges offer benefits academically as well. Generally, you can take the same general perquisites needed at a community college for less money than that of a university. Because tuition is less at a community college, academic options

are open to explore. Many kids come out of high school not knowing want they want to major in. A community college helps you find out at a low price. Students are encouraged to take an increased amount of different classes in order to explore their interest in comparison to a school whose tuition is higher; hence, the cost per credit being higher than that of a community college. In addition, if there is a specific trade you are interested in or you are unsure of which trade to pursue, you can take courses at a community college to explore or find such interests. Collegeview.com noted that, “Depending on your degree program, two-year students typically either focus on taking general pre-requisite courses that can transfer to a four-year institution or courses in their specific trade. Since community colleges are closely linked to area industries, students will find a wide array of courses that cater directly to the local job market’ Many local colleges provide internships within the local community for students. Not only does RCC have an extensive amount of diverse classes available to help students narrow their interests in order to pick a major, but the different programs RCC offers (honors program, nursing program, etc.) and the Career Services Center we have, provide many internship opportunities for students pursuing different areas of interest. Although it may be hard to digest, community college even provides social benefits as well. It’s a small community of students so it’s not too overwhelming, and essentially, everyone begins to know each other very quickly; it’s easy to make friends. However, for those who are extremely social, building a positive name for yourself as well as networks shouldn’t be a difficult task on a small campus such as one at a community college.

As stated at FindCollegeCards.com, “Community colleges seem to be more serious than a university. Many students love to party when away at college, leaving their parents upset and wanting

them to come. When the parties start, the GPA’s start to fall down slowly. So the benefit, community colleges call for fewer parties and more schooling”. Community colleges can be just as good if not better than four year colleges in reference to the first two years. Try not to get so caught up in names of where people go to school or how much partying they do. Be confident and happy with your decision to choose a

community college first. RCC is one of the most prestigious community colleges with challenging, interesting, diverse and helpful classes, extra circular activities, sports, resources, programs and professors for students to benefit from, and at a low price. It’s not where you start; it’s where you end up…but if you have to start somewhere, try a community college…like RCC.


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Community college transfers are some of our best students, so check out an SLC degree!

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6 November 19, 2012

Vol. 45 Issue 6 - [PDF Document] (7)

FEATURES7November 19, 2012

With the holiday season rapidly approaching I decided to take a look at the history of Thanksgiving. I like to be prepared for the out-of-this-world questions my grandchildren bombard me with on their visits. After some web searching I found that the whole Pilgrim and Natives sharing their feast in New England in 1621 needs a bit more dressing.

During the seventeenth century various early American communities partook in

serious prayer-filled days of Thanksgiving. On December 4, 1619, a year before the Pilgrims arrived at Plymouth Rock, colonists landed on the coast of Virginia. The date of their ships arrival was ordained as their yearly and everlastingly kept holyday of Thanksgiving. The pilgrims and Native Americans had their feast, but these colonists utilized the word “thanksgiving” first.

A different group may have even beaten these colonists to claim the first Thanksgiving. Twenty years prior to the Virginia landing, a group of Spanish

colonists prayed and feasted in 1598, giving thanks for their arrival at the waters

of the Rio Grande.Let’s fast forward to the Civil War. In

1863 the Union wins at Vicksburg and Gettysburg, Abraham Lincoln proclaims the last Thursday in November to be a national day of Thanksgiving. This is the Thanksgiving feast we know today.

Thanksgiving is an important holiday chosen to give thanks and rejoice in the fall harvest. Like our forefathers, we celebrate Thanksgiving. We gather around the table with our loved ones, and hopefully welcome a stranger or two to give thanks for all we have received.

Through the years, we’ve managed to add our own flavor to the holiday menu. No two turkeys are cooked alike. Menus consist of mashed potatoes, stuffing,

vegetables, corn on the cob, biscuits, cranberry sauce, apple, pecan, and pumpkin pies and of course the star of the feast Mr. Tom Turkey himself!

Let’s be grateful for what we have, and generous to those in need. Let’s reflect, Pilgrims, Native American or colonist? Tomato tomahto! Would someone please pass the dressing?

Daisy MoakleyContributing Writer

A Brief History of Thanksgiving

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Vol. 45 Issue 6 - [PDF Document] (8)


Lauren’s Law Saves LivesNovember 19, 2012

Lauren Shields, a girl from Stony Point,

began having heart problems at the age of nine. She was diagnosed with Viral Myocarditis and it soon became clear that she needed a new heart. Lauren’s name was then added to the organ transplant list in February 2009. She and her family suffered through weeks of waiting for her new heart, and worried that it would not come in time. Lauren was even placed in a medically induced coma until she finally received a heart transplant in March that same year. Luckily, after an unsteady beginning, she was able to fully recover resume her life, and be her happy cheerful self again.

Lauren is one of many that have gone

through similar experiences, but not all get their happy ending. According to the New York State Department of Health there are currently more than 10,000 New Yorkers waiting for an organ transplant but a shockingly low amount of actual organ donors. Nationwide, 42 percent of the population is registered as organ donors, compared to only 18 percent in New York State. Only 929 donations were made last year and 577 people died while on the transplant waiting list.

Knowing firsthand the difficulties of waiting for an organ transplant, Lauren Shields and her family became committed campaigners and strong advocates, raising awareness about the need for organ and tissue donors in New York State. Their efforts have resulted in Lauren’s Law, named in Lauren Shield’s honor, which has recently been signed by Governor Cuomo and is set to be put in effect in 2013. The

law would make it easier for people to become organ donors. It would require driver’s license and voter registration applicants to either elect or decline organ donor registration. Currently, the option is offered on the applications, but no response is needed.

Their goal is that by simply asking the question, and demanding a reply, the number of organ donors will increase greatly. Those who decide to enroll in the Donate Life Registry would be giving legal consent for the recovery of their organs, tissues and eyes for transplantation and research purposes at the time of their death.

Passing this law is a major accomplishment for Lauren, her family, and all the organ donation advocacy groups that have been raising awareness already stated the issue. At the conference held when the bill was passed, Lauren

Shields said, “A bill becoming law was something that I had only read about in text books at school but the reason behind it was so real to me. I never want anyone to have to wait for a transplant like I did.” Senator Carlucci, who strongly supported the law, followed by saying “Lauren’s Law will save lives and increase the state’s enrollment for organ donation. By making this simple change to our laws, we can implement what has successfully been accomplished in other states.”

I definitely believe that this is a step in the right direction. People won’t be compelled to do something if they are not asked to do it in the first place. Now the thousands New Yorkers that register for their license or register to vote will have to take a moment to think about this issue and make a decision that could save someone’s life later on.

Gabriela Gonzalez OPINIONS Editor

Vol. 45 Issue 6 - [PDF Document] (9)

OpinionsNovember 19, 2012 9

Let’s face it. Tattoos are permanent, and if we decide to get one we have to live with it forever until the day we die, regardless of that one drunken party night we decided to do something stupid. But in the end we all have the right to do what we want with our bodies…right? Whether it’s getting a piercing in an area no one would ever think about getting one, or getting the smallest tattoo on your wrist. But the question is: Are tattoos (big or small) becoming more acceptable in today’s society?

Some people think so –the ones that are getting tattoos every other weekend. But if you major in a specific area and work towards a career where you deal with people most of your day, should you refrain yourself from getting tattoos? Or should you just not care what other people think about you and do what you want in the end?

While the typical corporate employer isn’t rushing to embrace people with numerous tattoos or those sporting

elaborate in-your-face sorts of designs, employees with ink that’s more subtle or demure are finding growing acceptance of their tattoos.

We college students, are a part of something known as Generation Y, where the majority of us are 90’s kids. Studies show that our generation is more likely to express ourselves through body art. We want to show other people our uniqueness and our ability to break off from society and bend the rules.

But it’s that forever part of getting inked that people seem to get into trouble with. When it comes to finding a job, landing clients and navigating other parts of life; getting a huge drastic tattoo would probably do more harm than good. If you are planning to become something professional like a lawyer or a doctor, and you are dedicated to getting a specific tattoo then think about getting it somewhere you can cover it up easily while at the workplace.

Some people don’t necessarily appreciate tattoos or even get why anyone

would want one. Those who have ink fight back by claiming that getting a tattoo is “a way to document a life experience forever.” However there are many people out there who have tattoos but are hypocritical when it comes to their reasons why. Some people with tattoos, for example, would prefer a doctor or a lawyer with no-show tattoos. Basically, if they can’t see it when dealing with the professional, then they don’t want to know about it.

Regardless of society, many celebrities and entertainers are not shy about showing off their tattoos. For example, Angelina Jolie is known for having a lot of tattoos,

and she manages to flaunt them beautifully. Many football players also have tattoos, and practically the entire NBA is awash in ink.

That may be fine for Hollywood actors, singers, or athletes but the average person –especially one who wants to look for work or remain gainfully employed—should really think long and hard about the location of a tattoo.

Where you work or where you plan on working also makes a huge difference in how acceptable—or not—a tattoo is deemed, by your bosses, colleagues, and

others.In the end, yes tattoos are permanent and

yes we have the right to our opinion. The good news is that it appears the majority of society is edging toward a growing comfort level with tattoos. In many ways, tattoos are evolving from expression to a quasi-form of cultural of even religious expression. If that’s the case it might not be long before we even see workplace rights or laws preventing discrimination against those with tattoos. Now that would be evolution.

Melissa Monesocial media editor

Are Tattoos More Acceptable in Today’s Society?

From “TRL” to “Teen Mom”, MTV has changed a lot over the past few years and has left many disappointed.

MTV is one of the most popular channels on television, and has been for a very long time. It started in 1981, and still gets millions of viewers per day. The channel was originally created to show music videos and promote songs. As the years have gone by, more shows have come to MTV, such as, “My Sweet 16”, “The Real World”, and two popular comedy cartoons which attracted many teens; “Beavis and Butthead” and “Celebrity Death Match”.

The most famous show that was viewed and made MTV popular was the one and only “TRL” (Total Request Live). Throughout each episode the host would show different music videos and would interview guest stars. Fans were able to come to the taping of “TRL” and enjoy being in the stands as the live audience. I remember I used to watch many MTV shows, especially “TRL”. But that was then, how about now?

MTV has lost its power; well at least I think so. Most shows that were doing well were cancelled and now we are left with episodes of “Teen Mom”, a show documenting the lives of pregnant teenagers, and a show called “Ridiculousness”, which can be funny at times, but still it does not compare to the classics.

How could MTV do this? It still gets many viewers but these new shows are boring and too controversial. Why do they make shows that makes young girls want to have a baby? It’s caused so many problems that I wonder why they don’t just cancel it and bring back “Beavis and Butthead”, or create something similar.

Although MTV has downgraded to things that are not music related, from time to time MTV redeems itself by coming out with series such as Teen Wolf and “Awkward”. I think MTV somewhat saved itself just from these shows; they have actually become very popular and

have won Teen Choice Awards.My question to MTV is why have they

changed so drastically? That is the question

that most people ask. MTV was doing so well and it just stopped. I believe they have the potential to regain themselves and put themselves back on top, they just need to get back on track. I mean come on, no one wants to watch “Silent Library”, a show about a group of people in a library doing crazy dares and trying to be quiet throughout the entire game in order to win money.

MTV should be a laid back channel that teens want to watch when they come home from school or work. We turn on the TV to relax and have a good laugh, not watch other people’s hard lives on television dealing with babies, drugs, and alcohol. Maybe MTV thinks they are teaching lessons to teens by showing “True Life”

and “16 and Pregnant” but we all have learned this in school and we don’t need a fun television network repeating this to us.

I want to watch a show that’s describes its title. MTV – Music Television. I want the music to come back and all the seriousness to go away.

Kristina NikolajSTAFF WRITER

What Happened to MTV?

Vol. 45 Issue 6 - [PDF Document] (10)

OPINIONS10 November 19, 2012

Sleep deprivation is a trademark of college life-there’s just no getting around it. When trying to juggle through school, work, internships, and other things in our busy lives, sleep seems to take a back seat in our list of priorities. While we sometimes feel indestructible and think that running on little to no sleep is no big deal, we are not super human and often have trouble managing it all. This is why we call upon a higher power to help us get through our days: caffeine.

That first morning cup of coffee, the one that jolts us to a heightened state of awareness, is bliss in liquid form. I know that before I have my first cup, I am simply a sleep walker dragging myself to school, attending to the basic necessities of life. It’s not until after that first cup of coffee that I feel a certain level of humanity coming

back to me. It is a daily ritual that’s become second nature to me, and I don’t think I am the only one that has realized coffee’s magic powers. It seems every which way you look on campus someone is carrying a recently purchased cup or walking around with their favorite mug.

More and more, the simplicity of just having a cup of coffee to wake up before an important lecture or to cram the night before a big test is becoming appealing in the college community. After all, college students live on a different schedule than the rest of the world. Despite our best efforts to stay on top of all our work and managing our time wisely, we somehow end up pulling all-nighters and studying late more often than we’d like. Since we’re living day to day with hardly any sleep, coffee is often the only thing that can get us awake and functioning almost instantly. With so many Dunkin’ Donuts and Starbuck’s nearby, coffee is easily attainable; it’s even available right here on campus. And even though we eventually regret spending our hard earned cash, its low price makes it that much more appealing, even on our college student budget.

It’s no surprise then, why so many, myself included, become coffee addicts in college. This is the time in our lives when we need it the most. I do believe though, that we should still be aware that there are risks to excessive consumption of caffeine. But like anything else, I don’t think it’s that detrimental if taken in moderation. I

think that if you limit yourself to one or two cups a day and nothing more, you’ll be just fine. If used properly, coffee can get you through your toughest day.

Coffee gets us motivated and allow us to move on through life with a gleam in our eye. Personally, it’s not just the energy boost I love; I love its smell, its taste, it’s the best thing to wake up to in the morning. Especially during the really cold winter days, a hot drink is just what I need to make me happy. Coffee is a wonderful gift from the Universe. And often times when drinking that warm-or cold- cup of heavenly goodness, I think of this quote written anonymously - “If given enough

coffee, I could rule the world.” Coffee is definitely my secret weapon to surviving college.

Gabriela Gonzalez Opinions Editor

Coffee Dependency in College

Although October was National Cancer Awareness Month, it was also Child /Infant Loss Awareness Month. As the parent of a child that has passed away, I feel it is my duty to reach out to families that are going through the same t ragedy. On Sunday, October 14 there was a walk that took place at Good Samarat ian Hospital. The walk was the 24th Annual Remembrance walk in honor of all the children lost and their families. It allowed families and f r iends to suppor t others going through the same things. The walk

gives those affected the feeling that they are not alone.

I am one of the people who understands that lost. My daughter, Janelle Ashley, was born (Stil lbir th -10/25/01) at the same t ime our great nat ion was going through hear tache and pain. It was like r ipping my hear t , breath and soul out of me when I lost her. No one understood how I felt , not even my own family. The only person that could understand how I felt was my grandmother. She had the similar fate of burying all of her sons (St il lbir th twins, a 4 year old and a son at 26 years of age). She was the one person in my life who showed me my faith. How can I look at my other children and quit af ter she taught me that l ife will go

on? How can I teach my own children not to give up on life? Parents are not supposed to bury their children. That is not the order of things. Janelle’s father was excited for us to have our f i rst child together. She knew when her father was around; because of the movement I felt when he was around. He would always say, “That’s my lit tle girl.”

As for my children, they too were excited about their new sister. At that t ime, bir th cer t if icates were not issued, only death cer t if icates. The law has recently changed. The government has changed the law to issue the bir th cer t if icates to all families that had st il lborns. I was one of many people who have writ ten and fought for that r ight. No parent

should go without his or her child’s bir th cer t if icate.

Going through all of this, Good Samaritan Hospital Per inatal Bereavement Program was the only group that saved my life. Child /Infant Loss Awareness Month is so impor tant for the people that have or will be going through this. We can give voices to our l it tle ones and give a ray of hope of healing, even though our hear ts will forever have a small hole. The program needs your prayers, understanding and help to continue to service the families that are going through this hur t. Give a ray of hope to families that are suffer ing. At tend the services and maybe you’ll be able to help someone.

“A Ray of Hope”Joelle Almodo’var

Contributing Writer

Vol. 45 Issue 6 - [PDF Document] (11)

STYLE & ENTERTAINMENTNovember 19, 2012 11

Black Friday is one of my favorite days of the year. Each year I drag my mom out to the stores to find the best deals of the season. There are some people who hate Black Friday, and would never go shopping, but in my opinion, Black Friday is the most fun day to shop. Everyone that is shopping in the stores wants to be there and is serious about shopping. Shopping is so much more enjoyable to me when I have to hunt and work for a bargain. Once you find what you need to get for a great price, the happiness is so much greater than when it is handed to you. I like anyone else hate to hear about someone dying or getting hurt over a TV so I aim to shop at freestanding stores as opposed to malls. These stores usually have more merchandise, so you are more likely to get what you need.

Black Friday is one of my favorite days of the whole year. It is the one day where my shopping addiction is allowed and even encouraged. Every year I wake up super early on Black Friday, going to all of my favorite stores and getting the bulk of my Christmas shopping done. I love getting great deals on electronics, clothes, and accessories. Black Friday is the day when I officially get in the Christmas spirit. I love buying my family and friends gifts to show them how much I adore and appreciate them, especially when I can get them all for the price of one! As college students, our budgets are not that large. It is important to take advantage of all the great deals Black Friday has to offer, so happy shopping!


AmandaVan Ryn

Kristen Loretoni

Gabriela Gonzalez



If you’re really poor and are looking for some nice stuff to buy, then Black Friday might be worth it for you. If you have money, I suggest skipping Black Friday and sleeping in. Waking up at two in the morning to be online outside of Target at three in the morning, especially after attempting to break my yearly turkey eating record the night before, is not my idea of a fun Friday. I don’t like to be shoved around so people could get a bigger television than me. I don’t like to have a nice sweater ripped out of my hands by a mother trying to shop for her son, who was too lazy to go buy his own clothes. Yes, I like cheap prices, which is why I go to cheap stores to buy the things I want. Has anybody ever heard of Marshalls?

Outlook Student Press

Outlook Student Press is published every other week except during exam periods and summer. It is an independent newspaper produced by students and paid for by advertising revenue and student activities fees. Submissions and articles become the property of Outlook Student Press. Outlook Student Press invites you to submit your opinions and ideas for publication. We strongly encourage letters to the editor.Content does not necessarily reflect the views of the Outlook editors or staff. Submissions may be edited for clarity, length, style, and taste. Outlook does not accept anonymous submissions.

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Professor Fuentes, Advisor

Like to write? E-mail us at [emailprotected]

Kristen Loretoni, Editor-in-Chief Amanda Van Ryn, Managing Editor Vanessa Pastorelli, Production ManagerGabriela Gonzalez, Opinions EditorEugene Levit, News Editor

Gen Rollins, Photography EditorAnuj Chokshi, Assistant Photo EditorDevon Keane, Sports EditorMelissa Mone, Social Media Editor

Contributors: Sienna Jeffries, Maria O’Toole, Suzanne Peguero,Craig Poliner, Daisy Moakley, Marina Watts, Gabriella Koplen, Daniel Potischman, Joelle Almodo’var

Staff: Kristina Nikolaj, Shaina Mathews, Benedict Tagle



I think Black Friday is great. Having one day of the year where you can get several things at a much cheaper price than other days is definitely appealing and serves as the perfect moment to get some Christmas shopping out of the way. Every year my brother comes home with new TVs or new electronics. I have never actually gone shopping on Black Friday. The fact that you have to get to stores really early, sometimes even after Thanksgiving dinner has kept me from going. Also, stories i’ve heard about overcrowding and the aggressiveness that people show used to scare me because I prefer to avoid confrontations. I’ve realized though that i’ve been missing out. This year, I’m ready to take the challenge. i’m looking forward to going for the first time and hopefully finding some really great deals.

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Vol. 45 Issue 6 - [PDF Document] (12)

STYLE & ENTERTAINMENT12 November 19, 2012

1. BiosilkHair serum

When I get out of the shower and go to blow dry my hair, I have to brace myself for the poofy mess that my hair will be after, prior to flat ironing. I am not kidding when I say I look like I took my hand and stuck it in an electrical socket. Thankfully, since I started using Biosilk, I haven’t had that problem! This hair serum virtually takes the frizz right out of even the hardest to manage hair. I only use a small amount so my hair doesn’t get greasy, and put it from tip to root right before blow drying. This serum is affordable and can be found at any beauty supply store.

2. Neutrogena Pink GrapefruitCleansing WipesI can’t stress enough how much I love

Neutrogena products. Whenever I see something different from the brand, I have to try it out. I absolutely love the Pink Grapefruit Face Scrub that they carry, so I was curious to how the Facial Cleansing Wipes would be. Good news everyone, I love them too! I could not believe how clean my face felt after using the wipes. The citrus aroma that it exudes makes you feel that much cleaner. After using the wipes, make sure to put on an oil- free moisturizer to avoid dry skin and any irritation it may cause, without clogging your pores. You can find these wipes at any local CVS for around $10.

3. Essie: Armed and ReadyNail polish

I love good nail colors to go along with

the seasons. For Thanksgiving, I thought the Armed and Ready color by Essie would be great. It isn’t too dark to be a winter color, and light enough to be perfect for the November month. I love this color because it goes well with all of my jewelry. It compliments fall colors in clothing, which is important around the Holiday months, as we spend a lot of time trying to look nice when getting family members close together. Most importantly, like all Essie colors, it lasts!

4.Sephora Electric PurpleWaterproof Eyeliner

I love spicing up my eye makeup collection every once in awhile. Purple eyeliner is great for brown eyed girls who wish their eyes “popped”more. Aside from purple being my favorite color, I noticed that my eyes look a lot more defined when I have this eyeliner on from Sephora. The fact that it is waterproof is very important because I absolutely cannot stand it when I look in the mirror and see my eyeliner to the side, above, and underneath where it is actually supposed to be. Without a doubt, I say yes to this electric purple!

5.Paul Mitchell Curls Full CircleLeave-In Treatment

Girls who are blessed with beautiful curls sometimes wish they weren’t. That was before Paul Mitchell came out with his latest in leave-in-treatments. This Curls Full Circle treatment leaves curls looking healthy and beautiful! If you have trouble taming some crazy swirls, I would definitely recommend this product. It gets rid of frizz, while focusing of making your curls fuller and more defined. Enjoy!

Kristen LoretoniEditor in chief

WHY WE LOVEfor her

Vol. 45 Issue 6 - [PDF Document] (13)

1.Irish Spring Body Wash:Original Wash

This is definitely one of my favorite body washes, Old Spice being a close second. I love this specific brand because it brings a fresh, clean feeling to my body after each shower. I’ve experimented with many different types of body wash, but compared to Axe, Old Spice, and Dove for Men, this brand is definitely the best for a long lasting scent that girls will love to smell. Not only do I like it for its smell, but the fact that the name is Irish Spring adds bonus points in my book.

2.Nautica Cologne:Blue

With so many different colognes out there, it’s hard to find a specific one that you can wear every day and not get tired of it. Nautica cologne is one brand that I

have always enjoyed wearing. It is suitable for any occasion and the smell is amazing. One bottle has last me over a year already and it’s only $40! Compared to other colognes, this one is definitely a bargain, and not to mention, ladies love it.

3.Old Spice Deodorant:Pure Sport High Endurance

Old Spice deodorant is one of the best deodorants out there. I hate bad body odor, like most people probably do, but this is a great odor-fighting deodorant. It also has that masculine, old spice smell that is hard to resist. This gel stick deodorant doesn’t leave any marks on your shirts. It easily gets me through my typical day that consists of vigorous classes, an intense workout session at the gym, and two hours of volleyball practice. You won’t be coming home at the end of the day smelling like a used pair of gym socks. Talk about long lasting. As the Old Spice spokesman has said, “If your grandpa hadn’t worn it, you wouldn’t exist.”

4.Gillette Fusion ProGlide:5-Blade Razor

Although this razor is a little pricey, you are definitely getting the bang for your buck for its top quality. I have extremely sensitive skin, so shaving with a bad razor can cause me to breakout or bring bad razor burn. This five blade razor is awesome because not only does it provide an extremely close shave, it is also very forgiving on your skin. I know it’s no shave November,

but if you want to look clean cut and sharp, I highly recommend investing in this product.

5.Vaseline for Men:Extra Strength Body & Face Lotion

Now that the cold weather is unfortunately here, it is important to keep your hands, face, and body moisturized. Did you know that your body loses up to 70% of its moisture during the winter? Nobody wants to have dry, cracked hands, so why not invest in a good moisturizer such as this one. This lotion also has a very manly scent, so you won’t have to be stealing moisturizer from your sister or girlfriend and have to deal with smelling like butterflies and rainbows.

STYLE & ENTERTAINMENTNovember 19, 2012 13

WHY WE LOVEfor him

Devon KeaneSports Editor

Vol. 45 Issue 6 - [PDF Document] (14)


“Once” is one of the best musicals/movies I have ever seen. It has melodic songs that make you rock back and forth in your seat, a great cast, interesting characters, and a plot that tackles your attention and keeps it in a chokehold for the two and half hours the play runs. As soon as I heard the first song, I knew I was in love. “Once” is a musical from a movie. Surprisingly, the movie came first. After seeing this musical, I set out to find which one was better. (I may have only set out as far as my living room, but we can just overlook that fact.)

The musical, in my opinion, was genius. It used a minimalist set; it was only a stage which had a circular bar with mirrors decorating wall. Instead of the actors exiting the stage when they were done with their scenes, they just sat down on the chairs at the sides of the stage and played their instruments, acting as the orchestra. The cast was great; Steve Kazee plays the (unnamed) Guy, a brooding, lone wolf Irish musician who quickly falls in love with an (unnamed) Girl, who is a forceful, intense, and somewhat kooky Czech immigrant (Cristin Milioti). Kazee was wonderful; you could watch him slowly thaw in the Girl’s presence and then fall deeply in love with her. Cristin Milioti was equally good in her role; She was an intense, honest person who was equally enthusiastic about life and also toughened by it, but still had vulnerability

that we could see glimpses of sometimes. The supporting cast played their roles quite well. This isn’t the glamorized, Hollywood love story. It ends r ea l i s t ica l ly, which was b i t t e r- swe e t , but also a r e f r e s h i n g change from the regular i d e a l i z e d e n d i n g s . Needless to say, I loved this version. However, I pushed any prejudice aside and sat down to watch the movie.

W a t c h i n g this movie

made me horribly conflicted—not because I couldn’t follow the plot, or didn’t u n d e r s t a n d s o m e o n e ’ s acting, but because I could not choose a favorite. Like its musical cousin, it too is quite good, but it was c o m p l e t e l y different from the musical. This time, Glen Hansard played the Guy and Marketa Irglova played the Girl. They were almost e n t i r e l y different roles; the actor in the musical

version, Steve Kazee, played a lone wolf, somewhat unfriendly and at first wary of the Girl’s offer of friendship. In contrast, in the movie Hansard played a lonely soul, but not a lone wolf; he eagerly forms a friendship with her, and we can see his sense of humor right from the beginning. He isn’t reluctant to play his songs to the Girl. The female leads are also different. The musical’s Girl is a quirky, forceful, young woman who seems afraid of displaying any vulnerability. When she curses, there is surprising intensity to her. Irglova’s girl, on the other hand, is sweet and unafraid to show her emotions. She is persistent, but not forceful. There is also a different feel to the musical and the movie. The musical is distinctly a performance. We and the cast are aware that they are actors playing their roles. The movie, on the other hand, seems more personal. It’s like sitting down and watching someone’s personal home videos. We feel that we are watching two people’s lives for eighty-five minutes. There are other differences, like different songs, different roles, etc. However, the most obvious difference is the feel.

I honestly can’t say which is better than the other. It’s like comparing apples and oranges, or Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire. They are both equally great. They both have their own beauties, flaws, and quirks. What I can tell you is that if you want to see a play or movie with great music, an excellent, realistic plot, and great acting, you should see one, the other, or both.

What are you still doing here? Go! Now!

Suzanne PegueroContributing Writer

Broadway Against Hollywood: “Once”November 19, 2012

Two weeks ago, the school sponsored a trip with subsidized tickets for the Broadway musical “Once” Originally a book written by Edna Walsh and then adapted for film in 2006, it won an Academy Award for best original song (“Falling Slowly”). It then moved its way to a New York Theater Workshop in 2011, and is currently on Broadway at the Bernard B. Jacobs Theatre. All the students and faculty that went were thrilled with what the musical had to offer. Nominated for eleven Tony Awards in 2012 and receiving eight of them (including best actor, best book and best musical), “Once” continues to shine and dazzle audiences since its

Broadway debut. “Once” follows an unnamed guy and

gal when they meet in Dublin and learn more about themselves. The guy pens songs for a former lover, but soon falls for the new girl and thinks of her as he writes them. The songs they rehearse together tell their love stories, and as feelings grow, they must decide what’s best for them. Per usual, love can never be that simple and they strive to choose the right path. Starring Steven Kazee and Cristin Milioti as the leads, their onstage chemistry is brilliant as they figure out where they belong, and music takes them there.

The songs performed in “Once” were beautifully written. What made this show particularly interesting was how the cast doubled as the orchestra, as they sat on the chairs alongside the stage. Playing

instruments ranging from the piano and violin to the ukulele and the banjo, the cast brought an eclectic yet appropriate mix of instruments. This made the musical aspect of the show much more appealing, as the performers danced on staged while playing instruments. “Falling Slowly,” which won an Academy Award five years back, was part of the show and sounded fabulous performed live. As soon as I got home, I downloaded the Broadway recordings on iTunes.

Another one of the Tony Awards “Once” grabbed was for scenic design and lighting design. The former of the two was so simple, yet so profound. Empty with only a few chairs along the left and right sides of the stage, a few tables, and a bar on the back wall really proves you don’t need much to win a Tony for set design. Along all the walls of the set were tarnished mirrors of all sizes, juxtaposed just so,

with no fun-house effect whatsoever. Open space was key in the set, and the lack of elaborate props and furniture was made up for in the performance overall. Sitting

in the mezzanine level made a difference, as I was able to see everything going on from a higher view better than a view from the orchestra level.

Overall, the show was fabulous. “Once” proved itself worthy of its eight Tony Awards, and has a bright future ahead of it. Quirky, moving and already holding a great reputation on Broadway, “Once” was so good it would be worth seeing twice!

Marina WattsContributing Writer

RCC Takes Trip to Broadway

Vol. 45 Issue 6 - [PDF Document] (15)

STYLE & ENTERTAINMENTNovember 19, 2012 15

Voicing your opinion on political events can be a tricky feat. With so many differing opinions it’s easy to offend, especially in these modern days of being “politically correct.”

It’s extremely important to be educated in the subject, however it’s our responsibility to know what’s going on in the political world, even when elections aren’t as close as they are today. If you think these things don’t affect you, they inevitably do and always will.

The worst thing you can think is that your voice won’t have an effect. Celebrities today, whether for the good of America or their own personal gain, voice their political opinions constantly. It’s become commonplace for a celebrity to publicly bash a political candidate, which can cause controversy among their fan-base. Usually, this is the goal of the celebrity: attention. It can be poisonous when these people use their fame to motivate people otherwise oblivious to the state of the government—another reason why we need to educate ourselves, and not automatically agree with someone just because we like that one movie they were in.

Carrie Underwood said in an interview during the 2008 political race, “I lose all respect for celebrities when they back a candidate. I would never want anybody to vote for anything or anybody just because I told them to.” Classy Carrie is a perfect example of how to raise political awareness and encourage people to vote, without letting personal sway affect those less educated. Take advantage of the fact that we do live in a free country, and those less fortunate might not have a say in what goes on in the government. Democracy isn’t a gimmick and our voices do matter.

With democracy obviously comes freedom of speech, and celebrities know their business when it comes to using (and sometimes abusing) that right. So of course there’s going to be some blunt, shocking, and sometimes crazy things said about politics by our favorite celebs. Alec Baldwin is known for his strong political stance, and he frequently tweeted about this past election. He tweeted in September, “If Obama was white, he’d be up by 17 points.” He presents the question: is America letting race become a deciding factor this time around? He’s one of Obama’s biggest celebrity supporters, and rarely passes up a chance to let people know.

2012 is a unique year for the election because of social media, especially twitter. Celebrities can have anywhere from four to 15 million followers, making it easy as pressing “send” to reach millions of people who are devoted to them. Besides Alec Baldwin, some stars who’ve used twitter for political reasons include Jessica Alba,

Beyonce, Tom Hanks, Oprah, and Nicki Minaj.

Another reason why celebrities are so powerful is their ability to raise obscene amounts of cash. George Clooney held a fundraising dinner for Obama which raised $15 million, and included donations from Beyonce and Jay-Z. Mitt Romney had his fair share of a celebrity following, receiving donations from John Rich, Jerry Bruckheimer, Scott Baio and Vince and Linda McMahon.

It can be argued that the government’s analysis should be left to scholars and news reporters rather than singer/songwriters. If you were to have a conversation with Obama himself about politics, for example, you probably wouldn’t find yourself bringing up celebrity opinion. Nonetheless, celebrities can be the biggest cheerleaders for presidential candidates. They have the power to raise awareness, spark conversation, and they get the public excited.

Shaina MathewsStaff Writer

Celebrities Weigh in on the Election

Pre-You Tube days, there was a little something called live comedy. The early ‘80s crowd was crazy for this—from Lorne Michaels’s “SNL” to the beginnings of the legendary Jerry Seinfeld.

Caroline Hirsch, comedy fanatic, took a gamble and opened up a small comedy club right in the center of the comedic revolution: New York City. “America’s Premier Comedy Nightclub,” Caroline’s on Broadway, quickly rose to fame.

Iconic people were discovered in the early days of the club; comedians such as Jay Leno, Jerry Seinfeld, Garry Shandling, and Sandra Bernhard were some of the first acts to be featured on the famous stage. The club has grown to have a very classy, cool, and almost Vegas-esque feel as you descend into the underground entryway beneath Times Square. When I visited for NBC’s “Whitney” star Chris D’Elia’s show, 90 percent of my night was spent hysterically laughing.

Having made the reservations two months in advance, excitement barely described my emotional state. It took a

bus, a trip to the Financial District to pick up some friends, a few subway transfers, and I was there. Walking past the bouncer, (I’m still

confused why a comedy club would have one-to make people laugh more?) my two friends and I walked down the stairs where we were seated at the bar to wait for the show to start. The venue quickly filled, but the hostess was still as sweet and level-headed as ever.

An employee helped us find our seats when it was time for the show to begin. The separate show-room was dark and private, with a stage only a foot or so above the ground in the center of the tables and booths.

The admission was $30 with a two drink minimum, as our waitress politely reminded us of while she took our order. This was my one downfall of the night; seeing that a Diet co*ke cost $9 is never a fun time. The amount I laughed more than made up for that, thankfully.

The show was made up of three comedians: Dean Delray, Myq Kaplan, and Chris D’Elia. No exaggeration, all three had the entire audience crying from laughter. I was surprised when I realized my friends and I were the youngest people in the mostly late-twenties crowd. The jokes’ pungency weren’t affect by the

age difference at all. These c o m e d i a n s relied on the raw, unique material they had written t h e m s e l v e s rather than a n y t h i n g cheap or lazily

thrown together.Dean Delray opened the show by

describing himself as looking like a “biker dude who might be completely insane but you’re not sure.” This was just the beginning for his hilarious act, which definitely focused on more blue-collar comedy. Myq (pronounced Mike) Kaplan took the stage next with a contrasting quieter humor.

His style was more dry and i n t e l l i ge n t ; you could tell he was a pro with delivering his punch lines in a perfect inflection to

match the joke. Chris D’Elia’s act ran way past the scheduled time to the delight of everyone, leaving us laughing at his ridiculous voices and physical comedy well past one in the morning.

Caroline’s is an absolute treasure, and surprisingly not a tourist trap. If you ever find yourself in the city, check it out. The two drink minimum is well worth an unforgettable night.

Shaina MathewsStaff Writer

Caroline’s On Broadway

“If Obama Was White, He’d Be Up By 17 Points”

Dean Delray Myq Kaplan Chris D’Elia

Vol. 45 Issue 6 - [PDF Document] (16)


Right along the train tracks between Jackson Avenue and Davis Street in Long Island City, New York, stands a 200,000 square foot textile factory-turned-art exhibit known as 5Pointz Aerosol Art Center. Each square foot of 5Pointz is daubed with beautiful, Technicolor murals that act as rays of creativity brightening the otherwise mundane streets of the urban neighborhood minutes outside of Manhattan. Because of its original reputation as the graffiti epicenter of New York City, the exhibit was named 5Pointz to signify the unity of the five boroughs. But since 1993, the industrial complex has in fact welcomed aerosol artists from around the globe, earning 5Pointz a name as “the world’s premiere graffiti Mecca.” On any given day, the crowd at 5Pointz is composed of artists, deejays, musicians, break-dancers, filmmakers and intrigued visitors.

Surprisingly, not many New Yorkers are familiar with 5Pointz unless they have heard rumors of “that place somewhere on the island where it’s legal to spray”, or have caught glimpses of it through the 7 train window on their way home from work. Upon first learning of this mysterious place, I knew it was a sight I had to investigate immediately, being the avid street art fan that I am. As I read up about 5pointz online, I discovered some disturbing news: Under property owner, Jerry Wolkoff’s, planning, by September of 2013, the magnificent structure will be razed to the ground and high rise apartment buildings and a luxury shopping mall will be developed in its place. As quickly as I was enlightened of this magical concrete canvas, my excitement was tainted with a jaundiced resentment. How could anyone want to destroy such a magnificent and diverse collection of art? Would Wolkoff be as quick to tear down the MOMA or the Guggenheim just as easily? I couldn’t quite accept my newfound knowledge; I found it inconceivable and became determined to find out more.

After the hour and a half drive from Rockland to Long Island City, I finally arrived at Jackson Avenue and Davis Street. I hastily parallel-parked under the tracks, stuffed some quarters into the meter, and made my way into the 5Pointz lot, camera in hand and query in mind. Call me a graffiti-junkie, but as my gaze met the countless brilliant murals on the factory walls, I was overwhelmed by their beauty and gaped in rapture, eager to absorb every inch. As I sifted through the crowd of probable artists, photographers and visitors just like me, my senses were graced by the unlimited free expression occurring all around me. I heard beat boxing and rapping, I saw artists painting. It was spectacular.

Unfortunately the curator, Meres One, who plans to eventually “convert the five-story, block long industrial complex…into a graffiti art museum” wasn’t available to speak with that day. But I was lucky enough to speak with a representative of the exhibit, a middle aged Russian-sounding woman. As I inquired about the looming destruction of a glorious monument who’s painted walls signified so much more than the images they depicted, she looked at me with a brazen glare, (as if I wasn’t intimidated enough

by her Russian demeanor) and told me the truth about Wolkoff’s plans. “He’s been saying that he’s going develop it every year for the past ten…his plans haven’t been accepted thus far…it’s all rumors…Check your sources.” Sure enough, when I arrived back home and checked out nyc.gov, a more concrete source rather than the arbitrary sites I had been directed to by Google, her words were confirmed: Wolkoff’s plans haven’t been accepted; 5Pointz lives on.

As I descended from the small emotional roller coaster I had felt I had been riding through my experience with 5Pointz, first learning of it’s existence, then it’s destruction, then it’s perpetuation, I took from it two valuable lessons. We, as civilians, artists, reporters, and human beings must continue in maintaining those things in life that unite us. We must fight for their rights, for nobody else will. Secondly, I learned my first lesson as a reporter: Always check your sources. Relaying false information can

be detrimental, and occurs way too often in today’s ever divergent media crazed society. In order to support a cause, one must be knowledgeable of the cause, and even more so the threat. My relief is but a thin layer over my understanding that although Wolkoff’s plans hadn’t been

accepted this time, he is determined to solidify them and the protest and awareness must continue.

Gabriella KoplenContributing Writer

Street Art Mecca F ive Po intz To Be Demol ished

16 November 19, 2012


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Vol. 45 Issue 6 - [PDF Document] (17)

SCIENCE & HEALTHNovember 19, 2012 17

Warm Up Before a Work OutBefore every workout, or any type of

physical activity, it’s important to do some type of warm up. Warming up will reduce the risk of injury and pain that you may endure after each workout.

Some people are eager to hit the weights hard as soon as they walk into the gym. This may be ok if you ran to the gym, but otherwise it’s important to warm up the muscles you will be using before the workout. Before hitting the gym, your muscles are cold and stiff, and definitely not ready for the type of strain resistance you are about to place on them. Warming

up will decrease stiffness, increase flexibility, and get your blood pumping to start a great workout.

Warming up also mentally prepares you for a workout. During my warm up, I usually play songs that really pump me up. I like to think about what I’m going to do and I also like to think about how good I’ll feel once I’m done for a little more motivation. Below I have listed the best ways to warm up before working out.

JoggingA light jog really gets your blood

pumping and your heart rate up which is necessary for a good workout. A short 5 minute jog will get the job done. Don’t try to do too much and start sprinting because not only will you possibly injure yourself, but you will also lose all of your energy before you get started. You can do this either on a track, treadmill, or an elliptical.

Weight LiftingYes, I know I said people are eager to

hit the weights hard as soon as they walk

into the gym but the key word in that sentence is HARD. Another great way to warm up your muscles is to do light weight lifting for the muscles you will be working out. Don’t go over 10 reps otherwise your muscles will begin to fatigue. Also make sure you do enough reps during this warm up because you have to prepare your muscles for the strenuous exercise you are going to perform.

Dynamic StretchingA lot of people argue that stretching

before a workout can do more harm than good. Personally, I feel if I don’t do some

sort of stretching before my workout, I can’t reach my maximum strength. Dynamic stretching is a specific type of stretching that involves a large range of movement. Lunges, butt kicks, and body weight squats are all examples of dynamic stretches and all warm your muscles and elevate your heart rate.

Jump Rope/Jumping JacksThese are both unusual ways to warm

up but I find them very effective. They are an intense way to warm up your body and will definitely get your heart rate up. I really like doing both of these, especially during the winter when my body is extremely cold. Even if you aren’t good at jump rope, try and practice! You will get better eventually.

Banana Bread Recipe

This year, impress your family and friends with a delicious, easy to make dessert that everyone will love. I have always loved banana bread and make it every year around Thanksgiving. This is the perfect time of year to make this yummy treat and share it with the ones you love.

What you will need:

- 4 bananas (mashed up)- 1 ½ cups flour (all-purpose)- 1 cup of sugar- ½ cup melted butter- 1 egg- 11/2 teaspoon vanilla- 1 teaspoon baking soda- salt (only a dash)

How to make it:

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Mix your ingredients, adding the flour last.

Once everything is evenly mixed, pour the batter into a loaf pan (4x8).

Bake for 1 hour. Let sit for 15 minutes. Slice and enjoy!

Kristen Loretonieditor in chief

Devon KeaneSports Editor

Vol. 45 Issue 6 - [PDF Document] (18)

SCIENCE & HEALTH18 November 19, 2012

Foods You Wouldn’t Think to Avoid

These days, most people need an energy boost in one form or another, whether it be tea, a cup of coffee, or a nice can of Red Bull. Recently, energy drinks have taken a considerable share of the caffeine boost market, and many studies have been conducted to show whether energy drinks are even safe.

The first energy drink to hit the international market was Red Bull, which was introduced to the United States in 1997 after a few unsuccessful attempts by companies such as co*ke and Pepsi. Since then, energy drinks such as Monster and Rockstar, and even more recently, energy

shots such as 5-Hour Energy have joined the market and are slowly replacing coffee.

Despite the massive amounts of energy drinks sold in the United States, energy drinks have been questioned for their safety over and over. The main ingredients that come into play are caffeine, taurine, and

glucuronolactone. Taurine is an organic acid which can be found in seafood and meat. The average daily intake of Taurine is about 60mg. The average amount of taurine in an energy drink is about 1,000mg. Although this is a huge difference, scientists say that up to 3,000mg per day is safe for adults.

Glucuronolactone is a chemical that is found in connective tissue. According to The Merck Index, an encyclopedia of chemicals and compounds, glucuronolactone can be used as a detoxicant. Like taurine, the amount of glucuronolactone that is in energy drinks far exceeds the normal amount consumed by humans on a daily basis. But also like Taurine, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), has noted that the amount of this chemical in energy drinks is not a safety issue.

The biggest cause of concern for energy drinks has been caffeine, a stimulant normally found in coffee or soda. The amount of caffeine in a cup of coffee ranges from 75-

150mg per cup. In a 12oz bottle of co*ke, there is 35mg of caffeine. A can of Red Bull has 80mg per can. But energy drinks

in general can range from 50-505mg per can. An energy drink with 505mg of caffeine is equivalent to about 14 cans of co*ke.

I n t e r e s t i n g l y enough, Red Bull is frequently mixed with it’s polar opposite, alcohol. Red Bull vodka has become a popular (and expensive) drink over the years. This mix is probably one of the biggest health concerns when it comes to energy drinks. As noted previously, energy drinks contain caffeine, a stimulant. By definition, alcohol is a depressant. This combination is extremely confusing for the body. Studies have shown that when drinking this

combination, participants were less likely to notice that they were intoxicated, meaning that they were more likely to drink even

when beyond the point of impairment.In December 2011, Anais Fournier died

of a heart attack due to caffeine toxicity after drinking two cans of Monster. Anais Fournier also had a pre-existing heart condition. In October 2012, her parents sued the company. The lawsuit says, “Despite the well-known health risks associated with excessive caffeine consumption, Monster Energy, is heavily marketed towards teenagers and young adults, the individuals most susceptible to caffeine-related injury.” Monster Beverages Corporation responded by saying “Monster is saddened by the untimely passing of Anais Fournier, and its sympathies go out to her family. Monster does not believe that its products are in any way responsible for the death of Ms. Fournier and intends to vigorously defend the lawsuit.

The health hazards of energy drinks are still fairly inconclusive, but they should definitely be considered when choosing an energy drink. Perhaps the death of Anais Fournier and the impending lawsuit will make the government step in and regulate the ingredients and sale of energy drinks.

Eugene LevitNews Editor

Energy Drink Craze

With both Type II Diabetes and the obesity rate at an all time high in recent years, it is becoming evermore important to develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Of course, there are several obvious foods that should be avoided; indicators of what not to eat are provided in the Nutrition Facts on all packaged goods, which include sodium and saturated fat contents, as well as sugar and cholesterol. As a general rule, it would serve your best interest to keep away from packaged foods of any variety, as they are highly processed. However, it is not always easy to figure out exactly what it is you are consuming. For example, just because certain products state that they do not contain trans fat does not necessarily make that assertion true. In fact, if in the ingredients section of the product there is listed “partially hydrogenated vegetable oil,” or “hydrogenated vegetable oil,” then the product you are consuming does indeed contain trans fat. It is for this reason it becomes critical to improve awareness on these mentioned factors that aid in weight gain and overall unhealthy lifestyles. With this notion in mind, there are several foods you should be wary of.

CerealIt has long been recognized that

many of the children themed cereals in chocolate and fruity flavors are packed with refined sugar and other processed ingredients. But cereals containing dried fruit, nuts, and honey clusters are also to be avoided, as these products also contain extra sugar and fat content. Just because

a product advertises health based on a seemingly sound ingredient, does not make that product healthful.

Trail MixPlanters Mixed Nuts & Raisins Trail

Mix contains 160 calories and twelve grams of fat for every quarter cup eaten. Two handfuls of this snack can easily push 300 calories, which does not include add-ins like chocolate or coconut flakes. Nuts aren’t unhealthy, but it is true that they are high in fat, so keeping portions in check by remembering that one serving of nuts should fit in the palm of your hand is important.

GranolaAdding granola to yogurt or cereal

can come loaded with 200 to 600 calories per cup, and tends to have as much added sugar as a plate of chocolate chip cookies. So adding granola to your yogurt can

become a major overload. In the future, try topping it with fresh fruit, or a bit of high-fiber, low-calorie cereal instead.

SaladsIt is unfortunately not uncommon

to have a salad over 1,000 calories. Whether you are eating out at a restaurant or making one at home, the calories and fat in toppings such as cheese, croutons, and creamy dressings can quickly add up. It is very rare that these supplements are measured out and accounted for, especially dressings, whose most common serving size is two tablespoons. Additionally, in a serving size so small, nine grams of fat are included in many creamy dressings.

Energy BarsThe 200 to 300 calories in your favorite

energy bar will give you nothing but extra calories to burn off in your workout. Not only are these snacks high in calories, but are also high in added sugars. Before

working out, try eating fruit instead. The natural sugar will provide you with fuel during your exercise, while the water content keeps you hydrated.

Frozen YogurtFro-yo sounds like a healthy alternative

to ice cream, but it is very often high in calories and refined sugar, especially if it is Greek-style frozen yogurt. A half-cup of Ben & Jerry’s Banana Peanut Butter Greek Frozen Yogurt contains 210 calories and 26 grams of sugar, which is more than what the same brand’s chocolate ice cream contains. Start taking steps toward improving your dietary choices, and in a month from now, you will already have formed new and improved habits.

Maria O’TooleContributing Writer

Vol. 45 Issue 6 - [PDF Document] (19)

TECHNOLOGYNovember 19, 2012 19

The iPad Mini Joins the LineOn October 23rd, Apple announced the

long awaited and heavily rumored iPad Mini, along with a new line of iMacs and the fourth generation iPad. Since being revealed, the iPad Mini has had much controversy surrounding it, and Apple has been quick in defending its latest technology. Nonetheless, the iPad Mini is sure to be a hit this coming holiday season, when people are looking for a gift that’s a bit cheaper than the regular sized iPad.

Rolling in at 7.9 inches, the iPad Mini is a full 1.6 inches smaller than the iPad. But it still is almost one inch taller than the main

competition, the Amazon Kindle Fire and the Google Nexus 7; both seven inch tablets that are gaining much popularity. And of course, with a bigger screen comes a bigger price tag. Apple is selling the tablet for $329. Original expectations for price was somewhere under the $250 dollar range.

The CEO of apple, Tim Cook, defended their decision, saying that “Apple will not make a product that someone may feel good about the moment they’re paying for it, but then when they get home they

rarely use it again. I would encourage you to use an iPad Mini and I don’t think that you’ll be using anything other than another iPad after that.” He compared them to the competition, saying “[The iPad Mini] is not a compromised product, like the 7-inch tablets. It’s in a whole different league.”

Even more complaints came when they announced that the iPad Mini would have the A5 chip instead of the new A6 chip used in the iPhone 5 and fourth generation iPad. Users feel that they are being gypped with technology that is almost two years old. Of course, that is not to say that the iPad Mini will be in any terms slow, as you can ask those with an iPad 2 or an iPhone 4s that their devices are speedy. An average tech junky would not really be able to notice the

difference in speeds.Apple claims that the iPad Mini has a 10-

hour battery life when surfing the web via Wi-Fi. The battery is charged with the new Lightning connector that was introduced alongside the iPhone 5. This means that those who want to use accessories from a previous generation iPad won’t be able to unless they purchase the Lightning to 30-pin Adapter.

Before the announcement, developers were concerned that they would have to

adjust their apps in order to make them work on the iPad Mini. But, one of the best features about the iPad Mini is that Apple produced it so that any app which works for the iPad also works on the iPad Mini. This means that those who purchase the iPad mini have access to over 275,000 apps.

So far, those who have gotten an early,

hands on experience with the new iPad Mini have been content with its overall smooth performance. They claim that the camera is easier to use than previous iPads due to its size. The only real issue has been the price tag. Fortunately for Apple, they know that everyone will turn to their products this Holiday Season.

Eugene LevitNews Editor

The wait for windows lovers is now finally over. Windows 8 is here, and system makers are ready with new models. Some will be touch enabled or otherwise optimized for Windows 8, while others will be similar to existing PCs. For some time, PC sales have been down, partly because everyone has been waiting to see what Windows 8 will be like on new systems. Although we’ve delved into the RTM version, and we like what we see, the success of Windows 8 will depend on how rapidly customers adopt the new user interface and the hardware to support it.

Under the hood, Windows 8 offers performance improvements, a new filing system, easier recovery from system problems, better cloud integration, and numerous minor enhancements. However, the Start screen seems to overshadow all the cool new stuff. Although admittedly the original Start menu created some controversy when it launched years ago, Windows 8’s Start screen seems much more polarizing. Toss in Microsoft’s overly aggressive stance in trying to sell

apps and content, some users will likely rebel. Of course, you can avoid much of that hard sell simply by using a local account rather than tying your Windows account to a Microsoft account. But by doing that, you’d miss a lot of what’s intriguing about Windows 8.

In some ways, Windows 8 also highlights Microsoft’s tribal nature; for

example, “Xbox Music” stands alone as its own thing, rather than as part of the Microsoft Store. Internal company differences shouldn’t confuse users, as some of these moves probably will.

Love it or hate it, Windows 8 is ushering in a new era of cloud-connected Microsoft services, a unified user interface, and a more-robust social media interaction.

Younger users may find Windows 8 more attractive than some old-school computer users will. It’s a risk that Microsoft needed to take to try to remain relevant in today’s connected, mobile world. Only time will tell whether it’s the right risk at the right time.

Windows 8 isn’t for everyone. If you’re mostly a desktop PC user comfortable with Windows 7, upgrading to Windows 8 is probably not worthwhile. If you’re a mobile user who needs easy access to the complete Microsoft ecosystem, including SkyDrive, Windows 8 is definitely a good fit. If your needs lie somewhere between those two extremes, give Windows 8 a close look; the cost is low, but you’ll need to learn your way around the new Start screen and make sure that your existing software runs well in the new OS.

Anuj ChokshiAsst. Photography Editor

Vol. 45 Issue 6 - [PDF Document] (20)

SPORTS20 November 19, 2012

The NFL Pro BowlIs it neccesary?

Fall has finally come and the calendar could not change fast enough. The opening night of the National Basketball Association (NBA). It is one of the most entertaining and exciting nights of the year. Many players change teams, and in their new uniforms, they have a chance to become a new person. Looking at the moves prior to this season’s opening night, this season’s trades have the chance to become some of the best in recent years.

Jeremy Lin, “Linsanity,” moved from the big and bright lights of New York City to Houston. In Texas he has a chance to prove that the Knicks were wrong in letting him go and a chance to be the leader on a young team, and play like a superstar. He can prove to the world that an Asian-American Ivy League graduate can have a shot at making it big time in the NBA. Lin can now show that the limited stretch of games when Linsanity took over the globe was not a fluke.

James Harden, in a surprising move right before the beginning of the season, was traded from the Oklahoma City Thunder to become Lin’s teammate in Houston. Like Lin, Harden can show the world that he is deserving of the big time contract he

was seeking. He has the opportunity to become a superstar, instead of playing third fiddle behind Kevin Durant and Russell Westbrook.

Anthony Davis moves from the college ranks to the professional game into New Orleans. He has the whole weight of the franchise placed onto his shoulders ant the fan base hoping he fills the void of not having a superstar on the team, a role once filled by Chris Paul. Alongside fellow rookie Austin Rivers, they hope to set the foundation of a solid basketball team for years to come.

Dwight Howard and Steve Nash move from Orlando and Phoenix, respectively, to the bright lights of Los Angeles to play alongside Kobe Bryant, Pau Gasol, and Metta World Peace on the Lakers. The Lakers instantly thrust themselves back into the conversation for NBA title contention. The Lakers starting lineup has become one of the best starting lineups in the entire league. Howard hopes to control the middle and impact the game, in a much more dramatic manner than Andrew Bynum. Nash instantly becomes the best point guard Kobe Bryant has played with while on the Lakers. Nash becomes the floor general on the Lakers, hoping to alleviate some of the pressure on Bryant. Bryant, with both Nash and Howard, will not have to work as hard running away from the opposition’s defense.

Not to be outdone, the defending NBA champions Miami Heat also made significant changes in hopes of improving. In the off season the Heat added Ray Allen to their already potent offense. Allen spreads the opposition’s defense even more, allowing more room for LeBron James and Dwyane Wade to drive into the key.

Off season moves, especially by playoff contenders, have been numerous and considerable. For instance, the Dallas Mavericks have changed their team significantly, adding many new players and letting go of others. Their opening day roster looks nothing like the NBA Finals winning team from 2011. The Boston Celtics added Jason Terry in hope of lightening the impact made by the departure of Ray Allen.

With players moving here and there constantly, the player transactions lead to an interesting topic of conversation, buying a team against bringing up a team. The Miami Heat set up the blueprint for buying a “super” team. Nearly their entire roster, except for a few players, were free agent acquisitions. Especially among their major parts on the roster, few of the players were drafted and brought up in the Heat organization.

The opponents of the Miami Heat in the NBA Finals, the Oklahoma City Thunder, are in the mold of team building. Their key players, Kevin Durant and Russell Westbrook have been members of the

franchise for their entire careers. The Thunder went through the growing pains, and developed the two players within their franchise. Another major piece, Harden, was also a member of the franchise his entire career prior to being traded to the Houston Rockets. The Sacramento Kings are another team in this build, with a considerable amount of players on their roster being their draft picks.

As the season progresses, an interesting topic will be the difference in success between homemade teams and bought teams. In the past couple of seasons, the moves have been much more aggressive, trending toward these methods of roster building.

And now, the most important and difficult part of an NBA preview: predictions. Taking a look at the local teams, predictions are extremely difficult to make. It is not so outlandish to state that the best professional basketball team in the five boroughs may be the newcomer. The Brooklyn Nets have quietly assembled a very solid roster, even without securing the services of Howard. The team managed to retain the services of Deron Williams, prying him away from the number of teams desperate to sign a point guard of his caliber.

NBA Preview

As week nine in the NFL comes to an end and playoffs continue to rapidly approach, players are making their bids to be selected to the AFC – NFC Pro Bowl. Now, I’m sure that’s not the players’ top priority, but possibly a close second after winning the Super Bowl.

Being selected to the Pro Bowl is an honor for football players. They are considered an elite group of athletes who have the chance to represent their own league in the NFL all-star game, but what significance does it have?

Unlike most professional sports, the Pro Bowl is held during the playoffs, the week before the Super Bowl. This means that star players who made it to the Super Bowl will not be able to participate in the Pro Bowl. Players also have the option to decline an invitation to the Pro Bowl. Players claim there isn’t much compensation for participating in the game, another reason why some football stars aren’t playing.

The fear of injury has a significant role on the game. The lack of effort was evident on last season’s Pro Bowl, especially for the defensive teams. The game resulted in over 100 total points scored. The NFL Associated Press stated that the teams were “hitting each other as though they were having a pillow fight.” Nobody wants to get injured possibly ruin their career in a game that means nothing to them, so why should these players give 100% effort?

The Pro Bowl has become so bad that NFL commissioner Roger Goodell has considered dropping the all-star game completely because of the lack of competition. Unless the commissioner can find a way to enforce competitiveness in the game, I believe it should be cancelled as well. Watching last year’s Pro Bowl seemed like watching a game of flag football.

Although the Pro Bowl receives much criticism, it still receives very high ratings. The ratings significantly increased since the Pro Bowl was moved to the week before the Super Bowl in 2010. This definitely calms the fans that are itching to watch the Super Bowl because it provides them

with some sort of football to watch. When it was before the Super Bowl, the all-star game received extremely low ratings because it seemed like there was no point to watching it.

In order to make the Pro Bowl more appealing, the game should be more important. The MLB All-Star game is significant because the winning team is awarded with home field advantage for the World Series. While this seems like a good way to solve the NFL’s problem, it would be hard to enforce since the players in the Super Bowl aren’t actually allowed to play in the Pro Bowl.

It’s hard to come up with a solution to make the Pro Bowl more competitive and significant. If the performance of the game does not improve within the next year or two, Roger Goodell will most likely put an end to it.

Devon Keanesports editor

continued on page 21

Benedict TagleStaff Writer

Vol. 45 Issue 6 - [PDF Document] (21)

SPORTSNovember 19, 2012 21

NBA Preview The Nets have placed proven

commodity and former All-Star player Gerald Wallace at one of the forward positions to play alongside Williams. At one of the other forward positions, the Nets have Kris Humphries, a solid basketball player capable of achieving a double-double each game he plays. Robin Lopez has shown that he can be a very effective center in the NBA; having come from a serious injury that caused him to miss much of the season last year, Lopez hopes to return to form and progress.

The most important move made by the Brooklyn Nets, apart from their literal move from New Jersey and resigning Deron Williams, is adding Joe Johnson to their roster to start alongside Williams in the back court. A multiple time All-Star, the Nets’ back court vastly improved with the acquisition of Johnson. He allows some of the defensive pressure to be relieved off of Williams, as Johnson has proven he can score with the best of them.

While the Nets and their shiny new arena in Brooklyn, the Barclays Center, has been the subject of primarily positive talk, their neighbor has been enveloped by conversation ranging from positive to negative. The range of discussion surrounding the Knicks reflects the uncertainty of the team.

Their off season acquisitions, in name, have been impressive: Jason Kidd, Marcus Camby, Raymond Felton, Rasheed Wallace, and Kurt Thomas, just to name a few. The names of the new players are very impressive, as are their ages; however the ages are impressive in a negative way. In the group of five new Knicks players, the average age is 36.60. The Knicks catapulted themselves to the top of average roster age. To add more to this age dilemma, these older players are expected to play a major role on the team.

Charles Barkley has stated multiple times that the Knicks would be his choice to win the championship…if it were the year 2000. Just looking at the ages of their

players on their roster, it is very plausible that the Knicks can be very good or very bad. The good: the collective experience of the players will add to the roster. Because there is a good amount of depth on the roster, the lighter work load will be beneficial for all players. The bad: the players the Knicks have added are old.

Very old; there is a reason Barkley said 2000, not 2012. The older bodies could break down much easier than a younger player’s body. The injuries could add up on this roster, digging a hole so large it becomes insurmountable to overcome.

Age aside, the results and performance of the players can lead to either a very good year or poor year. The good: Amar’e Stoudemire, Carmelo Anthony, and Tyson Chandler could gel together much better than last season. Having a season under their belts as teammates greatly improves the chemistry. Raymond Felton is back in New York, where he enjoyed a very successful tenure during his short stay. The depth of the new additions will allow the bench to be one of the strongest in the league.

The bad: Anthony and Stoudemire need more time to adjust to the system of Coach Woodson, as does Felton. Felton needs time to build chemistry with all his teammates. Felton was out of shape last year, and performance was very disappointing. The older additions the Knicks added to their roster have not done much in recent years. Kidd has had much weaker seasons recently than before. Rasheed Wallace has done nothing in the past couple of seasons.

Facing a considerable amount of uncertainty, do not be surprised if the Nets finish ahead of the Knicks. However, it is expected the Knicks are to finish ahead of the Nets. As long as the bodies of the older players hold up, the Knicks can easily contend with the upper echelon of NBA franchises.

The following are predictions for the individual season-long awards for the 2012-2013 NBA season (more unlikely, dark horse candidates):

Most Valuable Player: LeBron James, Miami Heat — Who else would challenge? No one in the league is as complete a basketball player as he is right now. (DeMarcus Cousins, Sacramento Kings)

Most Improved: Lamar Odom, Los Angeles Clippers — With such a poor season last year, if he returns to prior production rates, it should be in the bag. (Tyreke Evans, Sacramento Kings)

6th Man Award: Louis Williams, Atlanta Hawks — With James Harden assuming a starting role in Houston, Williams seems like a solid choice. (Jason Terry, Boston Celtics)

Defensive Player of the Year: Dwight Howard, Los Angeles Lakers — If he has good health, he should re assume his role here. (Tyson Chandler New York Knicks)

Rookie of the Year: Anthony Davis, New Orleans Hornets — He can change basketball games already. He should easily win this award. (Michael Kidd-Gilchrist, Charlotte Bobcats)

Coach of the Year: Rick Adelman, Minnesota Timberwolves/Mark Jackson, Golden State Warriors — Should either of their teams be relatively healthy, their teams should be much improved.

For both Most Valuable Player and

Most Iproved Player, the two centerpieces of the Sacramento Kings can make an impact in those races, if both players can work together. Cousins can become one of the best big men in the league, and he showed throughout the season last year he is certainly capable. The next step is to reduce the fouls and technical fouls, so he can increase playing time. With him coming into this season in the best shape of his career, increased playing time should pose no trouble for Cousins. Evans has shown that he can be a special player in the NBA, having won Rookie of the Year. However, since then, his production has not been as high as a result of injuries and the condensed season last year.

Because these players have the potential to dominate the league, inside and out, the Sacramento Kings could be the surprise team this year. They have played extremely well this preseason, and their additions to the roster were well done. Geoff Petrie looks to have done well in the draft once again, taking Thomas Robinson from Kansas to form a formidable front line of the future, as the partner of Cousins. Aaron Brooks makes his return to the NBA from China, where he played excellently; however because of the Chinese league’s policy, he was unable to return last season after the lockout. James Johnson has shown great ability, had he not had conflicts with the head coach in Toronto last year, the Raptors may not have been so eager to let him go.

Isaiah Thomas has shown great potential for the Kings at point guard. A steal in the draft last year, with the last overall pick in the draft, he was Western Conference Rookie of the Month multiple times and has shown great presence on the court. Jimmer Fredette has looked much improved in preseason games than last season. Solid frontline contributors Jason Thompson and Chuck Hayes round out major contributors, alongside guard John Salmons.

A young and dangerous team, Sacramento is a team to look out for this season. Don’t be surprised if they make noise this season.

Buckle up and get ready for the ride, the NBA will sure be fun to watch.

Benedict TagleStaff Writer

Vol. 45 Issue 6 - [PDF Document] (22)

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Women’s Basketball Takes Home Game

The RCC women’s basketball season started their season off on the right foot, winning the North County Community College Saints Classic overnight tournament. The expectations for the team are extremely high this season, especially after last season when the Lady Hawks were the runner ups in the Mid-Hudson Conference.

Coach Jacobson, who is entering his fourth year as coach, was very pleased with his team last year. His team exceeded his expectations of performing at .500, ultimately finishing with a 21-11 record. The team got a taste of victory last season, just falling short in the championship game of the Mid-Hudson Conference to

Westchester Community College. They also performed well in the Region 15 tournament, where they made it to the Final Four but lost to the eventual champion of the tournament, Nassau Community College.

This season presents different challenges for Coach Jacobson. Jacobson’s main focus was replacing his two starters who graduated last year. He needed a new point guard and players that would provide significant post presence.

The coach claimed that last year’s biggest deficiency was the lack of post presence. Jacobson recruited hard throughout the offseason and brought in three post players. He is confident that with his five returning players and the five incoming freshman, his team will be capable of taking their performance to the next level.

The women’s basketball team is

extremely determined to win this season. They practice hard Monday through Friday and are expected to compete all year round. Coach Jacobson emphasizes on attitude and consistency.

His goals for the season focus a lot on the fundamentals of the game. His biggest goals are to have the right attitude to win, to beat Orange and Westchester Community Colleges, to play in the conference and region championships, and to have fun.

Although the team lost their first home game of the 2012 season to Orange Community College, they still have plenty of time to prove they are capable of being a top competitor this season. The final score of the game was 67 – 53.

Freshman Erika Richards led the scoring for RCC with 24 total points. Another top performer in the game was sophom*ore Melissa Loughnane, who scored 12 points for RCC. The team beat Westchester in a rematch of last years Mid-Hudson Conference Final by a score of 57 - 54. The score was tied at 27 at half time but RCC opened up the second half

strong, going on a 19 - 4 point run. Richards has certainly proved her

dominance on the court. Out of the first three games played this season, Richards has averaged almost 19 points per game. It will be entertaining to watch her display her skills and hopefully lead the team to more victories.

RCC plays Orange and Westchester each once more this season. The long regular season will extend until the middle of February and the Mid Hudson Conference will begin February 22nd.

The women’s basketball team has four home games throughout December. They play Sullivan on the 4th, Borough of Manhattan on the 8th, Kingsborough on the 15th, and you Sussex on the 20th. I highly recommend to come out and support this exciting team to watch throughout their journey to the Mid Hudson Conference.

Devon KeaneSports Editor

TheWorld Series 2012

The World Series started on October 24, 2012. Game one featured Justin Verlander starting for the Detroit Tigers, and Barry Zito starting for the San Francisco Giants. The Giants got to Verlander very early in the game. In the first inning, Pablo Sandoval, the Giants’ third baseman, hit a solo home-run to center field. Verlander gave up three more runs in the third where Marco Scuturo, the Giants second baseman, hit an RBI single to center. Pablo Sandoval followed that up with his second home-run of the game to left field. Justin Verlander’s last inning would be in the fourth inning, where he gave up an RBI single to the opposing Pitcher, Zito. Verlander only went four innings while giving up six hits, five runs, one walk, and two strikeouts. In the fifth inning, Sandoval went deep for his third home-run of the game. The Tigers scored their first run in the sixth inning, and the Giants scored two more in the seventh. The Giants took game one by the score of 8-3. Barry Zito went 5.2 innings, giving up one run on six hits, and struck out three players, walking only one batter.

Game two featured Madison Bumgarner, starting for the Giants, and Doug Fister,

starting for the Tigers. Unlike game one, this game was a good pitching match up. The Giants backed their starting pitcher up, by scoring the first run of the seventh inning, where Brandon Crawford hit into an RBI double play. The Giants got one more run in the eighth inning, where Hunter Pence hit an RBI sacrifice fly. The Giants went up 2-0 in the series. Bumgarner pitched a great game. He went seven innings, gave up two hits, two walks, and struck out eight batters. Fister went six innings, giving up four hits, one run, one walk and struck out three batters.

Game three was held in Detroit, where the Tigers looked to get back into the series at home, and did not have to worry about the pitcher batting, like they did in San Francisco. This game was yet another pitching duel between Anibal Sanchez of the Tigers, and Ryan Vogelsong of the Giants. The Giants got the only runs of the game in the second inning, when Gregor Blanco hit an RBI triple to center field. Brandon Crawford drove him in on an RBI single to second. Vogelsong pitched 5.2 innings, giving up no runs on 5 hits, 4 walks and struck out three batters. Tim

Lincecum backed up Vogelsong by going 2.1 innings, giving up no hits, walking one batter, and striking out three. Sanchez went seven innings, gave up two runs on six hits, walked one batter, and struck out eight. The Giants won the game 2-0, and took a commanding 3-0 lead in the series.

Game four starters included Matt Cain of the Giants, and Max Sherzer of the Tigers. The Giants got the first run of the ball game, when Brandon Belt hit an RBI triple to right field. Miguel Cabrera, the American League Triple Crown winner, finally came through in the World Series, when he hit a two-run home-run to right field in the 3rd inning, taking a 2-1 lead. In the sixth inning, Buster Posey hit a two-run home-run to left field, giving the Giants a 3-2 lead. In the Tigers half of the inning, Delmon Young hit a solo home-run to right field, tying the game up. The game went into extra innings. In the 10th inning, Marco Scuturo hit an RBI single to center field, giving them a 4-3 lead. Sergio Romo, the closer for the Giants, came into the ball game in the bottom of the tenth, and struck out Austin Jackson and Andy Dirks. Miguel Cabrera came up to the plate with 2 outs, and the team down by one. He struck out for the final out of the World Series. The San Francisco Giants won their second World Series in two years, and their seventh World Series in team history.

Daniel PotischmanContributing Writer

November 19, 2012 23

Team adds to a string of victories with a win over rival Westchester

Vol. 45 Issue 6 - [PDF Document] (24)

Vol. 45 Issue 6 - [PDF Document] (2024)
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